Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 29, 1863, Image 1

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- V r>, » ’ r i • * •• * 7Ti flfft X—gafp*' 1) . . 1/ / ... ”L. -1 X-f 'ft'* . .. * rtlVl.L ■— ■" til rVBUO ©ODD BEffOBE JPRSTATE ABVANTAGS, BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29; 1863. VOLUME H—NO. 295 IN’ O . ^ CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO- (4KNURAL Commission Merchants, AUCTIONEERS Dealers in Negroes, MO. S. WHITEHALL bT, OPP. INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. In addition to our AUCTION AND 8, Whitehall street, we have 11 rq; < barrels capacity, at eor warerooflft Oar Negro Yatdund Look .Up,at ' comfortable. Dealtn and other ponjea id TJtnd oa pn- • pared to bed and lodge well, and from experience In the ibuinam atoce ourbojhood, to bar die the negro properly. Chargee reasonable end right. Satisfaction guaranteed I to every in tar ce. . , ' - ' Partiee at a distance may know oar market by address ing**. CRAWFORD, FRIZ HR A CO. i»uS*fm,-i. No 8, Whitehall, street xasntf toLonon A A BOLOXon NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., ilEO. W. ADAIR J. HENLY SMITH, ■DITOBS AND PROPRIETORS, a SMITH, M. D,.... J. N. CARDOZO, HARDWARE Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady k'Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, j^JAVK IN STORE and we receiving a stock of gene- ml Hardware tud Rouse FajnbhingGo' d» for whole sale ard retail Also metre bn storsce and sale Psodnce and (iroreriea, aad every »pec tea of Merchandise of libe ral tana Oaf We will give particnler attention to consignments, aad tarnish correspondent with market reports when MAYER & JBERIBIGER, Commission Merchants, AHP VHOLUAU DIALUS U PARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of Mer- . . chaudise entrusted to ns, and prompt remittance made Ibr all floods sold tbo day sales are made. HOGS WASTED.. P ITS HUNDRED BRAD OF KII.UNO 11008. to be be delivered at ar.y Railroad Denot. -this, dr be delivered at ar.y Railroad Depot, -this, ifr next “ CRAWFORD, FRAZER A CO, uionifa. jvi.a:-ot Army Contractor*. HIDES, HIDES. S LAUGHTERED HIDES on heed every da-. . CRAWFORD, FRAZER A CO, Army Contract- re, J*n fi-w . - ' • Opposite Intelligencer Offloe A )anJ*-i Vr GOVERNMENT BONDS. . ■ FEW MORRWi TlIK SAUK SORT IP’S and 1(0V, • ter cent. CRAWFORD, VriAZtCK A (XL, Mo 8, Whlttball Street Commission Merchants, No. J.4 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, > - - GEORGIA. mLHIGOPa. F INE LIQUORS, by tl e barrel OHiWFOKD. j»n25 tit AZER A CO, No S, Whitehall, street. 3 KSPEt-TFULLY solicit a share f patronage and hope . b by strict attention tu basineaa to give entire satia- laction to their patrons. • dec6-tf. NO DISCOUNT. ■ O N SASTALABAMA INbUKAKCEOC’HPANY Change Bill*. We aiva Confederate notea >or them at pas. CRAWFORD. J-UAZIR A CO:, Kp 8, Whitehall street. SB AX OSS BUIS. We JaalOlOt CHANGE BILLS. . ‘ W®*** tnjlng Alabama Cbatge Bills— payable In *"» In Moxtaomar j - r Bothnia, Alabama. CKAWfuKD, FKAZKR A CO, - 1, Whitehall strre jauSa if Mo 8,1 TOBACCO WABEHOUSE The under si gpad are agent* Air the sale of TOBACCO, Fiom the largest and best * MANUFACTURERS Of' Virginia & N. Carolina, Stillon. - m oolx. -V wpnrxAit. INMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Real Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, . Hegroes, &c, I ATS have ample store room, aad will give personal at- VY untion to nil business entrusted tons. Offloe Ir Beach A Root’s store, Whltehall.atreet. .noyl-tl And will ed itr rill keep constantly on hand a large and trail .ok of all grades required far the trade ct the Confederate States AND AT. ' MANUFACTURER’S PRICES The attention of , ' DEALERS Is invited to this stock before purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B —Lists of an breads with samples and prices, sent by mail qr express, when desired. j*nl8-lm H. JOINER & SON; general; Commission Merchants, TOBACCO AGENTS/ Office and Warehouse in KkVSTOSB BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET,. * .ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ,T**F constantly <m hand a good snort mint of Vlfr la Maanfoctnrsd and Smoking Tikacon K 1 la sure and for WjO buses Tobacco (asserted brands Z.WB pounds Washed Wool caret Smoking Tobacco; . lAu kegs Nails, (assorted;) . . gg boles Omabnrgs Bo barrels Flow; tt.000 pounds Sulphur, Ac- ‘ AB otd.r, buetew* w <nisre3 tu them wtU receive Iteotfoa - * - novfttt •AO REWARD. A SMALL DAHKOi-KKM TRUNK, a mtbac MraSaiUa AlbneeerJU 1 , waa taken from tbe MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BONDS AND STOCKS, Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Great Anctlan Sale of Negroes, BY ROBERT M. CLARKE, SLAVg-DKALBD, ? WHITEHALL STREET, ON SATURDAY, 31st JANUARY^ On next Saturday I will sell at Aaction,at my Slave Depot on Whitehall Btreet, commencing at 10 o’olock, the following negroes: Jack, 22 years old, carter and laborer. ' Paul, 18 years old, waiting man. Isaac, 16 years old, waiting-boy. Diana, 44 years old, cook, washer and good ironer. Harriet, 13 years old, to be sold with Di- ana. - Patsey, 20 year's old, and child, washer woman. Hannah, 17 years old, and child, two years old, cook and house servant. Sarah,2l years old, and two children, seam stress. • . • . ALSO, A good Carpenter, very smart and Quick at work, 46 years old. jan27-td NEW FIR NX . R. M. PARKS & CO., AUCTION Type Wanted. We want to purchase about 350 pounds of good Nor.parsil type, having .a .full supply of quads. We would also like to purchase a few fonts of type suitable for displaying advertise- mergs. - Any ono having either or both kinds to sell, will ploase address qs stating the quantity, condition and terms, and sending specimens. w ADAIR & SMITH, Confederacy Office, Atlanta, Ga. a a unto AMOSS, LIGON Sc CO., Wholesale Grpeers ‘ ■’* AND ' ' . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Comer of Whitehall su'd Mitchell Streets, ■ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Our City Circulation, * Mr. Joiao Reneau has charge of.our’city cir culation, and will devote his whole time and attention tC seeing that -the Confederacy is promptly sent to all. He inexperienced and ■reliable, and will do his utmost, to have oar city subscribers furnished with tbo Confedtr- every morning. He is aathcrized to re- re subscriptions for us. ‘ tf. TOOK the sal# of Produce, Merchandise, Rest Estate, Ne il groee,*c. - BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, exchange, BANE BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. By M. SALOSIIIN k 00, Brakers, . ‘ - Alabama street, near WhltehalL GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASOltlC HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Wanted, thb “ ATLANTA STEAK TANNERY. FOR CASH. 6,000 CORDS BARK. R. T. HKKDSBSOH, Agent. Janlftf NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. S UBSCBTBKRS to the Produce -Loan are earnestly re quested to pay up tbear eubscriptlpcs. The -iovarD- bni desires aa early tmtlement. AM persona with teade to iavset caun. t render a greater service to tbstr country than by taking eight per cant bends of the gl,0U0£w.> a We are prepared twfoano them promptly. Blithe ordered by aa for snisotlbera have arrived and tee ready for delivery- They wMIpIsess forward oar Beoetpts, aad we will tend thabotdesa they may direct. We hold them at the rfok of the owners. The tiMtoa of Subscri bers wRi be tabea at ihe msikat price by thsflnyrcnmsat la exchange for Bund*. jAGKSra AT A Bob JariC-l PHIN1ZT k CLAYTON. - ' fla. ■itimo. Taa above reward will ! Trunk aad ontedts ter Mr. A J. _ t Office, ecd no queetioc* aekod. Foett MONET TO BE MADE* HAVE for eole bane Union 1,000-DoUar 4SS0CZATB ELITIR8. Volunteers Wanted for the J CL fiLYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Coast fifty dollars bounty. I'ltW dyiaa <Jf>rta of Uneolb’e mlntona- to “crush dot I. the ctnar word*, to eubjugste and inrieva the ftpa oUieiaeof tbeSoath—la now being made; te. ci ■ Srt Class'. eervice—a ball victories By tbo South—will close this ttehdy and cruel war. Bet 'a tingle reveres, ' ' in its character, may protract it indefluite- however trivial If- Who, then, capable of bearing' arm* will hciUa.e to go quickly jo the reacne 1 Let laggards—all who hug their moory bjgt, or ciiog to the pleasure* of in- atead; make up minds to i elinquirh thelg own and their cblldrcnVrUbt to share in the glory that will for ever attaclr to thoag who aid itr winning pur lod.pen- |xha«Hdaraigaad lain Atlanta, under ariera, «4m the purpose of gajitriny, Oouac ijlla, and oeodacdog tbfflg to I Sti* command without passing Them throngh the Oaatps- of IPs traction, In the usual manner.” He baa authority, alto, to fceelv* or Volunteers all wllhin the og*a ol Con scilptlon who may pretest themaelves for egrollmtut in bia Comptay. Tbeah wlilbe entitled to all the bsneflta (including Fifty Delian Bounty) guaranteed .to iho urLinal members of the CMupiuy. * | >e Jo Taonraox Aktoirar It a Me unted Company, ■ lantly, twelve foborelained ■The uuderdgnqd Invites all who wish to volunteer in the nett agreeable arm of the tertice to call oh bim iihme- dlately at the Uonntlug ttoda’- of Msj. J. K. Lovijoy, on I Peach-Tree street. Jit will, in the meantime, ferr<t out •Uemfe: might in. !- • - C. 11. DANLEITEK, toillfin aU laggards and have thorn bis S6*oJard3t Capt. Jo Thompson A tiUe.y, * Oommandlng Bsaullen Batteryi- - . i. £xlraet-from Orders., . , . Cynamch Btnuuv,.i i ■. B'chmoDdfihhuary sd; l8fob f Jhbj. IF, Richardson-Hunt, P. A. a. S. AiVy. ' ' - ■ i “exemption you win sto ^H|MI|m>eePjprertol exeicpt all ‘-artieauB, lr.echauics'and employees in the estublisliruenta of such porauus as are or may be engaged, under contr.-ct with the Goieramait, iuisrnishingarms, o.du-uco and ordnance stores, and other munlthna of war, sacto los, bai uoss and a. my supplies. ’ Tlu se men must all ) ouudled, and then detailed, as provided in rccitiou six, meral Urdeis C o 82. . ; . Y, u are denignated «s the Ord[Kill: e ofUcer to net, under this law,-tor uli coutraotois withm.your jurl/diction. ’ J. OUKtJAS, Col.. * , Chief of Ordnance. In pursuance of the above order, all Iron Masters and her contractors withiu t © States of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and 'lenuesseo, will make application to me ior tbe detail of inch consci lptB as may l o indlspensj- ' e in carrying out their ro. tracts with tt e Ordnance Do- irta eui C si, To prevent bands, it will bo required ol t-W)i coot acbrr making npp ic.ition for thj dnait of co’iscnpi*, that his requisition nlitdl be accotnpurjed by a certified copy Of bis contract, on oath that th services of. tire persons desired'to bo detailed are ludispentable for acy i affiant Will turn the^consoript over to ihe Enrol ing officer oftbedistilct forscrvlo in tho army; also a certificate, of the Enrolling of the dhtriet, that the persons named in the requisition have bead properly enrolled. Certified’ei and oulUs to b.' by and lef, re a Ju.tice of tbs Peace ec otther i ogistrate utvborized by law td administer oaths. All communiortious addressed to me at Salma, Ala., will meet prompt attention* - » . Wtf. PICIIABDS )M. HUNT, Jan2T-4w 8 «j WO., ou crl’i.aii^Duty. ' J" < S Ladles I Ladles'! I - ‘ *. The Ladies of tho Hospital Association are earnestly requested to oook for tho wounded soldiers now in. the Hospitals the .ooming week. The oommittee will remain ns it now stands. Provisions to be .furnished a t the store room. .* * Mbs. ISAAC WINSHIP, * , v ■ President. ^KOTICE! TTNDIik the recent-vj.i U and inspector tien m Emhmoud, January llsh, aipl of War, 1 huVe been sppoii. V d by bv. Cob 11. IK and under written in. tructious in ’ : Notices' ■ .' - The Ladies of iho Soldiers’ Relief Society are requested to call at their Store Room, and get work. We are informed that the soldiers are very mnoh in need of Bhirts and drawers. We are also very mnoh in need of old linon and ootton doth. ' • HRS. JOHN COLLIER. lrom Brig. Gen. U. W. Mercer, commanding the Military Bi-tnct' tf Gocrgia, vtm at ouca proceed to obtain recrnlts for my Company how la tbe-l2th Ga. Battalion, at tavannah, eilh.r aa .VOLUNTEKBS, or if netess ary, If conscription. I aaU upon every man, whether young or old, to ral.y to.tbe standard of bis country in this the crisia of ourBevolu- tion. VObU.NTEEIl, and I will PAY YOU THE BOU>* IY allowed by law. It you will not, keep ontof my sight—hide behind thwMaewptlen net, or in tome ob scure place, ibr I will conscript you, certain. I will be at the"etore ot.Drs. Hamilton'A Markley, where any one wishing to Volunteer-can receive the BOUNTY MOMMY. - O. W. JOHNSON, ’ Jau222w . ■ - Co.D, 12th Ga. Bet. Gasfltter wanted. A good gasfitter can find constant employ ment in this oity at good prices. We have not a gasfitter in the city, while almost every house wants qpe.. If any gesfltter sees this notice and oonclndes to come, he will please oall at onr office for his first job. tf • Odd Fellowe Ball, FOB THB B1NMFIT OF 8I0K SOLDIEBS. A Grand Ball will be given by Central Lodge No. 28,1. 0.0. F n on Thursday, Feb ruary 6th, 1863.. AU citizens are invited to attend. Admission $5. jan22tf Pressman Wanted. . A competent pressman can secure a perma nent situation, at the highest wages, on im mediate application at the office of the Com- monicealih, Atlanta, Ga. jan24-lw Cow Wonted. Any one having a No. 1-Cow with a young calf, or that will soon have a calf, can find purchaser by applying at the Confederacy office. ^ sy 3000 pound Bar-Soap, just received end for sole by ROBERT L. CRAWLEY & BRO., Commission Merchants, Franklin Building, jmn23-2t. ' . * Atlanta, Gy. Hbadquartxbs Miutabt Post, \ Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. loth, 1863. / Special Order. It is hereby ordered that from and after ibis date, all combustible' materials, such as cotton, hay, straw, fodder, Ac., which is non stored in buildings contiguous t A Government propei ty ef any description, be immediately removed to sae^ludistance as tb secure the safety of all such .Government property in case df fire.- This order is imperative. The removal must not be delays! ■ By order G. W. LEE, *. Commanding Poet. Male and Female. T IBK exercise* of tbli School will commence January 19th, 1868.. Two BHOMof live monthhvaoh. TUITION PER SESSION. *10 4tt Clara..-..» Havlfig been engaged in teaching fur leverol yean, we freTaamred that we win give aatlafootlou to all who wq Csvur us with their patronage, and give us a fair and.cau- did trial, • • - " » ’ ' lr eti let rallh’nlne a in the.dls< barge of dnt'e*,aehec>rfbl eomplianoe with ueedlpt legulatiom at d propriety at de- ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers - U-V —AND— .* ;* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, * ' . (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) , ATLANTA. GEORGIA, eomplianoe with neeuiul icgulstiuns ai d propriety of de meanor and punctual attendance at. aUtunes, will be re quired of OU.ll pupil; . • ‘ . -■ - -■ Pupil* charged from time df entrance 611 dew ef wa- slou, except in c 'aea ef protracted s.ckncaii For fiiriher particalara.addren * “ . THUS. A. CRAVBN, . -evQBw —.I jvn!7- tf Joneeboro’, fla.' P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants, ^ And Oenurol Dealer* in GEOCJERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, D»?cattxx* Street, ; * • ' ATLANTA,. - •* - - GEORGIA. Aw-'Prompt id orders and remittance*. - Janll-tf ' - A IHEAUOVVNOOK” FOR'lAUl 1 U7 jt *pf&k-|dTi*edljr when.wo >ay that Vr have never YY ofieiea such a rural property for sale, It la situa. ted one .and a halt nile) West'of Decatur, ou the Fay. eitevl.le road, And six miles from Atlanta. The land pdnaiat- 260 acre*,eve-y. acre lying beautltally, anu oi thi* number of acre*, luily fifty consist* of excellent branch ix/ltom. One hundred acres of ln-avy wooded laid, has hardly a stick amiss. .Ihohouaett not exoelied In all it- app, J, tmenia aijifinia'j, by ono country resi dence in' a tnousaodl Sx rooms, hard flnisUrtT; closet*, pan are .chard, cmbbtnipg in >t* < | gtuvu la this latitude. Uut”call and *ee'tUs place for y out selves. We'pronounce it a perfect atm. % J. SUaCKULVuRD, ■v# v:m. IHEli-LXY * . -.- ' QFWOOn RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, 'Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, *■ - * GEORGIA, 1X7 ILL attei dto buying and aelling all kfude ad m * “ • ehandize. All onlen for good* moat be accomi mer- guoda mUBt be accompa nied with the cosh to secure attention. Janll ly oTsci;! .* I nf A dj’t , Army, dated proved t.y h.. Secretary ATLANTA,.. fonlSOj* Vi B BNJAMHf T. HUNTKR; A. M, PEINCIPAL —The exercise* of this Academy will commence on the 2d fiiouday of January. Kates of Tuition per annum, 815, $20, IRW and $J>. TO* Schotaatic j ear will be.dtvijed into two *nns oi five months each, and pupils charged from time ol entrance to Ihe end of-the term. A. T. HULUkS, Pfea. Beard Trustees, JanlO-tf MdhJON A. UANDUkU, Secretary. ' Those Liable to Conscription MAY YET VOLUNTEER. Thondceboit Bavraax, Jan’y 17th, 1883. U NDUB recent order* from the Secretary of War, per- •on* sub,ect-to flomcriptiou a, c og lu allowed the privilege of volunt«erlo'g. If those wishing tb avail themselves of thi* privile.e, and get to (As most desire- bia peat in tbe service, will apply to me by letter, I will send them transport*’ londo^cume to my company.. Address me at Savannah, fla. JS. J. JjanKl-la Uapt. Ob. 0, Phcsnix Beg, Ga. Vb!s. NOTICE—LAND FOR SALE. Tf AMoOerlng-bBOaa asof Land—acre* in* woods, aad lie cleared—the oiesred land has becfolyingbut --loM togbod milia, and la surrounded by gcOo citixtm, and la six miles North of Conyers, In Newton county, fioorgia. .Any Intwuislto* in reverence to ll; sau be had by addressing the und.rslgned at Conyers. Georgia, or any person wishingJto see it, 1 will" * Jan37-5t* l will show it to them. DANIEL EOOTT. A “ bUOD EGG,” SURE. Qg AQKBS OF WBLjfTlMB$BltD, LAMft FOfi &ALS, vrilhin rsnfo asiles of Atlanta, oe the road leading to Turner at M»yson’s Fepry, with a comfortable dwelling bouse and tmt-boildings; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill In gna running order, with lathe and shingle’machines at tached, wrih power suffic ent to run them all at the same time. All for the small aunt of tiJMu. Those wishing to purchase witt please apply to J. B. Mayscm, Atlanta Fe male Institute, of J.'A Alaysou, on the aramiae*. deci;-tf ■ DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALK. -| nil ACBKS OF LAND, lfi cleared the balacce heavily IgU th- bersd, with alarg*,conpfotaly Sufobed hosub r-'^t ala* bM8»« wflh <lo*et* aad It* cow , kbeSsTaflnearchard..ala^gard^*c. 8Jfi p^ m situated on tba pubUcroad. five miles from Marietta and six from Powder rpringa—poth places of r. soil in summer. For particulan'apply to B. W. Joyner, of the firm of Hamilton, Hockley k Joyner, Atlanta, or to 3. M. ypringsr, ou the p.emisea '.declS-tf ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE. 1 fpnis INSTITUTION: has not, Uen taken for a hospital, the Pfiat wwUl be reported, and I have thb Surgeon that it will not be taken.. The exststosa resumed on tbe 2d Monday in January, and continue for a acholuric term of six month*. Voter the presum e* tb* times me are compelled to raise thi i he charges therefor* will be as follow, _ Collegiate Deportment for six months....™.... 136 00 Preparatory do d* ...... SO 08 Primary do do ; ™a.. at 00 Incidental. v - ,* • ■ ,j , •» , SO Home aad Piano real same o’.dpitosa. * flu.-half the afoot* rbarfmeerb* paid in advance In decIT-tf J. B. MATSON, President. « * order of quattermaster .General, -I have baser, trusted with snare c unud of cohecticg the hid _ __ _ hide. r. tbs beeves killed-forth* army, for tanning, and th* pqptfoasa ol lirsuhir for manafoeturiog. Taunsra kaviu. Lseihcrc ■*“' on hand and wanting Bides, will do wjd^to ad- Printer’s lak Wanted. Any person having Printer’s Ink for sale, j Iroas me arlth proper references. The arfiiy must md it is the doty of all patriotic tana*** to mm foeax. All leather held at unreasonable prices will b. a .,retied F. W. DILLAKD, eeplOtf A. m WANTED. AttheStorsofP. “.TTtnT. Hu pi— »«*«— , J oV P. A^T D^dd. itity and price. tf ‘^mUty. Apply at this office. uov38..t WHITE & POWERS,- % ' wsoiisiisdXb knritL 0 EjO |O E R S.,' ^Marietta SOrdef, - - j. GEORGIA^ ' 8AL.SODA.V- 2*g TIKKCKS SAL 80DA on cousignmoat fad for sale ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Jan2I-tf SX GAR. '* . W4KIUSS 100 sacks Sugar, on consignment and fur sale by • . AADXBSON. ADAIB k CO.. JaR-tf CoomteM Mercbanta ** - NEW RICE. *, 100 NkW BIOc, on consignment end for , . ANDEBSON,'ADAIR AOQ, JanSl-tf (Lmmlsaicu Merchant*.. HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. OKA DUB MBN’fi SNGLItiH HALF H03K; . - 4'JlJ 350 great gross Agate Buttons. On consignment andfor sale by * - . ’ • * ANDEKaON, ADAIB A CO.. Janll-tf - •’ . . Commission Mecuiante. .SALT. OH BBL3. KANAWHA SALT, on'consignment and for a le by ANDERSON, ADAI.t A 00, JonS-tf ' Commission Merchants. JanS-tf NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, cn BBLS. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, on ( and for sale by i * /if’ CANDERSON, ADAIR A Oik,* Jan9-tf Commission Merchants. * WANTED. I N s Rolling Mill at KnoxvlUc, Tens,aPudler, to whom good wages will be paid. Apply at • . ANDERSON, ADAIR k GO’S Store. Q Jn OA BAKREIS CHICORY, the cnly rabsiitn e for Cefieo, on consignment and for boI e by the barrel or sack MADEIRA WINE. . 1 t '-- *NB BBT,. AND A FEW DEMIJONS, “A No. 1” Ms- M at and for sale by RSOX, ADAIB A CO. CHlCORF. by JanS-tf* ANDERSON, CD, Oommirndon fitorahauta. COFFEE. YttFtY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on qonsigomeut and J? for set* by. • . ANDEESOh, ADAIR A 09, TJ»r,2-tf. . * . • Commission Merchants. . * .LOGWOOD, -s in BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD,opoontignmentand AU j 0r sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR k CO,. Jan2-tf Commission Merchants.-" v . • piTaaits. , - * * ' PjQQ BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on cttpslgnment aad or DECATUR ACADEMY, V*” MALE AND FEMALE.' * *. . FOR DIKE. /I1W0 LIKELY NKflaO MEN. App.y to ; Pease k DAVIS, Commission Merchants. FOR SALE.. O NE H0U8I AND LOT, on Peach Two street, 1% miles from the-ear hhed,’-ctntaining 6 rooms and good uuibouiidinga, by PEAS a A DAVIS, . .Commission Merchants Atlanta,-January f>tb,1863. ' - Jan7-lm FOR SALE. .' ? •-. A .SMALL FARM, lying on the K k W * R., threhaad J\.' ahnlfmileairomthoCarbhed,ooi tainingfilUacrea, about 40 ct 45 cleared, the balance in .woods; WeU tim bered, and a petty goed two story hcu;e, kitchen and out* buUaings, Sort ral springs and a flist .ateweli cf water are ou the premie**. 1 wiU sell all, or a pmt, of the •hVT»* ‘ B: By early application to the subscriber, a bargain ran be hadL . - J. fl. TRAMMEL. Atlanta, Dec 81f 1868. '. uec81-lm W. H. HAHHOH & BEOIHEfi,' WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declOly . . . -.' , * RAN AWAY, ; Til ROM BOYLE’S CAMP, on tbe & and N. Ala Boilrcod. H two negro m*u,GEuhflE, about 36 years old, weighs .146 or IcO peunds, dark camnlt xion, about 5 feet 8 inches high, rather quick i poke©. NOKOKor NORVaao, bright mulatto, 6 feet or over in height, slow spoken, and weighs 160 sc 170 pounds,about 30 jeers old. reweid will nr paid if -mpptoheqded and delivered to John T. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined lo any Jail ?. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in an: I can get him. : JAS. H, Pi JanU-im MM* oiiAAvUlsA A , • Robinson P. O n N. a 885 REWARD* X AST NIGHT two stall-fod Oxen, three years old, ore .Jj * f the same dar < rad, .nd tbs other ol a light riid comr, broke through the ttable-cf my IremUe* and can- * ' ' finding the Oxm not oef>und this morning. Any person fiudb will return them, or notify me, aad receive ; will return them, or notify me, and receive a reword of fe>6. G. BE RINGER, Formerly Col Stone’s Building, Jln8f nr- - ^ ■. SCHOOL. _- -• r i s the basement of the first Pkesbyferian Church, the undersigned wUl open a female school, on the first coday in Jonnarymxt. A lew boy*, under tow years at age, wlU be received. Paymeas, half ia advanae. . » decSl tf " . MBS. M. G COLE. WANTED TO PUHCI1ASB. f WISH TO TlRCHA&K A GOOD CETY LOT, fine .4. ^s^!S!^sms^^*Srz Hailruada Sddraraorcailon m- N. A. MCLXNDON. , daclitf punch-Tre* ^ HOOP boles; -wanted, , - . decll-tf -»1 , . ANDERSON, ADAIB A CO., COTTON .YARNS. gjQ BALES OOTTON YARNS, on decll-tf AMD&aOtr, AD AIR *’00, CommiMion Mercbaioti. (gUlNINE. -■ . - OAA OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, c dm\J\J munt and lor sole bjr __ . ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov26-tf . - Oomfirimton Merchant*. HARNESS.' „ * *» 6 BETS BUGGY HAHNjSS, on consignment and tor aatoby ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov21-tt. Oommiaslon MeerhanU. . .. . FLOUR.' . 1 Kfl BBLS., SUPERFINE AND BXXBA FAMILY lou FLGUR, on conrigrimant and for Sole by - . ANDERt'JN, ADAIR A CO, nov!5-tf Commissipn Merchant*. PEACH BRANDY. rUFTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BBaNDY, on eonaign- |< WmKfrrmd•a.DisiOM.AMATRfrOfoy novU-tf Cotnmlss “ OA DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE, 4\) for sale by . ANDLidtuY, CHAMPAGNE. INK WINi AMDERhO. SOAP. * r /r»W0 HUNDRED ANDMFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. 1 25 Boxes Toilet Sea* eutonagnmeut aad te ml* by nov-16tf Gommiseicn Merchants. SEWING HA< urn ■ novlfotr on consignment andfor salt'. iEKSON, aDAIR It CO, Cotnmtoetoxi MwrchAd«. COUNTRY JEANS. A T.awire LQT OF COUNTRY JRANS, on ment and fori novU-tf * 00,- rye PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR to for sola by decl$-tf FOSTER, QUEEN- A CO. 60 , S52f <»» * ». 3QQ SACKS BIC* FLOUR for sal* by , UecIS-tf F06EKB, QUEEN A CO. WfflS'^^JESaSSt'T.a 1 ft EABBXL3 APPLE BBANDY AND CORN WHISKY decl£tf“ lebT POSTKB, QUEEN k OO. S I MALL LOT FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN LSSfTJ*. fobtkb, qdkm A ca ♦- fifty DOLLARS REWARD. Oil, on the Oth instant, betwsan WhiaehaU winning to diotroct for ika alorA must aj pbraoually or bj fe^er to ffa L HQJxor J.nlt-im* ’ - •* HI( janll- SALTI SALT! m SACKS VIRGINIA SALT,Jut received ml* on fomnitoinw by daelSdf T O-T on the 8th L:t warn vrijja^uai* Diict-v a 11 Grant'* Hop pit aj. a leather FodUt contelnitu iVw^oVnehandred«adarrelitf^Ta and iwp hundred dwilora—Coo federal* imtoe-grtaaipnUg to twtaiiaa and . the finder win th* above reward by leaving the book and mcney at this ofitofooT letnpdng it to me WANTED. ir K. M. FOSTER. ——;—- : ANDEBSON ADAIB * 00. GHAUtWft. * DR. JAMES F. ALEXANDER. R. M. PARKS k CO, rtTllOl at his residence, on the south aid* oOtariatt Comer of Alabama and Prycr street*. \J street. ITW