The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, February 05, 1831, Image 1

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VOL 4.] published weekly tor THOMAS A. PASTEUR. ILJ” TERMS —The Washington News is pub-1 bill'd weekly. < Four Dollars a year; or Three | Dollars, if paid one Imlfinadvaucc, Si the oth er nttheexpirntionofsix months. O’ No subscription will be received for a less term than six months. —All arrearages must be paid before any subscription call be discontinued, blit at the option of the proprietor. Qj ■ \ failure to notify u discontinuance at the end of the year, will be considered as anew en gagement. O’ Advertisements (except those published Monthly ) will bo inserted conspicuously at 75 cents per square for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each continuance. —-If the number of insertions is not specified, they will be continued until forbid, and charged according!}'. |Tf All advertisements published monthly will be chargedone dollar per square fifr each in sertion. O’ Letters must be post paid, or they will be charged to the writers. r O” For the information of our advertising friends, we publish the following Law Requirila. Sales rtf X.and and Negroes, by Administrators Executors or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, be tween the honrs often ill tht! forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-House of the coun ty in which the property is situate.—Notice ot these rules must be given in a gazette SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. N .tice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner, FORTY day s previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, Must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary far leave to sill land, or Negroes, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. MILiiEDGEVILL E LOTTERY. 1000 Prizes to be Dr a ten!!! On Tuesday Tht. first day of March next. THE Fourth Day's Drawing will be commenced, at which lime will be deposited the following Capital Prizes in addition to those yet remaining in the Wheel, viz: J Prize of §15,000 j p r ize of iJIfiOO 1 do “ 1,000 1 d 0 “ 600 J do “ 900 1 do “ 400 1 do •* 800 1 ilo “ , 300 1 do “ 709 1 ilo “ 200 Which will make the list of Prizes, then to be floating', stand as follows, 1 of #15,000 2 of 10,0001 I of 5,000 3 of 1,000 3 of 900 3 of 800 2 of 700 2 of 6(H) 4’ of 500 4 of 4(H) 4 of 300 3 of 200 15 of 100 35 of , 50 Resides Twenty's nnd Ten’s. The Board ofCommissioncrs have resolved to commence the 4th Day’s Drawing with ONE THOUSAND PRIZES, and to continue such an arrangement of the subsequent drawings as will bring the Lottery to a speedy issue. Those who havo vested their funds in this Lottery may calculate I on being very soon relieved from their suspense, and those who have not yet purchased Tickets must “do what they do quickly.” PRICE OF TICKETS—WhoIe $10 —shares in proportion. Until the first day of March next, tickets may be had at.tho present prices by applying to BRADFORD MERRY. I James 31. Anderson, Acre Hi Washington, Jan. 21, 1831. Notice. PERSONS indebted to the es tate of Robert B. Hemphill late of Muscoge county, and formerly of Lincoln are requested to tnakehn jnediate payment; and those having demands against said estate are re quired to present them within the time prescribed by law properly au thenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar against their recovery. FRANCIS GIDEON, adm'r. #ec, Mis 183 Q. —fit. WASHINGTON, (GA.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1831. [EZ.BERTON TfUL X.E< ACADEMY. THE Trustees announce to the public, that they have engaged | the services of Mr. JAMES LOF TIN', as Rector of ihe Academy, Cor the present year. The entire | satisfaction rendered by Mr. Loftin ito the parents and pupils last year, together with his known abilities, aiid high reputation as a teacler, warrant the trustees in saying that the school will probably be co tinn ed under his direction tor several years. All branches preparatory to entering the higher classes in College, will be correctly taught, ami great care taken to have them properly preunred for entering, and the strictest attention will be paid to j their morals.—The Academy is j large and commodious, and situated) in'a retired part of the village. The ! healthful situation of the place, and the arrangement made tor the com fort and convenience of the scholars, together with the ability, energy, and promptness of the Ilector, in the discharge of his duty, are mat ters of consideration. Those who may think proper to patronize the i institution will not be disappointed in their expectations. TERMS. The lovVcr branches of English, sl2 English Grammar, Geogra- / phy, &c. S The Latin and Greek Lan- ) gauges, Mathematics, Sc > 25 Sciences, per annum S d?” Board can he had for $C or $7 per month.—Boarding and Tui tion, With the teacher, for the year, SIOO. B. Houston, Sec’ry. THE Female Jlcademy, MTILL be continued iihdci’ the V ¥ direction of Mrs. SPEED,) as heretofore, tvitli the assistance of! Miss RAYMOND, for the present) year. From the ability and long > j experience of the Tifforess, as well ! as the almost Unparaldled progress ) and proficiency of the scholars tin-j tier their care last year, the Trus tees confidently expect that this im portant department will receive a. liberal share of pati ouage. The j last examination was attended by a! crowded audience: and the pm for- j mauce and advancement of the j young indies, in the solid branches, j exhibited on that occasion, did i much credit to their in ’tructress, j and honor to themselves; and met! with the general satisfaction and approbation ofali present. The following branches will bo taught, vizs Reading, Writing & Arithmetic,! English Grammar, and Geogra-j I phy, with the use of the Globes. ! Philosophy, History, Ac. Painting, Drawing, Embroidcrv,! Ncodle-work on white muslin, and on white nnd black bobbinet lace. Board and tuition with the in structress, for the scholastic year SIOO. j Boarding can be had in private families, at from $G to 7 per month. The assistance of Miss Raymond will add much to too influence of the institution, and enable justice to he done to each pupil committed to their care. B. HOUSTON,% pro (cm. The Washington News will please give the above fhree insertions, and forward the account to the Secretary. January 19, 1831. 32— 3 t r TOKEYtT a < THAT well constructed Store, on the West side of the pub lic square, lately occupied by U. F. Case. It is calculated for a Dry Good Store, and Grocery , having two rooms fronting the square. Or it will answer for tVvo stores. It has an cxcellcut cellar, and a private room attached to each tenement. 1 will rent one or both tenements, ori reasonable terms. Joint D. Thompson. ‘Washington, Sept. 27, ISjJO, 45 — 1(,‘ REMOVAL. James S. Griffin, HAS REMOVED JIIS DRY GOODS j STORE, ! In the lower end of J. McCbr mieks brick building, one door t>- bove Lane Sc Hester’s Jammiy r 29th 1831. 32—3tj Just Ilcceived, BY ZUCHAEDS & GAAftUfcts AT THE 111 Hook, Stationary, if Musical Store, Nci. J5sS3 Croud-Street, AUGUSTA. I A J.AIiGK SUPPLY Ol THU jOLI.OWI.VG WORKS, MERGER’S Cluster, Methodist Hymns, Zion’s Songster, ! Family Bibles of all descriptions, ! Pocket do do Wyeth Sc Smil; and Settel’s Music, Woodhrulge’s, Cuinuimg’s. Smv lev’s, Adams’, Morse’s and Wil lard’s Geography and Allas, Murray’s Grammar, Reader, Key, and Exercise, : Smyley’s and llawley’s Federal Cal culator, Pike Sc Daboll’s Apithiiiafic, Walker’s Dictionary, With a fid! supply of all oilier School, Classical, Miscellaneous, Law and Medical .BOOKS,. -9cn /aitu/j out 3.i,J203 Reams of Foolscap, Letter, and other paper, 2i200 Quills, of varii us qualities, dozen Webster’s Spelling Books, 50 Gross \ for 18315 AM) A LARGE STOCK DF i _Ol i.rruy ni.sCMPTiox. j Also, a good supply of Violins, I Flutes, Clarionets,Guitars, & Fifes,: ! aj‘J good assort ment of Piano #<! j ■ Guitar music. 1 AND ALSO, A Large Assort rn 1/ o f ;G \II DEN 8El’!DS ? ! warranted fresh from the Shakers.! Hr* Counti v Meic'iauis are invi-j ) ted to call and examine for them selves. They w ill find’ (heir stock’ j complete and good. aud as cheap as | i they can be sc.rl in the southern’ i country. G 5 Ail ordcus will he promptly ! attended to. ) Augfista, Dec. 15, 1830. 31—12 t sty” r i’lie Washington News, Geor ! girt Journal, Macon Messenger and Alhifaintl, will publish the” above ; weekly twelve times, and forward their accounts. ” FRESH GAKDIiY i : Pat Up by the Shakers, and war- \ ranted the grow th of 1880. j F|jgVlE Subscriber hits just rc -M. ceived direct froin the Sim-’ kers, an extensive assortment of Fresh Garden Seeds, which he warrants! he growth of 1830 ’ Dealers and others will be sup plied at reduced prices. ALSO, A large and well selected ! assortment of Genuine Jti ismuc m ™ AM) ■ MEDICINES. Paints, Oils, Dye Stulls, Tarn ishes, Halters’ Materials, &.e. at the lowest prieesi. James T fvcrieh, Ihitigc Bunk Building, Augusta January 10, 1831. 31—3 t The Athenian at Athens, the Washington News, and the Caroli nian, will please give tiie above three insertions weekly, and for-’ whrd their accounts for payment. arc author ized tor aniioutice THOMAS R. EIDSON, Esq, as u candidate for I surveyor, for the purpose of running of! the land w ithin the bounds of die chcrdkee nation of Indians. ’ 27th, 1839, —tde, (TO THE VOTERS OF WILKES COUNTY. ’ ELLOW-CITIZENS, —By a jJF lute uct of the Legislature of I this State, it is provided amongst o j ther things, that the county of YVilkes j is entitled to two Surveyors, for the put pose of running olfthe land with in the limits of this State, and with in the hounds of the Cherokee na tion of Indians; find it. is provided that said surveyors shall be elected by the people on the first Monday in February next. In proposing my self us a candidate, I solicit your sup port, and pledge myself, in the e vent of being elected, to use every efl'oit in my power to discharge the trust reposed in me, to the utmost of my ability. CHARLES SMITH. December 8, 1830. 2G—tde i t s£§r‘ are authorized to If aimoimce CALEB SAPPINGTON, as a candidate for Surveyor for the purpose of running iifiTlic lauds within the bounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians, j January 10, 1 83 1 ■ 30—tde I **/&/'L arc authorized to V t announce W ill tan t C. Allison , Esq. as a candidate for Sin veyor for the purpose of tunning oil'the lauds within the bounds el the Cherokee nation of Indians. January 19. U-31. Jl—-4tle .'ire authorized to j,CsK Y w announce Charles C. j Mills, Esq. .s a camlidute fi>r Sur veyor for the purpose of running off the imids within the bounds of the Cherokee naiion es Indians. January’l9, 1831. 31—tde SWE are authorized to ”■**’ w announce ABNER REEVES, as a candidate for Sur i veyo;* for the purpose of running oil’ lip) lands within the bounds of tiie Ration of Indians. - January 19, 1831. 31 tde | .s&jr W c are request ! c<l t'.*ijiitie that Col. WILLIAM C. LV AN, wifi be a eraiiiidate to sur vey a district in the Cherokee cotui !rv, ant. that he xviii be thankful to ; ihe Vo:era oi Wiikcs eouuty for tl.eir | support. Dec. 20, 1830. 27—2t_ as W are u ---thoiized loannoiuice Charles 11. Woot- TF.N, as a candidate for surveyor for ihe, purpose of run ning off the lands w ithin the bounds ofthe Cherokee nation oflndiaris. December 20, jB3O. 27—2 t We are au thbrized to aiihounce Richard I. Holli i ‘~ DAY, as a candidate ! for surveyor fur the purpose of rim ming off the lands within the hounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians. December 20. 1830. 27— :Jt are *sS thorizedto aqjiouuce ’ HENRY F. EL LINGTON, Esq. as! a candidate for Surveyor for the pur pose of running off the lands within ! ihe bounds oi’ I he. Cherokee naiion oi’ ! Indians. i Dec. 13th, 1830. 26—tde, ; e Ure aU “ i U tliorized to announce Seaborn J. WitAr- I.Y, as it candidate for surveyor for the purpose of run ning off the lands within the bounds of the Cherokee nation of Indians. January Ist, 1830. 29—tde. are autho rized to announceßAY -1.18 11. CROSBY, as a candidate for purveyor for the pur pose of running olfthe lands within tliebounds oi the Cherokee nation of Indians. Doc. 13th, IS3O. 26—t le? Four months after tli-te application ujll be mode to the Honorable Ihe Inferior court of Wilkis county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for lorve to sell the, real estate of Andersou Riddle, deceased, late of said county Surah Y. Rkltlle, adoi’x. Juauan- 21, UCfg [New Series—-No. 3$ G IkOllGlA—Wiikcs Cbuiitj^* Inferior Court. In Chambers , Jan. 11th, 1831. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the Slate of Georgia, oft the 2-ltli day of December 1825, did 1 puss an act, entitled, “an act to iq>- ! point county treasurers, niul,dcfine | their duties j” nnd whereas, by the 1 aforesaid tecited act, it is made the duty of the Justices of the Inferior court in their respective counties to attend to the provisions of the, 2d section contained in the act aforesaid; In pursuance whereof, it is Ordered, that all Tax Collectors, Sheriffs, Coroners, Clerks ofthe Superior uiid Inferior Courts, Justices of thcPeace, and all and every’ other person or persons w ho may now have, or wiip may hereafter lmve in his or their hands any public money belonging to said county, to pay the same to the county Treasurer (if any slioukffie appointed,) or otherwise to the clerk of tiie Inferior court, on or before . tiie 15th day of December, in each and every year; on faliurc thereof, the requisitions contained in the 2d section ofthe act before recited, will be strictly enforced, nnd the interest inf 29 per cent, therein required will | be exacted. And in as much as the Inferior ; court has not appointed a county j iracsurer, the aforesaid county ofS -1 eers, (as well as those who are now j out ot office,) are hereby required t(* j comply with the requirements ofthe - said 2d section of the above rccitee . act. And further, Ordered, that thri order be published in the “Washing* ton News,” for the benefit ofali con cerned. A true copy from the records in my office. G. If. Hakes!raw, e. i. c. vv.c 1 January 19, 1831. 3 1 —4 t. — 1 3 For Side or Jlent. i iie subscreher having purchased thy House 4 Lot, Lately ow ned by John nnd Anderson, situated on the north west coiner of ol the public squre; wi : ‘ either sell it. on moderate terms, e>>- rent it. The house is calculated a dwelling and store, having three rooms above, and one below, h< ■>- sides a Store room, and Ceilai.- There is also on the Lot n kitchen smoke house,&.another building Cul ciliated for aback store room. Thi-, stand lias been occupied for many years, and niiisl bowel! known. ALSO Will be Sold or Rented, tho (win House and Lot lately in the possession cf John ams James Anderson. For further par ticulars apply to THOMAS ANDERSON- Nov. Bth. 1830. 2i-4t.t2mtf. kot m®, A LL persons indebted to the cs- ATaLtale of John L. Carter, Jalc of Oglethorpe county, dec. arc request j ed to make immediate payment, and 1 ail those having demands ngairifet J said estate, wili reader them, in th’c terms of the Jaw, or else this notidc will be plead in bar of their recovd. ry. RYAL M. FLEMING, qualified execu,toh, Janfiarv 4. 1831. ,3| g{ “Tstrayed; ROM the f übsciiber on tfri 24th Decetnbcr last, an In dian Poney ; black, with a blaze fade and a switch tail. 110 has b*cn new 'lv roschcd. I will give five dollars to any pef-Son that w ill deliver hit* to me, or for such information at! a ill enable me to got him again. J. B. SIMPSON.. Wilkes county, Jan. 21, 1831. 32-3’ I 4 oiir rnoittlis. rl’lct ilataappliGition ill lie , h „ H,. nornl v ofl;K T „ . ,tUHe sitl',^ k> r oj<Wv for Lava ‘.O tell . pnt £i I lie M.GKf)LS bcl.-,. K i, v - the estate of Moses Haynes, senr. dec'll. i.l'ee* euunt,, . Thomas Haynes, odinY. .(fliiijtuv 18, 1881- (x uardiait's Fomin, “ litatljH printed amt far utle at i/iit 0