Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, February 19, 1863, Image 2

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—— SOUTHERN OONEEUER-A.CY. GEO. w. ADAIR, 3 - HENLY SMITH, EDITORS AMD PR0PKIIT8K3. B. C., D tain their claim, as we have, to separate political | existence or nationality—where the opinion of | the world is so.decisive and unmistakable that the recovery of authority is impossible, as full a moral demonstration is reached of which such subjects are capable. c * Oar Special Army Cor reeportdeii ce. All quiet—Discussing the Nen—Dr. North’! Treatment In a Yankee Prison— A Faithful Negro—The Malle- New Novel, Ac 3 Tor the Southern Confederacy. ATLANTA, GEORGIA: ' Camp near Fredericksburg. ^ Feb. N, 1863. j Everything seems quid! on the winter banks o. the Rapgabanqnck snd“Fighting Joe Hooker” has not yet placed himself in a figlilhig attitude. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1663. lAHOKST DAILY CIRCULATION IN THB 8TAT8. j W-HUH! PAGK.f» Musts. Editors: _ It is to l>o regretted that writers who pro-1 The snow has melted from the ground, leaving fess to enlighten the public on questions of ' h w° a 0 d r 3 n ’" : “‘7 1 r i b i^ c ,°. nd '' i . 0 "- . . _ ® . - , , . , _ I , e . occasiona ily get the Richmond papers and Finance and Taxation do not inform tnem-1 our leisure moments are spent in a consideration selves better in relation td» first principles the prospects for an early peace, mediation, ted throughout the community; A writer J with the war, and are very willing to quit, if. in the Savannah Republican, of the 14th, I ghow^hem.T h ° W ‘ Another ba,tle hcre ma >' with the signature of “U. A. S. Pi” has Dr. North, df.Georgia, has just joined Arfdef* .. . . ... ....... in the I more than bridged the gulf of ourindebted-1 son’s Georgia Brigade, as Ass’t Surgeon. This A very able reply to thu writer appears in the I ,, , , fp-nrfiil I 8?™ 1 e **S has just returned from a compulsory Charleston Courier, ol the 12th Inst., under the ness—he has actually leaped the fearlul VI9 ,t to Washington, he having been captured ■itrnature of “Juridicus.” We offer a synopsis chasm. .The following is a remarkable st-Wairenton, Va, Hq was carried to the Cap- .‘hi. The wfiie, Tiewa the „bj*. Uf*. ton, hi, .rticl,: as on© of principle as well as pracltee^^ot dc* I census of 1860 it is seen that the J orute Wood, keeper of the prison, the negro was flotation aa well ns fact. The examples of Bel- I a3sessed va j ue 0 f real and personal estate j ‘ n,0 , r , m 1 et * b Y tbe scoundrel that he was freo, and giom and Holland, and of Greece and Turkey I j n ^jje 8 i ave States was nearly five and a half | do wha:cver ,ie wished. lie was his own are not denied to be cases of forcible interven- miions of dollars. Take from this sum the ^ha neero nositivelv rel. se, FiKST III gf sink in thirteen .minutes after alter the Albama opened fire, the former carrying down most of the crew. We take the following from the Nassau Gua r- than: < JJM The U. S. transport -Plantej, 2100 tons bur- then, from New York, boundlo Ship Island with Government stores, was wrecked on the morning of the 14th instant on a Teel about three miles Stranger’s Cay, Abaco. She had on board seven commissioned and field officers, 54 privates, and 4-2 mechanics (who were all landed at Green Turtle Cay),besides 275 horses. It is expected that some of the horses and a pors tion of the stores will be saved. For Sale. A VALUABLE P’ ANTION, containing 1,037 acres, of which 630 acres a-e cleared, and iu an excellent state of cultivation, situated ou Kiokoo Crock and ad joining lands of Major N U Beal, eight mlloj freia Daw- aon, Terrell comity. The place is -well improved, with -rood and comfortable iramcd callus and alt other neces sary buildings. Tlio -undo will produce from 1,000 to AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALS.S'* LWK) pounds of Cotton pyr aero, and from 16 to 20 burU- ele of Corn, in fact the he-.', and surest Uotlcn anjJ Com * * ' ^ -iUbuBoldfr“ bands in Southwest Georgia. Tb» Above wi $30 per acre, and possession Riven to tho purchaser the Brat of January, 1SS4. Corn, Fodder, Stock, tc, c.n bo bought with the place. For fnriher paiUcuUra, address the sahecriber at Chickusawhatchle, Teirell coumy, Giorgio. febtO-9t IN BAAjP*A#-‘T-I5en. {Je$uWM£ irtl' « a portion ot his Ateff have oecn in Savannah fternoon, 4 l was >i a ^ertaiued(]ef- iday night, that the enemy have are not denied to be cases of forcible interven- unions of auttars. lase irorn uua sum mo i Th nositivelv refi sed to nnit i,; a me., tion,'las within the domain of policy and not of property in those Southern States now oc- ter ond continued his refusal until Exasperated , right. It is on tbii ground they are placed by cupied by the enemy, and it will leave a I the bruto ordered Dr. North to make his negro "Hiatoricue” as cases of flagrant wrong to I taxable property in the eleven slave States I quit him. On Dr. North’s refnsai, he and his Hniisnrl .nil’ Turkey both of iheso Powers be- of four billions of dollars. It nmy be safely | boy were placed in a dark dungeon and kept Holland and Turkey, both ot ineBO^ ^ ae estimated that this property, under our therefor pear twentysfour hours. Wood o5t- ing in such a condition or relative etreng l c_. bun inorpaspd fiftv ner pressed with many oaths bis determination to to have soon recovered their sovereignty over financial system, increased tilty per I £ ecp t hcm th ere for a month, but desisted when Belgium and Greece, if intervention had not ta. cent, in value. This cannot bo too high ap j our ca p tlve officers threatened that when they ® — -- — ■ "—I estimate. Every business man s daily ex l arrived in Richmond they would lay this matter perience forces this conviction upon him. I before President Davis,and havo the lex lalionis We have then real and personal estate J applied. The boy clung to his master’s skirts amounting in value to six billions of dol-1 a,, d come back to Dixie well satisfied with hav- , lars. A tax of five per cent, upon property J IP* escaped the clutches of the Abolitionists,— at the outset accompanied by a declaration from a j one w m raise the sum of *300,000,000.— lhlslncldent as lt 10 not - without its Mr. Canning which placed it on the broad basis a tax of one per cent, will realize a 6um of J Th ‘ e mai | 9 colno very i rre galarly, and it is of right "lor the purposes, he said, of preserving I §00,000,000. _ _ ....... ., | very seldom we got a paper from home, so that ken place. Tho case of Spain and Spanish America was different* However long deferred and mado first of one of the Spanish Ampr- ican States and then another, Recognition was the peaee of the world,” while in tho case Greece and Turkey the intervention was fended and justified on the pleaof convenience to the commerce of neutral nations.” Testing,there fore, the right of the Confederate States to Rccog e of I These figures show how easily all the evils I there is great scarcity of reading mater in the de„ I of an inflated currency can be cured. Add! camps. Speaking of this, I notice with pleas- 1 to this sum a tax of ten per cent, upon gross I aure that Mr. Randolph, the Richmond pabiishs .acorn., which will hi about »40.00ft000, — and we have a fund sufficient to absorb all the surplus paper currency. But it is ob- j y DrI C. E7 L. Stuart, the author ot many valuble works of fiction and . . • r . , . . nf __ | me Buip.uB papci uunuuujr. "•*» *“ — i lately the editor of the New- York Daily News. nition, and the correlative obi g y I jected that we should not lay a heavy tax— j I am pleased to see that our Literature is thus the part of other nations by the standard ot Brit- I ^at the people cannot bear it. Those who I extending and improving. Our urms will force ish Declarations, '’Juridicus” clearly ea,ab “ I urge this objection, do not understand, the J a physical separation from the North and it is ishes hie conclusion, that the Contederate I temper of the people, and greatly under- I * e ^ 1 Literature^ to create a moral and State, are entitled to that place in the fa nily of rate the patriotic spint which animates d%KJfuftnd abjms^ nations which thoy claim, relying simply on I them. • The wonder is that they have borne j y j( udu TIVOLI, those Declarations. I with patience the miseries inflicted by a But that claim is strengthened if not by the I bloatted currency. Put the question in this | Q a iot till the Mud Difia up—A Murder—Couscripta declaration, at least by the conduct, of England, shape. .... 1,18 with regard to the recent political transactions in What sensible man would refuse to pay I ’ ,h. r .n, ji ,acp., d . T atmmm ihat threw off the dominion of Austria, ot Naples, threo hundred dollar3 ^ Thi3 J ig the real and ol the Dukes of Manti and Modena being ae- enhancemeHt the consumer. The extor- knowlcdged on the principle announced by Sar-1 <&)mT wou | d not be benefitted so much as dinia, "that there ia no legitimate government I the p^r man< „t a ted, a tax of five per but that which the people accept.” W hen we I cen t. would reduce the price of every com- say acknowledge, we do not moan by a public I modity tu>o thirds, and a tax upon gross in- I roads will be ready to "accommodate "Flighting declaration, as in the cases ol Greece and Spanish j come would cause a still greater reduc- I j oe - Hooker” and his ribald followers. Un- initely, Thursday night, tt tat the enemy nave brought two of their iron-clads into Savannah RiVkr. One wij lying neatiEoit Pnlaaki. and flio otHer sotrte ItfUr tmles fJ*afae. It was al so ascertained, by the same parties, that one iron-clad had been anchored in Warsaw Sound. When seen she .had a schooner lyjng alongside diBchargidg something, supposed-to be . atnmuo nition. ■ -s*- >4^ ' A •< : j The Bbitish Steamee Thistle, while pro ceeding to sea on. Friday night, got ashore on the beach of Sullivan's Island, a short distance . -J»ns-Sci beyond the Beanregard Batterp, where she re* ’ niained up to last night. Part of her.cargo has been taken out, and the steamers General Clinch and Chesterfield worked at her yesterday, but did not move her. She will be further lightened when auothor effort will bo raadejtp genher is it Truk I—If is telegraphed from Sr. Louis that one of-the-officers captured at Arkansas Post, who was at Lillie Rock a short time agpi; cittattAlui* . says that General Holmes had received instruc tions from President Davis to suspend all pro ccedil)g8 in the demand for giving up Goneral McNeil, for shooting the ten -guerillas in Mis- souri. St. Mary’s Ga.—We are credibly informed thrt this venerable town was entirely destroyed by the vandal abctlitionifts 1 last, week. They .were attacked there by bur cavulry' and driven back Thursday lust; on-tfie .following day they returned and burnt the remrining portion of the town', including the Episcopal Church and Acad emy. Tecy threw shells into a houso that was occupied by three aged and defenceless females, knowing them to be lliaro, and > cursed tlicrnj 4 H LIFE INSURANCE. THE 6E0RH1A HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Camp Near Frederioksburq, Va , 1 February 14th, 18C3. / To-day the sail shines brightly and the iiir is cool and pleasant. Yesterday we had rain all day and the roads still remain in bad con dition. It will take at least two weeks con tinuance of the present weather before the tion. America, but with that silent acquiescence in favor ol a principle which lies at the foundation of the British political system since the revolu' tion under William the Thi*d—namely,the eon SC What^consfitntes a de facto independence? I °JL 7 « COnt •"!*“‘ t | I ^ Ct f !^^r Uld » Pay is next discussed by "Juridicus.” He shows off entire debt of *500,000,000 and we that as regards all tho conditions of Nationality j might get rid of the whole incumbrance in The writer affirms that a tax of five per | cent, on property would yield $300,000,000. So it would, could it be collected, and a tax or .Separate existence—an organized govern ment, a largo territory, a numerous population, «f w.-Uk tho Confederate Sates pre sent the highest evidence of a de facto indepen denco, and consequently the. strongest possible claim to recognition. "Juridicus” has, there fore, established conclusively, the positio is: 1. That the correllation of right and duty de mands of a// nations tho recognition of the Com federa e States, provided they have established, by sufficient evidence, their claim to a de facto independence. 2. That, -testing the right to be recognized by the public declarations of Great Britain, in the case of Greece, it was admitted in the words :— | P er annumf til then wo can quietly smoke our pipes by the side of our merry camp fires. On Wednesday last a tragedy occurred near camps that created much excitemant. In the vicinity of camp there are many houses of ill- fame, and in one of these a man named Owens was concealed evading the Conscript Law. young man named E. S. Lewis, a private in the .Palmetto. Sharp Shooters, with a comrade less than six months if no regard is paid to j attempted : to arrest him and in doing so he conseqiiancea- * To tax property of every was struck by Owens over; thp head with a kind not according to its income, hut its mb-1 cludSan^ fiop^s TiuSoVery^ThevilUin uation, at the rate of five per cent, would I escaped and atlastacooants had not been cap be an unheard of burthen. It would be Jive j lured. times more than MR Memminger proposed conscripts, reminds me, that . % ■, f , I most all ot the conscripts received here in the by bis tax on gross income and ob' proper- J army are entirely worthless either in body or ty separately, and two and a halftimes more I in mihj'aud the class of substitutes received than his property and income tax combined 1 ,,r v,!r y litHo better in quality. A few days Tte rr»'~»vH of the burthen is not to view it in the lump the 8tn Georgia Regiment; Ho had in the but in its individual effects. The owner of I simplicity of his mir.d sold himself to a cili a house valued at $10,000 rents it for $1,000 z « u <? f Oglethorpe county, who was cognizant A tax of five percent, on that I ? f h - 18C0ndlt i 0Q ’ f ? r ^0-no part of which valuation would absorb one half pf the rent. has he yet received. The Surgeon, who ex empted him in Georgia, passed him, but the Modical Officers here refnsed to - receive- him DE. JA8. F. BOZKMAN, Prosident. • ' s D. F. WILCOX, Srereliuy , Life Department at Savannah. AARON WILBUR, Actuary. DR. R. D. ARNOLD, Consulting Ptiysichiu ample, and priuUeged *ro Tory lilieial. Unit upon the Agent end got nil lioee sary information and take a Policy ou your life. ^ § -1) ,SlLKS..*«ynt liars and traitors. General Buell’s dficial report of his op erations against Gen. Braggin Kentucky has just been published. He rates “the rebel foree which invaded Kentucky” at from 55,000 to C5(0Q0 men, least 25,000 above the matk.— He is a better'witness as to his own strength. He says on the subject: "The effective torce Which advanced on Petryville,'on-the 7th and 8th. undor my command, was about fifty-eight thousand,'infantry,' artillery and cavalry.” Gen. Bragg had not a man over 15^000 in tbat battle —rliia strongest division, that 61 Gim. ': Withers, having been dispatched towards; Fraukfim fb support Gen. Kirby Smith, upon.,official. *t»!l'or- ■nation given by, and at thoeiuwest enH of, (hat officer. / *° *'•**-’ 1 ’ Gen. Buell admits that be was outgcnemled' and deceived by bis enemy in regard to the re treat to Cumberland Gap. Gen. Buell’s report is a S'roiig vindication of Gen. Bragg’s Ken tacky campaign. New Advertise&nents wools 1 WOOL! I WANT te hoy a godd lot of clean, washed Wool. Tho highest cash pries will be paid. . fobU) lw J.'ll.' HOLBROOK, Hatter, Whitehall street. _ • FOIL SALK-TO ARRIVE. .o a 35 kegs 10: by feblO-lw „ PEASE A DAVIS. A SAFE PLACE FOR hTOOAOB. Apply to ftblO-lW t CT PRASH A DAVIS. ON.RETAIL. jQOFFEE,_Sngarj Syrop, Rice, Tobacco, Matches, Soap, Starch, Brooms,- . - • “ ‘ , Nstls, Dockets, Salt, Blacking and sundry Hardware. For a 'io by fob!9-lw PEASE A DAVIS. J. L. WINTER & CO. “the convenience ol commerce” used to justify intervention then, and in the casa of Spanish I rent.* Is it not easy to perceive ifi it . America it was also admitted by Mr. Canning were possible to coDeet soeh . fas'*.i it " IL. h- h prcs f' v *V°V f ,hope ? c .° “[would soon divest every person who owned a The health of the army is good; no more L.r. V was his plea for recognition; I residence which was his or her sole shelter l bare feet; ho squalid rags; no poverty in equip- while in the instance of the Italian States al-1 f .. .. • A I ment or in spirits, but “all is well/* and those though there was no public declaration, the I ° owners ip, and that it would pro- I at h ome have an interest in the welfare of prompt acquiescence in tno statement oi the | ^ueojsuch a. transfer of property as^^to ren- | ; t>^oor^soldier can rest assured that^ we are WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GENERAL King of Sardinia^ "thaVthero is' no legirimste I deFthe rich, richer, and the poor, poorer ? | comfortably clad and delightfully^ fixed against . . . , , • , - 3 — - ,, ■, the inclemency of the weather. Our tents have government but what thq people accept,” corns j The writer asks “what sensible man would a |j huge chimneys built to them, the hearths ri~ mils the British Government, not only to the I refuse to pay five dollars for every hundred I valing in size those of the old Baronial time, but .o^h^dutv^nntefventioni TZ ^ *° makethe ^remaining ninety- "oa?”o«^!Sin^who£Ue” »d u y intervention, for the mdepen- I g ve wor th three hundred dollarsJ > Instead of 1 the appetites with which the poor soldier sets de “ c Vu f !‘p y e 5 eC ‘t d by f r 6 ° f “ r “ 9, the remaining ninety-fiye (the currency be- down t ‘° hia humblefaro, more than repays for 3. That England has shown tho utmost incon-1 . b y , j - - * the absence of a variety. Our feast is plenty; sistency between her declarations and her con-1 mg reduced nearly ftroWtr* m amount, from our sauce, content, and “good digestion waits fegsgg) b*a of be. gMSBCSckS by as a correlative obligation, in not recognizing I lOf wortn tnrGG nundied would b© worth I nielancholy subject^pleases well the bent the Confederate States. I nO mope than thirty-three and one-third I of my inclination to do honor to the memory of ,. 4 ’ J L *\ the .Confederate States have-tab- dollars, or one-third of one hundred. The Uie^freid^l "taulc oMn'the 1 noWer lished thetr claim to recognition by ample evi- | mistake of the writer is in supposing that fields of Christian charity., Private W. H. •i XT-HEBE A? Robt M Maon applies to mo for letters of .dctlars ^ Ctoofodaraje note*—principal 1/ in t*» nUps and YY administration on the estate of Lolayette Edvards, tens. The finder will receive the above reward by leaving '-L^—. , the hook smf meney at ihle olllos, iw returning it to me at Uraut’s HowiteL JanI7-tf when the currency is .reduced in amount I H. Trammell, Co. D, 8th Ga. Regiment, a lew i- 4 . ..-*-11111 _ T 7 I sinf-n ipff iiiq ronminvffar the ennwiie of * - „ p,. „ , - I weeks since left his company for the purpose of and prices have fallen property of every | eoine to Richmond t0 n “ rse hia, Liept. deuce of a de facto independence. One portion of.ihe reasoning of “Juridicus” . may not receive the assent of some readers.— He appears to idontify recognition with intervens tion, or rathep, he. makes the last the conse quence of the first; '.but qn tho principle that would'justify recognition—to-vrit, “the conve nience of commerce,” and “preservation ol the peace ol tho worldr” intervention would follow I j- l0n ^ th. e currency i as a logical sequence: t« ' I da amount before the war after the stan- What has confused the minds of European dard has been restored and prices have fal- writets and EuropeAn^MAteamen^ia the Ushan-1 len, or the still greaioi mistake of thelfik alogy they have drawn between secession and nance Committee of the Senate who imag- ordinary insurrection under a consolidated gov- I ine that seventy-five per cent, can be added erument. As relates to tlie meritsofsecession,with I restoration of thj^n^rd and the question dejure European governmentsheve I °* P n< ^fc- . .,ir nothing to do. The seceded states may or may j , A Urmtr wbaM unaorptaateUoD, with m not have had justifiable causes for secession.— Of the right they cannot be the arbiters, but of the/act Huy must be cognisant politically, that . eleven separate aovereignties having formed an organized government, undera written constitn-1 ami Lor tion, winch government is the common and col- . lective representative of those sovereignties, j y t S ety, c each of which has for itself a political-orgsniza- | We have tuRdo an arrangement with the lor the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show canao. If any they have, within the time prescribed l>y law, why said letters should not bo granted said applicant, on tho tint Monday in April next. Qiton under my hand at office, this 19th day of Fobruary, 1863. fobl9-30d WM. D. LyqKIE, Ordinary, GEORGIA, tssst. jssaww —*—— *r—f—j — -" I going to Kicbmor iciaff i would remain of the same nominal 1 Trammell, of the.same company, who was there value ae when the currency was redundant “«*• He found the Lieutenant suffering with the jj . , , tYi I srorst form of confluent small pox, and, nothing and depreciated. ‘ - I daunted at the presence of this loathsome dis- Of the same character is hi3 error in sup-1 ease, he at once applied himself with an untir- f po»ng with Mr, Memminger, OS. te® ♦ nO nuri'Dil f*n f fifrv T nn n f Qhnvo 1 VA n m until lita live f lior hnd roentmreil en>l .flinst* !e!!uWorth5oo3^5taxoMlTej BSSsssiSH Ohth-n w.-cU .monut to $5,000, which would be more thou ho „.ake« as surplus, alter dodacting his own maintenance hility bein* mvle to amount to more th»n between tion; each of which has for itself seceded, and j Express' Company, to'hrih^'l^ all letters the sovereignty and independence of each of containing money, which our patrons may which was distinctly recognized in the treaty of I choose to sefad by' this means of convey— peace torased with Great Britain in 1783.' To This company is responsible and will call secession, under these circumstances an in- makegoodany los3 of mone y whffe in their surrection or rebellion, is a gross abus© of terms, I _ , : ^ / - l * and to compare it with the revolt of one ormore hand3 ' ^ P™™ 5 therefore convenient districts jta kingdom or empire, is to confound I ft stauoa wishing to send U3 all just distinction. ^ I money can do so safely without costing The only shade of doubt that may be suppos-1 them any pioeta^d,-hy depMttmg the letter ed to rest on this question ia the amount and with the Express Agent and taking his re- character of the evidence that may be tbonght j ceipt. “ *«»-» e*teraia . j to constitute‘de/«ef«'indopendence. The proofs of this fact are necessarily vague.— livid I All ha ■ u>all . onnAl “Juridicua” has well observed that time cannot lie an element of the problem, for a struggle for independence may be terminated in two or in twenty year*. But where the recusant state or state* have ahownaueh proofs of Ability to aus- All Such letters must be sealed with wax, (the law requires this,) arid the | amount of money contained; therein, most be marked on the onteide. A j - Let the Agent see yon put the. money in I the letter. tf. room until his brother had recovered, and then; with the poison in his veins, laid down on the bed oi sickness and of death. He suffered long, t ef uncomplainingly, and took hia- place iq the Sly rariKoTCfimrfu^anyra in Heaven with out a sigh or complttiiif. This is a striking in stance ol Fraternal affection, and as such, let us all honor the mer-ory sf the quiet Christian'boy, W. H. H. Trammel'., ot Merriwefher county, Ga. - cgA l /. I'IiU 3 TIVOLI. Items and Gleanings from the Charleston Mercury, of the IGth. Hermes,” writing on tho 11th; says he has infoririation from Tollahoma by no means agteeable, abd' that 1 the army:‘there needs strengthening by all the means at onr command He calls upon us to reinember Bowling Green and March, l$r? atur'the fac^ that Kentucky was lost by the weakness of Sidney Johnson’s army when the country thought him strong enough.—:—-- - —; J He also -ays that Mrs. Clark, Ambassadoress irom the Great North West, ha9 gone home, it is thought, with new ideas,of the prospect of reconstruction, having learned tbat the South is in earnest. , • The Mercury, in speaking of the late arrivals at Jhat Port and the News thereby brought' •WlkaMMlI - By these arrivals we hare Nassau news np to Tnesday last.* ‘The stamer Florida, Capt. J.: N. Maffit, which tjie Yankees falsely reported burned or captured, had been at Nassau, cpaled and departed. Since her !eaving'It‘was‘npp<if> ed in that place that she had taken a Yankee transport with 700 men on .board. News had also COMMISSION MERCHANTS NEGRO SEALERS; AND V- Real Estate Agents, Orantte Front BoildiDg, No. 10, Alabama 8t, ATLANTA, fubl0-3m GEOROIA GEORGIA, Newton County. late of said county, deceased*— Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singn- HEREA8, Samael Chaffin applies to me for These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to) show cense, if any the; have in the time prescribed bylaw, why said letters aboard not be granted, on the first Monday in febl9^0d Q'XTY DATS A jj to the Court toseH t ’ .t aumxi, uu uio unt J W. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary. AFTER DAW'applfcl^n t ot Ordinary of B¥ CRAHF00D, FRAZER & CO., S. J. SHACKELFORD, ^CTIONKRK. -ltUE REGULAR AUCTION SAhtS ol oar house «U1 JL hereattiM- be on JOUN B VANOVER. TUBSDIYS,THDR'OAVS AND SATURDAYS EVERY WEEK, AT HALF PAST 10 O’CLOCK. All Goods, Wares end Chattels should be sect in th evening before, nr early in the morning ot sale day. Stunk s-Ues of iihJ Attention, Georgians! Horses, Mules, &c. p WA<iT ( TUai» MOBJi COMPANIES toy,anp!, le the wll) c^nn.nnco at 4 o'clock on each regular saleOny organization ot my Regiment. Authority to rei.e Companies will tm pranted on eppll- iJ jauZSrdai JOHN L I1AUDKE, I To The Highest Bidder. Colonel Commanding; I A ,|T4 ft-bl7-lw 10 Likely Negroes for Sale. ADBIlN^TRATOIt’S SALK. 'llrirtTheecaiy^n Moreh’ at^eaTy .r^uf - Land lying tn Fallen county, within six milei of Atlanta, | containing 566 acres. It is idtnatrd between the Green’s Forry read and jlajeon’s ou the Chattahoochee river — Two Railroad Surveys havo been mode, running irom this cily to Jacksonville,' ALl, ouo crossiLg this ti act, aul the other passing very near it. It bos folly to acres of O N the lBt Tuesday In March next, will be Bcld, at the Court House door, in the town of Trenton, Dade county, Georgia, within the Irgal hour* of salo, the fi bre) cleared aud nndor to, ke—the balance well wo.ded— part Tory heavy The improvement, are a pro ty pood dwelling with seve ral good, cribs, stabiea. Ac, a well of good lowing likely negroes, tc-wit; Jack, a man 60 years old, 4 wetor iu.t||o yarel anl a .good spring convenient, and aod-his wifo. Easter.-4* Jeers did;- Abo a hoy 7 years old; I to y other things on tlio placo, end a smell yonng or- * imed: | chsid. Terms mode known ou the day of sale. Anyone ahd his trite, . , .. ._ domes, 0 years old. and two boy children.not John, 85 years old; Isaac. 18 years old; IIannnh,80yesrs old, mad Mary, 15 years old. t'o'd by virtne of «u order ot the Court of Ordinary of Dado county, «s the property or Charlo* B. Kasley, late of said county, deceased, tho benefit ot tu« heir* ond creditp;spf said deceased- (.lack ia a immhor one «Uer ) Term? Cash. ' :* fcb!7-td K. J, EAS,F.V; Adm’r. wishing to oxamine the place can call on John A Cat tor on the premia a. JOHN FARRAR, t -I ; • i :* • f > 11 . Atlanta, Georgia. I««bl3 9.: 14,17,19, iii.Zi, 24, 26 98, fob and 8 mar STONE CUTTERS WANTED. fJXO work on Stone for C S. Armory, at Macon, Geor- _ gi*. Having taken tlio eputrne to fureish a large umouut of Granite Work for the abovo-meutioued build ing. wo are much in n- cd of,corry u«i the work. Wo are empowered to furr ish exemptions ’from Conscription, and will pay liberal wagos SELLING OUT Without Reserve. I gj j TIKitCKS NEW RICE ’ WOOD A MEADOR, one Al Mu ti r.ihlS lm '. Stone-MAuntain. U orpi:L Carolinian, Colombia; Telegraph, Macou, andfhroii- r<y’August», copy and rand bills to this o»>« immcilinle- SOUTHERN STATES HOTEL, 16 hogsheads Sugar iu store 40 hogsheads Sugar to arrive L0 gross imported Hatches fiVU bushel* CVn «0 bushels Ment, Ac. At tebT-lf KDWARDVS. AUGUST Ai GEORGIA, VOLUNTEERS WANTED. W E havo bi.nght the entire interest of tlie former Proprietor Mr John), IJamion, in the Southern QAPr. J. R. HltOHKS *nrt Herg’t. R. W. CRAVEN, ol States Hotel, and inti nd t keep a first cits* house WM M THOMAS, ftbl62m ‘ ISAAC LITTLE. Shoe Lasts! Shoe Lasts!! gUOE-MAKERS can bo supplied with lASiS, by or dering them, specifying he fc ind wnnted. and rem't- iag the cash to the eubsoiuer, to the care of IS K H Mmh, Express Agent, at Brawlon, Miss. Address LOUIS F. CARIt, Proprietor Ehoe-lsut Fsctory, foblT 9t* ■_ Brandon, flics. _ the HULL VOLUNTEERS. 1st Oonfoderato llegimeut | Ueorgia Vnlui.tee.s, are now at home for the purporo ol raising i ecruite for their Uegimont. They will give the - run: V DOLLARS BOUNT V ” to ell who will volnnta- rily cuuio forward and euroll llieuuolvoa. Bat those who will not listen to Uieir. country’s coll, in this her hour oi need, they are ordered to Conscript. No ConLt the call will soon l>c m .do to 46, and tho Exemption bill repealed I do come forward and volun eor. and save being Consented . Their command is fixated at MOBILE, ALA.,oue of tlie mp.qdeairebte turd healthyltXaliDeeln tlioscrvico. Theii Company, consisting of’over hu hundred, lias not lost one bit sickuens. Ouo of them will be found at a'l tim -s rt the office oi I Cols tiiurlred A Hill, on Whit trail street. J. R. RHODES, janfil-tf Capt Com’g Cn C, m Couted Reg Ga Vola Macon A Wxstxon IUilboId Co., ■ Macon, Gil, Jan. 28,1863. ) O N aud after February 1st, the Freight on Cora ovei r“~ ' this Road will be From Macon to Crawford’s, 7 ceuts per bushal i t>Z “ Forsyth, 8 : •» *• Attention, Georgians! COAST DEFENSE. janSO-lf Barnesviile, 9 ‘ “ Griffin, 10 **'Jonesboro’, 12“ « " - « Atlanta. 14 “ «• ALFIIFD L. TVLKIt, Knpt I HAVE been anthoiized to raiso an Infantry Company tf-* ’**-• ’ “ * * * J. B. TIPPIN, etiolei-alo and Betail IteHisr in For civ t- DoliukU; DRY GOODBJ < \CNNALLV’S ^UX3E. Whitehall mreei 1 Alatuuna street. _ for Capt John L Hardee’s Regiment, which i* now | fin ming undor authority from tho decretory of War, to serve su the Coast of uoorgia. I appeal to all toceme forward arid Tolunteor. Tour I conntry is in want id your services, and you must no aiger remain a spectator In this mighty straggle for her indepoudenco. A l«unty of $M> will be paid and go- d arms furnished atonoo. A furlough wit- be given to those 1 who m iy Join, tor twouty days. I can ho seen at mi)- hour, either Jn person or by rep- n soatvtivo at the offico of Col Uartre'.l A Rill.' Liont D C SMITH. All nta, February CJ, 1863. febldtf Volunteer at Once. satject to Conscription can volunteer bj rail lug on the undersigned, a. tlie store of Messrs Me iteei Darnel A Strong, on Hunter street. Paid voiuuteiia are SOUTHERN Confederate Spelling Book, I POR TOE USE OP COMMON SCHOOLS. leaked tojolu tlio 4Sd Ga. Hogiapot, mnv at Yichf^burc, ; ilisd. whore the ettinaM f* inf Id, htfd f * “ . the service light.— Alt who come forwaiu aud enroll their na.ois at once, wilt reoei.eFIFTV DOLLARS B'.iUNTV Absentees from said regiment Will report dome at onc>, at the above i.amed ptac. ' T. W. DA VI rt, feb8-9t Co. K, 42d Ua. Reg. COI'VUIGUT SECURED. f IAHIS WORK, Which ia superior to any Toxt-Bcok of JL the kind now in use, will be shortly isauod irom tho press. An interest in thr right of ibis Book, can be purchased, for particular* apply to- W P HAMMOND. E*q. Iebl3-9t* Alatoona, Georgia. FIFTY DOLLARS It KW A III). on tbs 9th Instant, between Wliiaehall street and botweeiTotmtmndrod l, midreveuty- < flre lt a^^!wo , h{inSiSiJ ^^Or^n^n^ WOK SALE. tatnriiiug it Li mi R. M. FOSTER. 290 IIm Yellow Paint ^OOOJIm V«u. Red. ajNWIw^uaigo 4 >01116 Voi million Rod notice: Of* pay master! j TT AVI NO been aosigued to doty ns Pay Hosier at this ““ Office o.i Alabama street, nearly opposite the Market House t . t ,-B.F. BOMAR, Capt. and AsL Q M. 8. R. KRAMER, Draggist, Whitehall street, One door from Uitchell at, West sido WANTED. QKVRRAL WOMEN, Men, and Boys, to work in oar 45>1 * — r> WANTED. _ TOOTtl FAOlORY, distant employment given. . As the work is ominenlly ARTISTIC, ncono need apply who has pot sufficient tade to appreciate It, for oachpaity will have t.Vbe taught at aonsfoentbto waste of material Wo I application will bqmado Ordinary of Newton oounty for leave sell the land and one negro bolongiag to the estate of William A.Gnioo, deceased. fobI9-fi0d ' SILAS b’bTARR, Admr. NOTICK TO DEBTORS <fc ed to LL persons indebted to tho estate < RS. nice, same wil feb'9 IcR^ T o'it t he MiW*om’. Fer- --^^!?me^^r?hcd^^ ^ A W K “ d ’ mUe> ,nm tLo sllrd - ■»»»> *» SILAS 8. STARR, A^mr. 3000 (<> 008 *° d “ qnart * r huh IIoop- _ _ A small lot of Horse Shoe Iron, A email lot of Half-round Iron, One likely Negro Girl, 21 yearfAId, fcb!8 St.. ON A Co l - Whitehall street, Atlanta; Gn. ite - NEGROES WANTED. W ANTED Immediately, at the Hospitals in. .This cit, Twenty good Negroes, for whom the highest morke rates will be paid. G. R. FAIRBAN KS. teblB-Sw. — HteAA.q.Ui ' ‘ * | *— r_ « CITY RKSIDKNCK FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT for sole, couviniect A to business and well located. House new, c-mtaiu- ing five rooms and basement, with gopdcateb*Udiog%|i garden, susdtaoot excellent water. Coll on cu . T Jon234m- ot W. REZZARb ff 'HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. <0 TYKelROUS of moving to the conntryA offer my boose .*@r£ ■ 4"- . ; COME qrilCK. 20 LIKELY YUUNG NBGRORS, Jiwti«cenel aadfor eotes* ffte^ NfCPslRwV fehii-tr _ re*ched Nassau that the Ala bama was positively the vessel which destroyed the Yankee gunboat Hatteras. The Hatteras HERE’S YOUR JACK! I HAVE FOR SALK A LARGE NO. 1 SPANISH JACK. For inform tio:i apply to the Clerk of the s , tROUT HOUSE, . MSIRDIATELY, t*o Btltls and Former enmidelo, and I Vo iuleod paying liberally, ■} that it can be followed os i in good oreer. one of one hundred gallon's, tlio other I m permanent business. or sixty gallons, for whfob-the highest rash prires will be I wu L tu r youngmen who havo been disabled lathe paid. - Want them convenient .to a Bailread, or te be do- I Army,«*. who arencAnableet to military duty preferred, livared on one. For further ptrliculaia addicoo at Allan- I - BROWN * UAPE, t . .. . .. JOB J LIU Dental Depot, Whitehall street. D Mayer. Jacobs A Co., k, a negro boy Philip, ins, copper color, five feet Uio right eye. The above ind lodgment in I) MAYER JAC0BE & 00. Atlanta, Feb. 15,1863. D. Y< K j i- feblb-lirjn Onto* A. A W. P. B. a. Co., / tianta, Feb. 7,1863. TUsHWRW 4.Q BABRELS WMEJnst nceiv-d and for, declo-tf .-I Corner of Alabama and Try o } their goods in 24 hours after arrival, -or wo -will be < pelted to More the freight at their expenro. L-bStr W-J- SMALL, Agent. A GOOD CJIASfCE. OR BBL8 GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO s boxes Gravelly Tobacco, forimie hf 1 ■ WILLIS A YOUNG. ■ JanSl-lm ■.m i OYSTERS IN TDK SHELL, • fc IvJ febio-tl*.' i) * »• *!£«»'to, J R COIUt A. , : *ZsZ WANTED. paMsajssr^A ^ I T. G. SIMMS. | . % % u a & ey- Goads at greatly ' aiL will A COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER for a . Cotton Fiteto- ♦ DAVIS. ira 'i .'.WANTED. i tpMPMr A DWEfoUAtG HGUfSI containing five or six jL rooms,; lioated convenieny t« the byte nos portion o! the city. Apply 4o * , oorjfatf ANDEESON ADAJB A CO ,'n-ck-. Ac., suitable for Shoe or Harnete making, or ithoundei- t niiuufactnring bnsinees. Apply to them et the Rolling Mill office l-tf O. L. PACKARD, Agent. TUEOTITUTn 11 LUCE TO TAX PAYERS, t the Cit I) ELIABLE i Xlr pljtDgto J. R. 1 Dodd. - _ ,ov«c 45, can be bad by ap- rallace, at the store of P. A U. ■ v janStf SU FOK SALE. f 1 *L>^di q^l’ *' comforteble House, cootntnl tig five A- rooms,' with fire pteres-halr acre lot and an excel’ent well rtf water. A healthy servant girl or woman .will be taken In exchange for this ptere, if desired. Possession can bo given at any time. R C JENNINGS, UiT Oxford, Go. P NOTICE. Twas^‘s^?5BJS;;S!S6 £t .. .. ... Furcha-t-rs, whdt- sote aud retaiL wiU find it to their iotorete to cell. A. ISAACS, Whitehall street. FOR RENT. rrinH ROOMS over tho stores of V M FUk, end W n X .Bendoim* Go,ow Whitehall street,being te same ■ oreut'lod by 8 A Darmnd, for the manntactmo of NOT1 I WILLLu at tho City Hall ai Tntbdays, Wednesdays. and Thursdays, until the first ol March, at which time tlie Books will La dosed. All w ho have not paid their tax for the year 1802, will do well to come forward and pay and save costs: -fcbfotilmaxl WM. L HUDSON, T. 0.