Newspaper Page Text
For Sale ,
The schooner PEALER,
l***r~_ built for a fishing smack,
only 3 years old, can be
jßr/'TMivi seen this day at the Ex
change Dock at twelve
mIML o’clock* where the terms
will be made known, by
the captain on board
, __ * 202
dec S9
For Liverpool ,
iJBK The sot sailing ship REMITTANCE,
Coffin ®Sfer, now in readiness to re-
SvTZ cargo.’ Tor freight of 500 bags cotton
and nassatre. on board, or to
dec 29 g 202 REA & BUTLER.
For New-York,
xA£v The superior packet brig AMELIA,
Wg|g£ captain Mott, will have immediate des
pat?Malf her cargo being ready to go on board.
For the remaindei, or passage, having superior
accommodations, apply to the captain on board,
or to y GEO. GORDON.
Consignees are requested to attend and
receive their Goods, this day, at Hunter's wharf.
dec 29 2
18 hhds prime—now landing
For sale by GEO. GORDON.
Also —landing from brig Amelia,
1100 share MOULDS
50 bundles HAY
dec 29 n2
Lumber and Lime.
FOR sale, on board the schr. Lively, from Bos
ton, and will be landed immediately,
100 casks Ist quality LIME
11 M clear and merchantable seasoned
Inquire of captain Pierce, on Board, or to
Telfair's wharf.
dec 29 w* 202
FROM brigs Roderick and Levant, and schr.
24 bbls cider Brandy
10 do union Gin—o hlids jamaica Rum
50 bo es bloom Raisins
55 do Converse’s celebrated mould Candles
15 bbls loaf and lump Sugar.
32 hhds n. r.. Rum
15 half bbls buckwheat Flour
and a few boxes imperial hyson TEA.
For sale by
M. KETCHUM, Jones’ -wharf.
dec 2 7 i
For Sale,
SIXTEEN half barrels mess BEEF—Groce
ries, Dry Goods, Hard-ware
Cutlery, and a general assortment of Guns
32 kegs of irish Butter
10 barrels of loaf Sugar
60 kegs Dupont’s Gun-powder
50 pieces cotton Bagging
14 barrels n. f.. Rum
10 bags and barrels Pimento
5 barrels black Pepper
Also —a complete assortment of SADDLERY,
consisting of every article in that line, by
dec 27 gg*
Druggist and Apothecary ,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
public generally, that he has, by recent ar
rivals, considerably enlarged his stock, and now
offers for sale at his store, west corner of market
square, as extensive assortment of articles in his
line as anv in the city, consisting of
of ever)’ description—
Surgeon's Instruments, Painter's Articles,
Shop Furniture and Perfumery,
all of which will be disposed of at reduced
prices for cash or a short credit, to punctual
customers. dec 27 1
The Itinerant, part 2d.
THE Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor, part
2d, in 3 vols. by S. W. Ryley—s3 ;
The Gentleman’s Pocket Almanack for 1818,
containing the rew Tariff of Duties, list of
Public Officers, Consuls, &c. and a variety
of useful Tables—price $1,25 ;
Riley’s Narrative, anew edition—s3 ;
Vattel’s Law of Nations, anew and enlarged
edition—s 6;
Randall’s Peake’s Evidence—ss;
Cadebs Deceived, by the author of An Antidote
. to the Miseries of Human Life—7s cents,
- Just received by
dec 29 a 202
State Papers and Public Docu
OF the United States, from the accession of
Geo. Washington to the presidency : ex
hibiting a complete view of our foreign relations
Since that time, in 10 vols—including confiden
tial papers now first published, for sale at. the
subscription price.
Also —Ramsay’s History of the United States;
Humes, Smollett’s,and Bissell’sHistoryofEng-
T( ‘ n L’ 8m ?- and handsome bindings;
u on s Natural History, 2 vols. quarto, many
Plates -. with a variety of Books arid Stationary.
or 1 ' 6 by TH - LONG WORTH.
Biill-st, urn the Hail,
A Situation Wanted.
\ acquainted with business, wishes
81 ‘ URllon “ a Grocery or l)r) Good store ;
satisfactory references can be. given A note
a dressed to A B, and left at thS office, will be
attended to, dec 27
Schoolmaster Wanted.
A person qualified us above is wanted iinmedi-
XI. ately to go into * lie interior of this state, us
a private tutor in a genteel family residing in one
J* ,c “ mo ? t healthy spots. For further particu
lars, cniuurc of r. M. CHAMBERLAIN,
I ) ‘l’ °1 *’ Periciicc, hi if hiy recommended, will
mer t w Mli i?mp oyiiient on u coil on ploitu-
Don n<*nr Havaiifiah
‘"‘l L! & ’ Bfl.f I\ I’ I’.RSII 5 M
Almanacs for i*|M,
I’or tab; at thin office
Landing , and in Store ,
105 casks Cheese
55 barrels prime Beef
11 firkins superior Butter
25 barrels country Gin
3 pipes Brandy
9 pipes pierpont’s Gin, old and of excellent
40 kegs labby manufactured Tobacco
50 boxes tobacco Pipes
50 do N. S. Herrings
10 half barrels Buckwheat
40 tickets N. York medical science Lottery
16 bundles Hay
For sale by CHAS. C. GRISWOLD & Cos.
M*Kinne's wharf.
Bills on N. York, at short sight, for sale as above,
dec 29 §202
N. E. Rum.
60 barrels N. England RUM
For sale by T. H. CONDY & CO.
dec 29 s2
Rum , Whiskey , and Raisins.
10 hhds Jamaica Rum
5 do. rye “Whiskey
200 boxes fresh bloom Raisins
10 hhds prime muscovado Sugar
For sale by T. H. CON DY & CO.
dec 29 s2
William Butler £5 Cos.
HAVE just received, by the Eliza, from N.
York, f
2 cases colored canton Crapes.
2 cases black do do
2 do black and changeable Sarcenets
1 case do do Sinchew's
1 do bandanna and flag Handkerchiefs
1 do high changeable Florences
1 do canton H kfs. and Shawls
1 do chaw chaw Hkfs.
1 do Ribbons, assorted
1 do richly embroidered silk Hose
1 do black and colored italian Sewings
1 do linen Cambric and Hkfs.
1 do fine irish Linen
1 do 6-4 superfine cambric Muslin
1 do 4-4 and 6-4 mull mull do
3 do domestic Plaids and Stripes
1 do show Boxes
Also —an invoice of HARD WARE and CUT
The above articles they offer at a small ad
vance, for cash or short credit,
dec 27 1
New Rum , Sugar , &c.
30 hhds. N. Rum ; 50 bbls. do.
32 bbls Beets ; 20 do. Potatoes
50 casks Porter;
30 kegs fresh Crackers
50 reams wrapping Paper
8 hampers English Cheese
Erime Sugar in hhds. and barrels
oxes fresh Raisins
1 pipe Cogniac Brandy
6 hhds. Jamaica Rum
10 bbls loaf Sugar
6 kegs Dupont’s Powder
Tea in chests and boxes
For sale by C. BKUEN I3 co.
dec. 25. wa 200 JVo. 33— Bolton's wharf.
Apples , Turnips , &c.
20 barrels green newton Pippins
200 bushel Russia Turnips
20 barrets m rwwiroi rtour
’ 20 casks Goshen Cheese
10 barrels northern gin
100 stout lion skin great Coats
Just received per sloop Earl, and for sale from
the wharf, by M. L. WHITE,
dec 25 s 200
Just Deceived
BY the Roderick, and other late arrivals from
New-York, an elegant assortment of
Side-boards, setts of dining Tables
High and field post Bedsteads, Bureaus
Secretary and book Case, card and tea Tables
Eight day Clocks, 1 elegant Piano Forte
Fancy and W indsor Chairs
Tfith an ELEGANT assortment of LOOKING
GLASSES, consisting of
Heavy pillard, double twisted pillard, single
twisted pillard, moulding framed, mantle
and pier Glasses
Mahogany pannelled elegant window Cornices
Toilet and dressing Boxes
Statia wood Boxes
All of which will be sold at reduced prices,
for cash, by
Where all orders for Furniture will be thank
fully received, and promptly attended to —and
all warranted to be made in the best manner and
of good Wood. dec 25 200
Landing, from schooner Ariadne,
Twenty Packages Dry Goods ;
Broadcloths, Plains, Flannels, Cassimeres
a large assortment of Muslins, Calicoes
pelisse Cloths, bedford Cords
bandana and madras Handkerchiefs
white Marseilles, silk and kid Gloves
cotton Balls, silk Twist—together with a vari
ety of other articles in the dry goods line ;
all of which will be sold low and on accom
modating terms.
•••hALSOm •••
32 casks prime goshen Cheese
1 trunk of very superior New-York made
Boots and Shoes
dec 25 200 at Olmstead (J Rattelle's -wharf
Id. w. mkenzie, •
Has just received per brig levant, from N. York,
ami offers for sale at low prices,
100 heaver HATS
40 do do ladies’ blk, trim’d complete
40 do do do drab do do
1000 castor do
600 roruni do
40 youth’s roram Hats
15 children's Ruffs
Cos wool Hats
dec 25 2'M)
Last Notice.
ALL the caution which heretofore has been
given, against passing or repussmg on the
plantation of Mr C. 11. La) den, being entirely
disregarded, we hereby inform those who may
have still the temerity of violating, that the Law
will he enforced to the extent
1 Savannah, dec, a opu
Fall Goods , &cs
j. E. WHITE £5 CO.
HAVE received by the ship Cora; from Liv
erpool, an additional supply of
which make their assortment extensive and com
plete. Selected personally by one of thd part
ners of the house, they can be warranted in
point of excellence and prices equal to any im
portation—viz :
20 bales well assorted superfine Cloths and
Cassi meres
15 bales Bombazets, Rattinets and Serges
2 do Salisbury Flannels
Do pelisse Cloths
5 do well assorted Vestings
2 cases fashionable Scarfs
1 bale superfine striped Silesia Cloth
10 bales Brussels and Venetian Carpeting, ele
gant hearth Rugs and bed-side Carpets
2 bales white Flannels
4 do blue and green Bocking Baize
16 do rose, point and duffil Blankets
1 do negro Jackets andTrowsers
5 do great Coats
8 do white, drab and mixed KerseyS
1 do scarlet Cloaks *
9 do white Plains
46 trunks Muslins, muslin Dresses, Trim
mings, Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Dowlas,
Ginghams, &.c.
5 trunks black and colored Cambrics
4 bales seine Tw’ine, in balls
. 5 cases Threads
4 do men’s and boy’s.fine Hats
6 do brown Silesias (linens)
5 do ladies’ and children’s beaver Bonnets
.•••••A N !)•••••
444 pieces superior cotton Bagging
124 do do Osnaburgs
65 casks 4d, 6d, Bd, lOd, 20d Nails
50 do twisted link plough Chains
7 casks and cases Henry’s calcined MAGNE
SIA aud Epsom SALTS
They will sell any of the above articles, either
by the package or piece, and singly, to accommo
date individuals.
By the ship Patent, from Liverpool, an en
creased quantity of GOODS, which renders their
assortment complete ; and they now offer for
sale a general and choice selection un
exceptionable. In addition to
they have now
Fashionable fringed Shawls and Scarfs
Marceilles Quilts and Counterpanes
Cassimeres Vestings, Coating
Silk Lace Robes, very rich
Muslins, Dimities, Quiltings
Gloves, men’s and women’s beaver and silk
Calico, Bedticking, cotton Shirtings
Hoisery, cotton, merino and worsted
White, )
Mixed in wool 3
Baize, Bocking, Blankets, Cloths
Ginghams and Cambrics
Cotton Balls and bed Lace
Flannels, blue, red, yellow and white, &c.
dec 29 ne 202
Jamaica Rum.
10 hhds Jamaica Rum, now landing from schr.
Sarah-Ann, for sale by
dee 25 200 No, 34, Bolton's wharf.
lor Sale ,
First proof Philadelphia Whiskey
Northern Gin in barrets -
Cheese in boxes and casks
dec 15 92 Rice's wharf.
For Sale,
On board the ship Thomas Gibbons at Smith's wharf
65 tons best CHAMBER COALS,
Apply to JAMES DICKSON & co.
nov 1 58
The Subscriber
Offers for sale an Invoice, consisting of the follow
ing articles :
Single and double bolted Padlocks
Do do patent do
Pen and pocket Knives, children’s do. assort
ed, and low charged
Scissors chest Locks, Knives and Forks
Stock Locks, Augers,"pin Mauls, iron Butts
Carpenters’ Hammers, Sad Irons
Scrubbing Brushes, ship Scrapers, &c.
20 crates crockery Ware
25 cases Tumblers, 15 boxes tea China
10 tons Russia and Swedes Irpn
The above goods will be sold low, and on ac
commodating terms, for the purposfe of closing
a concern. Apply to ISAAC COHEN,
nov 15 se 77
Tea China
Received per sloop general Washington
100 boxes india tea China,
for sale by IS-ldC COHEN.
oct 28 56
Just Landing ,
8 pipes and 40 bbls. Gin and Cider Brandy
in store —
Cranberries in barrels, or at retail,
Together with a general assortment of
Groceries and Liquors.
For sale by C. BItUEN & co.
No. 33....801t0n's central wharf.
nov. 16. w r a93
“ by the dozen, piece or package.”
Stoutenburgh £$ Thorn,
(johnston’s sruabe)
Have received, and daily expect from England,
Scotland and France,
A more general and extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS, than was ever imported to this
city before.—Likewise, a few packages of
HARD-WARE, all selected by a person well
acquainted with such articles as are suited to
this place and the upper country.
nov. 10. 62
New Shoes.
JUST received from New-York bv brigs Le
vant, Kli/.a, Ariadne, 80 packages
containing a general assortment of ladies’, gen
tlemen's, children's and servant’s
of the best quality and newest fashions, whole,
sole or retail, on the most uccomniodutiiig terms.
Aii assortment of common and fsnry Trunks,
Brushes, Huddles, Whips, Sifters, Lee's patent
Liquid Blocking, and a lew )oung liulih) Horses,
in m mi r, jr
A Bale of COTTON, shipped per bout Con
queror, at Augusta, marked “M. &. B. No.
32 : 564,” is missing. Calvin’s boat, the Wasp,
loaded alongside the Conqueror, and it is proba
ble the bale above mentioned may have been
put on board her through mistake. If any of
the consignees of cotton per Conqueror or
Wasp, or any other person has. received riith .
bale, it will oblige the subscriber by
D. PONCE, Holton's >
dec 29 ‘ n
Thirty dollars’ rewar<
WILL be given for such information <*■- v i<lj
convict the person or persons harho’-i: .*!
a negro girl named PRISCILLA, who ranaway
on Friday morning, the 12th instant; or I w ill
pay ten dollars for her apprehension, and lodged
dec 29 202
Just received
BY THOMAS LONGWORTH, in Bull-street,
near the bay,
The Gentleman’s Annual
1818 ;
containing an Almanac; ruled Pages for memo
randums for every day in the year; list of Du
ties ; Government of the U. S. executive, legis
lative and judiciary ; Departments at the seat of
government; Territorial Government; list of
the Navy, Army and Cadets; U. States’ Coins ;
Weights, &c; Directors of the Bank of the U. S.
and its branches; with much other useful infor
mation is a handsome Pocket-book. Price
The Ladies’ Pocket-book and
Remembrancer :
containing ruled Pages for memorandums for
every day in the year; with many prose and
poetic Selections, embellished with an engraved
Frontispiece—handsomely done up in Pocket
books ; gilt edges. Price §1,25.
T. L. has just received a supply of very supe
rior English Hotpressed Bath stamped Letter
paper, gilt or plain edges. %* A general cel
lection f Books and Stationary
dec 15§ 592
New Store—New Goods.
At the store of PETER DREGE Sf Cos.
corner of bat and drayton-streets.
JUST received from London, via Charleston,
per sloop General Washington, captain
-2 trunks of the latest fashion e xtra superfine
Waterloos, of all colors, lined with and
without silk
2 trunks of the very best blue cloth Coats
2 do. different colors
3 do. extra fine Pantaloons, coisack fashion
3 do. fashionable boy’s Dresses
2 do. of low priced Surtouts
1 do. sky blue Waterloo Pantaloons
1 case merino Shirts, for gentlemen's wear
1 do. lamb’s wool do.
2 do. extra fine lamb’s wool Drawers
2 do. merino Drawers, long and short
4 trunks extra fine irish linen Shirts
1 halo do. Cloth, of all colors
2 do. do. Cassimeres
4 trunks Waistcoats, different qualities
16 eases fine and coarse Hats
1 trunk angola Stockings
1 do. lamb’s wool do.
3 bales red flannel Shirts
1 do. extra size lion skin great Coats
2 bales london made pea Jackets
10 do. negro Jackets and Trowsers
2 do. london duffil Blankets, 2 yards wide
1 do. red and white Flannels
1 box Dominos
1 bale white Plains, which will be sold by the
piece at the wholesale price
And a great many other Goods, too nume
rous to particularize.
3 doz. red Shawls, the very newest French
fashion, which can also answer for bed cov
3 do. white do. do. do
-3 do. purple do. do. do.
dec 23 99
just received,
Per brig Sally-Ann, from Rotterdam,
3 pair elegant Looking-Glasses
9 elegant liquor Cases
2 casks German Sausages.
dec 1 §0 80
W. P. Beers Cos.
(b rocghton-street,)
Opposite col. Shellman's boarding-house,
Have a complete assortment of English, French
and India
which they offer by wholesale, on liberal terms.
dec 16 |!§we 9 93
BY the Henry Clay, (via Charleston) from
6 packages of the best west of England
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and gentlemen’s lon
don-made CLOTHES.
They are of superior fabric, and will be sold
low by the package, piece or garment, by
Smith's wharf
dec 25 $ n 200
The Subscribers
Have now landing per brig Hero,
30 mahogany high post Bedsteads
20 field and„
10 single do
25 dozen Windsor Chairs
4 mahogany Wash StamU
a0 Bereatis
21 barrels Glauber Salts
8 barrels pilot bread
nov 28 0$ 78
For Sale ,
247 casks LIME, just received by the shin Stir
ling, capt. Johnston, from Boston. Apply to
dec 23 s 99
50 barrels Apples—just received and for sale
dec ?0 n ‘lit n ‘l l, Molten'* wharf.
£aleg \( %\u t:;
>” ‘ - ■■ T “ * “
■ r\ j
•’ ‘.-’ i.'tK'OW, 30f.h JV-dAiit.
| ’*” wi lu, tasl v, i2>'.vv.„ ‘%
iti■* c l-a c a >- .n■ -j V l- or ted roJk
ery Ware.
Terms cash—sal * to Commence at 11 o'clock.
M. HERBERT & GO. Auct’rs.
On THURSDAY, January next,
Will be sold at the residence Thomas PolhiU, esq.
near the market-square, [and next tenement to
Francis li. Welman, esq. *
llouseh old § kitchen furniture;
Sideboard, Sofa, dining Tables, tea do. A
Mahogany Bedsteads, Bedding
China, glass and Crockeryware, &c.
Being a part of the estate of the late mr. Ben
jamin Brooks, deceased, and sold by order of
the executor.
Terms, cash— Sale at 11 o'clock.
M. HERBERT &. Cos. Auct'rs.
dec 21 98
On THURSDAY, 22d January next.
Will be sold before our store, all the personal estate
of the late Dr. Joseph W. Caldwell, dec. consist
ing of
1 family Horse
1 Gig and Harness
Household and kitchen Furniture, &c.
By order of William H. Joyner, adm'or.
Terms, cash—Sale at 11 o’clock
M. HERBERT & Cos. auct'iv.
dec 20 97
On the first TUESDAY in January next. 4
Will be sold before the Court-house in this city,
The Lot and two tenement
BUILDINGS, lot no. 2, Warren-ward, fronting
the bay. Both tenements are two stories high,
and in complete order. At present occupied by
mr. Holmes and mr. Donald M‘Leod.
Off Terms —one half, 60 days ; and the other
half 12 months’ credit, adding interest at the rate
of 8 per cent, with approved endorsers.
M. HERBERT & CO. Auct'rs.
dec 12 90
Marshal’s sale.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the dis
trict court of the United States, in and for
the district of Georgia,
If ill be sold, at Hunter's wharf,
THIS D AY, 29th instant, at 12 o’clock,
The brig MARIA FRANCISCA, with
jjfcjraL her tackle apparel and furniture.
dec 29 200
THE subscribers placed in the post-office, on
the evening of the 6th instant, a letter ad
dressed to messrs. J & B. Howard, Augusta,
Georgia, enclosing two thousand dollars in cash*
•••••AS FOLLOWS,....
Bank of the No. 29, letter A favoref J. Cum
state of Geo. > mirg, Oct. 24, 1816, for $lO9
Bank ) n0196 - letß fav.J Bilbo,dec.l, 1817 100
do no. 197 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 198 ,t A. do. do. do. 100
do. no. 198 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 199 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 191 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 187 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 188 ,; B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 189 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 185 „ A do. , do. do. 100
do. no. 175 ~ A do. Wm. Scarborough,
Jan. 18th, 181.2, 100
do. no. 193 ~ A do. James Bilbo, Dec.
1, 1817, 10(1
do. no. 192 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 192 „ A do. do. do. 100
do. no. 191 „ B do. do. do. 100
do. no. 195 i, B do. P.Guirard, do. 50
do. no. 194 „ B do. dp. do. 50
do. no. 195 „ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 197 „ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 196 ~ A do. do. do. 50
do. no. 196 „ B do. do. do. 50
do. no. 197 „ B do. do. do. 50
do. no. not recollected 50
(imALSO*mo (
Mr. John Howard’s note to John. W. Deve
reaux, dated in March last, and payable on the
Ist of November last, for $12(70, and paid by us
to Thomas Fitch, as per his receipt on the back
of said note; which letter has not come to hand.
A liberal reward will be given for the recovery,
or any information respecting the same, will be
thankfully acknowledged, bv
Savannah, December 22, 1817. we 99
Robert H. Parker*
AT his store, opposite the brick/ store of
messrs. Stoutenburgh &. Thorn, hU recejv-’
eel bv late arrivals, in addition to his former stock
plain soft Satina, figured Virginia do.
figured levantine Silks
6-4 and 7-4 double chain levantine Sliawl3
ladies’ silk habit Gloves
do. white and color’d kid do.
misses’ heaver do.
sistersoy Handk’fs, 15 in apiece
fancy silk da.
India Humhum’s
marseilles and swansdowrr Vestings
light Calicoes, furniture Prints
cotton Hollands, 8-4 cotton twilled Shawls
super, super, black & blue french Broadcloths
english do. consisting of black, blue, brown,
olive and mixtures
Cassimeres of various odors
blue, drab and mixed Maim
3 cases straw Bonnets
3000 yard* northern tow Cloth
1 bale french merino Cloths, an elegant article
for ladies’ dresses
Shawls, Ac. Ac.
W hich which will be sold on accommodating
terms at sliolrulc. ‘dec 19 96
For Sale ,
100 pieces squared cedar |.OG£ Apply to
I9AAC CuUliib. fc
dec <3 VV