The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, April 20, 1830, Image 1

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’ ‘ V ' r *^ an < * ,fi C M WMBB I,^^W?WSWPl "qj VOL 3.] rcßLr:!"!i:n weekly thomass A. PASTEUP. OH 3 TERMS—The Washington Hew* H pub rshul weekly, t Four Dollars a year; £r Throe Dollars, if paid one half in advance, &tf:eoih er at the expiration >f six months. IFF No subscription will be received for a less term than si* months. —Ail arrearages must be paid before any subscription can be discontinued, but at the option of the proprietor. IFF A failure to notify a discontinuance at the Wtd of the year, will be considered as anew en gagement. BUT Advertisements (except thos* published monthly) will b* inserted conspicuously at 75 Cents per scf -.sare for the first insertion, and 50 cents lor each continuance.—ls the number of insertions is not specified ft hey will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. vET All advertisements published monthly, will be charged one dollar pci square for each in sertion. IFF Letters must be post paid, or they will be charged to the writeup. 03 s For the information of or.r advertising friends, we publish the following Law Requisites. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators Executors or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, be tween the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-House of the coun ty in which the property is situate.—Notice oi th** rules must be given in a gazette SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must bo given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court es Ordinary for leave to sell land, or Negroes, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Bank State of Georgia, SAVANNAH April Blh 1830. Notice to stockhold ers—An election will be held at the Ranking House in this City, on Monday the Bd. day of May next, for six Directors on the part of the Stockholders to serve for twelve months from that date. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. tts*The editors of the Southern Recorder and Jo urnal, Miiledgeville Augusta Constitutionlis J *nd Courier are requested to publish the above tmtil the day ofclection. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the es tate of John Hoard, deceased, late of Wilkes county, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, are required to hand them in properly attested., within the time prescribed by law. Win. Q. Anderson, adnvr. April 8, 1830. 43—6 t Notice. PERSONS indebted to the es tate of Charles Mattox, late of this county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and thosediaving demands against said estate, are requested to render them in,authenticated according to law. Amelia C. Mattox, adm’rx. March 10, 1830. 39—Gt Positive Notice . PERSONS indebted to the Es tate of John T. Craves, dec’d. late of Wilkes county, are required to make immediate payment to the subscriber; otherwise he will, through necessity, and in justice to those in terested, be compelled to place all notes and accounts in a legal train for collection. Pay—or expeect the cunscquenecs that must certain ly follow. Walter H. Weems, Ad ministrator de bonis non. March 15th, 1830. 38—ts Mail Arrangement. PERSUANT to instructions re ceived from the Post Master Genera], the mails leaving this place for Augusta and Athens, will, in fu ture he closed precisely at Seven o’clock, P- M. on every Tuesday and Saturday, until otherwise directed. Letters or packages of any kind, in tended to lie forwarded by mail, must in all instances bn deposited in the Ofaec at lest ten minutes previous to the hours of closing, or they may not be attended to. Win. G- Driver, P. M. Washington, A aril 5, IS3O- 4 ■>— SHXBXFF’S Mim&t Howl's NEATLY PRINT Lj), /xtid for sale at this Office. WASHINGTON, (GA.) TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1830. “All the Worlds’ a Lottery.” “Prom the fall ‘of a Sparrow to the conquest of Constantinople, hu man events are regulated by an un seen destinv which presides as well over the LUCKY NUMBERS of a LOTTERY TICKET, as over the fate of Empires. Believe me, gen j tie reader, these Lotteries are better j devices for gaining honest men for tunes than you imagine. The world is altogether a lottery ruled by chance the man who is not worth a copper to day, may become independent to morrow, either by being the holder of a Lottery Ticket, or by some mer cantille speculation. The fact ia, e very man wlro ventures in a LOT TERY, is a merchant in a small de gree. He sends a little pittance up jon the ocean of chance, ami if a pro | pitious gale happens to blow his nutti ! hers upon the right shore, he has at j once an ample interest on his mon ey, by obtaining a prize.” Now all ye who wish to put moil- j ey in your purse ; come and buy a Ticket in the MISSED SEVILLE i phalli LOTTERY, Authorised by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. The second days drawing of this Lottery will be continued on the 3isi instant, and the 29th of April, and will be completed on the 27th of May. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 1 Prize “ 15,000 “ 15,000 2 Prizes' 1 10,000 “ 20,000 2 Prizes “ 5,000 “ 10,000 j 5 Prizes “ J ,000 “ 5,000 j 5 Prizes “ 900 “ 4,500 j 5 Prizes “ 800 “ 4,000 i 5 Prizes “ 700” 3,500 j 5 Prizes ” 600 ” 3,000’ 5 Prizes” 500 ” 2,5001 5 Prizes” 400” 2,0001 5 Prizes” 3UO “ ] ,500 5 Prizes” 200” 1,000 85 Pi-iisoa “ 100 ” 0,500 50 Prizes ” 50 ” 2,500 GSO Prizes ” 20” 13,000; 6,000 Prizes ” 10 ” GO,OOO j 6,776 Prizes $180,000! 13,234 Blanks. Less than 2blanks to a Prize. 29,000 Tickets at $lO. THE PRIZES ONLY TO 15E DRAWN. All the Prizes to ‘be floating from the commencement, except the follow ing, which will be deposited at dif ferent periods in the Wheel; viz: Prizes | Frizes Prizes J Prizes j Prizc3 Ist davs’s day’s 3d day’s | 4th days loth day’s drawing. J drawing. drawing. J drawing. | drawing ■lui .Aiid I 1 ui I.CIIII 1 ot iUOOO lot 16000 | 1 ul 30000 1 “ 1000 I ! “ 1000 1 “ 1000 1 “ 1000 vl “ 1000 1 “ 900 11 “ 900 1 “ ‘ £KX> 1 “ 900 I 1 “ 900 1 of 8(H)> J 1 “ 800 1 “ 800 1 “ 81KI | 1 “ SOO 1 “ 700 I 1 “ 7(H) 1 “ 700 1 “ 700 | 1 “ 700 i “ 600 1 “ 600 1 “ 600 1 “ 600 | t “ 600 ; 1 “ 600 I 1 “ 500 1 5OO 1 “ 500 1 “ 500 . 1 “ 400 1 “ 400 I “ 400 1 “ 400 | 1 “ 400 1 “ 300 1 “ 300 1 “ 800 I 1 ‘ 30.0 I 1 “ 300 1 “ 200 | 1 “ 200 1“ 200 j 1 “ £OO | 1 “ £OO The icholc Lottery to he completed m rros ESULwmcs okxy. The drawing will be conducted 1 under the superintendence of WILLIAM Y. HANSELL, a j ; SEATON GRANTLAND, *. ! D. B. MITCHELL, R. K. HINES, 2 E. H. PIERCE, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. t ? FRANCIS V. DELAUNY, B ENJ A MIN F. O WENS, ; THOMAS RAGLAND, ~ JOHN MANNiNG, and G. VV. MURRAY, 5 Tickets in the above lottery in a variety of numbers, for sale by the subscriber. Orders from any place will be promptly attended to if the Cash be inclosed, and the postage paid. Present, price of Tickets f-Js,v g Halves $5, Quarters $2 £**• Tames At. Anderson. Washington, March 10, 1830. —39 Administrators Sales. A GREEABLY to an older of the Honrablc the Inferior court of Wilkes county-, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will bn sold at the court house of said county on the first Tuesday in May next, a tract jof land lying in said comity, 011 the j waters of Morris’s creek containing acres more or less, ad joining Lindsay Doug las and others, the same being the real estate of John Shannon, jun’r. dec’d. sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms twelve months credit. Thomas Wootten, adm’r. March 3, 1830. 33-tils Agreeably to an order ois the honorable the Inferior court jof Wilkes county, While sitting for ; ordinary purposes, will be sold on j the first Tuesday in May next, at | the court house of said county, a I tract of land containing j <j||g acres, belonging to the or -1 tfy plains of William Walker, [deceased on the waers of Pistol ; creek, adjoining Martha Walker, i James Cade and others, sold for the benefit of said orphans.—Terms 12 months credit. Thomas Woollen, atlm’r. of W. Walker, deceased. March 3,1830, 38—tcls Agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, at the court house of said caunty, a tract of land containing IfcS acles lying on the waters of Morris’ creek, adjoining William Q. Anderson and others and a NEGRO named Boh; they being a part of 1 he Rea! and Personal estate of Dud ley Stinson, dec’d. -old for the hen-J elit of iho heirs and creditors of said j deceased—Terms 12 months credit, j ‘Firm::ar. VVTotlcfi mim'i. I March 3, 1330. J 38—tds ILL be sold on Tuesday the W V 27 th of Apri| next, at the residence of Charles Mattox dec.,! late of Wilkes comity all the perish- j able property of said dec.; consisting ! of Horses. Sheep, Corn, Fodder Got-) ton Plantation tools and other things j tod tedious to be mentioned j made known 011 the day of sale. Amelia C. Mattox, adm'x. j March 13, 1820. ~ 39—tds. j M PURSUANT to an order of the | honorable the Interior court of; Elbert county while sitting for ordi-l nary pnrpuses, will be sold or; the | first Tuesday in June next, ; t El-! bert court house, two negro boys, Murrell & Beverly, bclongingyto the j estate, of Wiley Jones, dec. sold f li the benefit of the heirs and cred, of said deceased. JAMES BELL, ndm'r.-wiv j the will annexed on said estate, j March 22, 1839. 4!— ids j WILL lie sold at the Court house in Wilkes county with- j in tiic usual sale hours, 011 the first j Tusduy in June next: Two negroes,j Hunts, about 40 years old, j and Lucinda; both belonging to the) estate of John Fling deceased, late [ of Wilkes county. Sold for the ben-j efit of (he Creditors of said dec. Terms made known on iho day of sale. Joseph Henderson, 1 „ 1 John Boren, adm March 29th 1830. 41— tds. ON Monday the 10th day of! May next, will he sold at (he late residence of Elizabeth 1.. Gain deceased, in Wilkes county all the personal property of said dec. except the negroes, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, corn, ladder, J bacon, stock of ail kind, plantation tools, and many other articles too te dious to enumerate. Newton L. Cain, adrn’r. March 14, L 330. 41—ts. €r mi rdia ns 11 o n ds, NEATLY PRINTED, . And for sale at this OJjioe, ;ITopctryn FROM ENG LAN D. • “ By the ship Samuel Wright, Cap tain Allen, arrived this day from Liverpool, we received our files of London and Liverpool papers, and Shipping Lists, to the 21st February, the day she sailed. The papers are chiefly occupied with the debates in Parliament, the principle subject of which isthc con duct of the British Government to wards Portugal. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, bn the night of the 19th Feb. an nounced the reductions introduced in the annual estimates of the expendi tures of government, amonuting to upwards of 1,030,000/.—The pro posed reduction in the army is 453,- 148/. and in the navy 273,000/. Mr. Dowson has petitioned the 11 ouse ufCom tnons against the return of Mr. O’Grady as member for the comity of Limerick. In the house of commons, on the night of the 19th Feb. O’Conuell gave notice for the following Monday, of a motion relative to 15><i recent con duct the United Slates of America in putting under quarantine, vessels having free men of coior aboard, by which means free men of color, who were Biitish subjects, might Cause the vessels in which they were, to be placed under quarantine; also, for copies of the regulations by which this practice was sanctioned. A Pastoral Address lias been pub lished by the Catholic Hierarchy of Ireland, signed by Dr. Curtis, and 19 others of the higher clergy. The Courier considers it a document of “great importance, as it bears une j quivocal testimony to the improved tranquility of the country, from those who must he competent judges—it impresses upon the inferior Clergy the propriety of confining themselves to a proper discharge of their spiri- I trial duties, and it inculcates upon | all classes, the principles of loyal and affectionate attachment to their Sov their fellow subjects of ail denomina tions.’* Letters from Constantinople state, ( that the Sultan is inclined to follow the examination of the Pacha ol E- ) gypt in adopting European usages, lie permits evening par ties to he held in the palace, with music and danc ing, at which court ladies attend, veil ed according to oriental usage. A ( (■injinny c! Italian ((layers were ex pected to visit the Turkish capital. ( The Duke of VV eliington, in a written reply to some enquiries ad dressed to him, bus declared ins in tention not to mierfere with the Church establishnii in. The Liverpool Jm ■ mil of the 20th Fab. says, “the disuess throughout the manufacturing districts continues unabated.—The state of tim poor in .M.n-.clesfteld is deplorable. 1"> Ed inhorgh it is, if possible stilt worse. Mr. Robi rt Owen, having reques ted nn interview ‘with the Duke of , Wellington, tor the purpose of ex plaining the outlines of his system for removing the which press so heavily upon the working classes* it was suggested by the Duke, that lie had tietter commit bis ideas to paper, and,accordingly Mr. O. is publishing , in the London papers, his propositi ons of reform at great length, insist-] ing upon an entire change in the mo- i ral, political and commercial consti-] tution of society. I An expedition against Algires,: was supposed to have been deterniin- j ed upon, but nothing had been final-j ly arranged as to the means. The 5 names of Marshals St. Cyr. Marmont j ( and Moliter, and of General Chansel, Reille and Gerard, are mentioned in connexion with the chief catnmand. LONDON, Fob. 19. We extract the following, dated! ’ Banks of the Neva, Jan. 20. from the J Hamburgh Correspondent :—“lt is reported that our Government has transmitted to Lord Iloytesbury a detailed note respecting the ufiairs jof Greece. It is also asserted, that ! the Russian Government insists on I the principle, that as yet no altera ! lion he made in the Government of ! Greece, and that the administration j of that country shall continuv to be en- [New Series—Ho. 44. trusted to the indefatigm ie zeal o the disinterested and plii.’antliropie President. The choice at the Sov ereign, it is added, is to be left to the wishes and will of the Greek nation, without any interference on the part of the Allied Powers. The Sultan himself is said to have expressed hirii sell in this sense. Well informed persons assert that these and many other European questions, will be dis cussed nt a General Congress next spring, to he held at Berlin. The greatest activity is employed to com plete our army in the cast; the new troops and officers, recently appoint ed, are required lo hasten their march as much as the severe winter will permit; and, as has been before sta ted, no furloughs are to be granted to officers.” It appears by accounts from differ ent parts of Spain, that a second ex pedition against Mexico lias beende finitely resolved on by the Spanish Government. The vessels freight ed at Cadiz to transport troops, will convey, 1,200 infantry, a squadron of cavalry, and 140 artillery-men to Manilla, and 8,000 infantry to Hav ana. That Ferdinand has not altogeth er abandoned his views on Mexico, many circumstances concur in show ing. Under the date Cadiz, the 25, of Jan. we find it stated that a sec ond expedition has been certainly de termined upon, though the precise time of its being prepared bad not yet been fixed upon for want of that most essential requisite, money, but which his Cutholic Majesty was seek ing to be possessed of through Scnor Arietta, whom be bad empowered to raise a loan to be secured on the re venues of Gtil a. If Senor Ariettu’s. exertions proved as speedily’ success ful as it was des r and, it was in con templation to send off from Cadiz ift October next the principal materials ot which the expedition is to be com posed. Cuba, however is to ba •nude again the main point from which the attack is to be ultimately directed against Mexccan Independ ence. IjUiMJUiX, I eb. 80. Much alarm lias been excited in Edinburgh by the late sudden illness of Sir Walter Scott. We have the gratification to know that they alrea dy consider him as so recovered, that „hey think he will be able to resume his place in the Court of Sessions in the course of a lew days. —livening Paper. The Courier de Simjrne, under date ofEginu, Dec. 17th contains accounts of some serious disturbances among 1 the Greek soldiery, who are mutiny ing for want of pay; 2,300 of these refractory soldiers are assembled nt Salamis, and about Megara and El cirsis Capo d’lstrias has repaired to Salamis, in order to quiet them, if he can, by fair words. SPEECH OF THE KING OF FRANCE. Delivered at the Royal Sitting on the 2d. of March 1830, in the pre sence of the Peers and the Depu* ties. Gentlenten. —lt is always u ith coa* fidenec (hat I assemble arcUml mv throne, the Peers of the Realm, and the Deputies of the Departments. Since your last s; ssion, important events have consolidated the peace, of Europe, and a good understand, ing established between my allies and myself, for the happiness of t hoped* pie- The war has terminated in the East.—The moderation of the con queror, and the fi iendly intervention of the powers of Europe, have pre served the Ottoman Empire from iho ] misfortunes which threatened it. ( Have maintained the balance of power &c. secured ancient relations between the States. Under the protection of powers who regard the treaty of the Gt it Ju ly, Greece independent, will arise from her ruins; trie choice of a Prince,’ called lo reign over Iter, sufficiently demonstrates the disinterested and pacific Views of the Sovereigns. 1 am occupier! at present, in con cert with my allies, in negoemtions; the object of .which is. to effect, a inong the Princes of the House ct Brcgtmza, a recoiicihiation necessa* •’ ry to iho repose of the Peninsula,