Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 23, 1863, Image 1

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V / A OA c ** * *"OBLlC bfctoai rftji AT A u V a iSTI A OH; BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1863. VOLUME n—NO. 290 9it'm toi* >nbicri|iUau s. Advertising Mhtdult ot Mic (..ruifderitcjr blH(1 iBUIligtnctr. ■ tee*.- of sciLi-jan-rtON. |tr annum Daily, tlx month*...,............. „ <'«uy, ii i ■ ■wprr L 1 | [1 Ayatj Vc-kiy prr annam Weekly, seven months W vekly, Uireo month*..,... * •*•■1 invariably in advene*. Ktunv BOLoMbX NEW FIRM. -mnssm JBO.W ADAIR, J. HENLY SMITH, S. SOLOMON & BROS., ADVERTISING Ji.c square*? itaM orl .me m.e nun, $., *_ ■ i.y >>i.i» t«i Sa-m •"■'Mqrf'.nT in .e.iitio .e** thaw ot B. 0. HHITU, M.' U,.... J. N. CAffrioZO absocuu Dana. HARDWARB Our Special Richmond Correspondence. 1 1 MO. BfOOS. 2 UiO>. 4 mos. C mu. 12 m. • ■vioarea, - ...I IS I i i^ani, . . I IS | *10 18 IT so • IS 1« SI •so ; *6 to 85 j *80 40 ‘■0 1 Snare*,., i ftlusisa,.. i«i*r*»,.’. « 1 luaiks,. .■ . mare*,.. . IS 28 "28 82 40 r “ l 26 80 85 48 . | M « 84 «n 45 I 88 1 BU a. 48 60 24 I -82 40 46 56 1 “1 88 l 4d 60| 65 Commission Merchanls, Ruvinio;. of the Exemption law- Conscription—Its Nor thern and Boutiicrn Signification—Ihe Soaih-We*Lrn Prlaoner*—Ilia Vic Sim* tf LiocoV* Proclamation— Trouble in the North—The Impending B .tile—A Word toCbahnetto. • » t (At the Store lately occupied by Brady'A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, JJAVBJH STOEB mdme^vtog a-m*or gmm- ■ early advertising, with the privilege of change,etSi • taken at the foilowing-rates: one StiaayS,''renewable once a Month, * fib ■or ihree rquares, „ ho ■ r onu-fanrib Column,......- tor line-half Oolamn, 110 or onu LouuuOr. - —0 .! I'aoiiiar work, with or without rules, and adrerlUo -’it* occupying oi.ubie coliunn, win be charged doable • i obovc latcat’ * Jvsfbitn.ef I* not marked oacopy for a specified time, • n't t thiLii. u ouiu oj rtf red oat, ant charged according ■ i.e above rate*. . '.’•rrlbtaeitt lOsertro in Ihe luiti, and WaaxtT, edi- . oh urged M pel eent. additional In the regu- ■ iiy rate*. • cany adferlteere rill be limited u> l*:e apace oonlraet- . ' Ji. They will be charged extra at regular ratoe for ■leote, iU'ota, Removal*, Copertu#rihips,«0t4s** to t oo- ■i.cici Ae., ami payment demanded quarterly. yJT fag»j . **r» - Asvaamaao am* m ram roa m Au rat Hardware and Home Furnishing Co da for whole- »fc! retail Also receive on storage autl vale Prodace aud Groceries, and ovary epeciee of Merchandise on lite ral terms. ASr We will give particular attention to aud fnrniah correspondent r with market report* when desired. dec# 8m ucel will app-ar iu the Weekly paper uu- .1.tract. > to bo inaei ted rathe Weekly pup cr only i c<iilar intervale ih Mtlieit ot the paper*, will be .. u. it at on muoirc for averv lmcrtiou. .»i.uoahctng candidate* for Staid, County, and Mur.ici- •niiec, $5 each--.|-i be puid tnndvaho* In every iaffiMaa. an adrortiseiuenU for Charitable laatiutiuns,Military ,.j lire Companies, Ward,Town, and other Public Meet wni nr charged half price. -i .u. vgea and deatiijarepwbitehed AaB»W»; but Oou- i.. . tribute# of Keeper.! and funeral invitation* aa ,.w> rtisement*. • > uatoi ioi mvtlcae In Local Oolamn,will be charged 90 ii*|iCi itlllir* , <1 1 r t a he paper, under bo etronmaia...e*, io o .ncluded in a .1.tract. No dtauction or vanatton Kill b "umie l/um the forego- m - ' ML . •ti raw*. ADAIR A SMITH mum MACHINE SHOP FOJtfe SAJaE. /|IUK VRlrkKSlGNEH, Paoprietora ot the Chattanooga 1 Po _ Iiuudry and Machine Wcrka, propoee to tail the en- tue oetabnehuieut, embracing Alachtnery linuil, . c.—« f of which la aa uampluto a. Buy mi ut of the kind in the Confederacy. We are now u lai gy.uud profitable btuiueea, which would go Uiipi Myi) (iilotho houde ot r eacciuaori. The Superior ad- neea to any aztont dasirod. • ereoas deairona to tnveet io welt to call and ozamine. TUGS. WKBSTKU A CO., > ...tlan.ioga, July Sl,18fi2. . augS-tt Notice—Barks Wanted. U hill CAL PH It Vh YOU S 01HCE, I AtLinxa, ua., June ko, lbofi. [ fi ii L hw t price* will te l aid by the umlcrtigned tar X >argeqnaoUUte of tLe f U »ii g UAHUS: tteni, brunchc. and r«H.t ol Dcgaeofi, grootp ilerred); trautbea and nou of White Willow; mot, trunk aud hianrbes of American Poplar, (called rin wmu-wood, tm.oe-wood anu lullp-trae,) ux t profoitad. lhreo barka in nut ho lortfuily dried and rccitrely pack td. They may he brought to this office, or ton* to Mr. L. G. Waller, Botanical Aunt, ChftewtOle (Ml; or*. W liuiliam, Botanical Agent,lAcatur, llo. GEUUUK S. BLACK IK, j Mj. Surgeon and Jltdical Purvey ur, V. S. A. MAYER & fiERIRGER. Commission Merchants* AND W&OtXSiU tnuta u MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BONDS AND STOCKS, Corner VVIilteball aud Alabama tits., ATLANTAi GEORGIA. * OAUTIOULAH attention paid to consignment* of -Mer- X chandha entreated to ns, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day sales are made. covl&8m Id EW U W a STCHSS0H FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO., AUCT IO IV RjpHMoND, Jan. 17, 18C3. There is no doaoh that among the first im portant measures which will lake precedence of all others in the deliberations of Congress the exemption law as it was exists, will be the most prominent. Gravo objections are urged both to its general features and its lnirisic lia bility to unsatisfactory aud partial execution. U is in bad repute, and this, should be reus n enough for its thorough revision aud butter adaptation to meet the exigences of the coun- irj without even a colorable pretext for dissat isfaction or complaint. Thero will always be grumblers, no matter how perfect any meas ure of a compulsory character may be framed; but it is the part of wisdom, aud sound poli cy requires, that if tho present, las^ aud greatest effort of the vile Yankee Government to subjugate and crush our people, absolutely demands that any compulsory measure should be superadded to the voluntary and noble de votion of the sons and daughters of tho Sooth—and that it does, there is now no question—such a measure should be tree irou all reasonable objection, aud thus remove ev ery just obstacle to its prompt und faithful execution. Especially should our legislatois see to this when we consider the exalted pa triotism with whioh so many States und statesmen have generously waived their,con scientious convictions in regard to thje Con scription Act itself in view of the common danger and the common safety. 1 am grati Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. ■p KSPKCTFULLY lollcit o share - f patronage and bujie IV by strict attention to boil taction to their patrons. to give entire doc6-U ■ fiaaoss nuaon aauxXs AMOSS, LIGON & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, E OB ilia aria of Produca, Merchandise, Baal Batata, Ne- grouvAc. ddaO-tl Agency for Ya. Tobacco. A. OONIVISI-JL.,. w a iiuoN. a qota. W p unoB. INMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandiso s Real Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, Sus. W K have ample store room, and will giTo personal at- tention to all business entreated to ns. Office L Beach k Boot’s store, Whitehall street. novl-ti Late of ItfeinpUta, T«nn. 11 AS Mlabliahad in Ue^tgociary, AMhaiaa, a flrafrM** 11 Agauoy (trail ki..-u ,<i SLjiilt.U AMK-HhWlNG V LBUUllA XUUAGOOl u> which he would respectfully di- oct pubUo attention. The lormerly occupleu by j easts, iliddlatoo aUievKo, 11 iXari .licet, has been -aaed lor th*purpose, wl.eio at oil cau be Luud not in'y die beat and iu.u g. ..ri »a rtmant ol Tola,..' -ut- •Idenl Virginia; bu. hi . . - matant supply oi tbe coanost Slid finest grates of htWAK. The LctUUea mr obtidolng ~ ir i saaal ti»Wipjar I I Ml n-u,.- Ii. Ibctou- •it fUCJF t <cp30-%T * . H'. IfK&SKSUi UO., AU C r V 1 <> N Uommissioji Merchants, Wliltcltall Street, ATX.A-S A A, *g~ Auction* waxly. Pie :y i aepktl GKdUGIA. WM. FORSYTH, . Machine Blacksmith & Forger, ; * ' " MAMKTTA fiTBEKT, _ ATLANTA, - LKOKG1A. I S prepared to d all Viuu, .»i Mill Work, Countiy Hark, Mono SLooi-g, and all ihe vaiiooe tranche. <. ■ Black •mill. work, burinc hu. .. employed in the Maraf.. .'he; of the W.Mi-rn A AlUi.Uf JLaiitoad tor the lo»l Ion l<ar. be Halts;, ht.i.s. ,i that n.-can giro entire «aii»*actdMir •iku execution . • »ll mtruaud 10 him. T«un. coal l*B—St*MABoil-.-. 1. ifan ,.|1 .h. il nolKo H. EUdvTiliGToH, M S> K N r r I as T BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHAN G'E , BANK BILLS 0? ALL DBSCBIPTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. By U. 8AL0SHIN k 00, Broker*, noT^e-Sm* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GKORCUA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOB GASH, 5,000 CORDS BARK, K. T. HJCtDKKSOU, Agent. NOTICE, PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS, A 1 LA JS i K O K G 1 A. OftlCt.-d aud Uni,(crate ud t ano.1 Eaevc'iuaw btull ug. mer Whitehall to the loll ol ■ A CARD. M il. OAVltl MAYKli, thankful .t. i .ti lover, aud tti liheval paUunoge her-; . .- :,-i, *v i ujiou hiai weald taopecMeffil ani..,un io the c.nxeu. oi Atlanta and an;;..uniting t.hairy, lha; he ho. uu.xuatlll luu.Kilf witt. v -”<er». J. Jocohe lad J. Sep* ter u • purpr. - J ot-rumg on Aactioa aud OnareUnnion nmTui*v. at hi. old rtond, on U L UlieJI .treat, Atlouta, Uaerpia. i. oo Sep- irmhet. liik, and weohfliuUcil aweliuuaace of favor, lot the new Bran . Ail thpe* it I it ud |* Mr. D. May-1 wdl fi I.. the book, and notes at the auction office, a:.i .ie earnuiiy requo.t- —■ IeeplO-tf] BiMAYBB. ad w anil and ri U B8CBIBKR3 to the Produce Loan are earnestly rb- O quested to p.y up their aubKiiptionx The Govern ment desire, an early settlement. All persons with funds to invest cann t rend.r a greater service to their country than by taking eight per cent bond* of the ll.GQqgfio Loan. We are prepared IS issue thorn promptly. All'*-' Bond* ordered by u< lor subscriber, have arrived and ready fcr delivery. They will please forward our Receipts, and we will rend , he hoc da as they may direct. We hold ibom at the ri-i oi the cvctj. The Oattea of Bafiacrl- Per. will be lok.n at lho mil ket price by theUovi in exchange for Bond*. jAGXXTo AT Savannah—K Hctershkm A Seas. tXdembus—It Adam. Macon—B C Monroe. Kewnan—J. J. Pinion. LaGrange - Jesse McLcnl.n. Atlanta—A- P. Dearicg. ol Uriilia—R. King. jinS-lm PBIXIZY A CLAYTON. General A genu Produce Loan tor tie. MONEY TO BE MADE. HAY2 for sale _ 7b Share* Uni *n Loon aud Bui.dmg Asaccialioa. One 1,000-Dollar Cenfederate * kKD PBOPKIROKS. surrection among the slaves. North Carolina has now, for trial and punishment (or the same offense, Utineen officers, including the comman- | -aw- i _ _ * j der of me United States steamur^CoIaatiita, re- ’ oVI u> 1 6 it 11 Cl cenily cast ashorenear Wilmington. The crew, con.-isting of twenty-eight men, will be for- r j^UK oxetdaeaof thiiSclu warded tn Richmond to be treated as are the .privates ip the land forces.. A Bill is now before Congress clothing the President with the power of pardon or commu- tai ion of sentence in the ease of Yankee officers captured since tho first of January. As this power is already reeled, by the Constitutions oi perhaps all the States, in their respective Gov ernors, the bill will meet strong opposition, and may not become a law. Tho Northern papers are beginning to realize the disastrous results of the battle ot Murfrees boro*. Rosencranz, they say, has done nothing yet; the labors cf Hercules have been only be gun; and they hesitate not to confess that, without large reinforcements, and security in his rear, he cannot pursue Bragg. The truth is now apparent that me Northern editors, as well as the Northern people generally, an fast losing that spirit of savage ferocity which, but a mouth ago, transformed them into demons. Illinois has, by her State Resolutions, denounced Lincoln, his Proclamation, and his war,-and elected a Senator, Hon. Win. A. Richardson, pledged to represent tliat sentimental Washing ton. New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Indiana will back these resolutions. Gbld has risen to a very high figure und the people are ripo for a revolution. Prance is girding her. loins for a great and speedy movement. Let us put forth every energy to meet the last great efiort aud oar independence is won. The next great bat tle may be fought near Wilmington. A victory here, and we hope the worst is over. ■ l have just received your issue of the 11th instant, containing “Chnlmette’s” long and in- teresiing vindication of tho gallant people of New Orleans and Louisiana. Were it not for the evidently studied fling at the Confederate authorities in Richmond which so suggestively mars the closing sentences of his production, 1 would have rejoiced ut the opportunity I so in nocently afforded him of proclaiming to the world what the world already knows. Louisi ana has nobly and generously performed her duty in this terrible war; her sons and her daughters have won the admiration of the civil ized world/and have extorted the tribute of rc- spect antr pratsaMnyen from Yankee lips. The lied, therefore, in being nble to assure yoiff* «* h al * and its surrender into the mnrlnvu (hn4 thn AAmmiilfia tn urliiavn tho wnwi. ilUI*uS Ol ti] readers that thacommiitee to whom the vari ous bills and remonstranoes on this subject have been referred, are devoting tbeir best energies to the whole question and will short ly submit their joint labors to Congress in a form that cannot fail to secure general ap proval. Conscription at tho North ia a word of to tally different import from conscription at the South. Iu Lincoln's dominion's, it carries consiernation and terror wherever it spreads. When first proclaimed in Maryland, her down-trodden sons, who, up to that period had been either Wavering in their loyality to the South, or restrained from its expression by domestic considerations and their exemption from the horrors of actual war, now that they must fight, soon-made tbeir election, and rushing in hundreds to oar standard, swelled the ranks of the Maryland Lii e, and huv done, and will yet do, deeds of valor in tho cause of freedom. How galling mu3t have been the condition of those that remained, when, dragged from their homes by some ep auleited Yankee clockmaker, they were dra gooned into the service of a hated despot to fasten the chains of slavery upon their own kith and kin. Further on North, conscrip tion spread the wildest panic and fell like a summons from the dead, upon the coward hearts of the genuine Yankee. Hitherto, they cajoled or coerced the wrethed foreigner— for wretched and base has ever been the con dition of the foreign-born in tho land of the church burning puritan—to fill their armies and crush the rebels. * Now comes their own turn: they must themselves fight out the war for which they bad ecr long and so loudly clamored. What follows? Agents are des patched to Ireland ti beat up icttuits oo the mendacious pretense that, in reality, this was a war against England. So states the Dub lin Nation and other independent Irish jour nala. They next visit 'Switzerland on a sim ilar mioeion; and finally they prostrate them selves at the feet of the Italian Garibaldi.— How many of their million in arms they collected in this way they will not of course disclose; but they cannot conceal the fact that in many of the States the draft has been postponed from time to time—in some of them, altogether suspended In the South'the word conscription-, in reality, means nothing more than a peremptory notice of some sudden danger which the Government is authorized to proclaim to its defenders.— Were that danger as well known to the people as it is to the Government, they would volnn* tarily rush to the oommon defense, without the requisite formalities which it has been judged prudent to employ to expedite and assure the best means of united resistance. Whether or-.' ganized under the slower process of volunteer-, ing or by means of the speedier requirements ot a conscript lav, our armiauatu csiupn—d at homogeneous elements—a brave people fighting for their homes, their altars, and their freedom —all standing on equal terms—all animated by the same lotty spirit, and all destined to share alike the blessings of good.Government and tree institutions when they have chastised the inso lent invader, who would rob them of both.— With u», therefore, conscription ia but a sum mons ftom the watch-towers pealing throughout the land, and calling upon all who can bear arms to rush to the ramparts, and annihilate the (Ofi. Our prisons are now filled with the vile wretches taken at Bragg’s recent victory at Murfreesboro*. And, yet, in appearance, there is a marked contrast between these South-west ern prisoners and the Northern scoundrels who have heretofore po£uted our temporary je: This is especially notable in their fjee and easy carriage, a frankness of countenance, and an entire absence ol that vulgar slang which be-, trays the Yankee wherever found. They are evidently of a superior race, and many of them freely denounce the Government and people for whom they are fighting in a war tor negro emancipation. They will return to their homes —at least a large majority ol them—wiser and better men. - - 7 . Your readers are a aware that these prisoners were pa-oled at Mnrfreesboro’, but were return ed o.i our hands by Rosencranz, who refused to receive them unless accompanied by their officers. This condition could not be gratified as, un der the proclamation of our President, those of- i ficers have been, or will be, delivered met to the 9 of ibe enemymtcaot nothing from all this. That .is a question which has already passed into hiftory. Thero 1 leave it, merely enteriug my protest against any futre “implication” from anything 1 maydeern it proper^to write, even for so commendable a purpose as vicarious instruct tt-jji. * CHEROKEE. CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Female. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO , Wholesale Grocers TUITION PER St8SIGN. . Primary Out...... $10 V’t! Cluj.... A..... ;... ts 31 Class......... r -...... .» ‘.'0 4th Chun.. ..I...:..* 25 Ilnriug bsen eugngej ia teaching for acrortl yetis, we feel assured that wo will giTe Bttislactiou to all who may favor u» with tbeir pitrounge, nnrt give ns a fnir ond can did trial. Strict :aith:ulne ■ in Ihe Oi* barge cf dutlae. tc'. eerful cooipllnuce wit!, in 1.111 icgiiltl!. i.s u lei) <>; do meaner and punctual attendance ut oil time’, will be re quired of etch pupil. Pupils charged from time of entrance till clcie ef 80S Mm, except iu c prolrrcled eickaisi. For further IKirti.ulareaddrers TUOS. A CUWKN, or Miss . JxnlT-tf Jonesboro’,U*. GROCERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decatur fctroct. ATLANTA, ... GEORGIA. 4#' Pr jmpt in orders sod remittance* jaull-lf ted oue und a ball n lies West of Decntur, on the Fay- fcttuvi.le ro.ul, and tix miles from Atlnnla. Ihe land consist- of 250 acres, eve y acre lying be&utitaUjr, aim ol this numnor _f acre*, lully fifty conul-fi of excellent branch bottom. One hUadrod acres of ln.uT.y wooded lard, has hardly a btick amid.’. The house!* not excelled mail it.appii tmenisQi d fiuiali, by one country tad’ dence iu a tuousand, 8X rooms, hard finished; <■ Insets, pnutry, with gluts dooia—rooms united i-y Tiding doors, are soun of the advsdtngis. Thoro 1* h Ha-g ■ }vaug or chard, embnuing in its catalogue, Iicerully ever, halt grown ia this latitude. But call und see ths pluco for yourselves. Wu ~ ' TOBACCO WAREHOUSE The' uudersigned are agents for the sslo of - TOBACCO From tho largest and best MANUFACTURERS Virginia & N. Carolina, And will keep constantly oa hand a large aud well assort ed itick of all grades required for the trade of the Confederate States MANUFACTURER’* PRICES. The attention of DEALERS Is invited to tats stock bribre purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B —List* of all brands with samples and prices, scut by. mail or express, when desired. j»nl8-lm DKBZUADLK PROPERTY FOR SALE ACKK8 OF LAND, 15 cleared tho balance heavily 1 » ■ I4U tin hired, with a large, completely finished hcuob contsieing nine rocm, with i least* and fire places; two framed negro houses, smoke house, carriage home, stable, cow shed*; a fine orchard, a large garden, Ac. Said place is Situated on the pnblio road, fire mile* from Marietta and >ix from Powder i-priugs—both places orr-soit tn summer. For particulars apply to B. W. Joynar, of the firm of Hamilton, Harkley A Joyner, Atlanta, or to J H. ipriager, on tho premises. decIS-tf DRY GOODS, i YARDS CALIC0K5 5000 ■'; 300 yards bleached Sheeting 850 pair Ladies’ and Miss.’sQaitars and Slippers 12 dozen Men’s and Boy’s Hat* And a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, lor sale at wholesale only by - 8. EOL«JMON A BROS, deciT-tf Commission MerclivuD, FOR SALE. SNXGRO MEN FOR SALE ■ Ml* i 1 Brick Hina 1 Pastry Cod: and Carriage Driver and Gardeter Both young and healt hy . \ will commence Janusiy 19th, 18C3. Two Sessions of five months inch. P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission' Merchants, And Genual Dealers in ‘ liKADOWSOOK” FOR SALE. 11/ G speak advisedly when we .ay that we have never YI ofleiej such a rural property for sale. It U situa- i pronounce it a perfect gem. 8 J. SHACKELFORD, Y. II. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, Wliitelmll Street, ATLANTA, • - - GEORGIA, VS/ILL atteid to busing and selling all kinds of mer* *’ chandixe. A|J-writers for goods ihnst be accompa nied wUhcthacssh laWapallsiHia. - Jodi It WHITE & TOWERS, WHOLE! ALE AMD BET AIL & R O C £! R Marietta (Street, ATLANTA, - - ianl3-ly* GEORGIA DECATUR ACADEMY, HALE AND FEMALE. B enjamin t. hunter, a. m, principal—ihe exercises of this Academy will commence on the 2d Monday of January. Bates of Tallinn per annum, $15, $20, $30 and $i0. The Scholastic year will be divided into two terms ot flvs months each, aid. psplls*Chargsd from time oi eotracco to Ihe cud of the term A. T. HOLUK8, Pres. Beard Trustees, janlO-tf MiLTON A. OANDLEU, Secretary. FOR HIRE. rilWO LIKELY NKGuO MEN. App.y to PEASE A DAVIS, Commission Merchants. FOR SALE. O NE H0U8B AND JLOT, on Poach Tree street, 1 \i miles from tho car shed, containing 6 rooms and good ontbouildlngs, by PEAS* k DAVIS, Commission Merchant* Atlanta, Jana ary. tb, 1863. Jan7- lm FOR SALE. A .SMALL FAtlM, lyingontheM A WK K, throe aDd _/'Y a half miles Irom the Car Shed, Co-1 lining 210 acre*, about 401145 cleared, the balance in woods. Well tin- bend, and a petty goed two ttory licuee, kitchen and out- banning*. Several springs and a fiist, ate well of water are on the premises. 1 will sell .all, or a putt, of the Uwmdaad. - By early application to the subscriber, a bargain ran be Id. jTg. TRAMMEL. Atlanta, Dec 81,1802 _ deeSl-lm W. H. HANNON & BROrHER, W H O L E S A L-E Commission Merchauts HONTGOUERY, ALABAMA, dec10 ly OMMISSION MBRCHANTV WOODHUPF'S BUIIaDINUi " *** (N«m\Qf>orgitk Railrutd Bank,) • ” AT LAN T A. <*Et )KviIiA. HOSIERY’ AND BUTTONS. Qf-llDOZ MEN’S ENGLISH HALF IlOSbt 4>)\J 840 great gross Agate Buttons. t On consignment sndlbr sale by ‘ * • ’ * ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO.. jaull-tf . ... Ooma>i*-ic.n - . SALT, tjsii A>nv»f v- OA BdLS KANAWHA SALT, on cennignmont an-l Ibr h leby ANDERSON, ADlI-. A CO., Jan9-tf Commisjii ii Mere bints. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSKb. . S(j BBI>. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, ou cen*ig»l»ent and for vile l>y • j_ v ANDERSON, ADAIlt A CO., JaL9-tf OoiatflhieH Merchants. . - . WANTED. N a Rolling Mill at Knoxville, To'in, a Du .tier, to whom gvxnl wages «ill lie paid. Apply at J*n3 tf ANDES SON, aDAIK A CO’S Store. MADEIRA WINK. O NE BBL. AND A FEW DKMUUNS, “A Niv 1” Ma- ,. r ■ — - _ deira ‘Vftne, on ecu ignmeutand for sale by jins-tl ANDERSON, ADAIR A tN»'. CHICORY. Oft BARRELS CHICORY, the tnly eubatitti v fur (\ ffio, OO on conxigutnent und lor ea'e by 1‘ ‘ I ~ “ by jauZ-tf • the liarrri W ANDERSON, A AlU A CD, . OmMua Mr chants fur sale by JanS-tf IE, to. i, iisignmeul .u>i s, ADAIR A OU. COFFEE. Dim SACKS PRIME COFFEE, I JD fup sale by : i, ANDERSON, A Cuimnibuicn Morchatiia. LOGWOOD, Y; , 1 A BOXES EXTRACT LOOKOOD, on coarigaQ'.ntund ■ LV/ for sale l>> ANDERSON, ADAIR A fcl>., jan2-tf Cbmutiwnon Merchaot., PEA NUTS. BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on ronsigntuent and deetl-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., Cumuiinsieii Men ban: . COTTON YARNS. BALKS COTTON YARNS, on conrignment and for sale ANDERSON, ADAIR k CO., docll-tf Commiulan Mcicliants. 50 . «uundnL. OA/ l OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on con Elen t and lur sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR k CO., norrSO-tf Cuuutia.lun Merchanu. HARNESS. 5 SETS UUUOY HARNESS, on consignment aud sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR * CO., nov21-tl Connotation f’ ‘ FLOUR. ■* » i • BBL3. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and lor sale by ANDERSON, ADAIlt A OO, novl&-tf Commission I' 150 PEACH BRANDY. i [UFTY BBL3. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on | meat and for sale by novl6-tf * AN JKUbO.N, aDAIR k CO.', Commlxxlun Mi CHAMPAGNE. DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINK,, on ronsignment for sale by m novI5-tt ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Conintis*iuu Morchatiia. soap. ;<**>,.» ■ 1 WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. I 25 Boxes Toilet Stap, on consignment and for into i y ANDKKfcU.N, ADAIlt A O', nor-15tf Communion Merchaub. J 8EWING MACHINES, on ccnsignmrat odtgradi 4: by ANDERSON, ADAIR a CO- novl5-ti Commission Uarchanta - COUNTRY JEANS, A, LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, ..a A mi nt and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR k 00, Couimioeiun Merchant* BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for saloby janl3-f FOSTER, QUEEN A Co. Ijrr HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN j«KU* IO for sale I iby FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. 60 TIERCES UlCa for sale by Foster, queen a tn. QAA SACKS lilt'E FLOUR for tale by , . . , OkAJ dects-tf Foster, qukea a CO. OAA BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sale by AlU dects-tf Foster, queen a CO. * ALSO, TO llE 'T, agood dwelling, with six rooms, inthsstt- bnrba of ths city, oa Peach Tree street. Apply to PEASe A DAVIS Attanta, January 1st 1S62. jin8-lm. QN ccnsigcmentandfi.-.e^ . BERLS0SIl> corner Whitehall and Alabama streets, Too yards Sexon/WtaoreL 40 Box** Candies. 5 • Heavy . ver-Cca:». 500 Mn Cass. Pacta. nov29-tf FURSALE. » GOOD STQRE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling to the rente, and tboo shop ltuose cn the lot _ _ creM* - * Eton* Uoan:atn, ua with other necessary owthoBdlngs, on llroad street at Dec 19th. DC2, J R. BRACEWELL.. W B Deaton, Atlanta; X 3 Dean, sRne dec25 lm* janl8tl J.R. WALLACE, At the Store of P. A G. X. Dodd. - V wv*« _ — jj) tUfA frtu apply io Ikqpttfr , I State of TenDe3see as crimiDaiSp under the law Amatol Tr*aaportaUc«i« oa WWtokali «treot. to prevent and punish white peraona exciting in'. — — TENNESSEE BANK BILLS. 1 WANT TO LCY tea thoaaxnd dollars in OLD TEN- N EiSEE BAN K -OrES-' Apply at my office, W o-A ndT* Boil tog, ntlasta, Grergla. __ jiall-lm* . - , * “ HIGH Soldier’s Transportation. .-..■ijwwiro-~t MftsBflt wniaw taaSW AfcP ^■HMoli to Captain William t ft 4. RAN AWAY, T7IK0M BOYLE’S CAMP, on the S. and N. Ala Railroad, £ two negro men, UKuKQE, about 38 ytars old, weighs 144 or 150 p.uuds, dark cotnpl< xion, about 5 feet 8 or f inchoahigb, rather quick •pokeo. NUROE or NOUVAN, bright mulatto, 8 feetor over in Lelghi, tlow spoken, and weighs 160 or 170 pound,, ab rut 30 yeers old- A suitable reward wilt tie paid if apprehended and delivered to John T. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any jail so lbar I can get him. JAS. H. PRITCHETT, janll-Jm ; Robinson P. O., N. C. 1 ft BARBELS 2 for sale by decl8-tf WASTED TO HIRE BY THE MONTH. 1 GOOD ACTIVE NEGRO COOPER A 4 good active negro Carpenters 2 good active negro men to work in a store 1 good active negro toy, 16 years old Apply to F. M. FISK, jand-tf Whitehall street Atlanta. tv SCHOOL. . N the basement of the first Presbyterian Church, the 1 anderugned will open a Female School, ou the first Monday in January mxt. A .tw boys, under ten years ot age, »ill be received. ' Payment, half in advanae. decSl tf MRS. 3L C. COLE. WANTED TO PURCHASE, f WISH TO PURCHASE A GOOD CITY U.T. fine toea- i lion, either improved or unimproved. Also, a Planta tion containing some 600 or 1000 acre*, near, eotne < f the Railroad*. Addrw* or call on H. A MCLENDON, decl&tf : *’ J * Peach-Tree atreet. HOOP POLES. WANTED, A T THE EMPIRE DISTILLERY, immediately, 20,000 Hickory Hoop Poles, for whisky barreis. Partie* wienis* to c ntract fur . he al-ove must apply early, either personally or by letter to WmL High or the nnderatgued j*nlt-lm* . ~ HIGH a LEWIS. 124 » - SALT I SALTI v SACKS VIRGINIA SALT, jOit t.cnved and for ■da on commission by K. M. FALKS k CO, ■ Corner ot Alabama asd Pry. r BAKUELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WU1HB.Y FOofKK, QUEEN A Co. L tT FINK SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN F03TKB, QUEEN k CO. S MAL Bools fur sale by decIS-tf .GROCERIES, Ac. fj£)QQ POUNDS TENNESSEE BACON 6000 Bx C»rb Soda . 4000BmTallow no t 600 ffis Star Can die* - v lOo Qm Turpentine Soap 303 ffis Copperas 7.»,w 36 Bi* Green Tea 30 dozen Brooms V 60 ft* Ginger r ■ ''* 100 ft* Spice 103 lb* Grain Pepper - For sale at who 1 wale by -JVb waif s. solomon k Bros, ** Commwxtox MerchinU, at the store lately occupied by Brady k Solomon. - V .' dtClT-tf HOUSE ASD LOT FOR HALE. ^JEFIROUS of moving to the country,! efi-r toy hoU*e and lot where I now live, for > decZSrif a DOR \ :,D. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE. A N unimproved Lot or Square on Whitehall *irret, con- , f ‘ ' “ ’ ‘ ' ‘ taiuiog two and a-half acre*, oo Lnndied Fruit Tree* ia full bearing. Fur •epl7*tf " xzjt* J. W. DUN . - wanted, ' i 1VO UJEK, A DWELLING HOU8J contaiBlnsc ^oriix X roomiy.h caUd conT*ui«ni to tho burineM part-vuof 1 b no'riv tf A ' 1 ’ ply "** Alin—nw ADAIR A 00