The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, July 10, 1824, Image 1

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V JLU ME XJ Mr; RUSHED •? ‘•/// r • (’ (irrJETT. Irr T vf.w \rr*vgement. c <’\j>f*r -oc*? h:i>> di r ivr*red ‘o us the little ut;■ >n pai 1 rn and b>. and tht- p-cat f fTi r ultraid ei collecting such deb 8; & a-i afcw ih can be called ’ b-ral m paying |Minc* tails’ wha* ‘h**v ow< }nst!y, to the* priii'er, *p ‘ av". nfier tine const rleution, corn- to *his conrltl : OU t|;j \VF OiTOTJT Ml rTO OIVF. CREDIT Wc coTtncded, •beref’o e to adnp’ anew p! >o n coos cj'iuce of h s determination, tri ‘ t ‘tv -hsU mi fu nr;- h ,soc ‘hi- paper tiiree d'lihi -, if*r annum. if paid in advance—tour and II trsl P’ oaid vrhin s* mon r hs—aul five <d “ /i*‘paid oolv a ’lit* end of he year l?or mlv'’***'iorTien*s, ‘hey are obe paid in ad cane s ifF s:*i-s c\,-< p and which an* obe pa>d <j iar eriv I’ ab ive rules -Sail be *t*-ir ‘ oS ■ ‘ ved. and no ine need appiy uho as n i ready to comply wi'li dv m Terms of \1” rtisinje, T o cents per square for <icf.’c nertion, and 62 t-2 cents tor h routine a* .on Now in W ilkes Joil. 4 Nl‘(tllO nmn who calls ft is S’ came MV’ \ and say* In* be lf*p;.r* to ,4 ‘ jih J h itoit of € ’l t k cii.Hy, fivc mites l • .in Adieus. ‘f t > (|'iel* , il to rnuip f. r %¥'■**'** ; i * v, pav charges* ad take .** ‘< a wav* S K*rkland, j. w. c. July 2. Is. 4 -27 I- O', in W ilkes J.n'. A N GKO srtttJi who falls his nn HIP RIM* lIHK M \\ , and •ays that ein loßtjs to Wiley J tr d i h ■■ of \ogusta. The otvr 1 f i- • • o ‘ • f</ >rif r ’ ■d, P* ,iV pay charges, and 4ake l >■ *vay S Kirkland, j. w c. July . i v .**. sr F n RT k;\. A i w it. Jiti.i ?S, t Latest from lour opr. The ship K plira es. t'apfftSu Biirntru**, ari ivcd at 2 o*,-lo k. this jd’-'en , Iron* Liverpool, when"o she sa it and 2.0 -1 and has brought |*i! dpapers nl fle 23d* whi It fumim important information. * tot ram n. Insurrection in Portugal. ’l’ht* IMlow* h* t ’t*, ‘ ut ihe I*o and r Couriec ‘l’ dio 20 H of M t>, gvt*- an a -t'luiii of vt* i un t*ofio.'i v i li li *<] tor-ken out a l*'slm, seal ♦ np'jfat s* ua* Mist ig tied hy thr Q :efn and tin* h. a,i •.’ it. •W • are at If'gih enaided ft) lay be. ‘i s ‘Mi?’ readers uirpie and au* Ur** nit- del tils f liti* eve •! which have tsiken place af >*isht)ti, and res po (iug whi dt * mu l) puhii • aoxi eiy hus h<***f| est Ii a peeeeding •oh*u . ne have all ihaf up* j pe-.ivf J • • ?i:'* •> tetnug p.p.’ s upon j the suhje.M ; and we subj tin tt>e in *re ve have ourselves recei- I ved. It ’dear, we think* from an Biietfive perusal of ail these ao rounl*, that a plm imtl hee. fnnn*d* atihehead fwhi h weie uie Q ieen rid her son, whose intended opera tion, w its fullest extent was defeat- , cd ; but, Whether defeated ny Ujo j refusal of the soldiery to proceed 1 ftt ihe", or hy ihe fi unless of the • foreign diplnmir co.-ps a L<shn, ii dnuhfful. Private feMers state Ifiat the deposition of the Iv ig, and Ihe nomination of Dm Miguel as j btegenl, was eon<emplated : but we rather incline to the opinion, that j this hold fl'ep would have hee haz- 1 ei\ied only in a ease of extreme ne cessity, and that :t was not wished ’ to and > more than to i <timidute me fiovereig’* into u eouiplianre.** “And so lar it set ms tohave suo rcetletl. lor on the 3d msl. the K* g issued a p ncla nation, in win it he ciiree.ts that summary pcofeediags shall he adopted throughout the ki.tgdoin towards the guilty, that their puuishme it may speedily lake plaee, while on .he other Ha and, he pardons ail that bad been done by bis son, upon ;he ground,the urgen cy of theease would not ailow ofhis • previously consulting with his Ma- ! j si) or ii is Ministers.” s * Ii may be supposed tliat an es- ! pression of tfiis kind, could not hap pen without producing alarm; but the must authentic ac ounfs lead us to believe that at the time of the de parture of die picket, tea tjumty comparatively restored. At uti events the alTair is one of a purely domattiu cousideraiioo, aad i The Washington News. WASHINGTON, (georgia) SV fU .10 AY, JULY 10, 1824. l not partaking, ii the slightest tie j gree, of any of th'se priociples nr ’ designs whifti can bring it info dis l cu-sion with Pore’go Cabinets. ‘The next arrival, we and ulit not, will no* ! only ci#n not rate the in elligeo* • j of the muter liavi .g aub-.ule I ; hir they will probtb-y m vp\ snui** i tn > p dis'iort i dma'ion-. thin we i. p esent have, ol the pre ise motives of the tnstireeetio.’* “ I he following are the parti**n lars which have rea bed u thi morn* g.” Extract of a private letter, I.lvßon. May 5. 18 Ii The pap vs by this pa. ket will inform ym with w tat revohHiooa<y iin em is ’ capital lias Mg.tiu | ’ been alarm ij. I hey are at this time of h d'ff*rent naitire, but ki tnv ■ opium ihe oi'cqi* wi!i be ■ d'ls'rons withou a i elf -t'tilrem etlv is apu'iied, anJ Ia na? a loss tn gu *#* of wtias nature th* rein dy 1 can be, as the ki g biifise f has sin dio ied the measure, of bis son through fear and wtekedoesi, while | the latter has not gained iiis end, j not being seconded b> Ins troops I’lie hue and cry is raise ? without the least s sad wofpc -b .biii.y, a! though ii has grea* weigtit with tbs people, agiias! the poor Kreema sons, ami several hu deeds of ail rank*, principally’ ft! ers of the ar my. have been put in prison, with ml even knowi g wia is laid to i their charge, \ge eral coaster nation still prevails, and every one is afraid of saying a word ou poli j * a -s for fear of ii ding an enemy io tl. pc.son he oiivcrses with Wlicii you read the Prince** proi iatnaliou, hit letter to his Father, and tho King's decree in an wer, you will understand be whole affair. We are yet to learn what part Oporto ’ and the Provinces take in alt ibis confusioQ. Ilt-pnrtu e of Vt u* bide for Mexico, It app**a evident, that the ex- i Emperor V u* hide has lef England for Vlcxi *o, h place of iiis birth, and the country o£ tils short-lived and >m* lion He has written a let-er to prepare h * IVie ol- for i!ie eve (, and to es ; hai;i Isis motives. He sailed from *ui h i npHm oo t lie 11 1 Ii tost, havi t * fef L.) td-o on she s'ti, u ider he p.efeii of goi >g for some tune to rem!e al Hull. Me had previously fixed six of hi* **hi’.d. e., two boy* ami i. gills, ai boat ding schools in ? ffjroni parts of ihe country. The knowledge of this j fad. together with die declaration j of his i,(cation to res de s me time ! at Hath, gav-* great wood **n t*ion to the eonfrad) *tino to the report of his having -ailed f>r Mexico a an agent of .Spain, or in support of for eign interests.—-It would appear fmip these sources, that for the last three or four months he has been corresponding with his former friend* in Mexico, and that he lias .been called home by a strong party, who expect that his presence and j the influence of bis name may unite tite Mexicans in support of heirin deppnden e li'eckly Messen ger M iy 23d. The above intelligence occasion ed considerable ferment in London, y i ad a Cabi.uei Council was called on ! the morning of the 23d. A74 was to proceed to the Tagus forthwith. : Algiers continued to be strictly j blockaded by the English, no ar rangemeut liaviog been made. DEA m OF LOUD BYKOV. Pile poet of ir* s eodan! genius, the liberal, gener us fr iend of Lib erty, sleeps the sleep ol death ! By- j run has perished in a country aid ! in a au?e whi h were dear to his heart, and notwithstanding his foi bles and his faults, and the injury which his great genius may have do e in a moral point of view, wien perverted to u ‘worthy uses, he will ! uot des.-ewd (o the grave “ Uuwep , unhonored nor unsung ** r l'he tievvs of tlic death of Lord Byron. was received to London on j llu* Unit of Vlav. This evert t iok place at Mi stolonghi, on tlie 19 h *.f April, after an illness, .f t hentn ttie , i> flaiuuiatory fever, which lasted 10 j days. The following translation of the Proclamation which was issued j by the Greek Authorities at Jliaso- I I longbi, Hiffi Vrulv cvin"cs grief f i- iohahnai'ts. J'bc N'rfks hod reqiietnetl, and ebtaiced lord -jt i;*’s heart. In he idaced ir a ’’a'l soleum in ihe ccim'rv, tli li:c*ra *icn “f whi h was hi* Ir -t ‘*i*h. His h dv waste becmiveved ■ ‘t'olatid. He Ii s s left one dunghter w a tnt- ! *w>r The r/ierprvicsi off, *rdßvro*'*S ( I’fe. written l% hirmelfr mil which ( h and fecn Iran stinted t fjcaden for publication, have h*cn destroyed. , Mfll P<*. Extrac* nf a leftf” datH of M frch 1824. frnu W'w. *bn ! cv tsq to ! nsf . lend ■% Mus- j sorhusett s •• i liis oH is now blo-krded hy aVi c 4dm cal, wbh a vjiriahle ! number of r j-, aed from t|e tetn- ; per of the j c ties, f afiprehmd tliat the eoesi quences w*H he seri- } ous. Oith •th parture of tty* B? it > ish <'on-.ii!. I spread my over j all (lie interes's, political as well as persoual, ‘hat he W'us eempellrt! to leave behind, and they have been j thus efficiently protected from in jury acd ifistilt ;ad these interests eompreherd the repre*enta?io“S of Atisfi ia. !4lHn!e3. T'ug. any, a*>d Por tugal, with houses, gardens, goods, and (battel-, to n vast am Mini, i I hese facts have only tended lode- j velnp the s?rengt!i of mv credit here, which I was before ignorant of myself, and tot to ismjinir it in j the slightest degree, f have been off’oii. e to viit the Admiral, at the icq e of this government, but to no ; ff*et. “ t he prospeef at prre?it here is, that there will he an .(T if more se- S’jou* than that of Lord Exmoutb.” *’ ‘ * ‘• •’ • •‘•'a'.’ “***• I he New and Old Tariff. ‘i he following statement, exhibi ting ihe duties imposed oy various I descript io* -v of foreign merchandize * hy ihe tar fTbsil recently passed by Congress; also, the rate ‘of duty laid on Ihe same kinds of goods hy the old t a tiff—will lie useful, as a means of ready reference, to dis tinguish the difference. 2VI % N TFACTU HE4 OF WOOL, OV of which wo t is a component part. — By the new tariff a duty of 25 per centum ad valorem ( n the value or cost) is laid ini worsted stuff goods, ! hoiohazeits. &,*, and black t-; and oh low priced woollens (excepting I flannels and baizes) the actual cost ol wits h shall not exceed 33 i-2 rents per square yard. On oilier woollens (In ad doth-, easimeres, flannels, tnizes, &• ) a duly of 3h per centum until June 30. 1825. and afrer that time, a duty of 33 1 3 per ecu In in. By the, old tariff the duty on blur kefs, mgs, stuff goods & stock ings was 20 pereetiiuui; and on all other des ripiions of woollen goods 25 per centum. Manufactures of cotton.— JVYir tariff \ duty of seven and a half cents per square yard on all cotton cloths (except nankeens) which cost less than 30 rents per square yard; on ail other cotton eldhs, in. ludiug oackrcus, a duty of 25 per centum. Old Euriff. —A duty of six and a quarter cents, per square yard on nil cotton cloths (except nankeens) the cost of whi h docs not ex eed 25 cents per square yard; on other cotton do-hs, including nankeens, a duty of 25 per centum. Maxufvctukes of and hemp.— Tariff. — A duty of 25 per cent, on the viuo or cost, excepting European silks on which the duly is 20 per centum, and sail duck and some othet hempen goods, on which ihe du’y is 15 per cent uni Old Tariff A duty of 15 pep * centum oo ilks and linens; and of I 20 per centum on hempen goods, * exeeeplng duck and sheeting-, on • whi. h there was a speeifi duty a inountii.g to near 15 per centum ou the cost. M ANUF'CTUItES oF IRON. STEEL, ! ERAS-. Pr.W I EH. Lfc AD OR TIN, coin m only denominated Hardware.—— 1 J*ew lurijj —A duly of 25 per een- t lutti, 11 X'i pung articles otherwise spe ified ) Old Tar jf,— A duty of 20 per ceuium. l’\M 4NUFACTUHI I) WOOL. —J\ no To iff \ duty o< 2n per centum noli'Jure l t 1825; ft*; m tLet tiitio to Jo.c 1, 1826, a doty of 25 per centum; afterward*, a duty if 30 per centum excepting on wool, the cost of which d< es not exceed 10 cents per pound, on which the duty is 15 ner rectum. Old Turff —A duty of 15 per C*et s not on all sorts, Llghuhn hats and bonnets, also, hats and bonnets of straw, i hip .r grass, or materials for ma king them *Vw 1 ti"Jf —A duty of 50 cents ea*h or* ‘ho e that cost less than one dollat—on those the cost of whi* h exceeds one dollar each, a dutv of 5(1 per eutum. O and Tariff fluty of 30 per cent tnn on ;*•* kinds. NEW TARIFF OLD TARIFF. O . hemp S 1 J 5 pr cw>. gl, jO pr. cwt. L ad par bar and slice', 2 cpics per 1b 1 ct. pe. lb. Sbo; 3-4-2 cen s per lb. Scents per ib. R.-d & -vine lead 4 cts per pound. 3 cen s per lb. Paper liaii(. r i")T 40 p. ct. 3u per cent. Ca’ pet ui£. Bt uss. I-, &.C. 50 c'-s p 1 ‘•q r yards. 25 per tent, D ■ Vt-neuai’ 25 c - do. 25 per cent. 1) > o her kinds 25 c's. 25 per cent. (J.t ‘on bajcemg 3 3-4 ceu's nj ii- yard 20 per cent. Iron in bar> &. boi's not .<> 1. and 9J C’s cvvt. 75 cis pr cwt. I) - sli e , rod, hi./.p &C ----3 c n s per pound. 2 1 2 c s pr lb. Slik- - 4 c'3 per pound. 3c •> per lb Nd 5 cia per P"uud. 4cs per lb Anvils, 2c9 or. pound. 20 per Ceni. Mill craukf and irons 4 cen spe pound. 20 per cent. Md adi 20 per cent. Muske - §1 50 each. 20 per cent- Rdles, 2 50 each. 20 per Cent. Cub mg knives, scy'hes, sickies spades & --ho J vels, 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Iron screws 30 per cent. 20 per cent. Cast iron vessels 1 1-2 per pound. O il riron casts 75 cts. pr. cwt. Copper vessels 35 pr. ct. 20 p r cent. Lead 3 *'bnts pet pound. 35 per cent. Wheai 25 cs per bushel 15 per cent. O.i s 10 c>s per busiiel. 15 per cent. Wheai flour 50ct p.cwt J 5 j>er cent. Potatoes 10 c s pr. bush 15 per cen'. Coal 6 cen 3 per bushel. $ cents bushel. Linseed, hempseed and rapeseed oil, 25 cents per ga lon. 15 per cent. Ale, beer and porter 15 10 20 cts per gallon. 10 olsctsp.g. ! Beef & pork 2 cts pr lb. 15 per cent, itams 3 cenrs pr pound. 15 percent. ! Buitei 5 cen s per pound. 15 per cent. Vmega 8 cts pr galion. 15 per-cent. ! Alum §2 50 per cvvt. fy L 2 per cwt. R fined salt pe re 3 cts p. lb. 7 12 per cent. [ Blue vitriol, 4 cen s per ib. 7 1-2 per cent. ( Oil ot vitriol 3 cts per lb, 7 1-2 per cent, j Glauber sa’ts 2 cts. per lb. 15 per cent. ! Copperas $2 per ewi |g] erewt. { Gutter 2 cems per pound 15 per cent Raisins 3 to 4 cts pr lb- 2 10 3 C's pr lb. Window glass, 3 ‘o 100 square feet 250 to 325 100 ft. The duty on books is 4 cents pep volume on those pri ted previous to 1773, a *d i*n those primed in othei* language* than English, ex.-ep ing book- primed in Latin or Greek, o- whi h the du.y is 15 rents per pound, hour and, ad 13 rents p* r Ib. uobourd. On English hooks printed sioee 1775. ihe duiy is twenty rents per pound, when bound, and twen ty-six rents per pound, unbound. I’he old duly was 15 pet* ee Mum. The duly on folio and quarto post paper is 20 cent* per pound; on fnoivap, drawing, and writing pa per 17 rents pep pound ; printing, copperplate and siaiuers* paper 10 cents per pound; on sheathing, bin ders’ and wrapping paper, 6 rents j per pound; on all other paper, 15 vents per pound, i’iie old duty on paper of every description was 30 per centum. The duly on jewelry; gold, silver and other watuhes, and parts of watches; gold and silver lace; em broidery; epauietti; precious stones; pearls; ail articles composed wholly or chiefly of gold a *d silver ; laces; lace veils; lace shawls; and thread or silk shades, is augmented from 7 12 per centum ad valorem, to 12 1 2 per centum, I'ne preceding ar ticles are admitted ou low duties by reason of the facility with which they may he smuggled iu. The du*y oo ware* of cut glass is 3 **ents pec p>u id, a-d in addition, an ad valorem duiy ot 30 per cent um. Ou all other art M-ie* of glass, not spe id and, Hie. duty is 2 cents per pound, and in addition thereto, an ad valorem uuty ol 20 per ceot utu. The id duty on g!a ina>m- ! fa -tures was 20 per * entum. The duties on the following arti cles have been io reused; nail* doth; marble; c>a h la *e>; .• I . In h; car pel* had uisU oi Uw ami flags, die, i tarred cables and cordage; untarred enrd*age, yarns, twines and pack thread ; tadt*, brads, and sprigs ; iron cables or chair s; blacksmith’* hammers and sledges; lire amis; and side erms; quill-; -late* and tiles; b?a> k lead pencils; (allow and spermaceti candle*-; soap; corks; prunella, stuff and nankeen shnes and slipper s; laced boots and boot ee*; castor oil; Epsom salts; cam phor; Cayenne pepper; chocolate; plums and prunes; black glass bot tles: demijohns; and apoihe. Anet vials. Th w new duties noticed in (ha preceding statement are imposed in stead of the old ones laid oo the same descriptions of goods, a id not in addition thereto. There are two kinds of duties levied on imports.— one denominated sprrftc the other ad valorem. A spec fie duty is coin* puted on the quinti y of an article* Without regurd to tie value. It is a pertain sum imposed on the pound* yard, gallon, cwt. & Vu *({ va lorem duty is a certain per cent tint imposed on ihe cost < v v lue of ua article ut ‘lie pla'-e from whence it is imported. It is calculated hu ihe ! net cost of the article with an addi tion of 20 per centum on East iudiii merchandize and eu per centum oia goods from Kur ‘pe. &,*. I* an article subject loan ud'aloa | rem dmfy, cosis gl in Europe, the i duties calculated v> the sum of one dollar and ten cents, In tots way* Ia duty which is nominally 30 pr ot ! is increased to 33 per cent, a *d o* thers in the same proportion. There are two lapses of articles upo whi h (he duties are augmea* ted hy the new tariff.—One clas consists of arti les which are man ufactured in the United States, anti of wbi’ li we possess the raw materi al*:-—ihe other class comprizes arti cles which are not mmessarie- off life, as silks, &<*. The iaereaso i ofdutyonthc fi'S is for the pro tection of some i tdustry; oo the las terchss for the purpose of revenue The duties on salt, tea. sugar* ; wine, rum, molasses, coffee, *pi j res, indigo, steel, crockery wares* I fine cottons, and many other arti i cles have not been altered. 1 The new du ies will be levied oft ! imports from Europe, afrer tho > thirtieth day of the present month* ■ (June; and on goods imported from * beyo idlhe Cape of Good Hope, op Cape Horn, after flic ft *st of Janu ary next.— Uich. Compiler . From he Bosloii Courier of Jurr* 18. tVillium a nd. Crawford and John ddums. In the Senate ol he United States* when both these competitors for thw Presidency were members of that body, an important measure carnet before, tho jo, re -ommemled hy taw President. On that occasion. Adam- said, “ The President has recommended the measure on higU responsibility, I w uld note insidt,Vp / w mid not deliberate, 1 would a *t. Doub les* the President possesses such further information as will justify the measure.” William H r Crawford, on the other band, wish ed to consider; he wished to delibe* j rate; he wished for a postponement , for at least one day, and when ho ! could not obfai > it, rather than act without considtcat on and dehbera tion, he voted against the project* This was the first session that j Mr. Crawford took his seat at tho j Senate board of the United Staley ’ and he came from perhaps the m>.*C ! thoroughly democratic state in iho | Union. Yet he would not satrifieo his independence anu his duly to hig j country, to party considerations, : Mr. Adam 9 g.ii cd nothing wiitx j Mr. Jctfersoo by Hie course he pur sued:—-that statesman never did promuie him, and never would have done it till doomsday. Mr. Craw ford lost nothing b) his independ ence, with eiHier his party or witfx Mr. Jefferson; for it is well k own that lie has to ibis dtv retained his . uodimiriisht-d confidence—his sin cere and warm friendship. M HIHE ! S. | TOAST O \N AN i HROPOPHA.iI. Jo!in vie Far (and ia eiy an evt’ior o . iaper ? gavv a. <t yui>i.c dinner at Ca-iisle, I J i, lie t iaM, |; a neur kmu ot da mes’ ic ca. pit’ ; ** May a*- akins <\i the enein es of JacssoJl be c >nvei td iutg sur£tning. ter bis frumda to i danc epoo.** [No. 28.