The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, March 23, 1830, Image 1

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VOL 3.] PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY I TS&OMAS A. PASTEUS.’ Qjf* TERMS —The Washington News is pul* I bhed weekly, at Four Dollars a year; or Three j Dollars, if paid one half in advance, k the clh- j cr at the expiration of six months. 03” No subscription wist ho received for a less I term than six months.—All arrearages must he i paid before any subscription can be discontinued, i lint at the option of the proprietor. H3* A fniluicto notify u discontinuance at the 1 end of t(tr year, will be - considered as anew en gagement, S3 Advh. •tisements (except those published monthly) wiHh'i inserted conspicuously at 75cents per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each continuance. —ls the number of insertions is pot specified, they V ill he continued until lot bid, and charged uccoidh >gly. O” All advertisements published nfontldy ; tvil! be chai ecdone do!t ir per square for euch in sertion. U3 Letters must be po. Pid, or they will be Charged to the writers. Q3 3 For the ipformatioii of our advertising | friends, vc publish the -follo\ ing Law Requisites, j Sales of Land and Negroes, by j Executors or Guardians, are required, n law, j to be held on the first Tuesday in tni: month, ho- ( tween the hours often in the forenoon and three ‘ in the afternoon, at the Comi-ilouse of tlic coun ty in which the property situate.—Notice ol these rules must he giv w ** in a gazette SIXTY days previous to the **;iy of sale. Notice of thg *-,’e of personal property must he giveniu li*” manner, FORTY days previous to the tiny of sale. Notice to the debtors aud creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to ihcCourt pf Ordinary for leave to sell land, or Negroes, must be published fox FOUR MONTHS. Hositize Notice. PERSONS indebted lo the Es tate of John T. Graves, tlee’d. j late of Wilkes county, are required J -to make immediate payment to tho . subscriber; otherwise he will, through necessity, and in justice to those in- tercsted, be compelled to place all ; rotes and accounts in a legal train for collection. Pay—or expeect 1 the consequences that must certain ly foljoty. Walter 11. Weems, Ad ministrator de bonis non. March 15th, 1830. 38—ts. Notice. PERSONS indebted to the es tate of Charles Mattox, late of , this county, deceased, are reqasted , to make immediate payment, and j those having demands against said estate, are requested to render them , jn, authenticated according to law. < Amelia C. Mattox, adm’rx. < March IC, 1830. 39—6 t Stotice. A LL persons having demands Nk. against the estate of Thomas Eidson, deceased, Lie of \\ 1 county, are requested to hand them < in properly attested, within the time ; prescribed by law, and those imlebt- < cd to said estate, are required to ; make immediate payment. James Sherman, > | Philip Combs, £ff March 4, 1830, 38—6 t ~NGTSCE B • IN compliance of an act passed at 1 the last session ol the Legislar 1 turc, the subscribers will let to the Lowest Bidder , at the Court house in Washington, on Tuesday thcGth day of April next, between the hours of JO A3 o’clock, the recording oftke Unfinished business in the office of the Clerk of the Infe rior Court, consisting of about Tgj Writs, upward of sis- B gonal property, a. few bonds, gpd: some matters of minor importance, j pue regard-will be had to the com- j potency of the person proposing to undertake, and bond and security I will be required.—The manner of! lotting will be made known on that j day. 1 Thomas Wootten, j. i. c. William C. Allison, j. i. c. Thomas Anderson, j. i. c, Lewis’S. Brown, J. i. c. Charles C. Aliiis, j. i. c. Washington, March 5, 1830.—38 st. ’ | IN THE MII.LEDGEYILLK JHusonic Hall Lottery, FOR SALE BY James M. Anderson, Jan. 2G.A, 1830. Agent. HcQtly wcbated at tins Office. WASHINGTON, (GA.) TUESDAY, MARCH I Hold! Hold!! Hold!!! j FOR SALE. IWILL sell Lot of landNo 23 in the 3d, District of Habersham coun- J ty. The above lot is said to be valu : ble for Gold.—Persons disposed to : purchase will find me at Air, John i Humphreys in Clarksville, untill the 30th of this inst.; a satisfactory title can be given. Charles Gregory. March 13, 1830. 39-^2l* Caution, ALL persons are forwarned from trading for a promissory note, given by the subscriber, and John Norman sen’r. (security} to George Fullin, for Forty dollars, payable tlie j 15th January, (831, as said note I was fraudulently obtained, and 1 am [determined not to pay the same un | i*,”s compelled by law. his BENJAMIN X NORMAN. Ri^rk, Test T. A. Pasteur. March 15. 1830. 39—3 t Land and r?p.grocs, To Kent and ifjyc • AS |fc N Saturday the 27th of this j month, will be rented tit the late residence of Charles Mattox deceased, in Wilkes county, for the peesent year, the land belonging to the estate of said dec.—At the same time and (dace, the negroes belong ing to said cstatp, consisting of men, j women and children, will be hired for the remainder of this year.— j Terms made known on the day of renting and hiring. Amelia C. Mattox, adin’x, March 13, JS3O. 39-e-tdrh. Wl&LXiLpg ~ Tailor Sf Woollen Draper, Basement Story U. t S. Hotel, j 1 AUGUSTA, GEO. TENDERS his sincere thanks! to his friends and the public generally for past favors, and very ! respectfully solicits a continuation of patronage. lie has received and is receiving J a fresh and handsome assortment of’M Super Super Fashionable Cloths, j< Cassimeres, Vestings, ir. Ac. Also, on hand an extensive assort j i meat of Fashioiaibi j Heady Made Clothing, Consisting of Dress r’rock! Cautc, Loanees, Vests, Pantaloons,! Cloaks, Ate. Also a splendid as sortment of Fancy articles, such as! CraVats, (of the very latest style,)! Stocks. Gloves, Handkerchiefs. <*.. Ac. Ac. N. B, Th.e very latest Neyr-Yqrk, London and Philadelphia Fashions | received, and his customers may de- \ pend on having their garments made j in a style not to be excelled by any, I and at shortest possible notice, and j also on such terms us cannot to! please. j November 23, 1829. 24—if I Look out for Jiaseallily !! ANA WAY from this county J MM* a few days past, PLEASANTj WHITE, aged about 20 or 22 years j —smail size, dark hqir, fair skin and 1 large white eyes; dresses well gen-i erally—he was raised in this county, j and by lying and false represeytati-; Jons, succeeded in getting iii ‘debt to! j many persons, and that without any ! ; prospect gr apparent intention of j ! paying. He is supposed to Imyei j gone towards the south part of this j I State, to Florida or Alabama, as at; i the last account he was iu Clark’ county and proceeded south. It is j j probable he is on a trading excurs-j ion, as I understood he” represented 1 that he held a note on Mr. Green B. Holland of Augusta, for 1200 dol lars, which I am conscious is false. I would advise persons not to pur clirse uny notes whatever of him foi | fear they might find themselves de ceived and imposed upon. A. E. WHITTEN. Franklin county, Feb. 11, 35 [□’Editors throughout this State, w 1.19 arc friendly to the detection of such scoundrels, arc requested to give the above one or two insertions i 11 their respective papers. NEATLY PRINTED, I 4nd for sale at this Office. [Administrators Sales. WILL be sold at the Court house of Wilkes county on the first Tuesday in April ext, a likely young NEGRO MAN, sold astlie property of Matthew Tal bot, dec, late of said count) —the above negro having been advertised lor sale on the first Tuesday it May 1828, but in consequence of| some misunderstanding, he was not sold. Terms of sale—credit till the 25th December next, bond with appro ved security will be required) Thomas Talbot, adm’r. March 1, 1830* 3i—tds WILL be sold on Wednesday the 14th day of April next, at the late residence of Thomas Edi son, dec. late of Wilkes county, all the He risk aid e Property belonging to the estate of said de ceased, consisting, of OOTm & FOBBIE, household and kitchen furniture, plantation fools, Ac.—Tcrois known the day cf-y.k\ James Sherman, > % Philip Combs, j y j Marc!: 4,1839. 3i—fit / |jk GUEEA9L7 to an onler oil XlAihe Honrublethe Inferior court I pi WillDirf county, while sitting foi l ordinary purposes, will he sold at I the court house ol said epaaty on the! first Tuesday iu May next, a tract I oi land lying in said county, on the! waters ot .Vion is’s creek containing j AS acres more or less, atl-j “rat AS& %W joining Lindsay Doug las and others, tlie same being the! real estate of John Sharnmn, jim’r.l dec’d. sojd for the benefit of the; heirs and creditors of said deceased, j Terms twelve months credit. Thomas Wootten, adm’r. | March’3, 183'*. 3S-Uls —~ r * * ‘ , 4GREEABLY to an order ol the lioaoniblejhe Inferior t'ourt j of Wilkes county, while sitting for i ordinary purposes,! will be sold on | tiie first Tueidny in May next, at! the court house ot’ said countv, a tract of iniuhconf-iiisiug ‘ a 7R. ccTr.vr.hi- to the or pliitns of William Walker,: deceased on the wa'ers o:‘ Pistol! creek, atjj.oinii.g Martha Walker,: James Caue and others, sold fortlu j benefit of said erplmas.—Terms 12’ ■moniSis credit. Tiioi-ias of IV. tVth\r, deceased. ‘ Marcli 3, lc3Q. 38—*tds I Ida Lie sold on Tiifietlav the; v 27th of April next, at the residence of Charles Mattox dec., | late of Willies county all the perish-’ ; aide property of said iiae., consisting j | of Horses. Sheep, Corn, Fodder Cot i ton Plantation tools and pther things | too tedious to be mentioned.—Terms ! made known on the day of sale, j Aiue’ia C. Mattox, adin’x. March 13, 1820. 39—tds. GEORGIA Taliafe:ro County. singular the Exccu _Et- t.ors and Administrators Heirs Distributees their Attornies guar dians or Agents of the estate of James Chiyevo late es said county deceased. You will take notice that I Sarah Chivers the widow and relic of the said James Chivers dec. vv'dl apply to the Superior court to lie held in and for the county of Taliaferro at the July term 1830, that Commis sioners may he appointed tg lay oli and assign my Dower out .of the rea! estate that the said James Chivers died siozed of lying and being in said county of Taliaferro. All those which are interested are hereby required to take notice. Sarah Chivers. March Bth 1839.3 lIAND-IHLLS ans asittitfus OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY HUNTED, And for sf h fit’ this Office, Tax Collector’s Sales. =&,^lk7 _ iLL he sold at Elbert court V V house on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual sale hours the following proporty, to wit: 808 acres of land, iu the Coun ty of Elbert on tiie waters of Doves creek, adjoining Jmnes Pledger at the time it was given in to tiie Re ceiver of Returns ; levied on as the property of the heirs of John Stuthuin to satisfy the Tax 1828, Amount due $1 08A besides costs. ALSO, 428 acres of land, on Butroms creek adjoining Thomas Jarratt at the time it was given in to the Re ceiver, aud at this time adjuining Samuel Lesueur and others; levied on as the property of Joshua Clark to satisfy the Tax due for the years 1827 & 1828. Afnoqut due $7 48A besides costs. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in the fourth distiict of Monroe county No 173; levied on as the property of Thomas S\eys to satisfy the Tax of said Keys for the years 1827 & 1828, Amount due 87 53 besides costs. William Puileani, t. c, e. c. j January 87, 1830, 1 GEO'yC* lA-Wi ikes County. ►Superior Court, FEBRPARY TERM, l^<). | In the matter of the Estate of hi in-’ thcic Talbot , deceased. ST is ordered that the account taken bv Messrs. Cone C Sayre, j auditors appointed by this Court, to gether with the notices, documents | and papers submitted to them—lie i ijled with the Clerk of this Court, and Ibo open to the inspection of all per | sons intoiested m said estate —That ’ persons interested in said estate have j leave to make suggestions in writing !of tin ir objections to the returns of j the adm'r. ami to the claim of any ! creditor before the fifteenth day of j April next, and that they have pro cess of subpoma requiring witnesses J to attend before said auditors and to {take evidence by claim exhibited by ! filing intcrogajories and serving a co py on the persons whose rights are [ I sought to be ufleeted, and by posting | ! up written e/K.i-e or me tititig of such ‘“'.Kngatories at the South door of ‘the Court House, that the auditors j have lea ve to set again on the 30th !of April next,,or on such other day J as they may appoint, and of which i they shall give uotiee at the door of ■ the poin t House, with the power of j adjourning, and that a!! persons in : tcrestpd do attend said auditors, and i that a copy of this order te published t in the Washington News three weeks ! in the nr.nth of Murch. ! fine copy from the niinutSSofs?id ; Court, this 15th day of March, 1839. John 11. Dyson, CTk. TilE ! Journal of Health, | CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF FIIY6ICIANS. “IlealCli—the poor mao’s riches, .tli ricii man’s bliss.” ”§|A IIE primary object with the _£L couductdrs of the Journal of Heallli, is to point out the means of preserving ncalth and preventing disease. To attain this, til classes and both sexes snail be addressed, in a • style familiar and friendly, and wdb an avoidance j of professiocinl terms, and illusions as would in j any obscure the subj ,:t or ah.nm the must j fustidious. The fruits of -mich ivuding, study, ; ,sd careful observati o tutll be placed before j i em, so arranged and app ed us to conduce most fiicaciously to their bo ih comfort mid mental ! tranquility To whatever profession or calling [ (Ley may belong, the ieade- 8 of this Jouqyj] will | i find precepts susceptible of valuable applicuti.on. I Air, fond, exercise, the reciprocal operattpn of mind, aud body, climate anu localities, clothing and the physical education of children, /jre topics of permanent and pervading interest, with the uiscussion and elucidation of whicii the pages of ■ the work will be mainly filled. RLXO;YI MEKdaT 10 N THE WORK. We approve of the plan which the publica tion, entitled the “Journal of Health” is conduct ed, and believe, that it in’ calculated to he useful, by enlightening public opinion On a subject of high importance to the welfare of society. The numbers which have appeared, evince* talent, and may be viewed as a pledge of the’ CLoutinued use fulness of the publication, w hill;'conducted bv its present editors. We, therelyre, feel no hisitsticn in recommending in it $q public patronage. Philadelphia, October 13, IB2l>. N. Chapman; M. D. ‘t - Wm. I*. Dewees, M. D l o *‘SSt>rs in IheU- Thos C. James, j. D. j oiPenu- VVjn. E.'Hbrnei, M L).J “J'lyania. Julm C. Orto. M. L). Thos. T. Hewson, M. D. Frnnkiin hche, el. p\ Rev, Jnnjcs Montg-nuici v’, b b. Rector of S, efiephen’s ttllli. h. Wm. H. Dc Lane v. D. D. Piovj S {of the et [J\eiv Series—No 40. “ ft. 8. Smith, Editor of the Philadelphia Re*. 1 cordor, and Rector of Grace Church. ** ( - i : ?• ftedefi, Rector of St. Andrew sChurch, Jurats Abercrombie, D. *. Assistant Minis ter of Christ Cb. and St. Peter’s. “ George Weller. “ Jackson Kerapcr, Assistant Minister 9 Christ Ch. and St. Peter’s. u Thomas H. Skinner. D. JL). Pastor of the Fifth Presbyterian Church “ Wni. Engles, Pustor of the Seventh Presbyterian Church. u Job‘ Hughes, Pastor of St Joseph’s Catho lic Church. “ Mcihael Hurley, Pastor oi St. Augustiife Catholic Church, “ Wm. H. Furness, Pastor of the frst Con gregational Church. “ ‘V. I’. Urantly, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, and Editor of the Columbian Star. ‘* Jho. L. Da gg, Pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church. “ Solomon Higgins, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Union Church. “ Manning Force, Pastor of St. George’sMd thodist Episcopal Church nl addition to the above, the names of ;t number’ of highly esteemed members of the different pro fes*ioj>B, who uie subscribers to the work, might be adduced ns expressive of the estimaiioQ in which it is held. With one voice, the public prestf from one end of the continent to the other, has spoken of the Journal of Health in terms of une quivocal commendation. TERMS. The JoimtcAi. of Health will appear tn Nup bers of 10 pages each, octavj, on ihe second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Ihicc per annum, $1 25, in advance. Subscriptions and communications (post paid) will be received by Jim.Ati ljonaos, Agent, .No. 108 Chcsiiut Jtrecf, Philat|e]phia. * Subscribers at a distance will ‘lis,-> vor, that the difficulty i- remitting the amount of a single |itu. scription will be obviated by any four of thenj sending on five dollars to the agenf Those 10 whom this may not be convenient, can recei'e sir.teen numbers of the lyorli l>y remitting a dollug to Ihe same person. The Journal of Health, including index, will form at the end of theycar a volume of dOO puces, octavo. <.tSTf — t. Dobson, 108 Chcsnnt Street, PhiJ ladelplita; , 14 . J. Neat, Baltimore; Urn. Jiur. gers, 07 Fulton etreei. Now- Carter h i ‘cn tier, Boston; and in most of the towns irt tjjc U nited States. Philadelphia, Octnljgr Blh, 182&. Prospectus. OF TIIE JVciz- York +1 mulct, ANb Ladies’ Leterary and Religious CHRONICLE. THE primary object ofthis wor]t will be, to cheek the rsq.ij | pcogreaa ol two uluiming evils, j*o fatally lent in our country, vi;?; |pfcjiipranceaiid liifide llity—which, like the caakerworm, arc snipping the green walks of life of its flowers, and leaving the moral world a leafless desalt. To do this j the more effectually, y,e shall po,ur/ray in the most vivid colours, the deformity and deleterious con sequences of these most deadly evils, by interest ing moral taL- —etches, fingments, essays, and scriptual illustrations. We shall pmlervour toi cherish in the heaiis of ottr readers, the sublime and beneyolent sentiments of the blessed gospel of Jesus China—-to cxbilict the beanies aud re wards of virtue in all their captivating loveliness —to awaken the better feelings of human naturr— to cultivate the social and domestic affections— to lead the mind through the most dejh'btfui avc nucs, lo the bowers of happiness and peace—to elevate and enlarge Ihe conceptions— to imbue the understanding with the lagsl exalted ideas of illi mitable attributes anti perfections of the Great t)i vinity—thereby leading mankind to “fear God and keep his commandments.” To accomplish the-e designs, we shall call to aid al) the eloquence of truth, clothed hi the most fascinating farms—such as moral essays, Simple or pathetic laics, varying “from grave to gay, from lively to serene”—poetical sketches—didac tic articles in verse—and sometimes to enliven our pages, a tale of—a humourous stmv —1 an allegory—a halleif.—-r, a song Mill on insertion. In oath&lri all, .he g> eat end amt aim will he, to comey moral and religious set incuts, through a pleasing medium, to the hca,:- I . or, in other words, to blend “(lie useful Kid, tlio sweet.” In order to furnish onr readers with file choic est articles both of poetry and prose—its encour age genies and to foster talent—-gen/ ous ’ j llc l injuries will be awarded, from time to lime, for o i igioal articles furnished. The entice sen-ice oia distinguished literary gentleman, Die from Lon pon, who lias for some time past I-., on a coatfilm tor to the English periodicals, are engaged for the New-York Amulet. With these claims for pat ronage, the work w ill be submitted to the consid j oration of a candid and gale rous p„b!i c Should j we succeed in oui endeavours *.<*> bleriil usefulm ‘ft amt instruction with amusement and delight, out object will Be accomplished. Covmr'toxs.-Tlie Ntw-YftfV Amulet—pub lished bv an associatiyn c f genllemcn—will be beahtl/olly printed c m fine, white paper dlo size. With entire ne.. type. Its typographical , 5 , o, jon shall equal that of any similar publication in America It will bo afforded to city subscribe™ Philadelphia and New-Yoik. who will receive them by a carrier,'at one dollar and twenty-five cents the volupie, handsomely covered for preser vation. Mail subscribers without covers will be voll,,nc ’ nt thp rfir !llew price of OAE JUQLLAH —payable in advance. ShouM the patronage warrant tin* expense, tiie work A ill be embellished with copperplate ngravip-js. GEOIIGA—W iikes CovintK WHEREAS Joscp'j. ‘,v. Conn er apjihes tq me for lelterg ot dismissiqn on ‘.Wo estate of Augn tin Cooper, Gcceast'd. 1 ’ritest; are tlicrelori c ; te sum . mon a.t.l admonish mi Ull( , riw the kmi!red aud i*rditors of said tle ceugc.dy_ to be and appear at my of \vt'nin tiie time prescribed by J'.v to shew cause, (ii any they have) ulij salt! loiters should not be gran ted. Given under my band this 30th day o. September, 1829. * JUIIXII, Di'aoA c. c. al