Newspaper Page Text
India, French £5 English Goods
The subscriber offers for sale the following
Goods, at his store in congress-street, nearly op
posite the brick store occupied by messrs. Stout
•nburgh & Thorn,
FIFTY PACKAGES, comisting of
India black and plaid silk Handkerchiefs
do flag and bandanna do
do real madrass do
do black and plaid Sarcinets
do slate and white Lustrings
do assorted colored sewing Silk
do fine 6-4 Humhums 38 yards ps.
Trench colored and white twilled levantine Silks
do do do Satin
do assorted Ribbons—do linen Cambric
do twilled merino Cloths
do elegant black and blue Broadcloths
do ladies’ and gentlemen’s beaver Gloves
do linen Tapes—do silk habit Buttons
do gauze Handkerchiefs—cambric Umbrellas
F.nglish 4 and 6-4 cotton Cambrics
do do cambric and jaconet Muslins
do do figured lace do
do do satin striped do
do ladies’white cotton Hose
do do do silk do
do colcrain Shirting - —do assorted Calicoes
do mourning Prints—do Hkfs. of all kinds
do cotton imitation Shawls
do 6 by 8 to 7 by la-4 „reen Table Coverings
do white and yellow Flannels
do drab and mixed Plains
do cotton Umbrellas
do green 8-4 colchcster Baize—
Which will be sold at a small advance for cash
or approved paper, by
oct 28 56
Brant £5 Fox,
At their store, on Telfair's wharf,
50 casks london brown Stout
‘25 do burton Ale
15 hhds muscovado Sugar
£.50 boxes Herrings
50 do boston no. 1 and 2 Soap
25 do Doolittle’s do.
10 barrels refined loaf Sugar
15 do white Beans
10 do Albany Peas
10 kegs pickled Salmon
100 do do Cucumbers, Beans and Peppers
200 reams wrapping Paper
250 nests boxes
10 casks prime Goshen Cheese
Firkins and jars Goshen Butter
Boxes spermaceti Candles, and,
A general assortment of GROCERIES.
Also, for sale as above,
1 elegant brass mounted Gig
3 do plated do.
e. Kittureens, and
1 four-wheel Carriage. nov 2 7 77
Gillett Milne,
Have just received and opened,
2 cases extra superfine W r est of England
nov 22 an 73
For Sale,
On board the ship Tho mas Gibbons at Smith's-wharf
65 tons best CHAMBER COALS,
‘Apply to JAMES DICKSON & co.
nov 1 58
Gillett £$ Milne
16 cases well assorted irish Linens
1 do furniture Fringe
200 gTOce white and colored bed Lace
1 bale linen bed Tick
1 case marseilles bed Quilts from 9 to 14-4
1 bale london superfine Cloths
Ido do do double milled Cassimeres
3 do 7*4 Cloths for servants
4 cases black and colored canton Crapes
2 Jo do Sarcenets
1 do changeable do
2 do Levantines, black and colored
1 do black Florentine
flwansdov. n and plush Tippets
silk, cotton, cassimere and merino Shawls
2 cases bandanna and flag Handkerchiefs
1 do linen Thread
Ido do Imperial 3 cord do
1 do lisle cambric Thread
1 do cotton 1 bread from No. 12 to 104
1 trunk gentlemen’s muslin Cravats
2 cases Llack and colored sewing Silks and
6do white and colored Homespuns
2do worsted and inursciffcs Vestings
real welsh Flannels, very fine
irisb, russian and clouting Diapers
dutch Rolls and german Sheetings
1 case 5-4 fine irish Sheetings
2 trunks rich chintz furniture Calico
2 do common do do
Calicoes and printed Cambrics
plain and figured do
cotton Shirtings
stripe and plaid Ginghams
jaconet and mull rm.ll Muslins
thread Laces, Edgings and Footings
line mechlin thread Laces and Footings
silk and muslin Trimmings
artificial Flower 3 and W reaths
fine black and colored Bombazines
Irish Poplins
black, violet and green silk Velvets
5 bales Plains and Blankets
a do superior rose do
furniture and common Dimities
real ostrich Pinnies
superior black and white Crapes
do colored do
black, white and colored Satins
silk Ribbons, &C. he. 57 oct 3t)
Landing, from ship Prudence,
3a bundles flay
*OOO feet white pine Boards
aO barrels Newark cider
Goshen Butter, in firkins. For sale by
nov *8 _____ ill
Cheese ami Butter.
142 casks of real goshen Cheese, now landing
from schr Milo. Also,
1500 wt Buttei—for Sale by
dec 1
•J 0 boat* northern and 40 do. gewgiaCandle
foraal. by OOULD U COPK/AA O
Ato , tun SALE A* AltOVi, I
40 fieg* Salman,
FIIHE copartnership of Nichols IS Hunter is
JL tins day dissolved, by mutual consent. All
demands against said firm will be settled by
messrs. Nichols, Dobson Hills, who are with
James Hunter, authorised to settle the concerns
of said firm. ABRAHAM NICHOLS,
■ 21st nov 181 7
ffj’The subscribers have formed x connexion
in the Ship Chandlery and Grocery Easiness under
the firm of
They will conduct their business at the stores
formerly occupied by Nichols and Hunter and
Dobson St Hills. ABM. NICHOLS,
21st nov 1817 JA 1 1ES HILLS
- Subscribers
Have now■ landing per brig Hero,
30 mahogany high post Bedsteads
20 field do
10 single do
25 dozen Windsor Chairs
4 mahogany Wash Stands
a0 Bereaus
21 barrels Glauber Salts
8 barrels pilot bread
nov 28 o§ 78
Just received,
10 elegant Gigs with plated harnesses
1 Phaeton with do
1 dearbon Waggon
mounted and plain Whips
Saddles, Bridles and Martingals
plated Nails and Spots
200 pair men’s Pumps, suitable for the
a few dozen Pocket-books
2 elegant Time-pieces—
And for sale, cheap for cash, bv the subscriber,
nov 24 74 J CIIADBOURN.
T. M. Chamberlain
ACQUAINTS his friends, and customers in
general, that he is now receiving his sea
sonable supply of
Which consists of almost every article in that
line, and which he offers on as low terms as at
any store in the city, by wholesale and retail,
nov. 10. 4 62
Powder and Nails.
70 casks w ell assorted Nails and brads
50 do FIFG gun-pow der, of superior quality
Landing from sloop Alexander Ch/nn,
For sale by J. BATTELLE.
nov. 27 (,77
For Sale,
250 Bags Coffee
60 Barrels Muscovado Sugar.
2000 Bushels Turks Island Salt
100 Puncheons high nroof West-India Rum.
Sept 25. 42
Staple and fancy
TIIE aubaei-iW.-fi Imvc jeceivtu, by ict-cnl ar
rivals, cases of HATS and BONNETS,
Extra sup. beaver Hats! Fancy blk morocco Hats
super do do Wool merino do
common do do common do
fine castors do coarse do
common do do Ls’Waterloo br.Bonnets
coarse do do Extra sitper. black do
fine rorum do do gold tr. do do
common do do do gymp do do
coarse do do do do white do
youths’ do do do do cinam do
white russ'ta do do It. blue do
Fancychildr’nsblk. do do brown do
* do white do drab do
red morocco do j Misses A children's do
green do do Also, Plumes,Feathers,
vellow do do 1 Tassels, cords, i-c.
Brewster’s Hats.
JUST received by the schooner Milo, an ex
tensive assortment of Brew ster’s extra super.
lIATS, of the newest fashions.
Also—receiving per daily arrivals, Hats of al
most every description, which makes our assort
ment superior to any ever offered in our line in
‘file above STOCK w - as selected by one of
the firm, in Philadelphia. New-York and Boston,
at the lowest prises, and is of the newest north
ern fashions. taken from English and French
samples, which together with our former stock
renders our assortment very complete and ex
tensive, and will be sold at a moderate advance
at wholesale and retail.
Country merchants can be supplied at the
shortest notice, and on the most accommodating
Every attention paid to customers gratis, and
all favors gratefully acknowledged.
Tiov 14 65 Br van-street, near the market.
Joseph Stone £5 Cos.
JfElt CIIANT TA YL OR S—Johnson's-sguare,
Would inform their friends and the public,
That they have just received,
Sliepperd’s extra blue Cloths
do do black do
do second quality do
black, blue and drab Cassimere
elegant white marseilles \ esting
tlii english florentine do.
Which they are now ready to make up, in the
most approved New-York and Philadelphia fash
ions; and those wlio will please to favor them
w ith their custom, may depend on having their
doth at the time appointed. Also, a general
assortment of ready made CLOTIIUt G, the
w orkmanship ol w liicli is w arranted.
And a consignment of
350 dozen Webster’s approved spelling Books
120 reams writing and printing Paper, tube
sold a bargain. dec 4 8o
Boitgii llice
V, ill lie purchased l>
( |p r t*[ /,* • 7 HIKER SHAM
Landing from brig Elizabeth,
tip bov l superior blnnni l.aitiii*
.J do lined mid bound negro Sinus
321 Mat GnndsUini s l or sale by
large PrinU, vejm Minting tin - miry of
ItoiiupMil and Ids wife iut# Antwerp, in 180 J.
[ nov is sor
Stelbbins Masoh
Have just received by the Cora, from Liverpool,
The following GOODS, via :
Bales white and colored Plains
Do. London duffil and rose Blankets
Do. Cloths, best superfine and second quality,
and Cassimeres
Do. Bombazets, colored and plain
Do. Flannels, and trunks of Calicoes and
The above being part only of their Fall im
Also, by the brig Spartan, and schooners Laura
and Ariadne,from New-York,
5 cases 3-4,7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, remarkably
Do. long Law ns, do. of Bombazets, and
A complete and elegant assortment of
assorted French Silks and Ribbons—all of which
are offered by the package or pieces, at a small
oct. s 8 56
New Shoes.
Just received by brigs Speedy Peace and Ventrosa,
A general assortment of SHOES, calculated
for wholesale and retail—viz.
Ladies’ morocco boots
do quarter boots
do jackson bootees
do walking shoes —grecian ties
do do jeffersons
do slippers and perry laces
do do with heels
do blk and col’d kid and jean slips
do leather walking shoes and pumps
Gentlemen’s suwarrow and razee boots
do fine copper bound shoetees
do fine shoetees and pumps
do morocco do do
do 6panish calf skin dress pumps
do seal-skin shoes
Men’s coarse shoes and shoetees
Boys’ do do
Children’s leather shoes and buskins
do morocco do and bootees.
Also —a large assortment of negro shoes.
above stock is equal in quality to any
ever brought to this market, and w ill be sold at
the lowest prices at wholesale and retail.
nov 29 79
For Sale,
50 hhds and 100 barrels N. E- Rum
100 boxes mould Candies
140 barrels double boiled white Sugars
32 do refined loaf and lump do
100 bags white Ginger
19 coils small Cordage
ii bales (containing 800 pieces) Baftas, con
sisting of Lackapores, Irjdees L Lalliputtys
50 bolts first quality Sailcloth
5 bales bleached Sheetings
2 do unbleached do.
4 do thin raven’s Duck
1 Case fine Chappa Romalls
2 cases red Bandannas
1 bale superfine black Broadcloth
Which will be sold on accommouating terms, by
dec 6 81 5 JAMES T. WILD.
iS otice.
I. K. TEFFT would inform his friends and the
public of his having received William Perkins
as a copartner, and that the
Ha rthum o Huoincss
hereafter wxi be conducted under the firm of
I. K. T. tenders his thanks to his friends
and customers for their liberal support, and res
pectfully solicits for the firm a continuance of
their favors, at the old stand, opposite colonel
Shellman’s boarding house.
Tefft £5 Perkins
Are now opening a handsome and complete
assortment of
received by recent arrivals from Europe and
elsew here; which enables them to offer articles
in their line- as well worthy the attention of the
public, as can be found in any part of the coun
try. 74 nov 24
- * 1 —-
THE subscribers having taken Mr. Cliarrier’s
old stand, and entered into Co-partm rship,
under the firm of PETER DUEGE &■ Cos. in the
Hat, Dry Good and Clothing Business, hope a
share of patronage from their friends and the
public. At the corner of Bay & liravton street.
nov. 18. 69
JOHN Tt. BunKE having taken J. Wtllet as a
partner, the business in future will be con
ducted under the firm of J. /** Burke & Cos.
nov 17 68 J- WILL ITT.
The Subscribers having formed a
connection in business, offer their services as
FACTORS, at the w'est end of Bolton’s central
wharf, above F. II IVelnum's.
julv 26. 16
THE subscriber having retired from his pro
tessioi.l bnsir-iw> of Jewellery and Watch
mak , n ...lie -'• ‘it have watches and
jewellery jvs i<‘ •* j -ion, that they may
receive the: - ! by applying to D. B. Nichols.—
If no - to.:- r.av the Ist of April next,
will be sold rur repairs.
Savannah, nov. 14, 1817. iO
(jj-The subscriber tenders his services to his
friends and the public in the Commission anil
Factorage Business. His compting room is at
the store of messrs. Nichols, Dobson & Hills.
Savannah. 22./ .Aoi*.
Savannah Five School.
11UE Savannah Free School will rc-commence
on Monday next, in tin Academy, under
(lie direction oVinr. Adams and daughter. Ap
plication for the admission ts scholars, to he
niuile to
mrs. JACKHiIN, )
mrs DUNNING, J- Sehuu! committee.
miss IIA UN KB. )
de. t
Writiii|( Paper
j*„, Httlr* n* lliik, UHU - *!. t"'* n*
Has just received, by numerous arrivals■,
Choice ami Seasonable Goods ;
Whicli are offered for sale, wholesale and
retail, and at reduced prices, for cash,
cotton or short credit,
Black and colored Sinchews and Sarsnets
do do Canton Handkerchiefs
do do Florence and Levantine Silks,
fashionable colors
do Taffetas and plaid Silks
do and white Thule Lace and silk Gauze
Silk Hose and Gloves; kid Gloves
do Shawls and Handkerchiefs
Satin and lustrings Ribbons
White and colored Feathers
Flag Handkerchiefs and Bandannas
Lace Handkerchief's and Shawls
Silk and cotton Florentines
Black, white and colored Crapes
Silk net Sleeves
Black and white figured Laces, with
A general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and
and Cotton Goods, British and domestic
—also, —
Consisting of a general assortment, put up ex
pressly for the country, and for sale at a small
advance from the auction cost in New-York.
50 barrels N. E. and rectified Rum
10 do common Brandy
5 do apple do
10 do Gin—3 hhds Jamaica Rum
5 hhds West-India Rum —20 bags Coffee
15 chests hyson, young hyson & hyson skin Teas
50 kegs manufactr’d Tobacco, Ist & 2d quality
50 m. Spanish Cigars—2s m. N. Orleans Cigars
10 boxes Raisins—lo jars Lorillard’s Snuff
30 pieces cotton Bagging
5 crates stone and Farthern ware
30 dozen Fryingpans, assorted sizes
10 casks patent and Carolina Hoes
10 casks eight and ten link trace Chains
50 cases roram, castor and wool Hats, at very
. TvVfs mw 96 ~6
The subscriber
HAS just received per ships Vulcan, and Re
mittance, from Liverpool, a part of” his fall
supply of GOODS, which w ith those daily ex
pected, and his former stock, w ill make his as
sortment very general, and are now off ered for
sale, on favorable terms, along with Groceries,
Bvc. JAMES H. Gif KIE,
oct. 7 sn 47 Darien, f Georgia.J
For sale, applv to
ang. 28. 30 R. & J. HABERSHAM,
1 Panel of Sugar, marked SA. C. &co 111] 19—
A 2;>5. 1 aken from Rice’s wharf last Thurs
day, probably by a drayman. The finder will
be rewarded by returning it to
dec 1 T.H. CONDY& Cos.
New Shoes.—E. S. Kempton
HAS just received, by the schooners Two
Sisters and St:i Horse vYoiu New-York ;
a choice andw - ell selected assortment of Ladies,
Gentlemens and Childrens Leather and Moroc
co Shoes : of the latest and most approved fash
ions, the v arieties of which he forbears to enu
merate, but very respectfully submits them to
the scrutiny of his friends and customers, who
are politely invited forthwith to call and choose
for themselves.
Also on Hand —6 casks very superior Currant
Wine, 10 dozen Bamboo and Windsor Chairs.
August 30 31
Hughes, Cnrzon H Campbell,
Engravers dj* Copper-Plate Ft inters,
(from Liverpool)
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and
the inhabitants of Savannah, that they have
commenced in the above line at No. 4, Gibbon's
All orders will be gratefully received and exe
cuted with neatness and despatch.
Banker’s notes, bills of exchange, map and
historical plates, address & visiting cards, coats
of arms, crests and cyphers on plate, t*.c.
N. B. Country orders didy attended to.
nov. 19. ijvva 79
The Subscriber
Respectfully informs his friends and the pub
lic, that he has commenced the Grocery bu
siness in the store lately occupied by messis. B.
B. Fontaine &. Cos. on Jones’ wharf; where eve
ry article in this line will be selected ot the best
quality, and disposed of wholesale and retail. —
Families supplied at the most reasonable terms.
Sea stores put up on the shortest notice. He
flatters himself from his attention and assiduity,
to merit a share of patronage,
dc 3 82 SAMUEL C. HOUSE.
Marshul’s Sale.
BY virtue of an interlocutory order from the
lion. William Stephens, judge of the dis
trict court ot the United States for said distuct,
will be sold at col. Johnson’s lower w harf,
On FRIDAY, 1 2th instant,
AT 12 o’clock,
The schooner CAMILLA,
burthen about 63 tons, with 1 tackle and ap
83 JOHN EPPING ER. Marshal.
Marshal’s Sales.
BY virtue of a decree from the honorable, the
sixth circuit court ofthe United States, for
the district of Georgia, made in a case w herein
Jane Irving, Wm. Irving, Catherine Maitland
and Alexander Maitland were complainants,
and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, as repre
sentatives ofthe estate of John Currie, dec.
were defendants.
On the first Tuesday in .January next,
Will he sold at the court-house, in the city of
Savannah, between the hours often and three
Eighteen valuable Negroes, named Sharper,
Boson, Peggv, Fanny, Nancy, .jun ; Stcphuey,
Hercules,Sully, Will, jun; Hamilton, Andrew,
I'alinhiirgh, Dublin, Iliiuh, Tout, Sandy, fox,
j and I - ’Key ; heretofore levied on and advertised
I under the above decree being part ot the per
j annul eny*ie ofthe late John Currie dee.
9 JOHN CmNCIiU, Marshal
net 2H si>
• For •*! ht this wflie*
Lamb’s Academy,
Opposite the Presbyterian Church.
WAS opened on Monday last, the 13th i ns i
and will continue open through all St ,’
sons, without any vacation, excepting that of.
few days in December and May. 1
In this academy, young gentlemen will L
completely prepared for the counting house sos
the university, or tor entering upon a course of
professional studies.
The fees of tuition are as follows :
For the Latin and Greek Classics, MathemJ
tics, Natural Philosophy, (including Astronomy!
Rhetoric, Logic and Book-Keeping, twist
dollars per quarter.
For Arithmetic, Geography and the use
the Globes, twelve dollars and a half per
quarter. 1
For Reading, Writing and English Grammar
ten dollars per quarter.
(XJ* The greater part of the small number of
pupils to which this Seminary is limited being
already engaged, applications for admittance
should be made as early as possible.
oct. 21. 53
MR. WOOD opens his SCHOOL this du,
Wednesday, Dec. 3, in the room be/ovr
Solomon’s lodge, north of the presbyterian
meeting-house. Ilia terms are ten dollars a
quarter for reading, writing and arithmetic - ;
and twelve dollars and fifty cent 9 for grammar!
geography, belles-lettres, mathematics and lan
guages. The number of pupils is limited to
thirty-six. The morals and manners of liu
pupils will be carefully attended to. Any other
information may Be obtained from captain
R. F. Williams, and from the reverend Thonia
Goulding, of White-bluff, or at his lodgings is
the corner of barnard-street and south broai
street. dec 3 s§ 82
Planters Bank.
THE Directors have declared a dividend of
seven per cent, for the last six months, and
a bonus of nine and one eleventh per cent. Those
Stockholders w ho hold shares, on each of which
fifty-five dollars have been paid, must bring in
their certificates, when they call for dividends,
in order that the bonus may be endors ‘d “h -e
----on. Stock holders, on whose shares, more man
rifty-five dollars have been paid, will receive the
amount of bonus in cash. Payments will com
mence after Wednesday next, and continue on
each day of the week, after, excepting on Tm
day’s and IVedtiesduy's.
Persons entitled to former dividends, areagaii
required to call for them.
J. MARSHALL, C-ash’r.
dec. 1 $n 82
Office Bank United States,
Savannah, 6lh December, 1817.
NOTICE. — ihe bill business done usually by
the w’eekly committee, will in future be conduct
ed by the board at their regular meetings. Ihe
offerings to be made as local paper.
Discounts v. ill be placed in all cases to the
credit of the last endorser ; and no paper wil
be entered on the offering book that has ordert
thereon to be placed to the credit of the drava
er, or an intermediate endorser.
[B3 s] ELEAZAR EARLY, cashier.
Miss Jones,
latk from New-York, begs leave to inform
A tut- Wlies of Savai>mth, mat she has on hand
a handsome assortment of MILfNLRY, ct.
sitting of leghorn, straw, chip, vel^c a - : 3
beaver Hats—tortoise-shell
artificial Flowers —an elegant assortment of Lee
and urbans—besides a number of articles too nu
merous to mention, which she offers for sale, t
few doors north of the market, eorner of Baiiwvd
s'reet and bat -lane. 76 rov2o j
$3°A young gentleman from
the state of Vermont, of liberal education, is
desirous of obtaining a situation as api'ivate in
structor, or as an assistant in an Academy, and
would be willing to go into the upper country
For recommendations, apply at Mrs. William*,
where he boards, or to Geo. F. Palmes, ot thil
citv. oct. 25 55
- - - . - -1 - - - 1 . - - - - -t —
PROPOSALS for filling the head ofthe wharf,
known as Carnochan & Mitcliel’s wharf,
will be received by the undersigned ; also, fat
the hire of six able regroes, by the month,
uov 17 68 3. C. DUNNING.
To Bent,
A two story HOUSE, in a health)
MSsa and pleasant part of the city. I likewise
wish to rent the furnituie that is in the house-
I here is every thing that is needed in the line of
house keeping—and likewise three or tourtw
vants to be hired to the cne that rents the hot* l
For particulars enquire at this office.
n„v 96 r 7
To Bent,
Clf applied for this week', J _ 1
A Building \vell calculated /on
MMil dry good store, ill a good stand.
Enquire at this Office.
dec 1 _j
Houses to Let,
4 Tenement iu Gibben's buildings incliulinf*
J\_ Store. A House on the Bay, suitable
dwelling house, and a stove. Enquire at tus I
To Let, J
ATi, From the Ist of December ncxt >
kgineal well known Store, and capital s-an
business, on the bay, corner of bulUtreeM
occupied as an auction store by mr. D.
Also, the two new bnck Tenements aqjw™
and fronting on bull-street. Inquire o
tors. 71 m>v *|
For Salt - , J
The House and Lot now occupa ■
kfc]|{. W. HalH'i-uhain, esq. adjoin;* j
residence of Joint Bolton. APP
nov 17 68
Boarding. I
VI \m from Boston, will opens ,|o '” 9
a Vi ii.nd and pleasant part of the
the"course ..( this week Light or • J 3
men can he handsomek I
board and lodging Apply to the ■
dec M
Hoarding. J
Light or ten guitleiiwn eii be
with HOARD in u private family.• l ||
pail o’ the trio . Appl) *” ‘*l* l , ‘’ ,uU |3 !■
tJcc I