Newspaper Page Text
“. ; a f
India) French £5 English Goods
The eubicriber offers for .sale the following
Goods, at his store in congress,street, nearly op
positc Use .brick store occupied by messrs. Stout
„ FIFTY PACKAGES, consisting of
India blade and plaid silk Handkerchiefs !
do flag and bandanna do,
do real madrass do
do black and plaid Sarcinets
do slate and white Lustrings
do assorted colored sewing Silk
do fine 6-4 Hufnhums 38 yards ps.
JcTench colored and white twilled levantine Silks
s do do do Satin
do assorted Ribbons—do linen Cambric
do twilled merino Cloths
do elegant black and blue Broadcloths
do ladies’ and gentlemen** beaver Gloves
do linen Tapes—do silk habit Buttons
do gauze Handkerchiefs —cambric Umbrellas
English 4 and 6.4 cotton Cambrics
do do cambric and jaconet Muslins
do do figured lace do
do do satin striped do
do ladies’ w hite cotton Hose
do do do silk do
do eolcrain Shirting—tin assorted Calicoe3
do mourning Prints—do Hkfs. of all kinds
do cotton imitation Shawls
do 6 by 8 to 7 by 14*4 „rcen Table Coverings
do white ahd yellow Flannels
do drab and mixed Plains
do cotton Umbrellas
do green 8-4 eolchester Bainr- 4 -
Which will be sold at a small advance For cash
Or approved paper, by
oct 28 $6
* Brant £5 Fox,
have ron sale,
At their store, on Telfair's -wharf,
SO casks london brown Stout
25 do burton Ale
15 hhds muscovado Sugar
230 boxes Herring3
50 do boston ho. 1 and 2 Soap
25 do Doolittle’s do.
10 hart-els refined loaf Sugar
15 do White Beans
10 do Albany Peas
10 kegs pickled Salmon
100 do do CucumbeTS, Ceans and Peppers
200 reams’a’ttfppingFapfif
250 nests boxes
10 casks pfime Gwfifcn Cneese
Firkins and jars Goshen Butter
Boxes spermacefi Candles, and
A general assortment of GROCERIES.
Also, for sale as above,
1 elegant brass mounted Gig
3 do plated do.
a Kittureens, and
1 four-w heel Carriage. nov 27 77
Gillett £$ Milne,
Have just received and opened,
2 cases extra superfine West of England
nov 22 an 73
For Sale,
On bcr.rtlthe shibThomm Gibbon* at Smiilis -wharf
65 tons best CH AMBER COALS,
Apply to JAMES DICKSON & co.
nov 1 S3
Gillett & Milne
IS case* well assorted irish Linens I
1 do furniture Fringe
200 groce white and colored bed Lace
1 bale linen bed Tick
T case marseilles bed Quilts from 2 to 14-4
~1 bale london superfine Cloths •
Ido do do double milled Cassimeres
-8 do 7-4 Cloths for servants
4 cases black and colored canton Crapes
3Jo do Sarcenets
1 do changeable do
3 do Levantines, black and colored
1 do black Florentine -
“sw. isdown and plush Tippet*
silk, cotton, csssimere and merino Shawls
2 cases bandanna and flag Handkerchiefs
1 do linen Thread
t do do Imperial 3 cord do
1 do lisle cambric Thread
1 do cotton Thread from No. f2 to 104
1 trunk gentlemen’s muslin Cravats
s cates Hack and colored sewing Silks and
’ Twist
sdo v hite and Colored Homespuns
ado worried and marseilles Vesting*
real welsh Flannels, very fine
irish, russian and clouting Diapers .
dutch Rolls and german Sheeting*
1 case 5 4 fine irish Sheetings
9. trunks rich chintz furniture Calico
* a do common do do
Calicoes and printed Cambrics
plain and figured do
cotton Shirtings
stripe and plaid Ginghams
jaconet and mull mull Muslins
tin cud Laces, Edgings and Footings
x fine rrx Chlirr thread Laces and Footing^,
silk and rr.t-slir. Trimmings
artificial Flowers and Wreaths
fir.- ’ lack and colored Bombazines
irish Poplins
black, violet and Velvets
5 bale.; Plains and Blankdts
t do superior rose do
furniture and common Dimities
re*! ostrich Plumes
su -.rior black and wbiteCrapca
do Color'd do
black, white and colored Satins
silk Ribbons, Bcc. &c. 57 oct ->0
’ from 9hip Prudence,
3a bundle* Tlsy^
9000 feet white pine Boards
*0 bTcl* Newark cider
Coslicn Batter, in firkins. For Side by
hOVjR . 73
Cliecsft and Butter.
*42 Cssl sos real eoshen Clieose, now landing
from arlif Milo. Also,
1500 wt. Butter- for sale by
dec 1 ,80 _
■* •'P'**” ■■■-■ ‘ “ 1,1
20 bone# northern amt 4udo eeor.daCandles,
fur sale by GO If Lit tt COPEMND, FOR 5Uf A* Anpvg,
40 krgs wimon
Champaigrte, etc.
20 cases very superior sparkling Champaign
14 qr casks L. P. Tenerifle Wipe, 8 yrs. old
1 halfpipe Sicily Madeira Wine, 9 yrs. old
20 cases pure Holland Gin
25 barrels black and bright Varnish
2 hhds muscovado Sugar
100 boxes brown Soap
20 jars Dutch Butter
5 kegs low priced manufactured Tobacco
3 crates edged Crockery—237 tea Kettles
3 casks Dutch Vruule Boots and Shoes
An invoice Dutch Toys, fire Screen, fan
cy Snnft'-boxes &0
2 mahbgtuiy settees
5 dozen mahogany Chairs
400 double and single Blocks
2 tons Cordage, assorted sizes
6000 yards Flemish Linen, unbleached
1200 linen Bags
19 pieces Brussels Carpeting, for stairs, &c
4 elegant Brussels Carpets ? very j a ,.„ e
1 common do 5 1 b
1 trunk white Platillas
2 trunks low priced Muslins also,
Stone Lime and health Tiles
Landing from schooner Sarah-Ann
90 casks cut Nails and Brads, assorted
All of which will be sold, on liberal terms, to
close consignments, either for good paper or pro
duce. J. BATTELLE,
oct 25 55 No. 16, Commence Row
Landing from brig Elizabeth,
60 boxes superior bloom Raisins
4do lined and bound negro Shoes
321 blue Grindstones For sale by
Also —2 large Prints, representing the entry of
Bonaparte and his wife into Antwerp, in 1803.
nov 15 § 67
The Subscribers
Have now landing per brig Hero,
30 mahogany high post Bedsteads
20 field do
10 single do
25 dozen Windsor Chairs
4 mahogany Wash Stands
a0 Hereaus
21 barrels Glauber Salts
8 barrels pilot bread
nov 23 78
Just received,
10 elegant Gigs with plated harnesses
1 Phaeton with do
1 dearbon Waggon
mounted and plain Whips
Saddles, Bridles and Martingals
plated Nails and Spots
200 pair men’s Pumps, suitable for the
a few dozen Pocket-books
2 elegant Time-pieces—
And for sale, cheap for cash, by the subscriber.
nov 24 74 J CHAR It OUR A ’
T. M. Chamberlain
VCQUAINTS his friends, and customers in
general, that he is now receiving his sea
sonable supply of
Which consists of almost every article in that
line, and which he offers on as low terms as at
any store in the city, by wholesale and retail,
nov. 10. 62
Powder and Nails.
70 casks well assorted Nails and brads
50 do HFG gun-powder, of superior quality
Landing from sloop Alexander Clunn,
For sale by J. BATTELLE.
nov. 27
“ For Side,
250 Bags Coffee
2000 Bushels Turks Island Salt
lUO Puncheons high proof IV est-India Rum.
3pr>t 25. 4?
More new Goods.
Received per the John & Ed vard.
F>gant ivory work Baskets and Fans
rich changeable Florences
poplins, plaid silks, head ornaments
real ostrich Plumes
elegant merino Shawls and Trimmings
pelerines, superb lace Laps
chip and crape Bonnets
black crape Trimmings for dresses
Combs of every description
real ivory Chess-men
Loo-boxes and counters
one small box silver Watches
white ptusli Vandykes
men hair Caps, Boston Wadding
silk coat anil luce Buttons
embroidered silk Hose
children’s worsted Hose and Socks
angola Gloves—elegant Ridicules and Clasps
irish Linens —Cambrics and Sheetings
a large assortment of Domestic Goods
20 casks first quality gosben Chee3C
10 do do ‘ english do
10 do do Loaf-sugar
20 boxes 3 lbs each gunpowder Tea •
10 casks Porter
15 packages well-assorted cheap Boots and
Shots —Foi salebv
dec 1 fs 80 Johnson-square.
- Landing,
From the Hfttish ship Hero, capt. Parker, from St.
90 hlds Molasses, very superior quality
37 do muscovado Sugar
e tierces do
4 barrels do
2 barrels Coffee. For sale by
oct. 93. wa—th 56
Mess and Smoked Beet,
16 half bbis fly-market mess Beef, put up
for families’ use.
A few cwt smoked do. superior quality
A few barrels Le Breton’s double Ale,
Received /wr ship Prudence, from New-York,
Ami for sale by J GEORGE,
nov 25 75 On tin* hnv^
Uonglt Rice
Will be purchased by ♦
dec 48J __ nif J ijabersham
CoflVe, cotton Racing,
London dullil Blankets
London Porter
a Plain* Otntihiivg* and Linen,
For sale 1./ R U J. HABERSHAM
dre 4 ’v* 83
Steblnn* Mason
Have just received by the Cora, from Liverpool,
The following GOODS, viz :
Bales white and colored Plains
Do. London duffil and rose Blankets
Do. Cloths, best superfine and second quality,
and Cassimeres
Do. Bombazets, colored and plain *
Do. Flannels, and trunks of Calicoes and
Cbhitzes * .
The above being part only of their Fall im
Also, by the brig Spartan, and schooners Laura
and Ariudne,from Xeiu- York,
S cases 3-4,7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, remarkably
’ long
Do. long Lawns, do. of Bombazets, and
A complete and elegant assortment of well
assorted French Silks and Ribbons —all of which
are offered by the package or pieces, at a small
oct. s 8
‘■a 1 , 1 i **'■■> m■ 1 ‘ ’ ■• - “ r ~
New Shoes.
Just received by brigs Speedy Peace and Ventrosa,
A general assortment of SHOES, calculated
for wholesqje'and retail—viz.
Ladies’ morocco boots
do quarter boots
do jackson bootees
do walking shoes —grecian ties
do do jeffersons
do slippers and perry laces
do do with heels
do blk and col’d kid and jean slips
do leather walking shoes and pumps
Gentlemen’s suwarrow and razee boots
do fine copper bound shoetees
do fine shoetees and pumps
do morocco do do
do Spanish calf-skin dress pumps
do seal-skin shoes
Men’s coarse shoes and shoetees
Boys’ do do
Children’s leather shoes and buskins
do morocco do and bootees.
Also —a large assortment of negro shoes.
fjj*The above stock is equal in quality to any
ever brought to this market, and ill be sold at
the lowest prices at wholesale ami retail.
nov 99 79
For Sale,
50 hhds and 100 barrels N. E. Rum
100 boxes mould Candles
140 barrels double boiled white Sugars
32 do refined loaf and lump do
100 bags white Ginger
19 coils small Cordage
8 bales (containing 800 pieces) Baftas, con
sisting of Lackapore9, irjdees &, Lalliputtys
50 bolts first quality Sailcloth
5 bales bleached Sheetings
2 do unbleached do.
4 do thin raven’s Duck
1 case fine Lhappa Itomalls
2 cases red Bandannas
1 bale superfine black Broadcloth
Which will be sold on accommodating terms, by
I. K. TEFFT would inform his friends and the
public of Iris having received William Psrki.-s
as a copartner, and that the
Hcirdicare Business
hereafter will be conducted under the firm of
gjr* I. K. T. tenders his thanks to his friends
and customers for their liberal support, and res
pectfully solicits for the firm a continuance of
their favors, a! the old stand, opposite colonel
Sliellixian’s boarding house.
Tefft £$ Perkins
Are now opening a handsome and complete
. assortment of
received by recent arrivals from Europe and
elsewhere ; which enables them to offer articles
in their line as well worthy the attention of the
public, as can be found in any part of the coun
try. 74 nov 24
THF, subscribers having taken Mr. Chariier’s
old stand, and entered into Co-partnership,
under the firm of PETER DRF.GE & Cos. in the
Hat, Dry Good and Clothing Business, hope a
share of patronag'e from their friends anu the
public. At the corner of Bay & Drayton street.
* nov 18- 69
JOHN R. Bcrkk having taken J. Wiuft as a
partner, the business in future will be con
ducted under the firm of J. R. Burke & Cos.
nov 17 68 7 HII.LET.
#3° The undersigned having
entered into Copartnership as Factors and
General Commission Merchants, under the firm
of JOHNSTON & HILLS —ofter their services
to their friends and fellow citizens generally.
They will ship planters crops to England on ac
count of the planter, and make liberal advances
on their shipment. They will also receive from
the merchants of this state, consignments of cot
ton to4heir friends in Liverpool or Glasgow, on
advantageous terms to the shipper
oct IS 52
Tiie Subscribers having formed a
connection in business, other their services as
FACTORS, at the west end of Bolton’s central
wharf, above F 11. lYelman's.
july 26. 16
THF. subscriber having retired from his pro
fessional business of Jewellery and Watch
making, notifies those that have watches and
jeweller)-jobs in his possession, that they may
receive them by applying to 1). B. Nic :mi.s.—
If not taken away by the Ist of April next,
will be sold for repairs.
Ravnnniih. nov. 18170
— (nJ( ; J:
(ft- The subscriber tender*!.’* service* to his
friend* und th** public in ihe Cummisslon ant>
Factorage Bun ness. Iti* comp*ig room iu at
tlie store of ine*sr* Ifielwh. Dobson Ik M<lli.
Havannuh, Utl AV ’*l7.
Hat just received, by numerous
a general assortment of
Choice and Seasonable Goods ;
Which are offered for sale, wholesale and
retail, and at reduced prices, for cash,
cotton or short credit,
Black and colored Sinchews and Sarsncts
do do Canton Handkerchief*
do do Florence and Levantine Silks,
fashionable colors
do Taffetas and plaid Silks
do gmd white Thule Lace and silk Gauze
Silk Hose and Gloves ; kid Gloves
do Shawls and Handkerchiefs
Satin and lustrings Ribbons
White and colored Feathers
Flag Handkerchiefs and Bandannas
Lace Handkerchiefs and Shawls
Silk and cotton Florentines
Black, w hite and colored Crapes
Silk net Sleeves
Black and white figured Laces, with
A general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and
and Cotton Goods, British and domestic
—also, —
Consisting of a general assortment, put up ex.
pressly for the country, and for sale at a small
advance from the auction cost in New -York.
50 barrels N. E. and rectified Rum
10 do common Brandy
5 do apple do
10 do Gin—3 hhds Jamaica Rum
5 hhds West-India Rum—2o bags Coffee
15 chests hyson, young hyson & hyson skin Teas
50 kegs manufactr’d Tobacco, Ist & 2d quality
50 m Spanish Cigars—2s m. N. Orleans Cigars
10 boxes Raisins—lo jars Loriiiard’s Snuff
30 pieces cotton Bagging
5 crates stone and Earthernware
3u dozen Fryingpans, assorted sizes
10 casks patent and Carolina Hoes
10 casks eight and ten link trace Chains
50 cases roram, castor and wool Hats, at very
low prices nov 26 76
Staple and fancy
THE subscribers have received, by recent ar
rivals, cases of HATS and BONNETS,
consisting of
Extra sup. beaver Hats Fancy blk morocco Hots
super do do Wool merino do
common do do common •do
fine castors do coarse do
• common do do I,s’Waterloo i>r.Bonnets
coarse do do Extra super, black do
fine rorum do do gold tr. do do
common do do do gymp do do
coarse do do do do white do
youths’ do do do do cinam do
white russia do do It. blue do
Fancy childr’nsblk. do do brown do
do white do drab do
red morocco do Misses & children’s do
green do do Also, Plumes,Feathers,
yellow do do Tassels, cords, &.c.
-Brewster’s Hats.
JUST received by the schooner Milo, an ex
tensive assortment of Brewster’s exti-a super.
HATS, of the newest fashions.
Also—receiving per daily arrivals, Hats of al
most every description, which makes our assort
ment superior to any ever offered in our line in
The above STOCK was selected by one of
the firm, in Philadelphia, New-York and Boston,
at the lowest pri tes, and is of the newest north
ern fashions, taken from English and French
samples, w hich together with our former stock
renders our assortment very complete and ex
tensive, and will be sold at a moderate advance
at wholesale and retail.
Country merchants c%g be supplied at the
Shortest notice, and on the most accommodating
Every attention paid to customers gratis, and
all favors gratefully acknowledged.
nov 14 65 Bryan-street neafthe market.
*■■■:’ ■ T 1 . ■
Hughes, Curzon Campbell,
Engravers Copper-Plate Printers,
(from Liverpool)
I RESPECTFULLY inform"! their friends ar.d
the inhabitants of Savannah, that they have
commenced in the above line at Xo. 4, Gibbon's
All orders will be gratefully received and exe
cuted with neatness and despatch.
Banker’s notes, bills of exchange, map and
historical {dates, address & visiting cards, coats
of *,rras, crestrand cynhsas on plate, 8-c.
N. B. Country ordei-Mady attended to.
nov. 19. §wa 79
fJMIE copartnership of Xichots ZJ limiter is
M, this day dissolved, by mutual consent. All
demands against said firm will be settled by
messrs. Nichols, Dobson & Hills, who are with
J orv.s Hunter, authorised to settle the concerns
of said firm. ABRAHAM XICHOLS,
21st nov 1817
(PjThe subscribers have formed a connex’kn
in the Ship Chandlery and Grocery Business und\r
the firm of
They will conduct their business at the stores
formerly occupied by Nichols and Hunter and
Dobson & Hills. ABM. XICHOLS,
21r,t nov 1817 JA WES HILLS.
The subscriber
HAS just received per ships Vulcan, and Re
mittance, from Liverpool, a part ol his fall
supply ol GOODS, which with those daily ex
pected, and his former stock, will make his as
sortment very general, and are now offered for
sale, on favorable terms, along with Groceries,
tic _ JAMES 11. GII-KIE,
oct. 7 sn 47 Darien, f Georgia. )
For sale, apply to
28. 30 Il.fcJ IIABKUSH4M.
A Barrel of Sugar, marked S<’ If eo. il 19—
2,11, aki’ i from Rice's wharf la*t Thor*,
da,, pi i liddv !.v a tint) man. The Imdrr will
’hr •vwsnk ‘ Ik i'’turning it to
j 1 ‘ T Jl COXDY U Cos
’jLarflVs Academy,
, Opposite the Presbyterian Church.
WAS opened on Monday last,,the 13th init
and will continue open through all se a
sons, without any vacation, excepting that ofj
few days in December and May.
In this academy, young ’.gentlemen will be
completely prepared for the counting house, f or
the university, or for entering upon a course of
professional studies.
The fees of tuition are as follows :
For the Latin and Greek Classics, Mathenu
tics, Natural Philosophy, (including Astronomy)
Rhetoric, Logic and Book-Keeping, twim,
hollars per quarter.
For Arithmetic, Geography and the use of
the Globes, twelve dollars and a ualf per
quarter. 1
I- or Reading, XV riling and English Grammar,
ten dollars per quarter.
(Cj- The greater part of the small nuttlber of
pupils to which this Seminary is limited being
already engaged, applications for admittance
should be made as early as possible.
oct. 21. 53
Miss Jones,
IATE from New-York, begs leave to inform
J the ladies of Savannah, that she has on hand
a handsome assortment of MILIXERY, con
sisting of leghorn, straw, chip, velvbt, silk and*
beaver Hats—tortoise-shell Combs—Featheri
artificial Flowers—an elegant assortment of lacc
Turbans—besides a number of articles too nu
merous to mention, which she offers for sale, a
few doors north of the market, aorner of Barnard
street and bay-lane. 76 no\ 26
John F. Pouyat’s
Drug and Jlledicine Store ,
WHERE Planters, Merchants, Country
Storekeepers, and all those who deal in
DRUGS and M EDICINES, will be supplied with
every article in the above line, warranted genu
ine, at the lowest prices, for cash or usual cred
it to punctual Customers.
PATENT MEDICINES of every descrip
tion ; —Pointer's Colours, Oil, “Window Glass,
Vials assorted, Shop Furniture and Surgical In
Medicine Chests, with printed directions, for
plantations, vessels and family use, put up with
care at the shortest notice,
jan. 14. 1 ■
“Thomas h. Harris,
Druggist ,
HVS just received by the arrival of the schr.
Ariadne, from New-York, and other arri
vals, a large and general assortment of
As follows, to wit:—
50 lb pulv. Jalop
25 lb Calomel
100 lb pulv. Bark .
25 lb do Rhubarb
50 lb extract Liquorice
100 lb Camomile Flowers
100 lb G. Camphor
50 lb lump Magnesia
50 lb Gum Assafoulita
200 lb Flour Sulphar
50 lb Sal Rochelle
SQ lb Sal F.piom
5 gross Lee’s x. l. Pills
2 do Lee’s Windham Pills
50 do pulv. Colombo
2000 lb Glauber Salts
12 doz American castor Oil
6 gross Harlxm Oil
50 do English Phos. Sod®
25 lb Spanish Flies
Together with a large supply of patent Medi
cines, Glassware, Shop Furniture, Phials, assort
ed, Surgeon’s Instruments &c. Etc.
N. B. - Medicine Chests on the shortest notice,
with printed direclions nov. 14 *65
To Rent,
A two story HOUSE, in a healthy
MnksJ and pleasant part of the city. I likewise
wish to rent the furniture that is in the house.
There is every thing that is n> eded in the line of
house keeping—and likewise three or four Ser
vants to be hired to the one that rents the house.
For particulars enquire at this office,
nov 26— g 7
For Sale,
The House and Lot now occupied by
’Ciniil R. W. Habersham, esq. adjoining the
residence of John Bolton. Apply to
nov 17 68 R & J BOLTON
To Let,
A- Dwelling House in Bryan-streef,
NiMsjbetwcen market-square & Baptist Clwtcii
square. Enquire at the boot and shoe store of
nov 13 65 EATON & JOHNSON.
To Let,
From the Ist of December next, tbit
well known Store, and capital stand for
business, on the bay, corner of bull-street, now
occupied as an auction store by mr. D. W illiforu-
Also, the two ntw brick Tenements adjoining
and fronting on bull-street. Inquire of the pnn
ters. A 71 nnvSiU
(£pA young gentleman from
the state of Vermont, of liberal education, > s
desirous of obtaining a situation as a private in -
structor, or as an assistant in an Academy, a”' l
would be willing to go into the upper country
For recommendations, apply at Mrs. \V ilhatn*
where he boards, or to Geo. F. l’almes this
city. oct. 25 •>.
... - ■*■ *”
PROPOSALS for filling the head of the \vlrt"f.
known as Oarnochan & Mitchelbs v lui >
will be received by the undersigned; also,!
the hire of six able regroes, by tlie month,
uov 17 63 S. C. DUNMNG
For sale at the Office of the Museum if Ga*
Prices Current
Bills of Lading
Entries of Merchandize
Reports and .Manifests
Shipping Articles
Notary’* Protests
Hill* <if sale for Negroes
Powers of Attorney ...
Together with a general assortment ol •
tire and HlirriH ‘l Blanks.
Al*o, Blank* for the Mayor'* court. ,
> CAIIDH, HANDBILLS, fcc. r%ern
with iveatnet* and despatch. •>‘‘ t o