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prizes so;? virtuous AC
In (he account of f be sittiag of
the French Academy on the 25fh
September, fSw Louis’ (lav) we men
tinned fhnt five prizes ((he founda
tion of a *■ <•'n de Mootyou) were a
warded to five individuals of (lie
lower classes of society, for nets np
habits of virtue. The ta-k of deci
f;:: cr Jo such a ease is new. we be
lieve, to an\ literary body acting in
its coronrate capacity ; and proba
bly, for lb's cause, it may not be
tin(o , e r, ecf j '!( to nnnnunce on what
individuals, and what actions, (he
id -; prf :le Academy fell. Four
of these virtuous persons arc of (be
sober sex. The first is (he wife of
a water carrier, whose husband
gyqirtft no more than 33 sous, or 16d,
ppr day: but on Iht* D ne Jt q e
--ruin ceeei’ “and into her hou e. and
simnorted, a poor female eighbor,
destitute of bread or refuse,
Pe-oiselle FaiHat. a milliner’s
girl, ?.a. during t welve year* main
tained by her labor the mistress
yyj b whom she served hep app<*en
ti- ps'ip, and whom an incurable
malady prevented IVoin d°ing any
thing for Iter own support. Marie
Cartier has performed the same of
fice of charity for (be last 17 years
to a femal * whose bouse she enter
ed as a servant. The last, who is a
pn ‘pr ‘ss, received and supported
in her bouse a young woman Irom
her own province, though, for Iho
&uoport (.’ hersplt and family, she,
lia* only 200 francs, or S/., a year,
and was obliged to pledge her wfear
inga'iparcl to perform this act of
charity. Each of these benevolent
individuals have been reworded
with 4 000 H anes, and the notice of
(the French Academy. >
Thp first prize of Ibe value of 15
0(1 fraoes was decreed to Joseph
Tic ard. an old-clothesman, and
Uu r^u.-wina 1 in (te aeenuat that <he
Bishop of licrnrn polls gave of (lie
invincible patience ami numerous
sacrifices which threw down upon
him t o award n Baron Montyon’s
bounty. This man, formerly the
servant of the maffjois ot St in fort,
who died at An as, at (he com
ine cement of the revolution, bad
V. : ; r; * *• tlie P ri *oo of (hat eiiy.
(flmng (his disastrous period, (he
generous devotedness ofmad&tne de
Cliahil hae to her husband, who
was thrown into the same dungeon
Deprived of all support after the
death of her husband in 1812, ma
dame de Chabilhac came to Paris
to solicit p iyment of some money
who h was due to him. She under
stood very little of the French lan
guage; and, not succeeding in ‘he
object oriier journey,* was redu-ed
to the last degree of want, when
she accidentally met Beard to
Whom* being of the same province,
and speaking ‘he same dialect she
continue leaded (he account of herdis
tres Beeard was deeply affected with
her change of condition, and render
ed her immediately all the assistance
in hi p wer. by selling for her ai a
prefi able rate, those articles which
ebe was obliged to dispose of for her
immediate subsistence. This small
fund was soon exhausted; and the
unhappy lady, in despair, passed
whole nights and days in (ears,
struggling to conceal (he distress
which oppressed her. Beeard, being
Siintself reduced to straits, endea
voured to aid her with his feeble
means; and. as she was t* shamed to
inscribe tier name at the board of
charity, he placed his there io her
stead, eating himself the coarse
bread which he received, and buy
ing fine bread for madam? de Cha
bithac, who had become blind from
the ex ess of her .dictions ft ay,
conquering his natural feelings of
shame, h ’ even submitted to beg
alms in the street for her sake ; and
D >t succeeding in his object, by all
the humiliations T his new calling,
tried afterwards the trade us au old
About the cud of last He- ember,
this unfortunate woman became ill,
and Beeard, after going about duri g
the day to gain a pUtum-e for her
support, watched her sick bed du
ring the night on a chair. It was
only after three mouths watching,
that he would be prevailed upon to
accept fa matrass from one of hc
neighbors, resisting (lie offer so long
r>c the ground that he might thus
fail asleep while bis patient requi
red his ass istauce. Ten days before
her death, he, in faet, ceased to go
rut on his usual occupation. She
d ; ed ah >ut the middle of Mav last.
Bycard rendered her the las? servi
ces of humanity, accompanied her
body to the grave, and carried to the
rure of the parish five francs, whuh
remained of the suceor which that
Cure had sent her, for the purpose
of • btaining prayers for her sou!
Faithful to her memory, he made
with his own hands a small wooden
oross, and placed it, wish her name
inscribed, on the grave where her
remains were interred. Such is the
course of action which has secured
for (hi? faithful friend of misfor
tune a gold nodal, aid an honora
ble mention among assembled aea
dem’n ians If there is any romance
i the return of the five francs, arid
the erection of the monument, it
must be ascribed to the Bishop who
gave the details,
London Times.
f FOR HIR v /-il persons from
friding for two executions that
John Garrard holds against me: one
was obtained in the name < f said
Garrard, the principal $\ 7 and
some cents, the other one was **b
tained by John L. I‘ogees for g2Q;
and also for one note of hand given
by me to said Garrard, for §520. it
being for the use .f Elizabeth Gar
rard, for the refit of her plantation
for this year. This note was given
s nip time last February, and due
the 25 h December following or Ist
of January, and also an execution
against Nathaniel M‘l>y and G, W.
Flynt for Sis. obtained by said
Garrard, I have paid Mr. J din
Garraid for the above mentioned
papers. I am determined never to
pay them again,
Augustus W Flynt.
Dee. 15, 1823, 50—if
Sheri Ms’ * ; .il* s.
%"% T ILL he so?c? on the let ueday
f in l am ary ne s tat the court
house ot Wilke-* county, within the
u ual safe hours, the following proper
ty, to wit:
One tiact of land on the
water of Little liver adjoining
Charier R arter containing one
hundred ac e . more or !eo a'o two
opgro te’io v Jet. ean J Caswe! ;le
vied on af the property of Richard
Hi vard ro satisfy sundry executions
agai t ai= Billyard
Two beds, two pillows,
one boul ter one straw under bed
one wa nut table, one pine slab, *wo
bedstead* three co nterp-. n *,two bed
qoi rs three she ts, one blanket,
eioht split bott m chairs, one spin
nine* whe I i chest, one trunk one
rifl and shot pouch th r ee pidgins,
one tea kettle., two pots two ovens,
one -killer, two bow s. four tumb er..
one tin c ff e pot, one earthen coffee
pot, and one lot of corn suppo ed to
be about seven barrel ; 1 vied on av
the property of Laban Marler to sari
fy an e cution in favour of Eliza
Ba 1 adm x &c vs said arler and
John . Wil i--property pointed
out by said Marler.
(). vv in gfield, and, s.
Nov 27, 1823.
Wll L be sold on the Ist Tues
day in January next, at
the court house in Wilkes county,
w thin the usual sale hours, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
1 wo hundred and sixty a
rres oi land, no re or less, adj iuing
Isaa M Lendon and others ; levied
o< as the properly of Stephen Mai
lory to satisfy sundry executions a
gainst Jaid Mallory
A1 SO,
One negro woman ; levied
ona-ithc property of Nicholas G.
Bakesdale to satisfy an execution
in favor of James Lindsev vs. ‘■'ime
cn M*Lendon and Nicholas G.
Bark sdale seeuritv; als * one sort el
mare & one set <■ C rpenter’s onls;
taken as the property of Simeon M’-
Lendon to satisfy said fi la ; proper
ty pointed out by plaimiff.
A house and lot in Ray
Town, containing one square arte;
levied on t<* satjsly three executions
in a Justice’s court, two in (he name
of John Burk and one in the name
of Joseph W. Luckett vs Thomas
Trout ton; lew made hy James
Clements, constable, and returned
to me. 4 < t ditio s ; ash.
M I ELI AM H, 15, s.
December 6. 18*3,
sheriff’s Titles,
N atly Printed,
Anti fox sale at this office.
1 TyTTILL be -old on the Tues
* * day in January next at the
Court house in Wilkes l ounty. within
the lawful -ale hours, the following
property, viz;
Three Negroes, Cela a
woman, and her two sons Jack a
hoy, a! out twelve years of age, aid
Bartley about four or five years old ;
levied on as the property of Charles
Dukes to satisfy sundry executions
One tract of Land, con
taining o>e hundred and seventy five
a ; res, more or less, with the im
provements thereon, lying on the
waters of I.ittle River, adjoining
Paul T. Willis and others; levied
on as the property of John “ . Wil
lis, by a constable, by virtue of sun
dry executions ffc>m a just ice’s c urt*
in favor of Henry B. Thompson,
the property in the occupancy of de
fetidant and pointed out by plaintiff.
The six following negroes,
vz. Thornton, a nia*, Priscilla a
woman and infant child, Nelly a
girl, Mary Ann a girl, a.d Emanuel
a hoy ; levied on as the properly of
W'illiam G Gilbert to satisfy an ex
elution in the name of David P.
Hillhouse and Gilbert Huy. execu
tors of Felix H Gilbert, deceased,
for Sarah H. Gilbert ; proper
pointed out by one of the plaintiffs,
One tract of Land in the
occupancy of h ugenia Kain, con
taining one hundred and ninety six
acres, more or less, adjoining C l.
William Triplett and others, on the
waters of Rocky Creek; levied on
os the property of William M. Kain,
deceased, to satisfy an execution in
the name of the justices of‘ho infe
rior court by their attornev f lexati
der Pope, vs. William M Kain and
William Martin, Green berry Pinks
ton, and Simon Petee security on
the appeal; property pointed out by
plaintiff’s attorney.
On* 3 set of mahogany di
ning table* ; levied on a* he pro
perty of James Brown to satisfy an
rxci-uiinn in fxvor of the stale of
Georgia and W Stkes County, for tax
f LSO,
Mrs. Charlotte Roberts’s
life estate *n ?he two following ne
gmes. viz. Candace a woman, about
thirtv five years old, and Hester,
ah u* fourteen years old; taken to
•nitisfv snndrv executions against
Hughes R berts her husband;
pointed out hv the plaintiffs.
* 4 SO,
Two hundred and twenty
nine and a half acres of Land, mote
or less. the county of \\ ilkes, on
< amp Crei k,adjoin* rig lands of Rich
a*d J. Ha lid ay and others, in the
oceupam-y of Fzckiel Harris, and
one third of a negr man named
Adam ; all taken as the property of
Elizabeth Houghton to sat*sH Ben
jamin Ballard’s fifa against her, and
kz-kiel Harris; pointed out hy
plaintiff** attorney and by Ezekiel
Harris one of the defendants.
Six acres of Land, more
or less, with the improvements
thereon, in t f e county aforesaid, on
the was rs of Rocky Creek, adjoin
ing land lateE lr longing to William
G. Gilbert. E q. and others, in the
oecupaney of John Burgamy, also
one negre woman named Jenny,
about forty five years old ; levied
on as the property of Nathaniel
Burgamy to satisfy sundry exe* u
tio against said Burgamy ; pointed
out l>y the defendant.
One tract of Land, con
tainir g eight hundred acres, mure
or less, °n the watets ol Clark’s
creek, adjoining W illiatn L- Weems
and others, in the occupancy of de
fendant and E.B Reynolds; also a
lot of land in the town of Y\ ashing
ton unoccupied, containing by esti
mation two acres, mere or less* ad
joining Mery Wingfn id. having
thereon a large gin stable,
corn crib, and carriage house, a six*y
srw gin and apparatus; also a ne
gro man named Cordy 21 years * 1
ogr, a woman Gracy 25 years old,
Betty 37 years old. Dieey 26 years
old, a girl Lizza, 17 years old, and
a boy Dolphus 11 years old ; levied
on as the property of Johnson Well
born, to satisfy an execution in la
vop of Andrew Low & Cos. against
Johnson Wellborn, together with
sundry others against said W eilboro;
all pointed out by defendant,
A tract of Land- contain
ing (wo hundred and five acres, more
or lc.*s, lying on (ho waters of Fisli
it-g creek, adjoining John Dyson
and others, in the occupancy of
W illiam C. Boren, one house and
lot io the village of Mallorysville,
known as the Blaster’s (Ltd, well
improved, ia tlie occupancy of Ben
jamin W oolle n, s<>q ; levied on as
the property of Reuben Scott to sa
tisfy an execution in the name of
Nathaniel M’Mrkins. vs. Reuben
Scott and Augustus IL Gihs-ni &
Cos. together with sundry others
against said Scott : property pointed
out by one of the delendnc.i*.
Richard J. Willis, Skiff.
December 5, 1823.
T ax Collector's Sale.
A I Elbert Court House on the
1 * liras Tuesday in February next,
will be so and within tlie usual sale
hours, the following property, viz:
One hundred and fifty a
cre 9 ol las and, more or less, situate,
lying and being ia the c unty ot El
bert, tin the Beaverdam creek, ad*
joining the heirs *-f Thomas Horton,
deceased, or as much of said tract
of land as will satisfy the tax of
R* bmt Kennedy, dec. for 1821 and
1822; said tra t of land levin! on as
the property of said U >lc i Kenne
dy, dec; amount due gi6 12 cents.
L. M’Curry, t. c e. c.
Nov. 25. l>-23.
Admit i uai<.is.'tut s
a f N the first Tuesday in January
nexr. will be old at the court
hou eof i kes County FOUR
TEEN NEGROE , con sting of
mil women, boys and gir s be ong
;ng to the esrare of o eph Cohron,
decea cd for the benefit of the heira
and creditors. T rm> made known
on du day of sale.
Joshua Morgan,
• K urrivttg It < f cut or.
\ October t> 23 1,2
I) Vl* t. m;<l til t<o til H use ,
ontiuJi**'t tuiSduy n February
wxt, ug etobly to an order of >he
Court if Ordinary of said county ,
One of I .and,
lying iu said county, the property
of Richard Burtun, dee.— t erms of
sale made known ou the day
Mary Burton, adm’x.
William Davis, adm’r.
Nov. 15. 1823 46 —ts
A———p^—i . ma— ii ——w>—■—— ■ ■ —mm
On . hu> fiiiay the hlll oj January
next, will be sold at Hr mud Dur
den's store, in Oglethorpe county,
One negro woman,
a cow and • alf, and a bed, bel nging
to the estate of El zabetb Fluker,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors. ‘Berms made known
on the day ot sale.
Isaac Fluker, adm’r.
N v. 28. ! S >3
A I the court house of Wilkes
County wil be sold on the ist
I ue-day in Jar.uaiy next,
One Tract of T and,
containing eleven hundred and sixty
five acre* more or lesi-. on the wa
ters; or Fi hing creek adjoining Sa
rah Coliy and others, it being part of
the real e tare of haac t allaway, dec
and robe sold for the benefit of the
heirs of aid deceased.- Tl e above
described tract of and i* veil impro
ved, has on it a good GRI T M LL.
dwelling hou*e, &< the plantation i*
in good repair Term* made known
on the day of sale
Henry Pope, 7 |,
Absalom Janes, J J
W inifred Callaway, adx.
Nov 6, 1823 44—tds
\ r ILL be >old o the fir r Tues-
W day in February next, at El
bert < ourr house, between the m.ual
hour of sale, agreeab y to an order
of the honorab e the tourt of Ordina
ry of the county of Frank in
200 acres of i^and,
more or less, ituated in the county
of Elbert, on Broad river for the
benefit of the heir and creditors of
Robert Turman, decea ed Terms
of *ale made known on the day
Parks Chandler, atlm’r.
Nov 3 1823. 45—ts
W ill be ired,
On the first Monday in Jatiw ry
next, at the court house in Wash
AMJMBFRofnegioes belong
ing to the orphans of Ber-ja
d ...Borum, deceased. Tirana made
known on the day.
John ,JB. Leonard. Guardian.
• Win hesnhl Cl! Flbrrl Ccurt TTnvae,
on thefrst Tuesday in February
j next, agreeably to tin order of
the Court of Ordinary of said
j county,
| One tract of I and,
containing three hur dred a> and nine
ty-f.ur acres, lying om tlie waters
of Marhafche etc k, ia said ■ ■ oun
ty; if being tlie real estate o r J hn
Rich, deceased, ..old fir he benefit
of (lie heirs aid creditors Bonus
ol‘sale made known on the dav.
U illiam Rich, acini f r.
Nov 15, i 823. 46—if
| Will bes ild on the 27 ih i-Tiy >. j Jum
-1 ua, y next, ot the late residence of
j Ludwell FutliloTe. deceased, all
the p ris ; able property belonging
to -a id deceased. *
CvO\SLSTI \G of stock of hojr^..
es. hogs, eowb a and *heep, c<4 0
and fodder, plauiaiion tool#,
liold aod kitchen furni'ure. rertlnf
made k'lowii t the and \ of shio. )
, Willis Fullilove,
Teoiporart} ±u7m 9 r.
16 IS >3. ‘ 50—ts
uxtcuioi ’s aics.
WF L be sold, on Thursday the
ibtti ofJunuury next . at the late
dwell it g lit'Use of George boodr
ivin. dt erased. gfi
The Plan tation
of said deceased, oo the head wa
ters of S rap'creek, containing f hree
huudtid acres, more or let-s, ci. u
credit of twelve m nhs by tho
pun baser giving notes under thirty
dollars with approved security,
bearing interest from their dace if
not punctually t aid.
Samuel Brooks,
Sn riving I xecutor.
December 5. 1823 48—!<|g
Will be sold at the late residence of
John stalhum, *enr late ts Ibert
county, dec. on the ninth doy of
J inuary next, nil the personal
property of said deceased
g ONSiSTING of hor es, hogs,
catt e, corn and fodder c&rroh,
household and kitchen furniture,
plantation tool , tmd a number of ar
ticles too tedioiwo mention: the c ale
j will continue froju day to day until
all is so and: thel terms of sale made*
t known on the daj
James C hristian,?
John Bjown, 5 3
* Nov. 22, IBv3i 47 —tds
lad for Sale.
PU U N 5 ti the la r wil* and
tes ament of Award Butler, late
of V’ ilke county be so and at
the ourt Louse of j-id coun v, on
the first Tue day ift January next,
part of the rea e tatrinf said det’d.
. I racl ol Land,
containing even hunred and fifty
acre more or es tfiee miles from
j on both hides of ‘he
| F-reenefeboro’ road, adt lining f any^
| don. Pray, Hay. and 4 o?hef7r<~pyh
j sons wi hing to view the premise!
j will call on the sub the abouH
i land wi Jbe so and on a credit off oul
annua! enstallment*, a Mortgage andl
bond will be required on jpach
John W. Butler. ex’r.
Ociob r 18 \ 4* ts
Ii i ILL be sold at the chart house
v v of Wilkes c’ unty- ir the first
Tuesday in January next, I
360 Acres of ijard,
more or less, lying in the fount ot
IMi ke*, on Ke'tie j4',’
S Wil iam Slaton Thoma* Damei and®
others, on a cr;dir of twelve months®
it being the rea e tate of Jo haa
nail decea ed bv order of th- court
of Oidinaryof said county hr the
ben fit o the heirt and creditus of
said deceased
J. P. Leveritt, attorney,
Far Wm, Jlrnull exf \
Nov 3, 1823 44— tv’s
4 LL per on* indebted to theeg
v tate of ohn tatham. lateVoA
E bert county, decea ed are requfc t
’ ed to come forward and make im ue
i diate payment; and ail pet ons hav
! ing dema ds against aid e tate will
! b?ing the -ame forward, proved as
the law requires
James Christian, ( g
John Brown, \
Nov 2 2, 1823. 47 -ts
Job printing
Ncutly txecuUdut this vjfce .