Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 01, 1863, Image 1

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L M Jfe v u 8 Li i C «fOU i ,;8 biirOj&i ' IVA1 f, iAd'jii) \ iJiVAMTASl, BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1863. VOLUME n—NO. 298 No. W CBAWFOttD, FRiZKB & CO., OENKRA L. Commission Merchants, MAAT1I tOLOWOS 4 A aOLOKoK NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BEOS., zmikm AUCTIONEERS Dealers in Negroes, NO, 8, ALL a\ HARDWARE Commission Merchants, (At tbe Store lately occupied by Brad/ A Solomon,) ATLANTA, OEOBOIA, H A VK IN SToKH and are receiving a (toe It of gene ral lixrdwarttand Uotiee YurulGiiug Go da for win le- »«le anl retail Also rtrelre on storage and aal* Produce il ClrocLTloe, aud ever/ specie* of Me'rcbandLe on llte- al ter OPP. lMTKbU(iE.VCKIl OKF1 E. Iu addition to .,ur AUCTION AN1) NURO HOUSE. Ho ■1, Whitehall Btlf. ao fUtvc Urn | r l of 30OU banal*o*j,n i! v, at flier wxi.r N,/ 1, A .1 hauntstreet. Out Negro Yard and Lock Up, at No S, h. e b 'tlcsi’fo at d comfortable. Loaler, nod Mo ' pirii, . a, 1 find uh pre pared to feed and lodge noil, nod from tsperleoce iu the L-oainej* elnce our boyhooj, to hat die thendgio. properly. Charges reasonable and right. Satisfaction guaranteed In every Id tone*: * " ~ ’’ • Perries at a distance may know our market b} addrose- l»g u«. CRAWFORD, f'RAZXK A 00, jtoZAfm No 8, Whitehall street •*- a i will give particular attention to consignments, aad furnish correspondent with market reports when desired. t ■ • d*c9 8m JKO. W. ADAIR,.' J.. HENLY SMITH, SUITORS AND PROPRIETORS. B. C. SHttlJ, a. D,.. J. N. GABDOZO, ASSOCIATE IMTtU. l.C>)G&W It l A Letter from Lincoln to -tbe Defunct Napoleon—He command* an Immediate Advance. ’ . . "I , - '■ MAYER & BERIHQEtt, Commission Merchants, AMD WHoLBAU BXAtXla 1* MERCHANDISE, BEAL bSTAi'E, BoMDR AND stocks, Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA) GEORGIA. IJAKTIOULAR attention paid to consignment* of Mer- _|_ cbandiie entruated to tu, and prompt remittance made for all Good* *obl tbe day aale* are made. novKKim In the course oi ihq testimeny delivered by Mafor-General Hitchcock, in the. McDowell Court of Inquiry, the following. Tetter from Abraham was laid before the Count’’ . . Washington, Ap-il 9ih, 16GV To Major General McClellan : 1 - • ■ My Dear Fir: Your dispatch, complaining that you are not properly stutpiced, while they do noi offend me, pain me vcryjiiuch. Bjenker.’s division was withdrawn from you before you left here, an t you knew the pressure under which I (lid it; and, as I thought, acquiesced iu it—certainly not without reluctance. After you left 1 ascertained fhjtt less than 20,000 unorganized men, without a single field battery, were all you assignedfo be Jeitidr the deteuse of Washington and Manassas Junction, and a part of .these even was to go to General Hooker’s old position. Gen. .Hanks’ corps, once designed for Manassas. Junction, was divi ded and tied upon tho line ol Winchester and Strausbarg, and could hoi leave it without again exposing the Upper Potomac and the Bal timore: and Ohio. Road. This presented, or ould present, when Gen. McDowell or Sumner should.^he gone, a great temptation to the enemy to turn back from, the Rappahannock and flank Washington. My explicit directions that Washington should by the judgment of all the commanders of corps, be-lefi entirely secure, had been entirely neglec ted. It was precisely this that.drove me to de tain McDowell.’ 1 do.not forget that I was sat llOLS WANTED. P IVU HUNDRED HEAD or KILLING 1100.1. to be. U>'deliver*! at at>y Railroad. lx pi t, this, o>- bo'delivered el u; UJliU'll. i*u«:-et ey Railroad input, CHAW FORD, PRAZI r - r %rmy 1 /Lit a lyklwDti next I CO, tiKtiorad NEW X W.BUTCBtSON FIRM.,. isfied with your arrangement to leave Banks at Ju ' HIDES, HIDES. S LAUGHTERED IflPdlOB hand every <ia . CRAWFORD, FRAZER A CO, Army Contract! re, i*u 6 w Oppoeil* lntelligenCer Office R. M. PARKS & CO, ^ 0 C T IO N GOVERNMENT BONDS. Commission Merchants, A * FEW UOKboFTiiKSAMESOKT’ —M’s aad It O’*, I Hi ercrul. CRAWFORD. FltAZHK A 0O„ H per cent. Jau'la I* CKAWFOKD, FKAZH No 8,.Whitehall rtrett No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor,, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. LIRUOR8. { P INK LIQUORS, by II * barrel UiUWFOKD, FRAZBR A CO, Jai,25 6t . No 8, Whitehall, street. NO DISCOUNT. *" O N KS8T ALABAMA INsURAhCKCOMI’ANYChaoge I Hill*. W*git*Ooafodaeaie note* .or lb*m at paa. CuAWYOKD. FKAZiH A to, J lot Mod, Whitehall street R ESPECTFULLY *o licit a (bare- I patronage and hope . by *tTJct attention to buetnomto give entire *atla- by strict attention to buitnew-to give entire ■action to their patrout. dech-tf a a ah oi* suooM ■ iiutu AMOHS, UGON &, CO., Wholesale Grocers < HANGS BILLS. W Beie buying AUbau* Cbaige mil*-payable ini in Montgomery - r Knfoule, Alabama.^ J»n26 if CKAWFoKD, FKAZKR A CO., No 8, Whitehall (treat TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHIKTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GBORpiA, AOR the tola of Produce, Merchandise, Real Estate, Ne- W AEEHOU SIB groee, Ac. ddeU-tt The undersigned are agent* foe the sale of r J? O D3 Jk_ o O O From the largest and best MANUFACTURERS INMAN, COLE &. CO., GENERAL . [Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Beal Estate, Live Slock, Bonds, 8iocks, Negroes, &c. \XJH hare ample store room, and will gire personal at- VV tention to all btuinewi entrusted to ns. Office ir Virginia & N. Carolina, Boach k Root’s store, WMteball street. Manassas Junction; but when that arrangement was broken up, and nothing was substituted for it, of course 1 was not satisfied.- I was almost constrained to substitute something for Tt my. self. v ’ .j And now'allow me to ask:. Da you really think I should permit t|te line from Richmond via Manassas Junction to this city to be entire ly open, except what resistance' would .be pre vented by less than 20.000 unorganized troops f This is a question which the cohiury will not Row me to eva<<e. There is a curious mystery about the number of troops now wilh you. • I telegraphed you ou the 6th, saying that you had over 100,000 with you. X had just just Obtained from the Secre tary of War a statement taken, as lie sa d, from your own returns, making 108.000 men'then with you and enroute to you. Yuu now say that you have but 75,000 when all 'enroute to you shall have reached you. How can this disere pancy of 35, accounted fort. As to Gen. Wool's command, I understand it doing tor you precisely what a like number of your own would have to do if that command was away. 1 suppose the whole force which has gone forward to you is with you by this time, and if so, I think it is the precise time for yon to strike a blow. By delay the enemy will rea dily gain on you, that is, he will gain faster by iortiheations and reinforcements alone. And once more, let me tell you, it is'indiapensable to you that you strike a blow. I am powerless to help this; you will do tne the justice to remember I was always opposed to going down the bay in search oi a field, instead of fighting at or near Manassas, as only shifting and not surmounting a difficulty; that wewoulti find the same enemy and the same or equal en trenchments at either place. The country will not fail to note (is nothing now) that, the present hesitation to move upon an entrenched enemy is but the story of Manassas repeated. '.*'■* I beg to assure you that I have never written or spoken to you in greater kindness of feeling than now, nor with a luller purpose to sustain And will keep constantly on hand a large and well assort ed > of all gradea required for tbe tindecl tho Confederate States BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, | BASK HTT.TR OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. MANUFACTURER’;) PRICES- The attention of By M. 8AL09HIN A 00, Brokers, nov26-3m* Alabama street, near Whitehall. DEALEBS la Invited to this stock before purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STltEET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONI.C HALL, . .. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B.—List* of all brand* with sample* and price*, sent by moll or express, when desired. janis-lin WANTED, AT TUB H. JOINER A SON, .. GENERAL: Commission Merchants,! ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR O A S H, 5,000 CORDS BARK. TOBACCO agents; Office and Warehouse In KLYtiTU/H: BLUl'K, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JaalTtf K. T. HXNDMB80N, Agent. NOTICE, y PRODUCE LOAR SUBSCRIBERS. gup constantly ou hard a grxd ».-» i tm. ut. of Yir- ] IV glnia Manufactured and FruAing Tur in stare aad t r mJr— t UBSCR1BKR3 to tbe Produce Loan ore earnestly rs- " qaeeted lop.y up their sulncriptioa*. The lovern- deaires«n early settlement. 'All person* with fond* Mara 1,000 boxes Tobacco (aesorted braud* AwOO pcuud* Washed Wool 100 case* Smoking Tubacco; ®0 kegs Kalla, (eseorted;) » bales Osntbnrg* M barrels Flow, Ikust pends Salphv, Ac. &ii erdesaend bnslneas •srrested to th.n wiUrweivr . rr*ou«i acd prompt attention. • \f ’ ’ *- to lUTcil conn, t render a greater serrie* to their country than by taking eight per cant bond* of tbe Sl,000,ClUu Loan. We are proi*ied to Issue them promptly. All the Bonds oiderei by us for subscriber* have arrived aud are They will please forward our KB ready for delivery. and we will send the bonds as they may direct. A 930 REWARD. SMALL BARS Q-RRK TRUSS, mar «**ber Mrs.Ban* KOnMor »1!« Alice Latimer. 1 on the ecd them at the risk of tbe owners. * The* Cotton of Subscri bes* wil 1 be taken at tbe market price by the Government tn exchange for Bond*. . ■ '' C /. lAQKNTd AT Savannah—R Hobersham A Boms, nnlninbna’ Tl Adam* Macon—N 0 Monroe. U~ Newnan—J. J. Pinion. . / LoGreugs-Jeose McLendcn. Atlanta—A. P. Bearing. • - Griffin—E Ring. . PH1N1ZY A CLAYTON. General Agents Produce Loan for Go. MONET TO BE MADE. ■‘‘‘‘■A wre taken tMs the i-a» ogee Depot, J*** or fastentmnally, on last t nday night, weysin ultimo. Tn*i' - — . •r h ayb for m!§ *' ' J, 16 Bharm Union Lean and Building Asoodotlou. Part Office, s_d no T»* above reward will be ] | to Mr. 2. X t' janletl On. 1,000-Dollar OeufodereU At,the Store of P. M.tWi you, so far as in my most anxious judgment • W' Aim -' ’’Na| consistently can. But you must act. Yours, very truly, (Signed) • A. LINCOLN: Striking of the Hatter as. .The N6w Orleans Picayune of the lfth'inst, contains the following. .Off Galveston, Ibxas, l January 13, 1863. j Of the first Galveston disaster you know alL The rebels oocupy the city with a strong force of five thousand or seven thousand men. The city is well fortified with batteries all around. On Sunday evening a strange sail appeared off the harbor. The gnnboat Hatteras went in chase about 7 o’clock. A heavy fire was soon after heard, and the sloop-of-vrar Brook lyn and the gunboat Sciota started in pursuit. The firing ceased beforfothese vessels reached the spot—some twenty miles from Galveston. At daylight next day, Captain Lowry, of the Sciota, picked up a boat containing an officer and five men, belonging to the Hatteras They reported that at 7 o’clock, on Snnda; evening, the Hatteras ranged up alongsid' of a steamer, which looked like the Alabama she was hailed by Captain Blake, and replied that “I am her Britannic Majesty’s steamer Spitfire.”. Captain Blake said.- ‘’Heave to— I will send a boat aboard of yen.” A boat lowered—the one,spoken of as having been picked up. Just as this boat shoved off, the strange steamer opened a furious fire on the Hatteras. Both vessels tjien engaged in fierce combat- running ahead of the Boat; but soon after— say about twenty minutes—the officers in the boat saw the Hatteras stop, evidently crip pled; then there was iond cheering on board the rebel steamer. 'The Brooklyn and Scio ta cruised all night, and next morning found the wreck of the Hatteras, sunk in nine fath om water. Some of her boats were picked up, which contained arms and bloody clothes. But the victor had disappeared.' The Hatteras was a purchased iron vossel, sister to the steamer St. Mary. She was nnfit for a man- of-war—having no powers of endurance. Her battery consisted of three email rifled guns and four short 32-pounders. The rebels had heavy guns—68-pounders, by . the sound. Opinions differ as to who she was. Soule think she was from Mobile andnotthe 290. The rams and fortification^ at Galveston are formidable. - President Davis' Proclamation. President Davis’ Proclamation concem- Beast Butler has grievously wounded the national pride of the Yahheep. - - That base wretch branded by the Chief Magistrate of oar Confederacy as a murderer, will bear that character in the judgment of the civ ilized wdAd, unless the nation he represents can prove his innocency. That is impossi ble, bat we do not object to their trying. The Philadelphia Evening jbitnuzZpubiibii- that proclamation, and gives open and unmistakable expression to its opinion of the Beast in the following editorial: JEFF. DAVIS' PROCLAMATION. One of the evil effects of the infamous Bdtleir’B inle hi New Orleans, is to be found the proclamation of Jeff Davis, the reb- Presidont, which we publish to-day. Say What we may, this proclamation will find sympathy in tho great heart of Christen dom, which bas been disgusted by the acts of.’the brutal Butler. Say what we may, its recital of alleged facts, in reference to Buts ler’s course, contains too much that is true, and the people of the civilized world will believe too mnph of it for the honorof the United States: The Administration, by retaining Butler iu command at New Or leans, iu the face of facts brought to its notice, not by Jeff. Davis, but by our own people and by the appointed agents of- the Administration itself, has disgraced the American name.and done incalculable in jury to the Union cause. Before we con demn the barbarity of Davis’ proclamation, let us reflect upon the barbarity and-cow ardly brutality of the infamous Butler, and let us not forget Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation of the 22d of September, inviting servile insurrection, and virtually declaring that be will do nothing to prevent it! It is to be deplored that the war has not been so conducted as to avoid outrages aud retaliation—barbarities that must shock the moral sense of the world, disgrace the American name, and provoke Foreign in tervention on the score of humanity. ' We trust the report of Reverdy Johnson, lately called for by Congress, will be made public, and also all other official evidence in the case, that the country and the world may be the better prepared to decide whether or not the savage proclamation from Jeff. Davis is justified by the facts— whether, or not, all he alleges is true. The truth must come out some time* and it is incumbent upon the Administration to let it out now. If there is anything in its pos session that will vindicate Butler, itself and the people of the North, let it, for the sake of decency, be publi *.--d to tue world. We need something beti.. lian the baMerdash and blackguardism wn>ca the Administra tion press will give out as argument against the terms of this rebel manifesto. As Gad- grind'Bays, ‘‘we want facts”—facts that will vindicate the honor of the North, for oth- Kxlraci frcvt Ordtrt. -f Ordsakck Euiieao, I RxhmoDd, January 3d, lbfik j MaJ. W, Richards** Hunt, i*. A. O. S. Art*. Under tbe law recently pomtd by Congress “exemption certain penioim from military serrico,” you will see that I am empowered to authorize an Orduai ce officer to exempt all “artuana, mechanics and employees iu the eetabiubmeats of *uch persons as ore or may bo engaged, ‘ ‘vnh IM u." r.iioesit,lo tcrnlshingannsi under contract 6, duauce and ordnance stores, end olbor munition, of war, eodole*, batneseandaimy unppliee.’ Threemeumu.itall be euroiled, and then detailed, aa provided iu lecction six, ueneral Orders No 81. Yea ore designated na the Ordnance officer to act, under On* law, for all coutractora within your jurisdiction. J. UORGAS, Cof. Chief >’i Ordnance. In pursuance of the above order, all- Iron MaeU-rs and other contracture within t o States of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina &ud Tennersc-.-, wit! make application to nio lor the detail of tuch cum>cti;.ts mt may 1 e indispeusi- blein carrying out their to. tract* with tl oOrdnance De portment C s A. T’o pri vent fraud*, it will he required ' each cout actor mukiug npp icatiou for tbe detail of uscripts, that his requleitiou »h.ill be aocoinpar ied by a certified copy of hi* contract, on oath that th - services of the persons desired to he detailed are indLpensablo for tbe fulfillment of bis contract and that .the laborer cau- uot he ut hen) ir 0 obtained; and hullor, that when the sertictaof the conscripts shall no lotigsr bo needed, tbe affiant will turn the conscript over to the Kuroliingofficer of the district for serrie in the army; also a certificate of the Enrolling of the diltrict, that the persons named in tbe requisition have been properly eurolied.- Certificates and oaths to be by and before a Justice ot the Peace or ottber ..ogistrale authorized by law to administer oaths. All communications addressed to me. at Seims, Ala. will meet prompt attention. > . ; WM. RICHAUDSJ.N HUNT, J.IU.7-4vr , MiG, Ac., on Urouauce Duty. CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female. TQE-exerclBea of tbi* School will continence January . 19th, 1803. Two Sessions of Ht)» mouths • scb. • TOTTiqH PER SI85I0N. Primary Chub. 1 *10 2d Class ; -. 10 3d Class.. iO 4th Claes 8S . Having been engaged in teac4!ng for eereral years, we feel aasmed that w-e will give satisfaction to oil who may' faver us with their petrouage, and gtvfi tu a fair Slid can did trial. . — . St lik alfh tilnf s in thedis hargoof duties,aetfeerful compliance with needinl regulations At d propriety ef -de meanor aud punctual atteudauce at all times, will be re quited ol Sait pupil. Pupils charged ttom lime of entrance till close ef ass. aion, except in o so* ef protr.cted sickness. For farther parti, tihus addle?, - TUGS. A CRAVEN,. * or Ilia* ——> Jaul7-tf - • ... Jonosbore’, Got Commission Merchants, GROCERIES & COUNTRY. PRODUCE, erwiso the world will be too much inclined to believe Davis’ allegations. SOAP, TALLOW AND CANDLES. f-i.wt LB3 COUNTRY, HARD 80AP, in OvJU SOtl lbs Coke Tallow 16 boxes Adamantine Candles " - .For sale by I. 6. SIMMS BARLEY, RYE AND FLOUR. 4Q SACKS BARLEY 80 Backs Rye -80 barrels superfine Floor For sale by ' T. O. SIMMS. PEAS, CORN, MEAL A EMPTY SACKS OOA BUSHELS PEAS ' too bushels Cera ■ 60 b'tuhels Meal 1,000 Empty Grain Sacks For sale by T. O BXMMB. LARD, BACON AND BUTTER. 1 (V]f t LBS LEAF LARD jWJVJ ■ 1,000 lbs Bacon Sides For sole by 2 tube Batter. I. Q. SIMMS, NAILS, DRIED FRUIT, SALT. '.‘IMS LATHING NAILS - HbblsHoos 2 bble Dried Peaches For sole by jon2S-St T. O. SIMMS. NOTICE! NOTICE! “y NDER the recent Circular instructions of the AdJ _ and Inspector Gen ral of the O. 8. Army, dated Richmond, January 11 th, and approved by the Secretary of Wor. l have been appointed by Lt.Col. ILD.C^ui, and under written 1mauctions lroru Brig. Gen. Mercer, commanding the Military District of Georgia, Will at once proceed lo obtain recruit* lor my Company now In tbe 12th Ga. Battalion, at Savannah, either as VOLUNTKKRSj Or if nectuary, by Contcription. I call upon every man, whether young or old, to rally to the statical .1 of hi* country iu this the crisis of our Revolu tion. VOLUNTEER, and I will PAY YOU THE BOUN TY allowed by taw. If you will not, keep out of my tight—bide behind tho Exemption act, or la ■car* place, for 1 will conscript yon, certain. I will be at the store ot Dr*. Hamilton A Morkley, Where any one wishing to Yolnnteer can i eceive tbe BOUNTY MONEY. G. W. JOHN BON, j»u22 2w Co.D, 12th Ga. Bat. A “GOOD EGG,” SURE, rv - ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR SALK, \jD within seven mile* of Atlanta, on the road leading to Turner A Mayuou’s Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling and ont-traUding*; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill in fine tanning order, with lathe and shingle machine* st- sM,wl>& - J power soffic ent to run them ell et tbe earns time. AU for the smalt sum of *S,00o. Those wishing to put. will u ease apply to J. K. Mayson, Atlanta Fe male Institute, or J. 8. Mayeon, on the premises, deqll-tt . ' ■' .' DES1UAULR PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1^1) 09 16 elewred tbe_ balanc* heavily ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers OM MISSION MERCHANTS, i; ;, 1. SAL SODA. AJ- ’ TIEF.CK8 SAL80UA on consignment and .for tale -I a ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., JanSl-tt Commission Merchants. l - ' SUGAR. O/Y/Y HUBS SUGAR * .t 1 J ' Ad\J\J 180 bbls Soger » 100socks Sugar, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, jaa21-tt Oetnaiasdon Merchants. Qrr/IDUZ MEN’S ENGLISH HALF HOSE; /Wtju 380 great gross Agate Buttons. . ; .SALT. Of! BdLS. KANAWHA SALT, on consignment and for adeby ANpKRSON, ADAlrt. A CO.. t NEU’ ORLEANS MOLASSES, en BBIS. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, on consignment Gv and for ■ il* 1>y 4 •* ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Jaii9-tf . Commission Merchant*. ’ P. O’CONNOR & CO. And Gem ral Dealers In D ecatiij;_ Is t r e«yt- ATLANTA, - 49* Prompt in orders and remittances - GEORGIA. janl4-tf * MEADOW NO OK” FOR SALE. V\7 E speak advisedly when we ray lhat We have never YV ofiured such a rural property for sale. It is situ*. ted one and a half n ilos West of D.-c»tur, on tnoPay- eltevi.le road, and six miles from Atlanta, lire land consist, of 260 aerfis, eve-y aero lying beautifully, anu oi this number of acres, iully fifty consists of excelleut hreuch bottom. Ono hundred acres of heavy wooded lat d, has hardly a stick einiss. Tliohouseis not excelled m ail lt< appoii tmeuts aid finish, country real- douce iu a tuousand, S i r. -ms. bard finished} *Inewti, pantry, with gists door*—rooms united hy /elding doors, ere some of the advadtsgto. Tbero is a large young or chard, embracing iu its catalogue, literally every fruit grown id .this Istitudo. But tail und see the place lor: yourselves. Wo pronounce it a perfect gem. janll-tf S. J. SHACKELFORD, V. M. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, ■, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, W ILL atter d to bnylng and selling all kinds of mer chandizs. All orders for eoods most be accomr* chondize. All orders for goods most be accompa nied with the cash to Secure attention. janll ly WHITE & POWERS, WII01ZSALE XSD XXTAXL aRO C ERS IMnrletta Street, ATLANTA, - I*nl3-1>» GEORGIA; FOR HIRE. • IjTWO LIKELY NEGuOMMI. App.y to PRASE A DAVIS, chant i Commission Mertf FOR SALE. 0NB HOUSE AND LOT, on Peach Trco street, V/± miles from the car shed, containing S room* and good onthonildings, by PEASM A DAVIS, Commission Uercb&ati Atlanta, Jannsry 9th,lfctS3. . jonT-lu W. H. HANNON & BROTHER, WOODRUFF'S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank.) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, New rice. '■ l in TIERCES NSW R1Ce. on consignment and for VU esieby Jonll-tr ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, O.mmlseion Merchants. HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. On consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., . Janll-tf Commission eincunuta. Juffi-tf Commission Merchants. WANTED.. N a Rolling Mill at Knoxville, Tem,aPndIer, to whom [.good wages will be paid. Apply at jau3-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO’S 8iore. ' MADEIRA WINE. \NE BBL. AND A FEW DBMIJONS, “A No. I" Ma- / delra Win*, an oon Ignment end for saieby jiu3-ll. ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. CHICORY. ‘-IO BARRELS CHICORY, the only substitnlo' for Coffee, OVs on coueignmeut and for sale by the band or sack by ANDERSON, AOAIR A OO^ Jau'2-tf Commission Merchants. COFFEE. rr.IVTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on consignment aud J? for ““ ----- for sale by Jau2-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, CemmiMiou Merchant*. LOGWOOD, ... ■/* in BOXES EXTRACT LOOWOOD, on conslgnmcntand AU for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, ■Jsn2-tf ’ ; ■ Commisdion Merchant*. PEA NUTS. ^ BUSHELS PE*A NUTS, on cousigunieut and or ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, . . decll-tf ■ Commissiou-Merchantd: 500 1 COTTON YARNS. BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment aud fir sale by . ~ . •• ' AHDERSON, ADAIR A CO, decll-tf ■ . ■ Commission Merchants. 50 QUININE. ODl) OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on coueign- AikJKJ muT1 t und for sale by novZ6-tf meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Commission Merchants. HARNESS. ^ , . f SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for O *alo by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, novdLkl-. Commi*elon Mecrhanta. FLOUR. tl * BBLS. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and for aaJe by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, . nov!5-tf Conumaslon Merchants. 150 PEACH BRANDY. F FTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on consign, ment and for sale by novlfi-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, ./ .- Oommisaion M^rphanta. CHAMPAGNE. OA DOZ- CHAMPAGNE WINE,; on consignment and £\J for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, novlb-tl ” Oou.mi**ton Merchant*. SOi DAF. IFTY BOXES YELLOW 80A P. 26 Boxos Toilet Soap, on consignment and for sale by . ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, SQV-16tf * Commission Merchants. IT\W0 HUNDRED ANDY A i 4 SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for sole by • ANDERSON, aDAIR A CO, -.m.vlb-ti - Commission Merchants. COUNTRY JEANS. . i LARGE LOT Of OOUNTSY JEANS, on consign- ment aud for sale by ** ANDERSON. ADAIR * OO, * uov.B-tf Cominisolon Merchanti. BARRELS EXTRA FAMILYJTODUBa for oMs^j . WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declGly RAN AWAY, E ROM BOYLE’S CAMP, on the 8. and N. Ala Railroad, wo negro men, GEORGE, about 36 year* old, weighs 146 or 170 pennds, dork compilation, abbot 6 feet 8 or 9 iUVUOf Ulgu, (EtUCl r alUUUL UI AWO 1 A.I . bright mulatto, 6 factor over in height, (low tpekon, and weigh* lbO or 170 pounds, about 3S yeere old. A enlmbto rewaid will be paid ir apprehended and delivered-to John T. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined In any jail so that I con get him. JA3. IL PKITCUEIT, jauli-lm Jtc-binfr.-u P. 0, N.C . ■btred, With a large, completely finished honeb coatMuiug nine room* with closet* and fire places; two fiemed negro houses, smoke hotue, carriage house, stable. oawah*ds; a fine orchard, a hug* garden, Ac. Said place ■ lei oath* pnblic road, fir* mile* from Marietta from Powder snditx I place*.of r sort in For particulars apply to K. W. Joyner, of the firm of HamUton, Morkley A Jo;na gpringer, ou the p. emiseo. t Joyatr, Atlanta, or to J. H. declU-tf WANTED. A LADY qnalified to teach all of tbe English branch**, French, and Music on tue Piano, with s.vetal yooia’ . -. t : - ;• idling, d«ir.s r titoation a* Governess inoomepriuete tamily. Terms modeknewn Goodref- Addreo* “Inder/’ Ky land’s Depot, Green tillo county, Ya, or J.W Squire, Sr, Gaston, N. C. JtnS-lm fgg* Pot List of Hospital Committees tee fourth page. DR. WILLIS F. WESTMORELAND, E at hi* remdeoe* on th* north rid* ef MarisUa JyM-ly. o 1 ^ « | SCHOOL. i N the basement of the first Presbyterian Chnrch, the under signed wtU open a Female school, on the first Monday in January n- xt. A ;>w boys, under ten yrare of ■£*, will bo rcceiTed. Payment, half in odvanae. " - . ■ d*c3i-tr MR3.IL CL COLE WANTED TO PURCHASE. I r TO PUBCHASl!! A Cu jDCTtt LOT, fin* leea- tfou, either improved or unimproved. Also, a Planta tion containing some 600 ,-r 1109 acres, near some if the Railroads. Addre.i or call on declO-tr N. A McLENDON, Peach-Tree street. HOOP POLES. WANTED, , A X THE EMPIRE DISTILLERY, immediately, 20,000 Hickory Hoop Poles, for whisky barrels. JP*e" wishing to contract for the aboTe must apply early, eu personally or by letter to Wm L High, or the undersigned JanU-lm* HIGH A LEWIS. janIS- f FOSTER, QUEEN A Ou. HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN 8UGA for tale by deel8-tf 75 FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. en TIERCES BIOS for sale by .‘J’ . „ OU decis-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. QAA SACKS RICE FLOUR for sole by OlKJ aoclS-t/ - FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. O/Vl BARBELS MOLASSES to arrive, fox sale by -oUU declS-tf. FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. 1 ,1 BARdELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHIeKY -*-U f or u ie by FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. S MALL LOT FINK SHOES AN D FRENCH CALF SKIN Boot! for MUe by . ,- FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. FIFTY DOLLARS RXWARD. L OcT, on tbe 9th Instant, between Whitehall etreet and | Grant's Hospital, a leather Pocket Book, containing -hundred, and seventy-five and two hundred dolien—Confederate note*—principally tn bw< mj«* tu s. The finder will rece ve the above rewar J by leering book and money at this office, or returuteg it to mo *£SSf“** *. U ..o S rxx. E WAITED. HIKE, A DWELLING H0US1 ooutsiniag five or rix It cated convenient to th* bueln*** portion of city. Apply to cot—-tf ANDERSON ADAIR A 00- T— DR. J AMBUS F. ALEXASDHK, O FFICE at Vis rerid case, ou the south rid* of Harietta , etreat ——-P. W. J Jank7-2«e BR. H.