Newspaper Page Text
-Ved attention.—-Vessels touched in and sailed
the Isle of May—schr. Roque, Willing, of
Salem, bound to S. America; 17th Oct. barque
America, Lord, of Portland, to st. Salvador, 19th
Oct Left 28th Oct. ship Rapid, of and for New-
Dort, loading; ship Robert, Burns, of and tor
j’bilad. do ; ship Hesperins, of and for Mdiord,
Con. just began do;
Sloop Hermit, Bashlott, 9t. Mary s, 5 days, and
1 fi-om Savannah. When the Hermit lett st.
Man’s, about 300 U. S. troops had arrived at
Point Petre ; and it was reported that the L. h.
’ vessels John Mams, Promtheus and Lynx, would
shortly arrive there. . .. XT v .
Cleared, brig Shepherdess, Lines, N. York ;
schr’s New-Orleans, Smith, N. \ork; Walton-
Gray, Seabury, Norfolk and Baltimore ; Ghent,
Benjamin, Georgetown.
Passengers for Liverpool
JjHfv Can be well accommodated on board
the first rate Philadelphia built ship
fiALCYON, J. S. Wooster, master, having spa
cious and handsome accommodations. Apply to
,lec 9 hB7 JOHNSTON & HILLS.
For London.
kAJv About 200 tierces of rice, or an equal
bulk of cotton, is wanted to fill up a
vessel lor London. Apply to
dec 9 sB7
For freight or charter,
.fc&L The stanch good brig LYDIA, J. M.
Nichols, master, burthen 164 tons, now
ready to take on board a cargo ; a freight for the
West-Indies or south of Europe, will he taken
low. Apply to JOHNSTON & HII,IN.
dec 9 i 87
M. Fessenden, jr.
At Telfair's -wharf, has for sale,
14 hhds n. e. Rum, 15 do w. i. Rum
ltX) reams wrapping Paper
100 boxes Codfish, 15 casks Cheese
50 firkins Butter, (late importation)
200 boxes smoked Herring
20 barrels Pork, 5 hhds Sugar
An invoice of Tin and Hardware, with a
general assortment of West India Goods,
dec 9 § 87
New Store—New goods,
To be opened on Wednesday next, comer of Bay
and Drayton streets.
From London, via Charleston,
6 bales London made Jackets and Trowses
2 tranks gentlemen’s supe-fine Coats and Wa
terloos, lined with and without
4 hales negro Jackets and Trowses
2 do large size great Coats
3 do bearskin monkey-Jackets
1 do fine red flannel Shirts
4 do large sizes foreign cloth Pea Jackets
2 cases extra fine Merino Shirts and long Draw
3 do superfine lamb’s wool Shirts
1 do do long and short lamb’s wool
2 trunks extra superfine Irish linen Shirts
3 do imperial shirting do
2 do superfine double and single Cassimere,
of all colors
3 do superfine cassimere Pantaloons
15 cases fine and coarse Hats, of all descriptions
and a very great quantity of Dry Goods
The above goods are to be sold very low,
Wholesale and retail, bv PETER DRF.GE & co.
corner of Bay and Drayton-streets.
nov. 25. 75
Just received and for Sale,
100 barrels fresh Richmond Flour
1000 gallons Linseed Oil
200 coils assorted Cordage.
sept. 25 42
Bills on New-York,
From 5 to 60 days, for sale by
dec 9 h 87 No. 3, commerce vow
On Boston, New-York and Philadelphia,
# short sight. For sale b v
_ nnv Hunter's wharf.
Bills n Liverpool,
Payable in London, and on Boston, for sale by
v 9 # • *>(iv f
lIILLS on London, Liverpool and Glasgow
•’ payable in London* on New-York and Phi-
Welphia, for sale by JOHN SPEARMAN, k co
rWr’ e wharf. 60 nov 6
and Bills on New-York,
At short sight, FOR SALE, by
jept. 9 35
On New-York, and on Providence direct; or
payable in Boston, for sale by
’ , TT - 9 - p °st Votes of gSOO each.
Vf ,l ; Woo ‘ l had o authority to refer persons
il 1 ° ?' e , ‘"formation, either in regard to
hs chool, or himself. 7. LAWSON.
J lec 6 sB7
Servant Bov wanted.
A Y ’ 10 Sfu 2 °/ a * e is “ ted ; good
2', M Wi “f eg “> U bc ffven, for one or more years,
pa 1 quwterfy—apply to tlie printers. y
9 ■ | 87
IjEItGHANTS whose time may he too much
t*.~,“ CCUp . ie ’, 1 in goods selling, to attend to
V?I, , k drawing out acconipts, would do
o apply at this office, where* they may hear
•* p< rson (vc-py desirous of employment) bred
mep c*ntile profession, who will thank fully
and mm"'ll required—and one in need
“ 10 do for Ilia support •
-22.1 L *B7
j Boarding.
rjl *•* hrntlMMi'ti can he arrom
s4;. * *l*d ait It hoard Ik liaiging in a central &
’ w * l * u ’ c ‘ l 7 A Pply *o the printers
1* 09
New Shoes.
Just received by the late arrivals from New-York
and Boston, a complete assortment of SHOES',
ladies’ black morocco Slips and walking Shoes
gentlemen’s copper fastened calf Shoes
Wellington Boots, morocco Shoes
dancing Pumps; bl’k, white & col’d kid Slips
misses and children’s Boots and Shoes
3000 pair lined and bound Shoes
3000 do negro do
500 do black and colored Slips
A few boxes and barrels first quality Cheese
Do. firkins of Goshen Butter
For sale by WOOD WALKER.
dec 9 §B7v
No. 4.
TICKETS in a large variety of numbers, in
the above lottery, for sale by
Bull-street, near the Exchange.
Purchasers of tickets at T. L’s. may have
them registered and examined during the draw
ing, free of expense.
T. L is now opening an assortment of Books
and Stationary, which will be sold at low prices
—a large variety of children’s books —a few su
perior london-made portable Writing-desks—
Dressing-cases—letter and writing Paper, &c.
dec 6 h 85
| NOTICE. —A meeting of the Com
missioners of the Roads of Chatham county, will
take place at the court-house in Savannah, on
Monday the 15th day of December inst. at 10
o’clock a. m.—By order of the board,
dec 6 85 BOND, sec'ry.
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of Lydia Turner, late of Beaufort, de
ceased, are requeste;’ to render them in proper
13’ attested; and those indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to
Beaufort, Nov. 15,1817. §waßo
To owners of Mills, Cotton-
Gins, flje.
THE subscriber has received from Bruges a
preparation, used as a substitute for oil,
which the patentee is desirous of introducing
into this country ; and will, for the present, be
sold by the single cannister, if required,
nov 25 75 J. BATTELLE.
Cheap Liverpool Coal.
First quality Liverpool Coal, now landing from
ship Remittance for sale by
dec 6 s 85 REA & BUTLER.
15 hhds prime muscovado Sugar, for sale by
dec. 6 n 85 GEO. GORDON.
Baftas fine white Homespun,
2 bales, and 2 cases—just received by
••••a ALSO
High colored Sinchews
IVillcrf scarlet JFluiiucl
1 box Violins
3 cases superior 4-4 Irish Linens
at very low advance for cash, or short
Artificial Flowers & Bonnets,by the case,Bcc.
dec 3. 82
Edward Coppee,
If hole sale and Retail Druggist,
Has just received by the ship Justinia, from Neru-
York, and other recent arrivals, the following ar
1 case American cold pressed castor Oil
20 lb Gum Arabic, 50 lb flaky Manna
50 lb Gum Opium, 100 lb Gum Camphor ref’d
100 lb Cinnamon, 1 box castile Soap
50 lb Calomel, 50 lb powdered Jalap
100 lb Camomile Flowers, 2O lb Nutmegs
1 case Syringes, assorted sizes, 20 lb pure
1 case containing essential Oils of Anise,
Cloves, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Penny
royal, Rosemary, Hergamot and Lavinder
50 lh Litharge, 20 lb Spanish Indigo
6 lb Tarter Emetic, 12 lb Cantharides
15 lb powdered Rhubarb, 61b Castor
6 lb refined Horax, 5 lb Mace
10 lb Vermillion, 101 b Spermaceti
1 doz. Trusses, 10 lb Gum Gamboge
50 lb pearl Barley, 10 lb powdered red Bark
2O lb Gum Assaftoeida, 2 groce Lee’s Pills
20 lb Balsam Copavia, 2 lb Colocynth
2 groce smelling Phials, 1 demijohn spirits
1 demijohn spirits Nitre, 6 bottles Vitrolic
1 barrel Linseed Oil, 1 barrel Lamp Black
1 cask assorted Phials, 1 bbl Spanish Brown,
dec 9 n § 81
Hats, Bonnets, Boots Shoes.
Clark k TILESTON, have received and of
fer for sale, at their store in Congress-street,
south side the market, a general assortment of
Hats, Bonnets, Roots and Shoes,
Gentlemen’s best superfine HATS
Youth’s k children’s super. & fancy do.
Common and low priced do.
500 roram do.
100 merino plated do.
500 felt, of good quality do.
1000 negro Hats, very low
200 children’s morocco Hats.
10 doz. ladies’ bl’k k drab beaver BONNETS
4 cases do. straw do.
packages of Boots and Shoes, suitable for
country trade
The above stock being direct from the manu
factories, will be sold low for cash, or approved
paper. dec 9 S„B7
Miss Mercer
Has the pleasure of informing the ladies of
Savannah that she Ins removed her situa
tioii tomrs.Scweighgover’s.on east Broad-street,
and ran be accommodated with a private room,
” here she will he happy to receive her custom
ers and friends. 70 nov 19
s■'7* ATOTIVE. —Those havingsUhuhihlm
against the estate of William Hatfield, hi le gro
cer of Savannah, will present them for paytneid
—and all indebted, are requested to inuke in,,
mediate payment, to fj PA EM VS
dec fl 1 85 udm'r
Just Received,
„ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined
„ Castor
~ black and white, English and
French Silk
„ Cotton
Ladies’ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined
„ black and color’d Castor
„ black white and fancy Kid
„ black and white English and
French Silk
„ Cotton
Misses’ Beaver
Children’s do.
Gentlemen’s white Lamb’s Wool
„ white, grey &. black Worsted
„ grey Angola
„ white and color’d Cotton
„ white and black Silk
Ladies’ white, black & col’d Worsted
„ black, white & cot’rd Cotton
„ black and white English and
French Silk
Boy’s Worsted
Children’s do.
Misses’ white Cotton
Gentlemen’s white Lamb’s Wool, half
~ color’d do. do. do.
„ w hite & col’d Worsted do.
„ Angola do _ l
For sale by STEBBINS & MASON.
dec 8 86
Christmas Cordials.
JUST received from France, Cordials in bas
kets of one dozen bottles each. Also, mus
catel and frontignac Wines, and sweet olive
Oil, for sale by Wm. WOODBRIDGE,
dec 8 86 north east corner Exchange.
William H. Gilleland
HAVING taken the western tenement of
Bryan’s building, (Market-square,) offers
for sale an assortment of
Dry Goods, Hardware 8f Groceries,
comprising almost every article for utility, taste,
or convenience. He will always keep the best
LIQUORS, and other goods in his line, and will
accommodate those who call upon him, on mo
derate and advantageous terms.
His stock consists of HARDWARE r
Post patent and box coffee Mills
Pocket Steelyards, waffle and wafer Irons,
elegant patterns
Gentlemen’s Hatchets, Knives and Forks
Sportsmen’s and pen Knives
Frying Pans; tea Kettles, brass and compo
Smoothing Irons, patent Hoes
Patent stirrup Irons
He has an assortment of dry goods and gro
ceries, too numerous to mention ; —and contin
ues his establishment of
In Gildon’s new building, where he offers for
sale, goods at wholesale and retail, and at reduc
ed prices.
at, so,
A quantity of NEGRO SHOES.
dec 2 n$ 81
Tlie Subscriber
Has received, per stupa (. ‘ora, Oglethorpe, tic.
ON consignment,
1 box black lead Pencils
20 crates Earthen-ware
129 bbls do
1 hale Cassimeres
2do white Flannels
3 bales cotton stuff s, consisting of Ging
hams and Lustres—
Which he offers for sale at low prices.
dec 1 § 80 Rice’s wharf.
Bills on New-York,
For sale by Charles Cotton.
nov 12 Hunter’s wharf.
Bills on N. York fy* Providence,
Also, on Liverpool payable in London, for
October 16 |o 51
Ground Nuts wanted.
CASH will be given for any quantity of Ground
Nut, of a good quality. Apply to
dee 2 $ n 81
Corn fresh Baltimore Flour,
just received. It &. J HABERSHAM.
Sept. 23 41
Just received,
Per brig Sally-Ann, from Rotterdam,
and for sale by the subscribers,
3 pair elegant Looking-Glasses
9 elegant liquor Cases
2 casks German Sausages.
dec 1 §0 80
Just Received,
gentlemens Boots
do. Wellington do.
do. patent do.
do. do. Shoeties
ladies white and colored Kid
do. black morocco Boo?
do. colored do do.
boys Shoes and Shoeties
children morocco Shoes
, do. <lo. Boots
do. leather Shoes
men’s coarse Shoes and Shoeties.
3000 pair negro Shoes
5000 pair lined and bound Shoes
2000 pair black and colored roan Slips
For sale by EATON & JOHNSON.
nov 14 50
Coflee, cotton Bagging,
London duff'll Blankets
I mndon Porter
Plains, Hose, Osnahurgs and Linen,
For sale by //. J. HABERSHAM.
dec 4 wu 83
Servant’s Shirts.
JUST received, Vt<M) stout linen Shirts, made
Up ill I 1 ain't*, mill able lor house UTViiiU, lor
•ale very low by MV WOOD II It I DUE,
doe 8 86 north, end cormr fire hung
George Relph,
NO. 2 —gibbons’ building,
Has just received ami opened,
superior chintz Furniture and dress Calicoes
white and colored muslin Robes
plain and tambored jaconet & mull mull Muslins
Counterpains & marseilles Quilts, from 8 to 12-4
plain and figured 9-8 and 6-4 Cambricks
Irish Sheeting and Linens, well assorted
linen and cotton Bed-tick do
worsted anti cotton Hosiery, very cheap
union Stripes and Derries
and a large assortment of Plains, Blankets and
Flannels, which will be sold at very reduced
A few ladies’ Pelisses, and gentlemen’s toilinet
Waistcoats, of superior quality, and the
latest London fashion,
dec 5 84
Gillett Milne,
Have just received, by the Olynthus from Phila
, de Ip Ida,
2 cases black and changeable Sarcenets
2 do best quality Florentines
1 do fringed Barcelona black silk Handk’fs
2 do superior bl’k & col’rd nankin Crapes
2 do do do do canton do
dec 3 se 82
10 hhds. muscovado Sugar w ill be landed this
day from sloop Express, and for sale by
dec 8 s 86 ISAAC COHEN.
Just Received,
By the recent arrivals & for sale by the subsciibers.
40 cadys 2£ each Gunpowder Tea
3 barrels pickled Tongues, 10 kegs pearl Barley
5 pipes Holland Gin, 15 boxes London Mustard
3 boxes Souchon Tea, 20 tierces London Porter
10 cases English Pine Apple Cheese
50 kegs White Lead, 5 kegs Pine Verdigris
5 dozen Sash Cord.
20 hogsheads and 14 barrels Sugar
174 boxes 7 9 8 10 and 10 by 12 window Glass
75 kegs Cut Nails, assorted sizes
100 barrels navy Bread.
Together with their former stock makes their
assortment complete. DOBSON St HILLS,
august 30 31
A. A
Kettoll Sewall,
no. 34 bolton’s whaiif,
Have for sale, noiu landing,
8 hlids. and 30 barrels Boston rum
150 boxes smoked herring, in fine order
2 pipes Fayal wine
24 casks cheese
60 boxes do. superior quality
50 kegs prime butter, for family use
2 barrels Smyrna raisins
1 case paper hangings, new patterns and
very elegant.
100 casks cut nails, assorted sizes
300 reams wrapping paper
8 trunks boots
1 do. ladies’ morocco shoes
800 pair lined and bound shoes
100 do. low priced Wellington boots
12 half barrels no. 1 salmon
50 kegs do.
4 chests hyson tea, 40 boxes soap
6 hhds. tinware, well assorted
2 cases Stationary, and
nov 21 72
Just received
By the subscriber, per ship Niagara, and for sale,
The followingarticles of FURNITURE,
some of them of the frst style of:workmanship and
fashion :
Writing-tables and Book-cases
Sideboards—Night-tables—portable Desks
Dining and Dressing-tables
ladies’ Work-tables
Bedsteads and field do
Pembroke Tables—Chairs—arm do
Wash-stands—Bedsteads, and
Chaise and Harness. Also,
A quantity of Tin-ware.
JOHN THOMAS, Rice’s wharf,
dec 2 86 §
The subscribers
HAVING removed to the convenient fire
proof stores on Bolton’s central wharf, of
fer their best exertions to all who may be pleased
to employ them in the Factorage or Commission
business. ISAAC COURSE & SON.
And for sale, 50 kegs Butter of superior qual
ity, landing from sloop Alexandria, from Philad.
Savannah, 3d Dec. 1817. 82
Steam Boat Company.
The OFFICE of the agent of the Steam Boat
Company, is removed to the wharf formerly own
ed by Caig & Mitchell. All shippers of proper
ty on board the Company’s boats, will in future
be required to make out one receipt for the use
of the agent. P. SCHENK, agent S.B. C.
nov 28 78
A Letter addressed to the rev. Michael Crosby,
st. Augustine, Florida, containing three
certificates of U. States’ six per cent stock. A
suitable reward will be paid to the finder, if re
quired. GAUDItY & DU PON.
dec 4 nB3
Thirty Dollars Reward,
WILL be given for apprehending and lodg
ing in any jail in or out of the state, a light
or yellow complected fellow named BUTLER,
about 24 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high,
stout limbed, likely, and very civil when spoken
to, anil generally so with his companions ; very
capable of all kinds of plantation work, and han
dy with carpenters’ tools, is a good driver ol
horses, and a complete maker and burner ot
bricks ; sensible and smart j hail on when he
went off, a large white hat with broad brim, a
round-about jacket and trowsers of hearakin
cloth, and absconded on the night of theHth Oc
tober. The above reward will be given, and if
brought to Savannah all reasonable expener*
wilt be paid, in addition.
PAVin POl.OCh’
(Ur The editors ofthe ‘lilledgrvllle and Lou
isville papers are requested to publish tile above
four times, and forward tli ilr bill to the subscri
ber in Savannah DP. j
£alc£ at Auction.
THIS DAY, 9th instant, at 11 o’clock,
Will be sold before my store,
Groceries and a general as
sortment of Dry Goods. Among which are
muscovado Sugars
boxes Soap—do Candles—cotton Bagging
superfine and coarse blue, black and brown
assorted Pelisse-cloths—do Cassimeres
black, blue and crimson Bomhazetts
fancy Calicoes—superfine irish Linens
flannel Shirts—white and blue Plains—Hosiery
london duffil Blankets
superfine beaver Gloves
And a variety of other articles Also,
3 cases containing cut and plain Tumblers*
Decanters, &c
137 volumes Books, part French
Likewise, at 12 o'clock,
A likely Negro Fellow, a carpenter by trade,
and a tolerable good workman.
87 D WITJ.TFORJ) Avct'r.
Valuable City Property for sale at auction.
THIS DAY, 9th instant,
Will be sold before the Exchange of this city,
lifUl AT 12 o’clock, a. m.
The Lot and Buildings, no. 24, liberty
ward, consisting of three well-finished tene-’
ments, rented to good tenants, for the present,
at the rate of sixteen hundred dollars. The lot is
city property, paying ground rent annually of
twenty-five dollars, ordered rent fee simple on
the payment of about five hundred dollars.
Also —the Lot no. 4, in Vernon-tything, Heath
coat-ward, fronting on President-street, occu
pied at present by mis. M. Miller, in fee simple,
with one comfortable Dwelling-house and other
small houses therein rented at the rate of six
hundred dollars.
Terms —approved endorsed paper, at four, six
and eight months, adding interest at the rate of
eight per cent
81 M. HERBERT & CO. Auct'rs.
More new Goods.
Received per the John & Edward.
Elegant ivory work Baskets and Fans
rich changeable Florences
poplins, plaid silks, head ornaments j
real ostrich Plumes
elegant merino Shawls and Trimmings
pelerines, superb lace Caps
chip and crape Bonnets
black crape Trimmings for dresses
Combs of every description
real ivory Chess-men
Loo-boxes and counters
one small box silver Watches
white p’ush Vandykes
men hair Caps, Boston Wadding
silk coat and lace Buttons
embroidered silk Hose
children’s worsted Hose and Socks
angola Gloves—elegant Ridicules and Clasps
irish l.ine.ns— Cambrics and Sheetings
a large assortment of Domestic Goods
•••••* A L 50....
20 casks first quality goshen Cheese
10 do do english do
10 do do Loaf-sugar
20 boxes 3 lbs each gunpowder Tea
10 casks Porter
15 packages well-assorted cheap Boots and
Shoes—For sale by
dec 1 fs 80 Johnson-square.
From the British ship Hero, capt. Parker, from St.
90 hhds Molasses, very superior quality
37 do muscovado Sugar
2 tierces do
4 barrels do
2 barrels Coffee. For sale bv
oct. 28. wa—fh 56
To Rent,
f&fn. A two story HOUSE, in Broughton.
‘MIMsJ street, next door west of Esq. Sheftall’s ;
well calculated for a boarding-house. Possession
will be given the Ist January next Enquire at
this office. dec 1 j i 80
For Sale.
AgTTi The subscribers offer for sale, that.
jNaia) convenient and pleasantly situated Lot,
in Bryan street, fronting Johnson’s square, with
the improvements thereon, consisting of a dou
ble tenement Building, with all necessary out
buildings in complete oraer. Enquire of ei
ther of the subscribers.
nov 20 *1 71
Sheriff’s sale.
On the frst TU ESDAY in January next, will be
sold between the usual hours,
A NEGRO BOY, named Jim ; levied on
as the property of William Guest at the suit of
John Cherry ; returned to me bv a constable,
dec 9 fB7 ADAM COPE, s. c. c.
For sale at the Office of the Museum ctf Gazette.
Prices Current
Bills of Lading
Entries of Merchandize
Reports and Manifests
Shipping Articles
Notary’s Protests
Bills of sale for Negroes
Powers of Attorney
Together with a general assortment of Jus
tice and Sheriff’* Blanks
Also, Blanks for the Mayor's court.
tjy CARDS, H ANDBILLS, he. executed
.• it It neat ness and dcsnatell oct. Hi 51
Rules ti I Mi g .Utn.n* of tin
wi'h the offu r mum a and discount days, of the*
several Banks in till* citV, attached In It—just
printed 011 a large and •ii|Mtttor sheet of paper
| for sale at the MuVCUtn fc lia/’ Hc printing ol
• j| fp i 1