Newspaper Page Text
-■ •**! *•***, ’
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• Wtu feufcft hww MW 1 V
1 M
10 ’ y
*• ‘ fa A*H)h\ Pea* Aa
to kt|f plotted W' ‘ i '^4 i .- ‘
Wdu do Cucumber*, Bean* ami Pefqf’
00 reams wrapping Paper
*3u **<* huxea
40 feats* prime Goahen Cheese
Firtlwa *td i*mJ9he% Butter
B *permo *t* <)*•s*% and
A shv vat a*.* went of GROCERIES.
4h / fiifc
> elegant Bum* 1 nted Gig
9 ti s)t4 f* do- •
5 tr
Utttotfe \ Milne -
“\4 rM RtiVMUfi, by recent ARRJ
rj m
\8 ***** welt fisaarted irith Unena
I do tVimiture Fringe
Bdd C''tK’ l Whit* and colored bed Lace
4 hat Unen had Tick
*<’ maraeille* bed Quilts from 9 to 14-4
4 hate inndon *uperflue Cloth a
4do do do double milted Cassiineres
9 do W Cloth* fbr servants
4 me* black and colored canton Crape*
3 do do Sarcenets
J*o ehaftgeahle do
do Levantine*, blaok and colored
] tvtaek Florentine
* nn*duwt| and plush,Tippet#
*l|)g cotton, eaastmere and merino Shawls
? oases hsmlanna and dag Handkerchiefs
1 do Knew Thread
l do <lo Imperial 3 cord do
,do lisle cambric Thread
V 4‘io cotton Thread from No. 12 to 104
I tmnk gentlemen's muslin Cravats
* me* black and colored sewing Silks and
<9 dr white altd colored Homespuns
• v worsted and maraeilles Vestings
l>ei if ish Flannels, very tine
Iris! i. usalan and clouting Diapers
dutch oils and german Sheetings
4 case jM line iiiah Sheetings
• trunk* rich chints ftmiiture Calico
tda coo yum do do
Calicoes sft4 printed Cambrics
plain and figured do
etton uhlrtuig*
stripe and plaid Ginghams
jaconet and mull mull Muslins
thread Lace*, Edgings and Footings
fine meohlin thread Laces and Footings
•ilk and muslin Trimmings
artificial Flowers and Wreaths
fins black and colored Bombazines
friab Poplins
black, violet snd green ailk Velvets
# bale* Plain* and Blankets
•do superior rose o
furniture *nd common Dimities
real ostrich Plumes
superior black and white Crapes
dn colored do
£‘k, while and colored Satins
§i!’ f?lbhi>'u Ac. &c. 57 oct 30
Receive i per sehr- Spruce, from District Maine,
* 40,0C0 feet whim pine Board*
0,001/ do *heathing do
b il'JO do Scantling, and for sale by
Resell & Sewall,
H 89 AV 34, Bolton's wharf
Lundinff, fi-om ship Prudence,
3* b*oulli*y
lQ(H) fee t white pine Boards
0 barrel# Newark cider
lioahen Butter, in firkins. For sale by
OQV *B ‘ W _
Kiegant French Laces, £sc.
JyT reeved, end for *le by the subscri
ber, SM assortment of beautiful Frenc *
thread Uc?i, end book /embHc Cetdn*.
d*<s H § 89
For Sale,
jV*T %%c *veo oir noffTsa’s wtuar,
QQ hints and IvO barrels N. E. Hum
100 bog*# oould Land tea
140 barrels double boiled white Sugar*
W do refined loaf and lump do
%Qt) bags a bite Ginger
*y i oila m all Coning*
B bate# (containing 800 pieceg) Baftas, con
sisting ‘A lvackapore*, Irjdee* & Lalhputty*
10 bolt* nist quality Bailcloth
, 4 bab-f ble u-ited blieeting#
2 do unbleached do
4 do tidy raven’s Duck
J case fin kappa HoinalU
2 fae red Bwitlanna*
* bale Wblack Broadcloth
Which wßlbe old on accommodating terms, by
dec Vs //. s/Z-.V T WILD.
‘HtAbb'm* Mason
tfeA4jH*t I .by the Cora, from liver pool,
Thi sot oicing GOODS, viz :
*?al* wtf< nd colored Plain*
Uo \ LM*dy(. .jkifill and roae Blanket*
lie- CtofiA be-/ superfire and aecond quality,
and 1 ?# .inert#
Do Bo#*#K*t*, colored and plain
Do. f'ia®l. and trunk* of Calicoes and
part only of their Fall lm
briy nan, and schooners Laura
* and dr from Nrw- York,
§ caae* 3-4,7-8 arvi ♦ 4ri*h Linen*, remarkably
> r ‘* ,
ip, p,fur Uwia, do / i ombazeta, and
4 (Wt ,plote and ele fi t uaaortnu nt of wel
•Moried French Silks a i k .ylwma—all of whicl
MFC- offered by da* pacha* or piece*, at a *mal
‘"”Euie# and NcguTationa of the
uididar officer* —*>• Bud diaeetfb fay*, of the,
*. v.r4taukaui ttii* city, aHacbes it-juts
in AM on • f*ry and superior uheek paper—
bn **k 4 the Muaeum h Gazftte j$ . * ng of
tie*- I 4 y
Staple and faflety
FI’SHE subscribers bave received, by recent ar-
J| rivals, cases of HATS and BONNETS,
consisting or
Extra sup. beaver Hats Fancy blk morocco Hats
super do do Wool merino do
common iu do common do
fine cast rs do coarse do
common i■ * do L* Waterloo br.Bonnets
cowwc <’. do Extra super, black do
one rorun do do gold tr. do do
co nmon d_ do do gymp lo do
I coarse Jp do do do white do
youths* do do do do ci**m do
■ . white russia do It. bide do
Paiicy childr’ns blk. do do brown do
do white do drab do
red morocco do > Misses & children’s dj
gTeen do do j Also, Plumes,Feathers,
yellow do do 1 Tas&elfc, cords, Ac.
Brewster's Itats.
JUST received by the schooner Milo, an ex
tensive assortment of Hrewster’s extra super.
HATS, of the newest fashions.
Also—receiving per daily arrivals, Hats of al
most every description, which makes our assort
ment superior to any ever offered in our line in
The above STOCK was selected by one of
the firm, in Philadelphia, New-York and Boston,
at the lowest pri:es, and is of the newest north
ern fashions, taken from English and French
samples, which together with our former stock
renders our assortment very complete and ex
tensive, and will be sold at a moderate advance
at wholesale and retail.
County merchants can be’supplied at the
shortest notice, and on the most accommodating
Every attention paid to customers gratis, and
*ll favors gratefully acknowledged.
nov 14 65 Bryan-street nearthe market.
Joseph Stone Cos.
MERCHANT TAYLORS — Johnson's-stjuare,
Would inform their friends and the public,
That they have just received,
Shepperd’s extra blue Cloths
do do black do
do second quality do
black, blue and drab Cassimere
elegant white marseilles Vesting
do english florentine do.
Which they are now ready to make up, in the
most approved New-York and Philadelphia fash
ions ; and those who will please to favor them
with their custom, may depend on having their
cloth at the time appointed. A Iso, a general
assortment of ready made CLOTHING, the
workmanship of which is warranted.
And a consignment of
350 dozen Webster’s approved spelling Books
120 reams writing and printing Paper, to be
sold a bargain. dec 4 83
Just Received,
gentlemens Boots
do. Wellington do.
do. patent do.
do. do. Shoeties
ladies white and colored Kid
do. black morocco Boots
do. colored do do.
boy* Shoes and Shoeties
children nwoeco Sho*
do. do. Boots
do. leather Shoes
men’s coarse Shoes and Shoeties.
3000 pair negro Shoes
5000 pair lined and bound Shoes
2000 pair black and colored roan Slips
For sale by EITON & JOHNSON.
nov 14 50
Mueco. Sugar, Porter,Pork, fyc
25 hhds muscovado Sugar
40 casks London bottled Porter
25 bis Pork (New-York inspection)
10 hhds Jamaica Rum
40 firkins prime Philadelphia Butter
superfine Flour, Richmond Tobacco
Hyson Tea, &c.
With a general assortment of Ship Chandlery.
3 Anchors and Cables
3 to 4000 bis slacked Stone Lime
For sale by GRAY & PINDER.
doc 16 93
Just Received,
By the recent arrivals & for sale by the subscribers.
40 cadys 2J each Gunpowder Tea
3 barrel* pickled Tongues, 10 kegs pearl Rarley
5 pipes Holland Gm, 15 boxes London Mustard
3 ooxea Souchon Tea, 20 tierces London Porter
10 cases English Pine Apple Cheese
50 kegs White Lead, 5 kegs Pine Verdigris
5 dozen Sash Cord.
20 hogsheads and 14 barrels Sugar
174 boxes 7 9 8 10 and 10 by 12 window Glass
75 keg* Cut Nails, assorted sizes
100 barrels navy Bread.
Together with their former stock makes their
assortment complete. DOB3ON & HILLS,
august 30 31
Baftas fine white Homespun,
2 bales, and 2 cases—just received bv
*•*# ALSO*aa*
High colored Hinchews
Twilled scarlet Flannel
1 box Violins
8 cases superior 4-4 Irish Linens
at very low advance for cash, or short
Artificial Flowers V Bonnets,by the casc,&£.
dec 3 82
■ in- ■i . - m i.
For sale, apply to
aug. 28, 30 R. & J. HABERSHAM.
Just received and for Sale,
100 barrels fresh Richmond Flour
1000 gallons Linseed Oil
200 coils assorted Cordape.
sept. 25 42
]). Brown
Has constantly on hand, a general assortment of
for town and country trade, which will be sohl
low for coah, or approved paper, at hi* store in
Jefferson street, one door went of Cotigress st.
dec 17 94
John Spcakman fy Cos.
< ‘ Fraser's wharf,
HAVE received on consignment and now
landing from the British brig John Wins
loe, Henry Hodges, master, from New Port,
(South Wales ) t. quantity of
Copper 8./?s av -i copper Spike*
Tin Ware, coftsisimg of household Uten*ils,&c.
New Cordage
Woolltv. Slops, consisting of jackets, trowsers,
10 pair Boots and 140 pair Shoes [&c
140 ton* excellent Coals. also,
From the Juno, from Liverpool,
A se y tons Shot—-Which they offer for sale.
66 nov 14
r- 1 ” ‘—v —* ;
Samuel C. House
Ojfkrt for sale, at his store on Jones’ -wharf,
rVE thousand pounds prime green Coffee
15 hhds and 20 bbls brown Sugars
10 hhds w. i. Rum, high proof
% 6do Jamaica do do do
2 pipes port Wine—2 do cognac Brandy
30 bags Ginger
50 do rimento
25 boxes choice Claret
Teneriffe and S. Madeira, in quarter casks
dry Malaga, in half qr do
london particular Madeira
Jamaica Rum and i. r. Madeira, by the
dozen, 14 years old
teneriffe and port Wine, by the dozen
fresh hyson and young-hyson Teas •
boston Chocolate, no. 1
cargo and mess Beef
Smoked do
35 boxes Spanish Segars
20 hhds Copperas
130 boxes Pipes
80 tons english and swedes Iron and Plough
german Steel, Vises, Anvils, Spikes
Waggon-boxes, english Castings
buck Shot, linseed Oil 96 dec 19
JV*. E. Rum , Whiskey ,
8 hhds. New-England Rum
4 do Philadelphia Whiskey
2 pipes Holland Gin
Just landed, and for site by
dec Hunter's wharf.
William I. Dudley
Respectfully informs the public, that
he has opened a
thirty-Six and a half miles above Savannah, on the
Augusta road. He pledges himself that no pains
shall be spared towards the accommodation of
those who may call on him; and only solicits
public patronage.
Tuckaseking, Effingham county, Dec. 18. 97
For Sdle ,
On accommodating terms, if applied for soon,
A TRACT of lOOu acres pine Land laying
in Soutii-Carolina, about 30 or 35 miles
from Savannah; being pretty well timbered.— *
For terms and a view of the plat, &c. apply to
R. &J. Habersham, esq’rs. Also, six Negroes,
one a c:q.ab!e driver. A. WILKINS,
doc 16 wa 93
The Co-partnership
HF.RETOFOK S ex sting betw* at the subscri
bers, unde.- the firm of S. J. Brtam & Cos.
ip<tlus dy dissolved, by muu*l consent.
dec. 22,1817.
The subscriber having purchased the Entire
Stock of the late firm of S. J. Bryan & Cos. the
business will in future be conducted on his own
Grocery's, Dry Goods, Hardware ,
And a general assortment of
All of which will be sold low for cash, at his
store north side of market-square.
dec 25 . 200
Thirty Dollars Reward,
WILL be given for apprehending and lodg
ing in any jail in or out of the state, a light
or yellow complected felknv named BUTLER,
about 24 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high,
stout limbed, likely, and very civil when spoken
to, and generally So with his companions ; very
capable of all kindspf plantation work, and ban
dy with carpenters’ toolft, is a good driver of
horses, and ti complete maker and burner of
bricks; sensible and smart; had on when he
went off, a large white hat with broad brim, a
round-about jacket and trowsers of bearskin
cloth, and absconded on the night of the Bth Oc
tober. The above reward will be given, and if
brought to Savannah all reasonable expences
will be paid, in addition.
(Jj* The editors of the Milledgeville artd Lou
isville papers are requested to publish the above
four times, and forward their bill to the subscri
ber in Savannah. D. P
nov. 10 62
Ojffcefor ihe sale of Negroes,
THE subscriber has removed his office from
his store near the exchange, to the house
he occupies adjoining that of Peter Mitchell,
esq. on Bay-street continued, where he will as
usual give attention to the disposal of negroes
and other property, real estate, horses,carriages,
&c. Negroes sent to Wm for sale will be taken
care of at 25 cents per day till sold. All com
missions of property confided to him must be
accompanied with written orders, and the char
acter and qualities of negroes stated. He has
now on hand Several slaves for sale, of various
qualifications, and exertions will be used to pro
cure house servants and field hands when re
r red, and from his long habit of dealing in
t species of property, flatters himself that he
can give ample satisfaction in the sale or pur
chase of such. He has now for sale a House and
Lot, in an eligible situation, either for a family
or a mercantile gentleman. Cash will be advan
ced on property deposited for sale.
dec 22 se * 98
ALL persons having any legal demands a
gainstthe Estate of the late JohnH. Hen
erey, of the town of Beaufort, are requested to
render them in ; and those indebted to the said
estate will make payment to the subscriber on
or before the first day of March next.
Adm'r with the will aiut-red.
Bern fort, S. C. Dec. 14, 1817. ns %4
feiAafiff’s salefi.
On the first Tuesday in January next,
Will be aold at the conk-house, in the city of
Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and
3 o’clock.
AH the right and interest which Benjamin B.
Norris ha# in the ft/llowing property :
Lot and improvements No. 10, Holland tyth
ing, Percival ward, fronting south Broad street,
and'eorner Whitaker street—also, five negroes,
George a carpenter, Harriet and her child Wil
liam, Sylvy and Venus, levied on as the proper
ty of Benjamin B. Norris, to satisfy judgments in
favour otjohn B. Norris, et. al.
Also, two horses, onec&rtand geers, and about
three hundred shingles, levied on as the
ty of William Guest to satisfy a judgment in fa
vour of Samuel Lockhart.
ADAM COPE, s. c. c.
dec 3 82
Sheriff* ’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in January next will be sold at
the Court-House, in the city of Savannah, be
tween the usual hours of test and three,
A LL that plantation or tract of land in Chat
ham county, containing 250 acres, more or
less, the residence of Seth G. Threadcraft, or so
much thereof as will satisfy the taxes of Seth G.
Threadcraft and others, for the year 1816 —
amount gll 05. t. COPE, s. c. c.
dec 8 86
Marshal’s Sales.
On the first TUESDAY in January next,
Will be jold at the court-house, in the city of
Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3,
Six NEGROES,named Murriah, Emily,
Peggy, Smart, Sophy and Joe, levied on as the
property of John M. Verdicr to satisfy an exe
cution at the suit of Josiah Smith.
dec 8 86 marshall.
Marshal’s Sales.
BY virtue of a decree from the honorable, the
sixth circuit court of the United States, for
the district of Georgia, made in a case wherein
Jane Irving, Wm. Irving, Catherine Maitland
and Alexander Maitland were complainants,
and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, as repre
sentatives of the estate of John Currie, dec.
were defendants. ,
On the first Tuesday in January next,
Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of
Savannah, between the hours of ten and three
Eighteen valuable Negroes, named Sharper,
Boson, Peggy, Fanny, Nancy, jun ; Stephney,
Hercules, SaUy, Will, jun ; Hamilton, Andrew,
Edinburgh, Dublin, Binah, Tom, Sandy, Fox,
andElsey ; heretofore levied on and advertised
under the above decree being part of the per
sonal estate of the late John Currie dec.
oct. 28. 56
Atlministrator’s Sale.
NINE months from this date, application
will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for
the County of M’tnVosh, for leave to sell the
southern Division of CreightOn-Islatid, consist
ing of 548 acres, being a part of the real estate
of the late John Currie —for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors. JOSEPH MILLER,
april 8. lam9t. 56 Surviving Adm'or.
M'lntosh County, Georgia, 10 th April,
Part mi-rsliip.
J-.amrn. taken J. WILLET
partner, the business in future will be con
ducted under the firm of J. R. Burke SI Cos.
nov 17 68 J WILLET.
The subscribers
HAVING removed to the convenient fire
proof stores on Bolton’s central wharf, of
fer their best exertions to all who may be pleased
to employ then! in the Factorage or Commission
And for sale, 50 kegs Butter of superior qual
ity, landing from sloop Alexandria, from Philad.
Savannah. 3d Dec. 1817. 82
The Copartnership
OP Hoag & Ames, expired, by limitation, on
the 23d uk. All persons having accounts
with them, are desired to call on M. Hoag, who
is fully authorized to settle the business of the
concern. M. HOAG,
dec 12 wa 90 ,
The Subscribers having formed a
connection in business, offer their services as
FACTORS, at the west end of Bolton’s central
wharf, above F. H. Welman's.
july 26. ... 16
HUGHES SI CO. engravers and printers, in
form the public, that they have removed
from Gibbon’s buildings, to \Vbitaker-street,
corner of Bay-lane. Where they hope to meet
with the same encouragement tney mave hith
erto experienced.
. dec 18 n95
Bank of the United States , l
December sth, 1817. J
Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of
the Bank of the United States, that an election
for Twenty Directors, will be held at their bank
ing house, on Monday the sth day of January
next, at 10 o’clock in the morning.
By order of the Board.
JONA. SMITH, Cashier.
Extract from the second article of the eleventh
section of the act of Incorporation :—“ Not more
than three-fourths of the directors, elected by
the stockholders, who shall be in office at the
tilne of an annual election, shall be elected for
the next succeeding year: but the director who
shall be the president, at the time of an election,
may always be re-elected.”
dec 15 wi 93
Office-Bank United States ,
savaxnah, 20th bec. 1817.
NOTICE.—' This office will hereafter discount
bills on the northern cities, and on Augusta and
Charleston; and will purchase sterling bills.
Checks on the northern cities may be had at
this office, at par. The bill business will be con
ducted daily—Applications to be left before 1-J
o’clock. By order.
E. EARLY, Cashier.
dec 22 98
WANTED to purchase, a few shares in the
State, or Planter*’ Bank. Apply at the
Insurance office;
dec 18 95
Lamb’s Academy,
tf ie Presbyteriau Church.
TJCTAB opened on Monday last, the 13th inst
• “ *!” w,n contmue open through all *.,
sons, without any vacation, excepting that of a
few days m December and May. ’ ‘ •
In this academy, young gentlemen will be
completely prepared tor the counting house, ft*
the university, or for entering upon a course of
professional studies. A v m**
The fees of tuition are as follies:
For the Latin and Greek Classics, Mathema
tics, Natural Philosophy, (including Astronomy)
Rhetoric, Logic and Book-Keeping, rwxurr
dollars per quarter.
For Arithmetic, Geography mnd the U9e of
the Globes, twelve dollar, -yid a half cer
quarter. ‘ r ,
For Reading, Writing and English Grammar,, i
tfj? dollars per quarter.
OCT The greater part of the small number of
pupils to winch this Seminary is limited being
already engaged, apnlications for admittance
should be made aa early as po- sible
o< * 31. s3*
I*HF. copartnership of NTichofs & Hunter is
this day dissolved, by mutual consent. All
demands against said firm will be settled by
messrs. Nichols, Dobson & Hill*, who are witn
James Hunter, authorised to settle the concern*
of said firm. ABRAHAM NICHOLS,
21st nov 1817
(C7*The Subscribers have formed a connexion
in the Ship Chandlery and Grocery Business under
the firm of
They will conduct their business at the stole*
formerly occupies by Nichols and Hunter au4
Dobson & Hills. ABM. NICHOLS,
21st nov 1817 JAMES HILLS.
I. K. TEFFT would inform his friends and.the
public of his having received Wllliam Perkins
as a copartner, and that the
Hardware Business
hereafter will be conducted under the firm df
(Ej* I- K. T. tenders his thanks to his friends
and customers for their liberal support, and res
pectfully solicits for the firm a continuance of
their favors, at the old stand, opposite colonel
Shellman’s boarding house.
TefFt Perkins
Are now opening a handsome and complete
assortment of
received by recent arrivals from Europe and
elsewhere; which enables them to offer articles
in their line, as well worthy the attention of the
public, as can be found in any part of the coun
try. 74 nov 24
(C/*The subscriber tenders his services to his
friends and the public in the Commission and
Factorage Business. His compting room is at
the store of messrs. Nichols, Dobson fc Hills.
Savannah, 22 d Nov. 1817.
A Barrel of Sugar, marked S.A. C. & co. |||| 19—
255. Taken From Rice’s wharf last Thurs
day, probably by a drayman. The finder will
be rewarded by returning it to
dec 1 T. H. CONDY & Cos.
Servant Roy wanted.
A BOY, 10 or 12 years of age is wanted ; good
wages will be given, for one or more years, ,
paid quarterly—apply to the printers,
dec 9 87
A Cook iCanted.
GOOD wages will be paid for a negro wench
who is a good cook, as well as character.—
Apply to the printers. dee. 23 99
Dwelling-House to Rent.
A convenient Dwelung-Hoitsf,,
‘*Jnal in a pleasant part of the city, to rent. For
darticularS, enquire of
ded 15 92
To Let ,
A front STORE-ROOM, in a house on
the bay. Apply at this office,
dec 23 99
~ For Sale. *
The subscribers offer for sale, that
mu convenient and pleasantly situated Lot,
in Bryan street, fronting Johnson’s square, with
the improvements thereon, consisting ol a dou
ble tenement Building, with all necessary out
buildings in complete oruer. Enquire ol ei
ther of the subscribers.
nov 20
For Sale,
The House and Lot now occupied by
R. W. Habersham, esq. adjoining the
residence of John Bolton. Apply to
nov 17 68 R.£IJ. BOLIOA^
Constantly on hand and for sale
at thf office of the
the following articles:
Printing Ink,
for books or newspapers, warranted gooi
Taper Hangings?
of various patterns, with bordering to ma c
high and low priced.
Patent seal Presses,
made expressly for sealing letters, ie.
BLANKS, of various descriptions.
• A L S o
Os *ll kind*, done wM> VjJjjStSw.’
ns good terms as at an> otlitr i 5