Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 25, 1863, Image 1

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BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE BY ADAIR & SMITH. >ot*thmi ifrnUlRMt * AdvtrtUtBf Atktdalt qg » Confederacy ud ruRuu of fiUBsoRimoa. [ “»“$«**• month.., ;7".T ~ZZZZZ I oo Meekly geranium , ■ . ' Wtuuyftevfe aumtu..z. ~.. ' ~' “ f00 •4 ;• ip# *-CW'*aW*j»tou 1 y la .u vum. V / F * r ADVERTISING. “ ' £ '• *' /■**, •»»*• «*< *" ‘«*>os or IBM, on* insertion, St, u_d ’ 'J 1 > l^>«tB*Br sseli sutueqseot insertion >tn U>on one * ,UBfe»,. 1 iijuar**,. Inn. E mo*. 8 mu*. 4 me*. ( mo*. 19 a. • T $10 $1S $16 •*0 •so Hi 18 1* 90 80 40 la > *< 81 24 80 j 00 U do if 88 as 1 60 13 28 ft W 82 46 40 in <25 80 86 48 45 « 5*0 8* 4u 46 70 as M - si *8 06 76 >i OX 40 40 50 80 * 82 41 4b 4o 80 . *'”l«tere* ; . I *)«*<•», '* r«*>. » * »|iia<cv . v.uarea,.' • vaxly ndvcUuibg, cut. tU privilege of change, wtl ■ taken at Uw MMfl|| lUW! oiu> square, renewable once a month.................t AS . o. ll.iee r. t uar, e, ....... 60 > m ouc-fanrlii Uotuuiu,... 00 out-hall OWumn, ...„.: no ; •••r oik Coiaoi %..... . 280 1 tabular fork, with or without rule*, anl advertise • ■ .1* occupying douliio column, will be charged double n . move rales: -sty uinsmaftW not marled on copy Cor a specified time, • -i>i)Mfci<luilit-d unui ordered out, and charged according * • u.««,MWe rates. •■iv-iiRiscmeate inserted in the Duty, and Wauu.v, edi- .1 s nun, wik.vt charged So per cent, additional to the rega- Q w VR-foUGA . ■ . i . j "• > '•any am»rte»ii wm 01 limned to theepace cootract- !■■■ • -FLmwJmI JR’Cliargtd extra at regular rates for ... (ftp*‘an, Copaitnersinps, Notices to Con- 11 aavia SOtOHOB ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1863. a a solovob VOLUME II—NO. 292 NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., hard w ar e Commission Merchanls, (At the 8tore lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U AVS IN STORE and are receiving a.itock o( gene- ral Hardware aud li.,u»e tiinn-.hii.KGc .If for whole sale ard retail Alec receive on storage and sale Produce and Groreriee, sud every specie, oi M.-ic J1.1i.Ji9e on lite ral ieiu.s ’• . # " * M9" We will giro perticnlar attention to consignmenta, and furnish correspondent with market report* when dwired. dee9 8m r/t£ » ,*uu payment demanded quarterly. I .sms.ur at., sariaik^ a dot a* rnlo ■ run m An- >.i «iii appear in the weakly paper tin- i*i«/i, i|Niiat Aiatrr.t. >.Ww.-> 1 Momenta M be inserted in the Werkly paper only tn >.' u.<suiar intervals in either of the papers, will be .1 -ai .1 A',per square hr every insertion. .'Aii'i.-uncagg candidal** for Stale, County, and Munich pr*> ...n.(A aa.h—t-. b* paid la advance in erery instance. V.I i.i.cititjfl, gitp tor Ohnri tab u Institutions, unitary was .at*. Oompainsi-, Ward, Town, and other Pubilc Ueet- rwe, Will be nlMVdttuiijlU price. t».iiq» and iicythk arcyubJumcd as newt; bulObn- unu Ij.l.uu*. ofdtctpee, and funeral invitations as l'.r rnvaUhmaimte. .'iditdrM vrotaio. 1: tsi. per Hue he paper, under mo cuonaieiailoea, to b included in t utraci. n miWlrtP 1 ^WfA Mo J. lucimn or variaUou *.,1 b nade irom the (orego- .. 1 site. AliAlS A SUITS; - . will be charged 90 tt. JOINER A BON, (iitiNKRAL Commission Merchants, AND TOBACCO AGENTS/ Office and Warehouse in tAJUitfruat. tfLtii fc, tUUTEBALL 8TBEST, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. 1/ EEfacMotantly oi hand a Eood assortment of Vir- liy jtinta ytkuulacjured and An.oldcg Tobacco. l.tsjo tniaee Xub .eco (assorted brands -.‘AOOyxiuodaWashed Wool tOO cps«a Bmoklag Tobacco; ',00 kegs Nails, (assorted;) ‘1A balee Osnaburge 6« barrels Floor, ' * . 1*6.000 pounds ttolphnr, Ac. 1 •Ail orden-abd bneiuass atuttated to tbeut will recalls t iarsOnal am* prompt attention. novSO-tt t .', MAYER A RERINGER, Commission Merchants, UD WHOLXSALX HIILXKS IH ’ MRBCHAAD18E, REAL ESTATE, BONDS AND •*! stocks, • 5 Corner WhiteDall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR attontion paid to consignments of Mer chandise entrusted to tu, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day sales are made. ■ noTlS-Stu - ** " NBUtlim 1KO. W. ADAIR, J. HKNLY SMITH, NDITOXS AND PBOPBICTORS. J. N. CARDOZO, B. C. tililTU, M. D....... aasocun iDirtaa. I !1US f\ MW aOTOBX6iiH NEW ;.|A* K M. R. M. PARRS & CO , a. rr c t i o n AND n Commission .Merchants, No. H Alabama Stroet, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. R ESPECTFULLY solicit a chare f patronage and hope i by etrict attention to buslneaa to give entire satie- iaction to tbeir patrons. dec5-tf 3 b kMoss h uooa 1: i e uiu AMOSS, LIGON Sc CO.. Wholesale Grocers . AMD* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, i • VTtOR the sals of Produce, Merchandise, Real Estate, Ne- l 1 . groea, Ac. ’ * ddej-ti tuQNDEU m MACB1MB SHOP P'OR MALE. t a til hi U\UEiidiGNED, Propriet-Jts ot the Chattanooga A. Foundry and Mechtuo Work*, propose to sell the en- uie establishment, embraung Machinery, Tools, otook oc Hand,. U-I-I of whkb la as ocmpletebe aoy Vstablish- meui ol the kind in the tXmtedcracy. We axe uew doing a targa and pro&ubla bnsiuaee, whKh would gc unniudt- •niJUAl i~ 1 •*- oot successors lhe Superior ad- * niagek o* leoatiun w i i always lneuee sc increasing bn- .iur.w to any uxttci deklted i eisnns desirous to invest .o weti to call and examine. THUS WEBSTER ft CO, ^ u.ttaniAiga, Jniy SI, 1S». augS-tf. W K inu. M 00LB. W P IK) INMAN, COLE As CO.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Beal Estate, Live Stock* Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, &o. il7E Lav ample etore room,and will give personal st- VV tenBon to ell bnsineas entrusted to us. Office ir Beech ft Boot’s (tore, Whitehall street. .*. novl-tl BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXC HA WGK, BANE BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' By U. SAL08HIM ft 00, Brokers, ‘* uovafPSm* " - ASbama street, near Whitehall. WotiCd—Barka Wanted. MLD.CAL PURVAYOK 3 OFFICE, I Atumi, us , June BL lSeS. j . tiA Le t erieaB.will it j .id by ihe utduMgneu Lr A. taige qimnuuee 01 the following BAUKS: fltiu, bianche.«id root ol Digwiod, uroci p eferred); UMaliM and'IBaU'bf V\ hiie VS itiuw; toot, ttuuk and* u ABuaiicaa d.plar, (ealicJ *lno \Vbite-wood, -^Uiee-wuod anti tally -tiee,) icx i ;*eitrrcd. 'ih. ee bulks must VO c. i dueu and teewely peck ed. Ibe, Busy be brock hi U this office, or sent to Mr. L. t>. Walier/BetuuiaU Agent, CariersTiile faa.; cr W. W. limbarn, Botanical Agent; Decatur, Qa. • geobue b. llacrie, yl-U. Bavgeoaaad Medical Purveyor, v. 3. A. Agency for V a. Tobacco. .A.* CONNEIiL, Late of Memphis, Tcasm. '1 t *a eatabltahed f« .Si, cig sorry, Alabama, • bist-ciam Li. Aw*«M»fcv>ettJdiilie J?SMOKING AND OHKWING ViKutNIA XGBAUc' i. to wbu b be w- cut iMpeclIuilj dl- iCI tuUtp bltentt-ib. ItK- .-l re l.ral.ri) coupled tf iea,i, ixqi.ll. I ,. a Li-ittb, No, H CoJri .tieer, Ui been tNW>< U ttn ysiyci- a i.«re at*ail tiaie, c-*e be kaod not ie , -i. 0 , l<3r 4^ bums gen, ,aI ae.rUbeiit ci Tobacco Mt- Viigiuia; bulal.oa. ctaui sopi'l - 1 the t-ww.1 ■I Ciaiee ol cLGAR. Tbs l«cUit>e» a,r Ottatning GEORGIA SiLTHAMUFACTUElMSCO., B PHILLIPS, AGENT, M A H O IS A (J LI ALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, AT THN ATLAMTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 6,000 CORDS BARK. . 7 * R. T. HENDERSON, Agent. J null if oj Ul -| g,g -a" '---■■wt i* aarpeae <11) any tiiti i..«« lu the Cca- ln d we will send ihe biwdaaa they may direct. —yBAif A VALt,f|>; n vill v HhsiDkLiE FoR sALL. N HEAU‘i u festal Goviagten, Tne house hsaT >ftrw*imr<*,>e»AJ kiteben andk^ooi negro h> lot contain* • acxqn has a good pack and »; pu- ■•‘-‘if', ao^L,u«og-Ulu^g well of water, and all uecewaiy M r.iATge. It ie abcntmioway batteaathe two UoilagdN a: kb—Wtc FeOal. sad Emory; klao, 100 acre* g •*‘ngUnd aesrly, 46oi whuffiis wo-^land, ;d with tbs bouse and lot if deaired. Foi , apply -to the undersigned, or T. ?'o52w X. CRAWL3Y * BRO . >, ... ; , *, F: auk tin BuUding, Mltnki OdonM** 0 VF1CK—At MefficelUoUegn. .nid«K Calhoun vtreet, near tfte NOTICE. .f FRODGCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. S UBSCRIBERS to the Produce Lean are earnestly re quested to pry up their subscription*. Tbs *o-, em inent uestree an carry settlement. All persons wiHi funds to invest can-1 render a greater SUV ice to iheir country than br taking eight per cent bWt of the $r,0o0Jg)u Loan. We are prepared tafaaae them promptly: AUtbe Bonds ordered by us for anbactibers have arrived and are ready tar delivery. They- wili fdaaee forwud our Keceipb. in tnebange 1 them at the risk of Ik* owners. The Cotton of hare will be tak m at ihe market price by tb-sCfoverumeot |AGENTS AT Savannah—E Hobenlam ft Bona. Uclumbue—D Adamt Macon—M 0 Monroe. Kewuaa—1. J. flaaon. LaGreage-Jeeee McLendon. Atlanta—A- P. D**ring. Griffin —R. King. ^HUIUT ft CLAYTOX. jand-lm General Agenu Produce Loan for Ga. .MONEY TO BE BADE, I RATE for sale ~' . ft shares Union Euan and Building Ataoclatkm. One 1,000-DoUar Cenfcderate Boaffi From the Huntington (Ind.) Democrat, 8th nit. Strong Resolution* Passed by the Demo cracy of Huntington county Indiana. RESOLUTIONS OF THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CON TENTION. The following resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote, by the Convention on the 6th inst. They have the ring of the genine material. We commend them to the attention of other conntie3 in the State: Resolved, That we, the Democracy of Hnn- tington county, in Mass Convention assem bled, accept the late 'elections as the j lodg ment of the ripe, intellectual manhood of the country, in which thiB corrupt and tyrannical Administration has been arraigned, and by a just and righteous criticism condemned; for, among other things, precipitating the coun try in an unnecessary, unholy and ruinous war—for the many palpable and w eked vio lations of the Constitution and its most sacred guarantees, in the total diregard of the rights of personal liberty and private property—and ife tyranny over our own race and foolish re gard for a servile one—an audacious tram pling upon the rights of our own citizens, with a humiliating crouching to erery foreign demand. n 'y . : • . . ; Resolved', That it is due to the people that their expression at the ballot-box should be regarded; that by that expression the people have most emphatically said they wero tired of this unholy war, and that the members elect to the next Congress should feel them selves instructed to insist that this war shall no longer be prosecuted for any other purpo ses than the restoration of Laa-Uuion of all the States, as sovereignties, upon, terms oi perfect equality, as was intended by the Con stitution of our fathers, and that no appro priations of men or mcney should be made for the continuance of the war for any olhpr purpose. . ^ '-‘-•iL.'-'T V^v.. .■ Resolved, That we regard the restoration of peace to the country, upon honorable adjust ment of the issues involved in this calami tous civil war, as paramount to all other con siderations ; aud that in considering the terms of such settlement we will look only to the welfare, peace and safety of the white race, without reference to the effeot that settlement may have upon the condition of the Atrioan. Resolved, That it is due to the tax-papers of Indiana that they should know to what purpose their hard earnings have been Ap plied, and that we recommend to the Legisla ture now about to assemble, the propriety of instituting a strict inquiry, by appropriate committees, into the financial conduct of all our State officers, and more especially that'dl the-Governor, with, reference to the prodigal appropriations made by that silly and corrupt Legislature of 1^61. . i Resolved. That when we survey our. present unhappy difficulties as a country, as well as their origin and surroundings, the responsibiK ities of their authors and the consequences to future generations, the solemn and imposing proportions of the subject inspire with a con tempt for every thing of a deceitful or times serving character, and impel us to speak frankly and make this solemn declaration: • Theft, had it not been for the fanaticism and peculation of New England, our generation would not have wiines3ed the ghastly spectre of disunion ; and were it not for the same cause, still potent ior evil, those difficulties could readily be adjusted. Therefore, we declare, that when we have exhausted every reasonable, effort for the resto ration of the Union as it was, should New Eng land stand in the breach, we, as Western men, will consult Western- interests and Western pride, which alike forbid, that the great, Missis sippi Valley should ever be divided, and thereby rendered tributary to a ruinous system of Yan kee intolerance, cupidity, and class legislation. No! never will we ior one moment consent to sur render the fellowship of any of her gallant sons, or the rich commerce of her broad acres. No! The great Mississippi Valley, “now and forever one and inseperable.” Then will we say to New England, with all her cupidity, with all her meanness, yfanaticism, follies and moral turpitude, we bid you good-bye, remembering you only lor the wrongs you have done. Resolved, That were-affirm the following res» olutions, adopted oy us in County Convention in August, 1861: L That next to the liberties of the people and independence of the States, we most earn estly desire] the, perpetuation ot. the Union of the States, but we solemnly proclaim the con viction that this Union can only be preserved by the maintenance oi the principles upon which it was founded— the voluntary consent of its members ard a scrupulous' observance of the rights of each other under the Constitution —and that “war ie disunion.” 2. That we have always accorded to others the right to criticise and freely comment upon the acts of public officers, and discuss, in a be coming manner, through the press or otherwise, all subjects in any way concerning us as a people; and we claim the same privilege for ouiselves, and will reaist to the last extremity any and all attempts from whatever source they may come, to abridge or interfere with such rights. 3. That tyranny and cowardice are monsters of the same birth, and now,« ever, seek to cn* trench themselves behind the military, and that the keeping up of the army lately, so wickedly and unconstitutionally, and now under the command of Abolitionists and unscrupulous adventurers, is inconsistent with the liberties ol the. people and already present the frightful proportions of a militaiy despotism. 4. That we have no sympathy with the cause of Secession, and do not believe that in the election of Abraham Lincoln, to the Presidency—Abolitionist and sectionalist as he was known to be—the Confederate States bad any jnst cause to withdraw from the Union. But the facta are se apparent that all patriotic, moral and sensible men must stand appalled at the unscrupulous perfidy his Administration has inaugurated. That E rjury and usurpation characterize his pub- : career; that neither written Constitution nor official acts affords any guarantee against 1 the licentiousness of nis Administration, and' suppression of the writ of habeas corpus, in depriving citizens' of liberty and property without due course of law—in the levying of war by the President—in raising an army, in providing and maintaining a navy—in giving a pro ference in commerce to .(he porta of one State over another—in the unreasonable .search and seizure of persona and papers— 1 in the desecration of the homes and homes of citizens—in the subjugation of the press- in the prostitution of the telegraph—in the abridgemnnt of the liberty of speech, and like wrongs and usurpations, we have wit nessed the overthrow of constitutional liber ty in America. , 5. That we take pride in rendering a cor dial support to our Government in -tho exer cise of all its oonstitutional function8, with out stopping to question their propriety, save at the hustings and ballot-box; our loyalty to our Government shall never be prostituted to asyoophantio adulation of a tyrant, or a quiet submission to his usurpations. 6. That we have acoepted the Constitution of the United States from onr fathers, as a fortress around the liberties of the people prescribing indexible limits to the powers of the Government in peace as well as in war, and We h61d its inviolability paramount to anyemergency, and no necessity, however great, can ever jus ify its violation. 7. That we have unbounded coaddence in the gallantry and courage of tho Western Volunteers, and while disapproving of the war in which they are engaged, with all its ruinous incidents, they have our kindest wishes for their welfare and safe and speedy return to their homes and friends. 8. That in the President’s late message we see ngtping to ctwarAhe heart of the patriot, or that promises peace to t he country, and we do now declare that we have no confidence in the patriotism of the President or his ad visers, .and that we unqualifiedly condemn his policy of emancipation of the negro, or the colonisation of them among ns, with or with out compensation. The following resolution was offered by L. FT Milligan, Esq : i • Resolved, That we are in favor of a com merce based upon the principles of free trade; a revenue upon an equitable system of direct taxation, a currency composed of gold and stiver only. ; Confederate . . /■* 1- «N8URANCE COMPANY OJb’ ATLANTA. ittre and Lile Insurance. throats to Dc DLvitieu W •• «•)*. I*.• •.. sm- ren tail t. > . j , AVINU ooutpUeO WlttgtiW ,.. . . - • tu. ctiaitet, n this Company i* -road] to rtc« slE.■* Kir in- •cranes and iuae policies, at thoir office iu Juiuuou’g Block in Whitehall street, near Empire House, against look bj are, and on the Urea oi slaves and of white person* Insurance la now oflerod to the citizens of Atlanta in a lotue office, combining the security of a Stock Oapitai with be advantages of a mutual company. 0. F. McGAY, President. Host. J. Lcwkt, Secretary. DIE EC T © E S t Joseph Kinship, 'lM»* s* James Ormoud, jUlStl At the Store of P. ■* I 1 that in the wanton and palpable violation of ]fp.tRTim* I the Constitution of the United States in the* AectT- B. K. ttawson, . E. P. Oiaytou, oi Augusta,’ If. D. Linton, * ' A. J. Brady, CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female. T HE exercises of this School will commence Janbairy 19th, 1868. Two 8esakms ot five months tmeb. * * TUITION PER 8ES310N. Primary Oiaaa ....,„.L$tO 3d Class Vw..'ihLAi*jjwI 80 25 Having been engaged in teaching for several ye at a, we *fol assured that we will give satisfaction to all who may dienria' With lbelr P* tron *E®> end give n$ a lair and cau- Stiict faithiulne a in thadlwharge of ffisMha,MM*fkl compliance with needlul legulationa and ofopiitty of de meanor and punctual attendance at all times, wilt be re quired of each pupil. Pupils charged from time of entrance HU close ef ses sion, except in c sea of protracted sickness. For further particulars address TH0S.A CRAVEN, V or Miss— , Janl7-tf Jonesboro’, Gi P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants, And General Dealers in GHUCKBIE8 & COUNTS.Y PKODUCE, L vf i<4? Decatur fcjtreet,39** ? >***V j^ ATLANTA, - *5 GEORGIA. ^•Prompt in orders and remittances."u janl4-tf * MK4DOWYOOK” FOR SALK. L; YTTE speak advisedly when we ,ay that wo have rn-ver li oflorei Bnch a rural property lor sale, it ie situa ted one and a half miles West of Decatur, ou tbo Fay- road, and rix miles from Atlanta. 1 be land constat, of 260 acres, eveiy acre lying beautifully, au.-. ol thiB number of acres, lully fifty consists of eacelleut branch bottom. Ono huudt ed acres tif heavy w coded, lat d, has hardly a stick nmiss. The hour oia not oicelled in all it- app< i tmeuls ai d finish, by one country resi dence in a tuonsand, S x rooms, hard finished; closets, pantry, with gta«s door*—rooms united ty foldiug doers, are Boult of the advadtagts. There is a large young or chard, emhrauug in Us catalogue, literally every fruit grown lit thin latitude. But call and soe ths place loc youtsL-ives. We prououuco it u perfect gem; ; S J. SHACKELFORD, V. M. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers .« -- —AND— COMMISSION 1BRC3AMTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA* GEORGIA, .VH4* *s teaii SAL SODA. '*-■■ ■ YIBKCBB SAL SODA an consignment and for tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, Commission Merchants. a, « w®*. sugar. > QAA HHDS SUGAR ICO bbls Sugar 100 sacks Sugar, on consignment and for sale by , ANDERSON, ADAUl ft 00, JaaSl-ti Oommitefok Merchants. NEW HICK. 10Q RICr, on ooneignmant and for i-, ANDSR80N, ADAIR ft CO, jsn21-M C-mmisaion MerchantA HOBJEUY AMD BUTTONS. tW O ft { ’ DOZ MEN'S ENGLISH HALF HOSR ; <VtJ\J 360 groat gross Agate Buttons. On consignment audfor sale by ^ *»* ANDERSON, ADAIR ft CO., janll-tf Oommisrion Mercuantt. K* lr BALT. ,: “ l C” ; * i ***r’7 • )< I BOLS. KANAWHA SALT, on consignment and for ” * Ie by ANDERSON, ADAlK ft CO,. Jan9-tf Oommlssiun Merchants. SEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. t-J KA BBLS. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, oc coualgrunent aud for s iiu 1 v a*' and for a tie by Jnu9-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR ft 00, Couimissioa Merchants. RIPLEY & WOOD, ' Commission Merchants, m ' • ; * '• r 'Whitehali Street, ATLANTA, - - - ' - GEORGIA, YX/ ILL attend to buying and selling all kinds of bier- * * chandizo. All orders for goods must Le accompa nied with the cash to secure attention.; >’■ Jaull ly WHITE & POWERS, WHOLEIAIB AUD RETAIL GROCERS Marietta Street, ATLANTA, fan!3-ly * GEORGIA; W, H. HEHDEBSUK 4 CO., ,-^r .. Jij.-l AND '£’-<•* i | Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, A ATLANTA, GKditGIA. G- Auctions weekly. Plenty ol room ior storage 'i i o t.iOri Kta i/Urjw kaottiiai j | ;* NOTICE NOTICE ! ; TTNDER the recent Circular instructions.of thr Adj’t, U and inspector Gen ral of the 0. 8. Army, dated Richmond, January llib, ami approved hy tha Secretary of War, 1 have been appointed by Lt. Col. H. D. Capers, and under written in tructlons from-Brig. Gen. H. W. Mercer, commanding the Military Di-trict of Georgia, will at once proceed to oirtuiu recruits for sny Company nowiu the 12th Ga. Battalion, at tavaunah, either as VOLUNTEERS, or if ntciiiarj, by Conscription. I call upon every man, wnether young or old, to raliy to the standard of his country in this the crisis of our Revolu tion. VOLUNTEER, and I will PAY YOU THE BOUN TY allowed by law. If yoa will not, keep out of my sight—hide behind tho Exemption act, or in acme ob scure place, for I will conscript you, certain;: V IJ—.i ' TvrUl be at the store ot Crs. Hamilton ft Markiry, where any one wishing to Volunteer can leceivo the BOUNTY MONEY. .. oJA CL W. JOHNSON, Jsl22 2w Co D, 12th Ga. Bat. Those Liable to Conscription MAY YET VOLUNTEER. _ gj Thdxoxebol, Batvebt, Jan’y litb, 1903. U NDER recent orders irom the Secretary of War, per sons sub.ect to Con criptioc a:e allowed the pmiU'se of Volunteering. It those wishing to avail themselves of this pritllo e, and get to the most desira ble poet in the reprice, will apply to me by letter, I will •end them transporta' ton to come to my company: tuV Address me at Savant ah, Qa. E. J. CRAVEN, Jan20-lm Oapt. Cm C^PW^EXyg. Qa, Vole. A “GOOD EGG,” SURE. <*y na-ACRES OP WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR RAKE, (7 9 w ithin i even miles of Atlanta, on the road leading to A kloysou’s Perry, with a comfortable dwelling house aud nut-buildings; also, a No. I Steam 8aw Mill iu fine running order, with lathe and shingle machines at- isctt-il, vin i-. ver suffic uni to mu them all at the same lime. All ior !.|6 atm (f {S^OOn. Those wishing to putthlse will pi ease apply to J. B. UiysonJ'Aflknte fe male Ln-iiiote, or J. b. Alay aon, on the premises. deel.-tT »ii*Jhte tkk DECATUR ACADEMY, ■■■>; # >* MALE AND FEMALE.. B enjamin t. hunter, a. m, principal—Tho exercises of this Academy will commence ou the 2d Monday of January. Rates of Tuition per annum, $16, $20, $30 cud $i0. The Scholastic year wili be divided into two terms oi five mouths each, and pupils charged from time or entrance to the end of ths term. . . V- ,,' A. T. HOLM kb, Pres. Bi ard Trustees, janip-tf MiLTON A. CANDLER, Secretary. FOR HIRE. I IWO LIKELY NEGhO MEN. App y lo . _ 7/ ; Pi ABE A DAVIS, Commission Merchanls. , ,v_. - ■r ^ R SALE. ■ j O NB HOUBE AND LOT, on Peach Tree street, trom the car uhecL, conttkiciug 6 rooms aud good out boo ildiugd, ty JfEAeiB & DAV1&, / I? Cornu;tseion Mcrchaui# AtUnU, January -Hh, 18b3. jftoi-lm FOR SALE. Ty*. ■ A v bMALL Jp'ABM, lying on tbe M A W K K , thro© and a bull mile* irom tbe Car Shod, co. twining 210 arris, about 40 l r 45 cleared, tbo bulance in woods. WoU ti u- bered, and a petty goed two ttory heme, kitchen and out> buildings. Sort r»l springs ud<1 a orst a at© aeii of water are on the premises. 1 will suil aU, or a part, cl' thu (MteHUfli Afijfoftp SMB By early application to the subscriber, a bargain can be had. **-. J. G. TRAMMEL. Atlanta, Dec 81, 1862. dec81-lm W. H. HAHHOH & BHOIHER, * - * wholesale .w. gar Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declu ly %. •Jz-.'C.Setl Y3 RJ j -U bASAWAY/Tl E &OM BOYLE’S CAMP, an the B. and N. Ala Railroad two negro men, GEORGE, about 3d y*.ar, old, w.-icin. i*5 or HO (Lunds, dark compii xion, about 6 feet 8 or 9 inches high, rather-quick ipoken. NoliGE or NOR VAN, bright mulatto, d feet or over in heigh;, ,icw spoken, and weighs 160 or 170 pounds, abourSO jeers old. A suitable rewatd Will be paid if apprehended and delivered to John T. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any jaii so that I can get him. JA8. H. PRITOHiCTT, janll-lm isVAtl; Robinson P. Q^ N. C. WANTED. IN s Rolling Mill at Knoxt ille^ Teon, a Pudier, to whom •l l #0*d.wagcb will be paid. Apply at jau3-tf ANDERSON, aDAIB ft C0’8 Store. • • . “ MADEIRA WINE. “ * ’ O NE BBL. AND a FEW DEUIJONS, “A No. 1” Ma deira Wine, on con -ignment and for sale by J%n3-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR ft CO. CHICORY. Of V DARRELS CHICORY, the only subsiitn c for Coffee, Ui and for sale by the barrel or smk by- ANDERSON, AuaIK ft 00, OommisMctt Merchants. COFFEE. rjIFTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on consignment and j|? for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. jinS-tf j. Commisaion Merchants. logwood, -aJWaa. tt. 1 A BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on consignment and ■ for sale by Jao2-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR ft L0-, _ Commission Merchant*. ■« .PEA NUTjS. ‘' J BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on' tefoadgnment and decU-tf 50 150 r’»* • COTTON YARM, BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment and for ' 5 ANDERSON, ADAIR ft CO. decll-tf Oommission Merchants. f . - QUININE. ..-J OAA OUNCES BJBT FRENCH QUININE, on oeniign- fAJ'J inent and lor sale, by N . - .frrt- ANDERSON, ADAIR ft 00, * ** nov2C-tf Oommission Merchants. , r- H Uituri » HAHNEBB. : • ~ SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and lor ) sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR ft C0,£« nov21-tl Oommission Mecrbauts. r*.J-flour. .j >-ii BBLS. EUPERFINB AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and for tele by I t ANDERSON, ADA^R ft 00, > novl6-tf OommiMion Merchants, ^‘iiMBwflgEACH BttASDYtJWffFjb- F FTY URLS'. PUKE PEACH BRANDY, on coneign- uiHil aud for tale by.1.-' |W* ANDERSON, .IDAIR A OC. VT u^Hd.^itli qfM* fo One mission MepctviwiU. ***Ty**^yCHAflPIOgE. f)A DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE,, on consignment and 4lU for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR * OO. uuvl6-ti " Cc.mmisaion Merchants. t fotffo.: * f wo HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YKLLOW SOAP. k I 26 Boxes Toilet Soap, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR ft OO. nov-16tf •, ifpt JBS *i ' SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for tele by ri5-tt ANDERSON, ADAIR ft CO, Oammiaeon Mavchanu. [-.iiiadffil" COUNTRY JEANS. - A LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on consign iu. nt biui for sale by T I 1, -aiV teik ■ ANDERSON, AfiAIR ft 00, mu if-.)* OcmsMni Harchants. WANTED TO HJRE BY THE MONTH. X GOOD ACTIVE NEGRO COOPER *• KW"US -4 good active negro Carpenter* ...... ,.af ^ 2 good active negro men to work in a stord 1 good active uegro boy, 16 years old 1 Apply to t. M. FISK, j»a->-lt Whitehall street Atlanta. Lot •eXffor*(i>-**y/gciiooL. I N the basement of the first Presbyterian Church, the nuderrigned alii open a Female bchot-L an tbe first Monday in Jnunnfy n<xt. A >ew boy *, under ten years of age, wili be received- .. jSk . '• ft W eerft'CUi PaYmani, half in advanae. dec31 tf MBS: M. C. COLE. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOB, BALK 1 rwv ACRES OF LAND, 15 cleared the balance heavily JL <wU ti, fcereJ, with a Urge, completely flnishefthcaab coutaiting nine ro-mt with j loect* and fire placw; two f- u med negro bouse*, *m Jt c house, cnrrUge hoa.tL sU ble, i ti ™ wtW im p^ TBC l or unimpr, cow shed*; a fine orchard, a large garden, kc 8eid place >* n cJ^alniag gome 600 or ldOO aci foakwfcd tutu pat lie load, five mdes from Mnuctia — ■ — aud tix from Powder i-prings—both place* of r sort lu For particular* apply to B. W/joyner, of tire firm of Hamilton, Markiey k Joyner, Atlanta, or to J JM. springer, on the p. ennsea declAtr SKY GOODi. 5000 YARDS c 4 ** 100 * 8 300 yard* bleached Sheeting 250 pair Ladies’and Mia*.«Gajtenand Slippers 12 dozen Men’* aud Roj’* Hat* Aud a variety of Fancy for sale at wholesale ft BROS, j 4 * '’“Wantedto pi^uchase. r WISH TO PURCHASE A GOOD CITY LOT. nno in 1 - mtetete ved. AfaKsnPtenl Ji , ^ l jff r i*g. n - C f 1 Railroads. Addresa or call on 1 > ~ . n. a. mclendon, dcclfttf p t och-Tr. ' 'boop folks, wasted, A T THK’xMPIRB DISTILLERY, immediately, 2U,0 A T H.cko^H-,P poiee, f<w_ fUJBARRLLS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for telo by OU 1 FOaTKR, QUEEN ft Cu. free HOaeHRADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR • G for sale by declfi-tf ” FOSTER, QUEEN ft 00. 50 TIERCRS RICK for sate b; FOSTER, QUEEN ft OO. QAA SAGES RICE FLOUR for *al* by ow docis-tf Foster, queen a co. OfV~) BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for tele by -dUU d „ ctM f FOSTER, QUEEN ft OO. • 1 ft BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY -LU tor .. le ty . „ d^lg tf FOSTER, QUEEN ft CO. OMALt L »T FINK SHOES AND FRENCHCALF SKIN O Boots for sale by _ . „ d.-cra-tf FOSTER, QUEEN ft CO. FIFTY DOLLARS H.KWAH.D- L O T, oq the 9th inatant, between WhiaohaU « I Grant'll Ho-pila, a leather rocket Book, cnntniatnq Ueiween one hundred and aevanty-fiv* sod two hundred dollar.—Confederate nctee—priuctpniiy in JWeiltl** had tens Ths fioder will rrce re the above reward by leaving sue book and mcney at ihi* office, or returning it to me at Su“ HMpiUl - »- FOSTER. . . WASTED. vvisning to contract"for the aboTe must apijly “J I—q HIRE, A DWELUNG HOUSE containing five m fix personally or by letter to Wm L tbe und^.g^ rooma,.I<csted convenient to the boMneaa portioo ol janll-lm* •>,* ritv. Amir to “ovSNtf ANDERSON ADAIB ft 00. BALT I BALT I . E “ teb Yo i SACKS VIRGINIA BALT, Just received and f< 1/g4 »!«> eommiteton by^ ^ pAEKS ft CO, decl3-’ f Corner of Alabama and Prjcr street*. DEL JAKES V. ALKXAffiDEB, QIHOK tt hi* residence, on the south ride of^M*r>e«t»