Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 15, 1863, Image 1

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BY ADAIR & SMITH fBI .PUBLIC OOOB BEiOKS fKIUft aLVANI a&L. MWirdmasaiini ATLANTA. GEORGIA. SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1863. VOLUME IH—NO. 28 ®». ruu.| PSASE & DAVIS. WHOLESALE « H O O E tt uimfewioD Merc&auis, . ’’ fc.JI '*:A. J* ;V wX H f 1UA it 1 -A. G-BOilCrx -V ~ig«£ a • ',VB.4(JUt EL400MS, <4.\GUit BlJC3L&Th * STARCH Bl/CUi3 a RICK, 2LOUR, MEjAL ■-.UIHJW^Ak CIGARS, I rt* ATI «i. 3 SREETINfad .GMABUftoe, YARNS, to r.iggti maI« Clou; Snia&.&sgr* MO Mh Tobacco 1-000 TCm gJllfoUnlck XoOacCb i* bags prims K1 ■> Out!. •00 dram it rw Bdc* — trrirli^ M kegs Nails— • -..tod ta=es box** Turouiuc* Ik. • nfti trt^Ati. tt LaYic JUST FROM NASSAU. |0 ojjsfs English prints (00 lbs 3h.-c lur. .1 sOO lbs Flax Thread A'0 drzen Broom Wiadset fioop Comb. ?0 M CoamTStedTii* DO to lie < i.300 dokm Steel Pens, t^at qusdiij A A tea French Calf Skins *00 detsn Linen Cambric Haclx^rcnlela AtSO, TO ARRIVE M ks j; Si Cart of Sci. B tJALbSHIN A Old Exchange Broker sand Ccjnmlrslon ITorchani*, moxlO-lw* Whitehall street. FUST received pho« Baltimore And tor Sole Low for Cash, »*C KKDS soda ..... JW 2b0 tt>« In dig j 10jo &>a Qreen pain; oo00 Dm Venetian Koi 600 0>< Yellow Paint OuO lbs Varmi U n Red 100 &M B ack Pepper JOo lb, Otores atga at the Uolden Mortar, Whitehall street RIPLEY si WOOD, Commission Merchants, vV hitehnil Street, ATbANTA, v • # a . D&v&BiA) "»fo’ILL atSsr d |p hoping una selling ail kinds or mer- ;h..r.dliA. Ail order* foi guuds must be aoconipe- sded with the cash to seenre attention. Janll lj Agency for Va Tobacco. A., CONNELL, Late of; Isna . r l Ml wvvtdsr.xl in Montgomery, Alahaaa, n fim-ciaca n Amn fur all kinds of SMOKING AND CREWING yiKGlNIA TOB AOCO, to which he woold roopectfoUy di rat nab lie attention. The store formerly accused by Petal*. L Mdletoo A Lofttn, No. 11 Coart rtrert, has been eased tor mo perpcee, where at all times can be frond not j»’y the bur «cd moat general aasortment ul Tobacco out- side ot Vi. ,-teia: but ako a constant supply ol the coarsest sad unset gr.i ss of 9 LG AH. TLe McL.Lt* tor obtaining •l.. . ..i r. . « *rj-psssM by aoy -tbur tc-* 1 iu the Cou- tspS0-*f Notice—Barks Wanted, HELICAL PL'KVhYOK 9 OFFICE. i AruMTS. 6*., Jane SO, 18*9. f ••* MS b»t f-noc# wlU t* paid by the nederstgeed far 1 l*rg.'^uoj iities of th. fcUoartng BAlUiS: . 81cm. 1 ranches and root ol Dogwood, trea t preferred); cranches.and roots of White Willow; root, trunk and branches of American Poplar, (called also » bite-wood, Cpnoe-wood ana tulip-tree,) >tx>: preterred. Them backs must be cartfcly arloC and securely pock ed. They may be brought to ibis uflloa. or sent to Mr. I*. W. Whiter, Botanical Agent, Corter.rule os . nr W. W. Durham dtjtamcal Agent, Decatur, Ga- UBORGiC 8. liUba’KIi. ■yl-tt. - burgeon and Medical Purr, j ui, 8. A. If*** PINNING UHELLe 8LAJEBB AHUTTLEc Be lot sat:' ty J R PITTA ictll-Sc Marie.t. itt. LANS STBS C&1NB & BA35KOOK Commission Merchants. NK&T U00U TO OO'NFSOElUCf OFFICE, WHITEHALL STREET, axlam ta, Gseaoik For tbo Sale ol Real Ebtaiu, all kinds of ®6f- cliaadlso- and Produce. Prompt persaztal attention to the filling of ail orders AZHiRSMUKs K W 0b*> ton, Agent 6s R R Benk, Aiinntu. da I H Porter, Ag’t 6a R k Depot, A tUuls ; 6s Phlnsy A Clayton. Augusta, Ga. A P Scaring, Cu'blrr Bank of AthesA - Goo W WilUamt t Co, Oosrlsston, K u f ir J W Burke, Uccn , 6a. C Van Epps, Ch attsnoogs. Venn R O Roberts. Sweet Water, Cast Tub. . 3 C Rliingtoo, Washington, fju jan81-tf “ s* rjAia '*■» BOTOTJ WEW FIBM &. M, PARKS & CO, ^ u o dpts q K AMD J Commission Merchants, do Id Alabama Street, t/orner rt Prjuf, aI-LASIa, - - ' tiKOKGlA. ‘ • • • - 1 . f * K EaPElMiTOLJLX scuii; . a I putresage ujl hepe by strict attention tr tutlnsss .to girt, iziiro sstia >»ctionJk' their patrons. r •, dccG-tf 1 rs— —^ i assess ntroow - SE zsx AsMOHS, LIGOK & OO* j ,• ;., ■; I t :L ; . rjt Wholesale Grocers COfflINiSSiON MERCHANTS; Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets .iTLASTA, GEORGIA, i&la grock, Ac. j^vjR in- Aula of Produce. Merchandise,' Bed Esratc, Ne- ddfi-U *T“ WBxssuf ^ y-r-wte.,.,et*,- tr- 7 -" -- **. vrt taiux. INMAJN, COLE he CO., GENERAL - Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Roal Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, -> Segroes, *w. ‘ VA/ 5 Lata ample store room, end will give personaleb "t tentioD to all buslm-u ontrnsted to tu. Office it Beach ft Root', Wnitehsll street - novl-tt WANTED, f' at nut AfUHTA STEAM TAHHEEf, FOR \ ; a S H . 6,000 UGRDS EARS- a. x ii Eli i 1 uiteor, tsuik t TO SHIPPERS OP FREIGHT. j ii oonceqactice ot the extraordiuary detnantia k upon our Kcatda tor Xrabaportauou, by the.Coiifodfr rate Btetea Qorernment; together witb the o( a state of drtuntotouow, oral which we tior our Agouts con hare any control, uotlce Is uereby giaen. that the * eaters a Atlantic, Macoo A Western, and stlauta A'oim Railroad* will tut ho.eaftor receixe, tlaiu-port, or otory any freight, urtil further uotlce, (except lor Guternu out) inieu. the owner, ageut, or ahipper, at the point of ship ment, first aiguadt atipuiation or Agreement, relieving tut Road* from all liability lor K*» or damage JOHN S. ROWLAND. Superintendent W. A A. it- R 19AAU 8O0TT, President M. * W. K. R. - . 6EO. U. HULL. euperintaodent A. * W. p. H. R- AtlaettoMct. M, 1IB ■ '* dotxDU For Sale. A V/LBAeLK i” ANTION, conts:::id9 l.biT actor, of Which 650 acres a-e cleared, and in an excellent state of cn tiraticn, aituatoa on Kiokes Creek and ad joining lands of Major t- U Beal,eight miles Irrm Daw- aou, Terrell county. The place is well improved, with . ood at d comfortable ramed cabins and all other necee- nary buildings. The and* will produce host 1,000 to 1.XOO pounds of Cottcn per acre, and from 16 to xd bush els of Oot u. in feet the best and surest Cotton and Corn i.auds ia iouibwtst Or tria. Tbc above will be sold iar (SO jer aero. su<! i ^.-aicnglven to the purchaser the first pf January, ISM Cora. Fodder, Rtock, .c, can bo buught vub the pise*. For farther patticuUrs, eddreas the tobecTibt: at Chkknsawhstchie, TtareU county, v», urgia __ MiO-Zm JOON S VANOVER. 2. B, TIPPiN, r <AtmJw ui Stun i aalct m Fcretsc and 9c^i4lii JLFJb.* V <JOOI)S, , SOhNALLTr HI.-Ou^ u ciioaab srrwt „i* doers trea *7 AU> ante sfvoui !»al4-tf ti jfftQt or A sBT.urr Qc*aTsnit43tx Columbus. Ga. 9opt o, lao'- . * H-- Jt'Jttaster Gsueral I haTi ts.r. .r- i *11-. . r.tirs ctmmsnd cl ocUsctirg th* h:U.. tl.e bvjVoj kmed for tbe army, for tanniug. and the ut Cl Le*:h».r lor XI*cr.lort.trlog Tiuuers baring Leather cu hand and wasting Hidoa, will do weii to ad- jtcm me with proper reference*. The army moat be .cod. and it is tfco duty nf all patriotic tanners So aasixt in *c doing. All I.other held at nnraaanaaid* price* will b. mpreaaed V. W. DILLARD. esplOtf A. qxa. : a A “GOOD KbGi” bfRE. A - ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR SALE, Jf O within 'even miles of Atlanta, cn tits read leadicg to Turner a Msyson'* Ferry, wilb a comfortable dwelling house and ont bciidings; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill in fine rennie* order, with lathe aud shingle m»chm« at tached. vi ii Loa.t .urn- *,.* to run thru* ail *** u*e some timA All for the -mail sum "f Sc.GO-J. Those wiahmgto purchase will pleast aprly to J. B. Hll—y Atlaata Fc- saale Institotu or X. 3. id»y*on, cn the premise* deelT-tf I BO W. ADAIR, J HKNLY SMITH. •DITJRS AMD PROPRIETORS R C. DMITB, M. D^.„ . ..J, N. 0ARD0Z0, OUR NEW RATES. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, per annum bid 00 Daily, gig months 7 00 Dally, three menths,.. v 00 Daily, one month.,... .1 60 Weekly per annum — 4 00 No name entered on enr Books within t Payment 1c IMM AD VLRTIS1NU IN THE DAILY. F.»r each square of ten lines or less, or space to th* amount of one square,for one Insertion, fil. For subsequent Insertion lees than one month, 5<l cents per square. Ob adrertlsetuenfs stuniing one month, a doducx.on of 10 per cent will be made, 0 advertisements standing twornon*hs, a deduction of 80 per cent win be made. Adror tlrements standing Ihrse months will be chasged $.5 per squate. No advertisement taken for a longer period than three OLODthlw Advertisements or notices In the local cohupn, will be charged 26 cents per line for each insertion. All obituaries and artloles that are personal, or not of general public interest, mast be paid for'as advertise ments . . . s ADVERTISING IN TBE WEEKLY. Advertisements in the Weekly only, will be charged SI per square for each insertion. p Advertisements appearing in both tbe Daily and Week ly, will be charged 78 cent3 per square for each insertion in the Weekly. And Fill up the Ranks! PANY h“Ting been organised and received a- Company A, la Col J. L U*ideos higiment,now oouiplsticg l.H orgvoii oiqn f r servt e ou tho a; ' COAST OF GEORGIA, We will accept a few n-or* ecruiu to oil i np to ihe u>axia*u.u ataSHard The beet A Aru s end C ctliiug fuxiuD&ad at soon ma tbe Hermient 1 «d D O s-M:TU C ap.ain. ; . H W UKxvVKN, 1st Lien^. * J S THU.V'UKU 2d Lieut i-. -Ii ti- - • J J 3£cBOJf. B’n *xd jule-ut-a **«J L Harc^e wuyt netfs t^a'Tule _ UuCs la^y h« tvujjq mt %Ll time* nt the offi oof Cul«. C^nrirvU «Dd niJ!, where they will ro*.*elve rocraita hi./l >ulr I 1«*. utl ajidoay the B0U VTY OF t-o Atlaata, Ga,, March 2, ISt® muS-tf How to Send vi* Muiiey'wl tli"Safety. " We have made an arrangement with the Express Company, to bring' u.s all letters containing money, which our patrons may choose to send by this means of convey ance. This company is retponsibfe and will make good any Iobs of money while in their hands. AH persons therefore convenient to a Railroad station wishing to send ns money can do so safely without costing them any postage, by depositing the letter with the Express Agent and taking his re ceipt, jgg?* All such letters must be sealed with wax; (the law requires' this,) and the amount of money contained therein, must he marked ou tbe outside. . i ' ' - City Sub»erlh«l»: gS^ Mt. Jees e Reneau is authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the Southern Confederacy. Our Carrier arrangefaenta arc now so per fected by “Uncle Juaso” add “John Wesley,” that every residence, office and shop in the city can get the Confederacy in good time every morning. Atlanta Hoaplt.l Aiioci.tior*, i no following committee has been appsiat- .J to cook for the wounded soldiers at the Hospitals, commencing March 16th, 1863; Monday—Mrs Dr Young, Mrs J H Lovejoy, Mrs Dr Alexander, Mrs E Payne, Mrs Ven able. Tuesday—Mrs Dr ©rant, Mrs G G Howard, Mrs Oliver Jones, Mrs I) Pitman, Mrs Jno H deals Wednesday—Mrs Geo Hull, Mrs S. B, Rob son, Mrs ‘V Peck, Mrs Lawnbe, Mrs Cox. Thursday—Mrs Orussell, Mrs Rica, drs R Winship, Mrs Dr Brown, Mrs P Brown friday—Mrs Dr Powell, Mrs Foreacre, Mrs Hoyt, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Chandler. \ Saturday—Mrs I Winship, Mrs Bessont, Mrs Capt Howard, Mrs Mell, Mrs Joiner. Baa iay -Mrs Goode, Mrs fonder, Mrs I)a- yle, MraPurtell /J ' V' ment that the whole Slate was put under martial law. This was done at a time when not a single hostile foot trod the soil of i ex«s—aud a military despot, clothed with unlimited and undefined powers estab lished in eacn county; and Leemen, like .slaves, were completed to obtain passes, to attend to their business when they had occasion to leave their own county. /The reign of terror pervaded the whole land, and no man dared to speak above his breath. At length tho fceoretary of War announced to (J-en. Yan Dorn that none but the President had the power to declare martial law. It was as if the sun had eud»' de'dy burst from darkness. Gloom and despondency passed away, as dark shadows, 1»nd the people again breathed freely. And it was fondly hoped that this rebuke would teach the military a lesson not soon to be forgOttOn. ' r ' £ 'V, i' , Had Lincoln have had.theppwer doubt less he would have perpetuated this state of things, because human ingenuity could not have devised a plan better calculated to have subjugated the southern people, because it3 first effects would be to subdue thdir 'freo spirits, after which subjugation would be but a question of time, and with out this, subjugation is an impossibility. Everybody now knows that all these acts of Piovost Marshals were illegal, and ‘that each of them is liable and ought to - be prosecuted for false imprisonment, for each arrest Jnaade by their orders,' ‘ '•■ Yet, in the face o* these"factej the cry. is renewed again inYhe land, for impress- 1 ment3 for.the Government, by. its agents, now traveling over the land, with orders’ either; genuine or pretended, from some military officer, to press certain -articles unless the holders wUl part with tberfi at their owu prices. Cotton, corn, - sugar. O./'kw ste am engines for sale, complete, and '■"tc: A' 1 (wrttemt bollei*) ate 6 inchua stoke and *2 tuebu- "St, Btallllp’* Hospital Aid Society, 1 he following Ladies have been appointed to cook for the “Soldiers’ Rest' : the week begin-- rung Feb.’ 23d, ISC3 . Monday.—Mrs Pinkerton, Mrs Mprei, Mrs Deake, Miss Sinclair. Tuesday.—Mrs Soloman, Mrs Purse. Mis Freeman, Mrs Wright. Wednesday.—Mrs M Robinson, Mrs Wells, Mrs. HaTdeman, Mrs Wyly. Thursday—Mrs Browning. Mrs Lazarus, Mrs Saloshin, Mrs Boring. Friday.—Mrs Sells, Mrs Ball, Mrs E B Walk er, Miss Mollie Wright. y ' Saturday.—Mrs Kennard, Mrs H T Jones, Mias.Mattie Watkins, Mrs W Peters Sunday.—Airs Shailcross, Miss Nannie Jud- son, Miss Rower.aHale, Mrs Judson. - Mrs H. T. JONES, Directress! i® Bring in your Advertisements eariey in the day and there will be no delay in tneir ap pearance. tf TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. I N cototqueucu of Hi - erlraoialuary G*Ui*m!t u,aU* li on on. nv*<ia for TWaapIftatlua, to^etii-r wim the tno -xistence ol a rt*to or ■ ircam*tanei i over or Uh n acr our oxeni* os have any control, Suti<-e i* hereby giv en that tne "M.eni * atlaniie, Mucon A Weetets, ood a tl-ai a* West point Komi*, a ill not hercuter receive, tr»n»port ..r alore any 'run any 8 urce or author ity, until turthcr r ollca oulusa »be owner, agent, or ship per, at the p >int of ehipmu-t. fir.t *'gcs a e;',.uiati u or agreement, relieving tbe read from all Ii*bUity. JOB* S'KoALAND. L-I8A4G SdCTT. geg .tllLISEKV GOODS U0C& L >T OF BXLDlERY ZOjZS. a; ==sign- marU*-li Bj!l ^LtNGarGN, CRAN’S A HAMMOCK. F ine lot gf swiss mualins,formiotT I moru-iw Langston, cRaNB a bammook. » Alton Vi, feh. *«, ioU {re»'t ami 6. HULL, 3up’t A A W R r* •ebi'S-Su. ~r PLANTATION FOR SALE, A N -icelleot Plantation, m ahighrtateof Cultiratiin contaiuiag »S5 acre*, 133 of wmch aru firvt rate hot tom. only 25 mile# trout the Atlanta A Went Point Kail- rood, on the Chattahoochee River, la Campbell ccnniy, con be bought by application to this Office. fehil-tf SAVANNAH CALLS! Impresament* in Texas. But a short time since the people off this State was startled by the announce- RAXjLY GEORGIANS, 4UTiC* TO JlUPPaHS Bi KAF1LK6S. V 'fiL Packogeg'weiithin* to pOBMfc vnd orar, irtst bt fiecnioly striqipeA , Airfreight hia*t be distinjUj . eod rii full nasep oofieiguee, and all other nanioc . mtrKcr u.rtli ai*. l; .c-vtireO. : .. :,*■*? Arkfcie* of a frs;l;a neturti tnkt. * * Viontireris* nly. , t .3 Freight for Macon, Savannah and Sen - rstern 6ecr- : ia,«wtll he ecatved uutii S dti A M There beCng J Lxprtinea in end out betr. Tt: thahoori l.and 7B0 r M., wo caunod rs< i-ive Iroigi . e:.'*r 1 Iv A. lixrept o overnaient Fr night ..Storage will be chaiged on all treight not ceiled for, t hoore after reception ^ffit-!• "I a. FRED. COULTER Agent Southern'Expree* CumpauV. AAoiii. lainiSth, X8t>8. ... ianlS ti l TLhRCES NEW RICE, for *a'e br xJU febiS-im Vt:A€K A DAVI3 BOXES 12x15 GLASS,'fir'eai. -«eb28-lm • PEaoR * LaVIS. 1 frtiL/- BLACSiNO. for eaii t5 febtis-lm; ■ B&A3S A DaTIS. 9 1 yt.'A CHOICE UIGArtS, for so to by fe 1,23-1 A > ■ P&acFi « BAVI£, STEAM ENGINES. bcf>, do » duty of 26^-TO 30 HORSE POWER, ate, aud Addru»« . ^ -w-a *•«-»***. B©a-_F’ate r aud Fly-Wbeel 9 fet.t clamute?, aud 12 Addruw ' • JA3. L. BURWl^O, majJWfrw* Alttoia, »orgia Plantation f or Sa e. r S"-J*£TU«l9hti OfUJlirYiteaintle- below sibanj, con trmo thousaud acres, In a Tvm^act bt*dy; fiv hundred acre* ready Ipr qa'tlva 1 *n, aud nve hundred art- . F old dt-a tbing The Pluaitailon ft utw, and haa on H only aix or iefeu log stii is a /rellow Joam “ 1 ' to mnxe i productive TbejJgb • is io a DWjgbboriiood of wealthy planter**— on their «nBatea For e j’pius cabi al it aJEl^ds a «Sfe Cnve-uaeut. or f-.»r mimcditatc seuteiuent, m-fty advantage*. My addnw is ■ . ; , . ; ■ A, 8 PEOWN, Otszlb-tT Sparta Get/rgia. hides and leather, seem to be.the.most prominent articles. These agents, some of them with instructions in their pockets authorizing them to oiler 15. cents' per lb. ior hides, oiler ten cents,-and'threaten' impressment, if not obtained At that.'; ’’; The Constitution declares that Congteca alone shall have power . to^reguiateltrAde with foreign nations; yet a seifoeoastiiqted- military board assumes to regulate ^ur commerce with Mexico, a friendi# nation, and -rfono -fict eotne favorite* Yyf (hece dignitaries can . obtain the necessary pej>- mfeston. And thus it is that the piah(eri». deprived of all tne benefit of this tiade, and he is forced to part with *his cotton > at' from ten to fifteen cents when-wrthfeut these restrictions, it ought ,;fd would'-’Min-' mand double this price ' ' w Soon all of our cottv: v it oke&ppetw,. and the proceeds will be n. >u.pockets, of the favored .and fortunate speculators. - Yet no man seeui3 willing to remonstrate against these unconstitutional and illegal regulations. ”* ~ If commerce with, or through Mexico, is contrary to thejtrue poiioy of our Ao'a ^ ' BRIWWDS, ernment, why does not Gongrtffis int^rfone fiQQQ ?ABWI-CAtawma _ _ and prohibit it hf an act wearing: alike “ 1 — r upon all? Down then with all such favor itism* •- ■- ‘t * We are now threatened by- Governtapat agents with impressmeat." By rite coiinie tiiey have pursued, they have’pui rejany of the necessaries almost beyond the reach of tbe poor, and then turn arouact and denounce the holders of such things,- as To Capitalists and Speculators. FOE SALE OR SSCBfiN GB. HATl *CKE3 OF LAND, Ui Ik -noel county - vV)vW Also, my iaadwi latereais lu Mourgumerj •*ou«t . ttbd sumu iota in uberckch, tKv>r^ktv Ad refln thr-iogh Vopi Kjf&ctt, ?. U 1 0U1>, HkaiO^lsu* AlJ-alita, LOvfKi*. *, , -Jr*..;.’ <WR»r»—CotDedenivo ODtea— prUiCv»Uy iu »ri« tea*. Tfce do tier wUI rece ve lh* alxove r a war a by Lanvin, th* book ahd mcnej »t this otfkca, or returning it to m« *trt <ifaut*a Hotpitaf; * JftniT-tf JK M. FOSTER. MBSLIN DELAINES, &c. 1 800’' I>V * 4,?i ^ S ^' * Sin ’' fci ’' wL THit SAD,'2uo 5 i c«m» Golore lugiij^i Csiii o?a -T. 2 craea lMmliO Detal3teLiK.iiT''liig, 1 c-wunp-iior angiiiSSaougeloUi ■i .. *30 b Xr* .AtOfotLo<»<xid -.Gfc--it»*»e in- 9 bkli^Stu a Ho, for talo ty ’ *.*- A- i, i..- At Harrjpg A Q-ft Store Subscribe to toe CoaiaderslAj.. "Wi- f o 500 yard. Bleache<3 8hee&ae 250 pair Ladles’ and Misa.a Gaiters cud bu; p or 12 daxeo Men’s and Boy’3 Hat. ana a 7crioty of Fancy Dry Gcoda tor sale at whoi^a, •mJy by"j3'. s. BOLvMoN « liKos., dec*7-U . - - Oomnuieiou Merchant,?, i O-'T, Oo tfie Btsi instant, between Wblaeliuu etreet and A GrouVe fio-phau nlfiifuat FocXei ixA,k, obutoinin* fafea^c ■ KOTICK OF PAY SASIEK YTAYINfl fitsen a*signed to duty as Pay Master at this XX; poet, is hereby^ sivoii that Ii have entei eu s|wB the discharge of the duties assigned me. office 00 -Alabama etrert- nearly oppo-ite the Markft Hoove. > , -v-._ ’ . tt t. oOilAK, ... "’jit- * ’ Gant, and Ast Q.M ABaola.Fct xd,*186B.-- •> b febl. extoriioners, and threaten'to imnresa them hnuurod and seventy-eve »ud two hundr« at their own price. " T nave - nut'6' Word^th; say in favor of extortioners; nor of' those who refine to take our currency? Bwt.who is to judge whether I am an extoriiooer ?. Who made these agents or officers, judge-! of the value* of. my property,? Where is the law confering such power upon Gen. Holmes or any one else? is a power which is not assumed Upon the other side of the Mississippi, and who gave it to the government satraps upon this aide ? Such annoyance have these threats produced that when we meet with one of these gentry, and he commences his cateob sm; we feel that instant dread of him we do when we are in the presence of a notfcdr robber or thief. Mon begin' to shun them as they would a leper. I could give in stances .where the wives of >oldiers in. the army have been-induced; to part with a portion of ^he necessaries left lor their 'sup port from fear of-these threats. These gentry have no legal right to put in execu tion their threats. V • ' ' But suppose theyundertake it, what is tho remedy? If we are already "in the meshes of a military despotism) and our constitution, which declares that the mili tary is subordinate to the civil authority, that private property snail not be taken for public use without compensation,, that no man shall be deprived of his liberty ex cept by due process of law &c., is already su over ted; then there is no remedy^-but submission. But if thi3 be not so, parties may bring to bear the civil authorities of the Slate—writes of sequestration, of prohibition and injunction! &c. r may be obtained, and the legality of these pro ceedings tested. In tne meantime appeals might De made to the authorities at Rich mond ; forewarn the President of the military attempts and such usurpations, and he will not tolerate such violations of the Constitution, any where when brought to his notice. But a 'military necessity is the excuse. Yes, in every age, this has been the plea of usurpers—of dospots. It is tbe argument of the tyrant and of the despot. And he who is willing to yield to it, is already a lit instrument of despotism. If the people are, then tbe days of liberty are over, and despotism is our doom, When such a time comes, the fit man is soon found.—ConfoicraU Ncics, Jtftrson, -Tfcs- <u t Fd. 14. • * BUPKIUOli. A/NtMLAAto TOBACCO. OJ 0*5*0 TBN-foUttDB BaLFSL . iwl 4 Corn cnr-potHia•!*»{>««% — ■ I ©fo-ttoto# e pnt np 1 the aotjhg of lufil. OJ Waiir A Moorouiq ol. L>EiUbnig V-jSXpcwly for lbs Bait niorr ttwrk'V. It !* ttoa frem atom* anaiiixt and mode of No 1 ■Hrlr. : l '. a * - Ttie tooni Piper* are la admirablo condition for ictait Jog. 0 f~SJbvC-S r flarfetv: - . On sonklgamont and for rale bj - K. M. PARR? A 00., Wbitbfiat) 8trce:. Q tHUE-SAfiKffy XSD”tSATVKH WAJHED - LV t.vM to M/» 13 mod qhoe-Malera, either » ito or black, *£3 too mall Soji" S« appf-"flcn. Weaiso ftftb'to purstiaev abtrge qoxnttty at .xtiier. it W. HIILTNJRll « CO. . , 013c? in til'rear of ae*£>\» btorc, ntriv-is Fotij-th itrerrf. WVBH6W4, - O FFUJ»—AFMa roffidccse an Caatran otreat, near tit XvifoiiWIiv*- -trdh®. m SOTttJK. ■OTi-T yY*. 3 ^BBACK it aotnorbsed to tr as tact tnMocos for 6x»fi Isriof my abceuce. B V WILLING RAM- i - T - * WttOU B^a Koad Co- \ ulm- i"''- i Mftoon. Ot. Jul 28,1863. J 0 5i atl d*\er J•binary l»t, this Company ^iU rc«i\j no Irrei^hX for Fsssen^er Train j«n3O«0 -• *viuf tvJfcL L. T/ LavR. 1'or.; * ; u IBxtracl from Ordcrs.1 . i ia.vr. ^ __ j K KivilUaUUU, OOtoU*i> 3, it63. J 4la.|. W. KkJiirJeo i Hum. t* a O c 111ihsfo ' me ihw rvconuy piiM by uon i«#*, •»«x6mp- C.‘»uo* cwriroiu pt«r u..., xoai inii itvi > , \ .1 v ‘ u that 1 *tm eAt^otrcrei to auiUjiIao »u utuLauce odito to exempt t»il **«u*»u*u« > aud n ibt* tsi.ibiishmOut) 01 peraOtofi AS tup or ninj bo xn^a^odp txoo«r coutisct H*ta ti*o UoVeri»mcM t In m r n* iMbioic nrsna, ordoauco audordnauco tLica, m.d other mu- uitiokS ot w*r, Hadaioa, iinru h h u <1 «uiuy ti^niii. h w — Tlina.% mfer, um*t atl be ouroli d, aul h»u *» i uUd, an p«oVl |yl in vectiun BIX uteuttal U. del a Nu Ora XvU dire dr gi*.,-. tea u? ho 1 fniilirr officer to net, under thu law, tor *u u-outruk tors wivutu jour juiimuc 10a. J tiO V»AC*. * v*l Cl lx J' Cl ' . 1 U .*.» . . i N pu-eoaoio of tho aboro i rder, all Iron iUaa «ra and oiut.r couirt.ciorta ttiatiu ibo Mates o.- aI b*xna, tuQT' {(.a, ftvUtu C&rulu:n and 'louUOurooO. Will DiaKtf fi|iplicitttoa w nio iwr {he da.ail ol suca cuu«aipU u> m*y t u ludis* |.e..bibltr la CairjXiiJi odt th-u CuUirroCW aidd dh) UM* u*uo« D.p i.Uifiut C 3 a. To }.r«»veul f.«Qv>s, sitoi.lbu r qartu of *•«£ c ntractor m>kiu« appuotilou !.< be dfotait of couifcrijjjly, that (it* ittuu fiQnii .© nccG • 42tui*ed bjf vi cciiidcu cu^y 01 ins cuuuact, tn oa ju tbat *L» dui Vic«l O' III* psraoiaS deed.Hi to bedutatlo &ieLll- for me taililimaai of ii « 0 ntiuct aod that tfc« latK tcr cauuuC bo otherwia obtaiued, aud further, thHt viheu tut e?rvic « of rue couicupvs ilia.i no It on A.eejtd, tn© affiant will turn tue Lousrr pt over to tne Aarol lug officer 01 tne diot.iot, /or se Tito m ibu ami>; •Ivo, a Coriiatau ol me EQribftttafe on o«*r of the oi-uict CO .t tbi* po, sous UU ei lb Uu) rei^U*sitlou naTe been properly euro Leu. tA?r.ideates and or*kUd 10 bo by olid oe oie a Jusuce of tbo FeaCe or Oilier mH^isixuae aumor jxeu oy fan m BumittsU*! mils Ail oommunica lens utiuro»s*d to mo at Eeims, Alx., will in out prompt aiten lou. V\M MlUAKUSON HLNT, mar 11-1 m *>1^, ac, vn Ordnance JUbty, Antunt axp ixsisc.oa. OE^iHidL'i anct,» ikiciziucml jtfrUA-UAi> 8, ldott* f Jenaial Orders Nc. 14 . - * ‘ * •- . \*j :0 ♦ pBE buperintendent os the . itre and Mining Baroaa 1. i* aatu* iJz.-d a*id oirc t«d to enforce ex 10 ing c n* tracts of the v»o\mluu. :.t in Iiou RQ*l olbet muni- uouh. When non illotatf nnu.ui that c nuartea /or •ud nteded tor the eel vice, era axceitMbad to b»v*» boeu sold a* piivtvie sate, ov u,«* mn oelive vd ding o tue tv.u s and apuit ot the foiitiQdt, the., may tu 1 kt-j who ever ton u) »»ud upon rc^ubiu u, mbms.uucc *kn»Ulie aXf/rued oy the ooimuai daut o ilie nvoiHit pefit >r < auiy ot lh8 . Uwtuu to thf efiicer or a^eot of tne aim mg specmLy ciioigcd w* k u Mceuiv.anii'ui 01 t! c conirtict. when a contract stall have been poraintently vioiutod fitter ten Uays* uoitoe, ail uecuited or c.-n^Ciipted men aill oe witUoittAU aud aaalgtoed to other worm*. B. COUPlfiR, Aijtii and lx tpector OtneraL 9. £. >xtbjk as* Mwino ecetxi: ) > .* .ti.v nicuLucjua, jk'erarua.j 3, aoc* j ?: * » • a m M AJOR WILLIAM it ECu&T In charged ivito tlio <Xr ecatiou of tne »l*u>v \svmral Older, No. 14, in uuh oarawos of Oeoigia, ieuufcs»e Alabama »**d Mi* l»-»ip» i. i: M. 8T. JuHa, Major and So] e/iuuxiuont, C OMRaCT^KS TwE IRON and other inanition! cJ War, WuJ see mat x an iharged aim the t>A«ou.ion jt tile a bo e order. 1 eha^l nil d ) t nft rce it in an ca^ts >rvQtrbt 10 my notice. a*nd 1 , adv.itiun, *9 per p evivufi rdrr 110m thoaa^eauie^L.e t of the Mire and M ui< f, Bureau, wiirf«-nj • Very c...iirs»- or ho foiiuift. u rug* i cl to the v6b«c. >pt ia«v, o Abe neaitst cauip ot iusiruc- ion L-r service lu me (umy. Will. KiLHaKDSON ucj t. maril-2m Majo , c,v Oionauce Duty. J GORMAN & lO, tin M<UJtUara # » Ba4 1 W HI TK -A. JUL, ttX kta UET| - - Two doota irtm'.c dner Aiahau-ft airtet. R HAx«ymade lJsOIUjlnq* j . Hualeiy . *, - • 1 L-CraP E ilVcS i O.i-t i'nper 8 vn* nd B*>ot& r.'. l , * Ji BcDtiiba oppe*ttfcfi Oott. ut*aro« Lva 3’ *> ..lie Thr ad. Aid- v*nery ui vaxer goodfi ftad ootioca. . , urvrf-3tx. A. bAiXil. \fi. K. DAVID HAV Ar s UiauKfni *cr past favors and the JrJL hbetofi patronage hcketoiore neeUi'aeu upon hub ooul reapecililily annouucw lu the mOSeuk ut Atliuxta aud orroanduig country, thav he has raiwaraatid hffitool/with leeara. J.Maoobe and J. i&app uu tne purpose u: opening n Auction and lamiuiiMCon Business, at his »ui stano, ou Vhitenaii street, AUAuia, vneuigta, to commence ou flfcp ember 16th, and woala mAicn a oouUunauce ot lavora yo 1 no new ttrm. ' ' Ail those indebted to Mr. D. Mujer mil i\ the book* nd notes at the c*action office, ana are eanie ,.ry requesb <1 to eoiJ and • '• Vicfo ATTENTION l TWO MORE COMPANIES Wanted for Coast Defense, M V KitolM&NT, amho.ued by the cecru-ary of W »r, to a ivs on tiro O aat of oOoigiA, a nearly complete* a*xt two more c inpaul. • at yubo Biug.e tecruiiB vrii** Oo r«.ceiVeJ., Bar tics ringing ci^oado of .0 or *>U iueu CA r * a.iite iO orm a Courpauy, wu« toe privilege of (uecttog uhe CooipttuJ • fficeia Fiity A^ouaxB B.uuty will be paid immediately. JuUa u. Hau1)£E, marl tf ' 1.-. jv ' C 1 iAgnma*>uing. j VALUABLE * AMI Li KLNiLi*ft' tfKAJA.the Depot at Covington, era rooms, 6 fire places, a good kitchen and 1 The hooae ha* 7 _ _ _ w good negro aou*ee. The lot con;am« o scree, has a giAKi ^/each and apple orchard, good, usver-fainug wotJ of watet, aud ail uecesotry outbuildings. It is aouut 'ouvw», bet %eeutue taro College*, fix: iSi.«sOOMf Female auO Itiuory, ylau, 1U«J scree g..~u I arming land ne**r by, 46 of wbiUiii woodland, *tuch will be Bold with the bous«* aud lot 11 desired. toC .nrther particulars, apply to tbe nnaer*lgnea, or T. Jf- Hyer, CovuigUm, Georgia. , . f * KOBVdT L. CKaWLaY a BBQ+ yiauXlin BaiiuliiiT. JsnWI Atlanta. ueoTgia. SIOKK Ct'l'TJkltS W A« 1 ED. T O wozjt.on Bwine for O. B- Armory, at Macon, Geor- t la., iiaviixfic taken tne contrac o furbish a AiudHai of u ran ice Work fo the aboVe-nioaUoucd Uig, we ar- much xn u td of aorameu to carry Ou tixe work- We axe empowered to fnr>.i*n exwnpU'jj* from COeacnpbofa. aud wiil pay Lbcrai wages WlA/D A MKALOR, fbhi3-lm Stone Mountain, <J orgia. 4 CaxoitaUD, Colombia ; Talficrapu, Macoo, and throii de, Augoxta, copy aud send bilix to this offi.e immediate' C- IV C. JOUS&U5 A' Wj WHOLESALK COMMl.'SlUN BfiRCHlXt8 ; SELMA, ALuflSBAMA. JjROMPf sttootios to all cDuat^na-aato. Adriu.cve X. mode whe9 desired KxrxRJUCcse— Messrs. Andersen, Adair k 0o., Atlanta, Md»is- linnnicutt k Taylor, Atlanta, *ne««n» WKY »aug * co.. Atlanta. jan*/7-ly» mogfi, BtiPBs; VJBROtjt Btutdrod Slouithtoml tAnJeo. fc ooic ot*t7 { } track, gy , * CRAWFORD, HLaiLBR * CO, tebT-tf Army Contractor*. Wj I » PIANO. SPiSSBID CHICKiRING—yxi a* ve-w-ia ooU Apply *J tlito offioq. fcb28-ti HOVSK AVD LOT FOR SALE. T\ EfiUtOPS of moTtBC to the country, I offer my hours 1 f oad tot other* I now bye, tor oota fesaHJ S A DURAND. 111, 1 XIKRCEB new rick *.Ov# jOO ke. a Nai a, towruxi cCO b xc- tooacco £0* 33,300 1 ’>« S.odrs Iron 'AM bn.fael* tee Ox's Jc"f iirife* aud for aola by nmrf-tf J. L WINTER A 00., No- 20 Ai.bami* 800 GROSS STAR STEEL PENS, THE B»r ARTICLE, for sale by taatS-U J. MqFUERdON * CO -A,