Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 06, 1863, Image 1

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'VST** - '' tBE fttBtiO 000a B & t Oft® PEIVATB ADVaSTAUE BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1863. VOLUME n—NO. 302 CRAWFORD, PEAZEE & CO., G1ENKRAL Commission Merchants, AUCTIONEERS D-ealers in Negroes, NO, «, WHITEHALL bT, OPP, IMTELUQENCER OFFICE. Ik ad.Uilon to oor AUCTION AND NEGRO BOUSE, No t, Whitehall ltrMt, we have fire proof atorugo of 9000 barrels capacity, at our warerooms, No 1, Alabama street. O'rf Negro Yard and Lock Up, at No 8, are both safe a', d e*mfortaMe. Dealer* and other parties will find ns pre pared to feed and lodge well, and from experience in the tcaineia since onr boyhood, to her.die the negro properly. Charges reasonable nod right. Satisfaction guaranteed 1st every In tun. Parties at a distance may know out market by address ing ne. CRAWFORD, FRAZER A 00, - JaniS Cm No 8, Whitehall street NO DISCOUNT. O N £ 1STALA.8AMA INSURANCE COMPANYChange RiU*. We glre CmfeJcrauj notes lor them AT Tak. CRAWFORD, FRAZER A CO., jua'.S lot No 8, Whitehall street. CHANGE BILLS. ’ ' TTYE are buying Alabama Change Bills— payable in »* in Moi.lgcmery Eufaula, Alabama. CKAW FuRD, FRAZER A CO, JaniH> ‘S No 8, Whitehall street. NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS. HARDWARE Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AVE IN STOKE and are receiving a stock of gene- ral Hardware and House Furnishing Co ids for whole sale ard retail Also re ceive on Stonge and sale Produce and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise on lite ral terms. 49* We will give particular attention to consignments, and furnish correspondent with market reports when desired. deed But JSO. W. ADAIR,.,.....J. HENLY SMITH. .... . > EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. + - B. O. SMITH, M. D, ......... J. N. CARDOZO. C : ABSOOATX XXUTSES. MAYER & RERINGER, Commission Merchants, 1X0 WHOLEULC DISLXXa !■' fliEHCHAKDJSE, BEAL E iff ATE, BONUS ANU STOCKS, 5 i Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of Her. ebandiee entrusted to ns, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day ealsS are made. nuvlR&n TOBACCO WAREHOUSE Tlui undersigned are agents for the sole of T O B A O Q Gi From the largest and beat MANUFACTURERS OF Virginia & N. Carolina, And wlU keep constantly an hand a large and well assort ed itek of all grades required for the trade of the Confederate. States AND At MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. TU atteotiCk - jd e ale r s Is Invited to this stock before purchasing elsewhere. WILLIS & YOUNG, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. X B.—Libia of mil Lranda with 9Ample a and price*. seat 1/ nuitl or cxpr«jM, when dcaired. J&nl$*lxn & M PARKS M W 2UTOHXSOH NEW FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO-, AUCTION AND / Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, R ESPECTFULLY soldi a share I f patronage and hope by strict attention to business to give entire eatle- laction to their patrons. deefo * a B AM089 D LMOS B B LSI! AMOSB, L1GOJN & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, y Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Street*',' ATLANTA, GEORGIA, • ' • ... -i . : • • -■ i... E CU the sale of Produce, Merchandise, Real Estate, No gruos, Ac. ddSo-tf .GROCERIES, Ac. 5000 ****■■*■ BACON 6000 fi» Crrb Soda 4000 lbs Tallow 500 lbs Bear Candles iJU for Turpentinv :foap SCO for Copperas «6 ft* Green Tea - : 90 doson Brooms 60 Sa Ginger 1J0 lbs SpJoe 100 lbs Grain Pepper For sale at wholesale by 8. SALOMON a bib >n, a.n.inik,.-n Merchants, at the store lately occupied by JUredy A Solomon. dKl7-tf Agency for Va. Tobacco. A. CONNELL, Late of Bcmphll, Tania. d as wttolisfied in Montgomery, Alabama, a first-etas* Agency for ail kinds of SMOKING AND CHEWING VIRGIN LA TOBACCO, to which he would respectfully dl- uci public attention The at-re formerly occupied by leearv Middleton A Loftin, No, 11 (Van .tree:, has been ced for th., purpose, where at all time* can be found not the best and most general assortment o: Tobacco out- .kic oi 1 iigicia; bnt also a constant supply ol the cuarsmt UM nueSl are les of 8CGAR. The fecuitit* tor obtaining Shear ckoll, 1< eurpaseed by any other houvo it the Lon- r ,rpS0-.t Notice—Barks Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYORS OFFICE, I Atlasta, Oa. s June l5*S. | . H i t. i ( rue* will I. paid 1J thencdeiiignea for i luiAk? uh.a«tlu«* of the folk-wing BAKE.S: fcti-m trkkvhea ei.d r.c t ol Dogwood, (.reel p- eferryd) hri-Lthee and roots of White Wlitow; root, tiunk and L:a,.cbee ul Au.cil;an Poplar, (called ol»w MLite-!*OOO, Dsiios-wood and mbp-trie,; loot preferred lb.*t Ltrka must be carefully dried end oecnreiy jwc*- ed. lt.y may be brooglt to this offite. or sent la Mr. L. ft. WalitT, fo-tamoal Agent. Cartersnilj O.; >-r W. w. Durham, B^taaioal Agent, Decatur, Ga Jiti. GEolKliE S. RLACEiE, dargson and Medical Purvey or, o 8. A- •80 REWARD. A cUaLL jiRK Gt.foKN TRUNK, marked on the end either afra. SaiUe K. Li.uce ut Miss Alice Latimer, Manassas, Georgia, was taken from the Passenger Depot, either by mistake or Intentionally, on last Friday night, the 98th ultimo. The above reward will be paid for the Trunk and oontenta to Mr. 8. J. Shackelford, under the Pat Ofioe, aoi no question* ytk»d dec3-tf W n lauan. u oou. w t i»uit. (NMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purciiase and Sale of merchandise, Real Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, &c. VA/ B have ample store room, and will give personal at- YY tcntlou to all business entrusted to us. Office I. Bench A Root’s store, Whitehall street. novl-ti BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, exchange, £Aii K BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By AL SAL0SHIN A 00, Brokers, novS6-3m* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MAN 0FACTORING CO B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GKOHGIA. WANTED, AT THE ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 5,000 CORDS BARK. iuGTtf K. T. HENDERSON, Agsnt. NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. S UBSCRIBERS to the Produce Loan are earnestly re quested to pay op their subscriptions. Iho iovem- meot desires an early settlement. All j etsons with funds to invest cannvt render a greater service to their country than by taking eight per cent bonds of the 81,COo.COu Loan. We are prepared to last* them promptly. Alithe Bonds ordered by ns for subscribers have arrived and are ready for delivery; They vriH pleats forward oar Receipts, and we will smiths bonds as tney may direct. We hold them at the risk of the owners The Cotton of Subscri bers will be taken at the market price by theGovemment in exchange for Bonds. (AGENT* AT Savannah—R Hebsr&am A Sons. Columbus—D A dams Macon—N C ilonroa . Newmn—J. J. Pinssn. LaGrange- Jesse McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Deexing. Griffin—R. King. PHIN1ZY A CLAYTON. jauo-Iru General Agenu Prodoo. Loan for Ga. MONEY TO BE MADE. X HAVE for sale , „ 1 T6 Shares Union Loon and Budding A wa-iatlon. One l,0O>Dollar CenMorale Bcmd. .tul - 11 J. R. WALLACE, JanlStt Atjthe Store of P- A G. T. Dodd. To tire people of Nor I hem and North- > eastern Georgia and Soutlivvestern N 1 Carolina. Headquarters, Dahlonega, Ga., ) January 26th, 1863.- J General Order No. 1. Major A. HI. Lea and tils Son. One of the most affecting incidents of the brilliant and successful recapture of Galves ton by the forces under Major Gen. Magru- der was the meeting (already briefly al luded to) between our esteemed friend Ma jor Lea, of our army, with his eldest and iondly loved son, who was 1st Lieutenant of the Harriet Lane. We are informed that nearly two years ago, the father then residing in Texas, had written repeatedly to the son, then on the coast of China, sug- the principles that should deter mine his course in the then approaching struggle between the North and the South of the United States, and saying that he could not dictate to one so long obligated to act on his own judgment, his high conscientiousness, he would con tinue to regard him with the respect of a gentleman and the affection of a father; but that, if he should elect the aide of the enemy, they would probably never meet on earth, unless perchance they should meet in battle. The father has served nearly eighteen months eastward of the Missis sippi, and, through unsolicited orders, ar rived at Houston, en route for San Antonio, late at night of the 30th ult., when heating of the intended attack on the Harriet Lane, aboard of which he had heard was his son, also placed there simply in the order of providence, he solicited permission to join the expedition in expectation of nursing or burying his son, whose human courage was obliged to expose him fatally to the equal daring of our Texan boys. During the fight, Major L6a was ordered by the; General to keep a look out from a house top for all movements in the bay, As soon as daylight enabled him to see that the Lane had been captured, by permis sion of the General who knew nothing of the expected meeting, he hastened aboard, when he .was not surprised to find his Son mortally; wounded; > : r Wading through blood amidst the dying and the-dead he reached the youth, pale and exhausted. ‘-Edward, 'tis your father.” “I know you father, but cannot move,” he said faintly. “Are you mortally wounded?” “Budlyv but hope net-fatally/’ “Do sou suffer pain?” “Cannot speak,” he whisper ed. A stimulant was given him. z *Hbw came you here father V f When answei ed, a gieam of Surprise and gratification passed over his fine face. He then expended near ly his last words in making arangements for his wounded comrades. His father knolt and blessed him, and hastened ashore for a litter, and returned just after life had fled. When told by the suiceou that he had. but a few minutes to live, and asked to express his wishes, he answered confidingly, “ Father is here,” and spoke not again. ■ Ho was borne in procession to the grave from General ifagruder’s head quarters, in company with.his Captain, and they were buried together, with appropriate military honors, in the presence of many officers of both armies and many generous citizens, all of whom expressed their deep sympathy wi.h the bereaved father, who said the solemn service for the Episcopal Chuch for the burial of the dead, and then added thi3 brief address; ..i.v,-; -.j My friends, the wise man said that there is a time to rejoice and a time to mourn. Surely this is a" time when we may weep with those that weep.- ;4dGtow one so sorely tried, in. this his willing-sacrifice, to beseech you to believe, whilst we defend our rights with strong , arms and. honest hearts, that tuose we meet in battle may also have hearts brave and honest a3 our own. We have here buried two brave and honest gentleman, Peace to their ashes 1 tread JighUy o’er tl^r. graves. ; Apien.—Galveston llfik T'. "Jli j " i< IZ * *-J How Lincoln Provides job his Fbirsdb. —The Legislature of New Jercey has just turned Mr Fields out of the Senate of the United States to make way for Mr Wall.— The vote by which this was done was an over whelming condemnation at once of the coarse of the dismissed Senator, and of the general policy, of the Administration. The Adminis tration accordingly replies to it by nomina ting Mr .Fields to the bench bf the District Court of the United Stales in New Jersey.— The Hew York If odd says of this outrage: The Administration thus forces upon the peo ple of that State, in the capacity, of a Judge, a man whom they distinctly refused to trust as a Senator, Tnis outrage upon the principles of constitutional, government is the more fla grant that the person so selected to adminis ter the Federal laws of New Jersey has sig nalised himself by the most elaborate assault ovlr oiide in the Senate upon the grandest law devised by our ancestors for the protec tion of liberty. The last act of Air Fields’ Senatorial career was the delivery of aspceeh defending the contemptuous suspension by the Executive of the writ of ha’,far corpus, and asserting that the legislative branch of the Government has no right to claim ar.y con- troi ever the matter. Such Aubservieaey in the Senator being a fair presumptive argu ment of pliancy in the Judge, the Adminis tration no doubt hopes to find is Mr Fields not only a means of present defiance to the will* but an insirument of future invasion upon the rights of the people of New Jersey. S.ztraci from Onion. oaoKiacs lciuad, i -I ■ .... •• Richmond, Jaiiuari So. irij. ) Maj. W, RManittm Muni, 1>. A. C: 3. Arty. ■ Cu4*r tlis;Uw roctoU) (kiaeiU b; Coa*r«ia • fiamption of certain jpemowi from military serTioB,” jou will sts that Lam empowered to authorise an Ordnx'-c* officer to oenenu Orders h o 89. YoO are designated ae the Ordaano eofficer to act, under this law; for oil contractors w ltbin jour JnrlsdioUbCk ■ . , . „ ; exemptiall ‘•arusamc inechanio*. and fcmplo>eea in th# I lie Gencrc' Conimnruling this Department, ' eatkoUihineute ol such pianonsas areormay he engaged, having been retinoiy infurmou iu.i: ihero are a under oontract with the Gorerament, in mmiahing arms, number of deserters, torics, and conscripts tea J’; ; -’‘ r; ‘ ;o * Iul,lr< * Ij auc9ator«s,andi)tbarniuuiiUB«i>f war, • i ' ft A. * j », .. r Badklwc harness and aimi aupphaa. ’ these men most ait SIS ting the laws in Northern and North-.eastorn enrol, ad, and then detailed, as provided in eecctiou six, Georgia, and in South-western North Carolina, — -- — haa dispatched a lorce under my cominand to suppress any insurrectionary. movements, to capture deserters, and generally to restore tran quillity to this part oi the country. This 1 desire to do “ peaceably if I can; for cibly if I must.” But wnilst 1 am fully prepar ed to carry out the orders of the commanding General at the point of the bayonet—having a well disciplined, thoroughly equipped and pro vided lorce under my command,yet, lam cloth ed with pienaiy powers to offer such conditions as may prove conciliatory, and insure a peaceful return to duty of every man. now occupying 8 hostile attitude to the Government. And I shall pursue the latter course il 1 am co-operated with. I hereby desire to assure all malcontents, that if they will report to me at these Head Quar* tera within ten days, that I am authorized to put them into companies, battalions and regiments upon the coast that are not filled up to the max imum numbe-, or to organize them into addi tional companies for the post at Atlanta. In all cases where they have not rendered themselves obnoxious to the charge of having perpetrated violent infractions of the laws of the Skate or Confederacy, a free and full pardon u>ill be granted. ft, on the othar hand theBe malcontents per sist in arraying t hemselvea against the laws of tho land and coni inue in open treason, I will pursue them into their lasuiesses, and use oil the power and moans at my control, to arrest and bring them to condign punishment. My men will bo ordered to tire upon them, and at all haz ards to capture the last man, until this treason able movement is completely surpressed. I appeal to you all to close in with the over tures of offered amnesty, and array yourselves under the banner of your country, to rally to her support in her hour of need and to prove the Southern blood that flows through your veins,— by upholding the the authorities of your coun* try—oy repelling the rapacious invaders of your soil—by pushing on the car of revolution to its destined ultimate success—that future genefa- tious may inscribe your honored names upon the roll of the noble and patriotic defenders of liber ty—and that you may bequeath to your children a name to cherish, of which they shall be proud to the latest posterity—and not a memento of shame and disgrace. It will be a fruitless attempt to war against the government, and must result in tlio most disastrous defeat to all wh.o may be so deluded ns to attempt it. - The late victories in Virginia, Tennessee and Mississippi, have must triumphantly established the lact that the arms of the Southern Confed eracy will be crowned with success in tbc end. The country is much better prepared at this time than at the commei.. i ment of tlio war, both in arms and men to . -.itend suocessiu iy with our enemies abroad .. . put down treason at home. Earnestly anx.ou. «,r the good of the people of this section, and. loeliug, as we pH should do, a profound solicitude for the welfare of the government in its hour of peril; I am con strained to urge you to accept the terms I now offer you. 1 am authorized to pay to each man mustered into service bounty and commutation money; the same as all other soldiers who have been or may be mustered regularly into the service. I am pleased to note the efficient aid rendered the government by the “Safety Committee” of Dahionega, and cheerfully tender my acknowl edgements to them lor tho timely assistance they have given me as commander of this expe dition. I refer to the patriotic Proclamation of. his Excellency Joseph E. Brown, in which he clear ly portrays to you the sad penalty due those who violate the laws of tne State or. of the Confederate States: While he nobly exhorts you <o return to your duty, and offers his influ ence to secure your pardon, he will promptly co-operate in suppressing all treasonable mani festations, and sanction the punishment-which will certainly fall upon all such as shall continue in insurrection. Enrolling officers, and all good citizens, axe requested to aid in carrying out the objects mentioned in these orders, and are assured of prompt assitonce should it in any case be nec essity.- G. W. LEE. ; jan29-20d. Commanding. Ontnauoe. In puMuaooe of the above order, all Iron Mwtert and other contractor* within t e States of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tenneaeeo, wil) make application to me tor the detail of rabh oonaerfoto at may be Indispenel- ble m carrying out their <o tracts with ttie De partment C a A. To prevent bauds, it wriU be required cf each coot actor making application for tne deinii of couscnpts, that his requisition shall b- nccompai led by a certllted copy of hie coulruct, on' oath that ih ■ servic es of the persons derirsditbite detailed are ludieiiensable for the fulfillment of his contract and that the laborer can not be other*ire obtained;'And Rutlier, that when the services of the conscripts shall do longer be -needed, the affiant will torn the conscript.over to.ihe Enrobing officer of tbo distikt for servio in the' army'; also a certificate of the Enrolling of the diitrict, that this persons named iu Uie requisition have been properly enrolled. Certihca'e* and oaths to bo by and before a Justice Of the Fence or otther Magistrate authorised by law to administer oaths. All communications addressed to me at Selma, Ala., will meet prompt attention. • - . .n arr i ^ WM. RICHARDSON HUNT, jan27-4w Maj , Ac., on Orduauce Duty. CL a.YTON HIGH SCHOOL Male and Female. f I’HE exercises of this School will oommence January X 18th, 1863. Two Seaslods of five months • acb. TUITION PER SE33ION. Primary O'seo.... .$10 IU Class 16 8d Class ; VO 4th Class 96 Having been engaged la teaching tor several years, we feel assured that we will give ntisfaotiou to all who may favor us with their patronage, and give ns a fair and Oon- dui trim. Strict .aith’ulne a In the dls herge of duties, acheerful compliance wl(h needlul legnlations aid pioprlety of de meanor and punctual attendance at. all times, will he re quired cd each pupil. Pupils charged iiom time of entrance till dose ef ses sion, except in o scs of protruded sickness. For further particulars address THUS; A CRAVEN, or Mill ■■ —, Janl7-tf , Joueeboro’, Us. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Goostf* Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WHISKEY AND BRANDY- gQ BBLS Corn Whiskey. 16 bbls Peach Brandy. 10 bbls Apple Brandy. On consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, febltf Commission Merchants. 8UQAR. 25Q HHDS Sugar. 100 bbls fcugar. 200 Sacks Sager. Ou Consignment and for rale by. ANDERjCY, ADAIR A CO, febltf Commission Merchants. , SAL SODA. TIERCES 8AL SODA on consignment and for sale janil-tf ANDBRBON, ADAIR A 00, Commission Merchants. Omu or asmsmbi.Qijabtuuicabiss, i ; Columbus, Ga, Sept. 6, 1862. J ‘ B k order of Quartermaster General, .1 hays br-en en trusted with eniira c j.umand of. collecting the hides J. the beeves ktMed for tho army, for tanning, end tin. purchase of Leather for manufacturing. Tanner* huvini Leather on hand and. wonting Hides, will do waU.-tO.uf areas me with proper references. The army most be shpd, ind it is the duty of all patriotic tanners to assist in sc loing. All leather ’ -- ■ -- ^ mpr'.ssed seplOtf held at unreasonable prices will be P. W. DILLARD, •A. Qm. A GOOD CHANCE. I\HE undersigned is authorized by the Secretary I War, through tho Colonel commanding this Pent, to raise a Company of One Hundred Men, to serve in the PioTjBt Uuaid, This offers an excellent chance to those who desire to volunteer in this favorite service. Tne Company wiU be stationed permanently In Atlanta, Application should bo made early to tne undersigned, at Camp Shackle-lord, Atlanta, Georgia. Jauzftif Captain a S.JBNKIN8. WANTED. > •;./ A LADY qualified to teach aU of the English branches, French, and Murnc on tae Piano, with several yaars’ experience m teaching, desires r situation os liovernose in some private family. Term* made known. Good ref- e given. Adiross “Inder,” Byland’s Depot, Greenville oonnty, Va, or J W Squire, Hr, Gaston, H. 0. JanS-lm j^“ Jim Ease’s regiments of negroes have been receiver! into the military service of j the United States and placed on the same ] footing as'white hirelings who are fighting 1 to subdue and subjugate the §9»th. THIEVING WOKEN. QOME Ladies this day (Tuesday SItb) about half-past hue o’clock, stole ixom my store, two Ends, or Rem nants, or Brown Jeans, one piece of Green Yell Bare re, and cue piece of Black Yell Lace. These women are ftf-rigg Their movetn.-nts have been watched for some time, and they have at last teen detected. I advise them to st ud back j Y goods and steal no more. Janus If P. G. BE8HENT. NOTICE. W ANT to purchase a lot of Band Paper, and 500 gross Black or White Colton Tape, % inches wide, for fhich a liberal price will he paid, JaaS-tw J. M. HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Georgia. for sale, 1 In o 1 IBi WAsIE WOOL 1 UUU J. H. HOLBROOL, ?anz2-2w Atlanta, Georgia. P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants, And General D.-olera iu GEUCBRIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, JDocatur (street, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. km*Prompt (n orders owl remittances. JanlFtf i XIKADOWNOOK” FOR SALE. W E speak advised!y when we say thatse have never offered such a rural property for-sate, 1 If is situ»- teii uni and a hall ndies West of Decatur, on toe F*y- ettcvi.lo rood, and six mllo* from Atlanta. 'Jheiund consist, of-260 acres, ove-y acre 1 lylngi beautifully, one ol this number of acres, lolly fifty.consist* Of excellent branch bottom. ' One hundred aores of hears wooded lAtd,ha9 hardly aetlcknmisv. Thshcusois not excelled laailltitppci tipenu aid,finish, by one country resi dence in a tuohsand, Six rooms,.hard finished; closers, pantry, With glass doors—rooms united by adding doors, are some of the advadtegts. ; There is a large young or chard, ombruriiig mils catalogue, litoraliy over; fruit grown iu this latitude. But call,and see the place for yourselves. We pronounce It a perfect gem. Jaull-tf 8. J. SHACKELFORD, T. M. . NEW RICE. 100 R10 a, ou consignment and for salt by JanBl-tf ANDBRBON, ADAIR A 00, Crmmiadon Merchants. HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. OPII1 008 MEN’S ERGLI8H HALF HOSE; 4jU (50 great gross Agate Buttons. On oousigument aadfor sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00., Jaull-tf Commission Merchants. -SALT. OA B3LR. KANAWHA BALT, on consignment and for a de by ANDERSON, AD Aid A CO., Jan9-tf Commission Merchants. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Kfi BBIR. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, on oousigsmeut "V , nd (u. bv and for sale by JanS-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., Commission Merchants. WANTED. Ill Rolling Mill at Knoxville, Teen, a Pudler, to whom i good wages will be paid. Apply at Jaofotf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00’S Store. MADEIRA WISE, / \NE RBL. AND A FEW DEMI JONS, “A No. 1” Ma- Vy deira Win», on cou lgnrueut and lor salt) by Jan8-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. CHICORY. Or V BARBELS CHICORY, the only subslitu.e for Coffee, ou consignment and for aal e by the barrel or sack by jan9-tf AND ARSON, AualB ft CO., Commission Merchants. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, WttitehtaU Strfeet^ . i ' ' ' , ATLANTA, - GEORGIA, 19/ILL attend to buying .-and selling all-kinds .of mer- ' * * chafidiim Ail orders for goods must be aceompa- nied with the cash to secure attention. --Jan 11 ly > WHITE & P0WER8, WBOUSXta ASK iXTAIl GROCERS fVlarletta Setraet. ATLANTA, - lanlS-ly* GEORGIA, T FOR HIKE. iWO LLiLELT NKGkO MEN. App.y to . pkaaK a DAVitj, Commission Merchants. FOR SALK. O NE HOUSE AND LOT, on Paaoh Tree street, lj* miles from the ear shed, ocntainlng 6 rooms and good outbouitdings, by ' PEAS 11 A DAVIS,' . Commission Merchant* Atlanta, January 9th,IStty g iedj janTrlm. W. H. 3AHH0H & BROIHEE, wholesale Comraission Merchants, lOSTOOXERV, ALABAMA, deciO ly V ,J BASAWAI, E ROM BOYLE’B CAMP, on.the S-aadN. AlfeEaUroad, two negro men, UKUKGE, about 86 years old, weighs 146 or 160 pounds, dark cumpl, xiom about 6 feet 8 or 8 Inch** high, rauier quick t pc ken. NoROJC or NURYAN, bright mulatto, 6 foot,or over in heigh',glow spoken, and weighs loO or 1T0 pounds, about 86 jeers old. a suitable rcwaiu will 0* paid if aeprehended and delivered to John T, Milner, of Montgomery, or confined In say Jail so tint I can get him. JA8- H. PRITCHETT, JiiiU-lm a. riuiviuii, - Eobineon F. 0., N. C. <91 | .BCHOOLs ;i f- . • L S toe baCcmant cf the first Freehyteslan Church, the umler-dgncd a:ll open a Female School, on the first Monday in Janaary next. A tew boys, under ton years of age, will be received. Payment, hall in advanae. . decfil-tf — - MRS, M. C. COLE. VALUABLE CITY LOT FUR SALK, A N unimproved Let or E jc.are on Whitehall street, con taining two and a-half aejee, on which Is orer on* hundred Emit Trees in fnU bearing. For terms apply to tepir-tf /■ W. DUNCAN. WANTED TO PURCHASE. X WISH TO PURCBASB A GOOD CITY LOT, fine loca tion, either improved or unimproved. Also, a Planta tion containing some 500 or luOO acres, near’ some t-f the Railroads. Address or call on n. a. McLendon, declfrtf Peach-Tree street. HOOP POLES. WANTED, A T THE EMPIRE DISTILLERY, fanmedhstaly, 16,000 Hickory Hoop Poles, for whisky barrels. Parties wishing to contract for iho above mast apply early, either personally or by letter to Wm L High, or th* undersigned janu-im* High a lewST fNIFTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on spnsignmeut and iv , tAif 'fe' - - — A _ for sale by Jmi-ti ANDERSON,’aDAIR a’00, Commission Merchants. - LOGWOOD, in BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A LO, Jan2-tt Commission Merchants. ■ PSA NUTS. ’ £P- qQQ BUSHELS PEA NUTS, cn consignment and or- “ J * JJ ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, decll-tf Commission Merchants. COTXCLY YARNS. BALES 00TT0N YARNS, on oonsigument and for t.-.'c by deoll-tf AKDJCRSOH, ADAIR A CO, Commiauon Merchaur. QUININE. Of Ml OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on osniign- AfWJ meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, norto-tl Commission Merchants. HARNESS. t; SKIS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for 0 sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, novZl-ti Oommis.lon Mecrhants. FLOUR. IRA BflW, SUPERFINE AMD EXTRA FAMILY it)V/ FLOUR, oh consignment end for sale by ANDKKeOh, ADAIR A CO, novlfotf Oommissfon Merchants. tHAMPAOSE. OA Dui CHAMPAGNE WINE, on oonsignmpat acd fy\J for sale by „ ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. novl5-tf Oommissfon Merchants. SOAP. r; i WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW fiOAi’ 1 25 Boxes Toilet Soap, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR * OO, Ltv-15ti Commission Mercbssi*. 4 SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for sal fc by ANDERSON, aDAJLR A 00, novi5-t! Otannueeion Marchanu. COUNTRY JEANS. A LARGE LOT OF OOUNTRY JEANS, on consign ment arid for sal* by ANDERSON, ADAIR * 00, noTl5-tf Oommissfon Merchant*. rn BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale by OU J,„YIU f FOSTER, queen A Co. 7jr HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR IU fc, (ole by ' ■ doclS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. TIERCES RICE for sal* b: Foster. QUEEN * 00. FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. niYI BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sale by decls-tf F08TER, QUEEN A CO. 1 n BARBELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY AU ^ to i e by declS tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. S MALL LOT FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN Uootfi for bv '■*-* ' deelS? FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. WANTED. fJVOHJRE, A DWELLINGHOUSE mn mining five or rik th* city. Apply to 1 ‘ FIFTY DOLLAHB REWARD, L OST, on the 9th Instant, bate-sen Whiaefaall street and 0rant's Hospital, a leather Pocket Rock, containing between osa hundred and eewewty-fiv* and two hundred doUacs—Oauiedarate notes—principally in twenties sud tans. The finder will the ebovs reward by leaving the book and money at this office, or returning it tom* at Grant’s Hospital. JanlT-tf R. M. FOSTER. rooms,.1( oatad eonvenlewt to th* business portion of ANDERSON ADAIR * 00.