Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 09, 1863, Image 1

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eaagMMPi f nwfoiMiEMSMMBBiwHHK I f,Ei PUBLIG ®0©ii BEFORE PRIVATE ABV&SfiQI, BY ADAIR & SMITH; ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1863. VOLUME IH—N0. 48 LAHSSTGN CRAKE & HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants. »H1T HilOtt TO CONFBDERACK OFFICE. ■•.,■■■ ■ ; i WHITEHALL 8TBEET, ATLANTA, GBOBGIK For ti>« Sale of Beal £rta.te, aU Binds of Wor tham; ise andVruducfl. ; t Prompt personal attention to the ft Ming *t all orders ■ RKfmacu. W W t!U> tos, Afreet Ga E RBaak, Allauto, Ga. I H Porter, Ag’l(Itlh Depot, Atlanta. Oe. Pbln'sy a Olvytoo. Animate, Oe. A P Den rlss, Ouliler Bank of Athens ■ Geo W Williams to Oo, Cuarloston, 8 C Jtev J W Bark*, Heoo .He A O Van Epps, Chattanooga. Tenn. R 0 hoborts, Sweet Water, But Tenu S 0 Ellington, Washington, «». JeuUl-tf DRUGS AT WHOLESALE 20 LBS 10IDE POTA8H 112 LBS CREAM TARTAR 50 GALS CASTOR WL 214 DOZ LOli'S B. WINDSOR SOAP. 1 CASE CITRIC ACU) 160 LBS LAUDANUM 30 LBS MUR T1NCT IRON 8 BBLS EP80M SALT 80 DOZ EXTRA SHOE BLACKING i 1 CASE LONDON MUSTARD 00 LBS BLUB MASS 300 LBS flSAfCBTIDA 74 GRO?>S SUPERIOR MATCHES, $&T Send your orders to l j HAMILTON,HARKLN? * JOINER. SPINDLE OILS. 6 BBLS COTTON SPINDLE OIL 12 BBLS DO DO (very superior) 1 PIPE PURE OLIVE OIL 10 BBLS KEROSENE BURNING OIL 106 BBLS PRIME TANNERS AND MA- CHINEOIL . /;• ' 1 55 CANS and BARRELS LAMP BLACK, VEN RED, EXCT LOGWOOD, BLUE STONE, ALUM, CHROME GREEN AND YELLOWS, &C., AC. HAMILTON, MaRKLRY * JOYNER. ■ SAKOU DUOOH. »* U * B AMOHS, UOON 8c OO*. Wholesale Grocers 8 I AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘ Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Street*, ATLASTA, HKUitaiA, the Dale of Produce, Merchandise, Bool Kstate, Ne ar,lO*. Ac. For Sale, A P' ANTION, containing 1.087 acres, ol which tan ecree e.e cleared, end in an excellent MeM or oollivatlon, lime ted on Kloks* Creek ended- Jointng lands of Major N H Beal, eight miles from Dew- eon, Terrell county, the place fa well improved, with .ood nod comfortable framed cabin* and nil Other necee- atu building*. The .and* will prodace from 1,00c “ r.voo e«-.nda ef.C-'tton nor ecra. end from 16 to 20 bi •Ijb of Ooflt IffTicl' IBV OOTraavvt !»«"•« otnrotr «n<l C I,end* tn Soottawost Georgia. The above Will bn (old far too per aere, end poeeewien given to the porcha^r the tint of Jennarj, 1804. Corn, X'odder, Stock, «o, can be bought with the piece. Far farther pm Honiara, adurow the aubvriber at Oblckosawhatchle, Terrell conn'} J.orgla. feblO-tm JOHN B VANOVER. ANDEE30N, ADAIR & CO. Wholesale Grocers —AND— COMMISSION MBHOHANTS WOODROFFM BDILpHO, (Near Georgia Railroad Beni,; API^NTA. OBOROIA, BLUE STOSS—COPPERAS. R SALE BY THIPACKAGE, BY QUO; | BW axis, Ages ■, revU-Sm “ ' r s or Assistant onawnnwisw., Oolumbu*, Ga, Hep*. 6,1882. J i> k order of Quartermaster General,..! h*vn he« «n- £S trusted with entire ostnmaul of ccdlecUrj the hldee Ol the beeves killed ijt U* arm>. for tanning, end the parebase of Leather for mannfsc luricg- Tanmw* Leather on hand and wetoMag Hides, will do well to ad „ ms «ith proper reference*. The army moat be shod, it is the duty of aU patriotic tanners to assist In »c or. AUThnAbe^lwSd wt ncreeemmMe trtwe will hr Wnj> _ iifnntd • uniat* ».W. SUPERIOR SUOCIKG TOBACCO. (V-l 0ABN8 TKN-POCM'8 BALES, "The{*R!?patnpLthe^priog of 186Lhy Wed* ^ThaP.u-.i Paper* ere hi admirable condition for rateiil- ** pAHig A oo., . WMtA»U <trwt WASTED IMMEDIATELY. TT MEN' NOT .SUBJECT TO DON SCRIP IlOli * Apply immediately, xirtf J. P. OOUMINGS, Main *e. ENGINE AND BOXLKR. FOR SALK . BSOOND hand ENGINE AND BOILER, as good uorlWf . RhletuOI street. iW esMr\ >lFSMn|^P> moat dearie bio lot oMXsci-*. snetoned bya^new DrinliMii sbMati ul Urove, ind b Wr| Hesetore watsr tor perttoSnn, ifpltj* merit tt - and a WrU of excellent $XOO REWARD, g*GLk» thttLlkY LOT, d inBenkonibwetoaf White* Pony. before IwOi TO Tilt LADIES I L ADIES I yon may render enmtlal service to the Con- fodencyat th* time. by inters.tier v-.urielvw is tatty Two Young Girls Lost. *HB undersigned, a citizen of CheUenooga, Team, has . Dees atwent from Mr home for several months put, and during his absence about two months ago, bis two daughters, Henrietta, (called Hetty) aboat 17 .years of age, and Clara, about 15 years, were abducted, from. their homes by force nr fraud, and their whereabouts are hot r they have been employed in some factory, bnt Lav i my doubti. Any information left at the Confederacy office, AtlaatT, Ga, or addressed to Richard Henueraon. 1 Chattanooga, Team, will be thankfully received, and party oommunlcatlrg It will be liberally rewarded by aaxlon* sorrow-stricken father. Q. A. W1BTH. mar26 im* FOR SALK. .a! BW KICK, Fins Syrup, Cotton Yarn, Shirting,. _ _ . Corn Heal, Stock Pros, Bio Wholeaale Salt, |an80tf Rio Coffee, and Retail. McCROBKY ABARNE8T. XTEA’f'WATER DUCKETS, Extra Family Floor, «reeh ground irom White Wheat, end Wheat Bran for sale fssfiteeg lBO. r W. ADAIR J. HENLY SMITH, ■DITOBS ABC PROPRIETORS. A 0. SMITH, M. Du—.*.—— ...tasocLira zniTea. OCR NEW RATES. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Jelly, per annum. .....S13 00 tally, six aontbs 7 00 Btfly, three 'months, — 6 00 •MUy, one month..... 1 00 •feotoj pet annum;.. 4 00 No name entered'pn onr Books withei.t Payment in Advaoco. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY. For each square of ten lines or less, or sp*oe to the ..... . ■ * ,»1 ied men left. Bat I. sincerely trust that Ma jor Flewellen trill permit the few male adults still on the borders to remain, aud I am con fident a gentleman of his high standing would do so could ho go over the frontier counties and examine well into onr state. It is hard —it is too hard—to take off aU onr men to proieot the oowa and carves of the people of the lower oonntry against a prospective or threatened invasion from the Abolitionists, and leave their own women and children ex pired to a real and pobitiv** inroad of mui- derous .ravages, who respect neither age nor GEO- W KENDALL. amount or one equsre.for'one . Tor each subsequent Insertion less than cos month, 00 cento per squire. On advertisetnsnts standing one month, n deduct^® of 10 por cent, will be in ado, O advertisements standing two mon'hs, a dsduotlou of 80 per oent wiu be sftide. ' J ' - * Advsr tisementa standing throe months vrill be chasged |26 per square. No advertisement taken for a longer period than three months. Advertisement* or notices in the local column, win be charged 25 cents per line for each insertion. AU obituaries and artleles that are pendnal, or not of general public interest, must be paid for as a nents.. ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKLY. Advertisements in the Weekly only, will be charged *1 per square foreach insertion. Advertisements appearing in both the Daily ly, will be charged 75 cents per square for eael in thf andWeek- per square foreach Insertion Indian Depredation! tn T«Usi Letter froini “George W. Kendall. fioUBBE,, Kendall Co., Texas, Editor* Almanac Ex As yon desired me. mitted; anj depredai' iS’jjruary 28, .1808. '} case ihe Indians oom- in this neighhoAcod gronml by [mar4-tf] FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. L OsT, cn the 8th instant, between Whitehall street and Graut’e Hoapitaq a leather Pocket Book, ooutaiuing between one hundred end eeventy-flTe and two hundred dollar* Confederate notes—principally In twrnttee and tens. The Under will receive the above reward by leavina Ihe book '• ' osy at this office, or returning it to me at Clou* • Hospital. Janl7-tf R. 41. P08TIR. w! ■ HAVE JUST REOBIYBB, and offer for rale- 26 bbU Spindle oil 26 bbls Extra Sp ndle Oil 80 bbls Goal Spindle OU, equal to Mstrains best Spindle Oil. 40 bbls Superior Machinery 00, suitable for heavy Gearing • 60 bbls Ordinary Maohlnsry Oil 90 cases East India Castor Oil 60 bbls'No 1 Tanner's OU 76 bbls No. 2 Tenner's OU LAN8DKLL, ZIMMERMAN A CO., Corner Whitehall and Hunter street, mar*8-tl Atlanta, Q corgi*. [Extract from Orders.] OnawUMi Boxxao. 1 Richmond. January 3,1868. f I. W. Richardson Hunt, fsOS Artillery. • INDBR the lew recently passed by Congress, “exeinp- U twaof certain person* Iran mllltery service,” you will see that I am empowered to anthorlao do Ordnance office, to exempt all - ttrtlznns, mechanics and employee* >n the establishments of such persons as are or may be ongmged, under contract with the Governmebt, in fum- isSng arms, ordnance and erdnanoe stores, and other mu ni Dons of war, saddles, haraem and army supplies.”— Thu man must aU bo enroll, d, and then detail*d, as provided in section six. General Orders No 8£. You on designated as ihe Ordnance officer to net, under this law, for aU contractor* wltnin year Jurisdiction. Chief of Ordnance. gla, SuUlU l^aroiiua IWI mombwi. »ui ,|!|i.iauiii' so me lor the deteUoi such conscripts sa may be indie- ponsible 1c carrying out their contracts with the Ord- -nee Depanmeut 0 8 a. To prevent frauds, it will be r.quireii of sch o.n< rector making application bribe detail of conscripts, that hi* requhitlon shall he aecom- uanwd by a ocrtlfle d copy ot hie contract, on rath that too services ot the potsous desired to be detail*J axe in- oleueusabie for ihe fnltiUment of his contract and that the laooror cannot be othsrsrlav obtained , end farther, the* when the services of tne conscripts shall no Unger be needed, the afflant wiU torn theocuserpt over to the Enrolling officer oi the dub let, lor ae vice in the army; afou, a coruscate of the Enrolling offoer of the dutrioi ibut the persons na.ed In the reqmsitlsa have been properly Wohed. Certiflrates and reihs to be by and oeime a Jdstica of the Peeoe or Olhor magistrate author feed by law to idmihMsr oaths. AU commnniradoas addressed to me atEctana.Ala, will meet prompt alien ton. WM RICHARDSON HUNT, anrU-itn M*J, Ac, <m Ordnance Duty, AMnutt sj» IftsrxsToa Gixxau.’s Onset, I Richmond February 3,1663. 1 " # m # r iE Superintendent ce the h itn.and Mining Bureau is antli-iised and directed to enforce axirtng con tracts of the government In Don Lead and other mant- Sem* When Hastanu other anlcee .huso auaoted tor aad cesded for the service, are seoert-lnsd to have been kM at private ssle, or are not promptly dint 'b the tetmeand spirit of toe centrmrt. thsymay be taken wherever foned; end upon requisition, —letsnee fthaU be afforded by the commandant of the nearest prat cr ramp of instruction to Ihe- officer or agent of thsMln- to* Barren spodsUy charged wttii theenforeamoat of the h^raof the Juice fro. lu Cspsutji^ wfiJeohraSwiy Your obedSei*' -—rant, tsLG mB & BLackCE. —A. t - Surgooh and Medical Pnrvsyur. q fl. A. P ^ lT " l,# ®» M ». ** ». Atlanta Ga.Me ch *"• mar2F-2w 50 H *° “AUNG WAX, fast re- B “ l4f J. MCPHERSON A CO. ioo marWf j. JlcTHKRlON A 00. When a contract shall bans bean psrsisUntly violated afl/r ten days' notice, all detailed or consalpted men wilt ■be withdrawn aad emlgned to other * ror ^~ f>AAP „ [ * Adjutant and Inspector GvneraL 0. 8. NRix mb Mixiso Eojun, V Rishssond. February 2,156S. / -\ TAJOR WILLIAM R- HUNT is charged.with SUMS of Georgia. Tbuacrasa, Alabetra anE^utj^wi Mt^or aad Superintendent. FOR IRON and ether mueftisn* - wita the exeeottox enforce it in all eases ssssBamsss a*rgsgaiaiaggrig.VMw Sr^to to??m!iest camp Of lnitrne- Uoe for service In the ^^cHAsDgoN HUNT. marU-lm MqJ«, An, on Orintnce Duty. to give you tixe particulars, I will hastily of fer you an acoount of the recent murderB in the neighboring county of Gillespie, at the same time expressing my fears that our time msy come next. ’ One of the victims of the savages was Jim Little, whose body was found terribly mutila ted, the flesh being qut from him as ifthe -In- dians had oooked it! Two other viotims were two children named Holstein, on Beaver creek, who were way laid hear tly» residenoe of iheir re»-onis. while the latter were at chut’ 11 - appearance oi their damp in, a neighboring thicket, it would seem that the murderers had been lurking about two or three days, wait ing an opportunity to oarrY out their fiendish design. I was told that last year the Indians oarrieil off another boy of the Holstein's and sold him iu Arizonia, from whence he woe brought bsok not long slnoe. They appear to have a brutal spite against this family. Still another victim’, was Mr. Hudson, who, with hie son of twelve years, were out hunt ing sheep. The Indians lulled the father ont- rignt and wounded the boy badly; yet he had strength to orawl to a house two miles distant from the scene and give an aeoount of the massaore. The fifth on the list of the murdered, was H. Auhelger, who has a f—otho. working in this town, aud who soems to have fought with Spartan courage, and who achieved Oven more than Spartan success, as be drove off hie ene mies; While himself and another man were out hunting oattle, some six mites from Fred- ericksburg, they suddenly encountered a par ty of Indians. Annelger, being on a mule, was compelled to dismount and take to a tree, His companion, on a feet horse, made h!a es cape into town. We shall never learn the particulars of. the brave Anhelger’e fight, but ire have the reaulte, and they tell the story of a fearful conflict. The next morning a party of rangers were conducted to the spot, and on searching the tree they fonnd it stu«k full of arrows, while a pool - of blood at the foot showed that the unfortanate man had been desperately wounded. Following the blood track the distance of some three hundred yards, they fonnd the body of poor Annelger, stiff and eold, laying with bis face downward, his right hand snattered and orippled by ar rows and his left clutching, with an iron grip, the six-shooter, with which he had kept his foes at bay. . . On searebing around, the body of one In dian, stone dead, was found, while two blood -rails, in the traokon wh?ch they had retreat ed, showed that a number of his enemies had been wonnded. Searching ‘till further, the party discovered ho less -than eigh*y three arrows on the tree, on the ground, and in the person of Anhelger, who had been hit over forty times in the hand, arm, right shonlder, leg and body. Few have ever heard or re?d of such a coiflict, and it would seem that the lone man was in the end victorious. The trail of the savages was followed until dark, but a shower in the night unfortunately ob literated aU traces of it, yet on looking for it on the following morning they fell upon the trail of ten Indians, three on horeebaok and seven on foot. This was followed un til the savages wero canght, charged upon, three of their number kiiied, and two or three otheriF wounded, but who esoaped.— Whether it was the party beaten off by An helger can never be known. I have made this acconnt of the affair an short as possi ble ; it deserves a longer reo >rd. Than the above I can give yon no names of those who have been massacred of late, bnt, I am told that a few days since a man was killed over in Bandera county, and his son, a mere yontb, carried off captive. J also learn tw Judge Starkley’e horses, in Kerr county, were driven off a .few nights since. So it goes. We are in a sad situation, here in the mountains, and probably have not seen the worst of it. One of the rangers, stationed at one of the frontier camps, told me openly that his company had not been supplied with am munition enough, of good quality, to shoot a rabbit—I use his own words—and I am fear ful Ihe handful of men still left on the fron tier are not mueh better off. If the enrolling officers are still at work in this section, they should bestir themselves to get all the conscripts before the Indians kill them off; for if the savages keep on at their present rate, we shall soon have no able-bod- A Losing Game. Tho Natchez Courier makes up a- balance sheet proving couCiusiveiy tnat tne naval campaign has i peued rumer disastrous to me lederui luiecs on Hie river, Tney hr si loui me gunooaiu Cano, Queeu ot ihe W eat and luuisuoia. At Fort Hudson, they certainly lost me steam slooptoi- war mis.-lasippi, and the tvuuie naval luiee in mat vicinity tv us badly used up. Tne Kicb nioud, acuordiug mine New Uneaus, wan severely hurt, causiug the death ol ner JJti commanding Cummings. At Vicasourg,anutn er. oi'ihe tederal .guuoo&ts waa suux by the Conlederate batteries, when all me iurce on board went with her w tne bottom of the river. A second was so badly punished that she floated niuier the protection ot the enemy s encamp ment. This is rather an unfavorable plinght for the great navy that waB to -sweep ihe mississippi river and its tributaries," and open it tor u«it« gation betore last Christmas ! Tney attempt to run the Conlederate batteries and lose their gunboats 1 They run the Missis ippi river aud lose iheir ironctaos by Keu river ranis ! Surely the laies do not lavor mem. Since the late campaign against Viksburg apd Port Hudson commenced, aud it has not been three months, the enemy have lost, in killed, wounded, sickness and desertion, over 50,000 men! And what have they accomplished l— Vicksburg and Port Hudson are both in the hands of the Confederates, and both places are becoming impregnable. W hat have they done ? They have lust their boats, lost their soldiers, lost their sailors, and gained in their place a few negroes to populate the Great West! It is true they have burnt our villages, destroyed many of our plantations, and dune other disgraceful acts, yet wo have the cousolatioo oi knowing that the effect of these proceedings must recoil upon their own beads at a future oay. When they make the people of the South poor by acts of infamy, they forthwith strike a blow to their own homes and make themselves beggars on the rich soil of a bounteous West. Geneva* Killed During tbe War. We find the following list in one of onr Northern exchanges.—Columbia Carolinian, 8rf met. * (If the Carolinian has succeeded in gutting a good list bf "Northern exob»> we may expeot a chance to keep po*; ! m K.hi hern news.—Eds. Cosfed.) • FEDERAL- ' Brigadier-Generul KkuuLtn Autr.—J K F Mansfield, Connecticut, at Au ietam, Sept 17, 1863. AJOB Generals.—P Kearney,-New York, at Chantilly, Sept 1, 1862. I I Stevens, Massachusetts, at Chantilly, Septl, 1862. •' JL Reno, Pennsylvt-i:_, at South Moun tain. S 'pt 14, 1862. J B Richardson, Michigan, at Antietam, Sept 17, 1863. Brio-Generals.—N Lyon, Connecticut, at Springfield, August 10, 1861. W H L Wallaoo, Illinois, at Shiloh, April 6,1862. T. ’Williams, Michigan, at Baton Rouge, Au» gust. 1862. R. L. McCotk. Ohio, by guerillas m Tennes see. Augaat, 1862 ■ Kerry Bohlen, Pennsylvania, on the Rappa hannock, August 1862 Taylor, New Jersey, at Manassas, Ans gust 28, 1862. ; J. P. Redman, Rhode Island, at Antietam, Sept. 17,1862 P. A. Hackleman, Indiana, at Corinth, Oct. 3, 1852 J. S Jsekson, Kentucky, at Perryville, Octo* her 8,1862, G. D Bavard, New York, at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13.1862. . W. B. Terrill, Virginia, at Perryville, Oct. 8, C. T. Jackson, Pennsylvania, at Fredericks* burg, Dec. 13, lfc62. J. W. Siji, Ohio, at Murfreesboro, Dec. 21, 1862. Total—18. CONFEDERATE. (Generals Regular Army.—Albert Sydney. Johnaion, Texas, at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Brigadur Uxsebols.—R S Garnett, Vir ginia, at Carrick’8 Ford,- July 10 1862 B £ Bee, South Carolina, at ManasBas, July 10,1861. ' Felix K Zolliooffer. Tennessee, atSomerset, January 19,. 1862. James Molmosh, Arkansas, at Elkhorn, March 7, 1862. Ben McCdlooh, Texas, at Elkhorn, March 7 r 1862 AH Gladden, Louisiana, at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Turner W Ashby, Virginia, in a skirmish. May, 1862. Robert Hatton, Tennessee, at Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. Richard Griffith, Mississippi, at Savage Sta tion, July 1,1862. C S Winder, Maryland, at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. John T Hughes. Missouri, at Indepen dence, August, 1882. R E Garland, Virginia, at South Mountain, September 14,186 l It. O’B. Branch, North Carolina, at Antie tam, September 17, 1862. Wm E Starke, Mississippi, at Adtietam, September 17, 1862, Henry Little, Missouri, at Inka, September 19, 1862. George B Anderson, North Carolina, at Antietam, September 17, 1862. T R R Cobb, Georgia, at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Maxoy Gregg, South Carolina, at Ereder- icksburg, December 17,. 1862. James B. Rains, Tennessee, at Murfrees boro’, December 31, 1862. B W Hanson, Kentucky, at Murfreesboro, ‘ January 2, 1862. Total—21. A California Story. In the northern part of the State (California) is a stream called Yuba river.' Across it eo"-e enterprising individual built a bridge ; and, oq j the banks somebody else built three or four | houses. The inhabitants ‘ailed ibe place Yuba ! Dam Thiey bars were instantly c’n c ed, and j the “town" increased rapidly. About noon one cool day, a sojourner iu the laud p<esed <hU I flourishing localny, and seeing a Imm-l-gued specimen of humanity in a red shirt smoking betore one of the bars, and thus addressed mm : “Hollo! ’ "Hello!” replied the shirt with vigor, remov ing he pipe from his month. * Wtiai p ace is this I" demanded the traveller, whose name Waa Thompson. The answer ot the atari was unexpected: “Yuba Dam !” q There was about fifty yards bet ween them, and tho wind was blowing. Mr Thompson thon&hf he had been mistaken. "What did you- say ?" he a‘ked. "Yuba Dam,” replied the shirt cheer r ul[v, “What place is this?" roared Mr. Thomp son. s “Ynba Dam!" said the shirt in a slightly el evated tone of voice. “Lo'okee here!" yelled the irate Thom pson, "I asked you politely what this plepe was, why in.the thunder dont you answer t" The stranger became excited. He rose and replird with the voice ot an eightv-pounder “You-baDam! Do you hear tha: l” In a minute Thompson, burning with the wrath of the righteous, jumped off his horse and advanced on the stranger wiihanexpros sion not to be mistaken. The shirt aross and assumed a posture of offense and defense. An ived within a yard of him, Thompson said,s “ i a-k you, for the last time, what place is this?” Patting his hand to his mont, his opponent roared: “ You-ba Dam!” The next moment they were at it. First Thompson was down; then the shirt; then it was a dog fall—that is, both were down.— They foiled about and kiobed up a tremen dous duBt,. They sqnirmed - around so ener getically, that you’d thought they had a doz en legs instead of four. It looked like a prize fight between two pugilistic centipedes. Fi nally, they both rolled on the bank and into the river. The water cooled them. They went down together, but came up separately, and pnt for. the shore. Both reached it about the same time, and Thompson scrambled' up the bank, mounted his war-like steed, leav ing his foe gouging the mud out of one of his Wyee. Having left the business portion of tbe town —that ia. the corner where the.three bars were kept—he s'rnck a house in the suburbs, before which a little girl of about three years old was playing. "What place is this, sissy?" he asked. The little girl, frightened at the drowned rat figure which the stranger cut, streakdd it tor the house. Having reached'the door she stopped— turned, and squeaked—“Oobbee-dam! " “Good heavens!" said Thow^on, digging his heels between his horse's ribs’—‘‘good heav ens! let me get out of:this horrid place, where not only the men. but the very babes and suck lings swerr at inoffensive travellers!” ISO. X Ml.B«AX. Wfr I. CIUaVU. jso. X WRIimU J. E. MORGAN & CO., GENERfiL - r>i a*' - COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMU j y vl &; J.*; ' ,; •( Insurance & Real Estate Ag’ts, LsSnAStfig OWIIWit IITIII RKOr.l % a «f\ IX|W*’ T ~ ' V » C.r JO-US, «uU ».U *' dltpatcti. REFERENCES: ‘ ^ " *’ Doaeh y, Bett' 4: Co. D G Wil ox A Co, Angaita liiisi, Li.on e Co, An'ersoti, Adstr A Oo, Atlanta . B B ~ntvL,Ju*i>.ti “orris. M -ntauaien . " J K Redd, D:Uerd. A ue,Ooituatnis Walsh, Stuito a Co. Bull, Irater a Oo, HobU* . ' Geo W Williams A Op, Hyatt, .MoBircey A Co, Chart«- ton ’ J L M French, Chattanooga fokM-tr Great Southern INSURANCE COMPANY; B OOKS for SUBSCRIPTION to theCa- .tal Stock of thfo Company will be opened on Monday, 13th. April next; At the office of McNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO. Whitehall'tip. The whole amount to be subscribed for is #1500,000, which will giro the CIT1ZES8 OF ATLANT* THE FJtttFriEflfi OF Taking $300,000. And the books will remain open for ten day*, unless the amount is toofier token.- No subscription t»te-> for more then 260 Shares and 20 per oent. only to be paid la. SIDM5Y ROOT* A. JAMES ORwono yCom-tiralonera for Atlantx W. F HERRING, ) -I’lSaiOSERS FOR CHATHAM COUNTY. Robert Habenhaxn Charlie Green G B Lamar FOR RICHMOND COUNTY. John B n-s Xhoe S Metcalf John .Tioeoc B b Du bir. Jesse Aouesly Wat A Ramsey FOR BIBB COUNTY.: . .John L Jones I*asc Sontt J B Roes Aeher Ayres Jsm— A Ralston Xi-m Alrzander. Pul-ski Bolt James A Nesbitt WmB Johnson FOB mUSOOGBB COUNTY. Wm BeHertby ^ A"Ur-w Li.WO . . John W. Anderson B H W.rren Bd«mrd Tb mat > W D u*berty War J* wens Root H May BobtMGunby David Sdamt LTD rauirg J G strapper Jgrges • WHYwnog InteUig' ncer and Oommonwrelth plsasee py, Dsniei G iffln W H Hutbe- VY J McAllister Jsmre K Sueemon JomM E.iois. . D r27-dtiU8aprl BY LaROOHE & BELL, SAVANNAH, GA, sold, on (be first lasedey'ln AyvP next. In Wfroot of toe Court H rao. toSaTSinah, Oeergia, between the uinel '.oars of «ale, that elegant and con veniently fitted up Ho*el, known as tie' GtBBOSd HOUSE, e«miiiw with the Jnrnitnre nod Fixtures ■ the Proprie- oonUnned Ul health to retire S^re'-Smt’s of this House for tbe year .18* wee ever raoo fovorebly eudViteneiTriy known. _od from locsttoa aad arrangements will always he a ta- T< AU >?mvi an the second floor ore double, and each' ^.tof “ ome has a Patent Pan Water Ciorat. fall length rermer nlated Beth Tub end marble top Wash erend—nl! 2£j«edtri»h hot and ooldwnter, and slto* vithaolirf bli*k walnut- Them am also Am Woth* on™ a-.-.«!>Sr *^7—7L?S..»t re*b.rrosstrsr-' nart oftheb'lldirg and fixtures » pereoii, -*•< nomine the property prevtoot to the day of salej sraiSPtd . * •'...try ,-r.g oc.p.»»oi-aad B $500 REWARD. i ROKB Jot. iu Atlanta and escaped t-n Teesdty nfacht 1 the 17th lrst-. Jureph or Joe Hqnrlsun. who wee ran- need awa'-t * « irial <>u charge ot uuidedng Thumas L. ■toss, .ate O. uiederate 8tetes Marshal lortieorvta Said Uinitun is M or ad years o'd, rheut rix foet lilEX rather l.eniier ! ■„ but well pri-p jrtfuoea He h.s b oe eyes, flue sot of pihasautMoX aud smiUhg'coauien- iuor when in conversation, of good address, has urave ed extensively and -*n much of toe. world He ha* light xilortd bait, uot m"-l beard, and eomeninee wears a wndy TOotwtoche. Hedrawe*well,ndufoudutbUdrf<i*j has a keen sha- p eye, and a iresh y.-aug appearance He aaealiveli qoh . ms , and a guud deil-ui toe swagger of -a man abon. town.” He .te-red iwetve m.>uth»ln tbe Jale'Uiy -uard^ dcon.puoy fr. ui at.auti. the First (Col Rttm-.e,’»> Georgia Regiment. He no. been a good real in tnq Weet—about Shreveport and other..western cities, aud Is a proteerluual gambler. ■tho above ruwciii wid he paid forhfs apprehension and > 'iifinemant in any safe Jail, or his delivery to the sheriff or Jailer In Atlantx febJ'-tf .fe Jail, or Jiis delivery to the He is hard to keep in Jstl. ,3 • • . : JOHN is. HOBS, won. Gx J. !>. WINTER & CO., Ehid WHOLESALE GROCERS and Gf^arivHsiE&Ai; • OOMMISSIONMERCHANTS, NEGRO SEALERS) • a AND -. £,;*«;» v-. - . . Real Estate Agents.^' I To UT.2LB J.'diTi d ‘ . Granite Front Building, No. 20, Ain oma^t, ATLANTA, - c:-: ... DXOROIAi febIXSm r ^ N. a. mclendon, GENERAL COMMISSION . . - :70AMD * .i ; FORWARDING MERCHANT OFFI01 AT HIS OLD STAND, HO. 8 PKACIi-TRK K 8TB.HBT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. feb20-tf . era J aoWshif. x u. xraxxsi LIGON, HOWARD & OO^ WHOLES A 1 :, o£ GHoClu AND tiliAtHAL COMMISSION MEBi HAfilTS. tfio. 8 Poaeb-Tree St.. Atlxntik. Gsorgir. tX71LL attend promptly to any bdatuM* entrusted’to Vy their core. : 1 kbit Rm WHITE A fOWEEN, G R O Cl R R S , Marietta fSiruet, ITLfNTA, m J GKOBGIAj lanlS-l • a. . '.* .« j-T*- ! W. h. jUnnua ^ HKapjaKH, j-; i-a s’ r WHOLKIAlii T 1 f Commission Merchants, aONTUOKER^; ALABtBt, SEiiIDEHCE AAD FARM i- f l OU SalS SEAfi sTlANTd. , Ojr.ffB F©» SALK n» pioua, three tulle efrum AtUh- 4 to, an. Peach-cie. iuomL l-u actesut M.,d,'i>viiarrekto woods, heavily timbered -A aciu* cleft.e.1 ; The tu.u-. to.arootnl. witn .dan- ana aea.i, an or -iiud ... toti-ie, trial cei-ar, p.ut-y «~l . utouuuineo, oi- uJa ana b-.i i. u.-i-. i. x> a. Ik-we is •so a .matt w.u>r powei :ui.aiii luus .. .0' * taoSt-tr : c ‘ friu fUtwa—i». A SMALL DARK I* K*TinitiK, marked on the end •itper Mrs. Bailie It. B >uoe or Uu UODStoll, Georgia., was l-ta Into the Jther by usiiake or inteat-enaity.lto If _ . As 28th ultimo. Tul above reward will be paid for tb* trank and contents to Mr.’ to J Shackelford, under the Cffire, end no questions asked ; c .( ; Oorrttf HI LIES, HIDES. O VRBOae Hundred SiositbUred Hidre, for seta ovary week by UtaWFOlA FRAZER to OO, '*t>7-tf Army Contractor*, MtoOoB to WtsitXJLK. to Oo, I J Jf*«w. Om, M rob -let, 7884. f; N and after Wwiua*f*V, March ttth, the rate, of _ frekbt over tbit Hood will be 100 pet cent. Increase rom the tariff of October lStb, 1867. ALFRED to TYLER, mar2I-8w niJi: mpt. 0 TO SHIPPER 5 * OP FREIGHT. I N consequence of the extraordinary d-uianOs <uad> no on oo: Bred* for Trsaqrjnatton, together with tbe the < xfstomw or asUte.of cizoatostaaaas sver which we nor per scents can have any control, oottre b hereby gtv- sn that the era to atlamto, Macon to Wescton, aad AtUu a to West Point Roods, wlU as* hereafter reostre, transport,for store say freight rum any s cree or aathor- ity, until further noiiem, anlera the uwaev, agent, or ehip- per. at the point of shipmeu*. ffret signs a Stipulation or icreeneat, raiiaviag the read tore toil Mobility, agreco. r, c JOHN & ROWLAND, BnpftW A AMR ISAAC 8JOTT. ' “ Prerit M * W R R GROlG. HULL, Sop’tAtoWRB Atlanta, F«b. 28,1563.-eh-fo-Sto WHISKY Jt BRANDY. j BT Ba-rris Corn Whisky AO 90 barrets Peach brandy. H barrels Apple Brandy, on consignment and for ale by m**2Ww