Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 05, 1863, Image 1

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mm BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1863. VOLUME II—NO. 301 No. B. CRAWFORD, FRAZER & CO., ENKRAL Commission Merchants, AUCTIONEERS Dealers in Negroes, NO, 8. WHITEHALL bT, OPP. 1KTELLIGBNCER OFFICE. In addition to our AUCTION AND NtUKO HOUSE, No 8, While}.all sirnet, we have fire proof storage of 3000 barrel* capacity, at our warerooms, No 1, Alabama .treat. Our Negro Yard and Look Up,at No 8, are both safe oed comfortable. Sealer* and other partlee will find us pre pared to Ltd and lodga well, and from experienceio the bu-'i.ees since par boyhood, to hai die the negro properly. Charges reasonable and right. Satisfaction guaranteed in every In taoco. l’urtiesat a distance may know our market by addrets- Ing u*. CRaWfORD, IBaZBB A 00, Jau*-«m . No 8, Whitehall street MU DISCOUNT. . f\N EaBTaLABAMA INSURANCECOMPANY Change v “ r Bill*. We glee Coufodtre.e notes tor thorn at tab. » CllAWFOKD, frazkk a CO., JanSfi lOt Mo 8, Whitehall street. CHANGE BILLS. TH/Im® buying Alabama Charge Bills—payable in '* • in Montgomery * r Bnfaula, Alabama. V CKAWPcKD, FKAZER A CO, •JantA tf No 8, WnltehaU street. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE TO BAC C O, from the largest and best MANUFACTURERS • ' OF . -I tg-' Virginia & N. Carolina, Aud wlU keep constantly on hand n large and well Mm sd stock ol all grades required for the trade ot tho • Confederate States AND AT MANUFACTURER’S PRICES The attention of DEALERS le invited to ttds stock before purchasing elsewhere. | WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIBR’8 BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B.—Liate of all brands with samples and prioes. sent by mail or express, when doeired. janl8-lm NEW FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO, AUCTION AND ' Commission Merchants, So. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. B ESPECTPULLY solicit n share • f patronage and I r by strict ~*”~~Ubp tn hr-' •' OHUCAKIKS, Ac. 5000 P0UNDS T »»R—» BA00N K00 lbs Otrb Sod* 4000 fin Tsllow M0 foa Star Candles 800 foj Copperas <6 fos Green Tea ’ s M donna Brooms 60 lb. Ginger 100 fos Spice 100 fos Grain Pepper Fur eale at wh vcmln by & SOLOMON A BROd, Cumuii*.ion Merchant*, at the store lately occupied by Brady A boioaou. decl7-tr Agency for Ya. Tobacco. A. CONNELL, Late of Btmphli, Tenn. The shre formerly jftiu. No, II Court sueot, ha* been 1 lor the purpose, where at all tlm« can be B und not Um u«t and nui gtaanl UftitBnl oi ToIqaccq mu- .hie ol Virginia; t -i aUo * c.-nviaut eupp.y ol the Hieramt and anon grate* of SUOAK. The Hcintiw nr obtaining roigor tacour be •urpssot.41 - »l, . teer hrmra in the Uou- -Mseey , *ep30-.f S SOU>MOK HAITI* SOtOMOK A A SOLOMON IVJEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., ‘ hardware AND Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, M AVB IN. ST0RB and are receiving a stock of gene ral Hardware aud Home Furnishing Go-ds for wnole- ard retail Also receive on storage and sale Produce and Groceries, aud every species of Merchandise on llbe- rsl terra*. E* We will give particular attention to consignments, and furnlih correspondent with market reports when desired. decSSm MAYER & BESIEGER, Commission Merchants, AND WBoLtoULX DXALXES in MERCHANDISE, BEAL ESTATE, BONDS AND STOCKS, Corner Whitehall and Alslirata Sts., ATLANTA, GKORGHA. P ARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of Mer chandise entrusted to as, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day sale* are made. novl3-8m m w aoroussoN • >AK0S8 DUTCH BBLXXl AMOWS, LIGON & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streeta, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, JjlOE the sale of Produce, Merchandise; Beal Estate, No- jfOMthera GnMttnty IEO. W. ADAIR, J. HENLY SMITH, ■DITOXS AND PROPRIETORS. B. 0. SMITH, M. D, J. N. CARDOZO, Review of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. r This document was communicated to Con* gross on the 10th nit. We propose presenting an abstract of its leading statements with such comments as the various propositions it embraces suggests. From the 18th February, the termination of the Provisional Govern* ment, to the commencement of the Perma nent Government, the aggregate receipts into the Treasury were, $457,865,704 00. The aggregate expenditures within the some period were $418,971,730 CO Add iho halince against ths Treasur, on the 18th February, 1882, 98,439.67J 00 $413,411,307 00 .. 467,880,704 00 .. 443.411,307 00 Amonnt of reoeipts. Deduct amount of expenditures.... $ 14,444,397 00 lbs appropriations made by Congress nud u.'t yi t drawn from the Treasury amount to 81,879,013 00 The estimate* for tho support of the gov- ip ment tor the fiscal year, amount to 290,493,713 00 Tn order to ascertain the a- mount to be raised by Con gress, we must add— L Tho ‘ $372,373,696 CO 14,444 897 CO e-tluate*.. $290,493 713 2. Undrawn appropriation?... 81,875,918 Deduct the balance in the Treasury of.. Leaving amount to bo raised $387,929,239 00 DEBT OF THE GOVERNMENT The debt of the Government at the same date was as follows: BONDS AND STOCKS. Under act of Februa ry 28, 1881 $ 4,987,000 Under act of Olay 10, r 1881,....,.... 6,414,300 Under act of Augnst 19 1861 67,686,100 Depute certificates under act of Deo. 14,1861— Issued .....$69,008,870 Redeemed 12.616,400 66,483,970 $148,478,870 CO • TREASURY NOTES. 8-85 totes... $ 992,000 2 years Dotes. 10,919,025 General currency,,. 271,0.- 40J 7,30nolea. l^4R0jmP...i l| u*» l um iKl groes, Ac. 0deO-fi $368,106,062 00 In the above statement is contained a largo amount of bonds and interest bearing notea, which are on hand in the various depositories nut yet’ issued. It is important to bear this in mind in estimating the efleet of the act of the last session upon funding treasury notes. The loanain which such notes are funded, are those mentioned in the schedule as loans of May 16th and August 19th. The amount of those loans as reported at the last meeting of Congress was on 1st August $41,677,250. By tha atatement now reported, tbo total amount ot there bond* 1* $73,999,4(0 00 From which should be deducted amount on bard not yet disposed at say $000,000 00 W a USMAN. U 0OLX. W P INMAN. INMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Real Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, So. IlfB hAve Ample store room, and will give personal at- VV tendon to all business entrusted to us. OOce tc Beach A Root’* atore, Whitehall street. notl-tl BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, £1X0 HAN G E , BARK of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By M. 8AL08HIN A 00, Broken, Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING GO. B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GKOflfclA. declO-Sm WANTED, AT XHX ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 6,000 CORDS BARK. & T. HXNDRBSON, Agent. Jaal7tf Notice—Barks Wanted* . * MEDICAL PURVEYOR S OFFICE, I Atlanta, Ga., June 20.1862. ( i lhltet |«sete WBI t <• I old t J u.r undersigned for large quabtittesOf the following BARKS: Stem, tranche* ai d root < . X-gwood, trial i nferred); hsanthe* and roots *f White W illu* ; root, trunk and blenches ti American i , ,;*r, (ra.i.-l ai*o finite-wood, t*u.oe-w«Q and lalin-tie*,) i m i preferred. bark* must la cafe] m.lj dried aud secitrsly pack ed. f bey may b* brought u thi* i thee, or seut tc Mr. L H- Wulrr Erlsnlral >g*ul 'Ol ii i i nli n» , a W. W. Durham, ifetauicul Agent , iHxaiur. Ga. GEO Hot i). LLACK1K, yl-U- Surgmand Medical Purve,or, u A A. $20 REWARD. A SMALL DARK G-EK-N TRUNK, marked on the end A Mth* Mn. 8alBe Jt. Since or Mua Alice Latimer, ■aa—a*3 Utavgia, w*a taken bom the Famcnger Depot, «• tear by mfoveXe or ltOani.oualiy, oo last Friday night, tb*S8th ultimo. Inaabov* rswa. ! wul be pant for tfc* Trunk aud contents to Mr. 6. J.ehackdford, nndar the Port Offlco, and no quMtlotil asked. dae3-tf NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAh SUBSCRIBERS. S UBiCHIBKitS to the Produce Loan are earnestly re quested to pay up their subscriptions. The Aovarn- maai desires an early settlement. All persons with thuds to Invest cann. t render a greater service to ihslr country than by taking eight per cent bonds of the *1,QUQ3*U Loan. W* are prepared to Issue them promptly. ADtbe Bond* ordered by us for subscriber* have arrived and are ready for delivery. They wiUpiaaee forward our Seosipte, and wo will neod the bonds as they may direct. We hold them at tho risk cf the owner*. The Oottoa of (Subscri bers will be taken at the market pries by the Government In exchange for Bonds. {AGENT* AT Savannah—R Hobeitfftffi A Bona. Ocliunbus—D Adams Macon—N C Monroe. Newnan—J. J- Pinion. LaG range—Jesee McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Bearing. Griffin—R. Xing. PHINIZY A CLAYTON. janft-lm General Agenu prodneo Lean for Ga. MONET TO BE HADE, ‘ HAVE tor gals 1 - - 76 Share* Union Loan and Building One l,00W>oUar Oenfoderaie Bond. $68,999,400 00 7,000,000 SO $58,999,400 00 . 41,577,250 CO Aud in order to ascertain tho amount of treasury notes funded, there must be de ducted for tho bonds Issued for produce. Deduct amount rapt rted 1st August. Balance $17,432^50 CO This balance shows the amount of treasury notes funded in five months, the average being about 3i millions per month. During the same period tho Interest-bear- ing treasury notes have Increased from $22,799,000 CO To... 120,480,000 00 Increase.. -$97,6s0l00 00 From which deduct notes on band 11,004,600 CO Real lnereaa* $i5 776,500 00 We will next enter on an analysis of the sev eral recommendations contained in the Report under the separate heads of Treasury Notes, Funded Debt, War Taxes, and War Debt. NUMBER TWO. The Report sates “that tho largo increase of interest-bearing notes affords satisfactory evi dence that the usueof them was a judicious measure; and for any ordinary war the bonds and interest notes, amonnting together to a monthly sale of twenty and a half millions, would have sustained the Government without any retort to paper currency. But the estimates call for more than twice the amounts furnished by these resources; and we are compelled to re sort to the Treasury Notes to supply the defi. ciency. It becomes then a most important in quiry whether the issue of such notes can be continued, and, if it can, then to what extent. To answer this inquiry an estimate is made of the circnlation of the C-onlederate States be fore the war, which is computed to have been one hundred millions of dollars. Boil as in limes of peace money circulates from hand to aand more rapidly than in a period of war, as large poriions of the operations of business are performed by bills of exchange and checks, and SB larger amounts of ready money are kept on hand by each individual, the Secretary ventures to add as much as fifty per cent to the usual amount of paper currency, raising the sum total at which the currency of the Confederacy might permanently remain at one hnndred and fifty millions of dollars.” He might have added that the increase of prices admits also of a larger volume of currency. “ The difference between this sum and the actual circulation will show the redundancy. The actual circulation em braces not only the. Treasury notes, but bank notes and State emissions of Treasury notes — In ordinary times coin would also form a part; but At present, not only the coin, but a large portion of the bank notes have been withdrawn from circulation.” The isjue of Treasury notes oa the last day State Treasury notes and the bank notes in cir culation we can arrive at the sum total of the currency. Twenty millions added to the Treas ury notes would probably represeat the whole.” But in thus estimating the probable addition which the circulation may absorb Mr. Memmins ger overlooks the fact, that the curreney being restored to its normal condition, as he proposes, its rapidity of movement, which has been less* ened by the war, as well as the use of checks and bills of exchange which the war has also lessened, with the smaller amount ef ready money kept on hand, will operate to render un necessary the fifty millions he has added, which should not be estimated as forming part of the permanent currency, making it one hundred and fifty millions, in lieu of one hundred millions before the war. The effect of this correction would be that instead of the circulating medium of the Con federacy being in three-fold exoesa, as stated by Mr. Memminger, the excess would be be tween three and four fold. The Secretary of the Treasury then offers some general reasons for his belief that the currency is redundant, which scarcely re quires demonstration. The remedy for this redundancy, in order to make it effective, ie to withdraw, he says, two-thirds of the entire uolumeof the currenoy. The measures al ready adopted by Congress were intended to act in this direction. The Treasury Notes were all made fundable originally in eight per oent securities, and it was supposed that the holders of notes would prefer investing them in bonds rather than hold them when depreciated. To stimulate investment, the holders have been notified that by the ait of last session, that after the 22d of April they can no longer invest in eight per oent. secu rities. These measures, although judicious and well-timed, are overpowered by the ne cessities of the government which compels it to increase its issues. The inducement to invest in government securities having failed from-the oironm- stanoe that the increasing rates of deprecia tion extend to the dividends, making an eight per cent, stock in effect & four or three per oent. aocording to the reto aaninpi»>«»V*—— -- *- ‘* 11 era of the notes by what he calls a “ Hit gentle restraint,” by a limitation as to th time to the 1st of iuly, beyond which Treas ury Notes will be deprived of the privilege of funding. He says that th’s modification of the contract by whioh a li nation is now proposed, where no limitatio- « n originally expressed, is substantially for the benefit of both parties, and contends that it io no vio lation of contract. The term constraint em ployed implies to the contrary. A oontraot changed in any one partjoular, without mu tual consent, is an infringement by whatever name it may be called, and however justified on the plea of precedent. It is olearly Illogi cal to defend one wrong by another, as the Secretary doos in citing tho example of Con gress in a similar measure. The Secretary argues, assuming the reduction of the cur renoy contemplated to be two-thirds, that every holder of only one-third, in proportion of the new issues, will have the same value in money left, after he shall have invested the other two-thirds in bonds. He will gain in the reduped price of every article of con sumption. . Now, in thus judging what is the real in terest of one of the contracting parries by the other, and that on an assumed state of facts, namely—the appreciation of the currency be fore the war has closed, (the oontiniiance of which will require oa large expenditures, and consequently as large issues of paper money,) would appear to us to be unjustifiable in sound morals and equitable legislation. C. Attract from. Orders. OUXAXCS BUXXAtT, I Richmond, January 3d, 1884. J Maj. Richardson Hunt, JP. A. a & Art'y. Under the law recently pa**td by Conjsn-a* “exemption of certain peraon* from military at-mca,” you will ece that I am empowered to aathunze an Ordnarco officer to exempt aU “„u*an*, mechanic and employee* E the e*tabli*hmenta of such person* a* are or may be engaged, under contract with the Government, in luruiahing arms, ordnance and ordnance store*, and other munitions of war, aadulea, harness and army supplies.” These men must all be *nroUed, and then detailed, as provided in eecction six, General Orders So S3. You are designated aa the Ordnance officer to act, under thi* law, for all contractor* within your Jurisdiction. J. GOltGAS, Col. Chief of Ordnance. In pursuance of the above order, ail Iron Hasten and other contractors -within t e State* of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee, will make application to me for the detail of inch conscripts as may be indispensi- ble in earning oat their cox tracts with tne Ordnance De partment O B A. To prevent frauds, it will be required of each coat actor making application for the detail of conscripts, that his requisition shall be-acoomparitd by a certified copy of his contract, on oath that th” serrices of the persons desired to be detailed are indispensable for the fulfillment of his contract and that the laborer can not bo otherwise obtained; and farther, that when the services of the conscripts shall no longer be needed, tho affiant will turn the conscript oysr to ihe Enrolling officer of the district for scrvlc in the army; also a certificate of the Enrolling of the dittrict, that the persons nanud in the requisition hare been properly enrolled. Certificates and oaths to be by and before a Justice of tho Peace or otther magistrate authorized by law to administer oaths. All communications addressed to me at Selma, Ala., will meet prompt attention. WM. RICHARDSON HDNT, jan27*4w Maj, Ac., on Ordnance Duty. CLa-YTON HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female. *HB exerdaea of thi* School wBl commence January 19th, 1863. Two Sessions of five month* tech. TUITION PER SESSION. Primary Oas* $io ZilClau ie 3dClas*...... go 4th ClatB..... 25 Having been engaged In teaching for several yean, we feol assured that we will giro satisfaction to all who may favor u* with their patronage, and give u* a fair and can- did trial. Strict iailh'ulne e in the dis-harge of duties, acheerful compliance with needlul regulations and propriety of de meanor and punctual attendance at all time., will be re quired of emh pupil. Pupils charged from timo of entrance till close ef ses sion, except in c sea ot protracted sicknes*. For farther particular* addrei* TUGS. A. CR AVEN, .. . or Mlu 1 , JanlT-tf Jonesboro’, G a. • iUEADOWNOOK” FOR SALE. (X7 Bspeak advisedly when we say that we have never YV ottered snch a rural property for sale, It ia situa ted oue ami a half mile* West of Decatur, on theFay- ettsvi.le road, and six miles from Atlanta. Tho land consist- of 250 acres, eveiy acre lying beautifully, anu ol this number of acres, lully fifty consist; of excellent branch bottom. One hundred acree of hoavy wooded laud, has hardly a stick unis*. Thohoueois not excelled in all it-appeiotmente atd finish, by one country resi dence in a thousand,- Six rooms, hard finished ; closets, pantry, with glass doors—rooms united by loldlng doors, are some of tho advadtagts. There is a large young or chard, embracing in its catalogue, literally every fruit grown in this latitude. But call and see ths place for yourselves. We pronounce It a perfect gem. janll-tf B. J. SHACKELFORD, V. M. Omcx or Asanas* Quahxbmasxw, i Colnmbu*, Ga, Sept. 6,1862. J B k order of Quartsrmaiter General, I have been en trusted with eniire command of collectinj the hides 3i the beeves killed for the army, for tanning, and the purchase of Leather for manufacturing. Tanners having Leather on hand and wanting Hides, will do well toad- lies* me with proper references. The Mhy must be shod rad it is the duty of all patriotic tanners to assist in sc loinz. All leather held at unreasonable prices wBl be nnressed F. W. DILLARD, «!ntf *•<*"»• WANTED. ■ A LADY qualified to teach all of tha Ecgliah branches. French, and Music oa toe Piano, with several years 1 experience in teaching, desires r situation aa Governssr in some private lamily. Terms made known. Good a fence Riven. Address “Inder,” By land’s Depot, Greenville county, Va,or JW8qulrs,8r, Gaston, D. a JanS-lm THIEVING WOMEN. S OME Ladies this day (Tuesday 27th) about half past one o’clock,stole from my store, two Ends, or Rem nant*, of Brown Jeans, one piece of Green Yell Ban ami one piece of Black YeU Lace. These women are human. Their movements have bean watched for some time,and th.y hsv* attest been detected. Indites them to s-ml back u.y goods and steal no more. JanXStf P. G. BKS3XNT. motic r WANT to purehate a lot of Baud Paper, and 500 grow I suck or White Cotton Tape, % inches wide, for rtkka’ i liberal price will be paid. L HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Georgia. Jan22-2w FOR SALE, 1 ruvt LB3 WASTE WOOL 1 UUU J. M. HOLBROOL. *aa22-2w Atlanta, Ueorgta. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE. * M unimproved Lot or Square oa Whitehall street, con A. taining two and a-half acree, oo which is over one ■-jar-*- 1 - f ° ube>ring - yw3pNg& v> JanlSti At^tbe Store of P. A G, j. a. Wallace }. T. Dodd. JanSl-lm A GOOD CHANCE. BBL8 GtO BROKING TOBACCO P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants, crnoCKHXES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decatur (street, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. O*Prompt in orders snd remittances. Janl4-tf T X KIFLXT o » WOOD RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, -" - ’ - - GEORGIA, VX7ILL attend to buying and selling all kinds of mer- W chandlie. All ordon for goods mu»t be accompa nied with the cash to secure attention. Janll ly WHITE & POWERS, WHOLUaL* AND RETAIL &RO C BBS ATLANTA, lanXS-ly* Marietta Street, - - - GEORGIA! rjtw FOR HIRE. 0 LIKELY NXGivO MEN. App.yto PJ5ABE * DAVIS, Commission Merchants. FOR SALE. O NE H0U8E AND LOT, on Peach Tree street, 1% miles from the car shed, containing 6 rooms and good outbouildings, by PEASE A DAVIS, Com mi a ni cl Mcrcb&nt* Atlanta, January 8th, 1663. j*n7-lm. W. H. HANNON & BROTHER, WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, IOMTGOHERY, ALABAMA, declOly RANAWAY, TOR0H BOYLE’S CAMP, on the 8. and N. Ala Railroad. _c two nrgro men, GkaliOL, eb^ut ob y.ars old, weighs 146 or 150 pounds, dark compl. xicc, about 6 feet 8 or 9 incherhigh, rather quick ipoken. NOROB or NOBYAN, bright muiatto, 6 feet or over In height, .low spoken, ami weighs 160 or 170 pound*, about 30 jeers old. A suitable reweid will be paid if apprehended and delivered to John X. Milner, of Montgomery, or confined in any Jail so that loan get him. JAB. H. PRBOHJRT, JauU-lra Robinson P.OwN.O. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers . ^ —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF'S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHISKEY AND BRANDY- Kri BBL8 Com Whtekey. "V M bbla peach Brandy. 10 bbla Apple Brandy. On consignment and for rale by , .... ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. febitf Commission Merchants. 250 nHD8 SUGAR. 100 bbls Enga 850 Backs Sugar. On Consignment and for f ale by , . ANDERcON, ADAIR A CO., febitf Commission Merchants. SAL SODA. 16 SAL B0DA on consignment and for sale by n21-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO. Commission Merchant* NEW RICE. 100 T «rieb^ NEW BlOt, on consignment and for ** * by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., Jan2I-tr Ocmmiidion Merchants. 250 HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. DOZMEN’B XNOLIBQ HALF H03B{ 350 great gross Agata Buttons. ’ sale by On consignment and for s ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., janll-tf Commission Merchants. (SALT. 20 B3LS. KANAWHA BALT, ou consignment and for ™ by ANDERSON. AD Ala. A CO, Jan9-tf Commission Merchants. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. CA BBLS. OHOICB N. O. MOLASSES, on consignment and for sale by Jan9-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Oommissioa Merchant*. WANTED. I N a Rolling Mill at Knoxville, Te-n,aPndler, to whom 1 good wages will be paid. Apply at ANDKKBON, ADAIR A CO’B Store. /"VNE DDL. AND A FEW DEMIJoNS, “ANa l”Ma- U deira Win*, on eon ignmtnt aud for sale by Jan3-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO. CHICORY. on BARBELS CHICORY, the only substitute for Coffee, OO on consignment and for sale by the barrel or sa5k by Jan2-tf ANDERSON, AOaIR A OO, Commission Merchants. COFFEE. ’ - BACKS PRIME COFFEE, on consignment an for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Commission Merchant*. IJHFTY J for* JenS-tf 10 - LOGWOOD, BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on comignment aud tor sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Jan2-tf Commission Merchants. PEA NUTS. m PjQQ BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on consignment and ANDERSON, ADAIB A CO, Commission I' sale by COTTON YARNS. BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment aud for deoll-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, Commission Merchants. QUININE. onri OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on consign- A/hrj mem and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov26-tf Commission Merchant*. HARNESS. h SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for 0 sale by ANDERSON, aDAIR A 00, nov21-tl Oommi*.!on Mecrhant*. FLOUR. 1 KA BBLS. bupsbfinb and extra family JLOU FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novl6-tf Commission Merchants. .CHAMPAGNE. DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINK,, on consignment and for sale by _ ANDERSON, ADAIB A 00, D0Vl5-ti Commission Merchant*. SOAP. fivWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP.' JL 25 Boxes Toilet Sow, on consignment and for rale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, BOV-lStf Commission Merchant*. 4 SEWING MACHINES, on consignment aud for sale bT AUDI nuvlfi-ti DXB80N, ADAIR A CO, Commission Merchants. COUNTRY JEANS. A LARGE LOT OP COUNTRY JEANS, on consign ment aud for sals by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, D0Vl54f ' Commission Merchants; JxnlS-f FOSTER, QUEEN A Ou. m l SCHOOL. ( K tha basement of the first Presbyterian Church, the l uedereigned a ill open a Female School, on the first Monday in January next. A tew boys, under ten years of age, will be received. Payment, half in advanoe. dec3L-tf UBS. M. 0. COLE. W ANTED TO PURCHASE. X WI5H TO PLBCHAcK A OOoD CITi’ Li’T. hue l^cv- tion, either improved or unimproved. Also, a Planta tion containing some 600 or luOO acres, near some tf th* Railroads. Addre»s or c»U on N. A. MCLENDON. * Peach-Tree street. HOOP POLES. WANTED, A T THE EMPIRE OldTlLLEllY. immediately, 20.000 Hickory Hoop Poles, to- whtekj barre t Parties wishing to contract for he alove roust -p^I* early, either personally or by letter to Wm L High or the uuder-igoed jAcU-lm* HIGH A LEWIS. rjp, HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR t O for sol* by decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. rn TIBKCKS RICE for rale by w dclb-tf FOfcTRE, QUERN k CO. Q( \[\ EACKi KICK FLOUR for .ale by vW doclh-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. *>ftn BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sal* by eiVAJ deClS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. 1 A BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY ■LV for sale by decle tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. S MALL L FT FINE SHOES AND FLENCH CALF SKIN i- Boots for sale by . doC.S-lf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. T 0 T, ou the »th instant, between Whiaeball stroet and 1 J Grant’s Hospital, a leather Pocket Book, eocteining between one hundred and seventy-five and two hundred doUirs—Confederate notes—principally In tws nliet and tens. The finder will receive the above reward by leaving tne book and money at this office, or returning it to me at t>runt’s Hospital. ■ . r-■ janll-tf R. M. FOSTER. ..V WANTED. T rnOHlRK. A DWELLING HOUSE cutainia* five or rix X rooms, li e*ted convenient to the business portion of theelty. Apply to - - -■ _ •» uovtoti ANUER80N ADAIR A 00.