Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 29, 1864, Image 2

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SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY T'Y (AMP, WITHERS * CO. Second. Edition, T« Onr Citf Sob*erlb«r«. P*p«M tj call K i!a*d (3 Kft wr paper i'. ^»rtl promptly l I arTAnfentnta fo* a From the Front-Shorman'* Wow Move. Judging from liU moot recent demon stration* on oar right, it would appear that the Federal commqgder U endeavoring to press ns back frnov^e front of the railroad tea. > ovr jfaj'ae-i jyssess himielf of that ,. . .if bfijMor furtheraggressive fij tmlione ■ f'thfc ooald be consumma ted .‘-.herman OM|4tia(e down the Wad, bringing up hie (applies by rail asfaraa the Etowah, bis tram* being necure beyond The movement by flank upon onr left seems to hare been abandoned and tbe Federal troops massed, and the skill and energy °f theireirectorconcentrated upon the right wing of our army, bearing in the direction of the railroad at Acworth. For the past twenty-four or forty-eight hours bU main strength seems to have been bent against onr 'right wing, where onr cavalry have been oeeamonaly forced tack. Harden’s corps, at one time moved to tbe extreme left, hao, wC^understand, been transferred to our extreme right It U impossible to give any definite idea aa to the position and formation of lines. Thus far, in every attempt to force our right the enemy baa been met and- checked. An intelligent and well informed officer, in a position in tbe field (o jadge of the situa tion, writes:— 1 Everything is on the move; apparently aeeking position for line of battle. It fa hard to ditine Gen. John ston’* real intentions, he keeps everything «o,muoh to himself, but from all I can see* l am Inclined to think he Intends giving them battle if they come square up to us. We are about fifteen miles from Marietta. 1 know io little of the country that I am unable to describe the exact locality of our army. Forrest is certainly moving into Tennessee. Roddy has captured Florence, Alabama. . The work wUl soon oommonce." 8}noe the affair at Hew Hope Church, io which the enemy, end Hooker’s oorpe especially, were so severely punished there has been no engagement of consequence, Jbut occasional skirmishes, aa tbe lines ma- WCttvreing, came into collision. ' P. 3.—Since the above was in type we have received telegraphic information of a spirited engagement between Cleburn’s division and tbe fourth army corps (Fed eral) under Howard, in which tho^m was repulsed with great slaughter The same account states that the enemy’s left is gradually giving way, ft is the general impression that a battle srill be-fought to-day. All the relief committee* here have bean ordered up, and the indication* are favorable for a general engagement. pnght Cscgrcsa ts Adjourn? How that all serious apprehensions for the fall of Richmond has subsided, says the Richmond Enquirer of th J 31st, is is hoped that Congress will reconsider it* res olution to adjourn on the 2-Ut Inst., and diligently attend to those important du tim that.devolve upon it. This, is no li-ao for any public servant to neglect the traits confided to him. There are important matters of legislation that imperatively demand the attention of Congress. If it should become necessary for the Congress to fly. the city, ample opportunity will be afforded; for no one expects the Confeder ate Congress to imitate those stupid old U Vho, .sitting in silenoe, permitted the tau>srisns to pluck them by the beard. No, it'. Hie evil hour should ever come, fly by all means, for a worse barbarian than Goth, or Visigoth, or Hun, now threatens Richmond. But the day is for off that shall see tbe Yankees con querors In Richmond. We hope, therefore, that the resolution to adjourn on the 31st instant witl-be reeioded. * The tax law requires legislation. It has Gestures that are neoeasary to itaeffirien cy, but which greatly injure the country, and are real Impediments not only to trade and business, but also to the collec tion of the taxes. The double tax on stocks calls for relief, and the clause re lating to the tax-in-kind requires expla nation and interpretation. There are bills for military organ uUion that should be passed. The Reserve Forces cannot be efficiently organised without further legist The notion ao promptly taken by the Congress upon the matter of their own •alary and mileage, will be cheerfully ac quiesced in if the members exhibit a de termination to work diligently, but if the CongreM remains in Richmond just long enough to double the pay of its members, and then take to flight upon iU double mflasge, it will be difficult to reconcile the public to such dereliction of duty. Captain Cowan. We had the pleasure of meeting in our sanctum yesterday, Capt- F. M. Cowan, of the 1st Georgia State Regiment. From him we learn that we did him and hit Company injustice in an article in this paper a few days since, and we take pleasure in setting him right. It appears that Capt. Cowan’s Company -was on the front, and compelled to foil back when pressed by superior numbers. A few of bis man did roach Centreville. bat tbe major part of the company remained at the post of duty till ordered back by the proper officer. f3T" Where is the Rome mail? Wears requested to make this inqory by numbers of refugees from Rome, Ga., end it* vicin ity. We trust those whom it may con cern will institute a rigorous search after the musing bags, and have it distributed at some convenient point. The malt must have accumulated somewhere doting the recent evacuation of that country, and we trust will soon be forthcoming. “Bam to* tux Wxaxr «s mWorro- ' xd.”—The little volume with this title, a notice of which appeared in yesterday’s Confederacy, may be had at McFbenon’s .bookstore, Whitehall street. fW Dr. C. T. Quintard will hold divine semoes this morning at St. Luke’s Church, Walton street. Tba Dscaisacs of Stain. We are no believers in the theory of the decadence of nations and their progressive deterioration until they meet the fate of conquest and become merged in a more vigorous race and people. The Spanish nation is now giving the denial to this hy pothesis. IU decline from the palmy state to which it bad been brought by tbe vriee 1 counsels of an Ximenea and tbe arms of Charles the Fifth, had been so evident, that it was thought that nothing less than a miracle could restore her to her pristine condition. Yet she has within the last half century attained a new lease of power and prosperity. The social changes throughout Europe which had their root in the French Revolution of 1789, may have me agency in this revival of the fortunes of Spain. Notwithstanding the loss of her colonies in the West, and the confusion into which her finances had fallen, she now ranks among at least the Powers of the second class in Europe. The curious speculator might discern the gns of British deterioration in the lose of Continental influence within a few years. It may be that in the silent revolution of empires, commercial States are. more than others, under the influence of that law of growth, maturity and decay that appears to have visited all the States of this class in ancient times and the middle ages. Carthage, when brought into collision with Rome, perished from the superiority of the military over the commercial power. The Republics of the middle agea—Venice, Genoe, Pisa—underwent the same fate. Holland does not exist in the same palmy state as when she defied the power of Fog- All these Slates presented examples of pre-eminence in arts, arms and science, and having reached a certain elevation, began a downward course of degeneracy. There may be something in the commer cial apirit that leada by an irreaiatible pro* greasion to ibis result. How there may be no external indications of decline in tbe fortunes of England, except as disclosed in her loss of Continental influence, still there may be hidden causes of Internal decay at work while there are no indica tions of external danger. It can admit of no denial that States like Great Britain, engrossed by the acquisition of riches—applying their science and in. ventive talent to gain supremacy in the arts of industry—extending their domin ion qm* the most distant lands to open up nernuarketa for their products—may be losing in the higher moral qualities what they are gaining in material benefits, and in loftiness of apirit what cannot be found in the lower instincts of commerce. The tendency of trade is toward national deterioration. The adverse influence is found in the cultivation of the military virtues. There seems to be no question but what the commercial has predominated over the military spirit in England for the last fifty years. The Crimean war was a faint reflection of the former martial ardor of the British nation, but her rival across the Channel earned the larger share of the glory reaped in that conflict. England haa advanced since the peace of 1813, in the arts of peace prodigiously. Her accumu lation of wealth has been beyond that of any previous period of her history. The gold discoveries on the Pacific shore have multiplied her store of riches. If gold has not been the corraptor of her morals, it has made avarioe, more than national pride, the guiding principle of her conduct. Her anxiety to avoid the pecuniary burdens of war is plainly evident. What is this but an evidence of national decline ? —of the ascendancy of the- commercial over the military spirit—of the passion for riches, over the impulses of national pride. corrssEBiTS mtta cosoasii. MoXdav, Mat 23,18G4. Uors* or XI l-Kk.-tsTATIYIS. _ SSS ti noss ISSKL.T13S TO Tax wae. ahd is r.ivox or psaCX bt sis.iia.iion Mr J T. Leach. of N. C , iff.-red tha fol lowing resolution j: Whores* tbe ubconelitruional esaotiaentof laws by the Congress.-, f tbe Doited States, from time to lime, U|> a subjects of vital im portance to the bsTm .oy ana iadepeDiienee of iheSta es, tbe happiness and prosperity of tho people, the pres.-rtaiion s-.d perpelu»Uuu i-t the Union against the demands of justice, tbe appeals and admonitions Of her beet and aiscst Statesmen, mads it onr p-infat doty to fall back upon the rights fur which tne colo nies maintained thewsr of i he revelation, and which onr forefathers steerted and maintained to be clear and invaluable: Resolved, then far *, by tits Congress of the Confederate States, The delegation from eaoh State soling in its lovercign and independent character for tbe pnrpoae of adding moral to onr physical force, and pleoiug ourselves properly before tne eivilissd world, do most earnestly appeal to the President, by and with the mdvici sad content cf tho S-naU, to ap point oommiMtocera, whose duly it obeli be to propot* an armistice of ninety day* to tbs roper authorities of the Federal Government, reliminary to negotiation* for peace npon :*(« sovereignty and independence; and the a&ii comuiisei jners shall report in writing to the FresiJout ihe answer roieived from the Federal Government upon the subjeot. Resolved, That should the peace making power of tho Federal government accede to tho proposition for an armiatica of ninety days the President be requested to oonvene the Congress of the Confederate States for the pur pose of-appointment of aosttaterioaers by and with Ihe sdrloe and content of the Senate: and that be be alto requested to notify tho Esi live of the several States of the fact, and aek thdr co operation by appointing commission on either by the L-gtilaturee or by conven tion, to eo operate with tho commissioners op pointed by the President to negotiate with oonuniasionore appointed by the Federal gov eminent upon euoh term* of ptsoe as will hi consistent with the hoaor, dignity and inde pendance of the States, and compatible with tbe safety of our tooial and poliUoal rights. Resolved, That in maintaining the right* guaranteed to tu by tho blood and troatnreof our revolutionary fathers, and dear at all tim** to freedmen, we detire to be let alone; we atk no man’s property, we fight not for aonqnsst, but for onr rights, the independence of the Slates, onr equality, our civil and religions liberties. . Resolved, Thu snob terms cf pesos as are agreed npon by th* Commiwionsrt ought to be endorsed by tbe President and Senate, and submitted to tha people for their ratifiostlon or rejection. Mr. Foote moved to rtfor tho resolution to the Committee on Foreign Affaire. Mr. HeiakeU of Tennessee, moved to lay the resolution* on tho tab!*, and on that motion the yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted, yess 62, nays 22. 9* We are requested ty Surgeon S. L. Stout, Medical Director of Hospitals, to inform tha Relief Committees and Surgical Corps to proceed immediately to Marietta. Urge Relief Committee* to be prompt, and taka forge (applies of pro virion*. Impress upon Surgeons in charge of hospitals at the various hospital posts, to increase their capacity immediately. Transportation will be furnished from Marietta to the field. on* Alas Julep. . Is Finn bias Dallas, Ga , 1 Msy 27, 1864, 6 o’clock P. If. / Dear Confederacy—We are entrenched across the Atlanta road two miles from Dallas, and havt has* htrs over (foe* daylight on Iht morning of tho 26th. Wo have had heavy skirmishing since yesterday morning and are now “pegging away” fisreoiy all around tho lino. Wo have boon hourly exporting the en emy would aasaalt us, but eo for they have kept at a reepootful distance. Onr troops are keen for tha conflict. A portion of Hood’s oorpe was heavily engaged on onr right yes Urdsy, and repulsed the enemy gloriously in three anooessive assaults,—csruslUti not Capt. B. B. Donaldson, a gallant of ficer of tho 16th Tsnn. Regiment, was killed this morning. No more at present. Respectfully Mist Jvjxr. A VIalt to Camp Georgia, near Atlanta.31 Mr. Editor: As it la common for the papers to say something of nearly every command, and as nothing haa yet been said of the body comprising th* numbers in camp at the above place, I think it nothing but jostles to them to esy that a finer set of men, to the number, haa >r been in camps. They are ail healthy, intelligent and brand new looking men, and when called to the test, will ptove themselves worthy of tha cause in which they are sa lt seams to bo the general desire among the entire oommnad to elect their own field offi cers, and If aa eleetion is held, I think Cel. O. P. Anthony trill be slacted Brigadier Gen eral. He is goat rally spoken of in connection with the petition, and I think a better eeleo- I not bo made. I am satisfied that he to competent and worthy, having much ex perience in the terries of hie country. Ymiron. lie King ej I he Poor.—At Creto. a email town in the Tjtol, then exists the coelom ol -h—i-j . king of the poor. The individmel this dignity to usually conferred is el, hard-working men. without debt, bat also without any savings. The mooerch in qaastion having recently died, a popular fes tival took piece on tha nomination of his aue* The king elect wee conveyed in an otd cart to tho spot where the ceremony of eo. to take place; there an old and worm-eaten chair and table had boon placed on a platform; tho new sovereign was gravely pitted there, and after being served with a very repast, accompanied with some brandy, tbe tost will of hie predecessor, which wee drawwup in htunoranx terms, we* read tiond; then led, followed by a precession of in rage, into all the liquor shops, rae given gratis. FBOCtixMATlOX, HxATQCAXTXXd Ga. Mlirru, > Alinota, J!ny 28, 1864. / To the People of Georgia: Your State U invaded, .n-l a portion of it« moet valuable territory owrrta by a virdio- tive enemy of great streuitb, who is living wute and devastating tit country behind him. Unless this force ia checked speedily, the property and hemes ofkhontands must be destroyed and they driveijonl as wanderers in dsstitnlion and beggary: Onr noble army Beads tfimher reinforce ments till the emergeney fee paired. I have summoned the civil and Lilitary officers of the State to arm*, and the)are promptly and nobly respondixg. If and of these who are •object to militia doty are ymsmisg at home, who are able to do oerrfe, I desire the old men to report the foals ti me immediately, that courts martial may b ordered, or other proper steps taken, to com pi them to do their doty or Buffer the penalties. When all the officers shall have rtepcejcd, more men will ■till be needed. I do* not order out the re- terved militia except at Ithei most exposed points, bessuse some mat he left at home to mike bread; and the <!d mm from 50 to 60 17, we notable, as a gen- pbospect t: s TELEGRAPHIC. XXTOBTB Q» THE PRESS ABBOCIATT*— ifi<fa tbe Mobile Register, «th ] Letter Iron* Alin Army In Aikuui. Th* following private letter has been obligingly placed at onr disposal: Can* St a* C*nsm, Axx, May 7, It**. My Dior Wether: I know yen all are very uxioi about me, but ttae* we left the Atcbtfklsym 1 h.vehad oft opportunity cf communicating with you. We Ml tack bom Slmmeport March 12, before a very largely superior Are*, Mir brigade, Scarry**,Alone being there; sad when we got to Markiville, near Port DsRntsey, Gen. Walker found his dlvlaion, which only numbered then about 2,600 musketi, unable to oppose th* enemy, mmbertng from 16,000 to 20,000 men, with about twen ty gnnbnat*. Lt Col. Byrd, who commanded Port Da- Ressey, wee ordered to hold out a* long as potriblt.— After we Ml back tbe fort was attacked in front and rear sad Ml of con rae, Col. Byrd only having about 653 men, end the fort pet being eotppleted. Gen. Taylor was at Alexandria, La, thirty miles dietont, and la command cf tbe dictate*. Col. Byrd was not under Walker’s orders. A want of co-operation, or perfect understand lag, between Gens. Teylor and Welker, rented the capture by tha enemy of Byrd’s commend. Walter fell back from Red River towards tbe Pine Hills, with S Very ner|»,ti«nr, eue [see succeeded In getting out safely, when Banks, ia less then thirty^Ix hours, earns up bom Opelmuat, eo route to form a junction with the river force* at Alexandria. Walker dltpleyed much ability In thus taring hie little army, and tie whole train. Gen. Mouton’e ditrlrion joined ue the day after we left Verkevlile, or Idanenra rathe*, a iites towa near MarksviUe, bat both dlrialone were too weak to aent the force of the enemy, and the whole then con tinned to Ml back through the pine hill ridge, * fern- late wDdarnese, toward* Manifold. Tne enemy cam* up by land and water until they reached Natchitoches —then branching out In the direction orUauaSeldwlih about so.oopmen wo fought them, twice onr numbers, end routed them completely, dnylng them live t and capturing about S,000 prieonera, K0 wagena, twen- ty-pieeec of artillery,« ambulance*, and compeldng them to Ml beck, demoralised, to Pleasant Hill, twelre id between KanrSeld end Next dey.punned them, fought them et Pleasant Hill that afternoon late. Night coming on we drew off Uil morning, wben we found the enemy had fled In dismay, leering their wounded behind, and we took possession or Pleasant Hill, and Gen. Green** cavalry pursued them to Natchitoches, capturing many prison are, wag on*, Ae. W# wsae then ordered to Camden, Arkansas, whan Price wee about tavaatlng Steele, whose force wu eboqt 14,600 men. W* reached Camdao, (Walker’s division) April 37—found Slee’e bad fled towards UU1* Rock, burning wagsna, harness, destroying stores, etc en* threw!eg artillery Into the Ouachita river. Marmadake bad already cut off and captured eleven hundred prisoners, Are or six pieces of artillery, and altogether abeat fire hundred of his wsgons, before Rteeie left Camden. We pargued him (Kirby Smith, commanding us,) overtook him at Saline river, fought him April SOth, whipped him, and captured several hwndred prisoner sad many Wlgoni tod rtoret. Ho had gotten scrota tha Bailee, however, with n portion of hia forces, and hi* wagon* had also crossed. He go! ewer with tbe main body of his army, though com pktely demoralized, leaving hla wagon train, ambu lances with wounded, (among them two Major Genet- alsj stuck In the mad on the other aide cf Saline. Their hospital was also left Ml of wounded, whom we captured. They fought desperately, and our division only eared ns from disaster. Price was roughly han dled. Onr brigade made a glorious fight for two hours fighting In mad and water np to our a swamp and at the distance *f ninety or hundred paces. Our lots heavy. Brigadier General Scurry and Brig. Gen. Randle, of oar di Viet on mortally wounded, since dead. I commanded my regiment through all, from th* time w* left Bbmnsport until now. Cc L V. haa been east of tit* Miealastppl for three monthk In twenty two daye we have marched two hundred and flfiymlle*, fought three battisaandgained three rict-iriea. Iaa unhurt, thank God. Love to all. We are now lying qeietly . in camp near Camden, awaiting orders. Banks Is in vast- ed in Alexandrie, file*]* in LIUle Rock, and the const y Florida Relief Association. Anaxva, Ga, May IT, 1604. At • meeting of Floridian*, sod others in terested la ths welfare of the soldier* from that gallant mad patriotic Stolp, aa organlza- ttom cf th* “Florida Relief Association” was completed by the eleetion of th* following officers: Msj. Geo. B.*F air banka, President. John C. Whitner, Secretary and Treasurer. McNaaght, Ormond A Co., Receiving Agtx. This Association to not intended to supply ths place of or interfere with the other benev olent Associations which have been formed, and which are, with a generous and impartial spirit, rendering assistance to all who are in need; bnt ws aim to add to th* grneral im pulse and sympathy which are felt ia all quar ters for our wounded aoldiera, and to afiord a channel of esmmanieation with those who feel a special inters at in Floridians, and who may desire to forward contribution* cf funds or •upplto* to this point. We will b* glad to receive from onr friends In Florida especially anything which they can send useful to the tick and wounded. Oranges, lemons, limes, As , win be particularly acceptable. Direst te McNaaght, Ormond A Co., Atlanta, and mark “Hospital Supplies.” O. R. Faixbahks, President John C. Wnrrxmx, Bec’ry and Treia’r. All papers in Georgia and Florida friendly to suck a move will please copy the above. |3F" See oar new rates byj. a. TaaeSaas, lata* *****'”- 1 * 1 ** rgljL* ^ >0>KlmU fit**** ' jr tta Bcntbern Mitricl and tha boys uader Orel rale, to endnre Ury field Bat 1 do ^ able for servioq, and c| from boms, to hasten to battle to fought. Many service in the mill- i npon all who are possibly be spared afield till the great .Confederate con- be driven treets, details and exempboe, who are stoat and able to do military day, and can go to the field for a time wiiboul serious detriment to the public interest. Ai! neb, with all other* able for duty, are earneetiy requested to fly to arms aa the State offices have done. Let eaoh report to Gen. Way*B, at Atlanta, and bring with him a feed qfilt or blanket, and rations to last him to comp and a good double barreled shot gun If he kill on*. If not he oan be armed by th* Uovenment. Georgian* 1 we are nowia the crisis of our fate. The destiny of ouripceterity for ages to eom* may hang upoi the results of tbe next few dxy*. He who routine at home now, may soon occupy it a* a ilave from it. Bally to tbe rescue, and till th* danger la ptsied, let the wateb-woii of every patriot be, “To arms 1 and to thf front 1" and the vaudal hordes will soon bedrlven btek. JdE?n E. Bsowx. I&“ Eaoh daily paper it the Stats will copy onoa in its first issue, and forward bill* to the Executive Deportment at liUedgerille. I J. S, B. To the Public —We, l;e undersigned, ap pointed by the Belief Atiifiistion to establish an “Ambulance Corps,” tqfooilitate tranipor tation, etc., for our wounded soldiers from tbs bsttie-fleld, would call upn ths oitixens of Attonls and ricinity, whojhave conveyances, to know who are willing, fossa* of emergenoy, to allow us the use of thek horses, carriages and drivers, or any of thea, and that all who are willing fo to do, report the same to either of us to-day, or as soon thereafter as possible. K. H. Paaxs. J*. PsTBRS. L. LawsHs. £a Lawsbe. A S. Metis. Atlanta, May 26,18G4, Home i.x BiFtrokse —Two young Ixdioe can obtain board in a pltrtiant family in Mid dle Georgia, by applying at this office. msy29-2t To Odd-Fellows.—Meeting of Grand En campicent and Grand Lodge is postponed until farther notice. By order tv 17m. H. B.tnsxe, Grand' Patrisroh. ; Jeans w. Swwar frond Master.. Geo. R. Baxxxx, G. S. Macon, Ga., May 28, 1864. may23-2t To the Ladle* of St. PJ»iUlp'e Parley. LaJDita: It is unnecessary to tell you that the enemy is at our door. The booming of the cannon announces the stern fact in unmistaka ble language; yet we may tell you what you eeem to have forgotten—that to, that wounded, mangled and dying soldiers, who havo given all for the defense of your homes, are daily brought to our city, expecting the relief at yonr hands that their valtr entitles them to receive. They have placed themselves bo- tween you and the demons let loose upon our land, contesting inch by laeh tboir advance; giving their heart’s blqod for yonr protection, dying nobly to save you from pillage ancj all its attendant horrors. Is the language strong? Look at the desolated fieMi ruined homes and insulted women of those stotlons where (hey hare passed, and learn what your own fate will he should we be defeated. Osn you, In this hour cf peril, hesitate to com* forward and render your sssietanile to yonr brave de fenders t Upon the should ere of a devoted few rest* the heavy respoistbliily of attending to their wants, find we fob finding the under taking mors than we can aooomplish alone. Ladies, come forward and help us. The ordi nary avocations of life .suet be, for st time; suspended. Oar brave mldiers are straining every nerve to win thelrown and our Inde pendence, and so must w7 bend all our ener gise to the task of attending those who re quire it. A few of us hare dltcrmined to remain In ths city as long ss tiers to n Confederate soldier to care for, sad ri appeal to you all to lay aside yonr fears, forgtt your panio, dismiss all thonghts of “running” and join us in the noble work; tnd when tur liberty to estab lished, yon then can cldm yonr share cf ito rewards. Mrs. D. N. Jucsoh, Secretary. By ord*r of Mr*, fl. T. Jones, President St. Phillip’* Hospital did Society. maj28-10t i Salt Notice.—All parsons to whom ws hive previously sold Saty are notified to come forward and receive their Salt, atjl to now in ■tore at the risk and “expense of th* owner. Shipment* by railroad' Will be mad* as soon transportation eon be had. SxajGo, Pauses A Co. mAj 24-61 Rags! Bass I Bags!—The highest market prise will be paid for Begs at this office. Degt and their WVys—Tbs pciatsr's fcl>, men Mould te tit* field, orDsccmterfiU oolyaa old Muchaa- spotit la tks cookiej. Th* original stay lathis : The keronmad* arena* to ins Beat Iodise sod took with him a IkTonts pointer. Oae day, when three hun dred Isagues from laud, the dog pointed, tad attar mochccnrersatioa hla sastas laid a handled guineas thatgmae would be found within half on hear. The ceptalacfthe vs sill, beisg aamred by the euzgvoa that the baron waa sans, trek the tot. -Doe# and” were eeereeiy sold eo bath sMts, when ms saker* who; wire fishing te Ito long boat harpooned an exceedlagly large ehnifo which they brought on bawd and began to cutup for tks purpose ufbaritliag thk oil, when behold! they foaad sole* than six bnc* of lire partridges te this animal’s stomach. They had boss so loaf te that attastisu that one of Um hens was sitting npon faor eggs, tod a fifth egg was batch- > tbe shark was sySaed. This young bird irea bruaght np by placing it with a litter of kittens that extra into tbs worid a few minutes before. The old eat won st fond of it a* sf say cf her own tour legged preffany.aadmade hereslf very unhsppy when it flew out cfhsr reach, tm It geturped again. 'B®* A Cincinnati dispatch of th* stye: 'A letter received here to-day form a reliable scarce states that a considerable rupture has taken ploco in the Cabinet between the Presi dent and Mr. Chase, in relation to Gen. Blair’s atment, and it to said that the end fo not yet. Mr. Chase will he « candidate for the Presidency before the Baltimore Convention.” Glorious from the Front. Enemy handsomely Repulsed. Clebura ambuscades them. Their loss between 6,000 and 7,000. • Latest from the North. Maximilian buys the Mersey Rams. r From the Trans-Mississippi. ““ Results of late operations. Frsna the Front. New, vis Maxixita, Msy 28.—Ths enemy is massed in our front on the south aide of (he Pumpkin Run Creek. Thero was very heavy artillery and musketry skirmishing yesterday from sunrise to dork, principally on the right wing, when it cessed and was re turned about midnight. Wo esptured between 200 and 800 prison- oners, among them Lt. CoL Fambliss, of tba 69th Ohio, Adjt. Holler and 3.lieutenants. Oar foroes are inspired with the esafldenoe m their Commander and their abil ity to defeit tha enemy. Every man to anx ious for a general engagement to take plate, which will probably be to-day. Skirmishing to now going on on onr right and right oentre. Lt. Co). Fsmbliie report* Gen. Vilhaok wounded in the action at Besaoa. SICOXB DISPATCH. Gen. Oleburn’s division engaged the fourth army oorpe about one o'clock this morning, end after a desperate contest, signally repnlsed ;t with a loss of between 6,000 and 7,000. We csptnred between 160 and 200 prisoner*, In clusive of wounded, and immense quantities of arms and aooonlremente. Gen. Clebura saye the enemy’s dead were piled thicker tnen he ever saw them before Between 600 and 1Q00 dead were left olote np to hto front. Their Une of breastworks in fr.nt of Gen. Loring's division was abandoned. Qur loss will 6robably reach four or fire hundred. Skirmishing to still going on. The enemy's left to gradually giving way. Kortticres News. Richmond, May 28.—Tho New York World and the New York Journal of Commerce were ■oppressed for publishing bogus proelama tioni from Lincoln, oatliog for 400,000 men, and appointing a day of faeting and prayer — The editors offer large rewards far the perpe trators of the hoe*. A London correspondent of the New York Newt eeye the Mersey run would be sold to Maximilian, who to eoUeotlng a powerful fleet. In th* House of Commons, on the 2d of May, Ltyard admitted that an agent htd been sent from Havana to the Confederate States, in or- dor to communlcato with tho government, bnt wu not allowed to pass through the blockade. Sir J. Elptinstone asked whether sending agent did not amount to an acknowledgment of tho executive power of the Confederate States. No reply wu given from the Minis terisl bench. congressional. Nothing of interest has transpired in either boose to day, both resolving themselves into secret session at an early hour. It to raining this afternoon. Tha Herald of the 26th is rlceived. Gold Is quoted at 186. Mar* from th* Front, Battle Field, 18 miles from Marietta, May 18.—Heavy skirmishing began at daylight yesterday morning on the left, and oontinued without Intermission until about 6 o’clock, when a desperate assault wu made on Ste venson's division, which wu repulsed hand Bome'y, with heavy lost to the enemy. A battery wu ran within 200 yards of Stew* art’s line and opened a terriflo fire. Oar sharpshooters killed overy gunner and horse, and tie battery wu hutlly abandoned. Lut night at 12 o’olook, the enemy advano ing on onr extreme right, wu ambuscaded by Olebum’s division, whioh, followed np with a charge, rented the enemy completely, leaV' ing 149 prisoners, including a brigade com mander, together with their dead and wound ed in onr hand*. The enemy's Ion in the affair wu between 6.000 and 6,000. Onr loss aboat 600. The condnot of Grnnberry’s brigade it high ly spoken of. Granberry received a alight wonnd, bnt to still In the field. Skirmishing began this morning, and still continues. The enemy ore muting an their left this morning. Heavy firing of artillery continues up to 11 o’olook. From th* Trams Mississippi. Houston, Texas, Msy 10—vta Summit, May 28.—Since April tha 8Ut we have whipped two Yankee armies, one In Louisiana and the other In Arksnsu. driving the latter to Little Book, and surrounded the former in Alexan. dris. capturing in all 80 piece* of artillery, 8 000 stands cf small arms, -6,000 prisoners, 10.000 wagons, 2 gunboets end four transports, sinking 4 new gnnboats and 6 Urnsfiortsjand killing and wounding fatly 8,000 Yankees. Oar total lou in killed, wounded and miss log to aboat A000. At present Steele is at Little Rock with the wreck of 16.000 troop*; threatened by Price. The Yankee Gen. Thayer to killed, Btnkt’ army to 23,000 strong in Alexandria. Porter’s fleet to detained above by low water. We have possession of Red Rirer above mad below, and heavy forow on each side. CoL Griffin with a fofee of 200 sharp (hooter*; and a battery ef artillery, sur prised 2 gunboats, the Granite City, 8 inch iron otod, and a fin* tin clad whioh pawed Calcasieu May 6;b. Wa captured both. The Yonkers hod to send boat* ashore to enrrta der. There was 160 prisoners captured, 16 fist cannon and no end to the stone. On the 9th a Yankee moil boot wu captured at Caloattoa by Msj. McBsynsIds. Affairs in Northern Mexico were all quiet on the 22d of ApriL The Yankees landed a force of 330 at Ls- vteco, and set fire to the town. Several blocks were oonenmed. ATTENTION, MILITIA! HE AIQUARTESS OF.0R1A MHITII,! ATLiKti, u»r as, isM- l GENERAL OS DEE No 8) I. Oflce fcoms frea S A M to 13 M, snd from 3 to 8 o’clo.k P M. II. Vorntcg repoits will be teat In bj 9 A il. AppN- reiioos for Ii ve of xbse::oe and forloegAs win fce seal io 1th the morning report*, cr before li If. TA J will hr at no other time. m The Order!}’! beer le eetebllteed At 17 if, when Aojotaate cf Begtmenta and ether fluff .aeeiererelviiix >1 directly torn this rOce wm lepat for the orders of th* day. SUff Uflwre tens repcsttes on doty wll wear their errords. IV. AppliciUeas for leaves of tbesnes or for for': cgbi WIU cams to this otfies tbreogh ths regalsr ssorndlnf cfitaneis of comsacnicstion. properly sr proved t* visit th* city wUl to rexslstel by ths ipntnd meat toceuntsr- atfneA by tee Proroat Uarrhxl en retching th* cKy.otiurwim th* Individ a ata who hear teem will te arrested by tea provost Gored sad rathread to te* TL Both offlcwl and ram are atrnrstiy desired to done th* IretreMlets oeartye* la tel* cider, a* It te only by a doe regird to lyrteer test tnrlaeee tan he facll- tteie.*, and curied on with brerflt Co tee poblo tstereeta *od with cornier, to the command. Tte hearty coopera tion of ertry iodltidral under hie eoauuad, obsterer hie partite*, le steed for by th* MeJo- Genera*, ccraraud- temuttb only .ty united and hsiraoaloa* aetioatest bt aril clad results can he achicrcd. By evdrr Ha|rr G morel Ooraraaadfoff- W K DAQKAPtBNBBID, rasyfi-tf Major end AAGecartL New Advertisements. Lost or Stolen, T A3T SIGHT, In th!s city, two BORSte—oso «l!fbt JLi ckfant ocrrel fobont ten hand* high; the ether • Uftt iorr*l, »boot fifteen hands hl/h. I will frrre tone htredrei dollar* reward for their do* ttrcrj ct Jocflffi* Livery Stable la this city. wmy?9-3t $500 REWARD! stoat 10 yeera, date brown osier, Mbs about 14* Ito. Coppered to to raahlax bar wayto Brats. Yat 1 |M the atom reword If delivered to ra* or lodredlaasj sofa Jail ohree laaaflettor. Lat*entuy liVelltlMTI* I. w KETCHAM, core cf Willie * T. cep. Capt J B HAKVAT. amrfS-S* floored KootoeXy Orvairy Hotel for Sale. •entorLAJTOffittttM. Enqnir* ffit <bf« o duly smn Farther Postponement SIX PER CENT. BONDS. _ BICUHie, ei.y IO, 'SM f yyrmwroseaBraiack ortho o uaao of paatoeu*- U raaoLth# public SAle of GOVB'NUENI t IX VKfi CENT. BOND., which we* sdrortiaad f r ths rate lust. It hereby postponed until WXUNK6DAY, 8-h Jam. Tbees Bonds offre roe lodaeeeotti to pnrebu- «. They havo TUIUTY YKAIfl to reo, baeraa lute- “* peyab a bat yrerly, and re SECURED by a pledge of import aud expert future stiea. Beth pdrelpolaad burnt are rut BOOM TAXATION, aud tee OOUPDN3 are Slade by the law equal ta COIN, for tha peyaiant of duties on baporta, whitesfaSBondto be paid only laceiu, etcrUc, ex- tee eeapose of teeee Brede. CONDITIONS or BALL TU eslee will be made la lota in ault purehaoere. Ton ores-ton tea araamt at perohan raaatb. deposited day o' sals, to to forte tad If 1 with, snd te* tahuusbspald i days Tht psyrasats ranst to • of ths rsw las**, or of tin th* two* ore sot rmpUra wlib, •: at ths Tiaosary wtihta ten f mad* in the Trtaaary co'sa old tamer»- teodoarmbiationatoew on* bund rad lol- lan, ratio at tee ibtide of tha eranaat promised on th* OO UEMlnKGEB, fiecretary of tb* Treesnry. Bnbleteed lea copy of tbe lections of tee set aateo- riling tha ntW iuttS: flee. S. That to ray ths txpeniu of tee G, not otherwise provided Io,, the Secretary of the Treasury ta hereby uthortsed te leue a-x per cent bonds to sa amount not ercetdlng five hundred million* or dollars. cottaa, tobacco mad navel a lores which shall to exported from tesConfedertte fltmtae. or eo much thereof m may to BMCsssrytootyoasully tee Interest, are hereby spe cially pladyad. Providad thsttea duties now laid opoa towns, and hereby pledged, shall beraAftar to psta In ■«*!»* » |B or la ocupcnr of flm 8. Tbs bonds sulhcrlted by lbs Sth tec tire of this tot rasy either to registered or orepoa bends, aa tha per- UrataUag team may oleot, and U»y any to exchanged to eacho tkor under such ranlatlrts •• ths Secretary of tea *te"*’/ prtacrTbat they ahsU to to on* hundred dollars, cr some multiple of re* hundred dtl- lato srd rhaU, with tea coopena tbttato attached, tola Bach fora aad or aaoh rethantlcsttdn sa tea Secretary of ite Treasury mxy prcacrlkei the In t.reat ato'l to payable hall yearly, on the first of January aud July la each ycart aud taaprioaipal shall be parable not tan than tblr y years attar data. may27. - Home for Refugees. C'OR SUE. SN acres good LAND, la a high stats or P estivation, with a flea DWELLING HdUSB. Ba- qulrs at tela efles. . maj2*-'f A Home for Refugees. TJIOR BALE, one of tee moot OOMf ORTABLV PLAOBB X In Fort Vall.y, Honatou Oreaty. GeorgU Apply *» — . ■ W D PULTON, Atlanta, Ga. m>727-itw PHILANDER P. PEASE, WHOLESALE Grocer and Com. Merchant, AISO DEALER IN Cotton, Hops, Sheoting, Shirting, Ytrt? and Domestics, Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco, WIN SHIP'S IRON FRONT STORE, PEACHTREE STREET, “ ATLANTA, GEOnoiAi EErgXISCES! Mitchell A Smithr. M—re, Oo. Erwin A Hardas, Barsnnah, Go. ggJtiJ^lEmhhm^Vm UZSSi&SSZiL ayS-lao G. W. KNIGHT, Auction and Oom. Merchant, AND EXCHANGE BROKER XN Stocks and Bonds, Bank Notes, Sold and film, ATLANTA, GA. nayf-Inxn FIRST0LASS RESTAURANT SASSEEN & RING. H/l have fitted up re Marietta abeat a FIRST GLASS V RBflTAUBANP, whan all may expect good erder and oomothlog good to sat aad drink (-xcapt whisky) Uanriox Hoi ■ wflltoalwaya en hiad loec.-ommrdate rev who wish a rap cf pure Oofloe, Oyatara, Haa aud Egcx, and var.oni other good things to cat. n»i4-1ao ARCADE. • M. C. CATCE, Auctioneer, (LATE or MEMPHIS, TUX.) Commission Kerc-ast tnd Beal Estate Broker, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. WXGBD33, Hrodooa,aud all olhar axticlaa for aala, J.V wi.l raculva my prompt actartioa. nifty 4-1 tm PROFESSIONAL. Dr. J. M. BIGGERS, H AVING r*‘arc«i to Ifc* Ci*y, tgxla effars h.*s rci. wieffistothffi dtiidsi^f AuibU And lorrofladicf country. HaTiBf Utn «8fWgtd In tb« Rtf treed Prartlce of MffidiclMfiirMywftl )«UI thc«» prSodp?e h*T« nidad my rr*ffitfc*y and *xp#r!.nc" bw tacr'it mw no; to dls- trust thffiir tinflb, anlcty end Ttlce X SmI «nn of shrltc fall satiaffioClon to ft*1 wbontay Civ* mo ft call. I will fttUnd ftll cftUa ]«a ftt my ctfioffi im my fto—re Special a cblld/tn. tdffiocffi on Houston itnr. Bmmon -Col GftnEUy, Col T C Hownn*; B W Holiwad aad A AaitcU, Falt' n B*-k; Jhmot H 0ffi>b(4r«. M*yon M WUtftlw, Cowm!c*ary Gmui'; O E Wit* Ue#, P Lynch, Wm <PHftUoras, Wil.Um McCftrroll, W O Porvyih* A B forty th. pyKMmo ANDERSON & JOHNSON, SUC0H90BS TO AXSXXSOff, AD AIK A CO., GeneralCommission Merchants (■ear tieorgia Railroad Eank igency) bXSea ATLANTA. QA. MARKLEY & JOYNER, Wholesale Druggists, ATLANTA, GA. O. POWELL Auctioneer and Real Estate AGENT, WHITEHALL STREET. COPARTNERSHIP. mniaadoretaaed bare tela dxy entered let” a Copart* I arrrbip aedar the alyls and Arm of MITCHELL A WOODSON, to tho purpose cr carrying cna Commission Business, st tba GU Stand of AW MITCHELL. &CXX1RSXR IT nr tha cocaarof Whitehall. Atlanta, Ga. Btriet sisntem tell to (tvsa toaH ooaatentotoa. A W MITCUXLL. sp52m J P WOODSON. JOB OFFICE. THE BEST IN THE SOUTH! W* hfiV* added to our;rstablitii®e' l, ' i Superb Jol> O » and ors prepaxsd to exeento, in thk best btydk, and WITH DISPATCH, ail orders for JOB PRINTING SUCH AS B O OK 13 , CATALOGUES, handbilis, CIRCULARS, Visiting, Wedding & Business CARDS, OBEOK-BOOKS, BILL-HEADS, LETT EUR -HEADS, LABELS, AND XTXXT VABIBTT OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, Iff IHE VEHff BEST STUB, OUR FACILITIES FOR PRINTING MILITARY BLANKS ARE UNEQUALLED. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS. t oo ORDERS FROM THE ARMY AND FHOWI ALI -4UAHTEHS BESPECTFCLIT SDUCITED, *te .• AND WE WILL INSURE FULL SATISFAC TION IN BOTH QUALITY AND PRICE. • ALL ORDERS Mast he addressed to tha Southern Confederacy Office. CAMP, WITHERS & CO., PROPRIETORS, Atlanta, Ga. April 23, 1864. $500 Reward! R AN AWAY Item hm ftt Btrcshtr*, GwiaMtt Oonnfy. Os, on tha night of tha tid Mar— JOHN, abeat IS year, ofaca, dark aalalteer’or.a v ont six tot high, wrlrha aboat IS) paanga. Da was brorght ftom Xlctimocd, Ya rd LIN, SO yawn et a**, blark, weighs atont M0 pomr a. HILLY, a Woman 34 yeera ef agar (right m itolum stss, weighs atont iso pounds. They w,re brought from Oarteraviile, Case Great, - Cta above reward will La pa'd to ttolt arsrehaoaloc. so that I cu gat team. JOHN B VtiUn Beef Cattle Wanted. 100 may27-10t HEX** OF GOOD hist CATTLE wanted for tea < Applyte^ toa Peach-roe itrset, Atlanta, Ga House and Lot Wanted. I DranXlo sun* 111 a neat aa* armforia la Utt DSMOE tetbla Saif a mlla of ths Oar flOc*. Moos eight rooma Xr outre ef HABRJf, NOLL* * OO. Marietta etreat BELL, MOORE ft CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS IM ALL HINDI OF PRODUCE, Marietta Street. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Strict attention paMloomrixamret* of every dirarlp. We greet our old friends and r*tro^ the readers of tho Confkdkxacv, and th ( piibUo generally, under new auspices. Th, conduct, of tbi* ournal will henceforth be regulated to A NEW COURSE OP POLICY, The paper will be devoted to the came of Southern Independence, and (he interest, of the soldiers, mechanics and batin'*, men generally. In politics it will support the Administration of Jeffebson. Dato, and insist upon A VIGOROUS PROSECUTION OF T8E WAS, Until the Independence of the Confede rate States is secured, and the greit cause of CONSTITUTIONAL LIBBRTY VINDICATED BEFORE THE WORLD. The preeent Editorial management of tbe CoNFCDsaacF brings to the aid of it; publishers the qualifications of enlarged experience, professional availability, sound discretion, and • thorough familiarity with - the needs of the people and the time, We desire to make the CoNriDsaAcr ' A “LIVE” NEWSPAPER, f The business department is carried 01 with that striot attention to all its detail, without whioh no paper ean expect to sue oeed, no; matter how liberally supported or how ably conducted; and all the busi ness transactions of the establishment sn conducted on a cash basis. With the advantages of capital, energy, talent aad industry combined, we intend that it shall continue in the front rank ei Southern journals -conservative in lose, • neutral in nothing, independent in sli things. It is to be emphatically AN “ARMY NEWSPAPEB.” t* Wo appeal to our friends in the Army io exert themsefives toward its circulation, that we may be the better enabled to fur- nisL them with a more agreeable and useful * Daily Camp "Visitor. Our paid Special Correspondents are stationed with each important Military Department of the Confederacy, to keep us thoroughly and regulaily advised of interesting events as they transpire. With an especial and careful attention to-the departments of general and local news, and having made arrangements by whioh our correspondents may be supplied, with the latest foreign files, we can prom ise a readable and useful record of daily, and hourly events, and solicit the kindly suppprt and encouragement of the public: EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO CLUB DAILY CONFEDERACY. Single eopy, three months $15 00. Three copies, thrs* months 40 Five copies, three months CO Ten copies, three months. !.. 110 < Twenty copies, three monts 200 * WEEKLY CONFEDERACY. Oae copy, three months $ 6 i Five copies, three months 20 Ol Ten copies, three months 35 i‘0 Twenty oopits, three months 70 00 No further deduction allowed on th* above rates. A Club of twenty will be entitied’to an extra copy. hff All Postmasters are authorized to. receive end receipt for subscriptions io this paper. CAMP, WITHERS & CO. Atlanta, May 3, 1864. New Commission House. JOHN H. KING & CO., General CommisdonMercliants NEAR NOHCBOSS’ COBWEB, Marietta street, • .Tax Notice. INOOMX TAX »Dl torecrivad at the a.m« & time »t>4 pltoj. Th. tote of Taxation wUl La OreMarat. on lb. first daj of April cf thl* y*xr, at IU Uce total tromsTJltoSTi Mto 4 o’clock. FM. triatJri R*eelv*rT*x Botenx. T. M. ACTON, Army News Depot, „ dalton, oa. XBEF8 ooaxtaally** bud all tha DAILY AND LI’K- HAET rAPMAo! teaSonlh. A largo ollio. ot (ha ** CO, FENNSACF •• rae wv--l d »”r- xu> JAMES W, PRICE, M. D., Resident Physician, OFFIC* onr Wanton, Taylor * Co. Baal den-a i»> tea WaaUagtcn MML land for Sale, NEAR TUSKEGEE, ALA. ttft Koftuls Onit MraflM from Tatka^M. aj * >d. red reax, raor SaMreU. to * Far yat UreUre tihan Box ,tj to m»y*T-4t taoguait waU taagnvad. oa* one, mj Saalrtol* to “THE GEM w BILLIARD ROOMS, DECATUR STREET: A Epaclona aad Finely Ventilated Root W. O'HALLORAN, PxorxiXTox. ■tod-las* P. G. BE8SENT, General Commission Merchant WBITFHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. CJOMMNMEtTW.OF DAT GOODS, GK0CXDIE3 red C. J. CHRISTOPHER, a W ORD MAKER, ATLANTA, QA. SE FINISHES, Spur Makar, GIMar a Bridge .treat, naar th. Bridg*. 8 we‘da of averr deacrlptfoai rejterad telh red jiapatih. efpnblki