Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 14, 1863, Image 1

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»bi ipublio eooB Biroxi »wnti advahtage by ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 14 ;S 1863. VOLUME III—NO. 27 *" »»».nun.| I to:ua *. dat» P&A8E & DAVIS, - WHOLESALE « H O C JB H tuimissioii Merchants, fc'oucb»ee*Su«et. ATLANTA, . . . - GEORGIA .UBAOOO. BAIAiN STARCH BROOMft, BUCKETS SUGALS KICK, FLOCK, MEAL, VINKHAii. CIGARS. LANGSTON CRINS & HAMMOCK. Commission Merchants. SKIT ITOOtt TO CONFEDERACY OFFICE*, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, For the Sale of Real Estate, all kinds of Mer chandise and Produce. Prompt personal attention to the filling of all orders anpuuKhOJcs. W W CH»j ton, Agent Oa R A Bank, Atlanta, Os. I H Purler, A>-’t SaVk Depot, Atlanta, fit. Phln’zy A Clayton. Augusta, Ga A P Bearing, Caatiier Bank of Athene Geo W William* A Co, Unarleiton, H 0. Hot J W Burke, >lao.», , Ge A O Ton lipps, Chattanooga. Toxin R G Soberta, Sweet Wrier, East Torn, 8 0 KI ling ton, Washington, Ga lanSl-tf Vnur' tWi S i*lNABU«W«. SKEEflNLS YARNS, 14 hogsheads Choice Brown Sugar ih.01 |,u«oa Tobacco 1.U00 Be KllltcktutcU Tobaeoo J lM.aga prime K1, Ouflc 100di»-g Wo-r »*» — arriving SO keg* Nall*—• •".led aixea . lame To’uonUne do . eh:- PEASE A DAV1& JUST FROM NASSAU. OASIS t.NO Li.nil PRINTS .00 lb* 8‘iou Threat A,Olka flax Tbttud S 0 A tw Brown Wlddsor Soap 600 A (cn Pine Combe 10 M Onaiae Needle* No. 000 to No. 8 1,000 dt k ,n Steel Pena, beat Quality ;6 d. zaa Fronah Call Skin* 100 dcxeo Linen Cambric Handkerchief* ALSU, TO ARRIVE SO keji Bi Carbcf Soda M.SALOSHIN * 00 Exchange Broken and Oommitalon Merchant*, miriO-lw* Whitehall street. JUST RKUBIVKD FBOU BALTIMORE And tax Sale Low for Cash f)K KEGS SODA l <50 260 tba Indigo 1000 fea Green Paint v -v. 8uOO Dh Venetian Bed 600 ■» fellow Paint 800 Bm Verml'llin Bed 400 tba Black Pepper 30J b> Clorea ISO tba Mace •A dog Mustard ALSO Id on Qnlnlno io , B4. Morphine iO Jba Opium, Together wi h a One assortment of all kiiids cl Medi cines-Cheap for • ceh i'**' Sign of the Bit, Mortar, Whitehall street. RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants W UitehaJl Street, ATLANTA, - - UKOHG1A, U, II J, attend to baying and toiling all kind* of ruti- v ’ uUandla* All orders tw good* most he accompa nied with the caah to moon attention. Janll ly Agency for Va. Tobacco. A. CONNELL, Lata of Memphis, Ten*. U AP Mituand to ktoutgomerj, Alabama, a firsts lac* *<*:> J lur *U kinds of SMOKING AND CHEWING 11mil.*41A TOHAOOO, to which ha wvmsU respectfully dh *«» pub!t. allaotioa. Tha at re jcrmerlj occupied by •*«v Midileton A Curtin, No, U Ouori street, baa base ■uaatkl lx, ii,. purpura, where at all timo* can be k*md DU* n't the l.j*t u.| jajst general aamrttMut u| Tobacco oot- *■-1* at rir f iiu», bat also a conatant supply Of the ooarust - .J naew sr,. ■«* ul SOOAK. The fccUittaw for Obtaining -:«« i« mrpaaaud by any other heap! to the Oou- >•<*-» «epJO-»f Notice—fiarks Wanted. MEDICAL PUBVBYOKSOFPICB, | JaCOULAU gwaasas.v--- alma* Atlanta. Ga., Joo» a>» 3-*lX j •J US Le t pnoa* sriU be raid by theuadsrelgned t larp.. quantities of the folk,wing BARKS: Mem, breaches and toot of Dogwood, (root pi starred), tranche. and root* of White Willow; ro*t, trunk and branch*, of American Poplar, (called alao White-wood *'“ 1 ‘nlip-ttei^ root preferred. Lo carefully dried ana Secnrety mat Tr “1 to brought to tht. office, or *eut to Mr. L. n Boiaaicai Agent. Oanerariito tie ; or W W onil >n. touuo *JIc. r.-...... n. , ■ *~*~«i*pas, vatiesasu ' ant, toiMuoal Agent, Decatur, Ga. _., OKliRUK B. BLAOKXE. Seigaw. an! Medical Parr ay or, D.B- A ’ 00U6 LlliSIxa WHBRLS, SHUTTLES. Ac J R PITTS, Marietta attest .of. r •»-• Ltothai CU band and waniUg Hid^wBfito wdl to rnaamc mil proper references. Ttoauny mn*?U toed. ■and It is tea doty of all patriotic — ■ r” 1 doing. All leather held'at GKO. W. ADAIR,.: J. HENLYSMITH, IDIXOSS AND FROPRIKTORS. B. 0. SMITH, M. D, J. K. GARDOZO, Uaily, per Dailij, six months.. Daily, three menths, UaOy, one month Weekly per annum.., full M W BOTJHMOK N IL VV FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO, A. U C? T I O N AN1> Commission Merchants, -a_ ^ ^ V ^ •» Ho 14 AJabaum Street, liitnei of Pfyor, ATLASTA, UBURU1A. J KSPBCTFULLY aolarif a snare • f pt-trunage cud hope X by atrict atl'Ulluu t., botlntoS to give entire aatla-’ triton to their patrutu. decd-ti a AHOtu . i> u.aoti a o use* AMGfilti. J-.A4AOJSL-dkUQdXu . Wholesale Grocers AMU COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell SUceU, ATLANTA, UKOKG1A, lylt the sale of Piodnoti, Marohandiae, Real iiatato, Ne- i groes, Ac. v ddeb-» w a nuK. a ouu 11 unut inman, 4 cojuh: & co* GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Par chare and Sale of Merchandise) Real Emate, Live Hiocfc, Bond*, Stouts, Negroes, sc. Ul M have itnpla store room, and wtU give personal ab W tontion to all bn-iuoas onuastod tons, Offioe ir Beach A Kent’s atore, Whitehall street novl-ri WANTED, AX THB kmmta sTBii* 'tmmi. FOR CASH, 6,000 CORDS BARK. a T UBNDBRAkUi. 4|sW janlftf TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. N cmuwnanoa of the extraordinary demands made s upon our Roads for Transportation, by tha Coalode- iato States Govorninent; together with tho exiatocce of a state of drcomstancaa, over which wo nor our Agents can Railroads will not heieafter raeeivo, transport, or I any freight, nntfl fttrther notice, (oxccpt for GeTernn u Joss tho owner, agent, or shipper, at tha point of »hij>. it, first signs a stipnlatiou or agreement, relieving tbs Is from all liability for loss or damage u irons u j J0iul a. HOWLAND, Superintendent W. A A. R. it ISAAC 800TT, Prasidsnt M. A W. R. R. GKO. 0 HULL, bopedstadut A. A W P. R. R. A Hants Nov. 88, lit*. _ • UOTM, ~ tl For Sale. A Vk LUABLE P* ANTION, oontstnlog 1,1*37 acres, of which 660 acres a.e cleared, and in an excallent «Uto of cnltivatloa. situated «m Kiokee Cro£ and ad- t-rnin. lauds of Maiur N H Beal,eight miles frem Dow- ^if,, ril county'rhe place ia well improved, with t^ a!d !»mfMt*ble framed cabins and alt other neoaa- sary btrildings. The lands will produce from 1'°®° SBlrer acre,aud iwaseeetonuivento too pumas Sstclr January, lSTiforu, Fodder, Stock, *c, k-n-ht with the niece- For furiher pa. ticulill, i can be addrea henffat with thVnlace. For further pa> (icuisn, aoaj«. tharatocribai atChickaaawhatchie, Teirell county, JOHN B VaNOVBR. tba tatocribai tHorgto. fsblo-k’m J. S. TIPPiN, Loibsals dud Bdiati DnhUi i« ForeljB HeasMic * t>JR^ GOODS, . kOMNALLrSBLOOR SfhltehaU^t curdoomfrun y AUtoata Strutt- -A *• GOOD EGG,” SPUE. ACRsS OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOB SAX* 95 within twvsn -Ha. oi Attuua, an the road^teading tanning md, wi’h nawer saffie ent to rttn these all at tha same r P Stoamalt»umof8S.0nb. IhoMwiahlagtc 1 nlsate apply to J. B- Mayana, Atlanta Fa- . * s ^ *Maw..A Oft (Vfi LKflUfM AU for l S^ttTlMlitntJovJ n^Suysoo. on tba preiaisea daalT-tf Jl ST RECEIVED.* C/k BUS FREeH IBNNESSBB OLOVBR SBBD O0 twnuo ppar.ia *• msl 16# lb boxes * box- scab* Saoff SJUs Xen«-toehhmIhrtod Ky ?- mmm %e\tiiUmi OCR NEW BATES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ...»U 00 7 DO ... 4 00 1 60 ~.t 4 00 No name entered on oar Books srithei t Payment in Advance ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY. For each square of ten lines or lest, br space to the amount of one square,for one Insertion, 81. For e&eh subsequent Insertion less than one month, 60 cents per square. On advertisements srundlug one month, a dednct.oo of 10 per cent, will bo made, 0 advertisement! standing two mou'hs, a deduction of 80 per cent will be made. AdvwtUeinenta standing three months trill be chasged $26 per square. No advertisement taken for a longer period than three Advertisements or notices in the local column, will be charged 85 cents per line for each insertion. All obituaries and articles that aro personal, or not of .cnerol public Interest, mutt be paid for as advertise ments. ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKLY. Admtisements in the Weekly only, will be charged 81 per f.quart) for each insertion. • Advertisements appearing in both the Daily and Week ly, will be charged 76 eente per square for each insertion in the Weekly. Bow to Send ns filoney.wUli Safety, Wt> have matle an arrangement with the Express Company, to bring us all letters containing money, which our patrons may choose to send by this means of convey ance. This company ia responsible and will make good any loss of money while in their hands. AU persons therefore convenient to' a Railroad station wishing to send us money can do so safely without costing them'any postage, by depositing the letter with the Express Agent and takiDg his re ceipt. tST All such letteis must be sealed with saa, w ttha UlV MGIIIFM I amount of money contained therein, mdi be marked bn the outside. CUy Suhacribera. Hr. Jees e Reneau is authorized to reoetve and receipt for subscriptions to the Southern Confederacy. Our Carrier arrangements are now so per fected by “Uncle Jesse” and “John Wesley,” that every residence, office and shop in the eity can get the Conisderacy in good time every morning. Atlanta Hospital Association. The following committee has been appoint ed to cook for the wonnded soldiers at the SoBpitals, oommenoing March 9th, 1863: Monday—Mrs Dr Young, Mrs J H Lovejoy, Mrs Dr Alexander, Mrs £ Payne, Mrs Ven able Tuesday—Mrs Dr Grant, Mrs G Q Howard, Mrs Oliver Jones, Mrs D Pitman, Mrs Jno H Seals. Wednesday—Mrs Geo Hull, Mrs S. B, Bob- son, Mrs *V Peok, Mrs Lawshe, Mrs Cox. Thursday—Mrs CrusseU, Mrs Bice, Mrs B, Winehip, Mrs Dr Brown, Mrs P Brown Friday—Mrs Dr Powell, Mrs Foreacre, Mrs doyt, Mrs Bogers, Mrs Chandler Saturday—Mrs 1 Winship, Mre Besaent, Mrs Capt Howard, Mrs Mell, Mrs Joiner. Sunday--Mre Goode, Mrs Ponder, Mre Da vis, Mrs Purtell. St. Fbtillp’a Hospital Aid Society. 1 he tollowing Ladies have been appointed to cook for tho “Soldiers’ Rest” the week begin*, ning Feb. 23d, 1863: Monday.—Mrs Pinkerton, Mrs Morel, Mrs Drake, Mias Sinclair. Tuesday.—Mw Soloman, Mre Purse, Mia Freeman, Mrs Wright. Wednesday.—Mrs M Robinson, Mrs Welle, Mrs. Hardeman, Mrs Wyly. Thursday—Mrs Browning, Mrs Lazarus, Mrs Saloahin, Mrs Boring. Friday.—MrsSella, Mra Ball, Mrs E B Walk er, Miss Mollie Wright. Saturday.—Mrs Kennard. Mra H T Jones, Mattie Watkins, Mrs W Peters. Sunday.—Mre Shallcross, Miss Nannie Jud son, Miss Rowena Hale, Mrs Judaon. ' Mrs H. T. JONES. Directress. The only Road to Peace. The London Index, a paper established to represent the cause and interests of the South in Europe, points out the following as “the only road to peace between the North and South”— Financial exhaustion will not end (lie war. What matters it whether the debt is double, or treble or quadruple, what it now is, when witfrpeace and separation de parts the only hope of paying that debt? The hope deferred may make the heart sink buL the destruction of that last hope is death. Whatever party or men may take possession of the Federal Government, they cannot shake off the legacy of war to which they will fall heirs. Peace means universal bankruptcy; the war can do no worse. Military failure cannot end the war. When the last army of invasion is destroyed they will still have tho power to block up the channels of the Southern harbors and to ravage its sea coast3 and river banks, and so long as it has the power will exercise it. Military success cannot end tho war, because it is as impossible for the Confederates to conquer the North, and to dictate terms of peace in Phila delphia or New York, as for the North to dictate it at Richmond or Montgomery. When the war shall lag from sheer physical exhaustion of the combatants, it will not then end; predatory expeditions will take the place of great campaigns; but the peace which is to restore commerce and revive industry will be as far off as ever. We have never seen but one load tojjeace, and this one and only road is to grant to the South its jmt rights—admission into the family of nations. Any country may reasonably hope to qnell an insurrection within its own domin'* ions, while apparently destitute of all sup port and oomcnance abroad; but no coun try, not even the self-confident United States, can dream of conquering and sub duing a foreign nation with which all the poweis of the civilized world Lave just con cluded treaties of amity and commerce. When the .South has thus accomplished all that she battled for, and all that the North has striven to prevent, then, and then tgf&r Bring in your Advertisements earley in the day and there will be no delay In their ap pearance. it TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. I N coMteuencu of tha extraordinary demand* mad* up- ou on.* Reads for Transportation, together with the the existence of a state of circumstances over which we r.Tr our agents can bar* aar control, notice is hereby giv- eu that the Wea.eru A Atlantic, Macon A Western, and Atisnta k West Feint Roads, will not hereafter recaivo, transport, or store any fretoht from an; a urce or anthor- itT. until further rotire, unless the owner, ageut, or ship- Mr. at the point of shipmen*. firit sins a itipuUU -n or S^t/^th.remdfr-Jfu^^ Snp’t W A A It R ISAAC SCOTT. Fraa't lltYBK GEO. G. HULL, Snp’t A k W R R Alhuita, Fab. 88,1663. tobaidm PLASTATIOA FOR SALE. roads in Tennessee has prevented an ad vance of the enemy before this; and we rest assured that so soon as. the roads ate passable, a vigorous assault will be made upon our army. The Federate aro committing some of the most unhunian and barbarous outrages in Rutherford and Williamson counties, Tenn., ever thought oi heard of. The wretches, disregarding all decency ^grossly insult our fair daughters, and allow the ebony sons of Africa to do likewise. We hero daily of most horrible crimes—all under the immediate supervision of Kosen- cranz. Subscribe for the’Conl'ederacy. SAVANNAH CALLS! RALLY GEORGIANS, And Fill up the Ranks! O UR COMPANY h.Tiug beuo organised and recuired <u Company A, iu Col J. L HtuWa Regiment, no* oomt-letiDg its organization for ?ervl e on the COAST OF GEORGIA, We- will accept a few more iccruit* to nil it np to the maximum etuncard. The beat of Arm* and Uothing fotniibed as awn as the Regiment l< organixtd D O bMLTU, Captain. K W GRAVEN, UtNinn*. J S TilUASitKR 2d Lieui. J J McKOY, B’n 2d Lieut. J L Uardee Riflna,” Harden’* heg’t Oa VoU Out) ol them may ho found at all time* at the office oi Cell. IJartreU and Hill, where they will rdteiTe recruit, and pay the ROU STY OF Atlanta, Ga,. March 2,1368; mat Rtf [Extract from Orders.] UUAARCI bUUAU. I Richmond. JBbUfiil 5, It63. I MgJ. WMUihtrJto i Hud), It AOs aruuory. * r | NDKk me law recently peaeod by Cou,r*ee, <• exemp* turn of certain pereoua -rum nuLtary errrice,” you wdl is that 1 am empowered to authorise an Orusauca officer to exempt all “ ariuaus, mechanics and employees n the eetubliahnioota ol such pereot.* as are or may. be ngogod, ntiutr contract witu tue Government, in turn- idling arms, ordnance and ordnance oturea, and other mu- uitioii of war, .Mldiee, harm « aud aim; aupplua."— Thean men mutt all bo euroll d, aLd >htn detailed, aa proTii.ed in lectfou six General Order* No Bk You aro draignated as taa Ordnance officer to act. Under thi* law, for all coutnu ton wiinin your jarudm.ton. J U0..UAS, Col. Chief of uidnanco. I N pui.uance oi the above order, all Iren Mat era and other contractors within the States oi Alabama, Geur- gta, Route Carolina and Tanuaaaee. will make application u> m. lor the demit of eaeh-conasri{ite aa may be .India- l-OLBiblo in cairymg out their with the Onl- nence D>p.nmout C S A. To prereot ft.UM, it WiU bo required of each contractor tn.Kieg application for he detail of conucrlpU, that hi. requi iuon ehall os aooo. - pan.ed by n certified copy oi ms contract, on oath that the services ol ih. persons deelicd to bo detailo i are in- aiapeuiabic for the mlfillment of hia o ntraot. and that the mooter cannot be otherwia - obtained, and farther,' mat when toe aendfesof tue conaciipt. ahall no Unger be neoded, the affiant wiU tom thecoaKript over to the Enrolling officer ol the district, for se vicem the army; -lio, a certificate of the Enrolling officer of the district that the pet sons ns el in the requisition hare been properly enrolled. Certificate* and oaths to be by and oeore a Justice of tho Peace or other magistrate author* ised by law to at)minister oaths All communications addressed to me at Selma, Ala, will meet prompt aitrn ion. WJI RICHARDSON HUNT, marl l-lra MaJ, sc, on Ordnance Doty, tOTICB TO SIUPPtoKS HI EXPRESS. V LL Packages welghins 41) pound* «nd o'er, must br securely strapped. All freight must bo distinctly • •,*ied wit. toll name coneikuoe, and all other uniue. > i 1*1,01 it will nut be ocetred. trtiuiee of a liu.ilo aatuie laket-k r. entire risk uly. Sroight foi Macon, baraunah aud Son - osiern Geor- iu, will be ecoiv eJ until V 30 A. i). There being 1 hxpreaeaa In 11 ml nut betw on the hour. . J and 7 Jilt 1* M , We cannot ‘ rccrire freigl t alter 4 P. <t. bx«-pt UoveruMt-nt Freight .Slot age a ill bu riuogcd < trail Height uo< celled for, *1 hour, alter lecepliou FEED. COULTER, Ag- tii hxpioee Oomiiauy. A. uuia, Jan. l -tb, 1808. juiil3 ti CI \ TIERCES NEW HICK, lor lie by UU f«b£8-lm - PEASE k DAVI J. 9i I HOXKS H*to GLAfB. for u ... . - , . rift tbig. war.?, au wbza im *- — iea-k * bavm- iiiat question is the cry of same gut pent, which, once raised, has always and every where the same effect. Men foremost to urge the zealous prosecution of the war will hasten to avail themselves the pretext thus afforded, in the hope of escaping from the popular wrath' which surely overtake the authors and tl ■ <ti'sli*un:> nt> of the mischief. Capitali ill -.ix,v..tii< frightened, and the fear= i*.. tbecbiy ut settlement is approaching**.. 1**1. n the crisis. The smallest holder of irredeem able paper will be glad to realize at any sacrifice. Confidence and credit thus rudely shaken, the scamper to escape from under the falling rocf will not rest there. States will soon be seized with the panic, and separate treaties of peace will detach one after another from the present Federal compact, to seek, has ominously been threatened already, their “safety in new a-fiances,” A letter from a resident of Philadelphia—a gentleman of high position and who has filled an important post amid the political troubles that immediately preceded the war—which we published : n our impression of the 25th ultimo, pre dicts this as the only possible termination of the war, and the certain effect of European recognition, and he is supported in his views by some of the most sagacious men in both the Democratic and Republi can parties. New Federal compacts will, of course, be formed among the States, and at least three, probably four, confederate republics will divide the ample domain of the short-lived and ill starred American Union. But in whatever manner recognition produces peace, the proposition is that with out it peace is impossible. North and South agree on this point. The delay of peace until May deprives the world’s com merce of another year’s supply of cotton ; and another year of war, without materi ally altering the position of the belliger ents, will reduce the South to almost the the same level of universal ruin as the North, and impair her productive powers to an extent which a quarter of a century may not retrieve. For the misery and suffering thus caused, England cannot b held blameless in the light of history. Fkoh Tennessee.—The wheat crop in the vicinity of Cleveland, Tenn., looks remark ably well. The editor of the Columbus Sun has seen a private letter from Shelbyvilie, Tenn., dated the 3d inst., which states that all the army stores and Heavy baggage trains, belonging to the army of Tennessee, are being moved back to Bridgport, and other points on the Tennessee river. The movement,had commenced on the 2d, and the indications were that in a few days nothing would be left but such necessary articles as were indispensable to an . army which contemplated active duty, inference is, that our army is either pre paring to fall back to the fine of the Ten nessee river, or preparing to meet the hosts of Rosencranz in the shock of battle. We think it most probable that a back- word movement is contemplated, since that would seem to be the better policy at this time. Every mile Rosencranz _ ad vances must necessarily weaken faim in a corresponding degree; and his position is such that he must move in some direction, it would seem to be a wise policy on the p&it of our commanders to draw him as far into the interior as possible before the attack commences. We feel confident DGZ BLACRINOTEri [ebZ8-lm cr~ PE EASE a 1 AVI*. l&O _ 9 (111. k CIIOIO K CIGARS, fox sale by ,UU(J fobSS-lm FEASE A DAVIS. STEAM ENGINES. .) NEW STEAM ENGINES FOB SALS,complete,tod —- (without boilers) are 16 inches stoke and 12 ihchee no. WiU do a duty of 25 TO 30 HORSE POWER, Heavy Bed-Plate, and Fly-Wheel 8 feit diameter, an*18 iccher face. AddreU JA3. L. DUNNING, maifl-Sw* Atlanta, -*orgi*. Whitehall «K»t. A N excellent Plantation, u> a hizh state of Cultivation A coataiainx 6S& acres, 130 cf which are first rata bat 1 1 ^ ai n0thiD8 ^ Ut ^ ^ <?Pnditi<m?f th0 To Capitalists and Suecnlators, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Ore nnn ACRES OF LAND, in- km.nnel county.— *J)UUU Also, my landed lnt*-ie»u in Montgomery ronnt , end earns lots Ur Cherokee, Oeoryta. Ad .resJ, through Post Office, F. M. 10UD, ^ marb-lm* Atlanta, Georgia. DRYGOODS. 5Q0Q YARDS CALICOES 300 yards bleached 8heeting 850 pair Ladle*’ and Mbs.* Uaiters aud Slipper 12 dnzon Men’s and Boy’* Hau And a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for sale at wholuaai only by decl7-tf 8. SOLOMON A BROS, Commission Merchant- FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. L O'T, ok the Sth instant, between Whiaoball street and Graut’s Hospital, a leather Pocket book, eoLUiniu* between one hundred and aeventy-five and two hundred dollars—Confederate notea—principally in twiotlae and ten*. The finder will rcce-TO the above reward by leavtn. the book and money at thi* office, or returning it to me at Grant's Hospital. • Janl7-tr B. M. FOSTBB. . AninTANt arn> Insrxoroa Oxrtxxab’* Lines I r3,18lSl. i Utchmund Aebrnary i General Order* No. 14. • * ,* e • * I 'llK Saperintendent os the.*itreahd Mining Buieau , ls antu^iixud and directed to enforce ext* ing con tracts of the ooverement in Iron Lead and pther mnnl- tiou*. When iron auu other tho* e nuastod for >tud needed for the service, aro ascertained to have beet* sold Si private Bale, or are not promptly delivered ecoorr ding in toe to. in* and apuit ot the Oontiact, the, may be t*kenwho ever lou d; and upon requirilfon, aaslaiauce ahall be afforded Ly the commandant o< the near oat putt or camp of in* rnctkn to tho officer or agent of the Min ing Bureau specially charged with the enforcement of the contract. when a contract shall have been persistently violated alter ten days’ notice, all detailed or conscripted men will be withdrawn and assigned to other works. 8. COOPER, At Jo tan t and Irspeotor General. . 0 S. Krrss aim Miihot Bnuu,) Richmond, Fecrnary 3, AbtS. I , * * «. ». * * M AJOR WILLIAM R HUNT is charged with tha ex ecution cf the above uentral Utder, Mot 14, in tb* mate* or Georgia, Tenneesen, Alabama and Misdsslppi. 1. M. ST. JOHN, Major and Superintendent. C tO.YTRAOfOJtS JOB IKON and other monitions of / war, will 1 -dr tho shore OMtfr'14 "pjarhi toaurdUriMfil Bureau, will send a vary contract* _ jtet to the conscript law, to the nearest camp of instrac- per previous and M.wtow tion for service in the army. WM. i marl 1-1 m RICHARDSON HUaT. Major, «o,oa Ordnance Dnty. J GOODMAN & CO., (In Markham’s Bailcirg,) W' HITE ALL STREET, Two door* from corner Alabama street. J^EADY-MADX CLOTHING Hosiery .Pocket Knives Packet Bocks Paper ' S ,ocs and Boots 3.CDU lbs voppexa* Cotton Cards . Coats’ While Thread, And a variety of other goods and notions. mai7-lQ A CARD. M U. DAVID MAYER, thankful mr past favors and the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon, him aoulu respectfully announce to the Citizens of Atlanta and mrrourut lug country, that he has associatld himself with Xessrs. J. Jacobe and J. Rapp lor the purpose ol opening m Auction and Oommlsslor. Business, at hia old stand, on Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia, to commence on B«i- .ember 16th, and would solicit a continuance of favors fix ~AUthoaoUuI*btod to Mr. D. Mayer wiU flu. thebobk* r<zszt ENGLISH CALICOES, MUSLIN DELAINES, &c. 1 800 DoZ ^ I ' ARli?fl >BI BP00L TnRBAD ’ 200 3 4 arees Colors English Caliroes 8 «¥■ MusUn Delaines (Mourning) 1 c iso Puptrlor English Longdctfa 100 b -xve Lxtract Logwood 6 bbls Sal Soda, for sale by A. J. MOSES, fob25-tf At Herring A C ’» Store. ■ SOTICE OF FAY MASTER. TJAVINS been a-signed to dnty aa Pay Hatter at this n post, notice is hereby given that I have enteieJ nrion tho discharge of the duties assigned me.' Utteeon Alabama street, nearly opposite the Market House B. F- BOMAR, Capt. and Ast. Q. M Atlanta, Feb 14,1863. fobl* WASTED, TO PURCHASE A GOOD STATIONARY ENGINE, from 6 to 10 Horse „b24^" App,J 16 . J McPherson a co. RED CLOVER SEED. * A SMALL lot of choice East Tenn ware, Bad Clover Seed, fresh and Clean feb84-2w J M OPHULS ON A CO. SUPERIOR SMOKING TOBACCO. Q1 CASES TEN-JOUHDB BALK3, <il 8 Cases cur-pound Papers, The baits we e pnt up i>.-the spring ot Vil, by Wade A Moorman <J Lynchburg Va^axpreesly tar tba Baltimore market, firs free from stent* anJ dirt and mad* of Not Tha Pound Papers are in admirable c-onditioa for retail ing. Oacnnrignmant and for ealaby R. M. PARKS A OQt. fob a-tr SHOE-MAKERS WASTED. If IT! GOOD SHOEMAKERS < . . lUU the Government Pboa Factory under my direo Jos at this Poet. Nans but good hands need apply.- Iboao furuiahing their own tools will have preference. Soldiers desMog *0 work In title rettbUsbmcnt, mnat roenre titsir own details from thair command G W CUNNING . (eblR-lm Maji bHOE-MAKEBS AND LEATHER WANTED. w E with to hire 10 good ghewMakare, aithar trite * ** b’ack, and two small boys a* apprentices. We also wish to purchase a largo fiuxntitjr of jwatiter. W. KELTS SB « 00. Cfflcj in th'rcur cf Ecago^ 8tof, marlO-lm Forsyth street. v ATTEIVTIOXVI TWO MORE COMPANIES Wanted for Coast Defense. A /f Y RKULMRNT, anthotized by the Secretary of War, 1VL to a rve on the V ast of ti corgis, is nearly complete, f .ant two more erapenks at one* Single recruits win be received. Par tree bringing squads of W or Ml men Can u.Jte to torm a Company, witu the privilege ot electing the Company tffioere ' Filly juouars R-unty wUl be pMd immediately. Jolla JO. HAuDEB, marl tf WA *" a VALUABLE FAMILY BESIDKNlL FuK SALK. N EAR the Depot at Covington, Ga. The house has 7 rooms, 6 Are places, u good kitchen and 8 good negro bouse*. The lot cun:etna 6 acre*, has a gcod peach and apple orchard, good, never-falling weUof water, aad all tteceotvy.outbuildings, it .* wnoui miuway bet seen the two Colleges, via: Masonic Female aud Emory; alto, U» acres g ad farming land near by;«of wiuchu woodland, Which Will be sold with the house and lotU desired. For further particulars, apply to Aba undersigned, or T. F. Hyer, Cov.ngton.^am- ^ & ^ Franklin Building, Allan ts, Georgia JanZ-tf STONE CUTTERS WANTED. T O work oa Stone for d S. Armory, at Macon, Geor gia Having takra th* oontrec ^o foruish a large amount cf Grunite Work for th* ubovo-meationed butui- tng, ue ar- much in n cd of workmen to carry on tht wSk. We are empowered to farctah exemptions from Conscription, and wiU pay liberriwage^ HXM>0 &, fcll8-lm Stone Mountain, Q.orgte. Carolinian, Columbia; Telegraph, Macon, and Chroci- eleiAogMta, copy ami ^nd tills to this office Immediate- ‘J- T. L. JOHNSON 4k CO*, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MhHCBANTS, SELMA, ADABAJIA, YROMPT attention to all Jan27-ly* Rxrxsxxcix—Messrs. Andareco, Adair A Oo^ Atlanta, Messrs. Hnnntcutt A Taylor, Atlanta, Mean. W BYoung A 00, Atlanta. , t TIKBOXS NEW BICE lUU 100 ke,a Nabs, aa wrted £00 bt: 3.1,COO Iba^wtiles Iron 900 bushels Ssot Oa’s Just at rivo-t usd for sale by marT-tf J. L. WINTER A 00, No.20/-- 800 GROSS STAR STEEL FENS, marS-tf THE B3BT ARTICLE, formleby M?CRKJtSON A 00