Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 24, 1863, Image 1

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9 . BY All AIK & SMITH ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1863 VOLUME H—NO. 291 •s-saiiim Cnttuwi Mi&TI.f SOLOMON A A BOLOSIOH CL &.YTON HIGH acsipOL. | ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO. Male and Female eutam wholesale Grocers “ *■ Adv«jrU»l»j ktMd«J« of •Icdcruy ana (■ulliftMti. TliUfS Of SUBSCRIPTION. "™- * - Ill) ou ■mum. — s 00 “ 2 OO . moittfcg , #•«». i 00 J. HfiNLY SMITH, 3EO. W. ADAIR, ’ll HE exercises of tblt&bocl will commence January X ■ 19th, 1303. Two Sessions of fire mouths • well. TUITION PhK J?l SrlC.Y Primary Cass.. f’.U 2d Clear • 16 3d Class CO 3th Clai-d S3 Having been engaged in teaching for sovoral ye me, wo feel assured that wo will give satisfaction to all who may iaror us with their patronage, aud give us a fair and can- .4 i .1 tinnl EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. The undersigned are agents lor the sale of S. SOLOMON & BROS. COMMISSION MERCHANT* B. C. SMITH, M. D. . J. N. CARDOZO, WOODRl'PF’S Bl'lbDllHO From the largest aud beat MM UFACT URE K S TRANSPORTATION NOTICE ... Orncc cTsoaou Kmu a* j>-Hospital Association, i v-: Au^umU, Deromber 18,1864. | b Y a late Act of the legislature, it is made the datjr of this Association to employ every meaus within its power for forwarding private package* of olothing or ther, intended fbr ‘Jtr rgi* soldiers iu any l*>rt!ou of the field of war, and to use all diligence for securing ti *ir reception by the perlite to whom they ii "y be add leased. J do, thoaefore, give notice that the* Association wiii chceifully undertake the discbarge.of this cuty and perfoim it to the best of its ability. Wo have already toady *i rat* gf merit* for diapatchi> g regular •iud care'ni niesaen^ers, two or thrte tint*s ever* week, whose (Dice requires hint to accompany the packages in trusted to their care until they are actually ueliveiediulo the hands of our Agents iu Richmond. We have othef employ am who are similarly engtiged in co. \ eying good* ioCliMtanooga, intended for Georgians in the armies ol the West. From Richmond and Chattauooga they will be distributed to the parties whose uatues they bear, by jior- tljere employefl for tlxi^ purpose; or will be sto’ fd in *-‘Ui warehouses iu those cities uu^ii called lor, if noiutuns •tail uaini tor transporting them farther, or if the con signees cannot be found Direct eat h package to the care of “ Georgia Relief and liosj-iial Association. 1 * Augusta: and becaiemiD mark distinctly thereon Ike name of the party to whom it U to te sent, the Regiment to which he belongs, and the Com- , &n> of wh ch be is a u*erub<-r. Packages will all be sout at the expense of the Asscci- »ti«Tl. By order of the Executive Committee. dec23-lm J0SKPH K. WILsON, Chainnan. (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) •(UireG iovanably in aUvari, ADVKRTWING. out lo Tines or less, foi can cubs^qaer.t AND did trial. St«ict 'ailhulne s in the dis h.irgo of dut : es, a cheerful compliance with neediul legnlalious ai d proptiety of de meanor and punctual atteudonco at all time*, will be re quired of euh pupil. Pupila charged fiom tftue of entrance till ckse ef ses sion, except in c sen of protracted sickntej. _For further particulars address TllOJ or Mia* J* " Commission .Merchants, one insertiun, $i , a..d truer non less than onr Virginia & N. Carolina, «■ And will keep constantly on hand a large and well assort ed *ttck of all grades requited for the tiado cf the SAL SODA. TiERcae SJ I. 80I)A ou cjusigumont ami for aa’.o by . . *. ' ■, ■ . ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, {At the Store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) Commission Mei chants. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Jonesboro’, da. .- - * SUGAR. HHD3 SUGAR ItObbIsSuHC 100 sacks Sugar, on consignment and for sa'e b ANDERSON, AD AIR A CO., janzl-tf Commission MeiclmuU. P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants H A V R T N fcTOKK and are rr ceiviug a stock of gone* ral Hardware aud House Furnuhiug Go ds for whole sale ard retail Also receive on storage and sale Pro luce aud Gro. erics, and every species of Merchandise on UVe- lal teriiib 4E3h W® will give particular attention to con&ignruents, end furnish ccrrewpondont with market report* when desired. - ; di*c3 bin MANUFACTURER’S PRICES SEW KICK. TIERCES NEW ltiCF, ou consignment And lor sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO . tf Cc mmistiou Jlerrbsnls. And General Dealers In GROCERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decatur- IstDect. ATLANTA, - UAOUbilA. 43~ I'rjinpt in orders and remittances. jaul4-tr DEALERS I, invittd to tele stock b.fur j purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER’S SLOCK, l mug, srlib the privilege of ebsoge, wdl following rates: renewable once a month, $ 66 MAYER & BERINGER, Commission Merchants HOSIKRY AND BUTTONS. )£flIMJZMKN’S KNGLISH HALF II0SK; lOU 860 great groes Agate Buttons. Ou consignment andfor sale by ANDKBSUN, ADAIR St 00., Janll-tf Commlssioa SincuKuta. For obC-Lulf Ckdumii, •or pnerColumn, ‘.*S0 •I ft'aOalar wuti, *i,li without rules, and advertise- **ccL.pymg duubb columu, will be charged double l • t»M»ve rate*: advfurfcatiuacn'a marked on copy for a specified time, /i t paiiliafecu uMit ordered out, and charged according thr above rales. tJ* jriissuK’BU iiiseried in the Daily, and Wsikly, edi * •» «, will co cuarged per cent, additional to the regu- i loUy rates. vearty auve/lisers will bo limited to tbs space contract- a o They will be charged extra at regular rates for l a it*, ik’BU, Removals, Oopartnership^, Notices to Oon- • at*., aud paymeut demanded quarterly. f fr laAMRiimT Auvoaflsmu MUST bS PAID SOB 111 An- t .*ub. «- jm 4 ^ • mo .•'xJtauacttic&i will appear in the Heekiy paper uu- *• o/apec*al couiiut: A t o.rtiocmrnts to be inserted in the Weekly pap er only •i xt irregular interval* in either of the papers, will bt h aigcu 0i per aqua* e for every insertion. Annoauciiig cum dates /or btate, County, aud Mumoi- »a* itticc, %i> ouch—l i.e paid >n advance in every instance. Ail MitverbUcmupt* lor Uhariialio lnslilutious, Military bu> Fire Ooiupaiue*, Ward, luwta, and other Public Meet- num t will he charged half price. toarfiagob and deaths are published as uewu ; but Obit lories tributes ol Respect aud funeral .nvivaGons as *t»jf .avertitcmeala. Notices la Local-Column, will be chargod 2u AND WHOLESALE DEALSKS IN MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BONDS AND > - yfOCKS, - T | ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B —Lists of all brands with aimples and prices, sent , mail or expreas, when deal rad. JanlS-lin SALT. BBL5. KANAWHA SALT. or. cooslgument and for » le by ANDERSON, ADAl* A C<1., ‘2-lf Commia.iun Mtr. li-.tut-. « JOlKXh Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sli. * H. JOINER & SON. GENERAL Commission Merchants, NOTICE! NOTICE! TTNDER tho recent Circular instructions of tbr Adj't U aad luaprCt ir Uen ral of the C. S. Army, dated Uichiausd, January llib, and approred by th > Secretrr, of War, 1 have been appointed by Lt. C iL. H. D. Capers, and trniler written in tiuctloua from Brig. Gen. II. W. Mercer, commanding the Military Di tnct of Georgia, will at once proceed to obtain recruita lor my Company now iu tho 12tli Ua. Battalion, at ravanuab, eilhtr as VOLUNTEBUS, or if neccuary, ly Oonscriptian. I calk npon every man, whether young or old, to ral>y to tbe staniard of hit country in to is tho crisis of onr Revolu tion. VOLUNTEER, and I will PAY YOU THE BOUN TY allawod by law. If yon will not, koep ont of my sight—bide behind the Exemption act, or in some ob- ■enre place, for X will conscript yon, ceitaln. 1 will t, at the atote oi Dra. Hamilton A Marklry, where any one wishing to Volunteer can 1 eceive the BOUNTltMONEY. Q. W. JOHNbON, J*n22 xw~ ” • Co D, 12th Ua. Bat. SEW ORLEANS fflOLASSKS. KO BBLS. CHOICE N. 0. MOLABSKS, on consignment aod for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., Jai,2-tf a OoumdfsiuH Merthanta. P ARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of Mer chandise entrusted to ns, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold lire day sales are made. novlMm • r-r 7 -—■' -i -. V-r>. ■ 3 AND ’ - WANTED. i I N a Rolling Mill at Knoxville, Te'>ri,aPadler, to whom . U ■•..t wages will be paid. Apply at jan3 (f . ANDEiicOiN, ADAIR A CO'tf a u PARKS K W HUTCHXbOX Office and Warehouse in hEVNI'ONE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MADEIRA WINE. ' * iNE BBL. AND A FEW DEMUONS, '* A No. 1” Mn- ’ deira Wine,onecAlgnmont and for ealei.y rnS-tf ANDJtltsoN, AHAlit a CO. KIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, SEP constantly on hand a good assortment of Vir- giuia Manuiactnred and Smoking Tobacco 111 store and lor wle— 1.000 boxes Tobacco (assorted brands 2.000 pounds Washed Wool 100 cases Bmokiug Tobacco; 200 kegs Nails, (assorted;) _ 2J bales O.nabnrgs > ' ' 50 barrels Floor; 16,000 pounds Sulphur, Ac. -. —\ Ail orders and business en trusted to them will receive personal and prompt attention. nov30-tt Commission Merchants, CHICORY. on BARRELS CHICORY, tbe only anbstltu e for Coffee. on consignment aud for sale by she barrel or sack by ANDERSON, Aoailt A CO., jan2-tf Commission Merchants. COFFKK. SHIFTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on conuigament and i? tor sale by ANDERSON, ADA IK A CO., jm2-ti - ^ Ckioumssiuu Merchants. ■Wliiteball Street, Atlanta, - - - Georgia, 07 ILL alter d to bnying and selling all kinds of me>- * » chandize. All orders for goods most be accompa nied with the cash to secure attention. janll ly .be paper, under no oircunulancet, to o .ncioded in a miractj • . ' '' i * * * r No deduction cf V«rul..r. will b wads from tbe forego- it - atea. ADAIR A tlMITU. . No, 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, - - . - GEORGIA. R EHPKCT FULLY solicit a elicre- I patronage and hope a by atrict attention to business to give entire satiE ■action to their patrons. dec6-tf V GROCERIES, Ac. iOOO P0DNDS TENNEA8KE bacon 6C00 ffia Carb Soda 4000 fti Tallow 600 lbs Star Candles 100 lbs Turpentine Soap 300 lbs Coppera, 36 Dm Green Tea 30 dozen Brooms 60 lbs Ginger 100 lbs Spice 100 Iba Grain Pepptr For sale at who’ esMe by MONDAY AMD MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE. WHITE & POWERS, AMOSS - ' - . S LIOOK BSU1 AMOSS, LIGON Sc CO., Wholesale Grocers LOSWOOD, I (\ BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on coniignmmtand IXJ for Bale by ANDERSON, ADA1K A C(). r Jan2-tr Commission Mercliarts, •'I'ilu UNDKRS1UNKD, Fioprieturs ol, the Chattauucga X Foundry and Macione W, rka, prup. se tu sell the eu- lne estahlishuieut, embracing Machinery, luols, Stuck on baud, c.—a l vf which is a. complete a any utablisL- U1UUI of the kind in the CouleiTeracy. We are now doing a large aud profitable business, which WuUld go immedi ately into tho band, Ol , ur successors. The Superior ad- * ulugea of location will always inause an increasing bu- «iuesa io any axtent desired, i er suns desirous to lmeet *>.* iif wall w call aud examine. ' THUS WEBSTER A CG-, . ...llanuogd, July 81, lbt>2. aog2-tf. PEA NUTS. jQQ BUSHELS PKA NUTS, on consignmout and or ** le ty ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO„ deCll-tf Com mission Merchants. ATLANTA, |anl3-l) * COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, Offers for sale at their DECATUR ACADEMY, HALE AND FEMALE. B enjamin t. hunter, a. m, principal—The oxerciHOH of this Academy wtil commence on the 2d Monday cf January. Kates of Tuition |ier annum, $15, $*0, $8u aud $t0. The Soholndiic a ill be divided into two terms ot five mouth-* each, aud papils charged from time oi entrance to the end oi tli*. term A. T. HOLMhH, Prcda.Bt.ATil Tiuelce.*, Janl0-:r MiLTON A. CANDkEK, tierreUuy. 8. SOLOMON k BROS., Commit-ioa Merchant*, at the itore lately occupied by Brady k Solomon. decI7-tf UARPBT AND OIL C.L0TH COTTON YARNS. BALKS COTTON YARNS, uu consignment aud for )U win hy ANDERSON, ADaIB A OO., d.-cll-tf Commission Mcichauts. Eotice—Barks Wanted. * ^ - MEDICAL PURVEYOR S OFFICE, I AiLakTA,Ua., Junexu, iooi. j , UK be t prices will le laid ny liit nederaagueo for 1 lugs quautuies of tho folk wing BARRa: Mcui, bi unches and uul ui D.gauod, iiuutp eieiredy; tianibua Slid rooU cl \llnto \lilicw ; lout, tiunk and biuucLca ol Ameiicaa poplar, (called alsu VFuite-wood, Lianoe woodand tuilp-tic.its-t preieried. ihi be barks must be caieiuily dimd and securely pack ed. They may be Lti nght lo thu uiLce, ur sens t Mr. 1. U. Walter, Butamcal Agrnt, cartel .rule Da ; or W. W. Duilium, bulamcal Agent, Decatur, Ua. OEOKuE S. BLACK IE, y l-»i. Burgeon aud MtdicaJ Purvey or, C. B. A. Those Liable to Conscription MAY YET VOLUNTEER. TnoNDCKEoLr Batixkt, Jan’y 17 th, 1363. U NDER recent orders Rom the Secretary of War,.per sons subject to Gon.cription a allowed the privilege of volunteering. If those wlthiDg to avail themselves oi this privile.e, and get to iht most desira ble poet in tbe service, will apply to ms by letter, 1 will send them transports* ion to come to my company. Address me stBavannah, Ga. E. J. CRAVEN, jan20-lm Capt. Oo. O, Phoenix Reg. Ga. Yols. I0R the sale of Prodnce, Merchandise, Beal Estate, Ne groes, Ac. - - . - ddeu-tf FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS English Velvet and Medalion Carpetings English Brussels and Tapestry Carpetings English Venetian Carpetings Hearth Ruga, Duor Mats Carpet Bindings, Carpet Tack. Stair Carpetings and Stair Rods Cocoa Mattings .tnd Hassocks • W hite and Red Checked India Mattings Window hades (In all sizes) and Trimming' Floor Oil Cloth from 3 to 18 feet wide Curtain Damask and Batin DcL&inos Lace and Muali a Curtains Window Cornices, Loops, Tassels Gimps, Wall Papers, Borders, Screens . A foil supply of Straw Bioonis, Water Buckets 646 Fourteen fino Pianos, of Chickering’s, Igpoutou'. Gilbert’s, Gale's, Fisher’s, Nona A Clarke’s and other good makes. . JAMES a. BAILIE A BRO, c2-2m* Augnsta, Georgia. 4AU1N1NK. ri if) OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on cuuslgu- iVJV m-nt and for sale ny ■ ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO., noi26-tf Commission Met chants. w a ranxK. u ool*. w p is man INMAN, COLE & CO., ' ** GENERAL Commission Merchants, for tiie Purohdee aud Sale of Merchandise, Beal Estate, Live Stock. Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, Ac. IX rx have ample store room, and will give personal at V V tention to ail business entrusted to us. Office ii Beach A Rout s store, Wliiteball street novl-t: FOR HIRE. [\W0 LIKELY NEGuO MEN. Aop y lo L . • Pl5f.SE A DAVIS, ; Conmiis.ion Merchants. HARNESS. fr SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on cousigumeut aud for t> buIo by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., nov21-ti CummiSbioo Mecrbants. FOR SALK. YvN’E H0U SE AND LOT, ou Peach Tree street, Vy miles irom the car ehtd, c utaiuiug 6 Mm. ana good outbuuildings, by PEASE A DAWS, Commission Merchants Atlanta, January' th, 1863.. janT-lm A “GOOD EGG,” SURE. Qfo ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR SAife, U 0 within teven miles of Atlanta,- on the road leading lo Turner A Maysou’s Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling house aud ont-buildings; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill in fine tunning order, with lathe aud shingle machines at tached, wCjh power, suffic out' to run them all at the same time. All for the small sum of $S,00u. Those wishing to purchase wiii please apply to J.K. May son, Atlanta Fe male Institute, or J. b. May son, on the premises, dedf-tf FLU UR. (-A BBLS. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAM1 ,)y FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by ANDKRnuN, ADAIR a GO., uovl&df Commission Merchant! Agency for Va. Tobacco, ’ A. CONNELL, BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGB, BANK BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. PEACH BRANDY. raFTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on consist C meat and for .ale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, novl&-tf Commission Merchants. FOR SALK. A J5MALL FARM, lying ou the SI A WK ID, three and a Unit'miles irom the Car Shed, Co t.:ning2iUacitB. about 40 ci 46 cleared, the in woodB. Well (in hered; and a petty got d two .lory bouse, kitchen and ou t- buildings. Sev< rai springs and a fix fat ,ale woli of wafer are on the premises. 1 will toll ull, or a pait, of tho above land. By early application to the subscriber, a bargain ran be had. J. G; TRAMMEL. • Atlanta, Dec 81,1S&2. uei31-lm a ^HAB sstabiished in Montgomery, Alabama, a fliat-clsss Agi icy for ah kind, o: SMUuLNG AND CUXW LNb V iltlllMA 10UACCG, to which he would icapectftulj dl- ttl public alleulioti. The st re formerly occupied by ataais. Middleton A LoRiu, No, it Cuaii atieet, has been cased lor the purpose, Where at aJt ttmis can be hand not M.'y ibe best aud most general asaurtuiebi oi Tobacco ont- •Me ui Virginia; but al»u a c.*nstaut supply ol the coarsest and finest grams oi SUUAU. The laciiiUea mr obtaining ci.ggr caiittot bo su. J..U-HS1 by any other uoum In the Con- DEMRARLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -t qa ACRES OF LAND, IS cleared the balance heavily I4U tin bered, wilt a large, completely finished bonsb contaising nine rbom, with iloaets and fire places; two fumed negro hopsog, smoke honse, carriage home, stable, cow sheds; a fine orchard, a large garden, Ac. Said place is situated on the public road five miles from Marietta and lix from powder rpriugs—both places ofr soit in summer. F'pr particulars apply to R. W. Joyner, of the ijrjn of Hamilton, Markley A Joyner, Atlanta, or to J. 11. springer, on the premises. declB-tf CHAMPAGNE. ■ a DOE. CHAMPAGNE WINE,, on consignlui-ut and J; lor sale by _ ANDERSON, ADAIR * Ui.'., — • "" Commission Merchant.. By M. SAL0SHIN A CO, Brokers, sov26-8m* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, 80 AP. W0 HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. 26 Boxes Toilet heap, on consignment and for rain by ANDERSON, ADAIR A UO, ov-16tf Commustou Merchants. W. H. HANNON & BHOI'HEii, WHOLE SXL E Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. dcclO ly W ; H. H1SN D£R8Un a CO., A U C r X? 1 <> IV AND Commission Merchants, DRY GOODS. YARDS CALICOES f ire and Life Insurance. SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for salt by ANDERSON, rDaIR A CO., i-vID-tl Commission M<-ichauts. * 300 yards bleached Sheeting 260 pair Ladies’ and Misses Gaiters and Slippers 12 dozen Men’s and Boy’s Hats And a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for sale at wholesale nlyby 8. SCLOMOtf A BROS, . deciy-tf Commission Merchants, Profits to bo Divided bstwtsa tbs Iiasw- ten and Insured, COUNTRY JEANS. * LARGE LOT CF COUNTRY JEANS, ou consigi \ meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, . nov 16-if Gdumiasiuu Merchants. RA9i AWAY, E B0M BOYLE’S CAMP, on the S. and N. Ala Railroad’ two negro men, UKUKGE, about 36 yiaia old, weighs 146 or 1L0 pounds, dark coinph xion, about 5 feet 8 o> 9 inches high, rather quick < poker. NuROEor NtiRVAN, bright mulatto, ti feet ur ovet in height, tlow spoken, and weighs lut or 170 pounds, about 3o yours old. A suitable rewa-.d will be paid if apprehended and delivered to Jobn T. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any jail so that I can get him. J AS. H. PRITCHETT, janll-lm Robinson P. O., N. C. Whitehall Street, s AVENG complied With the provisions of the charter, ft this Company is ready to receive applications for in- urance and lywae policies, at their office in JuhnJbn’s Block u Whitehall street, cm Empire House, against loss by ire, and on the lives of slaves sad of white persons Insurance is now offered to the citizens of Atlanta in a .ome office, combining tbe security of s Stock Capital with fie advantages of a mutual company. 0. F. McOAY, President. lost. J. Lows;, Secretary. DIR E C T OKS: Joseph Winshlp, Jamas Omwnd, E. E. Rawton, A. J. Brady, E. P. Clayton, of Augusta, a. D. Union, ■*. maydly ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 6,000 CO$DS BARK. l\BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for tale hy JaulS- f IfOoTEU, yuEKN A Cc. ~ UOGcHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR for Srtio i>7 declS-tf SA> Auctions wotkly. Plenty or atora^* YObTJIK, QOAiN & CO. Machine Blacksmith & Forger, U.ARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA, 1 8 prepared to do all kind, of 1UU Work, Country t>urk, L llutse shoeing, aud alt iho various braacbeai • Blauk •uiith work. Having been employed in Mk.j ot the Vleatern A Atlantic Railroad lor the tas. teu put It* Eattaci bimscli that be can give enure saiis-nci.uu ti inoVxecullou ui alt »ort? euli n.ied to trim. Turn, cast i> S—Siraie Roiiers rep.un.-u car abort notice oclotui* TXERCR3 SICE for sale by declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. WASTED TO HIRE BY THE MOKTHl 1 G0OD ACTIVE NEGRO COOPER 4 good active negro Carytentr-rs * ^ . 2 good active negro men to work in a store 1 good active negro hoy, 16 y ears old Apply to F. M, FISK, jsnd-tf V Whitehall street A tier,ta. 0 SACKS RICE FLOUR for sale by decis-tr . Foster, queen a Co. 0 BARRELS MOLASSES to arrire, for sale by declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY for sale by .18 tf POSTER, QUEEN A CO. FOR SALE. 2 PRIME NEGRO MEN FOR SALK 1 Brick Mason 1 Pastry Cook and C -rriage Driver and Gardener Loth young aud healthy ALSO, TORE - T, a goed dwelling, with six rooms, in the su burbs of iho coy. oo Peach Tree street. Apply to . PEAS a A DAVIS Atlanta, Jann&ry 1st 1302. ja u8-lm. REMOVED. C. LAZARUS & SON -■ f a SCHOOL. N the basement of the first Presbyterian Chnrch, the ill open a Female School, on the fiist S UBSCRIBERS to the Produce Loan are earnestly re quested to pry up their subscriptions. Tho ioTern- tneut desires an early se; tlement. AI1 persons with fond, to invent cann t render s greater service to their conntry than by taking eight per cent bonds of the iL.CdO.Uh.' Loan. We are prepsitd to issue ihempromptly. Ailihe Bonds ordered by ns for subscribers have arrived sl d >x> ready for delivery. They wiii please forward cur Receipts, X under,ignud Monday in January u- xt. A ot age, will be received. Payment, half in sdvanse. dec31 tf - * ,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL '1M ALL L YI FIN E SHOES AND FULNCU CALF SKIN ^ Boots for sale by decle-if FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. H- MU»Xil»010JB, M- Ii. i> ks jk. i » i AJ'L A H 1 A*, UKOKUIA, e R O C ER s AND Commission Merciiants, O N consignment and for sale by MAYER J corner While'.all and Al&bamo streets, 700 yards Saxony FlanieL th ih.xca Cand cs. 6 - Heavy i ver tYists. 500 I’-iis Coss. Panta. and we will send ihe bonds as they may direct. Wo held them U the risk of the owners. The Cotton of bers wtl 1 be lak. n at the market price by the GuTt-rnment in exchange h r B.nds. (AGENTS AT SAvacnah-R Hubersham A Suns. Otlcmbns—D Adams •N O Monroe. • „ WANTED TO Fl^LCHASE. I WISH TO PURCHASE A GOuD CITY LnT. hue loca- L tfon, either impruvel or nmmpiovid. AU -, it Plvnta- ,en cdhtaining some 5U0 or HUG acua, near sr me t f the ail roads. Address or call cn n. a. McLendon, decl& tf Peach-Tree street. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. L O.-T, on theiiih instant, between Whiaehail street and Grant's Ho-pit», a leather Pocket book, contanuug lsh.l-.j one hundred and seventy-dre s*rd tc» hundred dollars—OonfoJorato notes—princii’Olly iu twtuiies and tens. Tho finder will rece ve the shove rowmro by leaving the b jck and meuey at this office, or returning it to me iJWpiUi - R. M. FOSTER. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, nov29-tf rnor Whitahaii . to the tali o- tazltf oFFiUh:—lu Raw. n s uow building, . aau lluatar streoU— Kesidtuce, first bom Gd VauceT**. Ftiit SiAhE. A GOOD STORE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling attached lo the same, and shoe-shop house on tbe lot with other-necessary outbuildings, on Broad street st Stone Muuniain, Ga Dec 19th 1862, J R BRACKWELL. Rirxxxxcis—W B Deaton, Atlanta; T J Dean, Stone Mountain. dec25 lm* i | AVE BEMOTED to the store recently occupied by J II D Lockhart a Go, on Dccktcb street, adjoining <he nrng btore ol Uunnicuit A Taylor, where they offTw for ;.l- cn JaTorwb e teims— _ tu bjurreia New u. leans Syrup; Is tierces Klee; - - 6 Vinegar; Jtrj bushels Peas; lOUo pounds Bac a; ri> barrel. Lard; -OO p^rands Engl sh Soap; Macoa- Newns— LsGrsnge- Jesse McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Dealing. Uuffin-K. Ming. _ PILIN']ZY A CLAYTON. jtn6-lm . General Agents Produce LoanAur Ga. WASTED. /TiO HI BE. A DWELLING HOUSE containing fire or six x rooutfy.l* cat«d coQT#niei4 to IK* LusIdc** poriwa ol lh £orivtf'* I ‘ Pi * ^ ANDERSON ADAIR k CO. DR. JAMES P. ALEXANDER, nmci at hk rafidenoe, on the south side of MsriMt* *- * W - OA.v IT aua w. IMS |nssj-w— a A aa Au-.tiua and Commission Business, st bis old stand, ou Wli.tehall street, Atlauts, Georgia, to commence on Sep- Umber 16th, and would solicit a continnance of favors (ot tbe ucw Drai. AU time InfiMHifi to Mr. D. Mayer will fi .i the book, and note, at tho Auction office, end are oarno-iiy reqnejv ad to call sad (ssplO-Uj D; MAYER. money to be made. r HAVE for sale L 16 Shares Union Loan and BuLding Associatioa. One l,u00-Dollar Cetfedermto Bond. ’ J.R. WALLACE, janiStl At the Store of P. k G. I. Dodd SALT!SALTI SACKS VIRGINIA BALT,Jnst received and for sale on commission by B. M. PAKK8 k 00, >18 He «W | 1 U 29 * n 24 8u 1 « 23 85 1 62 40 w* 86 48 84 40 40 tw 48 50 40 46 55 41 4a 60 r ifcr sinn