Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 04, 1863, Image 1

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fEI PUBLIC 0OOD BltOKS PRIVATE ADVANTAGE BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1863. VOLUME n—NO. 300 IN'o. >s. BAWIOED, FKAZEB & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, AUCTIONEERS Dealers in Negroes, NO, 8, WHITEHALL 87, OPP. INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. Id addition to ou AUCTION AND NKOBO HOUSE, No 8, Whitehall street, we hare Era proof etoragu of 8000 harrele oapaaltjr, at oar wereroome, No I, Alabama street. Oar Negro Yard and Look Up, at No 8, are both mie ai d comfortable. Deal an and other partlea will find ue pre pared to feed end lodge well, end from experience In the bnafneea olace oar boyhood, to het dle the negro properly. Chargee reaaoaahle end right. Satisfaction guaranteed la every la tauce. Perlie* at a dUtaoc# may kaow oar market by addreae- log a*. CEAWYGKD, I'HAZgR A 00, Jan2£6m No 8, Whitehall etreet NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., HARDWARE Commission Merchants, MU DISCOUNT. O N KaST ALABAMA INbUHANOB COMPANY Change Billa. Wa giro OonMermto notea tor them at ran. CRAWFORD, PRAZIK A CO., JauiO lOt No 8, Whitehall street. CHANGE BILLS. ANTE are buying Alabama Change Bill*—payable In ▼W in Montgomery • r Eotaula, Alabama. CKAWFuRD, FBAZKK A CO.. jaidU tf Ho 8, Whitehall etreet. naanx solohob a a sqlokos (At the Store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AVE IN bTOBN and ara receiving a stock of gene ral Hardware and House Famishing Go'ds for whole sale ard retail Also receive on storage and sale Produce and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise on libe ral terms. 4t«- We will give particular attention to consignment#, and famish correspondent with market reports when desired. dec9 8m MAYER & BENIN GER, Commission Merchants, aao waouaau dulses a MfiftCHiNlliSE, tt£AL ESTATE, B0HD.S AMU STOCKS, Corner Whitehall stud Alabama Eta., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of Mer chandise entrusted to ns, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day sales are made. novl3-3m a a pasta n w HovonxsoB NEW FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO, AUCTION TOBACCO WAREHOUSE The undersigned ara agents for the sals of TOBACCO, From the largest and hast MANUFACTURERS OF Virginia & N. Carolina, And will hasp constantly ou haad s large and wall assort ed stuck of all grades requited for the trade oi the Confederate States MANUfACTUBEE’S PRICES. The attention of D E ALE R S la Invited to this stock before purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER'S BLOCK, WHITEHALL (STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B.—Luts of all brands with samples sad arista, seat I by mall or express, when desired. Janl8-lta Commission Merchants, So. 14 Alabama Stibet, Comer of Pryor, ATLANTA, ... R ESPECTFULLY solicit * there ■ t pauwa.*. and asps by strict attention to business so give entire satis faction to their patron*. dec6-tf .GROCERIES, Ac. 5QQQ pounds Tennessee bacon 6000 Be Garb Soda 4000 Em Tallow M0 Bit Star Candles 100 Ns Turpentine Soop 8. SOLOMON A BEOS, nommlednii Merchants, at the store lately occupied hy [ Brady A bolomoo. dec!7-tf Agency for Ya. Tobacco. A. CONNEIuL, Late of Hemphls, Tears. Ah established in Montgomery, (liksnj7a grat-cUm Agency for all kinds tTiO INI A XOBAI .OOQ, to which he would respectfully Hoc. The store formerly ooeupsed by i A Loftin, No, 11 Ctoait street, Lea been STS TobaoS oJorVUg.ui.ibut^.cc^t^m^coer^ Notice—Barks Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYOR 8 OFFICE, I tw.isTi.tti., Jane go, IMA 1 , ME be t pricse will be paid by tbaundenigned to I targe quantities of the fitUoWiag BAKES: Stem, branches end teot oi Dogwood, (root p-etorred); braschte and roots of Whit* Wilkro ; ^t^tnuik and .jl-tL 1 Agent, Cartel HLACKIK, Surgeon and Medical Purvey or, u S. A ga O REWARD. SMALL DARK d«UN TRUNK, marked oathe end either MraSaUie E. Hence or Mis* Alice Latimer, Georgia, was taken from the Passenger Depot, oy mistake or intentionally, on last Friday night, k ultimo. Tan above rewaid will be paid for the and contents to Mr. A J. Shackelford, unde OSes, and an question! asked. dec £ miutu ISO. V. 1UA1U J. HBNLY SMITH, RD1TOBS AND PBOP&IETOB8. B. C. SMITH, M. D, J. N. CARDOZ0, assocura xDntxs. The War In tbe West—Conflrmatleu of * tbe Fall of Arkansas Post. The caplnre of Arkansas Post, with a large number of prisoners, stores and ammunition, is reiterated in tbe Northern papers. An un official dispatch says that the Federal forces Were landed and marched to the rear of the fortifications, and that the iron-olad boat*, under the oommand of Admiral Poiter, co perated in the reduct on of the Post Ever; gun in tho fori—eleven in number—was dis mounted. The lort was n command of Col. John W. Lunninifton, .f Kentucky, formerly of the United States Navy. The following official dispatch bad been received in Wash ington : Caibo, Wednesday, Jan. 21. To the Hon. Oideon Welle*, Secretary of the Navy: The gunboat Lexington, Lieut. Commander Shirk, has just arrived, at 11$ a. m., convey ing 5,798 rebel prisoners of war from the Post ot Arkansas. A. M. PENNOCK, Fleet Capt. The Department has received an official ac count from Commander Parker, relative to the brilliant part performed by hie fleet in that action. A letter from Helena, Ark , dated Jan. 13tb, says: A Loyal Negro. A correspondent informs us that a committee was recently appointed in Portsmouth to urge Robert Butt, a negro of that place, of worthy repute, and who rendered himself famous lor his kindness daring tiie prevalence of the yel low lever, to become a candidate for Congress to represent that District. The negro, more loyal than Segar or Cowper, promptly sent the loU lowing response, which our correspondent as sures us was copied from the original.—Rick', motid Enquirer. Portsmouth, Dec. 22nd 1862. To John Council, John O. Lawrence, Nicholas Butler, and others, Committee : Gents—Accept my grateful acknowledgments fur your flattering invitation to become a candi date to represent the District in tne 37th Con gress of tne United States. Thera was a day in the history of our once glorious country, when such an invitation would bave been received witn some consideration, but now thing* are very different, and to accept such a position when I know, if elected, I cans not represent tbe voice ot the people of this District. In my humble opinion, gentlemen, any individual who would suffer his name to be used in this connection, and under the existing circumstances, would disgrace himself, ana show but little respect for his friends of the District who are beyond the lines of the United States Government, fighting for our very exist ence. I must decline your invitation to become a candidate (to be voted lor by ballot) for a seat in a Congress which knows no law, except the higher law, and are every day enacting uncon- atitutional measures, thereby disgracing the capital of the country. No, gentlemen ; I will leave this position to some one who is more anxious to act the traitor, and have ; his name written high upon the page of infamy, than og^ who has ever borne within his bosom the true motto of his mother Staie-^’Down with the ty rant.” !: ~ ' • liMil I A. C. WYLY & CO.. A dispatch boat has just passed here on her . I am, gentlemen, very respsctfitliy/your obe- way to Memphis, with icws of the fall of the idient, huuiole servant, ■ , t : Arkansas Poet, a strongly fortified position ROBERT BUTT,. 1 , on the Arkansas River, about 20 miles from ti.e mo'. th. The place was euriendered after after a brief oontest. Gen. MoClernand is hastening on to Little Rook, and will certain- ly capiutv it; for the rebel forces have boon *■> drawn off to strengthen Vicksburg and Hind man, and the present movement is both sud den and unexpected, so that for once we shall take the enemy by surprise. Wo may, there fore, confidently expect the fail of Little fe. Rock in a few days. The forces of^Gens. CommiSSi-OIl MefChaiHSj 1 anosa D uaon a a um AMOBS, L1GON & CO., ' Wholesale Grocers AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, jjtoR tbs sals of Produce, Merchandise, Real Estate, No- 2 gross, *c. ddea-*‘ w a laaax. a cola. w p muff. INMAN, COLE & CO, GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Beal Estate, Live 8tock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, &c. W E have amplo store room, and win give personal ab tuition to all bruin ms entrusted to us. Office ic Bench * Boot’s store, Whitehall street. nori-ti McGlernand and Gorman are more than suffi oient for this purpese, and for the entire sub jugation of the States West of the Mississip- GEORGIA. P 1 - ? The forces of Gen. MoClernand have gone up the* Arkftiuas River, and those of Gen* Gorman are proceeding up the White River. The latter left this place quite recently with about six thousand troops, on transports for the latter,.and a force of two thousand cav alry have gone across the country to Claren don. The army of Gen. McGlernand, on his re turn from Vioksburg, entered immediately on this expedition. The wounded from that battle were sent up the river to the hospitals at St. Louis, and the soldiers of tho expedi tion are in the best possible condition >or ef ficient and aotive service Stung with disap pointment by the reverse at Vicksburg, they aro more eager than ever for another -chance at the rebel loroes, and nothing on the West side of the Mississippi can resist their pro gress. BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, BARR BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By M. SAL03HIN A CO, pickers, nortAAm* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT 1AHDFACTDEI56C0. B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, AX THE ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR GASH, 5,000 CORDS BARK. Jaul7ti K. T. HENDERSON, Agent. NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. S UBSCRIBERS to the Produce Loan are earnestly re quested to p-j a, their subscriptions The torern- menl dssuss an early settlement. Ail persona with lands to invest canm.t reader a greater service to their country than by taking eight per cent bonds ol the 81,000/HA* Lean. We are prepared to issue them promptly. All the Banda ordered by aa for subscribers have arrived and aro ready for dcUvery. They will plaaea forward oar Receipt!, and we will send the bund, a* they may direct. We hot I them at tho risk of the owners The Cotton of Snbscri- ben will be taken at lha market price by the Government in exchange for Bonds. jAGKNTa AT Savannah—It Hcbere^am A Seas. Columbus—D Adams Macon—N C Monroe. Newnaa—J. J. Ftaaon. Lad range - Jess* McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Dearing- Griffin—R. Slug- a PHDilZY * CLAYTON. - JanS-lm General Agents Produce Lena for Ga. From tbe Paris Montear, Jan: 8. Pina the Ninth’s New Tear’s Speech. HE BLkBSES THE FRENCH PEOPLE, THE PRINCE IMPERIAL AND THE ARMY. The following ia the address which the Pope pronounced when receiving on New Year’s day the General-in-.Chief and Staff of the army of ° C ‘ C ‘I P am°deeply touched witii the kind wishes expressed by the General in the name of tbe army whicn he eo worthily commands, and I am happy in having this opportunity of signify ing mv gratitude for the mission you here per form by the Emperor’s order. The French army is as glorious on fields ox battle as by its discipline during peace. Allow me, however, to say that its most noble title to glory is to de fend the Vicar of Jesns Christ sgainst his ene mies, to protect him in his independenen and in the possession of the territories which remain to him. You are here to support the rights of the Church and to defend the sacred city sancti fied by the death of so many martyrs, and where the Vicar of Jesus Christ has always received the assistance oi God (as I, unworthy as I am, do at this moment) in the midst of the attacks of His enemies. What these enemies desire is to destroy the Pope’s authority, to overthrow his throne, to make Rome the capitol of I know not what kingdom, and, after having done away with the temporal power, to attack even the spiritual authority. But you are here, my children, to keep in check the enemies of the Holy See and of reli gion. When God created the ocean, He told the waves that they might reach the rocks on the shore, but should not go beyond them. You are like those rocks; you are here to say to those bitter enemies who cast trouble over all Italy, “You shall not go further; God has placed our arms as a rampart for His Holy Church, and we will defend the Sovereign Pon tiff!” I am happy on this day to give you my paternal benediction. I bless Franoe, your Em peror and tho imperial family, and particularly the young boy who i* attached to me by epiritual bond*. I bless the whole French army. I bless yon and your families, all the episcopacy and the French clergy, and all those millions of Catholics who testify so much love tor me, and make such generous'efforts for the defense of my cause. Why can I not bless my enemies f Let those who strive against me think of the history oi the patriarch Jacob, who, after having wrestled all night with an unknown adversary, saw at sunrise that his antagonist was an angel, and, falling on his knees, said, “You are my angel and I will not leave you until you hare given me tbe benediction of God.” The revo lutionists do not see that they also straggle against an angel, May they one day open their eves to the trulh. I raise my hands and bless you all, my children, to the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Ixtract from Order*. Oarouncx Bcaxav, I , Richmond, January 3d, 186A J Itaj. W, Richardson Bunt, P. A. C. S. Arty. Under the lew recently parsed by Congress “exemption ot certain persona from military servtoe,” yon will see that I am wupowered to authorise an Ordnance officer to exempt all “artisan., mechauio. and employe*, in the establishment, ol' such penons as are or may ho engaged, under contract with tho Uovcrnmoat, ia luraiehlaganas, Ol dilutee and orduanoo .tore*, and other mmutiuu. ot war, tadolee, hainees and army supplies. • These men must all be enrolled, sod then detailed, as providsd ia .section six, General Order* No 88. Yon ara dodgneted as the Ordnanco officer to act, under this law, for oh contractors within your JoriuUcitoii. * J. UoltiiAS, Col. Chief of Ordnance. In pursuance of tbe above order, all Iron Masters and other contractors within t e States oi Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and ', will make application to me for the detail ot such conscript, aa may be iailtopenri- ble in carrying oat their vo. tract, with fee Ordnanco De partment C b A. To prevent frauds, it will be required of each coat actor making application for the demit of couronpta, that hi. requuitian shall be accompai ltd by a certified copy of his contract, ou oath that lh- services of the persons .desired to. be detailed are Indispensable for tho rulAilment of his contract and that the laborer can not be otherwise obtained; and farther, that when the services of the conacripta shall no longer be needed, the 4 affiant will turn the conscript over to the Enroliinr officer oftbedistiictforserric in the army; also a certificate of tbe Enrolling of the dittrict, that the persons named in the requisition have been properly enrolled. Certificates and oaths to be by and before a Justice ot the Feaoa. or otttrer ..agistrate authorised by law to administer oaths. All communications addressed to me at Selma, Ala., will meet prompt attention. WM. RICHARDSON HUNT, Jan27-4w MaJ , Ac., on Ordnance Daly. CLaYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female. r |’HI exercises of this School'will commence January A l»th, 1803. Two gesvions of five month*'W0h. c WHOLESALE a JR O C E R TUITION PER SESSION. - j Primary Class $10! 2d Class........ ... .......; ...; 16 !dOlase.., aoi 4th Ola* 26 Having been engaged in teaching for several years, we feel assured that wo will give satislactioato all who may: favor us with their patronage, and gfvo us a fair and can did trial. - St: let ,aiih nine s in (be die. harge of duties, a cheerful compliance with needlul legulations ai d propriety'of de meanor and punctual attendance at all times, will be re quired of each pupil. Pupils charged from time of entrance till clcse ef ses sion, except in o ses of protracted sickness.. For Anther particulars addre-s TH08. A. CRAVEN 4 , or Mina — ' ■ ,, i jan!7' if Jonesboro’, Qa. At ttsclr Old Stand, . j Corner ol. Peach-Tree and Walton Sts.. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. febl-tf NOTICE! NOTICE! U NDER the recent Ciroular ina'ro and Inspector 4 Gen rel of th. ruchtuoud, January 11th, and approve ms of tu Aifi - . Army, dau- lha Secretary of War, I have been appointed by nt Uh. ii. D. Capers, and under written In-Unctions from brig. Gen. H. W. Blercer, commanding tbe Military District of Georgia, will at once proceed to obtain recruits for my Company now in tbe 12tb Ga. Battalion, at gavannah, either as VOLUNTEERS, or if necessary, by Conscription, 1 call upon every mao, whether young or old, to nkiy to the standard of his countty in this the crisis of our Revolu tion. VOLUNTEER, and I will PAY YOU THE BOUN TY allowod by law.' It you will not, keep ontofmy eight—hide behiad the Exemption act, or in soma ob- senre place, for I will conscript you, certain. I will be at the store ol Dm. Hamilton A Markley, where any one wishing to Volunteer can receive (he BOUNTY MONEY.' G.W.JOHNBON, ? Jau22 2w Co. D, 12th Ga Bat. A “bOOD EGG,” SURE. Q «r ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR BALE; JJO within seven miles ot Atlanta, on the road leading to Turner es slay son’s Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling bouse and out-buildings; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Hill in fine running order, with lathe and shingle machines at tached, wi'h power snfflo ent to ran them nil at the same time. All for the small sum of $6,u0u. Those wishing to purchase will please apply to J. R. Mayson, Atlanta Fe- malo Institute, or J. B. Mayson, on the premise* dec!7-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 Oi I ACRES OF LAND, 16 cleared the balance heavily I4lj tin bered, with a Urge, completely finished housb containing nine room, with closet* and fire places; two framed nugro houses, smoke house, carriage house, stable, cow sheds: a fine orchard, a large garden, Ac. Bald place Is situated on the publio road, five miles from Marietta and six from Powder eprings—both places of r.eort in summer. For particulars apply to R. W. Joyner, of th6 firm of Hamilton, Markley A Joyner, Atlanta, or to J. M. springer, on the premises. dicl8-tf OrnGx or Assistant QCAxnuusrxr,. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 6,1S62. j ii r order of Quartermaster General, I have been e» D trusted with entire oimmand of collecting the hides a: the beeves killed for tbe army, for tanning, and the purchase of Leather for manufacturing. Tanners having Leather on hand and wanting Hides, will do well to ad Tress me with proper references. The army must be shod( utd it is the duty of all patriotic tanners to assist IB K Joing. All leather held at unroamnablo prices will U aproned F.W. DILLARD, sepiotf A Qm. WANTED. A LADY qualified to teaoh all of the English branchee, French, and Music on tne Piano, with several years’ experience in teaching, desires r situation as Governess in some private family. Terms made known. Gocd ret- 0 diet Tea. Address “Infler,” By land’s Depot, Greenville county, Va^ or J W Squire, 8r, Gaston, SI. 0. Jsu8-Un THIEVING WORKS. S OME Ladits this day (Tuesday 87th) about half-past (gje o’clock, stole from my store, two Ends, cr Rem. nanti, of Brown Jeans, one piece of Green Veil Bare.*, and one piece of Black Veil Lace. These women are known. Their movements have been watched for some time, and they have at last been detected. I advise them to send back my gooda and steal no more. jnnXSif P- 9- BE3SKNT. NOTICE. I WANT to purchase a lot of Sand _ - Black or White Cotton Tape, % Inches wide, .for which a liberal pr)c. will be H0IiB g 00 g i janXS-2w . Atlanta, Georgia. , for sale, 1000 183 WASTa W001, Tan2S-8w J. M. HOLBBdOL, ’ Atlanta, Georgia. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALK A N unimproved Lot or Square on Whitehall street, con taining two and a-half acres, On which is over cue h, sSwi niit *"********** 'VpgNSSr money to be made. X *^SAShara* 1 Union Loan and Building Amociatlnn. On* 1,006-DoUar Cenfcderate Bond. „ jaaisti At,th* star* ofP. A g. i. D«dd. * to one edition or the other. igl. City subscribers who prefer the eve ning issue of the Confederacy can get it by having their subscriptions changeti from the morning to the evening edition and calling at the office for their papers.— {But suhacriptions must be confined either CITY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE HuUSK AND LOT for sale, conrinient to budnees and well located. Honee new. contain ing live rooms and basement, with good outbuilding*, fine garden, and mo=t excellent water. Call JanS-lm W. L. EZZARD. dr. WILLIS F. WESTMORELAND, Q7JIC1 at his i s» id once on the Both tide ; °f Marietta ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers -AND- 0OMMISSIOX MEROHANTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHISKEY AND BRANDY* 1 IS bble Peaeh Brandy. 10 bble Apple Brandy. On consignment and for sale by , *• ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, iebltf Commission Merchants. SUGAR. 260 Wffia 200 Saskr Sugar. On Oenslgur.ent and for rale by ANDRRsOtf. ApAIR A 00, 250"mo On consign] NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. BBL8. CHOICE N. 0. MOLABasa, on consignment and for sale tor i ANDERSON, ADAIR * 00., Ootnxxiiislosi Mdrtfrftntff, P. O’CONNOR & GO;, Commission Merchants, And General Dealers Id GROCERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, 'Decatur (street. ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. - Prompt in orders and remittances. Janl4-tf < MEADOW NOOK” FOR SALK. VI7 E speak advisedly when we ray that we have never YT offered such a rural property for sale, It is situa- ledone and a halt a.ltes West of Deoitur, on the Fay- road, and six miles from Atlanta. The land consist of 260 acres, eye: y acre lying beautifully, ana ai this number jf acre*, tally, fifty consists of excellent branch bottom: Gnu hundred acres of heavy wooded land, bos hardly a stick amiss. Thuhouseis nut excelled to ail it. appei. tttenti a, o finish, by one country resi dence in a tnousand, - 8 x rooms, bard finished; closets, pantry, with glass doors—rooms muted oy ’olding doors, are some of the advadtages. There hi a large young or chard, embracing in its catalogue, literally every fruit grown in this latitude. But tall and see the place lor yonreelvea. We pronounce it a perfect gem. janU-tf 8. J. SUaCKELFgRD, V. M. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, "Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, - - - - - GEORGIA, 1X7 ILL attend to buying and Milling all kinds of mer- > v chandixe. All orders for goods must be accompa nied witn the cash to secure attention. janll ly WHITE & POWERS, Wfiousatx axs xxxau. GROCERY Marietta street, ATLANTA, - - Ianl3-lyv - . GEORGIA; fJIWl FOR HIRE. ro LIEELY NEGRO MEN. App.yto PAA8E < Commission Mer PRA8B A DAVIS, chauts. FOR SALE. O NE HOUSE AND LOT, on Peach Tree etreet, miles from the car shed, containing • rooms ana goad oatbonUdings, hy PXA8H A DAVIS, Commission Merchants Atlanta, January 8th, 1863. janl-lm. W. H. HAHHON & BEOTHEB, WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declOly BAN A WAY, E ROM BOYLE’S CAMP, on the A and N. Ala Railroad, two-negro men, tUTOHGB, about M yean old, weighs 146 or 160 pi niida, dark compbxwn, about 6 ieet 8 or 8 inches high, rather quick ipukeu. NGROK or HOBVAN, bright mulatto, 6 feetorovec ia bright, flow spoken, and weighs 160 or 170 pounds, about 30 years old. A suitable rewaid will be paid if apprehended and delivered to John X. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any Jail eo that I can get him. JA3. H. PR1T0HJITT. ll-lin Kobinaon P. O n N. 0. HI . I SCHOOL. I N the basement of the first Presbyterian Church, the undersigned sill open a female ficbool, on. the first Monday in January n. xt. A lew buy t, under ten yean of age, will be received. Payment, half in advanae. dec31tf MBA M. C. COL*. WANTED TO PURCHASE. I WISH TO PURCHA8R A GOOD CITY LOT, fine loea, tipn, either improved or unimproved. Aleo, a Planta tion coutaininz siime 6u0 or luOO acres, near acme cf the v call on N. A. MCLENDON, Peach-Tree street. itikinitig 80100 1*. Addr&fbt HOOP POLES. WANTED, m T THE EMPIRE DI8TTLLEBY, Immediately, *M»0 A Hickory Hoop Pales, for whisky barrel*. Parties wishing to contract tat the alove must apply early, either SAL SODA. TDSROKS 8AL SODA on consignment and for rata ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, Jaa21-tf NEW RICE. looks’... am, “““T;”"** 00 ’ HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. MEN’S ENGLISH HALF HOSE) great gross Agate I oontignment andfor ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, JanU-tf - iSALT. on BJLS. KANAWHA SALT, on consignment and for s.1*by ANDBBSONTADAItl A 00, Jan8-tf Go awn Union llorcbkuju. and for sale by ' m ■ WANTED. I N a Bolling Mill at KuoxrUle,Teun,aPudler, good wages will be paid. Apply at JanS-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR * CO 1 ! CO’S Btore. MADEIRA WISE. \NE BBL. AND A FXW DEUIJONB, “AHo. 1" Ma- J deira Win., on con'lgnmeut and for sal*by JanU-tf AMDARBOH, ADAIR A 00. CHICORY. on BARRELS CHICORY, the only tnbstitule for Coffee, on osaffignment and for sal* by the barrel or cask by - 44 JanS-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00., Commission Merchants. COFFEE. nUFTY BACKS PRIME OOFFEB, on consignment i J} for sal* by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, J»n2-tf Comm LOGWOOD, 1A BOXES EXXRAOT LOGWOOD, on consignment and tor sale by ANDBB80S, ADAIR * CO, JanS-tf 4 PEA NUTS. 8 500 B nJ H b 18 NUT8 > °° consignment and “ 1# ** ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, decll-tf “ ----- COTTON YARNS. KA BALES COTTON YARNS, on dU taieby ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, dUlNlNS. OAA OUNCES BB&T FRENCH QUININE, < AW meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov26-tf Commission HtrchaaU. 5 SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on ccntignawat and sale by ANDERSON, AJJAIRA CO, tie by nov21-tl Oomiuiut 1 on Mcorhant*. 150 FLOUJEL BBLS. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on oontigamatf and for safe by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, 20 . CHAMPAGNE. DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE,, on oontignment ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, for sale by novlfi-tf OommiMion aoAjp. 1 < WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. at Box*# ToUst Soap, on consignment and for sale by PERSON, ADAIR A CO, nov-Utt 4 SEWING MAI :bT „ BOVib-tl COUNTRY JEANS. . LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on A mint and for sale by novlfotf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, 17R HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN 8UGAI tO fcrealeby ~ - —„ FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. ffATIXBOBS RICK far safe OU declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. 300^^^fQUEEh * 00. 200 M0LAS3 “ 00. BAHREIN APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY iMW ,hlJ FOSTER,QUEEN A CO. QMALL LOT FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN G Roots for sale by duclS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. O'T, on the 8th Instant, between WMamwll street and mt’s Hospital, a leather Pocket Book, eoatainiag one hundred and mvenly-five and two hundred Confederate not**—principally in twtntie* and at Grant’* Ho^dUL JanlT-tf mmmmt l will the above reward by leaving at this office, or returning it to me R.M. FOSTER. WANTED. fpOHJ RE, A DWELLING HOUSE oontaSolsg five or iix A 10 ““ north t( ' - ^RDXRSQN ADAJRAOOk