Newspaper Page Text
Volume V 111. - !
*>* i?■ icj.y
tt- PJtH.iP C C ~" r 7i:< T .
At Tbr-. Jytll;.- -’ .• jjj.nnr .it j* •*1 in ad
v; .c< . * Four P**’ ; , ii*}>aid ti Hit-end
ofiH. v - ‘J'.vnis of idvert.ismg,
7’> ( Mi 1 v p.f- ■ .r t!;<* iirjt
•i . i • a*ul 6j !-2crni3
f: ;,rh ( , nation.
%T~V % ’ ‘IOV \S \ M)V'.’{SiON and THOM AS
*)M l,\> ,h|,J T i-’ inn iheir sincere thank
f< iv r’ /. -ns of Wi kes f> r all the |uh ‘
fav..r; l a’ hive h en conf’?red upon ‘h m
They liavt always <*;kH<v. ♦ l to a sch n
faiihlnlly the ihisk ennti h and othem for man
jija’sp'i* If * has bee i r tleir happv lo’ U)u<-
re Ihe confide c.e oftoeir fellor -coun yme
11,ev o not a"ribufe it to their individna
t . , U> h . y J h *>•* ”'* ;
m: • f he inha! i<an sos hn county, i * v
ril r *■ tri.s ‘v. t! ’ o.n us candela fts for lax
Cm r. i ... and l ‘ r 11k kivi:* . and if elected,
,b> m \\ -vrr'.v ’.ill tv’ *o tlictil ‘die
4-iir • - dioy \vi I hfiv received
*> 7 o<f
,i <j{i. i o to 3Hie
It HI I'lThN WiILLBORN. 18 li ft an
• ii< t for < ounbj Survnjnr t at ike
t * sung elect ion.
B\ Mr. (. Tobto is, he
tv .... . yds house .* ‘1 foe bridge
<)M Little river, oo .-n road leading
in Gecenesbuough, a small bundle
of papers, which the owner muv k ive
jH ‘ii hv imply in •* a* Tii • wfliee, ami
--‘•O- ‘• Tits advertisement.
*i , p ei-ihi'r i-. (f
—- -i 1 i
C'ott )ii //7. r- . louse.
William I. Egan,
‘$ *** \VI\l i taken b< Wrpe-House
V i la eiy or ujtiHf |>> J and Vv
;* upper end. smith side of
JBro;;.! “i reef, Augasfa, Ji
vo / tiiif KircEFriotr jR j ft
I* *?
VHP, Tit ‘.;‘SAr'j|MN OV
€(> it W;WrA*|j.s>
r’ ~, n
“•* ‘ ‘ <HVI ’ ‘l‘K/mi'ubiZ a|
He/.- , miv ensure irf i; t share ii
ujuei <&th Sept. try
h’ O i /(• y j
Latent \from Europe.
* o<- ship s *ioa:*oe.
|t ‘ inf n*’ Uie,L t afiM'd about vz
k Insf ev Jring IVnui Liverpool,
ulienee l|fje sailed dq the din
Sg” her we h tve re etv-
i files of L,-*nd<oi ami
K 7 e s o *ol pa;c s, aid have made
■sn> exfea/Cs us out* line w >uld
¥ pern>/.
H* t*o ii rtf) f-oui Comstan.inople
■P*l *
go *
i, b
eel; ’
I r*
[oi ’
■■H i
‘ *
’ ■ * i
The Washington Mews.
j support! the Greek army with his
ll' t hem* aevouiits, it to he
tii ir’dt and upon, show he efforts of
the lit t eks to he by no means so
firpriesa as lijty have been represen
ted 10 he
vii article lias appeared, which
tear# the ■ huraefer ol an ollicial
rumaui tiou* ol the report, <hat
Russia had declined ‘he medialioti of
the Afiimi conus in die affairs of
‘['in key. Ihe article expressly
s/ntes, (hai die busiueia with i ur
key has been concluded hv
in concert with the leading Europe*
an stales.
ii \vu 3’Uied In Paris papers ihu*.
Lord otranglbrd, the linglish Am
bassador at Cotisiautinopte, had as
sumed too high u tone in his diplo
matic correspondence with Uusiia,
which, ii appears, the falter power
did not rexisn.—Priuee Mettemit h
j had paid a visit to heK.ingai Ilan
| ovei io procure a uioru moderate
His Holiness the Pope has issued
a Bull ol exccini!/ n ,{ ( ,n against
the fit.boi/dii. ai vaptC , which
piodiuc;! an i..neii me effect in ilia*
kn.gdom. *h- mh imiauis of di
I iricts, which hau been suspected,
came forward and gave up their di
p otiias anu papers ui itie sect which
were in then possession, re
nuimced the s . iet\.
i he Morning daonicle says, Pa
ris papers have been received eon
aim g the most disiressing a<*-
*< uuls, as well as the Maund pa
pers, ot the eu .iagious disorder m
pain. Ihe la esi aeeounts irum
Bar elona stated tha ihe deaths
ootinued at iheiate.h iVom sou jo
■*oo per day j ai iiarc.eloua the popu
lation iiud been reduced to L'n or iou
i. habitants, amUii the Paysieiui.*
hud iaiien vi litns. ihe smuggler* at at Ucd tiic oordoris, and seve
roi hud been kilted on both sides.
An at ueie irjut the Journal de
Nuremberg, dated \ ieaaa, 17th ull
slates *• tea* iiie reeai of ihe. Aus
rial; *vi.j ister and Consul Gcaei a.
1 miu I lie r * Luguchi-1 uu liau ex-""”
ci'-eo tx.i *,.oyi iiiie s ga im ju
lliai a, iai i( avi We< by some
ms *h* p l-e-age .1 war, wuite”others
a Firm thrti a*s eetuiioos be tween
iisti ia Portugal aie lUveerupt
i >is and that a dipi ouatr rupture
j with paid ik also ii aefabie,’’
I'he Austrian go ve.Mifoeu has ad
dressed a tote 1> ihe Foreign Minis
ters, relative io events in Ponegui*
remarkable for its moderation, and
pacific seinhiients. JYai. Jidv.
Jbxiract of a private letter , dated
Constant nopie, ugast Z3.
•On the 16th iust. -he Spanish
Vnihasbador bad ois audience wiih
ihe Gra. and A .zier; the Minister
s*.arled troiu the Anigiis>h Palace j
wiih hi* suite, and the Turkish ofti- l
cer on hurseba* k, amended by three |
or four hundred Janissaries 1 and !
servants in livery on foot, and pro
eeedc ’ to iVphana, the place of
emm. kation. i'iie Asnlausador with
about imlf a dozen of his suite, cros
sed over n ilie is late Barge, the rest
ihiiown gin other boats. On land- j
nig they were provided with othei’ \
horse?, by llpj I* etc, mai.y of them ‘
UJOfil ruilfly apaii sOiich, partial- j
the Ambassador's. Before lie
iiivuiPg! here, he was served wiih
a cup of . offee; he was attended by
several lurks who walked by his
horse, inoSiiy with ot.ehahdon him*
and u lurkish officer of distinction
“TaTitig by hib aide: with the ambus
sador, lus suite. Janissaries, &c.
the whole aniottuted to about six
hundred persons On arriving at
[ he palate, an! waiting a few min- i
Lute u the auiiiea,*e dumber, a
[general sh .ut utmou.c ed the ea-
Vti aiite of thi Vizier, who took
ksiutou a sofa, with a Turkish offi
cer ol diafimtion standing ou each
side of h.ui, a,*d the -Vinbassadot
seated :u a eliaii, immed.aiely op
polite io the \ izier. viler a si
.tvtict of a few miimtes, the Amlus-
seated, delivered his speed
iu French, expressive of the friend
ly reiatioiis of the two courts. The
Urogomau of the Porte, stauding at
the siib of the Ambassador, repeat
ed the speech in i m kisb (*his is
t‘je *i highest offices held by
Greek®, and they are considered
iti.v.osl as petty Princes • After
lit* . • ue of the Secretaries took a
silk hag lioio tfhis >e k and har.d
----; ed if f° fi who stood on the
(oeoucia} FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1822,
rigbi of‘he izier, and who open
| cd and took from it ti** oediminh
j <'f the Ambaksadur. r l'hu-e the Vi
zic*’- looked at, acknowledged, and
handed again lo iiist ffi er, on (he
fight. CofiY and lur-hct were
handed to the Ambassador, who
bipped each: a censer was then
brought, containing w ood of aloes,
| &~i. which is held u few seeot ds
under his nose. (After a person in
I ‘urkey is considered to have eat.
long enough with his entet faitier,
a civil hi? t .is given him t depart
i by ht ldirn*; some pi'i fucie to his
nose.) Ihe Ambassador was then
Cubed nr a very rich ycksSo, iihcu
j with ermine; his SecVeturies arid
j several of his suite were also robed
I wiih Olliers of an inferior qtrafitv,
i which are considered a sort of return
i for the Ambassador’;* presents.
! his done, he saluted the Grand
Vizier and departed, f think there
must have been six or oigh, hun
dred persons in the ai diencc room
the greatm* pr pi llion Tic ks i<j fui
i dress, armed with a hr?*, um! p*is
tols. Me had a fire here thi* we i
w hich destroyed ah -ni tYue hu <l< >
l urkivh su’ and Ai’ineniae houses; th
; Cirund Vizier und C'ajH. Pacha v u
-ending their authoritative aid.
From v. V - r I itter,
Cr-N tantinple Sept. 25
“A Ftov:.;;. rx, at if.,.ued a tew day
age bw ihe Divar>, caliing on all the
Mu e man population of this ci) to
ccmi.iu. tccany arms; and ii it ob
Lt/ved s hat since its promulgation.: a
much gieatei numbei of iti, iuhabi
tants than formerly appear with mus
kets 1 his measure, however,, is not
to be ascribed to any fears cf Russian
invasion, but to a darker reatei home,
and cf an aspect scaicely less threaten*
mg Iv long been known thal dis
affection to an alarming extent exists
among the Janissaries They per
ceive with much jealousy, that the
number of Asiatic troops in the ser
vice of the Government continues to
:rcrcasc> thst y
rem, of which they havt ever been
obstinate .pponents is gaining ground.
They now openly avow with little re
serve, their intention to impede its pro
gres?. the Giand St*g,uL on the o
ther hand, who poshes; grea< decisi
on of character, is inflexible in his de
termination to es'abiish -his most es
sential reform, and to disband or put
to death, on the first of
insubordination, those Janissarie? who
may prove refractory That which
most surprises those who view what
is going on here is, tha. co dangerous
a step should be taken at a timr when
a contest is carrying cn with the
Greeks, and the fears on the side of
Russia, though supposed to be set at
rest for the presenr, nor wholly ap
peared in regard to a future, and per
haps not very distant period The
firmness of the Grand Seignor has,
however amply manifested itself.
Witness the proceedings at Bucharest,
xvhere one thousand Albanian Turks
of the corps of Janissaries, were put
to death by the order of their own
Government i and the same bold spi
rit, it is said, is hereafter to be applied
to the maintenance of discipline and
Eubordination in the Turkish army
Ail the Turkish troops in Wallachia
and Moldavia; it is understood, are
to be immediately withdrawn from
thence. Those province* will then
revert to the previous form of Govern
ment -of boyars, appointed by the
Porte, subject to the approbation of
Ru*s:a ibis measure will no doubt
be satisfactory to that Power, and rend
to facilitate the adjustment of the dif
ferences, if any still remain, between
her & Turkey. The number of Asiatic
troops in the neighborhood of this ci
ty is very considerable. One corps i6
estimated at 1 T.OOOj nd another at
25 000 men. At present omtanti
nople is perfectly tranquil, and we
have similar accounts from Smyrna.
The Pacha there appears to be better
supported than heretofore. He is
consequently more prompt and firm
in his measures to repress disorder,
and is more respected by the people—
a gooed omen for the continuance of
Very late front Caracas.
Our polite and stTetuive corres
pondent lias trar*n.f ;eo u* us \os.
21, 22 ad 23 • he “G ackta df,
i Caracas,” cvntaming dates to
16ih November; from which we
have transeribed some tew pa>*a
graphs illustrative of what has been
lately transpiring in that quarter of
the Kepublica de Colombia.
V e have also received a Better
from Caracas of the 19th November,
tfoin which we make the following
pleasing ex'raet:—
•* I’iie er.einy’s vessels have left
the coast and probably returned to
Porto Cabelio. ‘io doubt exists bu
their plans have been completely
frustrated by the capture of on&. of
their vessels of war (a schooner)
L’uiiuii. dore Daniels, who harrassed
the sfpauia:d“ so !nv‘*b, tl-ev*
have taken their departure, quite j
disappointed Hie Tominod* i*e
been appointed ( apiaia de A* trio,
(say Tosi Capiaiiiy aod/ t ominau
daot of <he . aval force on this roast.
and i presaiuc Vrill be invesied with
ihe command ?*f *iie Cohuubian na
vy by ihe General lugress, as
.r< ng rteoinme idalions have beeo
to them bj toe Vice-['resitlent
t itiiS depa: iniciit, a<*d oilier inliu
nlial rlli i ar‘ti‘B.
Mr. JLowioy, as Ameriuau Con
u*, l*vs arrived a ere. dome useful
* have Jren adopted by hr Ge
eral Goagress relative to exports
-iid imports. Toffee is io be free of
uutie*, from the fi t of January
*ext, hr to yeat s ; Sugar likewise;
rocoaand I lilgo wii* pay 10 per
’ tnt. uuty. Ail ugrmultui ai and
o\ iuului luring utensils, &?. &,*. are
■o be ire* du its; Books in every
oihgu ge J 1 Busts . ; ypts and
-7 uung roust s t ana Ink far ttiui
. a p >se, Biiilosopnicdl l si uments,
**c. m e also e.v inpt Jrom all dunes.
. i*e m> Uui G izeiie contains the
‘Voole of Liieaiototnciilioaed regula
They are certainly very liberal $
more s>, [ believe, loan the reguia
’ *o.iS vii the Unit ed Stales on sundai
Our translator has furnished us
only wish the following. Should
at y further matter meet hiv perusal.
i*. auitii bo givCni to Our iiess.
Caracas, November 8.
SIMON BO Lit ill President of Colombia-
Colombians I — : be book of the
laws, whic h I have, the g|o*y to off v
you. as ifie wiilof the people aid
she pillar of yaur rights, settles foi*Y
evei vhe destiny of t olombia Your
Representative* are penetrated with
lie sacredtiess of their auf.bority,
arid wil! sa -eifiee every thing to pre
serve the sovereignty of the people-
Colombians /—The Geoeral Con
gress givu to the na?i? n what
was oeressary ; good laws, founded
and’ equality. I has
tlius formed one. family of the people,
it has dec reed t hat the residence of ,
Government should be transferred
to STogota, as a eeutral point from
every extremity of the Republic
ienextUtlians —Your patridtism
and your victories promise to Colom
hia, your firm adhesion to iisllasw s
and glorious possession of your re
i ‘iin din Umar cans —The supreme
government has been transferred in
the midst of you; Colombia hopes
that you will preserve i* as a sacred
deposii confided t-s your virtues.
Inhabitants of Qji to —The clank
ing of your chains has reached ihe
Liberating Army, who are now
marching to your relioJVandean vuu
doubt of your liberty*? And, when
free, would you delay to embrace
those who invite a country to its in
dependence ?
i ‘otvmtnans ! —The, law lias de
signaled the Vice-President of Co
lombia to be (he chief of the Srate,
whilst * shall be its soldier. He will
be just, beneficent, diligent and irre
proachable. a worthy director of (he
destinies ot C lomhia. .
Given ai the Rosario of Cucuta,
the Bth Oct. 1821.
By His Excellency, (lie Liberat
ing President, the Minister of the 1
Caracas, Oct. 28,1821.
This day has been a day of great
festivity m tnis capital, as hasbeen
decreed by’ the Sovereign Congress,
in honour of the triumph ol the Re
publican A m i* ri. fields fCi
nbobc. lis a?* -e- brut das the f
| bii tU day of tjie liberating xVei- j
dent, Simon Bolivar, who hatfth*
glory locoimikHuJ io per *u tßi-* b it.
We shall, in our next, give a full
relation of the solemnities of lids a**
(iorirtl festival.— *kar. ; 'H f
V ‘TE OF t’HWK'i.
On the 1 i'h of November, the ge
neral congre3B of Colombia parsed
of thar.ks separately to several
.public characters in Europe and the
United States, distinguished for their
able and disinterested advocacy of
South American Independence. A
ir.ongsr thn:e we hare to enumerate
ihe of 10/J Holland arid (He
Abbe de Pradt Mr Clay late *> aker
in the congress of the United States,
ard Colonel Duane, Editor of the Phi
ladelphia Aurora Sir Robe** Wil,
<:on and James Marryatt. mem
bers of the British Hr>’j?e of Com
The Caracas Giz c>:uam’ an
account oi the honoraole acquittal
the ?6ih November of General O’-
Evereux, who had been tri. and b; v e
the supreme court of the republic for
having writien a ietfes to l e I.Ue v<;e
president Antonio Narino, which let
ter was supposed ro contain a chal
lenge The £ac f <* we understand* to be
briefly these: Mn: English having va
rious claims on the govern men?
right of her decea ed ‘.u-band
die.” gene al English. *ho died \u rlie*
service, applied ro rh. vice president
Narino and the cong vs*. then a . ens
bied ar Cucuta Narino no: on : v re
fused to acknowledge her claim , but
used personally to Mri. Eng.ish very
gross language. Genera. D'Eveienx a
with that spirit which aiwav*; uh*h
guished him. espoused the can e £
thie unfortunate lady, and renraon -a:*-
ed with Narino, in tie coat e •
cor troversy, the challenge com i
of was given, and General D’Er .x
was pat under am ?by Narino. l i;-.*
derained genera’ D’E i-ux for some
weeks from the army.
How: v ?r. on an enquiry into /ii the
fac r s, the congress approved iiighly oS*
the course purged by ihe General t
admired rhe justice f tie claims
made by Mir. Eng.Th* an'* ? to. ed
Narino from the office c* V. .* pre
sident’h * nd ng e
vered tn h.o prosecution of : c i .al
D’Evereux before Tie Supreme C : *;f,
and the result been his f -o ibie
acquittal. In the whole of Tv : . o>-
action. the President ’he iiiu
Bolivar, the Congres-, and >. ;j,
thoritiea of the republic were ’ Tn
guisbed for liberality, a high ** f
honor anti justice, as well a t
great e lunation in which tney * -i
services and virtues of Ge , D’-
London Oc f IP
The Tfirt'Tsli v’l;.- —W ; i n rtm
ed a paragraph yesterday, es.uh >g
the oopui-Ton of the British E :e
(includinir under har cme i c mo
nies and oo sessions in Amer;c,j s he
West Indies, the Fa Indie .1 ie
coaa* of Africa he) at 95 220 nOO
souls. The Russian the Ties; ? j li
es r in the scale .*f ciV-Tz- and na
30,000,000; and Au■'r-a an qaat
number The Roman Empire *\ all
its glory, contained H’O.OGO 000 oue
half of whom were clave- Wh* wo
compare its situation wrh -’hat cf the
British Emcire, in vzziih. u ourecs,
and, industry, the arts, cciencei?, c-on,
merce, and agricultofe, the prep-.nde
ranee of the latter in the scale o c na
tione, and Empire', h great and ‘. t
remarkable The tofinage e-. p-ov * i
in the merchant service is about i,-
61-0.000 ton for Great Britain ; uic
expor s, 51.000 000 (including 11,.
000,009 so tug-? and colonial ) and
imporci 36,000,000, Thu navy du
ring the la:t war ccasisteJ cf -ne nou
sand ship’ of war; the seamen a* pre
sent in the merchant service are about
i 174-000 ‘he revenue ot tie
state 57,000 000 The caoi’a; of
| the Emphe contains 1,200,000 ‘ r-
I sons, the same number which R ne
contained in the days of her gnareet
strength, i’he value fixed • i
ed property in Great tlriiah*. • .!-
eulated by Mr. Pill, iu 171*7 utis
H .600,000J>00; ad i? may < **v ho
fairly tnke C 2,000,000.000 Tiie
o un in ,n*r, aj e ‘ ‘ . ouiiey
2**o ‘! ‘ ‘i ll ‘-.e CX
yoeL$ f lo tmarif 053 Imil
[No. 1.