Newspaper Page Text
MiitßtUi for Greenock, only wauls about 260’
b lies cotton to fill up ; freight of this ‘quantity
,‘;n be taken, if early application be made to
a ec 4 83 Fraser’s wharf.
■ t ~
For St. Mary’s,
The stanch sloop Alexander Clttn, Chs.
YSgJ&Clun, master, will sail with all despatch.
For freight or passage apply to the master on
board, at Howard’s wharf, or Ito
dec 3 82 ISAAC COURSE it SOA.
For Darien and St. •Mary s
The sloop HARRIOT, Pardy, master,
Wlfif will sail in all this week. For freight
fir tv,sshcc applv on hoard, ot to
or passage a r 1 . Q f owsr PalmOS.
dec 2 ,
For Alexandria Sj Washington,
rffv qq ic schooner Freemason, John Lym-
P|/ burn, master, burthen 96 tons, sails well,
*din good order. For terms apply to F. 11.
Welm.ix, or to Gheene & LirriTT.
dec 2 g 4
For Baltimore,
. The fast-sailing sloop Experiment,
Bradley, master, will sail on Sunday
For freight or passage apply to the mas
ter on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to
dec a 81 ISAAC COHEN.
For Liverpool,
The fast sailing copper
aed ship MARGAHhI,
* captain MM.ellan, now
■jL loading, and intended to
AtfifFN be re a y for sea in 12
davs, having 3-fourths of
her cargo ready. For
freight or passage, apply
-ie - v on board, or to
no. 3, Commerce Row.
Received per said ship, and for side low,
Clear and merchantable white pine Lumber,
of first quality and seasoned. dec 4 83
gpjLn For Liverpool,
p British ship PATENT,
captain Barugh, carrying 500 bales
only ; has 3uo engaged, and will be
amj eiiiavely despatched. For freight of the re
mainder, apply to It. 11ICJIARDSOA & Cos.
dec .4 83
For Liverpool,
The stanch, fast sailing ship Susan,
Winslow, master, will have immediate
despatch, having 500 bales ready to go on board.
For freight of 350 bales, applv to
250 barrels pilot Bread
25 do no. 1 Pork
50 kegs Richmond man. Tobacco, 3s.
10 hhds. N. E. Hum.
dec. 3 82 Johnston's vpper wharf.
The fast sailing ship Halcyon, J. S.
Wooster, master, will be despatched in
ten clays, weather permitting, having TOO bales
ready to go on board,- for freight of 200 bales,
apply to JOHNSTON & HILLS.
dec a 82
For Liverpool,
v&IHL The good substantial ship JUSTIN A,
JSr— Andrew Tombs, commander, having
half of her cargo ready to go on hoard, and will
soon be despatched ; for freight or passage, ap
ply on board, or to Wm. TAYLOR,
dec 2 81
For Liverpool,
The ship Liverpool Trader, captain
Fenno, wanty freight of 250 to 300 bales
The ship Edwin Bolton, capt. Gardner, wants
only 300 hales.
The British brig Scipio, capt. Madders, wants
half her cargo, or about 250 hales.
Also, the ship Belfast, capt. Bunker, for Havre,
has all but. 300 halts of her cargo ready. The
.rhole will he immediately dispatched
dec-2'-; 81 R .RICHARDSON & co
For any port in Europe,
The very superior fast-sailing ship
Niagara, Lambert, master, stands A 1,
isjiearlv new, having made only two voyages,
and carries 1000 hales cotton. Apply to the
captain onboard, at Rice’s wharf, or to
JOHN THOALiS, Rice’s wharf.
Who has for gale, on hoard said ship,
150 hhds. Liverpool coarse Salt
4;Q00 superior quality Bricks
82 bundles Hay
45 boxes Herring
40 firkins Butter
5 barrels Apples
12 do Cider
160 bushels Potatoes t 81 dec 2
For Liverpool,
v&Sfv Tle ship REMITTANCE, Coffin,
■lssSafc master, is now in readiness to receive a
earg'O. For freight, or passage apply on board, at
M’Kinne’s wharf, or to REA & BUTLER.
Who have for sale, on hoard o f said ship,
S3 chaldron best Liverpool COAL, which will
k- m’ i , v, if immediate application is made. I
40 hoses Raisins
8 hbls prime Pork
20 firkins Goshen Putter, first quality
730 half boxes Soap
30 cases Claret
30 qr. casks L. and T. Wine
7 Pipes 5 S.cly Mad, Wine
1 bale Epglish sewing Twine
2 chests imperial Tea
4 boxes tea setts China
10 hbls Brooklyn Gin
1 mahogany counting-house Desk
pieces cotton Magging
1 line toned Pianna Forte, and
A genera! assortment of Windsor and fancy
Chairs. nov 28 n7B
A I ‘tier addressed to i lie rev. Michael Crosby,
Augustine, I Vridi, containing three
“ftifn at, sos l Stales’si* |er cent stock. A
‘iHablf reward will he l aid to the finder, if re
'T" 1 • MlJiltV L UVI’OS.
** tr 4 nSI
, . Nu. 4.
PTxICKETS in a large variety of numbers, in
A the above lottery, for sale by
Thomas long worth,
Bull-street, near the Exchange.
Purchasers of tickets at T. L’s. may have
them registered and examined during the draw
ing, free of expense.
T. L is now opening an assortment ot Books
and Stationary, which will he sold at low prices
ti large variety of children’s books —a iew r su
perior londoif made portable Writing-desks—
Dressing-cases—letter and writing Paper, &c.
dee 6 h 85
fry* NOTICE. —A meeting of <!ie Com
missioners of the Roads of Chatham county, w ill
take place at the court-house in Savannah, on
Monday the 15th day of December inst. at 1U
o’clock a. m.— By order of the board.
dec 6 85 BOND, sec'ry.
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of Lydia Timur, late of Beaufort, de
ceased, are requested to render them in proper
ly attested ; and those indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to
Beaufort, Nov. 15, 1817. §wa 80
THE Pews in the Independent Presbyterian
Church, will be rented for one year, on
Monday next, at 11 o’clock, (ff Those who are
in arrears for last year's rent will not be allowed
to take their Pew at the valuation, unless payment
be made before .Monday.
dec 6 a 85 Chairman board Trustees.
To owners of Mills, Cotton-
Gins, &)C.
THE subscriber has received from Bruges a
preparation, used as a substitute for oil,
which the patentee is desirous of introducing
inter this country; and will, for the present, be
soldbv the single cannister, if required,
nov” 25 75 J. BATTELLE.
Clienp Liverpool Coal.
First quality Liverpool Coal, now landing from
ship Remittance for sale by
dee 6 s 85 HLA & BUTLER.
15 hluls prime muscovado >ugar, for sale by
dec 6 11 85 GEO. GORDON.
Bast as £5 fine white Homespun,
2 bales, and 2 cases—just received bv
High colored Sinchews
Twilled scarlet Flannel
1 box Violins
3 cases superior 4-4 Irish Linens
at very low advance for cash, or short
Artificial Flowers & Bonnets,by the case,Btc.
dec 3 82
For Sale,
The cargo of the schr. A fora, capt. Foglcr, from
District of . Maine—consisting of
400 casks stone Lime, and
30,000 feet merchantable and clear Boards,
which will be sold low if taken from the
vessel. Apply to
dec 3 sB2 * ISAAC COIIFN.
Edward Coppee,
Wholesale and Retail Druggist,
Has just received by the ship Justinia , groin New
-1 ork, and other recent arrivals, the following ar
1 case American cold pressed castor Oil
20 lb * .um Arabic, 50 lb flaky Manna
50 lh Gum Opium, 100 lb Gum Camphor ref’d
100 lb Cinnamon, 1 box castile Soap
50 lb Calomel, 50 lb powdered Jalap
100 lb Camomile Flowers, 2O lb Nutmegs
1 case Syringes, assorted sizes, 20 lb pure
1 case containing essential Ods of Anise,
Cloves, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Penny
royal, Rosemary, Bergamot and Lavindcr
50 lb Litharge, 20 lb Spanish Indigo
6 lb I arter Emetic, 12 lb Cantharides
15 lb powdered Rhubarb, 61b Castor
6 lb refined Borax, 5 1b Mace
10 lb V crmillion, 101 b Spermaceti
1 doz. I russes, 10 lb Gum Gamboge
50 lb pearl Barley, 10 lb powdered red Bark
2O lb Gum Assaftceida, 2 groce Lee’s Pills
20 lb Balsam Copavia, 2 lb Colocynth
2 groce smelling I hial.s, 1 demijohn spirits
1 demijohn spirits Nitre, 6 bottles Yitrolic
1 barrel Linseed Oil, 1 barrel Lamp Black
1 cask assorted Phials, 1 bbl Spanish Brown.
dec 2 n § 81
Constantly kept on hand and for sale,
M the Office of the
the following articles :
Printing Tnk,
for hooks or newspapers, warranted good
Paper Hangings,
of various patterns, with bordering to match—
high and low priced.
Patent seal Presses,
made expressly lor sealing letters, &c.
. WRITING paper.
BLANKS, of various descriptions.
Os all kinds, done with quirk dispatch, and on
as good terms as at any other Office in the
state. dec 5
Miss Mercer
Uis 1 lie pleasure of informing the ladies of
Savannah that she has removed her-situa
tion to mrs. Sea cighgovrr’s.on east Broad-street,
and eau he accommodated with a private room,
where she will he happy to receive lu-r < ustoin
ers find friends *fs 7** nov 1')
1 Joan ling.
Eight or ten gentlemen can he accommodated
with BOARD in a private family, in a pleasant
part nHhe < -') Apply to the printers
and S 11
iiiffl NOVICE. —Those iiaV’mg demands!
against the estate of William HatfeUl, late gro
cer of Savannah, will present them for payment
—and all indebted, are requested to make im
mediate payment, to G. F. PALATES,
dec 6 i 85 adm'or.
* -
Joseph Stone £5 Cos.
AfER CIIANT TAYLORS—Johnson'a-square,
Would inform their.friends and the public,
That they have just received,
Shepperd’s extra blue Cloths
do 1 do black do
do second quality do
black, blue and drab Cassimere
elegant white marseilles Vesting
do english floreiitine do.
Which they are now ready to make up, in the
most approved New-York and Philadelphia fash
ions ; and those who will please to favor them
with their custom, may depend on liavii g their
cloth at the time appointed. Also, a general
assortment of ready made CLOTHING, the
workmanship of which is warranted.
And a consignment of
350 dozen Webster’s approved spelling Books
120 reams writing and printing Paper, to be
sold a bargain. dec 4 83
William XL Gilleland
HAVING taken the western tenement of
Bryan’s building, (Market-square,) offers
for sale an assortment of
Dry Goods, Hardware tis Groceries,
comprising almost every article for utility, taste,
or convenience, lie will always keep “the best
LJQUORS, and other goods in his line, and will
accommodate those who call upon him, on mo
derate and advantageous terms.
His stock consists of HARDWARE:
Post patent and box coffee Mills
Pocket Steelyards, w affle and wafer Irons,
elegant patterns
Gentlemen’s Hatchets, Knives and Forks
Sportsmen’s and pen Knives
Frying Pans; tea Kettles, brass and compo
Smoothing Trons, patent Hoes
Patent stirrup Irons
He has an assortment of dry goods and gro
ceries, too numerous to mention ; —and contin
ues his establishment of
In Gildon’s new building, where he offers for
sale, goods at wholesale and retail, ;<fid at reduc
ed prices.
A quantity of NEGRO SHOES.
dec 2 n§ 81
The Subscriber
Has received, per ships Cora, Oglethorpe, &c.
1 box black lead Pencils
20 crates Earthen-ware
129 bbls do
1 bale Cassimeres
2do white Flannels •
3 bales cotton stuffs, consisting of Ging
hams and Lustres—
Which he offers for sale at low prices.
dec 1 4 80 Rice’s wharf.
Bills on New-York,
For sale bv Charles Cotton.
nov 12 Hunter’s wharf.
Stutc-bank £5 Insurance Stock,
dec 4, sB3 It J HABERSHAAT
Bills on N. York £$ Providence,
Also, on Liverpool payable in London, for
October 16 +o 51
Ground Nuts wanted.
CASH will be given for any quantity of Ground
Nut, of a good quality. Apply to
u.'c -> ■” n R 1
Coin fresh Baltimore Flour,
just received. II & J HABERSHAM.
Sept. 23 - 41
Just received,
Per brig Sally-Ami, from Rotterdam,
3 pair elegant Looking-Glasses
9 elegant liquor Cases
2 casks German Sausages.
dec 1 §o 80
Bloom Raisins.
500 boxes landing from ship Susan, for sale
•••••••• ALSO
1 elegant Chaise and Harness,
nov 29 79
To Rent,
Clf applied for this -week,)
©A Building’ well calculated fora
dry good store, in a good stand.
Enquire ct this Office.
dec 1 80
Planters Bank.
EL E V ENTII J) /177) END.
TIIE Directors have declared a dividend of
seven per cent, for the last six months, and
a bonus of nine and one eleventh per cent. Those
Stockholders who hold shares, on each of which
fftu-fve dollars have been paid, must bring in
their certificates, when they call for dividends,
in order that the bonus may be endorsed there
on. Stockholders, on whose shares, more than
fifiy-five dollars have been paid, will receive the
amount, of bon os in cash. Payments will com
mence after Wednesday next, and continue on
each day of the week, after, excepting on T ad
day's and ll’edneslay's.
Persons entitled to former dividends, are again
required to call for them.
J. MARSHALL, Cash'r.
dec. 1 4n 82
Savannah Free School.
rIT I',/. Savannah Free School will re-coinmcivcc
I on .Monday next, in the Academy, muter
the direction of mr, Adams and daughter. Ap
plication for the. admission ol scholars, to be
made to
mrs l)t’ NNING, J. Schoolcommute.
inUit IIARNES. )
dec i Hi
George lelpTu
, , no. 2—gibbons'’ building,
Has just received and opened,
superior chintz Furniture and dress Calicoes
white and colored muslin Robes
plain and tnmbored jaconet & mull mull Muslins
Counterpuins & marseilles Quilts, from 8 to 12-4
plain and figured 9-8 and 6-4 Cambricks
Irish Sheeting and Linens, w elt assorted
linen and cotton Bed-tick do
worsted and cotton Hosiery,* very cheap
union Stripes and Den ies
and a large assortment of Plains, Blankets and
Flannels, which will he sold at very reduced
A few ladies’ Pelisses, and gentlemen’s toilinet
Waistcoats, of superior quality, and the
latest London fashion,
dec 5 84
Gillett £5 Milne,
Have just received, by the Olynthus from Phila
2 cases black and changeable Sarcenets
2 do best quality Florentines
1 do fringed Barcelona black silk Handk’is
2 do superior bl’k &. col’rd nankin Crapes
2 do do do do canton do
dec 3 se 82
The Subscribers
Offer for sale,
400 boxes muscatel Raisins
26 frailes Figs
25 boxes white havana Sugar
50 do brown do do
dec 4 sB3 GAUDRY & DUPON.
The Subscriber
Respectfully informs his friends and the pub
lic, that he has commenced the Grocery bu
siness in the store lately occupied by tnessis. B.
B. Fontaine & Cos. on Jones’ wharf; where eve
ry article in this line will be selected of the best
quality, and disposed of wholesale and retail.—
Families supplied at the most reasonable terms.
Sea stores put up on the shortest notice. He
flatters himself from his attention and assiduity,
to merit a share of patronage,
dc 3 82 SAMUEL C. HOUSE.
The subscribers
HAVING removed to the convenient fire
proof stores on Bolton’s central wharf, of
fer their best exertions to all who may be pleased
to employ them in the Factorage or Commission
business. ISAAC COUHSE & SON.
And for sale, 50 kegs Butter of superior qual
ity, landing from sloop Alexandria, from Philad.
Savannah, 3d Dec. 1817. 82
New Mill incry,
MRS. BRADLEY acquaints her friends and
customers, that she has just received from
New-York, an elegant assortment of leghorn,
silk velvet and beaver Hats, of the latest fashion.
Also, rich figured Ribbons, color of leghorn
in garnitures; and a variety of other articles,
which she offers for sale on her usual accomnio
,daring terms. dec 3 s 8 -
TIIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand and
for sale, at Johnston’s lower wharf, WOOD
of the best quality ; hickory, oak, pi; e
Orders or cash will always he accepted from
draymen, and attended to promptly, bv
dee. 3 ‘ 2 A. LISHNES?
10° So mething new and elegant.
Seal Presses,
FOR the use of merchants and others, who
have a number of letters to seal. These
presses are made of mahogany, “Cherry and curl
ed maple, and will make a perfect impreslon on
the wafer. They are intended for counting
houses. A specimen of them may be seen at the
Museum and Gazette Office, where orders will
be received for any number. dec 3 82
MR.. WOOD opens his SCHOOL this,
Wednesday, Dec. 3, in the room below
Solomon’s lodge, north of the presbvterian
meeting-house. His terms are ten dollars a
quarter for reading, writing and arithmetic ;
and twelve dollars and fifty cents for grammar,
geography, belles-lettres, mathematics and lan
guages. The number of pupils is limited to
thirty-six. The morals and manners of his
pupils will be carefully attended to. Anv other
information may be obtained from John Lawson,
esq. capt. R. F. Williams, and the rev. Thomas
Colliding, of White-bluff, or at his lodgings in
the corner of barnard-street and south broad
street flee 3 s l ’ 82
Steam Bont Company.
The OFFICE of the agent of the Boat
Company, is removed to the wharf formerly own
ed by Caig& Mitchell. All shippers of proper
ty on board the Company’s boats, will in future
he required to make out one receipt for tkfe use
of the agent. P. SCHENK, agent S.H. C.
nov2B 78
For Sale.
The subscribers offer for sale, that
Nllll convenient and pleasantly situated Lot,
in Bryan street, fronting Johnson’s square, with
the improvements thereon, consisting of a dou
ble tenement Building, with all necessary out
buildings in complete oruer. Enquire of ei
ther of the subscribers.
nov 20 t 71
Thirty Dollars Reward,
WILL he given for apprehending and lodg
ing in any jail in or opt of the stat e, a light
or yellow complected fellow named BUTLER,
about 24 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high,
stout limbed, likely, and very civil when spoken
to, and generally so with his companions; very
capable of all kinds of plantation work, and ban-1
di with carpenters* tools, is a good driver of
horses, and a complete maker and burner of
brickS; sensible and smart ; bail on when lie
went off, a large white hat with broad brim, a
round-about jacket and trousers of bear Skin
doth •; 1 absconded on the night of the Bth Oc
tober. The above reward will he given, and if
brought to Savannah all reasonable expences
will he paid, in addition.
nT The editor* of the Millcdgeville ntul Lou
iviffe paper* are requested to publish the abpic
J tour time*, and 1 it 1 ’ tl- ■. ’.ft to the hiibsni-
I her ill Savannah. D P
I nov, 10 W
at Uiucticn.
*“’ ~ .’.t:—j-r- -•-- .lji
* BIS DAY, 6th instant,
H ill be sold at the tore of E. Wallen, esq. on the bay,
(lOraccourt of the shippers and all concerned)
- U casks London Porter ‘
‘JO do burton Ale. Terms cash.
Sale to commence at 1< o'clock
84 M HERBER T&C O. Auct're.
THIS DAY, 6th *
I U ill be sold before my store,
Groceries and Dry Ggo<ls. ,
. ALSO.-.,.
x pipes 4th proof Brandy
2 hints and 10 barrels Rum
8 boxes loaf Sugar, 5 hhds muscovado do.
00 boxes Candles, 15 casks Goshen Cheese
; ” lined and bound Shoes, 8 casks Porter
tz whole and half barrels Beef
10 double, barrel Guns
k e^3 n<ai _ lu fi | C | ured Tobacco
- bales Plains, 10 pieces Coatings
15 pieces blue Plains
20 pieces superfine and common Broadcloths
15 no. Cassimere, 20 pieces white Flanneß
40 do. cotton Shirtings
50 do. Cali co; 10 boxes Ribbons
40 do. fine colored Cambrics, and
A variety of other articles.
On a credit of sixty days,
1 case irish LINENS.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock.
58 A. HOWE, auct'r
On MONDAY NEXT, the Bth instatlC
Will be sold before our store, -without any reserve,
28 hogsheads prime LEAF TOBACCO,
Terms—two hogsheads, cash; over two hogs
heads, approved endorsed notes at sixty days.
Sale to commence at 11 o’clock
35 M. UWrhert <§” co. auct’rs.
On EDNESDAY, the 15th Jan. 1818 a
Will be sold before my store,
The personal property of Wm. Umbert, dec’d,
consisting of
IXouseliold and kitchen Furni
By order of the executrix.
Sale to commence at 11 o’clock.
due o tB4 .4. Jlmt'e, auct’r.
i alu ■(.. n y PropertyJ'or sale at auction-
On TUESDAY NEXT, 9th instant,
Jf ill be sold before the Exchange of this citiu
fN ! \ AT 12 O’CLC ”;, A.M.
A jlrij 1 ]ie Lot and Buildings, no. a4, liberty
ward consisting’ of throe well-finished tene
ments, rented to good tenants, for the present,,
at the rate of sixteen hundred dollars. The lot is
cit\ property, paying ground r c nt annually cf
twenty -five dollars, ordered rent fee sinijJtV on
tne pa\ nu-nt of about five hundred dr.i I.*
Also —the 1 ot no. 4, in Y*err.on-tything, Heath
coat-ward, fronting on President-street, occu
pied at present, by inrs. M. Miller, in fee simple,
with one comfortable Dwelling-house and other
small houses therein rented at the rate of six
hundred dollars.
Jerms approved endorsed paper, at “four, six
and eight months, adding interest at the rate cf
eight per cent
Sheriff’s soles.
On the first Tuesday in January next,
dill be sold at the court-house, in the city of
Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and
3 o’clock.
All the right, ami interest which Benjamin B.
Norris has in the following property :
Lot and improvements No. 10, Holland tyth
ing, Percival w ard, fronting south Broad, street,
and coiner Whitaker street—also, five negroes,
George a carpenter, Harriet and lier child Wil
liam, Sylvy and Venus, levied on as the proper
ty of Benjamin B. Norris, to satisfy judgments ill
favour of John B. Norris, et. al.
Also, tw o horses, one cart and treers, and about
three hundred shingles, levied on as the proper
ty of William Guest to satisfy a judgment hr fa
vour of Samuel Lockhart.
ADAM COPE, s. c. c.
dec 3 82
Houses to Let,
A Tenement iu Gibbon’s buildings,-including a
Store. A < ’otise on the Bay, suitable for a
dwelling house, and a store. Enquire at this of
fice. ■ dec 5 84 .
Administrator's Sale.
VriNE months from this date, application
lx will be fnade to the Court of Ordinary, for
die County of M’lntosh, for leave to sell the
southern Division of Oreighton-Island, consist
ing of 548 acres, being a part of the real estate
of the late John Currie—for the benefit of the
heivs and creditors. JOSEPH MILLER,
anril 8. lam9t. 56 Surviving Adm'or.
M'Tntosh County, Georgia, 10 lh April,
Che.'p Paper Hangings,
JUST opening a vsaiety of FRENCH PAPER
HANGINGS, at 50 cts. per piece, and BOR.
UKRING at 75 cents. W. T. WILLI AMS.
nov 27 nt 73
CUatliam Inferior Court,
February Term, 1817.
ON the petition of David W. Smith, stating /
that he had possessed a certain Promissory /
Note, in writing, made auri signed by one Dan-1
iel Hotchkiss, payable to tlie said David >V. V
Smith, or order, on or about the 4th day of A
pril, one thousand eight; hundred and seven
teen, for the sum of Three Hundred and For
ty-Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents, a co
py whereof is annexed to the said petit ion, and
together with the affidavit of the said David W.
Smith, and other evidence, to prove the exist
ence and loss of said Note, is atlilcd in the
Clerk’s office.—lt is Ordered, that the said
Daniel Hotchkiss d'* show cause on or beforo
the first day erf the next term of the said Court,
whv tlu* prayer of tin* in titioner vliould not he
granted, &it is further ordered t! * this rule he
published hi ran or more of the public Gsirettca
of tin; sai I Htnii*, mc* a month, until the time
appointed lor showing chum thereon
i-struct from the Minutes,
Jnh T. Holies, Clerk.
| march 8 law U fi