Newspaper Page Text
No. U 5.
\ For lb
vMf> T he brig- GEORG
rftr freight, apply o.
MMm . olmsjt .
Fir Hale, received per
100 volumes Delano’s voyages .
ing three voyages round the worlu
june 24. \yJfc*4jk”
For New-York
The packet shjp COTTON
master, will sail first fair wind fr<
id inst.—for freight or passage apj.
twn on board, at Johnstbnlr wharf, or to
Who have for sale, received per said shi
25 cartes and casks Stone Ware “*
An invoice superior Boots and Shoes
July 19 13
rJfT r Philadelphia,
The schooner BETSEY, Jas. Robinson, mas
ter, will be dispatched in a few days. For
or passage, apply to the Captain on board, or
Who has received by said Schooner,
19,000 Philadelphia Bricks
6000 do. Stretchers do.
10 bblsT Philadelphia Bottled Porter
. 250 bushels Oats, in bags of 2$ bushels
July 19 13
For Providepce, r. i.
Parr, she will be dispatched with as little delay
as possible. Should freight or passengers offer for New
York, she will touch atthat port to deliver the same.
Apply on board at Moored wharf, or to
s 13
rffr For Charleston,
The fast sailing schr? HARVEST, Lanneau,
•“jfcsj&sa master, will meet with despatch ; for freight
or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to
the cawtain on board, or io
j|iy 10 9
yr —■ ...
w For Havana,
\KVIER, capt. Bullen, 44 tons
VpT^mrrthen-—she,will take fh;jght for the above
dort, or atov other in the Wcst-Ipdics, if immedietc ap
plication to the master on board at Rice’s whf.
or to ‘ ’ A. IIOWE.
julv 22 \ 14
For freight oh charter,
wMh The fine fast sailing schr. FARMER, captain
Bullen, Baltimore built, burthen 40 tons,
in'Complete order for sea, and will be ready to receive
a cargo in one day’s notice ; for terms apply to the mas
ter on board at Rice’s wharf.
Who has for sale on board,
A few bis. first quality Baltimore HERRINGS,
juiyir 12
Just Received,
_ AifD von sale —100 kegs Gunpowder,
july 19 a 13 ANSON BLAKE.
Spermaceti Candles,
In small boxes, of a superior quality, for sale by
july 19 13 P. DUFFY.
Jonathan Battelle,
s Has for sale,
3 butts old Holland, 5 bales Oznaburgs
30 jars superior Butter, for family use
2 bales linen Bags
11 bales Brussels Carpets, i0 rolls do. Carpeting,
5 dozen handsome flag bottom Chairs,
2 dozen do. do. do. Settees,
35000 Bricks, 12000 Tiles, suitable for ncarths and
kitchen floors, 1000 square flaging Stones.
LX’ S' I 'ORE,
15 quarter casks old Tencriff’e and Marsala Wine,
30 dozen very- superior Champaigne,
3 do. old Hock, or Rhenish Wine,
20 eases pul e Holland Gin, 49 bbls. N. E. Rum,
4 hhds. Muscovado Sugar,
Coffee and Cotton Bagging, Cordage,
SO barrels black and bright Varnish.
£ 50 barrels Philadelphia Beer
r BILLS on Philadelphia, Ncw-York and Boston
july 8 8
1 ~ 1 1 %„
Gunpowder, fyc.
Art kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder, 2 do. English Cannis
ter, do.
10 hhds. rye Whiskey, 20 bbls do. do.
15 do apple Brandy, 5 do. peach, do.
In Store.
100 reams wrapping Paper, 20 boxes fresh garden
Seeds. 4 chests young, hyson Tea. 2 do. Hyson, do.
1 do imperial do.
Jit Retail,
Prime Jamaica Sugar and Coflee, London Porter, Ja
maica Rum, Cogniac Bramlv, Holland Gin, and fresh
Teas. For sale by JAMES H. FRASER,
feb. 3. 1 Market.square.
Spring and 81111111101’ Gooda,
By the ’tihip Georgia and John V Edward, and the
other recent arrivals from Liverpool, the subscri.
Levs have received an extensive and well selected,sup.
ply of seasonahlesGoods; which, udded to their former
stock on hand, makes their present assortment very
complete and well worthy the attention of town and
country purchasers.
Their stock consists of all descriptions of woollen,
worsted, linen and cotton Goods, Hardware and (Jut.
lory, all kinds; Shot, Lead and Gunpowder, he. he
may If. 8§
can c-
Philips’ Lu
Reid on Hypo
lvol.—l 50.
Bishop White’s viev
Calvanists and the a.
Chalmer’s Discourses on C
in connection with Moderi
Ramsay’s History of the United . ,
The New Week’s Preparation foi ..
of the Lord’s Supper—so cents.
Ely on Faith—62s cents.
Scott’s Fdree of Truth—62s.
The Communicants Companion, by Hawes’ —7s w
Rees’ Cyclopedia, vol. 3lst, part 2d. No. 62.
Edinburgh Review, No. 54
Quarterly Review, No. 31
Pinkerton’s Atlas, No. 12
The Analectic Magazine, for June—&.c. &c.
W. T. Williams.
july 12 10
New Summer Goods.
By the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liverpool,
THE subscribers have received an extensive supply
of DRY GOODS, well calculated for the season,
having been laid in low, will be sold on reasonable
They will on the first day of October next, discon
tinue to retail, so far as regards the cutting of goods.
In the mean time the goods in the retail store will be
disposed of at reduced prices, and hereafter families
will be supplied at a low advance by the piece or do
zen. ANDREW LOW &. co.
may 10 83
THE partnership heretofore existing under the firms
of Deuel & Stoutcnburgh, Augusta; S. &W. Gre
sham & co. Charleston, S. C. 8c Deuel, Gresham sc. co.
Savannah, were dissolved by mutual consent, on the
The above business will be continued by the sub
scribers in Augusta, under the firm of B. li. Stouten
burgh & co and in Savannah, under the firm of Stou
tenburgh &. Thorn. BENJ. B. STOUTENBURGH,’
may 31 92
Sliij) Chandlery and Groceries.
The subscribers offer for sale, at Telfair's wharf,
A large and general assortment of Ship Chandlery,
Cutlery', Paints and Oil ; genuine Liquors, Tea, Sugar,
Coffee, See. &c.—which null he disposed of on liberal
terms, wholesale or retail. GRAY & FINDER.
-10 hhds London draft Porter, for bottling
A schooner’s Main and Foresail, nearly new
june 10. 96
Just Received,
Per brig Belvidere from New-I‘or J.',
25 hhds. high proof Whiskey', which will be sold low
for cash, or bartered for Upland cotton.
Bilbo Watts.
junk 19 100
! -*--4 -- ■■ “ ‘ ■ ■ •
FIFTEEN hogsheads and 45 barrels prime Musco
vado Sugar. For sale by the subscribers on ac
commodating terms.
Gillett *V Mihe.
july 1 5
Factorage & Commission Business.
THE Subscriber having taken a Store in one of
Boltoit’s fire proof buildings, Exchange Dock,
tenders hisfocrviccs to his Friends and the Public in
the above line.
1 f late of the firm of .May & Leu-is.)
julv 8 \- | ’ 8
NEGRO BOYS, as apprentices to the Shoe-making
Business.! Planters wishing to have bovs instruct
ed. will apply ?k J. S. CUNNINGHAM,
june t". 95
3900 IL.
400 pair.Shcw*.
Ijs *
12 hhds. N. E. Rum, 30 l
2 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 11/o -
Bread, 25 bbls. Sugar, 10 boxes’ <.
9 Jersey Waggons.
july 19. h 13
10 Pipes high 4th urovf French Brandy, of superior
quality, landing fromlflVp Woodbine, for sale by
june 10. 96 GEORGE GORDON.
*~ 1 .
The Subscribers,
Have just received per brigs Georgia from Boston, and
Calypso,from Baltimore and offer for sale,
20 barrels new Rum
40 casks stone Lime
68 barrels Herrings
Havana Sugar, Checkerberry Cordials, in bottles
Pimento, Demijohns, boxes Tumblers
Trunks, assorted sizes, Measures in sets,
Looking Glasses assorted, House Sofas
One elegant Bureau
Cut Nails, plantation Seives, Cables 8c Hawsers
Cotton and wool Cards, ladies’ Bootees
Naped and wool Hats, ladies’ straw Bonnets
Galvon’s pocket Books
Letter, writing, printing & sheathing. Paper, &c.
june 28 4
Just Received,
Per biig Jlctress from Mew-Tori',
1300 yards best Tow Cloth—table 8c toweling Diaper
4-4 and 7-8 Irish Linen, 5-4 sheeting do.
Furniture Fringe, coarse and fine brown Linen
Fine summer Flannels, Sec.
july 12 10
Charles .W. Carpenter, § Cos.
Have fur sale, landing from Brig Amelia,
21 bis. Cider,
ALSO—In Store
50 boxes Pip s
20 kegs Paint, assorted colours
5 boxes coarse and fine Hats
1 case light Muskets
1 do. pocket Pistols, powder fiasks, shot belts, See.
1 do. elegant bronzed Candle Braes
10 bnndles Faggot Steel
chests of Imperial, Hyson, Sc young llyson Tea
4 eases assorted •’'ass-Ware
1 do. Books
1 do Lead Pencils
3 do. Dry -Goods
4 doz. Fancy Chairs
20 bis Ist quality Newark Ckler
• 10 do. Beer
20 bundles Hay june 5. 94
Selling off Cheap!
r Twenty-five per cent , under the regular prices. )
THE subscribers, intending to leave Savannah in the
course of a few weeks, will sell off their stock ot
Goods at very reduced prices.
(J j” People desirous of saving twenty five per cent, in
the prices, will do well to cnU without delay, at the
cheap stin ,in the rear of Gibbons's buildings,
may 29 91 P. fc J. BARRIE
George Rolph,
No. ?....] BDon’a nritniNO.
Has just received per the Georgia and William Fc
Henry from Liverpool, an assortment of fashionable
English made Coats Waistcoats, and Pantaloons, of
the first quality. Also, a further supply of Dry Goods
suitable for the present season, among which are the
best flaxen Osnaburgs, Linens, Dowlas, Dimities, white
Jeans, figured Cambrics, 81c.
mav 10. 83
5 trunks Shoes, assorted
100 reams royal printing Paper
30 cases Tumblers.
july 8 q
. IC7* NOTICE. —I forbid any person or per
sons from purchasing any property of mine, sucii as re
al or personal, of LLester Lvcena, my v. ife. as she is not
authorized to sell or dispose! of any ] therefore her ti
tle will not be good for any article whatsoever, from
this date. THOS. LV Ct A* ?.
Savannah, July 14 n* Vi_
NOTICE.— Cotmcil -will on Monday next, meet at
the council chamber, for the purpose of electing
City Guagers . and appointing a principal Manager of
Engines for this city. By order cf the Manor.
july 19 13 J. B. NORRIS, c. c.
In Council, Monday, July 14,1817.
THE following persons were elected lumber (measu.
rers for the city of Savannah, for one year: Daniel
Daly, Benjamin W. Leach, Patrick Torpv, Isaac Mul
key, William M. Kelly, Thomas Jones—and John Lilli
bridge and \V. G. Swan, are appointed Notaries Public
for the city of Savannah.
Extract from the Minutes.
july 19 13 JOHN B. NORRIS, c.c.
In Council, July 14, 1817.
THE following persons were appointed Managers
and Assistant managers of Fire Engines, for the
city of Savannah, for one year:
Engine, .Vo-I—James M’Henry, manager; Richard
R. Cuvier, assistant.
Engine, .Vo. 2—Robert Campbell, manager; Alexan
der Kerr, assistant.
Engine, .Vo. 3—Hazcn Kimball, manager; James H.
Fraser, assistant.
Engine, Mo. 4—Gardner Tufts, manager; George W.
Anderson, assistant.
Engiiie, -V. 5—X. S. Bayard, manager; Robert Tay {
lor, assistant.
Engine, Mo. 6—John Tanner, manager; Joseph Car*
ruthers, assistant. Extract from the minutes.
july 19 13 J. H. NORRIS, c.e.
Police-Office, July 17, 1817.
STANDARD weights have been obtained by the
Mayor, and are now ready for delivery at this office.
Measures will he procured as speedily as possible,
of which due notice will be given. “Bu order. \
july 19 In J. B. NORRIS, c. c.
An Ordinance,
Entitled, an Ordinance to regulate Weights and .Mea
sures in this city.
BE it ordained, by the May or and Aldermen of th©
city of Savannah, and it is hereby ordained by the
authority of the same, That, from and immediately af
ter the passing of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of
the mayor, and he is hereby directed, to establish th
standard weights and measures to be used in the city,
and, after due notification, to distribute said weight*
and measures upon application to him at the Police-of
And be it further ordained by the authority i, fore said.
That it shall be the duty of the marshal ami other offi
cers of said city, after said notification, and he and they
are hereby required to inform against any person or
persons using other weights anil measures than, may b
directed under this ordinance, who, when convicted be
fore council, shall pay a hne of not exceeding thirty
dollars, one half to the informer or informers, and th
other moietv for the use of the citv.
Passed, T. U. P. CiIAftLTOK, mayor.
Attest, Jonjr B. Noxuis, c. c.
ulv 19 13