Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 11, 1863, Image 2

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SOTJTE[B3R2Sr O ONPB DBB AU . x Southern ©otifedMacs Our Special Richmond Correspondence. tiered and AbolHonUm implore* tho — ■ Iranuxi GEO. "W. ADAIR, J - HENLY SMITH, EDITORS AMD WOTBMM. 0. SMITH. It OARDOZu The Programme altered aad Abolit'onlsa. imploi * Power* of Daikaesa—A call to arm*—Richmond« and Charleston fact*— Bonuide orei l»mrd and 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA: WEDNE^pAY. FEBRUABY It. 1863. bARUhSr DAILY t'UiCUUTMMi IB THE 8TATE. first PAGE.”B MaJ. B. A. Alston. We learn that Mcjok Alston, of General Morgan’s command, is now in Riihmond on official bnelnese. It could oot therefore ba« him that our special McMinnrills dis patch mentions as hawing captured a Yankee wagon train between Lavergne and Nashville on the dtblnet. The initials, ”R. A.,” were not in tho dispatch, but were supplied by us in hawing it set np. The nmme and rank cor responded with that of onr friend, the Major? and the deel was just such as he would de light in, and is capable ef performing. Not knowing thtt he was absent from the com mand, and not hawing heard of any other of ficer of that or a similar name in service with Morgan, we naturally concluded it could be none other than the gentleman whose name heads these remarks, and who is so well and favorably known in this city as a brave sol dier and a moat'excellent cilisen. This Indispensable article, from the energy and capital of private individuals and compa nies, is becoming abundant and comparative ly cheap, notwithstanding Lincoln’s block ade. Co: plloaeulorp— 1 Tfce Ladies of Allauto oud the Hospitals. The celebrated Dr. Jno Bachman, of Charles ton, recently passed through Atlanta on nreflon from that city to carry supplies to tho soldiers of South Carolina in the army ani hospitals of the West, While here, he wrote a long letter to the Courier, from which we take the following: *. We found the hospitals at Atlanta in excel lent order, fully equal to those of Charleston or Richmond. The Empire Hospital, under the oare of Dr. Wm. P. Harden, has 249 pa tients and one empty bed There .aro sixteen hospitals at the Fair Ground oapable of ac commodating 800 patients. Others are in process of erection. Dr. Logan, the Surgeon. General, was very attentive to us, and sent one of his olerks with us to enable us to find such patients as we were desirous of see ing. - , We were shown the cooking establishment for the inmates of the hospitals. They had fine fat beef, poultry, eggs and every comlort that oould be procured. The liberality of the citisens enabled the surgeons to obtain delica cies for the oonvalescont, which, together with the hospital fund, was sufficient to support the hospitals. I will hdtip insert the tf eeult of information in reference to the hospitals that was subse quently obtained. Georgia is foil of Jiospi- UIlU would r^«e v a&^v -rtfc-ift excellent order. The one at Augusta any obliquity of ju lament my ignorance pro ceeds; fy Neither could the House compre hend tli? “ otherwise# inasmuch as a divi- Ricker sion of the amendment was ordered so as to Comaiaadrag tih* Crew—His first end lecrad M»iei stop at “ shall desert.” On this bVanch of »—r»n*ee rio»nco asd P*per modern iad—>e». the amendment, the vote was taken and re- * n * . j suited—ayes 41, nays The second Wan :h Richmond Februarj!fcl,.I8<>3.'- was also carried without a division. It will In a late deba-e in tiie Yankee Senate, Truth- lhus bc scen thai Mr - Gartrell’s or.ginal bull of IUinoi* tauntingly reproxched the-West amendment was adopted, but so emasculated Point Generals with sacrificing “Ihonaands and by Mr. Baldwin’s amendment as to destroy thousands of lives in the swamps oi rabeidom” its effect. to tBeir passion for engineering and constructing Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, has intro- fortifications. “We want Generals,” he said, duccd into the Senate a very important reso- “wbo will rely on the strength of oar armies lution, which it i9 to be hoped will become a and lead ibe men who havegone i*® rite fieldto without unnecessary delay. It is neither crash out rebellion, egaintihej«*e!a.wtth toed eriiedient nor just that the public should thousand bayouets,’* ^ye no other means of knowing what,>ws and Sey will put the enemy to flight and rout P?bs unless through monopoly the rebellion. Mr. Trumbull is from Illinois, is the personal friend and Senatorial month-piece of Lincoln, and generally foreshadows hia views in the Senate chamber. The Change in public opinion not only in that State, but throughout the entire Weet, alarms the Washington despots for their own ea'ety. The slow strategy of West Point givea them bnt little hope, while re bellion is rearing its bead in their own camps, while foreign governmehts are clamoring lor a cessation of hostilities and for bread, andthe fate ot the abolition party, lately so powerful for mischief, hangs upon the uncertain achievement of a grand, speedy and decisive victory. The whole plan is, therefore, at once decided upon. Spades and shovels must be thrown aside; for tifications and trenches are too alow for the emergency f “the power ot a hundred thousand bajonett.” must be precipitated upon the rebels, and thus a victory may ‘be forced which, if it comes in rime, may yet save their sinking cause. No sooner was this result arrived at by the con clave in Washington than Trambnll announces it in the Senate art! Greely posts back*o New York, to proclaim it through the columns of the Tribune. Nay, he goes even further into details than Trumbull deemed it prartent or safe to do in ibe Senate, for while the latter designedly speaks only ol “fixed, eves and strong arms,” and “a hundred 'hoosand bayonets,” the former with the ferocity of ademon. Ida, the work know that the eyes and arms will be those of our slave population, in whake hands are to be itlaeed the “hundred thousand bayonets.” This ■ the policy now boldly proclaimed; their last, their only hope t of success; and to the accom plishment of this fiendish purpose, they are now straining all the resources ot the government, and sending to the field every man they can mu»>er. If they succeed, humanity shudders of the Richmond papers, and one at the Cap- i alvof each Slate. This resolution instructs- the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the propriety of so amending the present law as to require the publication of all the i BflWfcH iM "fidh^Miertrith- out requiring that they shall be published at the Seat of Government of each, State, and the Committee report by bill or otherwise.— The Richmond papers publish the laws so carelessly and defectively as to be scarcely readable. CHEROKEE. • which I tear I will not have time to visit, represented as a model hospital. A S ° 1 H?.-. W ** r «.‘, n . 8r *° Wives of Sol- diers—A Military Execution. A few weeks ago a soldier was tried and convioted of the crime of desertion, and sentenced to be shot. He was taken to the plaoeof execution, and the preparations be ing soon completed, at the word “fire?” he fefl a bloody corpse at the hands of his brave comrades. 1 was curious to know why he de-erted, and I learned that his wife was the cause. Be received a letter from her full of complaints. Looking alone upon the dark side of the picture, she had magnified her troubles and sufferings, and earnestly entreated her husband to return home. He became restless, discontented unhappy. He ceased to take any interest in the discharge of bis military duties, and thought only of how he could get home.— His solemn oath never to desert troubled him much, and he well knew the- crime of desertion had become so frequent in the army it would be punished with death. In this state of perplexity he drew his wife’s letter from his bosom and read it again, and shutting hs eyes to the consequences, he deserted! and for this crime he suffered a bloody and ignominious death. HU wife U now a widow. Tortured with the thought that her husband waa brought to an untimely end by her own imprudence, she knows no peace of mind. True, she had been deprived of many of the comforts of life, and bad many sore trials, and anx iously desired the return of her husband, but now she feeU that she had exaggerated her trials and sufferings, and she would give the world to recall that fatal letter which tempted her husband from hU duty. But it U too late; it cannot be recalled, and the grief and agony of thU heart-broken woman are inexpressible. She inconsid erately brought her husband to a dishonor able death and refuses to be comforted. Wives! mothers! beware what you write to your sons and husbands in the army. A thoughtless and imprudent letter may to discontent, desertion and death. Our soldiers have toiU and hardships and trials enough of their o^n to bear, do not burden them with the history of your troubles and complaints. They cannot aid you; it does no good; it may do much harm. When you write say nothing, I beseech yon, which may embitter their thoughts, weaken their arms, depress their courage, or tempt them from the path of patriotic duty to death an if dishonor. Encourage them, cheer their hearts, fire their souls, arouse their patri otism, but do not disturb and harass their minds with unavailing murmurs and com plaints. To pur noble hearted women we are indebted for the victories we have won, and for the unconquerable strength of our armies. They have made many sacrifices and endured many hardships, but they are ready to do and bear and suffer still more in behalf of their bleeding country [A*»W. S7DNEY ' at the cqntcmplation of what may follow; if they (sif, the United States, as we left them, is 81 At no period, therefore, of.this revolution is the patriotism of our people more imperatively invoked -to put forth every energy to meet the advancing hosts; to dispute every step into the heart of the conntry^and thwart the diabolical measures to which desperation and revenge have driven the inhuman despot. The last few days the city has been alive with rumors. One h«s it that there are two Commissioners here.from Illinois, with im portant dispatches to the government. This rumor originated with a Banking House, at whitdt two gentlemen, from that • State, had called to purchase Confederate currency, and who freely conversed with the officeis as to their State and the condition of things at the North generally. They had been State pris oners at Camp Chase during the fall and win ter, and succeeded in making their escape.— Thejfcbring, ij is trife f mwt onpoursging in telligence, especially from the only quarter from which we need care a fig about having a recognition of our independence, namely— the Government of the United States. This is the point irom which our independence muSt come before, tho. war can be finally Closed; and hence; we >ooir to all authentic intelligence from the.North with much more real interest than any-European government These geutiemen repn sent Indiana and-llli wv. iuoen ot* mnutaaoie demonstra tion . against the Washington government, which may be repressed until alter the ad journment of Congress, but cannot be delayed much Ibngcr. They speak of a Western Re public as of a thing already settled upon.— As Banks once said when apotheosizing the negro—*** Let the Union slide, so that slavery shall perish.” So the Western States now proclaim to their brethren in the South, let the New England Stales slide, so that our liberties .are-preserved. There is no question bnt that the Foote and Foster resolutions, re published in .the . New York Herald, have contributed to five the minds or Western men •pon the true remedy for their present op pression and their proape dive burdens. Hooker is now preparing bis army for an other ooafltqt with Gen. Lee, and will lose no timo Tn preliminaries. He is a West Point er of the class of 1837, was Aid-de-camp to Gen: Hamer in the Heximn war, during which he was successively Jjrevetei Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colone'. In 1858, he left-the army aad went to California, where he continued until the outbreak of the revo lution. He has been with the Army of the Potomac mostly since. He is, it is said, a fighting man of great dash, impetuous and impulsive. Hoi*the.veryr General to lead an army to a decisive victory or total destruc tion. Intereating Reading Matter on First The lower House of the Yankee Congress 4MP* Pji he 2^ Wkorfoigg the Secretary of the Treasury to borrow three hundred miilions dollara for the present fis cal year, and six hundred millions for, the next fiscal year, on six per cent. bondte, pay able after twenty years in coin; also, to issue four hundred millions of three years’ Treas ury Notes at six per cent, per annum, and, it the public exigencies require it, three hun dred millions Legal Tender Notes, similar to those now in circulation. This will give him a budget of seventeen hundred millions of doUan, with whioh the rebellion is to be crushed cut In the next three months. To guard n^ainsl a failure in their new pro gram ssi,they have actually dispatched se cret agents to France, sisking Napoleon’s me diation, after the first of May, on thr basi of a gradual emancipation and adjustment of boundaries.' Tbiq is Seward’s crafty, un : principled cunning to estrange France in the ovtat of wur refuaaL I apprehend; however, that there would be more than refusal, should such a contingency. Which is veTy unlikely, over arise. What it wonld be need not no be stated. Congress had r-een engaged, since my last, chiefly on .the Supreme Court, hill and tly Exemption Law, withoat arriving at any con clusion as to either. Daring the debate on the Exemption Law yesterday, Mr. Gartreli amended his amendment so as to read “ Pro vided further, That any person who has fur nished a substitute^ in accordance with or ders heretofore issued by the Secretary of War, who is a citizen of the Confederate States, and under the age of forty-five, shall he exempt until Congress shall doom -it ne cessary for the public safety’ to ca l them into the public service.” Mr. Russell of fered, as a substitute to Mr. Gartrell’s amend' ment, the following: “Provided, farther, That no person shall be unrolled who hah a substitute in the army, furnished in accord ance with orders heretofore ieened by the Secretary of War, unless said substitute has deserted, shall desert or otherwise become lia ble to ■military duty. I have italicised the last clause, because I cannot comprehend h6w past or future desertion renders a man liable to military duty at alL Nor is it from „ , TO TAKNERS AND SHOK-MAKKUS. North Carolina. r gAXEt sn A No 1 young Negro Man, has workod communications, says the 3 year* In a Tan Yard, an f YC6lI f“ t , OftOOd faunal,- were contained in | - *— HKXKx BAIkik''. foblt-3t* J R PITTS, Marietta street. _ OOMS Li Spinning Wheel* Male* Shuttle*. Ac For »ale by febll-Sm WHERE’S BIT MULE I S TOLEN from my plantation near Irbyville. Fallon county, on the 9* io*t,a mouje-coloi edMnK ahMl MVtlra liftste to 115 year* old, hair much rubbed off tyhani ItiM gOOu uaBMJ w | y on wU1 lepd to bi* recovery, will bo liberally re- Tue following comt £3fg&tHS& a mile u part on the | beach near Fort Caswell, and have hecn sent to US by the courtesy of General Whi | — To any one in favor of President Davis, (God bless him!) . , .. This to give you information for him, that the hated Yankees we going toattack Savannah on Jan. 19. Make good has Lion uiat w meet them- 1 *m an,unwilkng inmateof \ w . rte< i b , pne of pld Lincoln's gunboats. May this ^heoSe? SSa"way Kwwj[« £j£ws: At Sea, Dec. 25th, 1863; \ In the “Monitor!* Boat.” j Oh ! for a sail long. The first syllable of the last word is so blotted as to be illegible. It may have been meant for a signature. Wool ford*’ Kentucky Cavalry. The Winchester Bulletin, of the 7th Neb. febll-It* 8 K PACK. Richmond, Feb. 4,1863 The prominent offioials of the government no longer disguise the fact that the hour of our real trial has now arrived. It is daily pr jclaimed in Congress as every one can see who has followed the debates, ot that body, in both Houses, daring the past week. So far ae the North is concerned, the logical results- of the Emanc'pation Proclamation have been reached, and the armies, of the Washington tyrant, at egery point of attack, are nanded over to the absolute control of the vilest Abo litionists, nominally qualified fur the work of. blood, that the Yankee Nation e raid supply. When the atrocious order for servile insurrec tion was first issued, it was also determ ned to commit its execution to no other bands, and the removal of McClellan was but a prelim inary step to the series of changes which aie now accomplished, and which alone eon id gratify the anth rs of this fiendish and bloody policy. Every General having any. preton sions to decency or refinement has been driv en from tbeir armies, and their places sop- plied by fanatical enthusiasts, who really have courage enough to ^sacrifice themselves, like the deluded victims of the Jugger naut. the character of the men who have now the control ofiall the armies of the North. Whether they shall succeed in infusing, into the heterogeneous massgs who compose these armies, the same hell-born spirit of hato .'or tho South and* its institutions remains to be' seen. That they will leave nothing untried to accomplish their wicked purposes that hate, malice, revenge, desperation and their burn ing passion for success can prompt, is appa reut to all who are familiar with their ante cedents. Vicksburg is again to be assailed by an Abolition army above and below the city. Wilmington -is doomed to go through a terrific ordeal of fire by flood and field. Savannah has twice gallanriy repulsed tbeir stealthy advances, and “Fighting -Joe” is preparing to precipitate his two hundred thousand “laurelled veterans” upon the gallant army that stands between them and Richmond.— This ia their last, de-merate effort, and unless we meet it as becomes freemen fighting for all that is dear on earth, this war may go down to our children. The man that stands aloof tow while the great boon for whioh eo many sacrifices have been made ia almost within our grasp, will go do w n to posterity with the Gal a. on his brow. Senator Brown, of Miesi-sippi,-*has submit ted .a resolution subjecting to immediate en rollment in the briny all persons employed-in the Executive department, of the Government, within Conscript age, their places to be filled by non-conscripts or wounded and disabled soldiers. Vrora what I can hear, - the idea is a . popular one, and may be matured into a law. It is a tact that men of conscript age, worth $200,000, have deceived the heads of some of tho Bureaux, especially in the War Department, by a made-np story of destitu tion or expulsion by the enemy, and thus succeeded in obtaining positions which were sought and are held onjy as a protection against conscription. Mr. Brown’s resolution covers all such oases, besides rendering other substantial aid to our means of defense. Last jiight some thief broke into the Bureau in which the Treasury Notes are -clipped, and stole twelve thousand dollars in fives and tens The stolen notes were signed, numbered and ready for emission. There must be gross neg ligence about thea#Treaaury Note Bureaux as this is, by no means,, the first act of the kind that has been committed. The watchman in charge of that room was absent from bis post last night, as 1 am informed. The laat time auch a theft occurred, Mr. Memtqinger adopted the most aigular method te prevent its recur rence, namely, the summary dismissal oi every gentleman, some dozen I believe, employed in the room. The result was that the heinonsness of the crime was soon overlooked and forgotten in the general sympathy bestowed upon the un fort nnate victims, many, perhaps all, of whom were innocent. There is in Richmond important news from the Scufh Weat. Of this fact I give your read ers tho most unequivocal assurance, and regret that, notwithstanding all my efforts in quarters wherel could, with propriety ask tor details, lam .finable tobetnorespecibc. Of the fact itself, there ia no donbt. A few days will dictose its nature. I saw General Price to-day, entering the President’s office. He is a fine specimen of the Sooth Western soldier, and looks fresh and hearty after his arduous campaigns. CHEROKEE. says. Eighty of Wolford’s men joined us a few days Bince. They gave suf ficient proof that we were expected in Kentucky, and wquld be warmly welcomed there. .' The Fight on. Black Water. The following is Gen. Pryor’s dispatch concerning this engagement: Carrsvillk, Isle of Wight, j Brig. Gen. Colston, Petersburg, Va.: j J . Jan. 30,1863. General: This.morning at 4 o’clock, the enemy under Mqjor General Peck, at-! tacked me at Kelly’s store, eight miles from Suffolk.. After three hours severe, fighting, we repulsed them at all points and held ] the fiel I. Their force is represented by prisoners, to be between ten and fifteen thousand. My loss in killed and wounded will not exceed fifty—no prisoners, I re- ;ret that Col. Poage is among the killed, e inflicted a heavy loss on the enemy, Respectfully. Roger A. Pryor, Brig. Gen. Commanding. $ Card or tub British Consul.—Mr. Robert Bunch, the British Consul, publishes the annexed card, in retireins from the Consnla’ e at Charles ton, after a residence of nearly ten years in that city, during which be was on th»raoet pleasant relations with the people pf Charleston and the Stale at large: British Consulate, \ Charleston, February 5,1863. J Her Majesty’s Government having directed me to repair to England, I leave this Consulate in charge of Her Majesty’s Vies Consul, Mr. Henry Pinckney Walker, who wilt assume the title of Acting-Consul. All matters connected with the public service, as well as all demands upon ms in my individ ual capacity, should any such exist, wilt be at tended to by Mr. Walker. ■In consequence of tbe brief interval which has necessarily elapsed between tbe receipt of my instructions and my departure, it has been physically impossible for me to take leave of my numerous friends in Charleston and in South Carolina at large,.either personally or by letter. I entreat them to receive my farewell in this form, and to accept my assurance tbat-I leave a community in which I have spent nearly ten happy years with tbe liveliest regret. In my own name, and in that of my family, I thank the people of South Carolina for many,kindnesse9 and for much hospitality. Oar best wishes will be with them wherever our future lot may be cast. ROBERT BUCH, Consul. CoL Murphy, the Yankee, for falling to keep General Van Do rn cutof Holly Springs, has been dismissed from the Lin coln. service. LANGSTON GOANS & HAMMOCK. t3ommission Merchants. NG&T DOOtt TO CONFEDERACY OFFICE, M wd WHITE HALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA- Fi r the Sale of Beal Estate, all kinds of filer ehandise and Produce. Prompt .personal attention to the filling fif all orders. REVERENCES. W W Claj toa, A (rent Ga R R Bank. Atlanta, Ga. I H Portar, A**t Ga R V Depot. A tlauta,.Ga. Phtn'sy A Clayton. Augusta, Ga. A P Dear in it. Cashier Bank of Athens ’Geo W William* A Oo.Cnarle* ton, BC. Rev J W Burke, Macor, Ga A 0 Tan Epps. Chattanooga. Tenn. R O Robert*. 8weet Water, East Tenn 8 0 Ellington, Washington, Ga JatiSt-tf febW-tf SMALL POX. TTTANTRD at tbe Smalt Pox Hospital, a Washerwoman, VV for which llbe-al wage* wilt he p*M. ,10-lw PEBINO BROWN, J T C hymeneal. J ICK*0S—SHARBKR—Maniefi, bn tbe 3dtn*t. near Stevenson >1*-. bj Ifiiv B Bruce. Mr. J*s f Jacxsos, of Atlanta.Ga.uui Mi * l u.retia Shame*, if Middle Ten dm* eo COTTON CAROS 120 PAIR N °‘ M ■ NQI,ISH C<WT0N CARDS, for fablO-M sale by S SOLOMON A BROS. JNew Advertisements. PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALK A LARUM BRISK HOUSE, on a See lot on Calbrnn •treat. feblOCt b m morel: 20 COMB QUICK. LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, Jnst receive»and ft* I sale at Held*’ Negro Mart. atl' ■* ENGLISH PRINTS C hoice lot op dark English prints, for *ai* by LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK. rar ■ ‘ — febtOlw COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Iflfl BSSfftLS OF RYE 1UU jo9 bbla Lard 2,0I>0 lb* Tallow 6,000 Iba good Bacon 100 boshekdrlel Apple* and Poaches 20 good fat Hrgs, dressed For which the Righeu market price wit be paid by. FMMSK, fibll-et - Whl‘eh all street. Next door to Confederacy Office. LANDS AT AUCTION. Volunteer at Once. I ■RN'BN subject to Conscription can volunteer by call- lVI ing on the undersigned, at tbe (tore of Messrs. Me- Daniel A 8trong. on Hunter street. Said volunteers are desired to Join the 42d Ga. Begin ent, now at Viek-burg, Miss. where the climate Is mild, and the service light.— All who come forward and enroll tbeir names at once, will recel'e FIFTY DOLLARS BOUNTY Absentees from said regiment will report to me at W. DAVIS, oner, at the above., amed place, 1 fsbfrBt 30 Hog«h^ads Sugar, WHOLES '03 AND RETAIL. 40 Boxes star Candles,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Liverpool and v 7 *. Salt, ’WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At [dscSS-tfJ EjWARDY’S. OYSTERS IJi THE SHELL; TAOR SALK BY THE BARBEL or by the dozen, at the P »roll Store, opposite the Atheatum. fsbT-tf J R CORRA. NOTICE TO DEBTORS A CREDITORS. P ERSONS having claims against the estate of Ur* F A Ltpham, deceeased, are notified to present the same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law and all perso- a indebted to laid deompsd are r. qnir d te make payment immediately. deoSMOd A A UNDERWOOD, Admr HERB'S TOUR JACK! I HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE NO 1 SPANISH JACK Per information apply to the Clerk of the fob8St 1R0DE HOUSE. WANTED. S EVERAL WOMEN. Men, end Boys, to work to onr TOOTH FAOIOUY. Cnataat employment given. As the work it eminently ARTtSTlC, noons need apply who bee not sufficient ta-to to apprtcl.te it, for each party will have t > be taught at aqnsiderable wasta«r material We intend paying liberally, so that it can be followed as a permanent business Some worthy yontigm en who have been disabled in the Army, or Who are not subject to military duty preferred. BROWN A HAPE, Dental Depot, fsbSSt Whitehall afreet. ORDERS. A LL officers and men able for doty, furloughed from the 1st Regiment Georgl Cavalry, are ordered to report immediay, at Rodgerville, Tenn., on tbe ■ Tt Va R R. Tbeir horses will await them then. All leaves of bience to officers and men able for duty, are her* by revoked. By order <f Llrat-Ool A B HARPER, Comm’d’g 1st Reg’t Cavalry. Jao. N. Pzzxtss, Adj’t. lei S at i mci A. A W. P. B. B. Co., » A Cant a, Feb. 1,1863. f M ERCHANTS are re pwtfolly > eqneatel to come for ward aad pay their freights la advance and remivs tnelr goods in 2A hoars after arrival, or we will be com pelled to (tors the freight at their expense. febStf W J. SHALL. Agefit. Knaoow, G a, Feb. Tth. 186i I II A VE 4 one hundred gallon Kettle* each, and one aO gallon, and one 40 gallon, ant 74 Lard or Whiskey Barrels for sale—can be bought on govd terms by early application to • fob 0-#t* D W PARR. FRESH POTATOES. 100 BUSS *LS Planting Potatoes febS-Ot For * ala by T. G. SIMMS. Co. K, 42d Ga. Reg. CftAWEOBD, FRAZER & CO., TUB TRIBUTE OF ESTEEM IS. J. SHACKELFORD, Actloueer. T HE following tracts of Land will bc aold at Auction in front of onr store, (No 8, Whitehall street,) at 10 o’elrck, datnrday, 14ti> inst— . I Tract containing 1,470 • cies, being lots N s 253, 254, and %.6, in ihe I2th uistrict, Clinch county, Qs, t Tract 49 > acres, being lot 414, in tbe earns. 1 Tract 1,470 aetei, Lelng lota 130,131, and 132, in 18th district. 1 Tract 49) acres, being lot 431, in tame t Tract 490 acres, hefog lot-430, ia same The'ie lands are In a healthy eectioa aid are fortieth the production of Sea Ialand and -Upland Co ton, Sogar, Corn an i -'.turpentine, and lie oonviniei.t to the Albany To the LADIES of ihe ATLANTA AMATERRS BY THE • CITIZENS OB’ QUR CITY, Will take place on FHEDAY EVENING* FEB. 13TH, 1863. At the ATHENKUH- * Golf Railroad, which affords cheap and expeditions I AfID rjATINTRY ffJOIISf NS transportat oa obe porta of Brnns vick and B.varmah, I LWliilAlbi RyVRJMffJ.wrej and a Railroad it being built, passing tbroorb bath dis- I PETE AND NANCY SCROGGINS, bslag I tricts, North and South, and co -.netting with the Bali- road* in Fbi Ida. A map cf there lar ds moy be seen at onrofflte. Settlers aad capitalists will do well to give this sale.their particular aitent'on. Titles iudirpntablu lerms cash. febil-td TO CAPITALISTS. labama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad Csmpa-1 _ f Aiahamr, wiU offer for sale at pnbUc auction, to the highest bidder, (aot lew thaa par,)on Wednesday the 4th day of Match, 1863, at the Bank of tbe city Have been Kflgaged at immense Expense. New Songs—Beautiful Tabeau. Tickets can be proinred at Dr J. A TAYLOR’S and J.M McPHEBS -N’S BDOK-STOKE. A largo and brilliaat Assemblage is expected. WM. H. BARNES Mansger cf Slims, $400,001) bonds if tie Company. dz>$d Jasnary 1st, 1861, and doe January 1st, 1875; and $43,000 bonds For Sale. tt, St fle I J-»»n>ng lauds of Major N H Beal, eight mile* from Daw- rttsUU Uj m HI HkaHC6| I mas knilidtiwa Tlih ,anrle will nwawlwaa f.nm 1 AAA a. Of the city of H«lma, d*ted Janna January 1st, 167; and guaranteed | tronds bear 3 per oent inteTMt, pafal.le aetnf-annukUy, at th) Commercial Banker Alabama,at — pons attached for. the interest. The l» ny (interest and prinerpa!) are secured by a m wtgage, duly executed and recorded, on the entire Railroad of the Company, with all its machinery, and ltbds, aad fran- I chtw, and othSr apporteoaicaa. The Road commences at the city of Salma, when it eo. sect* with the Alabama aad Tcaneeiee Riven Railroad (completed 135 miles, and now being extended under a contract with the Confode- rato GoTvrument, to Roma, Georgia) and with a dally line . of steamboats, plying bi tween telma and Montgomery; I and extend* West through a well cultivated and very fer- I aBm tile r-gi rn, via Uni ntown and DemopoUe,*bont 75mlles, and is connected by means of the Northeast and South west Alabama Rallied, with tho Mobile and Ohio, and Southern (Missimippl) Railroads, atMpridlan,, Betide* Its vtcy marked local advantages, Becarin r to it a large local business, this ro>d hotde a most tavorabla position in ths great Eastern and Weetern line of travel •ary building*. Tbe >aads will produce from 1.000 to 1,V00 pounds of Cotton per sere, and from 15 to 30 bath- ell of Corn, In feet ths belt and sorest Cotton and Otrn- ) ends in Southwest Georyia. The above will sold far $10 par acre, and you lieu Uvev to the pnrebaser tbe first ot Jannsry, 1864. Corn. Foltler, Stock. < c, etn be bought with the place. For farther pa.ticnlera, address tbe rabecriber at chlckaaewh ttchie, Terrell coun'y. FOR SALE. I E Oxford,' 6a, a comfortvb e House, containing five rooms, with fire pia-es—half acre lot and an excsl eet wttlofwffter. A healthy servmnt^gitiar woman wUl be . _ _ aval I taken la exchange lor this plate, if du batwsenTexv*, Arkaau<, Igmateafocmt tifreisMiff, aad 1 jfBii) t fff ^^8^10 tbe Northern end Eastern portions of the Confederacy, affardia-- the most direct and shortest rnstte frost Vicks burg, and all ietermsd-ate places, to the Capitol of the Confederacy, *wd the South Atlantic cities. Alth lbs routs through from Selme to Meridian has opened otly within tbe la«t f,w weeks, and is not yet working 1 * ’* ' ‘‘ * meats JENNING8, Oxford. Ga BLUE JUOUNTA1.V A ROHE R. R. —I, ,. g as regularly a* U will, se soon as the arrange-1 —delivered along tue line of ruad, aaout 3,400 per mile. in program ere completed, the income efre dy rorT Thi tie* must bs 8J< foot long—seven incae* thick, am. exceeds the eum reinired to make good ths bond* pro- I bare a foe* of at least d ruche —sawed or cut (owe at pored to bo issued. In short it H believed, that DO bat- I tbe ends, well hawed on both sides, barked, aad piled ter seewrttiee limn these bands, e*h be Knud in th Cow-1 crevenient to the Road bed, at tbe rate of 45 ti-s for lOU fodwacy. Two prior liens exist, to-yrit: a mortgage te I •»•*- a secure $140,000 bond* ot the Ccmpamy.dae Jan nary next, I ffrat and White Oak timber preferred; the varieties of tube p*)d out of tbe proceeds of the Dowds new offered; I bak, snd pine, when ebb fly heart, wUl aho be received, aad which Will be receive* i I payment for ihe latter I Tbe ties will be let in Urge or email lote,ar.d ParmecrU bonds. Becond, a mortgage fa serar# 4150,000 advamed ] made, on certiecate of delivery. W by tbe Confodsrate 'lover nraefa for the completion of the 1 Proposals will be rectivid for 70 daya. toad, and payable ia 1871, rules* sooner dl(charged, as I Address this office, or apply o uaLtaat Engineers un expected, by transportation lor the Government: I on the Line. GEO WADSWORTH, _ Sealed propomls or bids, directed to the undersigned at | Jacksonville, Ala, Feb 4,1*3- Chief Eogineer WANTED—SOO LABORERS. (TOR the coasttnctJon of the Bine Mountain and . C KaUro.d. This work is befog done by an approoriatica of the Government, and it ie drsiraMe fa haifan the^T th 1 . t l^cn“eahh t r Ur °' ta th * ■^gassssw ftsflasas [ of profitable work. . MECHANICS. j WANT IMMEDIATELY, 60 me I- whueM hrmdle en exe well, to work u”oa B.Idgee, Sir Ac. Good wage* wul be pa d Those having good axes will da well to bring item along. Report to Jobu Boyea, Foreman at Bfaa Mowataia, or to the Railroad office fa Jacksonville. Febfi.’rt GEO WettJWORTRrSto-* , xBMknfiMttp DcinopoUs, or W S Koor, K-q, Treasurer, tSelma, (who oa application will giro nay information darired) wiRte- ceivo due attention. G u GRIFFIN. Prraj Seise*, Alabama,' Jan 36, *6L feblO-tU39 A BARGAIN! TJ AJ87 0M£ DESIBIfiG A GOOD HOME. I OFF E FOE SALE OB BENT, MY BOUSE AND - UtT, In the Town of Lafayette, Ala. It is one or the rnott deeirabie and belt improved situations fa town completely fioi.bed, with * P“»*e tweive feu fa width, ruenfug through. Tbe dinfag rooms is large, with a pantry. The 1 wtils e-f uptiwer VSffafci^d'fath, co^tr^- Thcre lea good gardes containing oa* act*. Attached to IO RAILROAD COBTUACTORS __ TO BE LET. ‘ Tbere are good mala aad fomale school*, and thrse *•?•«» Jecksoar.Ue snd Geerxm State Line. * this there ts cores aro of heart fa-rbar aad painted. on the Southern side of (he Jecksoaville snd Georgia State Line. . e—** | -^wS.fir,c5£r ——t.- TeIS” “ , “" 1 SS!S5&7SSt3SS.£Sa8a*” “““ JUST RECEIVED . »• FROM NASSAU, PER BTE4VSR8 . CALYPSO, DOUGLAS, FLORA, AMD THISTLE. 4 000 LBJ KXTEACT LOGWOOD ’ 6,000 Ito BlCarb Soda LOGO IbcOolor’g Tea 4.000 lbs Superior Copperas 3.000 lb* Soda Crystals .300 drs Loafs’ Brown Windsor Soap. For sale by WE YOUNG A 00, Wholesale Hruggi.ta. fobSlw Whitehall at, Atlanta, Geewgla. COME TO JACK WALLACE A T BOBO’S CORNER, WHITEHALL STREET, with all your Change Bills on ths Alatama Tniarance-Cotupany, Jos lab Morris A 0> , J ha Healy A Oo, And get 99 cents on the dollar. Lbl0-tf «T>n 4 Basin err of the Confederate Insnrance Company L will hereafter la transacted at the office of the At lanta Insnrance A Banking Cumnany. feblO-t* J W DO NO AN, Sec.y FOR SALE. inO HHDS CHOICE AND PRIME SUGtR AW 3d) sacks Choice aad Prime bngar 40 barrels Choice and Prime Sugar Virginia Salt, for rale cheep, by tbe sack and quantity feblO fit r M FISK, WbUehall street. WHITE GOODS. A 01 PUU “* Fi S Qred Bwissee turd Em- CX broideries, oa consignment aid for eel* by foblO lw LANGSTON, CRANK * HAMMOCK. PEAS, PEAS. 200 8 ^ 8 T " ««^Xby a, “ * Cho,CB '°“ ,r LAMGBTON, OKA NS A HAMMOCK, * Next door to Oonfcderiicy office. STRAYED OR STOLEN F HE BAY MAKE, ida* or ten yean old, from the sub- ecribsr, in Atlanta, ow the sccood list. Any in»r- “*»«?, “ ,ob r whereabouts, thankfully received and mwroUy.awarded «( WALKEE, M D. leblO-tf Gtiertty Hospiul, Atlanta, Ga. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. D GNAW AT from theStore of D Mayer, Jacob* A Co, XU °n Thnrsdty, Feb. Ota fait, a negro boy.Phllip, * ° r in ,b * rifiGt eye. The above rewasd will be paid for hi* apprehension rad lodgment in febl0-tf D MAYER JACOBS * 00. Attention, Georgians! COAST DEFENSE. I HAVE beta author iced to rilit aaln&ntrv Oomnanv fer Copt John L HardWa R^UwnLwKhif fonnlng nnderautho.lty from ^rifirotiTJ^itf vTa?,to serve sn the Coast of Georgia. ’ ^nTr^n^^^'y^n.^ XZSf&ZTTZoJZ?.'* 1 * AG nta, February 8J, 1861. ‘ ^ “f2?0 tf AUCTION SALE. YiriLL be aold at Auction on f riday n-xt, 13th test, Yf at tn* Store of W. H HENDERSON A CO . oa Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga, commencing at 1-o’clock, A. M. the follow log property, viz : . 1 Negro Man 31 years old, good field baud 1 Negro Woman, Sfcgeirs old, good Cook and Field band. 1 Family Carriage? I Boggy. 1 ssu fin* Doable Harms**. 4)0 lbs Fevthers, new, ia fate to suit purchasers. 3D bushels Peas. 1 do do Whippoorwill. ' And various other artick a Ferrous haring grole, farnltsr*, asgrom or other pro petty to re 1, would do weU to eendra ito d *y before— Sale positive. W. H.BENDE9SON A C - Oommlesion Merchants and Negro Brokers. 8.H GRIFFIN, Auctfomer. foblWt CARPETS FOR SALE. 2 Elegant Velvet Carpets, • Perfectly New—” Made Up.” I BXTR1 fcBP£R 3-PLY OABPET, 3 EITHi TAPESTRY bRUS.'ELS CARPS TS. Call and sae them at fsblO-dt* BEACH k ROOTS.