Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 13, 1863, Image 1

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. 7 ~ ^ J** rf?v \2TZ 1 f&gm IA W: TM »I'A a £ ::i ibilbji!«li. :rz-. v»-«---—* ■T — ■■.■*.■:.» jgEiAff! A^tlanjta, Ga., W ! ecta.estM|y May j13, 1S€>3. .!3y Axlaii? <fe Smith.. <§6H Volume III—No. 78. itke** IW.ll. i».~. ,;i. IIF.N'LY SMITH, i'Ri -PRIETDRSl LA I i G £ 5TD AILY CIRCU L AT ION IN THE STATE , The Sow User.. ConMencj' OSte J- ...I lit utoslg tI,<~ I,. I.. B. Bi«C AOAWT, .ir tkrvetwnril tf Osnerrt It.illB.iitMutl. 011 the f3f*ifa3T Reading Mattei’ Page.. A Pastarrlpt. P. S.: Some of yoar subecrihere <lo not un derstand Ik* tTttmi’i edition of the day tw- fore, <• oming when ih« other papev i# dated the day we get It, ffi.-Uffc I see nothing later ia one than the other. 1* 1. CL A* we frequently riteivn troth pf.alscrip‘3 as the above, are trill elate for the information cf alt concerned,'that we have adopted the plan of dating the Coefedkbact according to the time it ia actually issued, io preference to da ting it In the eretFng, for the nr-at morning. It will he fmtnd to contain the,latoet dispatch es which c mis to Itand before the departure of the evening mails, as herctofote when dated 12 hoars in advance, as mist papers’ still are. Capt. C. W. I» vr,.<t » Company. To-day we prbiieh the master-roll of this splendid company of volouleera belonging to Col. G. A. Gordon** regiment. Capt. Howard is well and favorably known not only throughout all Northwestern Geor gia—thA section whore he re-id«—bat th ro tlgh- out the Stats tad the whole South, as a talent ed, educated, public spirited gentleman of great usefulness end the highest moral etand- Ing. He has a cowpony of men of the beet morals; in foef good tr rsls, high standing and respectability in tho community were ne- ooisary qualifications to -be ug admitted into tho company. Itswns made np on this basis, and is in a great metatuv: composed of men oter 46 years of age. The company is one of heavy siege artiile imperially Repontotbfor lit. Atlanta Confederacy/) 11/port of Casualties In the \Uh Georgia- Regiment, in Rattle of Oancellortrille, beginning May 2d and ending Hay ".d; -also iirshimisfets for several days afterwards. * Field and 8Uff Officers—Killed, haue—- Wiwmded, Maj -lohn AY Weems, eeriously. Company-A — Killed, none; wounded wor ldly. Capt II M Credille, Privates W W Ca gle, W J i’aiullav; serionslv, Thos 8 Merrick, K H Winter, l.t 8 K Moore, (1 W, John W Jones; slightly,- %t \V II Tatpley, Corp If If PieM*: , # r,fi.rsh&tl. Hubbard, privates AVi- lcy Thompson, W it Iriewe, Jwo \V t uroip- fteed, A IfCanifr; missing. Crawford; 'Greed. . Company It —Killed, une; wounded wsor- ‘ flatly; ptiviUeir A .1 l'iak’vy, Jas T Wilburn, Chat Osborne; wounded serious’y. Scrgt VI A Kelly, privates Jesse Clay, Theophilas Willing ham; wounded sliphily, Corp W II Gilmore, Roland Waller, M W Spearman, Lt M W Pope, LtE M Maddux, Capt J C Key. Company C — Killed, Lt W O Williams, privates-! It I’nniol. .1 Fambrough; wounded seiionaly, SfigtG AV K’utte, privates AV P Iteardin, W I* M<>se1y f U AY Griffith; wounded slightly, Lt N B Durham, Lt E- 6 Spinks, Corp D B Elder, and A J Pickerel, private sj R Ay- cock, L C Burgher, W L Biggs, J IV ltiven- porl, F M Daniel, J D Fullilove, D M llniT, "Joseph Kettle, I N Lester, J W Miller; T J Simcnton,*A AV Griffith, Henry Maxey. Company D— Killed—Private James E Ste phens. Wounded mortally—Lt A M Burnside; seriously, Sergt G W Beavers, Private E It Chapman,Sect J M Mann; slightly, Privates T E Dodd. AV B Wright, J W Turner. Miss. Ktg, Sergt D J Evans. Company E—Killed—ft II Norris. Wounded seriously, Color Sergt T D Dingier, privates Samuel Fullerton, J T Edge, R D Hill, F i>U Swan. J. A Collin's; slightly,’ David Crawford, J II Norri.t, J C Norton. Missing, S P Ker- bow. Company F—Killed—Capt G G Green, .1 A McNatt. Wounded mortally, 1! Bachelor; seriously, J T Bickers. J S Fuller. Jc-re San. ders, J C Sanders, W AV I.ngoc ; slightly, G J Spivey. Missing, Corp C R Santoril, private Jasper Decsa. Company G—Killed—Private F M Handley, Maoson Turner. AA'oundcd mortally. Private John Welch; seriously, Sergt T A Watson, privates Win VVhaley. A R Graves, William Turquit, B W Sweat; slightly, J H W Minims, John AV War.*, B J Smith. Company H—Killed—Private W J II Brooks wouuded mortally; Nathan Maxej.; wounded seriously, Sergt AV J Posts, Jorpl 11 11 Strick- KiKed—Sergt J D Pencils, Private AMI Far mer >• wounded seriously, Private fflU) El- wards, head; AV J ftVright, left shoulder; Pp- ter Jatrolrhip; w -iio leJ slightly,:Private iV B Ingraham, arm; J C Maddux,’ artn; Ctfrgf A Gray, back; Corpl J1I 0 Thavton, nei.k ; Private T C Barnett; shoulder; F T Kimble, shoulder./ >f - Company K. Lt AV J Duntaa commanding— Killed—Corpl Jamison Mabry, Private* ft II Cadenhead, Absolem Lane, Jordan Kilgore, S AV Potts, George AV Reid; mortally wound ed, Private Robert A Harris, body; woumled seriously, Privates M A Potts, fefehetd; J Ai Childs, arm; Thomas Marshall, 'head and shoulder; wounded slightly, Lt B B McCow- •n, hip; Sergt Thos J -Tletoher shoulder; 8ergt J AV Simmons, shoulder; Corpl G AV Shurrum,’-wrist; Privates John'A Bean, hip: D W Collier, aide; Thos J Cannon, side; 8 V Daman, left hand; J II Edwards, shoulder Thos F Goggins, shoulder; M B Pails, head and shouldei; H H Shurron, hand; Jno L Ponder, shoulder; J H AVilliams, atm. BECAPITUtATXOK. land, Henry Parker; wounded slightly, Pri- vate li J Beck am, J B Hawkins, D H Coggin, ry, and, is permanently locate'! akTktanderboU v, n M Kinley, AV 8 Scott; AY P Bassov, An- WatteTY. below Savftuuak, at. I 13 .vti A (o Ur^on Prince. 1 •' «».i Com: my I— Gorpl Btnief H Frtds; wound- ‘tlia reV> nv l,: 'JthatMeOtapitsbed soldier and •talesman, Col. Geo. A Gordon. This company is now at Borne, Gw, having been temporarily detailed to that point when the late raid of Strait wee checkmated by For rest, and the rumor came that a heavier raid was on the way, coming into North Georgia We suppose they will soon return to Savan nah-. They were detailed to -go to Room at their own request. ' Crops las North Kaat ;6«. La»t evening wo were informed by Cot. J. J. Findley of Dahlonega, that the prosper! for a heavy crop ol iruir, rye and a heat in North East Georgia was never so promo-tog, and that the most extensive crops ol corn and potatoes are planted- The people are all exerting them selves for a Urge ciop, and with propitious sea sons a moat abundant harvest will rewSrtl their toil. The great difficulty now Is the scarcity ol .coin to feed theia hones and mules. Most of «he people get their supplies from here, and we *ie glad to learn that everybody—even the gtooiass—has the money to pay for it.- The ^,.u-i'Al difficulty is transportation from the Railroad depot. AccouutTof the Great Uattlrs of Wrsder- Icksbarg and ChanreMoraville, We invite the attention of everybody to the well written and comprehensive history.of the tele great battles in Virginia, in our columns to-day, which wa take from tho oorrespen- dagoa of tha Constitutionalist. It ia by far tho moat satisfactory account of a fight wo have had in one communication from any engage ment (hat ha* yet taken place; AVo have g tod reasons fur staling that it was written by Gea, A. (Unco Wright. No one bat an officer of his rank could hare known and related with sngh. w*~*stoii aitme move- of the scries of eagage- - menu. Company I—Corpl ed severely; 'Private J T MoBcntly, AYm J Smith, J M Riley; wounded Might y, Sergt G 8 Bryan, AV Clarke, J II Sappiugto:*, R W Jarkeou, Thos AV J Siapp. Company K—^Wound, d severely—Private A F Bruce; slightly, Corpl J B Ciraon, AV A Crossley, M X Bowles. _ RVCA rtTFLATlON. hum ;i Moi tally wootidert 10 Seriously -wonaded 2S Sliybtly wounded W Mining 5 Trial US Tbia does not include a number who wore slightly wounded who are on duty. Those reported mortady wounded have since' died. J. B K<TE8, Colonel 44th Ga. Reg. Ikby H. Howard, Lt. and A. Adjutant. "J. J, C." i.aUraage, til. AVo h'.ve Already published the Tax act, the Itcptv-’- .u’ut, n:,d the K ;emptki*acta.— They were promptly in- ji-tei in our columns Li ./ oa as they tern to hand. AYe hhve u.> doubt ti a’ most of r.ur eubteril c-rs have pre served them. ffptHUlly iUplrUd l .r the All«ul» CinfoJet/r.y ] IIcauqttarteiis 5Jd. Ga. Rso't. \ May 5th, 1863. / Uoport of Casualtioa in the 53rd Ga. Reg’t. May 1st and 3rd 1863. Col. Jam; P. Simms, commanding. Field and Siajf.—Killed and wouaded— none. Company A, Lt. W. 8. Healy Commanding. Killed, A J. Ilaile. Wounded seriously, Priv’t. AV J Maddux, leg broke. Wounded sligbtly, Corp’l. S P Shaw, in foot, Corp’l A J Dick son, thigh; John H Akine, in hand ; J WHaw ard, hip; AV R Brooks, hand; Nathan Wright, arm. Company B, Lt. A J Phillips, Commanding. Killed, Priv’t. J W Lnmroua. Wounded seri ously, Priv't. J M tawthon, iu right leg; John Duncan, in the knee; J L P Ifays, in left arm; G W Loyd, in left hand; AV R Mad dux, right thigh ; L D Whitehead, left band. Wounded slightly, Priv't. C A Crowel, left- hand; A J Cowen, left area i AV II E JJloutan, left thigh ; T J Reeves, breast; J R Stewart, right leg ; W B Welsh, right ana. - Company C, Lt. D McLuoas, Commanding Killed, Priv’t. Wu» Hostings. Wounded mor tally, Priv't. J A Dorman, through right lung Wounded seriously, Priv’t. W 11 Bayd, knee ; John Devenport,-below knee; Kinioa Banks, shoulder: Wounded slightly, Priv’t. Robert Jones, arm ; Joel Roberts, neck ; Corp’l. J & Brooks, arm and side;' Priv’t. W A Pate, arm; Dreary FOrfer. body; AV C Lord, left band: Joahan Roberts, wrist; C H AV Cook, should- Hie Crof.6 F'-cm BiUi May 9lb ? 1663. The growir., crops prom;.-'- well b c tho ?ea- son—wnr’at nt-ver mnrr ilai rrinc at this lime id vear. We l.Aii .-ei.irt lro>t this morning, though 1 do not think Butficu ni io do s;iy serious dam- sge to crops. J. I-. B. or the ils Messrs, l.-tilcr- - My kuhscripiiii for s month or more, a cd to not renew boeans but my notions haic i greatly hiconvenicnccd with daily. Therefore I have use of the bxneiui weed. Prcctlcsl Mbs. iilwriy of publishing the i,>iir.w- ir.:iy fugocat to others a double f»vor : . ftlav 8th, 1S63. ? has been o-.i: 11 most coiiclud- :of tht-- advance in rales, hanged, a: I Sod myselt it ihe use of your raided to quit tile ar.d invent tb‘- money that I might spend for ihat an CLir wheat crop.- look very promising :n ctionol the couniry. Company D, Capt A Moses commanding.— Wounded seriously, privates R 1, Banks; jaw broken; J A Shell, leflf wrist; J Hendrick, niarthooye. Wounded slightly, private G W Reeves, finger. Company E, Capt. S W Glass, commanding. Wounded seriously, privates AC Part ce, arm; Corp W 8 Thompson, foot; private B Folds, •irr..; wounded elightly, privates Junes Cases, arm; C II AY.ek^ tead; L A Smith, breast; Joel J i -e;.-, band and-nose; Warreaton Jones, ihigh; J P G.iih,; J C Cash, hand; Wm Mct'.rt, nrn . S C. Fincher, fool; Corp T A Matcomb, foot. - . ' • Company F, Capt S R Brown, commanding Kill-J, pr.vr. es F M Stephens, M F Deed, F M Upchurch. Hound. J seriously, privates J F Sowell, lace: V. VC M 0 .oper. face- Wcnnl- • J iii.hUy, Sergt W P Hopkins, ceok; pri vates C 11 MvCrvy, tmCf, C Rl5F, faqe; B M Price, head aud foo-.: J J daeu !. fooR J-D Al exander, arm; M A Rape, head: 8 J Crumley, thigh; If C Riwles, head. Co 0, Lieut T F Rswies, commanding.— AVoauded st.riously, Corp A G Hod nett, face and arm Wounded slightly, privates M L Ad- dy, jaw; laham Akin, aide; T T Roily, atm; J C Browning, shoulder; Rob! Lewis, fingers; Benj Lynch, head; H AV Tarnipsaed, breast. Company-41, Lt D F Riley, commanding —r Killed, Ilcury Qagatt. Wounded soriousljr, 8wgt J A- Holsey, arm;"privates T A Bowen, bend; 8 G Bockham, arm. AVouqded sligbt ly, 8ergt T A Johnson, head; Corp F. A Coch ran, arm; privates 8 At Cocks, shoulder; U A. Crowell, head; J W Charaker, wrist; .1 H Barker, hand: W W Vaughn, h&n 1; T 8 Ward, bond. tfauapahy J—B Evans con.maudin**. •mu4»* admitted by themselves to be perfect- w;iTo.i_s!.,*i i wi r l.v tnrhiluL Sated... Mortally Woanded Serin-sly Wounded... Slightly Wounded..... .. .....15 a ,«s Total ’■ ,. w.>J|2j L Baker, J. P. siilMS, £$ Colonel Commanding. Acting Adjutant. SpreiaRCorreapoudence ot tUa Sr>i,(lie> » Coitffderacy. •C*mp KEtr. BLifcxvrATrr 1 May 4th, 1863. J Nothing up to last nisht maikud tin? operj- tion9 of this army uiih'aince my last.— Every day we bad skirmishing, marching,shell ing, etc,’, from light till darkness and the i n. 6fni.;ht itself was sliaki n at intervals with the roar <>f artillery. Last night at near midnight quietly we-withdrew lrom the picket posts mi.i Ss nQisclBaCdts.aiShsd...v UP mar.:ltf#i'k.' ejfu irivtrjni i.ji..ic iiTtrairr'"' BIsckwater,where we- are now camped. Tho enemy were slow in perceiving our departute and we arrived at our destination without firing a gun. or, as far as 1 can learn, leaving a man behind. The following are a li:4 of casualties fur An derson’s Brigade the put week: Private \V Chatman. Co F, 11th Ga, killed. AV inford, co K, 7th Ga, killed. L A Norwood, co 11, 9 h Ga, killed. 1> M Palish, co 1,9th Ga, slight contusion by shell .. R R Connelly, co D 9tlt Ga, flesh wound in thigh. , * . 7M C Reagan, eo C;; 9th Ga, flesh wound In head • Roh't Edison, co E, 9th Ga. slight iu hand. J N Peck, co K, 9th Ga,' slight wound by shell. H 6 Johnson, co K, 9th O'a, Slight in shoulder. Eli B Hull', eo F, 9th Da, slight in hand. D M Jackson, co C. 9th Ga, slight through thigh. • i - j ? Jus. HaTdwell, cu I, 9th Ga, slight by shell. li F Wray. <0 I. 8th Ga, slight cpntnsion. T J Glenn. coE, 8th Ga, concussion by shell. J P Stallings, co II. 8th Ga, concussion b'y shell. > ' . tfi' F N Burrow, co U,8ib Ga, concussion by shell. G Jone , co E, 8lh Ga, contusion by shell. The above named df the 8th Ga. Regiment, were wounded by a large sized shell explod ing in their midst. Their esoapo from death was miraculous. Law’s brigade during yes terday lost 5$ killed and wounded. As an order has .Some for ua to march, 1 mast close. TIVOLI. Special Correspondence from TnUaboma. Ttlt.A.noMA,. May 11, 1863.: t Masses. Editors : Nothing new of interest has occurred in the front since the move ment of troops forward. Gens. Johnston and Bragg have removed their headquarters to Shelbyville, nnd our troops are eager to drive the Federal vandals out of Tennessee. AVeath- er fine—health of troops good—army in ex cellent spirits and increasing in strength.— Geit. Bragg’s orderly, who got on a drunken spree last week and ran off, war caught by Sergt Hinkley, of Breckinridge’s Division Hospital at Hurricane Springe, about, six miles from Tullahoma. The man who stole Gen. Bragg’s coat has also been arre ted. An important movement of troops is about taking place; bat it is impolitic to mention it now. H. The Monitor Battery, Passaic.—The New York HertMof the 7th instant, thus al ludes to the condition of the Passaic, which boro so conspicous a part in the late attack on Fort Siunter: } . , , - j “this vessell will be turned over'to Ad miral Gregory to undergo repaint Her rudder is somewhat out of order, and the armor is bent in several places. No orders have yet been received to detach her offi cer or discharge her crew.’' Yankee Scan. From the New York Tim.» fUHlrtjt details of TUI <ir*at BATTLES op f SATURDAY ,\ND MONDAY. nrtRql/ABTKr.H in the Field, A -j- Near Onancellorsi’Ille, 1 Sunday Evening, May ti, 1863. J At tiU hour of writting it is impossible to. HjflmflP Hm lose in to-day’s battle on either side. . UTc know that ours ia heavy—heavier tlsujfvbr before iu a battle of so short du r a- ' 0 further know that the loss of tho Baggcvly, mrs 3 P Bass, mra E F Ballaul, W Baker, B B Bscnn, £ M Ballew, X H Balcom, serranl of color Brooke, mrs Jas P Bryant T P Bradford, mrs N P Brackett. B IV Brooks, AV J Bakf r, Jas A Baker, B W Bailey. J N Burgard, Gastaf Bursoo, Elizabeth 2 Butler, K .1 Boiler, James F. Burnham. .Ins E Burnett R J Brown, Thos Brown, Susan Bryant, James M Blackmore, 8 J Brown, Jas Bridges, miss Cyenderill.i V c !y fri.-Juiul. Wo had the advantage in artil lery,’ and our shelU and canister toro and tied their ranks fearfully. The prisoners 'Hent an to the loss of prominent officers, t Jno of the Alabamians iu A. P. Hill’s Iitvirdon say that he was killed early in the day. and that General Raynor ia now in com- inaSa of the division. ^fe r'g. lBE battik auoukD. I^obably no battle was ever fought upon grakad more unfavorable for the maroenver- itigj and' deploying of troops. Nearly the wh^le country in this vicinity is covered with lease forest, much of it being of the same clnjraclor as-*‘The AVilderneei," lying only a short distance westof this point. The timber ie iissily dead, and still very dense; then, to make the forest still more impenetrable, there i»/a denser growth of dead underbrush, so. that it is baldly passable for man—certainly net for beast—and the worst place conceiva ble for handling troops. Yet a very great part of to-day’s terrible battle wna fought in this almost impenetrable j angle, snd many dead fmd wounded on both sides still lie there, con- ■tfealed in the gloomy depths of “The Wilder ness.*' The only'open ground upon -which the battle was fought ; s the pliin on tho south Ride of che plank road, near Chancellorsville, half a mile long, and perhaps three hundred yards wide. • The only open ground in our present position is a sdmi-clroular crest, ex tending from the left of General .Sykes’ posi tion to the right of General Howard’s. Im mediately in front of this are dense woods, concealing our ekirmishers and those of tho enemy. The crest is our artillery position, and here guns enough aie massed to blow to atoms the armies of a dozen Southern Confed eracies. The enemy seem to have a proper appreciation of the courtesies in waiting for them from this position. Twice to day have they essayed out of the woods towards our guns, and twice have those guns sent to their larthly doom untold, numbers of desperate wretclna., Tho artillery at this point is in ohttrgo of Captain Wood, Chief of Artillery of Everett, mrs w a 3. ”* ' ' |-fcntv, litTAfect, - Casey, J T Cammcl, mrs A J Chapman, J A Cheatnm, honE 8 Clinton,N A Clark,J AV Clark, miss Alice Clark.J H Calhoun J C Carter, Margaret Ca*n lieut W T Clements mrs M E2 Clint mrs Coryet, Jas Cowdus AV Calcole, J J Cox, T F Cox, mist Moliie Cooper, mrs 9 3 Donethsn, mrs K M Dunbar Sarah Ann Dunlap, miss Josephine Bake, John Duke, AV V Douglitry. John H' Dodd, J E Dodson. AV H -Daniel M The Slave Trade Treaty.—The President of the United Slates has officially proclaimed the additional article to the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, for thn sup pression of the African slave trade. The fof* lowing is the additional article: Whereas, by the first article of the treaty be tween Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United Stales of America, for ihe suppression ot the Afri na slave trade, sighed at Washing ton on the 7rh of'.April, 1863, it wad stipulated and agreed that those ships of the rspective navies of the two high contracting parties which shall be provided with special instructions lor that purpose, as thereinafter mentioned, may visit such merchant vessels of the two nations as nuy, upon reasonable .grounds, lie.suspected of being engaged in ihe African slave trade, or of having been filled out for that purpose, or ot li ning, during the voyage on which they aie met by the said cruisers,' been engaged in the African slave trade,-contrary to ihe provisions of the said treaty ; and that such cruisers mry detain sr.J send or carry away such vessels in order that they may to brought to trial in the manner thereinafter agreed upon; and whereas it jvos by the said article further stipulated and agreed that the reciprocal right of search and detention should be exercised only' in ihe dis tance of two hundred miles front tbe.cojsi of Africa, and to the Southward of the thirty-sec ond'parallel oi North latitude, and within thirty leagues from the coast of the Island of Cuba ; and whereas, the two high contracting parties are desirous of rendering the e»id treaty still more efficacious for its purpose—the plenipmen- tjaries who signed the said treaty have, in vf-tue of their tail-powers, agreed that the recip&ca right of visit and detention, as defined in the atticle aforesaid, may be exercised also, within thirty leagues of the Island of Madagascar, within-.thirty leagues ot the Island of Puerto S o*. Nbd within thirty leagues of the Island ot n Domingo. The present additional article shaikhs** the same force and validity as if it had beetrinsarted'werd for word in the treaty concluded between the two high contracting patties on the 7th of April, 1863, and shall have the same duration aa that treaty. It shall be ratified, qnd the ratifications shall be exchanged at London in six months from thia.xkte, or sooner, if po3Bible. In witness whereof the resp.-t-.iivc plenipotentiaries have signed the sathe, and hasp hereunto affixed the seal ol ; heir arms. Done at Washington, the 17 h day of February, in the’year of onr Lord 1863. tffcjtj LYONS. [lsI; WM. II. SEWARD. An Extravagant Lady.—The Queen of Spain has ordered one of the crown jewel lers to make her a magnificent diadem:— The diamonds and other precious stories, to the value of. eight millions of reals {•210 000/), will be furnished by the Crown Jewel office. The rest of the i-arure, neck lace, bracelets, Arc, will represent twelve million reals (315,060.) More Yarkke Fetus Coins The United .States transport steamer ,rr:', id at Forircrs Monroe on AVrdrcsiay last, with two more of Errlcssoa’s devil rafts in tow, bousd South. TnpNxvr Flag —Many inquiries still reach us in regard to the details of the new flag which is hereafter to be the .sfanJsrJ of ihe Confederacy. We, therefore, give the Act of Congre.-s on the subject, conlaining afuiiand clear description of the design; “An Act to establish the Flag of thv Con red- era* e States of America." '•The- Congres* df th* .Confederal:•' Stales of America do rrtaef, That the flag of theConfed- erate States shall be as follows: The field to bo white, the length double the widih of th? fiig, with the union (now used as the battle flag) to he a square of two-thirds (be width of the flag, having the ground red, thereon s broad saltier of bine,-five pointed slurs, cor responding in numb jr to that of the Confede rate States. Approved May 1st, 15.33.” li ]* i'-’•-• Tf.rcrrs to Hok. James L Fetigrc—A meeting was held in New Yok on Tuesday evening. May otb, at the rooms of the New York Historical Society, to listen to an address 8 otjtii.— br- Hon. George Bancroft, on the Hie J.ime; L mer Erricm n Petigro, of South Carolina. Profe sor Lieter, late of Columbia College, South Carolina, and Messrs. Daniel Lord, and Hiram Ketcbam, likewise spoke in eulcgy of the deceased. LIST OF LETTERS (Published tn the IhtpfT haring the largest Circulation R KMAIMNQ to the Po*t Office at Atlanta, Osorgia May Ilth, 1868. A Ayer, maj W F Autry, mrs Caroline Avery, Wm Ammons, W A Anderson, miss Julia Amges, James Alsworih, B C 2 Allen, Wm B Allen, W J Allgood, A P Adkins, J J A.ikinson. miss Maty A-larns, J J Aides, A Agent Bank State ot flat Agentaof Atlanta Factory Altai son, T B Allen. A O Allred. Jai AILersoa, W (t B Browning, J It, Jas W 2 Homer, J O BoyeJ, Nathan Bol-on, M L Blackburn, Jai Black, miss hannie Bidiqr, T F Bishop, B F Burden mrs Martha J Bermer. John Beam. Wm Bell, T J Berney, Morris Bell, mrs S K Bean, miss Naucy Bennett, .1 K Btacom, Susan Baylor, O G 8 Bowlen, John Butler, J F Barnes, s-rgt R P Buchanan, Jas. Burkes John Barnett, Wm 0 Bankston, miss B E Ellison, Wjn Fuller, Sam’i Fulton, C W Fletcher, miss M Fowler, mrs 11 Gal,belt. Wm Gillian, W C Glen, miss N Golding, it A Gobet-, I) C Goodrich, 0 II Hicstius, miss M J Hudson, J It . Hull, Jones Hums ten, X Holloway, J 8 2 Higgins, J»hu Hicks, J C Hines, J H Head, B J Ileath, miss E Henson, H I, Herderson, A J Hewitt. W C Hand, R II Haynes, mra £ M Hannsen, C F Hanson, J P Harper mrs N < Harris, E D Haynes, mrs J A • Haynes, R O Judkins tl T Jordan, James Julian, F M Johnson, misa 8 Johnson, Miss S C Jones, Jesse KuoUs, J T Knight, J O Kitten, N P Kennedy, T B Ltnasay, mrs 8 E Bucket, mra P Lurk, J W 2 Lyon, miss A E Lyon. J I. 2 Lea, J C Lee mra SC Iicdbelter, Joseph Lanford, EP Moo ly. M il Marry, John L Moore, mrs Mary J Miss, lieut. Luther C Motes PA-:, w ,' . Mtotk John' Moore, miss Finnic Murray, lieut H, tt X ilurdockjDauiet Muttcnix. ralss'E J Martin, Ganaway MitcUel, 4 nn J Mitelid.. Miss Martha McT.'aunee, Wm i.eadon, mrs J L 9 M, nutre. David 'f. I.cnJon, J £ McDugald, AJ . NomtC miss Ma y Norris-8 P Ned, Dr Sam’i S Oshictds miss Betsy A Okeele, Sarah Octavia, Florence Pyle, ER 3 Fatten, H D Pr ce, bars E C Pritchard, C 2 Poa y, iwaru Pool, B J E PhStlip* I B Phil.ii.-. L Peuis, Dr H Perrin, J H” . Peach.J PSsrfccv, WR Payne, reward Paiker, W L RaUageCA Rogers J C Crawford. R M Crawford IV M Crockett, H D 2 Cayce, M C Carlis.CC Cunningham, J 8 Cunningham, mrs J D Crow, mrs Sarah Crews, David Collins J F Curtwright, J B Cox mrs Sarah Coulter, M B Carlton. J M Cloud, -A B CouseT 0 Comer Q W Cook,J Crscy capt John B D Dodd, 0 W Denham, R W Denham. R W T Davis G H Daniel miss Caroline Davis, GF Davis mrs Mary 3 Davis, lieut * £ EBis, mrs mary 2 T Fraee Cri, s Frazier, S W FUe, P H Fitts, J M Q Green John A Greer, D A Gresham, mr.-. J Graham. E F Gray, Z T Griffin, Thoma i H Hines, IIP2 Henman, A L Holland Joe Horton, Wm nolmes.mrs A II Housley. M H - Itoarn, H Ilussleenss. Peter Hancock. W li Hsrri*, miss P Hammock. W H Hampton. P it Hail, J M Harrington, W D Hamblin, J K Howell, mrs N A Hastam, Geo 2 Harris, mra p Hardin, mrs N J Howard, airy Hills, HT J Jackson,S A T Jackson, mrs M Jones, w C Jones, B Johnson, John Johnson, John Jl K Kelly, James P Keith, W B Keatn. J J Karr, Frances L Lard, miss SJ 2 Large, capt W II Landers, mrs M Landrum. L I, Ladd, AC Lacy, mrs C A Lacy, mrs A G Lavender. John E Lamram, Geo M Morris, R J Marbutt, VVr RocUfy.JohoT ; Raley.CC Robert WH Roberts. S H Rooks, 1? Y Royels, Win Rogers, Col James Kay, A & Sims, J R Sims. c.c . well. ii:.-. J ’ Segurs, mis? A .Scaulan, P Ssnford, M A Stephens, Je;ss Stinson, A ■ 1 Sandera, mis? E Shaw, A E Shma, A * Stinson, Dr F T Thomas, Dr W E Thnrmin, mrs N K Thomson, J M Tooly.RH Thomson, Thomas *^hoT . miss L M fWj 8 Raid, miss T J Register, O j Reaves, John Straus, F B Story, James Strosier, Dr Stover, J M Stone, miss J Stove*, 3 M Spear, John B P Smith, Jas Smith, mr* 8 Smith, J J B Smith, JP Smith, J J Thompson, J R Taylor, J M Talbert, A J Thrasher, W S Thomson, maj N Thomason, mrs M Williams, miss it j Williams, Joel Winters, W II Williams, W F Williams, H B Willismp, Calvin Walker, -Mrs JI Ward, JR Webstar, mrs M R Wells, Thomas Weathers, miss F Wood, rata C A Wood, A J Woods, W F Wood, Fanny S Persona calltug for tetter^ in the abort Kd will please say they ate advertised. nn d name Uw date. T. C. noWAED, P. M. Ihomton J R W Jj Weaver, mrs M <jl . ViWteeBWtBU - c c Wheeler, cajifc W W Wtlaon, Dr 1 WQfltt, mita C Wood J K Wright, Joseph Wood, W D Wei It, Jert-'mliu 1 ! U ood, mist U i . Wray, S 2 Winston, 0 D NKW AD VE RT18KM KNTS. Runaway Negro Taken Up. T*um*. Dadj Corxtr. Ga, lltb Msy, 1683. HAVE now in Trenton Jtll, a rcgr.i Loy tekeu up and tnrnedovert aa by J.-lCro.^ of tins ...outy He i> about t feet 6 inc 101 hifh, heavy »ct, v.i i a.rk. veleha aront teO ptuuda, about 10 year, old and to ti Io cs to Frank H,rris of Larkiasville, ala. 7ho i nnerjsK- qu*»t»dtoc:mef.iii.i:d, yroiutv u-iv limrec.and take him away AM'irfl, mayUwCm khetilT. Megec, M M olden G >lden miss Martha Marloy,- Robt A Meredith, Spen car A Co Meredith. HB Meads, H P Merritt,iient Wily Haiford. W M Mi-lleton. John Manning. James L Mingus. Win Mo McDugald, M E McCrary, MPa McCrary, mrs Francis A 2 MoGusor, miss Fannie , N Norton, Feut J W Neeae, Rev J L2 Oxen, Dr M G Obrien, mrs Loai?9 M UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. , Ahir.r, . .. Alston. C iX Tuesday, theICth d»y lJ Msy, 1663, • crnmen-Ire J at 11 o’cl-ck, A if. will be sold ot 11,c- Matt, in Chai- nj!-rs etieet, Chariorteu Aprimo Gang of ONE HUNDRED or muse NEGROES, ae.-mt. msd to thoeuiture ol Rico and rrotidons. ^Ta'eUstaof tbe Negroes arrangid In frmiltes and giv ing tneir nemts, ages and <j*ia’tfichtionF,*uay behod uocn applicaricu ti the office ot th underetrnodt, 74 Bread street, during the week pree ding tt e d.v of sala. Terms ca h. Purchasers to pay for bills of tale. JAMES TUPPER, Msst-r tn Equity_ may!4-tiU7 XEQRO MART. i nnn bushels of corn -• • 1>UUU ao BU8HEL6 Kit If YELLOW MEAL 260 BUSHELS OF COW PBAB , . 260 BU3HFLS OF WHITE PX48 Tto arove articles uitl be sold at 10 cents le-s oa the bushel than t e market nitre. Ietv.-i y, u: erdorat Dr. Gntsbracfc s stjr«,i pr '-lla tba rnt-Iiigeacer rdtej. msy 13 If Plantation for Sale, XT 1 l A ®'., GR * N J TIU - ? > ,n OoweU c-anty, and within i-X 8 mUo.of the AtisnLr A Weet Potct Katir.^d sta- Uon. The farm contalt a the rise ot 1,200 aertj-. etx hue, dred e esrrd and the L-.lance to the word-, and well lira, cered, aid U a« good af:rin a* can to R.uu i iu tue dis trict. Oat' ©place are & c< n l-rlaLlo dat-liing heuie, n«E»o booMi* •tabluff, a*, d ere?y roaTenltnct. fcr a noil appoint- ed la^n . It Lu two win-hoasts ana tic.-ew*. iocatsd ca d ffsreut putt cf the farm. For p&rtlaala;*, •noulru oftbenn wCgucd oronldr G o. W. Uaup, at Grant- Tllla, udornia. , * .** • - v mtytdlw THOS O HUMS. Lumber I JOB 8ALF, delivered ot the dept t In Xi 1 At untit A Weet Point RuilieiJ— 4,030 feet 1 Tcnh Pi-nk 8,000 feet M jrlhirb iu flag 8,(00 feet bnertirg 1 lot £ ca&tltQjr— auitabU for {nn,u nraylMw -j H.. = tMiiS inn REAMS ENOL’SH CAP PAPER *■ 260 ieaur. Kagli.b Letter Paper 4.0 reiXH Kogli*h Not® Papci ti mi k M» n , ’«. r.hoeii L L tlcA 10il d a Linen Csmbric Handsereiii,fe «i atylt-lw ROODBUfF, liUSjb A CO’S, 6ch CONOBESSIOfiAL DliTRUT. Rev. J. If. ECHOLS, of Oglelhorj.e County, w ill tf. s-rp.ifed ts a camtlrteti to rr-pidcut tbc 6th Oonyrrntunsl nutrict of Georgia ty tzsyh lOl* MANY CITIZENS. Perrin, X Pearce. David Peek, 3 H I’ayuc, A i Parks, Mrs-E Patillo, Pastewjy Parker, YT J Faxon, ii r Payne, H W >3 Perry, mr- A Parker, mrs If H Parke, Willie • K Jufct Arrived and for Sale, QKT1!F.AL %uod l k) lot of joucg i'o i*itf«scj and lieu re u'irU: a nico at J Fel»owa,j*t W ii II IISJCR30N * CC’fi, Vi it it htU ttrtbta Estray- Newton County, Qeorgio. r AKKN opot fhbi fte«bold of J bl&rk. an £«trav y ;-J 11 VcaeL’vre *1. . FalU^I— J I* .. * 11, rA th j following devirlption • About twoyr iridd. uemarto-, wir- a while ta-ra, white uadtr the b^ly, vri h r. t • r bdnd!.. .He,, a htact spot undar he ete_ w,ih t.iaa wbitealooghistiick.aodan- K. V -vu sod A J Blant-mnr th;517ihdlz- .cxt .r. couiitf, G.-o-yir, to bo wrrth Fiftrcn Tf C c proiwd by trier. 0. H D utters. A tr.:r ,rtro-t ,'r:rr. th, I 1562 irayit-lw -e, i F Ifl.oa A GRESHAM Lave openefla ll.ute in an el»- vated ai d heel toy 1 .* tty on Pe ch Tree .treat. Th-y haveou h&d a let of lit e y Young Negroes—among them a good tanner end shoemaker, a good planta'ioa blacksmith, snd a fancy girl and child. v ‘ - TLey will keep a supply on hand at ait limes and will ifther buy or sett on raaaorablo l. nra. Pei. ,r a wt dtlng to buy or sell will do well to , ,11 on them, at they are de truPnad to give satisfaction. , HELDS A GRESHAM mayI« d3twrlt* A lax ta, Georgia. JUST RECEIVED. 260 ?upitflne ' LobJan Mid* rODLSGAP PA- 150“* Loudon, fall S'zc, LETTER TAPER 800 R ’“ m *0<>BFEDKRAT8 PAPER /jQ Dfcien Bond’* BogiUh lltK | QQ Greet STEEL PENS. RfeorUd maylt-lw BROWN, l LEU1NG A CO. Catch the Deserters, * HiADhtuKviEs 16tk Ga. Battalion, P. B„ l . e ff ar. Tenn, May 11,1»3. / A CL IRE, Sir : Yt u will canre t j be sdrer. “Ayetta Bel', B> valdry T Brown, and Henry Smith, altor Jacksm tonnty Ga. They lave deserted Company D. C tpt Csxnp Tturty licilere Reward will be paid for e«ch of these It lodged many ssfe Jail j- se NIX, nraylt-tf Lt. Co’. Commanding. Book, this May Uth, T A WALKER, Clerk S 0,