Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 27, 1863, Image 1

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m V 1 BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1863 ?ouibeiR CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female 'PHI exercises of this School will commence January I l®*h, 188S.' Tiro Sestfons of five month* i ach. TUITION PER SSS31CN. Mmm ogKsfi., rl . no 2d Claw ltf 8d Class vo 4th data 85 iMKhH*M|i|i<|(iwhh|tr«imlyMti^* tael assured that we will gire aatia&otion to all who may »»Tor us with their patronage, and give un-a fair and can- did trial. * ’ ~ * * '■ * 1 ksj. Strict iaith'ulne a in the dis> barge of duties, a cheerful - 8Alt SODA. 16 SAL SODA on consignment and for sale , „ ANDKRBON, ADAIR A CO, JanSl-tf — Commission Merchants. Wtild of protracted sIckucBi. For. farther address i Til 03. A. CItAVKN, or Hiss—— —. inn HHD3 SUGAR JUU uo bbla Bngar ■> 100 sackafiu^ar, an consignment and for tale by , ANDERSON, ADAIR * OO, Jaazl-tf , .. Commission Merchants. . P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants, And .Oenersl Deal ers in GRQCJtRIES & {JOUSTRY PRODUCE, IJecattir (street, ATI. AMT A, . - . jtftteu. AT*Prompt la orders and remittances. JsnlA-tf '-"Maw KICK. ua *• 100 -'RW *ICr, on consignment and for ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO.. jAhSl-tf 0. mmlmicn Maxima. HOSIERY AND buttons. * DOZMEN’S ENGLISH HALF HOSE; J 860 great groat Agate Buttons. :ouaignment audfor sale by , , ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00.. 11-tf Oommisaion Merchants. •i I'aenlar work, wl •tie uocupying Jonl liatwit rates: advertisements not i • MEADOW HOOK.” FOR SALE. ® speaif advisedly when we say that we have norer A SALT, on consignment and for ANDERSON, A DAI a A CO, Commission Merchants. Jan9-tf NSW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Kf» BBLS. CHOICE N. O. MOLABSE3, on consignment and for sale by • ANDEREON, ADAIR A CO, MADEIRA WINE, VNK BBL. AND A FEW DEMI JONS, “A No. I” Ma. / deira Wine, on ccmlgnment and for saloby |in8-tf ! ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commisaioja^llfehants, WHiteliaU festreet, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA, VU ILL alterd to buying and selling all kinds of mor on consignment and for sale by the barrel or sack • ANDERSON, A Dalit A 00, 1-tf . j jam Commiaalon Merchants. So. id Alabama street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, . . a . GEORG R ESPECTFULLY solicit a share f patronage and by strict att.niiou to business to give entire i taction to their patrons. dec! the desk, in charge of a heavy set of books. An el- * —Sablta desired. CRAWFORD, FRAZER A CO 'hi si •• •' COFFEE; ‘ - l EMPTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on epnsignment and n tor sale by ANDERJBON, ADAIR A OO, janit-tf Oommiasiou Merchants. LOCWOOD, n BOXES BXTRAOT LOGWOOD, on consignment and -"for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR d CO, • Commission Merchants. JwMW ROCK. AW AY ABO BASKEgg FOR SALE, A HANDSOME ARTICLE, nearly new CRAWFORD, FRAZER d 00, No. 8. Whitehall, street. WKITM&POWEES, J*a858t COOKING STOVE WANTED. A LARGS SIZE COOKING STOVE, in good order a. CRAWFORD, FRAZER d 00, J*n26-8t No. 8. Whitehall itreet. AMOBS, LIGON Sc CO., Wholesale Grocers , aVINQ complied with the pray. ■.< iS U i.-.. e | fhl. (XMipeny I. ready to n. .'Tlfou,. a lr*nce and issue policies, at thee .. Dioc ,n Whitehall street, near Kmpu. u-... nu< w. c Sre. and on the lives ol slaves euu oi .,<uw jo.. »u. no advantage, ol . mutuaicomp^^ dost. J. Lowar, Secretary. • 11 J 1) i K b"c"t 018: Joseph Wiusiup, JamewOrmond, j c. E. Ran son, A. J. Brffly, It. P. Clayton, ol August*. PEA NUTS. a BUSHELS ESA NUTS, on consignment and or **** br ANDEB80N, ADAIR d 00, tf - Commission Merchants. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, JDBGATDB. ACADEMY, MALE AND FEMALE, OSNJAM1N T. HUNTER, A. M, PRINCIPAL —The >. exercises af-tW* Academy will commence on Urn 2d Monday of January. Rates of TnUlon per annum, *16, $30, *30 and fie. The Scholastic year will be divided into two 7 : ak. — V. >. Ihtl, ei.ur u J frAtn tlnlfi t). D, Luton, terms of live months each, and papiis charged from time ol entrance to the end of the term ■ ri ■ ‘ ; A. T. HOLMES, .Pres. Board Trustees, MiLZON A. CANDLER, Secretary. janlO-tf Commission Merchants, pease a davis, Oopimlaslon Meichapl*. JanS5-lt No 8 « Whitehall attest. , LIQUORS. JHNE UQUOBB.bythebaix.^ , OQ> No 8, Whitehall, street. HO DISCOUNT. O N w^PT at.spaMA INBPRANCSCOMPANYChange Bills. We give Confederate notes for them At pas. * CRAWFORD, PRAZFR d 00, Janlb lot No 8, Wbitabail street; 6K0B8IA AND SOUTH CAROLINA BANK NOTES. 4,000 * co, jiaa.2t No 8, Whitehall street. CHANGE BILLS. IITKare buying Alabama Change Bills—payable li W in Montgomery ^r Eu&ula, Alabama. CRAWFORD, FRAZER d CO, j*o85 tf No 8, WhitehaU street. FOR Si /VNE HOUSE AND'LOT, 0 1 J miles from the car shed, good outbouildings, by , Atlanta, Janu ary 6th, 1868. Those Liable to Conscription MAY YET TOLBKTEEft. Thbnmxboit BAttiST, Jan’y 17th,1868. U NDER recent orders from the Secretary of War, poi sons subject to Con-.cription n.eag Jn allowed the puvilego of volunteering. II those wishing to avail themselves of this pririle e, and get to the moat dealt*, bie post in the service, wUl apply to me by leCUr, 1 wHl aend them transports’ionto com o tomydVmgW.^ i Address me at savant ah, Ga. E. J.CBAVEN, jan8o-lm Kept. Co. 0, Phoenix Reg. Ga. VS*. atuet 40 exE cleared, the t .bawd, aud-wpetty goedtwo nboYo land. 7 ^JBj cart/ application to tli f|\UE UNPER8I0NSD, Proprietors ol the Chattanooga 1 uatxLse. -eU of which MaeOppu.i. U' , aey'esiuhiuh- mens of the kind in the oonfuderaey. We are now doing a large and prufiMtile business, which would go immedi- «lei\ into ikt hand* of our •uccaMora. The Superior ad* V .Dtages of hcation will always Lsase khtmling bn- *■ Sewiiij ,lr sir.ina trv ini Mat GEORGIA 8 ALT M AMUFACTURIX6 CO B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, Atlanta, Dec 81,1868. > ^ W. H, HANNON A BBOTHER, j :• J • *. rr«r? v-*f * • ! WHOLESALE Commiasion Merchants, ^/^..HO^TOP.MKKY, ALABAMA, . j Notioo—Barks Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYORS OFFICE, A rusts, us., June SB, ISO. 'I ME be * pttoea Wilt le ysid iy the ut.derMgi.ej J. large quautUias ot the MUvnug BARKS: Cteas, bcanchea and root o: Dtgw ood, (.not p elerrt bramhea and roota of White Willow; root, unnk branches ol American Poylsr, (called also Wnlte-w. Canoe-wood and tulip-trtej) ic-i prolarred. barks must be w 1u.It mUd and securely P bouse and out buildings; alio, a No. t Steam B fine mnning order, with lathe and shingle hi Cached, wi>h power suffie eat tons them alls time. All for the small sum of $5,000. Those tt hole sale and Be tail DRueeisT ..COUNTRY JEANS. . LARUE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on consign- ment and for sale ADAIR A 00, ' .it.j Commission Merchants. ' ' li; .KAN AW AY, taROM SOYLKHuMP. on the 8. an d N. Ala ffuljresi H ’ two"negre man, UEOEGE, about 30 year* old, weighs 146 or UO p.uuds, dark coaipltXiuh. shout S feet 8 or fl InchevYiiKh. raShar^alcfc'- pokeo. " T7IR0M BOYLE’S CAMP, on the 8. and N. Ala Bidlraali H ’ two"negre man, UEOEGE, about 30 year* old, weighs 146 or UO p.uitds, dark coiupl. lieu, shout S feet 8 or 8 --V-T ^L.t. NOROE or NOR VAN, bright mulatto, 9 tael or over in heigh., ilow spoken, sud weight 160 or 170 pounds, about 80 j eers ohU. A suitable reward will W paid if apprehended and delivered to John X. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any jaii so that Lean got him. • ' JAB. H. PRITCHETT, »f£u-lm • !’«* ** Robinson P.0..N.Gi SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, WHITEHALL STREET, One Boor from Mitchell St.> West Side, ff.swTA, . GEORGIA, ATLANTA STEAM TAJVXBBY. FOR O A S H, 6,000 OORDS BARK. i d t cl8-tf*' j8 lJ FOSTER, GUKKN A “ C41fcr Roster, queen * 300 8 S^ KlfU) ^>^QU*Eh * onn PAURETR molasses to arrive, tat aele by 2U0 dt<l8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A -J fk BAR'-! ELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WH declRtf** 1 * Ly FOSTER, QUEEN A S i MALL LrT FINK SHOES AND FRENCH CALF $JBg fCI “ l8 ty FOSTER, QUEEN* NOTICE. PRODUCE IC AR SUBSCRIBERS, 4««yteaUkl^l SMOKING AND CHEGiEb VIMLAIA TOBACCO, to which ae would rmpectfuRy dc ocl public Stuuttoo. The si re lor»erl» oocuyJetiby icmow. MtddlMon A Lcmn, No, 11 Uun •user, haa b*«n . a * .. . .a -It mat. k 9ni MOt i promptly. Ail the look out for him. #175 REWARD. ,i—j to the business port tun of AMDKE80N ADAIR * 00. TME PUBLIC GOOD BBFOBB PKIVATK ADVANTAGE. YGLUMB fl—NO. 293 JyhElkffK 8nMlfM(4 iMbserlpilon * Advsrtlslag Ashedula af i ha ronfcdirscy sad lataUlcaMuar. TEEMS OF HUMUklfTlON. Gaily, per annum...— |lu M uaily,ilx months— — — 6 i>0 Daily, one month— 1 no tVcekly per annum— 3 00 Weekly, seven months 8 00 Weekly, three month*. 1 00 • -v«>«ai rs.iuired invariably in advanoa. ADVERTISING. J.e a,aa<e •< U Una* or test, On* inseruuu, Si, a-u • ilt> 0.011 lot Men subsequent insertion less than one -null,. tvquare, 1 SI J - tuarea, — I io J Squares I 18 I '<|uaic.,—1 U 1 '«uur.s, id i * 8 mo».4 mo*.,# mo*. 18 m. 810 •18 $16 $80 $80 18 if I 90 « 40 l 11 81 1 84 80 60 1 -X* 84 1 93 1 86 66 88 fS 83 40 « i 11 80 1 85 45 66 1 » <4 40 45 lo *.) 87 | 48 10 n 88 40 I 44 65 bo 1 “1 41 | 4a 60 at OHO* A A BOXOtfoE NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., hardware AND Commission MerchantSy (At the Store lately occupied by Brady * Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AVE in STORM and are receiving a (took of gene ral Hardware and House Furnishing Co*ds for whole- I sale aid retail Also receive on storage and sale Produce and Groceries, and every specie* of Merchandise on libe- [ rai term*. | 49* W* will give particular attention to consignments, aud furnish correspondent with market reports when ‘" J ‘ dec9 8m IN" o. tS . CRAWFOBD, FRAZER & CO., Commission Merchants, A UCTIONEERS icarly advertising, with tha privilege of change,vll •. taken at the following rates: i. one Square, renewable once a month, $ 86 ■ or three Square*, — 60 Fur uo Commission Merchants, - so* MAYER A BERIMGER, I OD COP/ 1 Jill published until ordered out, and charged according I ; iK« Above rates. * i v-rtneraeiit* inserted in the Duct, and Wnacv, edl- • iu., 4 ui cc charged 60 per cent, additional to the regn-1 0 iaily rale*. * advertisers will be limited (o the space contract- 1 r»..y oul he' charged extra at regular rates for euu, .;.iu, Removal*, Copartnerships, tiolicer to Oau- MKfiCHAS0i8B, BEAL ESTATE, B0SB9 AfiD STOCKS, Comer WhitehaU and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. A SUU •< ,*uu peyaehtdemanded quarterly. — . — .— «d» Aovsmsiso ecer ai paid torn m Ah-1 made for all Good* sold the day ealee are made i ,*ua> I uovl3-8m No a-ivsruMBMOi «ui appear in the Weeklypaperun- the Weekly paper on J ‘ ^ „ w ^ “ , ”“ 0 * -■ at irregular intervals In either ol the papers, wUl he I 4* IC W 1II3M. . h *rge.i $1 per equate for every insertion. Anuouuciu* c*ndid4tea tor State, County, and Manici- •ai odee, 66 cadh—t'. be paid in advance in every instance. All eiiveriiscmsnw for Charitable Institutions, Military no, and other PabUe Meet- wJ Hr.i UompaRfou, Ward, Town, a n*», will be charged half price; Marr.ue. end death* are published as news; but Obit. I frt * NEW B. M. PARKS & CO, AUCTION a.ri«s frlbuie* of Bcspeet and Funeral .nviiation* a* Ihor .dvertuement*. KJil.nal Nctioss to Local Ooinms, will be charged So j dOk4 pur Urn. he paper, under no oircemetaaoee, to b inaludedlnaj “wedeooetwa or vsnalmi. Mb nads from the ftr«« .. rates. bU^E* SMITH. U. JOIHER A BOX, general Commission Merchants, SID TOBACCO AGENTS/ NO, 8. WHITEHALL ST, OPP. INTELLIGENCER OFFIl E. In addition to our AUCTION AND NEGRO HOUSE, No WhitehaU street, we have fire proof storage of 3000 barrels capacity, at our warercoma, No 1, Alabama street. Our Negro Yard and Lock Up, at No 8,are both safe a-, d comfortable. Dealers and other parties will find us pre pared to feed and lodge well, and from experience in the business since our boyhood, to hacdle the negro properly. Chargee reasonable and right. Satisfaction guaranteed every in tance. Parties at a distance may know ont market by address ing us. CRAWFORD, FRAZER * CO, Jsn25-6m No 8, Whitehall street hbYSToNE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. s/’KEF constantly on hand a good assortment of Vlr- j IV ■tula tfauufoctored and Btnokloi In store and for sole— 1.000 boxes Tobacco (assort* yuOO pound* Washed Wool 100 Smoking Macro 800 kegs Nails, (assorted;) 86 bale* Oanaburge 60 barrels Flour: 16,000 pound* Sulphur, Ac. Ad order* and buMnam entrusted to them *111 receive! pareonal and prompt attention. noySOAl FollbDRY ADD HACBUB SHOP FOB SALE. M OQUL W F UQU8. INMAN, COLE Sc CO-, GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of merchandise, Real Estate, Live dteofc. Bonds, Stocks, legroes, Ac. Itfl have ample store room, and wUl give perwnal at- VY tention toaU bnsineaa entrusted tons. Ofllceir Beach * Boot’* store, WhitehaU street. novl-tt to Lhi4 uftce, ( A^cLt, U*:w.%uiv ua;«W.W. Dnthmn, Loumrol *£-■!. »°S^aR B. BLACE1S, jrl-tt burgeou and Madfoul Purveyor, v. Agency for Ya. Tobacco. .A** C?OJbsIjLj Lnta or Memphis, Tamm. in* Jr it., beat . wn. oi Virgmia; butaUoa constant suppi) -• 'h® coarmet | Bonds ordered by—_ ■ . —d nnass giamt of SUGAR rb. lacimiw «• JbtMnlng I rssdy for delivery. tDfy* 1 I ‘— sued we wflieend ilia bond* aathuy may teect. We hold rhem at the risk of the owners. The Oottoa cf Butuxi- }b*i* will b* the imukct price by the Gcvermsect A VALUABLE FANILi ESSlDbKlE iVH sALK- jin S EAB the Depet at Ocvtcgtcs, Ga. Tb# boasa hu 7 rooma, • Ar. place*, t t .ad kuchsu and 8 gaod nrgro The foi con: aim 6 acre*, h*. a good p—ch and appi. crcbaij, good, naesr failag well cl w*t*r, and ail neroeaaty outbuiUiig*. UiaaUnt miows, bet -centhe twoUuUasewvis: It.aoaiePeaBale eai; liws 1^. aersa C *A forming ted aavfoA 46.1 abnhis wffifond, vrhkh Will liaastd with tha teuae U.d ioltr ae^rud. Fo. KOBAia U CRAWLEY A BRO . j^j u Franklin Building, »EO. W. ADAIR J. HENLY SMITH, ■DITOBS AND FKOPRIBTORB. 0. SMITH, M. D,..„ J. N. CAllDOZO, *8600*18 xnmxo. GENERAL Dealers in Negroes, Cargo Sale of Imported Goods. BY R. A. PRINGLE, So. 131 3IEETI5S STREET, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. JAMES H. TAYLCR, Auotionnbe. O N TUESDAY MORNINQ, February 3.1868,commenc- iug at 10 o’clock, will be sold, GKOCSRIBS 17 bexes Forest City Adamsntiae Credits. 1 chest Tea, Green ‘ 60 cheats Oolong Tea 8 rases Sardine*. % aud J4 boxes 68 box s Family Soap MEDICINES, DRUGS, Ac. 350 lbs Blue Mas, 8 drums Balsam Copaiva 71 bbls Copperas ,j | 7 bbls aud 1 box Cream Ta* tar, crystals 4 kegs Citric Acid 3 kegs and I cask Tart trie Acid 14 kegs Chorale Potash U kegs Powdered Cream Tartar loo Wfti Ext Logwood 1 case Assaioetttda 1 case'111 Beigadiot 1 case Prot Iodide Mercury UO oz Morpbiue SHOES AND LEATHER. 15 dee Call Skin* 6 ca-.e, awl 8 tru nits Mens’ Boys, and Youths' Shoes HARDWARE^AND CUTLERY. ’ 1 cate Bel Handles Kutvrs aud Forks 100 crest gross Sewing Machine Neelies 47 dtz Pea Knives DRY GOODS, AO. 17 great gross Uooksacd Eyes 84 dozen Felt Hats 6 bales White Flannel 100 Melton Jacket. 150 Blanket Overcoat. 1 0 piece* Colored and A'ourt lag Pilots 53 Uoz.n Wool Hat. 30 pairs White Blankets 15 leans Saundeia’ Bank Note Paper 460 packs Pine, black and white 16 cases Spool Cotton, black and white 1 bale Blue Overahirts M bales Blue Twilled Flannel bales Seal let flannel 4 lb* Red .-ealing Wax 878 lbs Shoe Thread 844 dozen Ladle.’ and Gent’* L C Handkerchiefs 87 great gross Bone Buttons 83 great gross 4 hole Buttons 13 great gross Agate Buttons 18 7H dozen Ivory Fine Combs 43 dezen Dressing Combs 71 dozen Bordered Hat dkeichicle. j*n24-eodt3feb ’ VV- ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO.. Wholesale Grocers w —AND— COMMISSION MERCBilTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) , _ ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ANDERBON, ADAIR * CO, «. Com mi sal ou Meiclistiti SUGAR. COTTON YARNS. K rv BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment and for ,[)U sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, decll-tf Commission Uerchanta. 4LYI1N1NE. cynri OUNCES REST FBENOH QUININE, oo consign- meat aad for ssle l)/ ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, nov86-tf Commission Merchant*. harness. 5 "JS5“ am tt * B SI»»rS5S"i S’, v J. ..* nrdvimU.ifin VsvrViantE