Newspaper Page Text
No. 410.
For Boston,
The schr. FAVORITE, Condry, to sail on
Saturday next; for freight or passage, apply
to tlie captain on board, or to
July 10 9
For New-York,
v&Mv The fine fast sailing ship GLENTHORN,
capt. Stillman, will sail on Tuesday next. For
freight or passage, having good accommodations, ap
ply to the captain on board at Hunter’s wharf, or to
July 10. • s 9
For New-York,
The schr. UN DAUNTED, to sail On Sunday
next,can accommodate ten passengers; for
freight/ which will be taken low, or passage, apply to
the captain on board, or to
jul y 10 9 £ vchange -wharf.
For Havre,
The brig TWO-BROTHERS, Curtis, mas-
J&f'.rl ter, to sail on Sunday next; for passage ap
ply on board, or to J. BATTELLE.
July 8 • 8
For sale, freight or charter,
The substantial brig HERO, T. Haraden,
JUSpge master; in complete order for any voyage.—
Apply on board at Bolton’s central wharf, or to
Who has landing from said brig from Ostend,
3 butts old Holland, 5 bales Oznaburgs
30 jars superior Butter, forfamilj use
2 bales Linen Bags
11 bales Brussels Carpets, 10 rolls do. Carpeting,
5 dozen handsome (lag bottom Chairs,
2 dozen do. do. do. Settees,
25000 Bricks, 12000 Tiles, suitable for hearths and
kitchen floors, 1000 square flaging Stones.
15 q arter casks old Teneriffe and Marsala Wine,
30 and zen very superior Champaigne,
3 do. old Hock, or Rhenish ’.Vine,
3d case® pure Holland Gin, 49-bbl*. N. E. Rum,
4 hhds. Muscovado Sugar,
Coffee and Cotton Bagging. rdiar* ;
30 oarrela black and bright Varnish.
50 barrels Philadelphia Beqr
Alto- —BILLiI on Philadelphia, New-York and Boston
july 8 8
For New-York,
The packet brig ACTRESS, ixqrman iiuJ,
master, will sail on Sunday next —for freight
or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to
the master on board, or to Wai. 11. JOYNER A co.
Taylor’s wharf
Who have landing from said brig,
20 boxes best Soap
And barrels Apple Brandy,
july 8 s 8
For Boston,
The ri ” GEORGIA, Thomas West, master.
For freight, apply on board, or to
For sale, received tier said brig.
100 volumes Delano’s voyages and travels, compris
ing three voyages round the world.
june 24. 2
For Philadelphia,
The packet brig SALLY, will be dispatched
J3y#-vfc> n a few’ days, having the principal part of her
cargo . nga -ed; for freight of the remainder, or pas
sage. iiaving excellent accommodations, apply to capt.
Blye on board at Hunter’s wharf, or to
Who has received and for sale,
15 hhds. Whiskey—l3,soo Bricks.
June 19 ~ 100
For Charleston,
T * ,e la9t sail,n £ schr. HARVEST, Lanneau,
da master, will meet with despatch ; for freight
Or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to
the captain on board, or io
july 10 9
For Darien, St. Mary’s § Amelia,
The sloop CYNTHIA, D. Pidge, master ;
will sail on Sunday next; for freight or pas
sage apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf,
july 10’ 6
fjMFTEF.N hogsheads and 45 barrels prime Musco
vado Sugar. For sale by the subscribers on ac
commodating terms.
Gillett &c Milne.
July i 5
Just received, 2000 bushels prime Berch-Inland Coru.
F,r sale by DILUO it WATTS.
june 2(i 3
Just received l*y tin* Subscriber,
I case boys line morocco lla's
Ido in.-n’s \l> (for servants)
Ido I’lai and Homespuns
1 /to CliarnbruyH
I i|ti Checks
I do cotton Shifting*
I do (Inc I inch*
I to long |,.-wn*
And a lot <>t up country or Crntfri t llonimioiin*.
(Columfat jftuscttm.
% * C Vs.. 1 r
SAVANNAH, (Georgia.)— SATURDAY A&BAtjfU, JULY 12, 1817.
New Summer Goods.
Jiy the ship Georgia, just arrivedfrom Liverpool,
THE subscribers have received an extensive supply
of DRY GOODS, well calculated for the season,
having been laid in low, will be sold on reasonable
They will on the first day of October next, discon
tinue to retail, so far as regards the cutting of goods.
In the mean time the goods in the retail store will be
disposed of at reduced prices, and hereafter families
will be supplied at a low advance by the piece or do
zen. ANDREW LOW & co.
may 10 83
Just received and for sale,
100 barrels superfine Balt. Flour,
100 do pilot and ship bread — ALSO,
50 boxes claret Wine of one doz. each.
4-4 undressed Irish Linens
7-8 do do do.
Long Lawps
Elegant Damask Table Diaper
Received by the Woodbine
june 12 97
Stanton § Byrd,
Have just received, and offer for sale on their usual ac
commodating terms,
ONE Hundred hhds. Molasses, suitable for retailing,
30 do, Jamaica Run>, 4t.h and sth proof, 60 do.
Rye Whiskey, 30 bbls. N. E. Rum, 60 half chests
Hyson Tea.
Ix store- -100 tons Tyre Iron, 2by 3-4, 50 do. Axe
Bar, large, 20 do. Plough Moulds, 20 do. Pot Metal
assorted, 10 do. Shot assorted, 70 hhds. Muscovado 1
and Jamaica Sugar, 50 bbls. do. do. 40 do. Loaf and
Lump Sugar, Russia Duck, Sheeting and Ravens Duck,
Ac. Ac.
juiy 3 it 6
I j * j
For Sale,
5,000 lbs. Glauber Salts, low for cash, bv
april 23. 69 Market-square.
Gunpowder , flpj.
40 Dupont’s Gunpowder, 2 do. English Cannis
ter, do.
10 hhds. rye Whiskey, 20 bbls do. do.
15 do apple Brandy, 5 do. peach, do.
In Store.
100 reams wrapping Paper, 20 boxes fresh garden
Seeds. 4 chests young hyson Tea. 2 do. Hyson, do.
1 do imperial do.
Jit Retail,
Prime Jamaica Sugar and Coffee, London Porter, Ja
maica Rum, Cogniac Bran/lv, Holland Gin, and fresh
Teas. For sale by JAMES H. FRASER,
feb. 3. 1 Market-square.
The subscribers bare now in store,
■30,000 bushels of CORN for sale, and will have a
constant supply through the season; —refer to Tt. Si J.
Habersham. CLARK, CARNAL & Cos.
Plymouth, N. C.
april 28 eodam 73
Sugar and Coffee,
150 hhds. Jamaica and St. Croix Sugar
50,000 lbs. prime green Coffee, on accommodating
terms. Apply to MINIS & HENRY,
june 17 ws 99
A few cases of the first quality for sale, very low’, by
Blanchard § Domcnget.
june 17 j-x 99
‘■ - i——- ■■■ —_
MORAL and Religious, designed for the Instruc
tion and improvement of Young Persons, by the
Rev. W. Potter.
Subscribers to the above work, are respectfully in
formed that it is arrived, and may be had at the book
stores of Mr. Williams, & of Messrs. S. C. & J. SeiiENK,
and also of the Author.— Price, in boards gl.
june 21 1
Ship Chandlery and Groceries.
The subscribers offer for sale, at TelfaiPs wharf,
A large and general assortment of Ship Chandlery,
Cutlery, Paints and Oil ; genuine Liquors, Ten, Sugar,
Coffee, Ac See.—which will be disposed of on liberal
terms, wholesale or retail. GRAY A FINDER.
-10 hlid* London draft Porter, for bottling
A schooner’s Alain and Foresail, nearly new
june 10. 96
Fur Sale,
V NEGRO WOMAN wh understands house ser
vice, is u good Meant*! less, Ac. Enquire at this
office, july 1 It 5
111. Whß, II MfOMI I CAIIIIH, An
r. t terra a i * * * *t * ii*v*mk rt i k, v** ok art.
SUSASLt n MM*, AT IMIS Uffttlt,
Mackerel, § c* , *
ONE hundred bbls. new Mackerel
130 oxes smoaked Herring
25 Ijhds. N. E. Rum
25 Ibis. do. do.
Landing f om brig Eliza, ahd for sale by
july 8 s 8
“‘T ■ -.■■ ■ —■
Factor ige & Commission Business.
THE Subscriber having taken a Store in one of
Boltins fire proof buildings, Exchange Dock,
tenders his services to his Friends and the Public in
the above line.
("late of the firm of May it Lewis. )
July 8 f 8
George Relph,
No. 2....gihbo’s BciimnrG.
Ha3 just received per the Georgia and William &
Henry front Lv'crpool. an ..assortment or fashionable
English nude? Coats, Waistcoats, and Pantaloons, of
the first quality. Also, a further supply of Dry s ods
suitable for the present season, among w hich are the
best flaxen Osnaburgs, Linens, Dowlas, Dimities, white
Jeans, figured Cambrics, Sic.
may 10. 83
For Sale,
Bills on NEW-YDRK and LONDON.
11. A’ J. Bolton.
jan 20 i
1 1 1 “*’ 111 *■ ■■ ■ ■— ‘ 1 —i i.
Bills on England,
For sale by
may 10 83
- ...
Bill s on New-York,
At a short sight, for sale by Wm. GASTON,
march 6. ’ 28
y Bills oh London,
On Glasgow’ ■<. .-ij - sr> t Grub-si and on New York.
For sale . WO SPEA KM AN U ca.
june 12. 97 > raser'i wharf
Bills v> .York find Boston,
R v : by
Olmstead <Bf Battelle.
june 19 ioo
Bills on New-York Baltimore,
For sale by JOIIJY LATHROP & CO.
june 17. 99
Corn and Oats.
A constant supply of Corn and Oats may always be
had, by applying to BRANT IS FOX,
june 24 2 Telfair’s wharf
■jVTEGRO BOYS, as apprentices to the Shoe-making
li Business. Planters wishing to have boys instruct
ed, will apply to J. S. CUNNINGHAM,
june 7. 95
The Subscribers,
Have just receive/! per brigs Georgia from Boston, and
Calypso, from Baltimore and offer for sale,
20 barrels new Rum
40 casks stone Lime
68 barrels Herrings
Havana Sugar, Checkerberrv Cordials, in bottles
Pimento, Demijohns, boxes Tumblers
Trunks, assorted sizes, Measures in sets,
Looking Glasses assorted, House Sofas
One elegant Bureau
Cut Nails, plantation Seives, Cables & Hawsers
Cotton and wool Cards, ladies’ Bootees
Naped and wool Hats, ladies’ straw Bonnets
Gabon’s pocket Books
Letter, writing, printing & sheathing, Paper, &c.
june 28 4
Selling off Cheap!
(~ Twenty-five per cent under the regular prices. J
THE subscribers, intending to leave Savannah in the
‘-course of a few weeks, will sell oif their stock of
Goods at vejv reduced prices.
(fj* People desirous of saving twenty-five per cent, in
the prices, will do well to call without delay, at the
cheap store, in the rear of Gibbons’s buildings,
may 29 91 P. & J. BARRIE.
- 1 —-
Old Cognac Brandy.
23 short pines of superior old Cognac Brandy, en
titled to drawback, just received from Philadelphia, per
schooner Eagle, for sale by R. L. DUHAMEL,
Howard's building.
ALSO, —sparkling Champaign, old Medoc, coarse
Hats, changeable Silks, assorted Crapes, silk Gloves,
real Madras Handkerchiefs, 3 bales Humluiius, double
cased silver watches, Ac. Ac.
june 5. n.a.w. 94
Til IF. partnership heretofore existing under the firms
, of Deuel A Stnutcnburgh, Augusta ; 8, A W. Gre
sham A co. Clmrleston, S. C. A Deuel, Greshatn A eo
Savannah, were dissolved by mutual consent, on the
The above luinim will b<* f'nntiniicil by tlm sub
verifier* 111 \ngns<<i under the firm of II II Stouten
burgh A > 0 Ind m haviuintilt, under tin* firm of Mtmi-
Hnifiuigli A Tlion IIKNJ. II K I'Ol’TKKtfUltttJl,
JOSEPH thorn.
I rimy U 98
35 hogsheads, now landing and for Stale by
july 8. 8 .
— “■ - ■ —I, 1 .1 11. . ..■!.
The Subscribers
Has>e just received per brig Hero, from Ostend,
2500 linen Bags
5 cases linen Cambrics
Also per brig Elisa from Boston. ,
5 trunks Shoes, assorted
100 reams royal printing Papet 1
30 cases Tumblers.
july 8 8
Taft £5 Sibley,
Have just received per brig General Jackson, and for sc hi
E|TEN hhds. N. U. Hum, 2 pipes Cognac Brandyi
J. 1 pipe Holland Gin, 100 barrels Pilot Bread,
20 bbls. Navy Bread, 15 boxes Codfish,
10 Jersey Waggons.
In store —10 hnds. Gin, 30 bbls. N. E. Rum,
10 bbls. Sugar, 50 bbls. Plantation Fish,
20 bags green Coffee, 50 kegs Crackers!
july 8 8 8
Spring ahd Summer Goods;
BY the ship Georgia and John & Edward, and ihfi
other recent arrivals from Liverpool, the subscri-i
1 ershave received an extensive and well selected Sup
• !y of seasonable Goods ; which, added to (heir former
;.ck on hand, makes their present assortment very
complete and well worthy the attention of town “nd
country purchasers.
rii ir stock consists of all descriptions of wnoljetu,
worsted, linen and cotton Goods. I lsxd<re, und'&ev
lery, all kind*; Shot, Lel an* Gunpow Ac.
may 17. . 81 .
it <s high 4'd- i-roof French of o#
j qi'.aiitv, landing from shir Wo.xlbme, by
j ‘ * v ’ v Y>r ‘ ’j . ’ ■ -
- - ‘Trthng ti.fvldX; finin'Xf w+liirt"’
’ 2\ hi ds high proof Whiskey, which wi” be sold fov?
vbi’casii. or ’ iletecl for Upl-t?rd ce>**ou
Bilbo Ik Watth
june 19 100
— —■-> .1
From the schooner Sally, from Norfolk y
304 bbls. superfine Flour.
63 kegs hogs Lard,
60 bbls. Herrings,
25 kegs manufactured Tobacco, vsrrhidetL
20 bbls. Pork,
A quantity of Virginia Hams, equal td
Aj\D [Westphalia,
30 puncheons 3 a 4th proof Antigua Rum, i
years old. For sale on accommodating terms, by
june 24. 2
T. M. Chamberlain,
HAS at nil times for sale at his store, south Side 6f tlifi
Market, a general assortment of DRY GOODS ;
among which are fine Irish Linens; Oznaburgs; Mus
lins ; Threads; white and colored Homespuns; Silks j
Kerseys and Sattinetts (domestic manufactured;) Csdli
coes; Bornbazetts ; Millinetts; superfine and second
Cloths; Crapes; Bombazeens, &e. Ac.
april 4 tAf 53
“* ‘ r - - 1 11 iii, fc
Charles W. Carpenter, Co.’
Haste for sale, landing from Brig Ante Ha;
21 bis. Cider,
ALSO—In Store
50 boxes Pipes
20 k ’ o s Paint, assorted colour#
5 boxes coarse and fine Hats
1 case light Muskets
1 do. pocket Pistols, powder flasks, shot belts, Ls:
1 do. elegant bronzed Candle Braes
10 bundles Faggot Steel
chests of Imperial, Hyson, A young HyStffl Tc*
4 cases assorted Glass-Ware
1 do. Books
1 do Lead Pencils
3 do. Drv.Goods
4 doz. Fancy Chair.”
20 bis Ist quality Newark Chief
10 do. Beer
20 bundles Hay * jime 3. 54
—— —ac
Blanchard Domenget,
Has'ejust receix>edfrom France via New-} orb,
A variety of seasonable goods, which they offei fbf
sale at the most reduced prices ; among which ar—
changeable dbl. silk Florence
superfine blue, black,and green Broadcloth*
9-8 hlk twld Alepinc, suitable for gentleman’# Wttiitifl
Marengo Stripes for dresses
silk CheneHe* and wire Cords
linen Sheetings and pocket Handkf#
3-4 silk Shawls
Alto per schooner Emily anil brig Amelia front New- Turk
2 boxes 7-8 Irish Linens
1 do 4-4 do do
1 do 3-4 Irish Diaper
1 do 54 do Sheeting*
2 do 4-4 cotton Cheek*
may 17 f n99
\ LETTER dated from Baltimore, from Ms. Samui l
, in/lie*!er with t.wo and a half Lottery Tick et*.
iitrfim-il therein; the number* are, of the wfiolo ticket*
13715, 12779, ami the half HI4H, a* near a* ren lie re
eolleitt'd; * liberal rcuard will In- given to tlir finder,
il'required by liaving it at tiat vilfi> e.
in a ac* ra'otir.Lu
july 19< • t
Y oii. ti