Newspaper Page Text
ilV circulation in th* stAti
Alimi, July 8, IBci-li M-
We sUU hold oar petition, on the right,
T 1 n) i / South cm Confederacy •; ibe earthwork* in front, nil north of the
WiTlxlcna Ac ro..I’rcprleter< \ river, while cor linn on thie ride ere beug
a rrcumuz ^ w ! prolonged toward# the left to anticipate
i(K '“** th e enemy's Sank in that direction. Tbe
echo of a few heavy gone baa been heard
in the city during the morning.' There is
e little akirmiabing, bat no general fight
ing yei. . Tbit is all that it occurring, and
our readers may rest aaanrad we aboil keep
them duly posted 6S furtherdevelopment*
of the enemy, and each disposition of oar
own troops as may not betray the move
ments and- designs of the Commander in-
. utw uiu <i* awTEanarna r
Morning 1 Edition.
I <±
r -
' -
T h City .
[rsrthsCoaMwser 1
. nil waseox.
Karova use, 4sa> B»'t, If tots ni*ht at th* tell
t tbouebtyou ba4 painted. jmw cfesste ware so red
■afas* *o essay pvUsteeto.wb— ssysysAeawdlsIs'l
Oo peart M lat blooming. plump late mj tead
S,saax Iha utt»mh(-*«wl bun ilby *M at tea aa au
sad t uiteraJ dv* aurJs. “I all: 'Saturn stepJa a '
toa kacw.ay taxi *s#a U»« ne rireums wet own,
Wisha-laewof *aaUIUj,blanbTerthnfllrle
Wtesa blaakaaaaaTakc* Uiroaih Mantles; bat ih-n
tM’n I >t scab a babll at upline aa churls
If wntJuT *nit# agree h.u, sub prim tittle mlai,
TSatbis pretty to tings hsr fs.r abaaka allh ml paint
I at test. I test aay j’U d.J ptict that nlglt.
. Rill ttias fcuwuciKBnr wosit spt,a* up fbsikn thought
Ttet soar abaaka «•» Iso rri-Kalsr’a wars terribly
Aad I asadoad, tear Bsas, iryour eqlarWaabaashi;
tad I Sad. mi es^et quaaa that I partly war right
a tbs Mia out)**tan 1 venlnrvd that sight.
Is ao Ota la post, Reis, 1 knrw yau da ratal,
r.irlaa* yoarayaalC. Ttiis m-vnin, at dsvu,
d • I as ked by tbs suod, my spa cauibt a faint
(jumps* »f a fairy over lbs laws—
Tsstyoa. e.y awsat Btts,saJ il* »ua as itroas
abate yuar classes eat • at rad aa tho basal Iha nee.
Ah. f>a l
That 7«a ptteMba^eb'tttBaturs'aeusuiaUeayaaaaai
Vf.a Dowers aTstw y oa—ib*y knnw U-and I—
Bui I tblbk 1 would kiss, V year ladyship tbosaa ^
asaaassachttk tbabrsits klMtJ; Its aslor cotsutps
TH* bos af tha rota sod won't stick to my Ups.
Tat Rtsnt at tn Wat—A flMaiWa araWat •
graphs! ear tka pee of t prophet; a or are ws much
(I ca to dreaming at night, a'bcBaowaf-asteada ararp
Wt rocsatly raad tha wend.rfel dream ot Hr. No-
Said re warn th# t <#•»•< eui cantedsssmtd toba
rfy ssksdtwsd, and white ft -Inaiingos to tha pester'«
Interpretation af bit rataarkiy# vision- Btcoearirosty
wefotl todrvemlag.
Wsihaathtttat toots had teas s;casestlou of hoe
ttmsea. Ti.r -sotmics(nadTaal'tafrontaeaslsa —
Wa thengu thay bad hsooms ttrad af iMighter «»d
blood,ted sod wera dataeadacd to settle the d>«i«lty
'Sfcn. •»**** on tbs vavt ursy of ata seba «to"d
tars Ir illcata, a Uteald rods out from ooa af tha
ret,tip basist*d prscltimsd th*t tne.Geoeml com,
maodlas was ready to ssmamaloats wllb tba laadar of
Ite o.her best. The* the twt Itudere sdrsocsd from
0 where they stood st tha beads of lhair mlfhiycstewas
sad met half wsy b.iwaaa, short hanJsbke tha test
of fzleads sod I bed sestsd tbsmscivss side by sMa oo
aaoMptoaleg.uJwerasoed bestly tipjtd ln'con-
vtr-»Uaa- Wa were sot dost eeouih to hatr tbs s»v-
arslprupaelt;,a«,tbstse*rata%ds,bat after seems,
•alien of steal thirty mloUea tba two loaders arao*
shook haute a gala aad'rttlrtd .to tbalr respective
From the- Chattahoochee.
haoa aterald ayaU otma owt aad raad to tka two
Maes tba sand* agreed o poo for deadlo (tha slrogj la.
ptas oaarmed, aad th* two meetfog oa tha Aateal
fTouad la fullelaw of the two errniee wera'totecids
lhaaa-sw ky wre., ,sg.tb* beat two'out of three U ba
tba stater, aad tha eotc* of)
ydtayatd te tea rtog. aad the two hosts arras red thorn
ueiees ta (te best position tor using;- Story heart ami
rjtterloxwttbantleipsUoo. Thsbsarta of ibaSoata
and nbaa boots ccu'd not bare hossdodmora wildly
asibuaitt'it Wiyea tbs HaraUI aad Cantu, whisk
oast* tee-4* tha I*’* of ana or tha other ho#:, wa*
Tpetykhyays a* gnadoct proudly, thay wars
Rat spastasausof aitahood.ccuahy watebad is slat aad
i|e, aadaaa* coaMgsma hem their Uselog ablcb
«.aW probably baited wtaaar.
eftst a r.-ltadlyy rating tbty wait asou pasparad Nr
trtloa.urdwsutatiL Ttefistooatestwulbr stow
■Blautrs d.bblla!, to I; a keen lures'jU tbs Soatl
w.s^aabsed te taka tha Marti an ebauploa ala dlsed
saateyeaud ba Ml; aad a shout west up frocn tba
txstbara aruy that eerued almost to read Ih * eklea
TtfhHtm's Fimt, Thursday, Jaly 7—3 P M.
Tbflduual skirmishing and cannonading,
which bar# cbaractsriged the retrograde of
ot)r arueyainceit left Dalton; id progressing
with uo great damage to either aide. Oar
army U in entrenebmenta beyond the
river, and will repulse any attack made
by the enemy, with an enfilading fire. Oar
troop* are in'* fine apinta and have great
confidence in their leaders.
ft ia thought that the enemy, will at
tempt to croaa the Chattahoocbeee below
this place, bah while be may make de-
monatrationa on tbe right, it aboold not
be forgotten that hia main force le in oar
centre* Ilia manoeuvred on our left are
Hierely to enable him to force bis way
Ceroae the river near the railroad. But hia
plana • r e all anticipated by Gen. Johnaton,
who ia alwara awpke. There is Ine strag
gling from tbe army now titan there was
two weeka egi. - . • '
; I learn to day that Governor Brown is
gring to order oat Che militia of the State,
which will add greatly to the strength of
oar army. And, with Gea. Smith to'com-
(hand this force, whose military genius and
acknowledged ability U well known to all,
he would soon bare a well .organised corps
of lntsjei tnweiSR whs*malting apzur
their own thresholds, would fi^bt tike
Every body would like to know when a
general, engagement will come off, and
where. Time only will answer the.qaaa-
lioif, bat we can predict the result. Sher
man intends to evade a general engage
ment— ttu he has shown from. Dritcn to
bis present lino.
McClellan, the once military god of the
Yankees, followed Joe. Johnstom from
Voekiown to.within seren. of Rich
mond, the coveted capital, buoyant with
the bdpe and expoclations of finding
Richmond evacuated, and hoping that,
Johnston would march through that place
precipitately without the fire of a -gOu.
Abl the Mightcet hopes ere aometipies
blighted, and so it wss with McClellan,
and just so it will be with Sherman in his
■On to Atlanta.'
I feel more hopeful this morning than'I
have been far the past month. Toseeour
tears soldier-, in such determined spirits,
aad thed the confidedce they hare iq thei
fficera, o-^ght to nerve every true South
erner to assist in the great struggle for in
So far as I can learn the'enemy hie not
crossed the river at any point, and my in*
formation ia that every ford place possible
for him to cross is fell gqarded on both
sides. Yolo
[Bor tka touibeta Cqafadetscr-]
Of- steea all at* basked Is »t*p,
1 Iklok.Wtth feeUogs tod aad deip,
or Ssr wko laser all, sir life:
t tea uerasarreMtk tad ears,
abut lfreslr ebsra,
l 7 C.TO, si) darling aift.
Her tnutiDf bearl aka f»«a Xi sea,
A piedea at her st* eerie J,
d pledge Fit gturd wkb Ilf* ;*
d ad sertr siU taeaas to prera,
Bee leuderlr I ever tors,
Hr ten, tap dar Mg wlft. .
Tfcsi ten Iprios anp brisk teat gas,
e-. ttit7esras oSUn| ^
Hr treeitese J ij-aUlt* to ftsi.
sad add to aU kcr bspi»o«M,
Sj two, ror dtrlieg wifs.
. its shadow trill I oseeperaii,
Upou her sagtl brow te sit,
. Wnilt pausing oa. through Mt;
Per I wiHkiaa oasta toaruwar
And point bar to * brighter deyT
•Ip own, top dorlteg wUa.
datu tS TtaSMis, JIT ltdL
l <- [CamqmilKl CodeSlKar|.
Oibrtll, or the Might!, -raucaaoa
■Mtttrt. EJitarn—'Tbia gellafu cavdlry offi
cer hat been in command of Gan< Forrest's old
btigaila tinea ths death of toe lamehicd Col:
Surncs, which baa been about twalae months.
Be pasted through the ardooea / campaign U
Ejiat Tennaaca. under Lieut, pep. Loagstreet,
Mk winter, rataruing to .tba Ajmy of Tennes
see tbia spring, bhviog bad many bard longbt
(attic* a id skirmishes with tbs enemy, always
demeaning himself, not obly with gallantry, but
always showed a auperior Older ol military
grains aa a commander. Ho has. been recom
mended by every field officer of tba brigade he
has so ably commanded for promotion to s
Brigadier Gsneralcy. All that seams lo be re-
quired f r bia promotion^* tba approval of Geo-
U’heeler. Why dote Gen. Wbceler withhold
that apyrjeal when three or four of the eavalry
brigades ia front are no* commanded, by senior
Cot Dibrri’a brigs is has Mo mure tel vice
and done mere hard fighting then any other one
cavalry brigade attached to tba Army oi Ten
nessee. - it waa lor about eighteen mouths led
by Gsa. Forrest, when it was tha prideof hia
btaip When Gan. Eorrcat waa asaigned to tbe
command ol- a division, it. wss with honor and
gstlaauy led by- Col. Starnes, Who fell gallantly
IsAdiinr 'hia command In the. defense ol his
coantir, at or near Talahoing last summer —
ThU'aioMa' old Uigsdc hss losl.nonu of its
tpeiont glory by. having btait placed uader tha
charge of Col. DibreU.
L*l merit ba rewarded and Col. Dibrell pro
moted to that position ba has*as lung dyerved.
The DaclvtrJ Ucrernsn;—Btsoyalof
W.Dafed-ftrilrj Ehrs*thiirg--Cur Si
Ea>rur Feeling our Fo.-itton— Spirit ed tit Asa —
Work la the Trench:w-S»»IU»y CoodiUqn of ke
rroops—Vegeufclss Wanted—BcUrf CoayalU* —
Tbs Gecrgi* Boya-Gea- Hood tab Hsrdee^-Dl <b
cf.’Gen. Walirr-Jack Sen’s and fferi r*< Crfgad r-.
Major Abes J.
[Special Correrpar dene* Chronicle act Senlind
Is ssc Fi-io. axis Sxtssa Civics,
Five sad a half Mllta Balov Mcrittp- Jolr
Af iha class of my last, I .conjectured * at
taklh) teda«stSans"lhcn r.pp-renl,'ll re
would be teflghlcr a foot-raco to-day. be'
lermfoot-raos wss perhaps an improper it?,
foLTbcn Johnston falls bsclcitdon'
i-a caob method and deliberation « j s
sens move their rffects op the first of th
Bach has bees tha charscltr of tbo aoveo r.t
from Essncssw lo this plsos. Jntt after be
close of my last letter, the -ariilltry train fc;-
gsn to move through tbe public square by
Atlsnta read. This la'oked Uka a cbacgi
base, still tbe opinion (the wish fctipg fai
to'thu thought) was freely expressed in b
army circles that jhero would be a fight:
day. Whatever the movement indicated- U
the cause of deep solioituds to thccitiiics
who had c clayed removing to the altvwllli
hour. Anxious fact s were leeu watching,<hs
long ominous looking trains, sod tba failrssd
plats was crowded.with applicants for V.
pertation. It was a scene that touched me
deeply, ftr 'the associations' of many yi
residence here art olustsrsd around Utc pi
Tne proper effietr firmly but oourieoasly
vised Ahem not to be alarmed, and prop
dcolared iboy coqjl not gat a particle of
in the oars until th/siek and Lonnded wire
removed This did no) serve to allay the tp
prehension, for, said .they, something mu«{ be
I n»- tbe'chen
ten, ess* tnvdt* Beta >*a* wtvsatas* et tbe
but seek was too wary. *te saglastsd tes about balfn
hour, aid tba q-watteutsvasd tab# css of wind
teas tte !testbna*r summoasd at bis atrvagth late
oaadssp*’*--* ingaad tte f<m'kros ML Aad (r**t
was lb# steel lk*i w,ot from tbsb'orUisrabo^
again tba :ve cbawyisa* tm:-A tbeaurirss, aalTI
**V-vte sudms iraur Lotus tsC-KS to rofrosb tbasal
.tpoesatewrga tecaata wmt:«. >o ter tte contest
HqssSsadsctSsf soat £rvi. |t uadsfhUai that lb*
Be* ban akacptoa'vMiasrsacois than bit aalagoalat
Sul blsbssttr,* nsqjllis vraentbsy tboogkt of tko
c-.Wrt power of sadarmoes. tat aoitesrporty
ly rpoka. TteaOsaos V*s oyyr-otlT*. Tbo
throb tec ASM sadlbte aa Us tvo ehamytss? agsln
VpatawouMI was UiaL kwh uay was fu«o
an oissal atsa*of tbs ds'peadisg Bias' Wo Ctoagbr
to**Tdmm,Uot u.,-n.A. P !o«, *o«m*dV>te
»o»Hihjaf VDov* ibAnkas
•bey b*4 to via or lorn, TWy
*-.wtUtt«»:n»ffl«RrUx aOfbU L*c*«I
f V> •acioit.«r with tb« toy c f
cMWtkMB b«a4a u4 tfriig
w*y,«c%ia 1m ralllM t&4 tare »tch«-
TL-*a b«ch ar# orort aad —x a ' to jru
007-f drxjkUA# CTO* th* ret aasfc *?p<skr *,
fuBy •;nJdni«4 tba cthar't tarhc*, aad lh* riin'i
f»f tart S i a?p*r*at halasoa. Now Ukj ti*o*
it**:* cj-idtr* Aal itw rtapactls*
i’fi3“wt frvrcd to Vrwath*. AgAi* they
ufhd wiih a d*#p*rAtio» th*» w<eraly daciJ* *£• poo*
iNi Tbwlr «.rw«iyth «©•••» bw n* or* ^ia4j ^a*Uc —
Ttsyrock aad f*»7 la oachcikarrt jrgip II*.» « • x
a OLOO& oak cvckad by a bear-/ wind- T> f.r fraap
Iv:o«m finw«ry aad oo o*<h fmc* coo’d b'>t«a ihl
1 -e* of too***** aad — bet wear* Eft hrf! rz lc
\ htVUASV.T, N C. Jidydbtl'S
L'uprssa A Ur it Reterto:
Dias 8ibI arrived hers safe unyh*-2d iast.,
after trassling itres days and sights over roegb
njiroada aad i» crowded cars. f
1 find the citiisas baoynat, aad. if possible,
ore hoptfnl than st any lints vises tbs war
Ii La lbs opinion ot eveey one hers that there
is no possible rttacs tor Shorinta to aacspe,
And that if Goa. Job sat oo fails to fight him,
time itself will demosaitsa aad render his army
s«t. tic
E idmirsi
up, or tb&y would not be so parlicul
removing ihs wourdad. .-i :J .
In tbe afternoon the Atisnt* Irain, dn
nine o'clock* arrived. It bfd been delayt
tfco ramnred pressure of the Yankees lo
Raff’s Station. Tbe road was reported c
aad a train was soon stbrted for-Atlnm
Another left si twelve o’cloak Inst night,
correspoiuloct'wss cn board. About Ibis
the imatilry moved down from the Irem
and as the dawn began to break across
;;rey side* of Kenpeeaw, tbe cavalry qui
brought up the rear, leaving the sleeping
zips in sweet uneoneoiansnesg- df their
Soon After I
report thal
be distlnotiy seen waving oyer the spell
signal corps bad occupied on the mounts.:
Their cavalry pressed closely oil ours.-
report etarp tkirmiehirig in (Ms eiila pi
town, in which a number of casualties
among our men. Thsexlentof tjaru,
enemy coold not be ascertained.. . .
Oar new'line extends In-a Northeast SS
Southwest direction along » ridge below Ek&’s
Sration and Smyrna Church. Aboiit sir rraisal
this side df Marietta.^ Oar right rests oa
Soap’s Creek, and extends I believe as far at
Boswell,-which has not yet been disturbs.
Our left reaches lo tbe Chattatiocchee -te
covers Cox’s and Turner’s Ferries--
Isasfls the condition of our forces U-dsy
at the headquarter* of ths latter. Gen. Har
dee fe sn erect, saldieriy look lag tuna, over
six fact high; and admirably proportioned.—
His beard and hair an gray, and eland out
‘•liketh.. qniliq-f tha fretful porenpino.” Hu
face is large, at d sonars, cheek bones promi
nent andsyca heaut aad stern ia.expretslon.
He must bs nsaiiy -Rfty yeses .of a»s. Gen-
Hood isbardly room than tburgr-fiva, and has
thsappesrsaoBof wa aangnibo, active man.—
Hswt-ro full, lone vttilsCAtr, and bid resem
blase* ts Gan. A. B* VVrfght i* quits striking.
Hia »ys is blue, bis m&ouera auqrtsojt's and
prsp< sseising. They both appeared tn ba in
busy enoftrenee about the establishment of
tor hear of
his itqproying health. He waa moving Us
new tines: .Gen. Jackson wss cn tike duty,
I did not-fceet .fetin', hut Denied that hi* mill-
tary family are veil. Ip hie-brigade as well
at Manes’*, U» Augasta boys wko asosp d oa
the 27th are all safe and well. I heatd much
praiseof-tiie gallant conduct Major Allen
on that occasion. CoL .Gordon and Lien t CoL
Black were both ablest, sick, and bs was in
comment -'The ^fan Uke-bim and stand square
up io him. Heii kind.afftble andvhohgd)jtti
of his men, and a good soldi.r. Hi has been'
in all the active skirajehing in which hisoam
mand was ebgsgtd, and never leaves bis post.
I stiudato Hr.;Allen that definitely, first be
cause ha-deserves It,-and second, bec.\u?a “9”
in the Appeal ascribes the cottunuad on the
kith lo Col. Gordon end Lieut. Co). Eltok,
wbsn neither of them were there. , A eoldier
is justly appreciative ot the eppleuse duo gal
lant eonlnot. Wunifier eloas and hot.-
■ .., Aaisrioisw
Pltlfsguief tbs'D*meeratle Party uXOiue
The ffamooratip Convention of Otis, ia
Mavoh lasts adopted the fsllawiag resolutions
unanimously, amid greatTmtkusiasm :
•SetohiA, That the Democratic puty ia now,
‘ r ‘ t Const '
Wait has ever bsan devoted to the Constitution,
a* transmitted to ns by the fritnera of that.
‘J ibJtrumeat, and expounded by Jefferson,
'a? i-liHon and Jackson, and as oonslrucd in tbo
Virginia and Kentuoay resolution* of 1708
and 1793, and am oonstrued ia ths report
thereon in the V.rglitld Legislature; and
that for ths maiateaanoa of thu Oonttitntion
and the preservation of the lluitn founded
under it, we her*, ae did tbe father* of the
rvpubHe. pledge life, fortune and sacred h onor
'• Hmotrrd, Thai w* would bail with delight
nay and every honorable effort toward a re.
s’eration of lb* nonaitl condition of ibis
Union, to wit: Internal pows aad harmony,
and fraternal affection between Uio-toirTal
Steles eompriting it, and we regret that she
meakures of the prgeenl Administration pra-
Ifa, and
HautJtvvestena Dspartmsnt,
ciDSk* OX IBB run Of OSH. nu
Central Ordtrt No, 81.]
It iayrhh profound sorrow that the lisjor
General commanding annonnoos to lh*s troop*
of tkis^ Beparuntnl the dealb of their late
cummandsr, LteeL Q-n.-'Leonictaa Polk. Oa
ths lfith Instant, in a skirmish near Marietta,
Oa., ilia gallant warrior and ChriaUau gen-
Usman yield, d up tils life—a costly eacrifioe
to hi* otnntry’s libefties.
It wokl J bs Aupeifin'AU I or* to rrcount ths
service* of this lamented patriot. They are
already befpr* the world, and will'form one
of the brightest pages in th* history of this
memorable etrnggle. Hie high adminialra
live talents, bis distinguished gallantry upon
many battle-fields. Us eminent virtue* and
kind end genial trails cf character, have alike
won the admiration and love of h$a oonnlry-
pen. J ’ ' .
From the toils aad cam cf .thie 'titful ex
istence, from tha b)ood rod fi^idf qf fteUllr,
the Chria;laa eoldier h^s passed to that eter
nal net which it was ever tha gim of hia life
ta accora. Let hi* memory crap tib freeb
amongst us, an^ 1st etch strive to imitata bis
example and emulate bi* virtuej.
As a mark of honor to ths distinguished
dead, tha ooiore of the troops of this com
mand wilt be j^rapbd in > mourning for the
period of thirty day* from the receipt of [bis
ord r . . .
By oemmand qf
Usj,r General S D Lao.
W Hutu EluoFt, A ."A. Genera!.
•Xbe Ctete Cadata and State Militia, wit!) a
portion oi the cavalry arc guarding the abiiv*
panted ferries. -
It i* reported that th* Federal* have burned
,«■* feoilng
Ibe'Sweet Wafer Factory. They D
our lines vigorously, nnd have rlucs ttise
o’olook opened on oar akinaisksv* at the rail
road near Smyrna. The twiggi'clipped by the
high rang* of the enemy’s gun* coaid be &s-
tiaeilp aoen falling around our hoy whs :e
pottedImfrdiunbef trees ovoriookingtherul-
rcad out * Tbo firing-grew into quite a sharp
rattle of musketry,' imd Is extending along tice
entire line. Qn tbe left our artillery ar- s’io!:-
It is thought that they arc feeling olt
vent auch dealrabie-reeulfa, and weare there
unpromisingly opposed to it* contin-
wsr. .
That w* are opposed to tbe tirooe-
of the war for the subjugation of mates,
or fur the purpose of-divesting thorn of tbalr
sovereignty, or infringieg or impairing their
__^ilutional rights, cud bring aatisfied that
bosqfallf^fsettlemenl, and tha restoral:;m
u-.der tha CopBtltution.
That themobaplritnow abroad iu
the natural and inevitable result
of the Go actuation and the
laws by tha party now in power, and wedeom
this a proper occasion to renew to bur people
the warning of H'ashlngton against lawlessness
in Government and people; me tyranny of tbt'
present Administration has sown the Med
from whioh.wear* now reaping a harvest of
erime. “ |
Through Utc courtesy of General .Bamuri
tThbes, eomasnding tho^ Department of South
Coratiuo, Ooorgia-asd Florida, th* Charleston
Courier has been permitted to examine th*
Mew York Tims* of the 28th of June, lelcr by
tea days than aay Tankas accounts that had
reached there directly.
' Tha special war di pstuk gives a '-highly
ekoruragidg" account of operations near Po-'
tersburg and of tha Yankee operations ogainst
railroad eommunioationa For tbe week end
ing tbe 27ih rsiy tittle ia reported in fighting,
but muob progress is clolmod in position and
in lnovemente, and glowing stories are given
of the spirit and determination of the Yan
kee army.
: A correspondent claims n dear gain of half
a mil* for’.the Yankee lines near Petersburg,
and admit* iMRriou* dir aster to n part of Han
cock's carp* on ths 221 or Jdso.
A special correspondent cf th* Times, wri
ting from Batin’* commend on the 25th alt,
mentions the capture of prisoner* fi»m the
11th and 37th South Carotins, among whom
were five effiotn: Capts. Henry Boist, J. M.
Mulraney and T. E R»y*qr; Lltuts. J. E.
Clement* nnd A. B. White. They wore token
to Bermuda Hundreds, on-their way to Point
Looko'ot. The reporter write*: “They helled
for a time at Gen. Butler’s besdqnsrters, and
many’of them were'qoestioned sepsnitely t*
to the strength and organisation of,tbifilr regi
ments. 1 was particularly struck with tbs
very large proportion of mere boys among* th*
prisonera, several of whom, apparently :ner
more than eighteen year* of age, had been in
the war tbrsa years. Most of Cbem desired
exchange, not eccaue* they wanted to fight,
.for they all eaid they were Ured of- tbe war,
'but they wished to go%ome.” 5 ’' •
One bronzed fellow said: “I was very keep
to get.into th* war, but am very Ured of It
Miller, a boy of 16 years, who sail be had
carried a musket three years, tail tit* .0*7*10*
was “all -fight and no fun,” buh waa very
anxious to tw exchanged. Another lad of lli
laid he would fight ts long as the crowd did—■
One -or two foreigners did not want to bo re-
4taxed but to go beok to Europe if allowed.
A great many of the prisoners spoke very
bitterly of the wsy in whioh they were osp-
toryd. _ Animadverting jupon Gen. Hagood.
one said, ‘jt was a great shame for Hagood
-to tend us up to pharge your work*. Hagood
Is a young B i^adier and want* to bo a Major
Tha enemy were mil in roiiilomeerleMrahi!
Faria at our loat accounts from Jouen ;
Tapfiiaj mdag- Ttey wcr\* r"portri-
liare Ikrcwn up oldiiiooh.1 eortlwerk^ wui
mounted guns bearing oa Batter/ J
The monitors and g*jnboats ia 8u>no had aUo
kept up aa occasional Bhollisg of our Uatf
Oar tiller;: s rstarnr4 ito trs, ch« ^ ’t -i
enemy, and, it is believed, doing conaiii-r-blr
execution ia their ranks.
A camber of deed bodies, mostly aegroa^ I
were reported ia front cf Qm - Taiiat^ra's
Baas, r'
Oa Mohday eTeaiag tbs enemy draw up in j
two lines cf bfltia.,. Soma contidsrabls skii-
mirbing took pleos, the enemy making throe
espsraie advacoes, whioh were immetialcly
cheeked by tbe (belling frem onr batteries.—
There was also a sharp musketry fire, lseti r
'about half an hour, which, with th* eaunun
adiof.ledtoth* impretsion that a general
engagement we* in prngreee Him* Mr *f
cur men, belonging to the 3X1 Georgia Mgl- i
mint, Cal. Hatrieen, and the 1st 3. C. 'Aml- l
Icry, Col. A- Rhstt, were slightly wounded.—
No names were given.
Tuesday morning ths enemy war* araln
drawn np in two lints of battle, and cost in*'
ued so during the day, ^ccasionalif tfeyevtag
cutekirmiehers to feel our petition and osror-
trixour fores. Th* enemy, it it Beiiaved, ha*;
a fores on tbe Island of between four and flee
thousand. It is not nsocaiary for ns to state I
Ah* aombtf ef oqr tteeffaM-wU.Irt** that]
for the find out. We fesl anre, ;
however, that the enemy, should he attempt
any farther adranoe, will pay as well for bis
foolhardiness as in the affair at Fort Johnson.
Their principal demonstration Tnosdsy was
directed at Butsry Pringle. It is fceliuvrd
that tb'.-ir present object is to obtain a foot
hold on James' Island, and to attempttiie cap
ture of soma cf our outer lint of batltriM.—
IVe have no doubt that the programme of Gsa.
Fetter has been earsfullv planned, and in
cludes the capture of the city, but u terwly,
believe be is destined to the same disap p. int-'
ments aa Lis prodeoeevors, , .r -
The whole Yank?? fores in the department
is reported from good sources to ba net over
seven thousand. • They rely cn thfir fieri to
make up .the deficiency in the number of troop*.
It has not heretofore been the otee, ami Is nut
likely to be so now. . ---
a. Tbe enemy continue to' shell th* «ity.>ir
Twenty-six shots have been fired vino* our last
]tuition with a view of a fight to-morrow — P.eade, entitled tl)* “Eighth Command-
1 fhoagh the boy* marohed nearly aii ni_-l>t.' ment:” ii, f
they Wdbeen busy most of th. d^.in pn - H,«ry 0«ey ma a msn ef iinisa- H# wrot* foilh*
faring their tine, and In this airiest Inorcdi•
jly short space, have, works, many miles (c
length, whioh they are anxious Sherman skn',1
charge st his esrUost conv..niecce.
The noble veterans of this army present a
aobUmrspeotiole of fortitude, conSdenoe and
courage. For over fifty days they have t»vu
exposed to oil the hardihipsof ni. vftlve cam
paign. Soaked with rain, eebreind-vrith ids,
though usually bountifully fed, often, whenru
th* mareb,' pinched with hunger And yet ft.
going along ths trencher for several miles tc
day, I did not hear a murmor. Tte trenching
details worked with msrTelou^ vigor, aad hava
now a very fongifiatye line on Which the.
really burning with impatience to meet ths
Yankees They want a tpetdy and decitive
fight, opdno mob thing as a doubt of the result
is thought of. Toeboys not. engaged on the AUntped tbo corn bnt tbo sowlr. For wbyT'Oa*
trenches are resting under the otnrenient eowes wu an antoor, an tnventorl And 00 Iu the.maut
J : Jt ii ot iucc(?»v» that oarlched otters andlvfiuni bar*, la
General Pillar—Ths outcry agsit-s; Ihis-dis
ar.juitiicd officer, say* the S.lma .Reporter, io
I hod that pleasure ol dSvoljag two daytwi h
Copt. OjoonT who is ceunected with the army
oC\ho irano-MiaaUsippi, and who U beating
important papers, to the War Department
a-,me* os toft csciy thing fa Working
hfy in that section, tad that they expect, ere th*
gold min* of ar-uma, to regain every iach of
tori torrilevy.
I oa plesaod tp tap that the crops are vary
as, indeed. Kotwith.landing the farmer.hate
been called from their tbe battle-field,
then will bo oven an average crop, of corn aad
wheat. Tte wheat is very Uue, .Indeed, entire-
ly froe from refit og smut, and by thd help of
the patriotic laditi. it fa Tefy-imariy all haveau'
ad. Th* oat crop'ia not qatle ha' good. -Thd
met daws in .this State are decidedly the finrit I
have every teen, and prom'tie an abundant yield
o(.kaf tbe ptrasnt J**r.
The toristt oni die*11 ore ate becoming eemt-
what tteehhweeis tneoae poniuu of ths.State.
About foer huadrrd uader this tou rrship ot
Ktih. made n rati tote Utah* county, .capmred
o train on the Western Sriireod. tnmvti the q«.
J pot and all ih* eqppfiee (hat byd .Uca gathered
the*e. . *
They then proceeded down the retd a few
miles to Camp Ytece, tuzprtatd wd cnpwted
aboct one hundnd and tweaty-rix eoidirrs.
They haiag parried by opr eiralry.
and it ia booed they trtil all b« captured.
' I will retnra to your city in a lew dayo.*'
l ; • • . w.w. h.
P. S.—Since writing the above the train has
.. , . - , ... i arrived with CoTFedenia, ra rusTr to Anderson
tt*T*roeity uf ««r dro-miog powom lu tnor and wih 1 ' _
f^r tbo rewotu of t^e wti fu> . thpe ire will iaferm | Tiw, O** 500 more are coxcitrg, Q^picrri n:cr
no-rmders wbvthrrar sot onr drvom Tacprcpbrtic. j Tet crab erg. W-W-H-
tery •£«
o S.ima
■HTtosiCheit lahageneroHa, w ben jt is hoens I
in miad thfit the abdaa heaped upon him is
precipiutediia advance of a correct atatement
of theaifiir at Lafayette. The public mind haa
been iasbed into a furor by exaggerated report
prejudicial 1* Gen. FiUow, eet afloat in many
Instance* by panic ittichen pcriona, who know
lioatahout the real tact*; and that a monstrous
haa been set in motion, which in
to the country aa it ia harmlcse in
upon tpe great man who.ia tum-
ite victim'. We have
venturing the prediction that *o
ciear will he Cm.. Ftltow’s veraion of hia first
Sheman’o rear, hia name shall
:httg tfcnn'ever on ths aerrii of honor,
be anythin; to complain ofia the
yette; it will bo aeeh-tijat i“-
General PJlow’a. Of tbia-wo are
Gov. Zee's Leads.—The Waahingtcn Re
publican says “a happy thought baa occurred
t* tire t. ersfary' cf War which it gives as
plronreto record. ■ Pint, ho ordrred general
Groyat to organ;:] the Freeman’s Village, for
the'protection of the clock man aad hia fam
ily, c'pjh the ArBagton estain beiengiag to
the rebel Generalise. -That viHage ia a eao-
oee*. Srsotd 7 ha' has, hlnarif recently *e-
iested a.ettt upon ribs uaa estate for a na-
tittefif iettrisvy W the burial of loyal sohliers
who dblh'V^giclafroct wounds Inflicted by
K^tevtifegi Las teen directed do super
vit*t>.e lavina OR- «t vb® greunda. How ap.
that Lev’s lands should bo dedicated
shades; thousands of them fact aeledp.!
marvelous whatw lioirg swarm v muting army
■■gripa era*
-ttaoh'.a cf
The tiie carlh :
miles i: littraliy teeming triih tU
this epjerdid army. For
width behind tbo (roaches one
Lavs a’moit walked for miles onH^i^H
federates. And no wonder—fof ft’is tbe firsi
brief period ol repute they .have had in sl-
mott twotuithiL- No-eampaigu of tne wav
bee a: all compmei wit a this tu l;s demanae
up an tbe health and muscle of ths men- And
yet the morale of tbo army is fine, and the
amount of sickness nut serious. 7n?re is con-
sidT*bl» d'a-ebcea, and the men'aaffer from a
monotoncca diet. They have mars meat and
of the vi
¥5RSSKSSSiS»Si “7;.• te-
s thorefore liDfexs-nJ iheimmedifeU “ e w bLso brougia
lb no ) oiuijBuTy', ot f jl-tKere, made a
speech" in the Senate on the 27th, which the
Times reporter describes cs worse than any
thir g heard in the Stnate sicoe 'Taombs-teft,
Thtjro trtf a Fremont and Coehraoe ratifies-
fioition meeting In New York on the 27th, at
whioh the chief speaker waa Orestes A Crown
Fait of the Author of u Qod Savt th* Qulen •’
Tho following extract from a work by Charles
. - . . Ufilh
thzatro, wlih Imm«dEate and lasting sttoceu. Koxthi
bant lad saUro sod. Peps took hte Torso* tor B elt)!* mod
Sriftfor Pmpv’e. LwUyhsaoUloddowu to>yrlc*l art;
and * ran coa«fn*t!oa of two raro Ulsati, ho invented
tte Immortal melodies; and th# Immortal Word* to
tfiwp, ... — . t^:([r — 1 —
Re wrote th*words and mriodj ct tho Ifstiouai to-
thorn; thrum he deterred spouion oad ouicho Iu
Weetmnleter Abbey. lautoossagohswrot’ict.oetoly.
Ho nevee failed te hit the puMlc. Ho woo of hit a*e,
yet Immortal. No artist emu do mors. But tnorm were
mo copyrights to songs. Xoifftiwooneofiasnoeoftfimt
cmplalmw. Whits tho theatre mnd streets rang wlthhle
Emms and bio tunes, while tiddlers fiddled and were paid,
and the songster* sang him and Were richly paid, tha.
genlne that aet all theta empty mute pipe* a flowing; a
mdlion am listened to with teptoree, mu fleeced to th*
the midi: of the poor, unselfish eouTe altespe totossd
acharity for dtstbeoead performers, nature suddenly
broke down under th* double agony of a heart full of
yards in wrongs and -an ecplybally, eng the men banged turn-
ijtht to-tiav (* lf . They fonnd him raid, with efclu op hie bouetoand
1 — a halfpenny In hie pockat. - Think ot this When an*
jmrhear "Qod gavWlhe qaesn.” • ' ’ •
The Female 'Surgeon?—A letter’driafi “Cos-,
tie Thunder,” Richmond, bag been received
nt'lthe mother of Miss Dr. Mary 'Walker, _
from which it appears' that the heroic little mow*dt'f(nllho line.
Surgeon beari-her imprisonment Ughtiy.— ' “ !
^_Jthu following U an extract fronr her letter:
bread than they want. But vegetables-, art' * cj hope that you are not grieving about me
neo.**ary to preserve health. Will not our bwetree X am a prisoner of war. I am living
In a three rioiy brick castle, with plenty to"
wit and a clean bed to Bleep in. I have n
rocta mate; a young lady of about 20 year*
cf age from near Coriutb, Mies., (Mica Mar-
The Mew York Times thlaka, from th* lot eft
British advices, an ohsnge in tho British Cab
inet is inevitably imminent.
Tka column*^of -Ufa Times, news and ad-
yertinenentn, ahow epoemodiceffurte in're
cruiting. Large bounties ore promised, end
some ofith* Churohej have gone opbciaUy into
tbe batineea. The Timex opposes the repeal
of th* commutation law—very naturally, na
ltg elilore and managers and friends c
mofeby a atrioi eonficription with eubetitu-
tion. • *
The Confoderate loan in London on the IS A
Wa* quoted at 68 lo 66.. .Th» Alabama, Cep-
tain Sommav, wasatChtibcurg.on the lfith!
A special dispatch to the Maw York Times,
dated Washington, Jane 27tb, »*ye: “Some of
thwarmy officers are not io greatly mystified
as sente others as to the object of Gtant’s
movement to the left, end the real object of
Lce’e prolongation of his right against our
left. Last week General Grant moved a corps,
to the left until hie almost ttraob the line uf
ths Wallen-Railroad'. That part of th* army
(the Sepond Corps) When 8m approached it
WMlaetiSttir feaSMfited by a sufficient num
ber*; rebels to hold it in temporary vheeb;
usd when the.enemy taw that Grant's advance
there was realized, they on Friday last began
a general movement to the left, and on that
dayZongstreri’s and Qill's oorpe were oa our
fronton the wall: oad. It is in foot tbe tail-
rood line* of cemmunieation that Grant end
Le* are after, and the Weldon road that beth
armtea ar*ready ; give b-ittlu for. Oarcav-
have lately touched and tarn the latter
ffereut points, end car artillery has played
upon It,- but the rebels have promptly set
about tbe work of repairing damages, and
delicacies, remember the Army ut Tenneaaoo,-*
cf their ‘
and etni forward a portion of their abundance.
1). :-j the doctors and nurses aud
Re’iaf Committee get'aH such thinga. It is
not ot-; though • vcgeUbie dinner now.and
then will be ex beneficial to -them as to the
soldirr, and if those at borne could see with:
what delight ths boys receive oven an colon,
U collard leaf,-or a new Irish pllmtoe, there
would be a large incrcateof slept) sent for
ward. There are rriiqf oommltteex from all
quarters of thp fltdtc, who >111 receive and
eeqd forward to ihe camp .all tpxes sent to
■them,. Lit tho-e along the Georgia Railroad
send to the eare of tho Mirgzu Gousty Bat
tle Field CoEunittee—those atoat Atlanta to
the’ Atlanta Guminittee—those oa the- La
grange Road, to the Lagrange Committee—
eat and a clean bed to Bleep in. *1 have a
ly ot
tha Mannr.) -t am mnch happier than I might
be in some relation* of life where T might Le
*K>ied by other lfidies. ?he officers are gen
tlemanly and kind, and it will not kg long be
fore ^ am exchanged;—Yenhte TajAr.
FeteeruUonjrf the 4th~tf Julj/,—The wind
being from the opposite direction, oa Monday,
our eirs were spared the Ihsmeiess mockery
of the Yankee noon salute at Fort Pulaski;
bat tbe wind having hauled round daring the
afternoon, the report of the guns firing tbs
evening sal a to were distinctly heard' in the
city. Is it poiflibls to imagine any exhibition
those olongtheMooen .Sd to
•a. uyeeable than to bear tbe reverb w ion of the
Yankee cannon in honor of the birth of that
the Griffin Committee—those around Mason
to the Macon Committee—’.Lote around Ba-
vauuah (c the Ccminittee from that city—
~ V.Btte*
those from Southern Georgia to
County Commitiis,. while the efficient and
untiring egents of the Georgia Relief and
Assaeistioa will bo the niliisr; alnco-
Ue ArUngton RetatobiTcngiag»+**** w^Hefieegtafattttgjgg«C ritCn.iritett biblTof
. -m—> blhe State. Thera ora also comolt.ees hero thibeoteralifa (flfa««faw4M!topm.
duction cf eRoulhern patriot and Statesman,
t T' [&ivarmah New.
.the State. .There are also committees hero
from South'Carolina and Alabama who wcuid
be glad to receive such ccniribctioee. ^
And while' bn the topic, l cmaloI refrain
from cxpiesetEg surprise at~th* waatonnese
of the soldiers, in turning their hors?* into
gardens and using the fence* for fuel. There
were in nnd around Marietta gsrJenr enough
to farsish vegetables for several brigadis, and
when our or my left, four-fifth* of them bad
been raised ;u the manner alluded to. It is
true thei the horses' need groen forage, hut
liberty which .they once enjoyed, and f hick
was achieved for them mainly by Southern io-
teUrot and Santhorn valor 1 Yes, one tiring
w-mld have h£tn s’iil more (fiigns'ine—to
here heard some Ypnkee subjngator whining
in the earn cf his brother vandals, the noble
1 Obural Sivrvtau’e Accouxt of. the Situatetn.
--ternoral Sbexman, says theMashville Guten
Inadt'potnb t? th#,.War pspsilsusi, doted
Two army letters in Mondsy’s Times fro<
coireiponlsni: ia diiferentparis of Grant's tr
my, in giving tbs information of Lee moving
te the left on the lineof the lYeldco Roilrt ad,
BS^ys: The opiniom i* current in the army 1 hat
ho (Lee) will abandon Bichtuond and puaL in>
to ZioriQ
: k gJ# ofWhite BTrvBftli
mtw Kltou
report. Only eix wehe thrown on thu 4 .h in»t. 't-er. fort
Tha Vrir.traan at si.—-t e . ^ - Rsl)a.,a-I
The Yankees omitted ths national saline trout
their vessels and baiti-rus,Monday.
Another body cf Yiukeea landed on Jjhn’e
Island Tuesday, but is believed to ft« only a
email foree for tho purpoee'of covering soot*
moveacutb elsewhere. - -
No ohange tf lmportano* in the fieri, hat
been &--uocJ.--Cbuntv 1 CtA.
J c* the Hi
SnteXiEU, July £ -
21 or* noeived. Tit]
t ortont fr x Grant-
Sherman mdmStea eevstceyries with k
loos cn ths 27 th wit
Tte n-stneky Stete C.aven ion, i
{Chorite ’} WicxUff* preridltg, on the i
passed resolstleni IsetSKtng the MW et
Admit-'':* . i eel wdvwrts_ ee iwil
armistice an: a national ocioeliei Cat
adjustment of ffifficcltiee.
Lin eric doniee aathcriiy havtrghem g
to any cue te obtain fierelgw rw or site.
fibtlby sank ose gWeheetwad dwxogtf
other* on White river. Suleequeatiy a;
sect by f .tei* dreve thaea eff, sod 8* U
ode is .cunerguswliy vwfeel. Iswwtparl
future WlU be ecavaywd by |«hwfa
Ths War Is yis|tsfa
Ws find tha oasexe 1 iw the Ralhteiq
C ) State Journal et the6th:
Iron Peter*burg wa hWW* ispetlh haa
fertnt louw ea tltet Groat haa left the bst
that citT w;:h the vteriu, *» tea . ;<(Ur )
lionet hie feres - We are lie* seel ta
tiers tb s true u. e. me exwoL - fa Ta
peptro bi-tray a fo»i .bat tier,.! s U**r'
a march _p,a Grant act now thrtntdtt V.
ingten. !Ts iLr-r.iis ft u. th* rep::'.
Burnt 1 la's eorpe ha 1 rt-s-hwi ! tkinr-.
And that Fufter’e
north able
Carolina. This sort of.theory lias
been current very often during the war, but
it ha* never been realized practioaliy, nnd ia
oertainly not likely to be at this moment. - -
3 he latest news from the.ormy ii np to Sun
day morning by mtssengers who left the front
to take Sunday’* boat at CityToint. The en
tire week bos passed away with no aotion of
moment other than that of Wednesday lost.—
All the theories that the.aeccuionists here got
up atth* otow* of last week are shown to be
both fakq and absurd. It was the minor affair
'Wednesday, it aeems, that they maguifiid
until it inoluded not only the annihilation of
the 2d corps, and disaster to ths 6th, bat* not-
usily ths tnmaltuons retreat of the whole army
from-City Point.
Tbs position of onr affairs ia constantly im
proving. Onr various recent expeditionary
columns and cavalry raid* have not individu
ally baen altogether successful, bat collective
ly they have gt *uly embarrassed Lee, and ren
dered Grant eminent service.
They have been under euch leaders ae Sher
idan, Raatz, Wilson, HuDter, Crook and Arer-
ill, and have covered all the region around
abcut Richmond from tha Rappahannock lo
to the Htpidan rivers and the North, to the
Carolina line on the South; from Hampton
Bonds on the East to beyond the Bine Ridge
mountaiae cn the West. They-have played
havoc In all directiona vith all the rebel rail
road' line? converging at or diverging from
Richmond- To mention in succession these
Affair* at Jackton.
Sunday evening the city or Iacki<
retnaifii ol Ut, waa thrown into c
bf the approich of the Viokeea.
Government*stores were sent over the tmr, ai.d
citizene were* adviseU *t ‘♦headquarters** if they
had^ anything they .wished to save from the
dltlbti of tho thieYes t It was time they .went *
going ihont moving them away. Moat of ihe
prominent inhabiisnts, outside of these con-
hseted with the army, 1 choee to remain and «n-
cluret whatever fate might be In store lor :he*a.
There was, however, considers hie nervousness
on account of the report that a large proportion
of the invading force consisted of negroes, the
horyibU oi;tr6ge« commiued by negroes under
Smith and Grierson being fresh ia everybody's
mind. Bnt what else could be done* Few of
the wealthiest citizens of Jackron can iil-afford
to pay the enormous cost of living ia ths Eset-
ern country; if, indeed* they oouJd find a shelter
any price ’to cover them from the rains «nd
storms of the elements. Wo conld not blame
those who could be of no use to'the Confederal
cy f in iho character of reftrgees, for staying et
their homes. On • the contr»ty» we think it
their duty to rsiuain in.
Everything in tho shape of herse ficck and
vehicles were eent off on Sunday evening, suU
tho «liy» for a time, presented a scene of some
confusion, though for the most part the people
seemed to be very little excited or alarmed —
They seemed to look' upon the raid as a matter
ot courso, a thing long expected and to be en*
dared with becoming philosophic reigns*
tion._. . . .^r * • : . •• --
On Monday morning the pontoon bridge-
.across Pearl river was cut, and it vyas the gen«
eral cxptctatlon that the Yankees would retch
Jackson Monday evening; thuugh w© have
since learned by telegraph that they came no
farther than Clinton, where they were checked
by,Scott’s Cavalry. We kam that a private
^dispatch waa received in this city which esy*
they rewthed Jackson- yesterday evening at 8
o’clock. * ^ : - J. Zry*.
Tbe foico has been variously estimated at
from six to twelve thousand. They arc a fre*h
mongrel set, being composed principally of or.*-
hundred days*-men and negroes, under com
mand of Gen. Dennis. It would bp as essy
matter for two or three ihouaand of our ye:m?*»
under tfoe leadership.of such a men at* Forrest,
to'seatter alpi destroy the entire body. We trust
they will be welcomed ic tha regular Forreat
*?*• , ear Munf 'i - |
We »ouid narnciur reader, ega.nst t’ioa.i-f j
themeei>es to be disturbed bjr ateniiof reports j
invented and circulated bp those bird* of evil 1
cmen, the croaberv. Aii i.jJtet lions ere lovora I
able. Let us be petfent tod hopctul.
The Tupelo correspondent ol the MoUft AJ» i
vertiser, says tbit several flags of tru.-e hive I
been pasting lately, but their meaning bn not
been divulged. One left for Memphis June?*.;
It is said by partite from there that the place
-could have been taken with two or three regi- |
ments at one time mince the fight. Ills ueo]
reported that the enemy intend to coote out in |
force to repair the Sturgis disaster.
neitter Petersburg a„r iU '.
norisG«n L«.'« .-my v>. -
teraburg. lij par 1 ;u .
fact shews tit mot u -i t. :
does not fella* tb at as fa
r'derablc ! *■ Virgin:*.
Bieoe ths foregoiug ao written Xfeara
that a fighter, ogtifo . , .
n — - rtu- “ffiriill
iaft tha: ei'j -
Mb* Icfu*.
vcaxxut e roon-r.Bj *_
co-v. r: iEM* tr rax : : - :M
The Atlauta Cxaewuva ltd A
for Balder*.
Tj :.'.i C.:':nr tf Orrryis, A’~l: i r l
rionio: ^ \
lour eta-, - ucuii: , i breiuar:,
three front iecr.-ky. It .
North Car*tins. teithCi: .
^ *
aud thatrj, for a-urwa-e
coil, wot Bui k-.v a.ite,- .
day, ’ -'ml|«^'hrtariTettfi at Itobheftao te
tho proteciton tf ticr>i rg-ta; ao4 hi
further oad final rsrttii of cut * ri aacau
The** noble bty* ftai* f-t. *.x : t taceo
• »ntly digging, fighting *u J « :
da/e, with on fft-atioiial thu.--,. tf .
meet, end, whet ii Horse, »;;hou: c: tare
diet. Tsgauble feed for these fcr*-- »»u a.A
esetifleitg men, during this t to
of th* greatut ispertoxce, ia
their health atd f.rlktr tffiri.
It I* ncicuMtlly ?h* duly
toreat of ivory resUeat cf our fr-itil
do oil ia hie power to
health srd ir.creoaii g the u
ore lisperitieg their live* j
To effect tt:e ntt-le o»j
preeibiy shars with them
lens, maebes, and o.her Trg
The demand ia fra.', Iha aeudOc. 7
ead th" - lj-»t humta* and |»tnu :
Feeitga*-,<sd fate* th* rep**.-«4 ft
ftbsral’ ^ sfcflVtololfLe »•■'-•'»* ».
c:;.:n/ '11 : t U ni
western tu*. ? au’ ; f .g tots,
to seo that tv cry rte 1- *.' cf riegvtitlvs
ho-p'.tal *to-> .a;?ropr air ts rsl.if ■ :
cur s-ldi-re new focirg it l »e -7
icg night and day for or.
All paokasee •hcaid 11 sLipps' ly •
Sontforn'Exp-# * . > . ; .
tiosbls, and tddrswsei to J. V ft . :to, B*e
rstartt Atlanta, O-crgla.
roads tbowe what an important railroad oentre
UUU- puri.eTen tfoiook, the oventng-of the Eictmo[Kl .nd alno Udieate. tb.perilon*
circle wiii* *k;cli Jefi. Dafia tLi his army are
I**a».pr«aMttr» l»«CQOupcl»g tbit-the environed. Ths Norf.Ik road wa bold at
From th« Trtnt-SIKatMlprl D»p«rtm«n \
Wc hxd the pleasure jfitriiy of s cell
from Mr. Frank G. Watson, crdcacce a^ect
for the Trsns-Missiesippi department, who
had just arrived from the other side of the
Mississippi. He crossed the river oa the 2Ui
of Jane, and brings late interesting a&d tn-
ooursging inUrlUgsnce.
He reports that all it» available cavalry cf
the department, some ia ntiabsr, had
started for MUftonri, uader ceuunaad of Gss.
Wharton, cf Texas. . ;
J}rig-idi«rGiDo»‘»l Jwi^pk Sldtlby, In Ll .ru;*
us, had "crossed the Arkansas river with 2500
men, and was already in .MUsour!. Gt£<p>rai
Marxaaduke had also croee*4 the Askars a#,
and Brig Gen. Jaa P. iDjorhtd left Texas,
-with 6000 men for ih*.* asms PUth
this they haTe found iu the broad pastures I oneuj had ahnndoned his position. I based hear both termini, and the Weldon road hasl* hbj:r Gm. Pr.oe was in chhf coOKcaud II
- - A --te * . ^ eAM.l ^ ~ “
Ptiy stash nobis Wffow-tlft free livicj
-- . _ . a* . , 4 . - % , lieu, teisj u*xv Aounu in uw unwi pu _ J t ■.
t msu waom wcqu anu tae j eB; j i e3ft j n g wheat fields of this fruitful re- I cy »;rt upon those of the army command- been broken op again and i our army j Missouri, and would aivasce with tbs iursntry
lilies cf ieoJ fc&trt whom tie* had kilieti ; jlot.. It i] ihejr Taadailee, uawortby iL.t ere. The enemy ham si"cwa bach hi] fituk is c ove up. I earn from a Richmond paper *»J arliiUry a# rapidly s* posoibis Mejer
ia a wicked eauee. Let title record *t»nd t; ! hravs and true Confederate, tn drstiyv nr-l end sb»n3oB»l all hie works in front of Kin- c f Friday list that on the day previous Wil- ” ------ - x * * -*
the everlutiae cradit *f Seorctary Blanton.” <*iy tbe snppliae of tbapuople, but that which , m«»v mountain, but holds that mountain ae .on was duccnnecting the Danville road, end
.... — X he needs himself. A Yankee vaadal would be . the apex cf Lie position, wi'h hie flanks be- our latest advices represent that he baa
It will he a source ol gratifies;:.':: t-> too smar: for that. Il ie killing thdgcose that j ti*d-Noonday ml Metes erseke. We have , retched Burkesvilie. Crock and Averill hive
ITIerS \'aJaA.rfhrrn Cre....l.ft*•»'-. -
—We have taken rrii? to lev ux ,h 'a- ,
.t thr c**e, whiei are briefly ai
F*r (urns tims pul the ''Ji,:: JT* hie
known to Indnlgs la tho pvetin. , ut •
Detroit river., few mu- i bslo'T bfad.Ute t
Ihe old "Hoi Tavsrsu" On Ii-atof otter
n»uu he ltft the H*ro» Hess* .’st to* »tt<-
loooitiy, wb-»c« he nrataiu ti 1 jt.-ut toif-pv».
n ts. at -i'it tims hi* scat coo”’-! mQt ’■
the tivvv at WyaoJetis. where U to»k :b-5.
M'rVget. tiostfcern rrwl.
A man rw>,Ji*g it kcu i* hart p“-;h»e j
a ticket ever th.* rood for -c- -: i-: *a th
duy, »il me he did not leave He : T- ■
Si It fti- to presume that it wa- eUela-r: ftr
\ a ianJ’ghim. Be that *1 It »»y. '••'*
^reared tte r : vor at Wyanl- te, »s ;'*«
cwv-ag ’for d:*g»:*e t -
lion, in 1 it abu&'.V- o’clrtt •• h>-
vsvV to Clio iu a lies; cj ror —J* . ti-
have Vad Irilcdsernceed"to'tVa dsn^’ i loje the golden egg. • > T I prelsed him pretty cl&ee to-day, sltbcurh tbo been fora second time operating upon the
* - iu*- ... — . v*" 1 , , In my tonr to-day along th* treasheo fur ! continued rain makes all movement* almoet Western sec lion of the Central road, and the
gerant ibaitientid in vtrguua, lo know th»t | n ^ a uiilee, I had the pleuar* of meeting ih imposaiBility. ; Lynchburg and Petrreoarg road, and tba
between -be rolcnteer imbalance committee* i many of tha .Georgia boy*; and while they ; •• . farther ecd af the Onugs and AlFXaedria
tcu the medic*: ue par: ment of the Ocremmcr,:. lock well broxied wi'h the sun. incy appear -.att-s Czrac*.—D.vIls setvkw -rbi te t-.S a-.-: Socriian hi. been operating upon tbe
the woanied b*TS received every atlenticn that j gesert-Uy in good health anti spirits. I taw Idu-jChurob ca Sunday ssn'.nggtlO&c’ctoclc, the j Eistern port of tbe Central ro*i and upen
' Vtonernl* Hsrdso and Hood for th: fint time ! st itir.Eeury C-lr^oSsfating. > the Iicdcricbsturg line, and the York river
Gee Buckner bus c >nacfend ii Aiksaf^f, «rad “ ,kW/
Q Tha M Yi r k^. r h^ T e"«u,te.lLItiioBook. I '
Mr. ATst»on ssjs xherr-par*. thu Ova. j •-* M*cos —?fert-^ ®****''
B. Tsylor has bs«o rstJevci, hss do founds- Cffro*. '.si w»hl»t v- ^W? *• * -
uoc. as far m h« is swxrt, *ci ihs* tto Gsc- • a pi M9 . c%a fe4 ft
oral instead of resigning, vu mAkiDg hU
wsy toward >i«w Or:«sns. .
He loft Mobil* on his return l«it frfr.'or
17e Under him our ihsuks for cbUgicg slits
tkicl—Mobile Argui, JWy 2.
offioe of D -pot Zr $ -an* Fcrptin*, **
riett* sir-wt, four ia -* frr-s -ttidhvi
July 7-Si
• !«•