The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, January 29, 1831, Image 1

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VOL 4.] rt’HLUHED WEEKLY BY T2£o2lA£ A. PASTEUR.! fljjp TERMS—The Washington New* Is pub-1 ished weekly. u'. Four !) illars a year; or Tit.* • tiollaus, if paid o:i<> lutlf in advance, k. the oth er at he expiration of six months, {] y No subscription will be received for a less term than six months.—All arrearages must be paid before any subscription cau be discontinued, but at the Option of the proprietor. U-jT* A failure to notify a discontinuance at the end of the year, will be considered as anew en gagement. .O* Advertisements (except those published monthly) will be inserted conspicuously at 75 cents per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each continuance.—if the number of insertions is not specified, they will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. O* All advertisements published monthly \i ill be charged one dollar per square for each in sertion. ttj* Letters must be post paid, or they will be charged to the writers. O* For the information of our advertising friends, we publish the following Law JRctjuisiles. Sales of Land am! Negroes, by Administrators Executors or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday hi the month, he tween the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, it the Court-House of the coun ty in which the property is situate. —Notice ot these rules must be given in a gazette SIXTY davs previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. ‘Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, , must lie published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Com t of Ordiuary for leave to sell laud, or Negroes, must he published lot FOUR MONTHS. ‘.! jiL'yasgg MOTICi, A LL persons indebted to tiie cs tute of John L. Carter, lute of Oglethorpe county, dec. are request ed to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate, will render them, in the terms of the law, or else this notice will be plead iu bar of their recove ry. RYAL M. FLEMING, , qualified executor. January 4. 1831. 31—(it notccll. THE public are cautioned a gainst trading with Rowling W. Stark, formerly administrator of Joseph Hell, deceased, for any notes given by Joseph Bell, in his life time, as the said Stark lias no notes in his possession on said Hell, I except such as have been paid oil'! cut of the funds of said estate, and | returned to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkes county, while said Stark I was one of the administrators of Jo-i geph Bell, deceased. Mary Bdl, athn’rx, Os Joseph Bell, deceased. , ‘January 5, 1831. 30--3 t 5 o THE VOTERS OF WILDES COUNTY. S'7% ELLO W-CITI ZENS, —By a . late act of the Legislature of this State, it is provided amongst o tlier things, that the county of Wilkes rs entitled to two Surveyors, for ihej purpose of running off the land with in the limits of this State, and with in the hounds of the Cherokee na tion of Indians; and it is provided that said surveyors”shall be elected! by the people on the lirst Monday in February next. In proposing my self as a candidate, I solicit your sup port, and pledge myself, in the c vent of being elected, to use every effort in my power to discharge the trust reposed in me, to the utmost of mv ability. CHARLES SMITH. December 8, 183(1. 20—tdu are authorized to TV announce CALEB i SAPPINGTON, as a candidate Corf Surveyor for the purpose of running ! off the lands within the bounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians. January 10, 1831. 30—tde i LaS® >OM7'K are authorized to v amiouuce William C. Allison , Esq. as a candidate for , Surveyor for the purpose of tunning i off the lands within the bounds of I the Cherokee nation of Indians. January ID. 1831. 31—tde soaurK arc authorized to .JtS? amiouacc Charles C. Mills, Esq. as a candidate for Sur veyor for the purpose of running off! the lauds.within Ute bounds of the] Cherokee nation es Indians. January II), 1831. 31—-tde ‘ BlSnSsi NEATLY PIiINTED, AndJor sale at this Office* WASHINGTON, (GA.) SATURDAY, JANUARY 2D, 1831. ! a, ' c authorized to L!PSr ty announce ABNER REEVES, ns a candidate for Sur | veyorfur the purpose of running off I the lauds within the bounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians. January 1!), 1831. 31—tde (@“?Te arc author ized to announce THOMAS 11. EIDSON, Esq. as a candidate for surveyor, for the purpose of running off the hind within the bonuds of the cherokee nation of Indians. Dec. %7th, 1830. 28—tde. B*§? 4 ’ We are retjnest ed to state that Col. WILLIAM C. LYMAN, will be a candidate to sur vey a district in the Cherokee coun try, and that he will be thankful to the Voters of Wilkes county for their support. l)cc. 20, 1830. 27—2 t We are au- Hgjjj&32£&& thorized toannoukce fM&A eV Charles'll. Wotw- TEN, as a candidate for surveyor for the purpose of run ning off the lauds within the bounds oftlie Cherokee nation ofludiuas, December 20, 1830. 27—2 t C Ui C a,l “j i thorized to announce! fyEemjjp lUfUAGD I. U0i.1.1- j DAY, as a candidate | for surveyor for the purpose of run-1 ning off the lauds aitiiin tlie hounds j oftlie Cherokee nation of Indians. December 2ft. 1830. 27—2 t We are au i'ffggfr&j&S liiorized to announce HEMr HENRY ¥. EL LINGTON, Esq. as a candidate for Surveyor for the pur pose of runuing off the lands within the bounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians. Dec. 13 th, 1830. 26—tde. thomed to unuountc | fjj * Sea boh aJ. Wax r- j l.v, as a candidate I for surveyor for the purpose of run ning oil’the lauds within the bounds! of the Cherokee nation oiTaffians. Jammiy Ist, 1830. 20—tde. j We are audio-! ri/.ed to announce llAY fcr-S*’ _ LiS 11. CROSBY, as a candidate for sum ever for the pur-i pose of running oil'tin: lands within tkchounds ol the Cherokee nation of Indians. Dec. I3rh. IB3t>. 26—tde. F m lisi Fj.\ fii> Fa Put up by lh : S;l AKERS, and war ranted the grow lit of 1830. Subscriber has just ro eeived direct from the Sha kirs, mi extensive assortment of Fresh Garden Seeds, which he warrants the growl h of 1830 Dealers and others will be sup plied at reduced prices. A ESQ, S& A large and well selected assoitmeijt of Genuine DRUG'S MEDICINES. Paints, Oils, Dye Stufis, Varn ishes, Hatters’ Materials, Ac. at the lowest prices. Janies Leverich, Bridge Bank Building, Augusta , January 10, 1831. 31—3i 0?’ The Athenian at Athens, the Washington News, and the Caroli nian, will please give the above three insertions weekly, and for whrd their accounts for payment. straTyed” FROM the subscriber on the 24th December last, mi In dian Poney ; black, with a blaze face and a switch tail. He has been new ly reached. I will give live dollars to any person that will deliver him to me, or lor such information a will enable me to get him again. }. B. SIMPSON. Wilkescobnty, Jan.2l, 1831. 33-3 t. Just Received, BY s&czmziDs at gauaei, AT THEIR Booh:, Stationary, (y Musical Store, No. £33 Broad-Street, AUGUSTA. A LARGE SUPPLY’ OF THE FOLLOWING WORKS, MERCEIFa Cluster, Methodist Hymns, Zion’s Songster, : Family Bibles of all descriptions, i Popket do do j Wyeth A Smil, and Settel’s Music, ! Woodhridgu’s, Cumining’s, Siny ley’s, Adams’, Morse’s and Wil lard's Geography and Atlas, j Murray’s Grammar, Reader, Key, and Exercise, Smyley’s and llawley’s Federal Cal culator, \ Pike A Daholl’s Arit lunatic, ; \V alker’s Dictionary, I \S ith a full supply of nil other ; School, Classical, Miscellaneous, ■ Law and Medical -/t*V6 ett, t i I;20D Reams of Foolscap, Letter, j and other paper, <13,000 Quills, of various qualities, £O9 dozen Webster’s Spelling , Books, 50 Gross Almanacs for 115331 AND A LAUGH Bt6cK l: |Sy or EIEUY nLSCIitI’TIO.X. Also, a good supply of Violins, | Flutes, Clarionets, Guitars, A Fifes, and a good assortment of Piano and Guitar music. AND ALSO, A Lrirpc Asfortmcnt of GARDEN SEEDS, warranted fresh from the Shakers, j Country Merchants are invi- i led to call and examine for them- j solver. They will litnl their stock complete and good, and as < heap as ■ they can bo sold in the southern; Cat;lit vy. (C'~’ Ail orders uii! be promptly ; attended to. Augusta, Dec. J.\1830. 31— I2tj 4'he D asldogton News, L‘eor-| ain Journal, Macon .Messenger and j Athenian, will publish the abuvej weekly twelve times, and forward their accounts. Iri'iOißj! lA—V, i!ke.-5 Cuitttty. | inibrior Court. In Chambers, Jan. I Ith, 1831. %mirumEAH, the Legislature! V v of the Slate of Georgia, on j the'24th day of December 1825, did j pass an act, entitled, “an act to ap-| point cotmiv Ireasui’ers, and deline their dutiesand whereas, by tlie] aforesaid iccited act, it is made the iluty of the Justices of the Inferior ] cajjrt in their respective counties to iittend to the provisions of ilia 2d section contained in the act aforesaid; In pursuance whereof, il is Ordered,, that all Tax Collectors, {Sheriffs, Coroners, Clerks oil he Superior and InforiorConrts, Justices of ibePeace, and all and every other person or persons who may now have, or who! may hereafter have in. his or their j hands any public money belonging to saiil county, to pay the sumo to ibe county Treasurer (if any should bo i appointed,) or otherwise to the clerk j of the Inferior court, on or Before] tiie loth day of December, in each] and every year; on faliure thereof, i the requisitions contained iu the 2d ! section oftlie act before recited, will • be strictly enforced, and the interest I of 20 per cent, therein required, will be exacted. And in as much ns the hytn'ioi court has not appointed a county truesurer, the aforesaid county otfi cers, (as well us those who are r.ow out of office,) are hereby required to comply with the requirements oftlie said 2d section of the above recited ! act. And further, Ordered, that this order be published in the “Washing ton News,” for the benefit of all con cerned. A true copy from the records in my oilicc. L. li. Rakcstraw, e. j. <\ vv,<\ l January li), 1831. 31— 4t. j JOB PRINTING ’ j cf at tui* OiUce, I f MILLED GEY ILL G jg&tm&nit liOTTERY. 1000 Prizes to be Drawn! ! ! On Tuesday The first day of March next. I ngmiE Fourth Day’s Drawing Jit. will be commenced, at which lime will be deposited the following j Capital Prizes in addition to those iyct remaining in the W heel, viz: 1 I’vizc of $15,000 { 1 Piize of SSOO 1 do *• 1 ,(>OO 1 do “ 500 1 do “ 900 l do “ 400 1 do * 800 1 do “ 300 1 do “ 709 1 do ** 200 Which will make the list of Prizes, then to bo floating, stand as follows, viz: 1 of $15,000 2 of 10,000 1 of 5,000 3 of 1,000 3 of 900 3 of 800 of 700 2 of 000 1 i of 500 | 4 of 400 ’ 4 of 300 3 of 200 1) of 100 35 of 501 Besides Twenty’s and Ten’s. The Hoard ofCnmniissioncrs have 1 resolved to commence the 4th Day’s Di -iiwirig with ONE THOUSAND i PRIZES, and to ceutimse such an arrangement of the subsequent drawings as w ill bring the Lottery j to a speedy issue. Those who have vested their j funds in this Lottery may calculate | on being very soon relieved from • their suspense, and those who have not yet purchased Tickets must u do what they do quickly.” PRICE OF ‘PICKETS—WhoIe 810 —shares in proportion. Until the first day of March next, tickets may be had at the present prices by npolying to BR iDFORD MERRY. James M. Anderson, A gait Washington, Jan. 21, 1831. TO~RENT. ” sip HAT well constructed Stores n on the West side of the pub lic square, lately occupied by U. F. Case. It is calculated for a Dnj Good Store, and Grocery, having two rooms fronting the square. Or it will answer for two stores. It lias an excellent cellar, and a private room attached to each tenement. 1 will rent one or both tenements, on reasonable terms. John D. Thompson. Washington, Sept. 27,1830. 15—ts. For Side or Rent . The subscreher having purchased the House ||||| & Lot, Lately owned by. John and James Anderson, situated on the north west; comer of of the public sqiire ; will either sell it on moderate terms, or | rent it. The house is calculated for / a dwelling and store, having three) rooms above, and one below, her! sides a Store room, and Cellar. I There is also on the Lot. a kitchen, smoke bouse, A another building cab culated tor aback storeroom. This stand has been occupied for many years, and must be well known. ALSO Will be Sold or Rented, the Gin House and Jot lately in the possession of John and James Anderson. For further par ticulars apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, i Nov. Bth, 18JQ. 21-it tfijutli [New Series —No. 32. REWARD. RAN A WAV from the subscriber about the 10th peyffi/ of November last, a Nc ad&Jfcsa gro in an by the name of ! EJ.LICK, belonging to the estate of j Thomas J. Tate, dec.; said negro is about thirty-five years of age, black [ complcction, five feet 10 or 11 inches j high—wears a ring in one of his ] ears, and lias an impediment in his speech particularly when attempting |to speak quickly, and is a negro ] more spafe built than common. lie i was raised by the family of Elling ! tons living about four miles below Washington, where he remained till i he was sold iu the spring of 1829 to ] Thomas J. Tate publicly at Wash ington. He has a wife at Col. Ri chard J. Willis, in Wilkes county & it is piobablc may be found either in the neighbourhood whore lie was raised, or Col. R. J. Willis who owns his wile. The above reward will bd given for the delivery of him to mo ] at my residence in Wilkes county on , Pistol creek four miles from Broad river, or on bis being lodged in the jjail at Washington so that I get ; him again. Ziniry \Y\ Tate, ex’r. of Thomas J. Tate, dec , Wilkes County, Georgia, January 11, 1831. 31— ‘ Land and Negroes poll SALE. THE subscriber will sell at hi . residence in Elbert county, on Wednesday the ninth of Februe • ry next, and continue from day 16 day thereafter, Twelve Likely ] Among whom are five able br>- j died fellows, three women, the < j there are boys and girls; also the whereon lie notv lives, which is ny good repair attached to it two hun dred or more acres of woodland, large quantity of corn, fodder, and oats, “several good horses, si goc-.L stock of cattle of all descriptions, stock of sheep, hogs Ac. a yoke oJ oxen, a cart, three gooi Stills 4* Worms, . and still tubs, plantation tools of all kinds, household and kitchen fun..- turc, Ac. Ac. A credit of twelm mouths will be given,—prrticulats made known on the day. Walter Nuimclea. December 28, 1830. 29—4 t Administratrix’s Sale. WILL be sold oriy the first Tucsdn, nt the eon it house , dcr oftlie honora ble the Justices ot the Inferior court of Wilkes com ty, sitting for ordinary purposes, One tract of land land lying in said coun ty, on the waters of Rocky creek, originally granted to'Anglin A Bid will, containing two hundred and fifty-four acres, more or less, the. metes and hounds of which will n{| pear by two deeds of conveyance, one from John Sidwell to said dee’d, dated 20th October, 1310. The o (her from Benjamin Porter, exccu tor of David Anglin deceased, add Sarah Anglia, widow of said Dan iel, to said Frederick Ball, dcceqs* ed, dated the loth of October JBIO. The above land se-ld as the proper ty of Frederick Bail deceased, ieet to his widow’s dower. ELIZA BALL,. Aihidrx, of F. Ball, deff” Will be’ sold at Etc saint’ time (if desirei!) to I lift purchaser > f the above piopnty, uiy dower in ti • same, for which 1 vmli take one * ditioml tilth of wI mi the drove l:ud. may seii tirr, subjei t to cuy dowt® asaibove adveitised. ELIZA BALL. - Nov. 29, 1 830, 24—• -|