Newspaper Page Text
(Col mull urn Jlhtscum,
&KI3D ■ - ,*■
WoL. XXII.— NO. 3148.]
For Liverpool,
The fast sailing coppcr
ed ship MARGARET,
captain M'Lellan, now
SriwSi loading, and intended to
vC'fvJ he re a ly for sea in 1?
days, having 3-fourths of
vHPSy-. i- v her cargo ready. For
freight or passage, apply
on board, or to
no. 3, Commerce Row.
Received per said ship, and for sale low,
Clear and merchantable white dkb Lumher,
of first quality and seasoned. <Rc 4
For Liverpool,
The British ship PATENT,
captain Barugh, carrying 500 bales
gMS*g only ; has 300 engaged, and will be
STTTTTv despatched. For freight of the re-
State, apply to It. aCKMBSOKtt Cos.
dec 4 83
For Liverpool ,
The fast, sailing coppered ship KEN-
Bffaft SIKSTOIv, Isaac Sjiinian, maste?; only
nte2oo bales cotton to complete her cargo—
for freight of this quantity, or passage, apply to
Received per said ship , Fraser’s wharf.
300 barrels Flour
And a few kegs Butter
Which they offer for sale. dec 13 92
For Liverpool,
The stanch, fast sailing ship Susan,
Winslow, master, will have immediate
despatch, having 500 bales ready to go on board.
For freight of 350 balc-s, apply to
johnston y hills.
•who HAVE ron SALE,
250 barrels pilot Bread
25 do no 1 Pork
50 kegs Richmond man. Tobacco, Bs.
10 hhds. N. E. Rum.
dec. 3 82 Johnston’s upper wharf.
For Liverpool,
Jtifiv*33*.cped substantial, ship JUSTjU&A,
fjy&a Andrew having
full of her cargo ready to go oh board, and will
won be despatched ; for freight or passage, ap
ply pn board, or to >V*. TAYLOR.
dec 2
For Liverpool,
jSi Tfie sliip Liverpool Trader, captain
tft&y Fenno, wants freight 0f250 to 300 bales
The ship Edwin Bolton, capt. Gardner, wants
only 300 bales.
■ The British brig Scipio, capt. Madders, wants
half her cargo, or about 250 bales.
Also, the ship Belfast, capt. Bunker,for Havre,
has all but 300 bales of her cargo ready. ‘The
aihole will be immediately dispatched.
( iec2 81 R. RICHARDSON & co.
For Liverpool,
The well known packet ship JOHN &
EDWARD. S. S. Webb, master. For
freight of 300 bales cotton (the rest of her car
lo being engaged) or for passage, the ship hav
ing elegant accommodations, apply to captain
Vi ebb, on board, or to
- ■ . ■■ ■ —— ■ ■ ‘.■■■! —— -.I ‘ir ‘■
For Liverpool,
THE fine well known ship GEORGIA,
.Tames Low master (a regular trader) is
bow in readiness to receive a cargo and will
meet with immediate despatch. For freight or
passage apply to capt. Low', or to
nov 4 59 ANDREW LOW & eo.
For Liverpool,
The well known ship JUNO, John
tjjypcDoak master, having 500 bales cotton
ready to go on board, will meet with immediate
despatch. For freight of the balance, or pas
sage, having good accommodations, apply to
captain Doak, or B. M‘KINNE & CO.
nov 29 s 79
• .1 .... . ■ - ’ • ~ ■ I* 11 11
For Liverpool,
The superiorfast sailing ship Niagara,
j&jQi Lombard, master, a vessel of the very
first class, is nearly new having made only two
v '( l jages and wants, to complete her loading,
500 bales, or an equivalent. Apply to
* JOHN THOMAS, Rice’s-wharf.
WJIO has for sule, on board said ship,
150 hhds Salt
40 firkins Butter
■ For Boston* , t
vtwiA The regular trading sclj’r SARJfH
jSmdC.INN. capt. Lombard, having one half of
her cargo ready, will medt with immediate dis
patch. ‘ OLMS i FAD St BATTKI.LF..
dec 23 „ §99
For freight or charter,
JM) The stanch good brig LYDIA, J. M.
JtNfe Nichols, master, burden 164 tons, now
n j<b tc| fake on board a cargo 5 h freight for tlie
Tt’ St-Irt lies or south of F.uropo, w ill he taken
Apply to JuUNSToN y ItIU.S.
fo* c 9 i 87
If 7MOO bules of CO'i’l’OV are wanted
on freight, in tile J.nrd Whitworth, to rail in all
UMiWrek. Inquire of BC. DUNA'fNG,
‘lec |r L g.i
(t7* Tho hliip Mexico can
•‘l'e on fn-ghi JjO lialn CIITTnV, fitr iliH'ti
Apolyto ] U .M’KJNNK Si CO.
dec 17 194
For Liverpool,
The ship ROBERT, captain Thomp
son; now loading at Johnson’s lower
.wharf, and will meet with dispatch. For freight
or passage, apply t the master on board, or to
For Freight or Charter,
. 4|§?\ The superior brig ELIZABETH, cap
3irr rinr 1 a ' l n Bradford, burthen 330 tons. Now
readyto take in. .For terms apply to the master
on board, at Johnston’s lower wharf,or as above.
For Freight or Charter.
GRESS, John C. King, master, burthen
3ggg§£363 tons, in order for any voyage. Apply
t. th< master, or as above.
For sale, freight or charter,
p The fast sailing brig SALLY-ANN,
. captain Saunders; burthen 220 tons;
*&I.M packet built, with handsome accrimmo
dations, newly sheathed, and completely over
hauled. Apply to the master on board at John
ston’s lower whapf, or as abo\e.
For the West-Indies,
. _ * And a Market,
The brig THREE-SISTERS, captain
Hay ward: has half a cargo ready. Apply
onboard at Johnson’s lower wharf, or as above.
For Boston,
tAsjdßi The brig HERO, captain Chase, will
sail in two or three days. For freight
or passage, apply at the wharf occupied by Olm*
stead & Battlle, to the master on board, or as
above. ‘
For Boston,
The packet brig GEORGIA, captain
West, will sail in all next w eek. For
freight or passage apply to the master, or to
Who offers for sale on'liberal terms,
To close consignments,
8 bales Flemish Sheetings, Shirtings and
” L'inen *
1 do Tapes and Bobbins
12 do bvussels Carpeting Rordering & Rugs
5 elegant Brussels Carpets
2 trunks low priced Muslins
1 trunk white Platillas
11 bales Broadcloths, Cassimeres andPelice
Cloths, uncommonly handsome and
low charged
10 bales Oznaburgs and cctton Bagging
32 pieces Dutch Bagging r
5 bales Ticklenburgs ,
7 do linen Bags
1 cases Violins Strings
2 cases Slates
2 do cedar and slate Pencils
12 boxes smoking Pipes
2 cases nuremburg Toys
2 do pocket and toilet Looking-Glasses
8 cases French letter Paper.
2 do Foolscap writing do.
9 chests and bales German paper hangings
100 do. double and single Jparrel Fowling
pieces and Rifles
1 case Hones and oil Stones
6 bales cammomile Flowers
0 chests mahogany and*oak Liquor pases
15 hhds and chests Glass Ware, (Decanters,
Tumblers, Wines &c.
5 packages Shoes of different kinds
100 casks assorted cut Nails and brads
75 bundles heart, club and blistered Steel
300 tea Kettles
17 bags Black Pepper
300 jugs Seltzer Water
7 casks white Lead
20 barrels black and bright Varnish
2 tons assorted Cordage
500 double and single Blocks
100 boxes Soap
60 jars very superior Dutch Butter
50 kegs Northern do.
200 boxes Dutch Cheese, one in each
20 chests small do do.
6 casks Northern do
15 kids Northern Beef
14 qr casks L. P.Tenerifle Wine, 8 years old
100 dozen superior Champaign
527 blue Grindstones
200 casks stone Lime. dec 19 §96
■ . .
For JSTewbem or Washington .
<3 7
• JVC.
Thefast sailing sloop ROSEin BLOOM ,
JgfegiSfe F.. Hamblin, master, will sail i all this
week, having good accommodation. For fi e ght
or passage, apply to the master on board at
Moore’s wharf, or to TAFT & SIBLEYS,
dec 22 s 59
For St. Alary's,
The stanch, fast sailing sloop AA\Y
MJIRLI, P. C. Greene, master; having
superior accommodations, is intended to run as
a regular packet between Savannah ami St. Ma
ryfs. No pains will be spared to give satisfac
non. Enquire of the master oit'board, at the
Exceangc wharf*.
Who has on board and fn> sale,
A few hbls. APPLES and CIDER,
dec 1-9 96
For Nmv-York,
wfc&V) The superior packet brig AMELIA,
Rodman, nmsler, wilihaie despatch—
For freight or passage apply on hoard, c* ,lpqe‘
tahurf, or to GKOHOK GORDON.
Ttntdhtf femes said brhf,
10 puncheons N.E, RUVt
I nov 24 “4
For Greenoclf,
. fc|v The veiy fine coppered British brig
ELIZA ANN, Thomas Little, master.
Forfreight or passage apply to the master on
board, or to JOHN SPEAKMAN & co.
, ;V Who have received per said brig,
400 pieces superior cotton bagging
about 100 hampers Potatoes
„ 50 kegs loch fine Herrings
and a small assortment” of fine cut Glass—con
sisting of Tumblers, Decanters, &c.
nov. 11. 63
For Greenock,
The very fast sailing ship SCIENCE,
Tinwr captain Archibald Currie—a considera
ble part of her cargo being engaged, she will
meet with dispatch. For freight apply to the
captain vi, Lu.;Jj —Jambs Ox-tau Ta.",
for sale, [Smith’s wharf
12 pair double Jack-Screws, received on con
signment—apply as above. nov 13 65
1 -- , ‘
For Havana ,
rfjjh The schooner, HAL, E. Cowell, mas
will be despatched soon, having the
greatest part of her cargo on board. For freight
of 100 barrels, or passage apply to the master
on board, at Wayne’s wharf or to
dec 13 91
’ For New-York,
The packet ship MARY AUGUSTA,
-gliMk. Torter, master, having the most of her
freight engaged, will meet with despatch : for
the remainder, or passage, having handsome
accommodations, apply on board, or to
McKinnc’s wharf.
Who has landing from, said ship and for sale,
5 pipes Pierpoint’s N. York anchor Gin
30 kegs Labby’s manufactured Tobacco
haif do. do
bundles Hay
50 boxes tobacco Pipes
1 dec 15 9a
For Charleston ,
,Jftpwfcrioop ADELINE. Z. Bradley, master,
having a part of her fneight engaged, will sail
the first fair wind. For balance of freight, or
passage, having beautiful accommodations, ap
ply on board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to
Who have just received and offer for sale,
150 barrels Philadelphia superfine Flour
15 do no- 3 Mackerel
30 qr casks genuine malaga Wine
10 hhds prime Sugars
60 do w. e. Rum
150 barrels do.
dec 23 99
• 1 ■ -I 1 „ / 1 \ism
_ For Charleston ,
. The regular packet sloop GENERAL
WASHINGTON, capt. Campbell, will
sail for Charleston, in 2 or 3 days ; for freight or
passage, having superior accommodations, apply
to the master on board, or to
dec 30 . . 97
Exchange, ‘
BILLS on London, Liverpool and Glasgow.
payable in London, on New-York and Phi
ladelphia, for sale by JOHN SPEAKMAN, & co.
Fraser’s wharf. 60 nov. 6
Bills on Liverpool,
Payable in London, and on Boston, fop sale by
nov 27 77 Hunter’s wharf.
On Boston, New-York anil Philadelphia,
at short sight. For sale by
nov 24 74 Hunter’s wharf.
‘ * - ■ - , - - n
On New-York, and on Providence direct, or
payable in Boston, for sale by
A i S O,
U. S. Post Notes of §SOO each,
dec 3 82
Bills on New-York,
For sale by Charles Cotton.
nov. 12 Huntei’s wharf.
Bills on New-York,
At short sight, for sale by
sept 9 35
Genuine Madeira Wine.
5 half pipes superior qualify Madeira Wine,
just received on consignment, and for side by
_I Ipc 1,1 __ _ 91
J?. E. Rum , Whiskey , &C.
8 hhds New-F.ngland Uwm
4 do Philadelphia Whiskey
2 pipe* Holland Gin
Just landed, and for sale by
John nor.urc & co.
dec 21 90 Hunter's wharf
Alutcovndo Sugar.
20 Mid* prime muscovado Sugar
A few lilhlm Jamaica Hum
Just fi ceSveil uml for mV on good term*, In
’ det ?! ‘>B A> 34, Jhlton’s whi f ‘
Full and Winter
The subscribers have received by the ship Georgia,
and other recent arrivals front Liverpool and
Greenock, upwards of
Seasonable Dry (Goods,
Comprising’ a complete assortment of Woolen,
Worsted, Lineup Cotton and Silk GOODS, which
have been carefully selected by one of the part
ners, and will l>e sold by the piece or package,
at a modfe/ate au>ii[n, fir cash, cetton-or nn-..
doubted paper.
( Xj” Families can be supplied, by the piece or
dozen, on reasonable terms.
oct 28 56 JIN ft RE W LOW & CO.
* Just Received,
Os ~ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined
„ Castor
„ black and white,’ English and <
French Silk
„ Cotton
Ladies’ Beaver
„ Beaver fleecy lined >
„ black and color’d Castor
~ black white and fancy Kid
„ black and white English and
French Silk
„ Cotton
Misses* Beaver
Children’s do.
Gentlemen’s white Lamb’s Wool
„ grey
„ white, grey & black Worsted
„ grey Angola
„ white ana color’d Cotton
„ white and black Silk
Ladies’ white, black & col’d Worsted
„ black, white & col’rd Cotton
.. black and white English and
French Silk
Bov’s Worsted
('hildren’s do.
Misses’ white Cotton
Gentlemen’s white. Lamb’s Wool, half
„ color’d do. do. do.
„ w hite & col’d Worsted do.
„ Angola do
For sale by STEBBLYS & MjISOM
dec 8 86
Stebbins Mason
Have received, By recent arrivals,
An assortment of english, french and india
which will be sold on the lowest and most ac
commodating terms — Simone them are
4-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 and 10-4 irish Damask and
Diaper, for table cloths
3-4 bird’s-eye Diaper
russian Diaper
german Rolls
irish Sheetings
irish Linens, very low charged
linen Cambrics
do Handkerchiefs
linen and cotton Bedtick
marseilles bed Quilts
black and colored canton Crape 9
black and white Italian do
florence and levantine Silks, a complete as
sortment *
high colored changeable Sinchews and
blue Sarcenetts
swansdown and plush Pelerines
silk Shawls
elegant merino do
black canton do
black and colored sewing Silk and Twist
silk Hosiery and Gloves
’ black and col’d castor and kid Gloves
satin, taffeta and velvet Ribbons
chenelle Cords, Cords and Tassels
artificial Flowers
.velvet Indispensables, with gilt clasps
silk Notts for the head
6-4 mull Muslins
inserting Trimmings
thread Laces, a good assortment
A variety of rich garnature Trimmings
white and black thulle I .ace
ostrich and*down Feathers
Cloths, cassimeres, carpeting
Furniture calicoes
Rose and duffll blankets, plains,
India muslins, checks, &c. &c.
POY 68 .
George Relph,
Has just received and opened,
superior chintz Furniture and dress Calicoes
white and colored muslin Robes
plain and tambored jaconet & mull mull Muslins
Counterpains & marseilles Quilts, from 8 to 12-4
plain gnd figured 9-8 and 6-4 Cambrlcks
Irish sheeting and Linens, well assorted
linen and cotton ltcd-ticlc do
worsted and cotton Hosiery, very cheap
union Stripes ami Berries
and a large aaMirlnieut of Plains, Blankets and
Flannels, which will be sold at very reduced
A few ladies’ Pelisses, and gentlemen'* toiltnct
WaUtrout*, of auperior quality, md the
l:i*e t lurlo'i ftdiioii
1 dec .1 01 1
[J Vew Senes —Vol. I.—No. 200.
W- ‘* W% 4 . , , .
Giilett 6j Milne,
Have just received, by the Olyntkus frtym Phila
2 cases black and changeable Sarcenets
2 do best quality Florentines
1 do fi-mged Barcelona black silk Handk'ft
2 do superior bl’k & col’rd nankin Crapes
2 do do do do canton do
dec 3 $e 82
Bough Rice
Will be purchased by •
dec 4 83 JR. & j, jviBERSHAM.
Tefft Perkins
Have received by late arrivals ,
Tea-tnys, elegant and fashionable patterns
—plated CactcrD, dc
brsEss Fenders do do
wire do do do
curtain Pins do do
cases of single and double-barrelled Fowling
pieces and Rifles
dutch Brooms—Head-brushes
japanned and plated Bread-baskets
crown Window-glass
Chafing-dishes, Dust-pans, Anvils, Nails
Powder, of superior quality
Jewellery, &c. &c.
Which they are offering on their usual fair
terms, at their store, opposite col. Shellman’s
boarding-house. dec3 82
Piano Fortes,
Seven fine toned PIANOS, just received and
for sale at the New York prices by
nov 18 69
r Landing
From ship Prudence,
20 hhds nt. r. Rum
1 case Fov ling-pieces
1 cask Hard-ware—
For sale by
nov 25 75
6 Biding Gigs,
An invoice of fancy Chairs
7 barrels buck-wheat Flour
Just received and for sale by
nov 2 > 75
<* VJ
Just Received,
per ship Prudence
3 bales and 1 case superfine Cloths
4 cases assorted Hats
6 trunks Shoes and
A few articles of Furniture—For sale by
dec 8 60 ‘
M. L. WHITE, ~
Has just received, by numerous arrivals ,
a general assortment or
Choice and Seasonable Goods;
Which are offered for sale, wholesale and
retail, and at reduced prices, for cash,
cotton or short credit,
Rlacjc and colored Sinchews and Sarsne*
do do Canton Tiandkerchhu-i
do do Florence and Ley','.. • cSillc
fashionable colors
do Taffetas and plaid Silks /
do and white Thule Lace sefjaefiLk. Liaziu
Silk Hose and Gloves s kid Gl ive.
do Shawls and Handkerchief'*
Satin and lustrings Ribbons
White and colored Feathers
Flag Handkerchiefs and bsndanr.a ,
Lace Handkerchiefs ami awls
Silk and cotton Florentines
Black, white and colored Crapes
Silk net Sleeves
Black and white figured Laces, with
A general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and
and Cotton Goods, British and domestic
—also, —
Consisting of a general assortment, put t§> ex
pressly for the country, and for sale at a small
advance from the auction cost in Newr-York.
50 barrels N. F-. and rectified Rum
10 do common Brandy
5 do apple do
10 do G in—3 hhds Jamaica Rum
5 hhds West-India Rfim—2o bags Coffee
15 chests hyson, young hyson & hyson skin Teas
50 kegs manufactr’d Tobacco, Ist & 2d quality
50 m. Spanish Cigars—2s m. N. Orleans Cigars
10 boxes Raisins—lo jars Lorillard’s Snuff
30 pieces cotton Bagging
5 crates stone and Rarlhermvare . *
30 dozen Fryingpans, assorted sizes
10 casks patent and Carolina Hoes
10 casks eight and ten link trace Chairs
50 cases roram, castor and wool Hats, n.‘ very
low prices nov 26 76
Goshen flutter $ dip'd CamUcs.
27 firkins first quality Goshen Butter, and
60 boxes dipped Candies
Landing from ship Mary Augusta, for sale bv
dee 16
#V. R. Rum.
12 hhds V. 15 Burn. for sale bv
•fer 97 jone%* a