The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, February 12, 1831, Image 1

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Ma. & ft AAr \ ,f ?” lUf J^lJ^lljSi'^v VOL 4.] PUBLISHED WEEKLY yiiongAs aJ gAsrsTO. OTP TERMS—Tin* Washington News is pnl>- isherl ‘vrcc!;‘y. at Tour Dollars a year; or Three J>ollas, if paitl one half in advance, & the eth er ntftieexpirationof six months. tl j No subscription will he received for a less than six months.—All must he paid before any subscription can be discontinued, imt at the option of the proprietor. iLf 3 A failure to notily a discontinuance at the end of the year, will be considered as anew en gagement. QI T Advertisements (except those published monthly) will be inserted conspicuously at 75 cents per sfjuare for the fust insertion, ami 50 cents for ouch continuance.—ls the number of insertions is not sp. ciiied, ihey will he continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. ‘Xj* All advertisOments published monthly j n-ili be clnirgedonc dollar per square for each in- j sertiou. O’ Letters must be post paid, or tirey will be 1 charged to the w riters, (L7* Tor the information of our advertising j friends, we publish the following Law llequisites. ) gr'Satf* of Lantlood Negroes, by Administrators | Executors or Guardians, are required, by low,; to be held on the first Tuesday in tue month, be tween the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court-House of the coun ty- in ; which the property is situate.—Notice oi ■these rules must he giveu in a gazette SIXTY flavs previous to the day of sale. JV'.fiee of the sale of personal property must be given i.iiike manner, FORTY days previous to Che day of'^alw. Notice to ttu* debtors nnd creditors of an estate, tiri. t be published for FORTY day s. N- ticte that application will be made to IhcCourt cf OrdiuafJ- for leave to sell land, nr Negroes, bc published foi FOUR MON A liS. CROCKER ~ Low Beyond a Precedent. HE undersigned conscious of _S&_ their advantages, anti desirous ff■giving anew pledge of their de termination to accommodate custo mers, and to surpass even the New York Competitors, have this day redtie<*l the price of their Ware. We hope ly this to merit und ob tain such an increased putronnge and confidence as will, in some small degree, compensate for the sacrifice made. Our Stock is splendid in va riety and quality, and to merchants on their way to Charleston or New York, vve would say in proof of our v. •i‘estn, nnd in commencement <>f its practice, that this day our price foi Teas is 12A cents j>cr set —and that if this fuils r to please, it will he no tiie morrow-6i cents, und if that f Is, the day after it shall he 0. Wrti. Harris & J. ii. Ludlow. 05** The Align: ta Chronicle, Washington News, JVlilledgeville, Journal, and the Athenian at Ath ens, will please insert the above three times, and remit their accounts for settlement. juste, Jan. 31,1831. 3,3—3 t j REMOVAL. James S. Griffin, j iIAS I;KMOVED HIS DRV COODS j §TORE| 5? the lower end of J. McCor : ,s brick building, oHtt door a l Lane & Hester’s January, 29ih 1831. 32—3 t. brncK of Am true an and Foreign ~t foi; 1 Claims, 49 A ALi. br Nkw-Yokk, lan. 1841. NOTICE is hereby I P to nil persona whom it may concern, having Claims, Debts, Inhcritn.i ccs. Lc.. payable or recoverable abroad. that inis : Agency lias istHhli&licd, under (h€ special auspi ces ami jam imge of ilistingitislubl individuals in j Ibis country, a rcgldar correspondence with emir j Bankers, icc., in lie? principal ports mid ca-1 p'tals of For ign Governments, in couunerciai re j latious with the United Slates; through the me illation whorcof Mich valid claims ns may be con titled thereto, will be expedited foi set;lenient, j und promptly and cftectivdy recovered; when fitridfthod Ljv the claimants with the suitable legal 1 proofs and vouchers, together with |!.t i. j I'otvor of Attorney, to be luken and ackuonlcdg j til before any Judge of a Court of Record, or if- j tner competent Civil Magistmte, Municipal Au- | I'aority, or Notary Fubiit; atul ti*e whole duly ! iHi'.lieuticuted by the Governor of the Stiite, o\ j Territory in which the sauru may be perfected, j und legalized by tire appropriate Foreign Consul. Having also established a similar correspon dence throughout the United States and Lriiidi America, the like claims for re* o\<ji*y in any part thereof respectively, will be tcccived and elHci cutly attended to in beiuiHut American as well as Foreign claimants. Orders f rl!e investment of funds on Mortgage or Freehold property, or in the purcha.-eot Pub lic Securities of the lnited Stale.*, Canal Loans of the Suites of N. York, lYtnylvauia, Ohio, tcc. j punctnullv ami faith fully .exectiled. Applications wddrcbspd to thU Agouci in case, i ing the investigation of claims, search of re- j Cord*. oi the intervention of legal proceedings. j should be accompanied with un adequate joint lance io defray ilie preiiniiiuny charges and dis- j Imux< uteutg attending the same, nnd all letter* lava l( * post/laid, AARON 11. I'ALMT.R, (Jtrunsi Uor of the S. C. of ii:c La. Actuary. * “BlaiSik deeds Orally printed at this Oi'lLc. 1 WASHINGTON, (GA.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1831. SHE MENTOR, AND Youth's Instructive Companion. PROSPECTUS. WE are not aware that there is miy work at present pub lished in the United States, of that character to which the Mentor uspires— *• Mngar.ine for Youth ! consisting almost wholly of Original Articles, written expressly for the Work, and calculated ! at oiico to improve the heart, to expand (lie mind, and amuse the fancy of the reader. As the only sure ground of goodness, it will be our constant aim to excite in the bosom ofyouth a feeling o! reverence and love towards then Maker; and as connected and inseparable there from, of love tow aidb their par cuts, aud till man kind. In todAelope the intellectual fa ; cullies of youth, it will be our great object to I make our readers thinkers, by presenting them j with matters likely’ U> produce reflection; with out which, reading is useless, und knowledge to the mind what undigested food is to the body, j To amuse the fam'y of our readers, our page*, will present a con*i,mt succession of Original Tales, soim -iiues seriwus. at others humorous, but jin all u-'.Mfs conveying some useful lesson. Our l I’oetiual Articles will be numerous, and such, we j Hatter ourselves, as may tend to form in the minds of our readers, a proper taste at 1 correct judgment in literature as well as morals. Having said thus much of w hat nc intend to do. we beg leave to refer our readers to what wc have done, in the contents of the present number. Terms or IT blication. —To City Subscribers, in handsome covers, delivered, by a carrier, the Mcntor*w\\[ be supplied at the teiy low price of One Dollar and Twenty-fit c Cents, per annum, to be paid in advance. To Country Subscribers, without covets, at ] One Dollar per annum. The exceeding lov price at which the Mentor I is oflcrco to the public, renders it imperative that j nil subscriptions be paid in advance. Persons procuring Five Subscribers, and for warding their Money, ahull receive n sixth Copy gratis li is requested that alkCoinmunicntions be post paid; uud addressed to $. Wild, Editor anil Fro pricier of the New York Mentor, New Yqrk. December Istli, to#). W&W MAC ~ THE iSubgcnliiti's have now un der the hands of the Engraver | in New York, a complete and splendid Map of the j State of Georgia, the greater pan compiled IVoni actual survey, with alt ihe districts caiefully laid | <lown and iitunbeied, the whole completed will, : great labor and exactness from the latest and ! most authentic bifurmation, in a style not inferior ’ to any thing of the kind yet presented to the pub- j lie, w ith a table of distances from the sea* of go- j vernment to every county Nile or place o! iinjior- ! t ancc in the State. The districts in the new pin* j chase ami lower counties aic all numbered ia the I corners, so as to enable person to asiicitaiu the j exact situation of ally lot of land, and w ill be painted and finished ofl* in the neatest maimer— j ajmrt of them varnished and put on * rollers, the balance will be on thiu paper nicely | folded in morocco covers, and will In- for sale in ‘ Aliiledgeville by the first ol Oclober next, i'hosc j on rollers at Five Dollars, and the pockei map of l the same size at Four Dollar*. Persons residing at a distance, wishing to pro cutc the map can do so by sending by tt.uir mem- ‘ borx, as a swflioeut innuliei ul them w ill be kept in j MiUedgcvflle during th ; session of thi'Legislalure, I Ctuitoii Wellborn, Orange Green, ID” F.ditors in this Stale who w ill publish tile ■ above occasion.*ly until thu first of November j I next, viill be entitled to a copy of the Map. | j July 1630. ; AMSnSCAKr ! ; Stenographic Academy 1 sci Ai. T. t . OOL I.D, rmx.ADEtrtifX. For (tlUfl couiac oi uisti uction, as above nu-fr lioued, $- 50, payable in ail vnneo, or on the! receipt of the first three numbers oft he periodical. ! All Postmaste rs arc respectfully solicited to • act as agents in their respective neigbboihobiis. if & PohliH'tstcc procure but one subscriber, hr, will be entitled to a gratuitous copy of too publish 1 cd system—if four subscribers, ;o a lull course ot • instruction, or •‘J 50 from the money collected, and in like proportion for a greater or less niim j her of subscribers, that is to say, a commission ‘of per cent, fur his services. Those v.ho wish ! for a more full explanation, or tr see a specimen of the page, type, to bp used, may no doubt S be gratilictl !*y cutliug ou Foslinasters, who have .'been generally supplied with an Inlvqditciimi to j Ihe system above referred to; and also with a j ; great variety of testanivtihiis from those who ; have lent nod Ihe art The issuing Ql*numbers w ill commence early in July, from and after winch, each new applicant ] j will be supplied, *it the. tinto of subscribing, witlti | a perfect set fumi the tM'ginuiiig. I (O’ ihe publisher ofauy N* • spaper orpublk | Journal, who will give this Prospectus a conspi-1 : cuous insertion, sud forward a copy of the pa}* r I containing it, shall receive a regular series of the j ; contemplated lectures w ithout other charge. GEOHGIA—\V ilkes county i Toled be-j fore me JOHN j iA- £ t ice oft he Peace •n unit for the lt4 h district (icoi<r'm Militia, hj James Wingfield, a hay horse four feet ten or eleven inches hiph, twelve or thiilecn years old, \vill black fetterlocks, small saddle spots on the rijlit side near the wea thers, and a small white sf>ot on the j left side ol his neck, near his head. ; Appraised by William Stone and j Lewis S. Brown, to twenty-five dol | lars; this 21st January, 1831. John Jesse, J. P. j A true, eoptj from the record in my 1 office, 21st January, 1831. f G. L Knkestraw, c.i.c.w.c, ‘ Jins in*, ry 21,1331. 32 3t Just Receitcd , BY RICHARDS ft G Alt AML, AT TIItIR /look, Stationary, i( Musical Store, No. 893 Ti road-Street , AUGUSI'A. A I.ARGE SUPPLY OF TH h FOLLOWIVC. WORKS, ]MM'ERCER’s4flußtcr, Methodist TVJL Hymns, Zion’s Songster* Family Bibles of all descriptions, Pocket do do Wyeth & Smit, and Settel’s Musac, ! Woodbridge’s, ('umniing’s, S*ny- j ley’s, Adams’, Morse’s and lY il-’ lard’s (Jcogr.T'jjhy and Allas, Murray’s Grammar, Header, Key, and Exercise, SmyleJ’s and Hawley's Federal Cal culator, Pike Sc Uaboll’s Arithmatie, Walker’s Dictionary, With a full supply of till other School, Chtssical, Miscellaneous, j Law and Medical BOOKS. My. ve cn rfaru/, a *Boo Reams of Foolscap, Letter. nnd other paper, i 40,000 Quills, of various qualities, ! 800 dozen Webster’s tiirellinff Books, 50 Gross Almanacs for 183X1 and a i,Alter, stock or AJoohSj, OF F.rr.KY DESCRIPTION. Also, a good supply of Violins,! Flutes, Clarionets, Guitars, & Fifes, I and a good assortment of Piuuo and j Guitar music. AND ALSO, A Litrtre Assortment of [GARDEN SEEDS, ■ warranted fresh trom lIn; Shakers. Country Merchants arc invi ted to call and examine for them- j selves. They will tied their stock complete und jjood, and us cheap as they can be sold ia the suAiUicru com.try. Gi/” All orders will le prouij>i’y i attended io. Augusta, Dec. lj, 1330. 31—12 l fly The Wiishiiijiioa News, Ceor- Journal, 31ucun Messenger ami j Athenian, will publish the above j weekly twelve times, and forward tin ir accounts. G LOR GlA—VVllkcs to tin ry. j Interior Coui L In Chambers, Jan. 11/A, 1831. WHEREAS, the Legislature! of the State of Georgia, on [ ; the 21th day of Decctuher 1825, did , ! pass an act, entitled, “an act to np ( point county treasurers, t‘.’id define ! their dutiesand whereas, by the [ aforesaid tecitcd act, it is made the duty of the Justices of thj; inferior j : court in their respective counties t<> attend to the provisions of the 2d [ j section contained in the act aforesaid; [ . In pursuance whereof, it is Ordered, that all Tax Collectors, Sheriffs, Coroners, Clei ks. oft he Superior and inferierCourts, Justices of t lie Peace, and all und every other person or persons tvLo may now have, or who j may hereafter have in his or their I hands any jtuhlic money belonging to | said county, to pay the same lo the j county Treasurer (if uny should lie i appointed,) rw otherwise to the clerk lof the Inferior court, on or before ; the 15th tiny of Dceetnibor, in each j und every year; on failure thereof, I tire requisitions contained in the 2d section of the act before recited, will I he strictly enforced, and the interest ; of 20 per cent, therein required will | be exacted. And in as much as the Inferior j court hits not appointed u count; ‘ trac-surer, the aforesaid county olli- j cers, (as well as those who are now out oiSolfice,) are hereby required to comply with the requirements of the said 2d sectidu of tlio above recited uct. And further, Ordered, that this order he published in the “Washing ton News,” for the benefitof all con cerned. A true copy from the records in my office. G. L. Rakestraw, c. i.c. w.c. January 111, 1831. 31—4 t. 6 'liardicin's Uonds, JScQlly feisjfd self a/ it,vs OJfiiff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court House of Elbert coun ty, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit! One bay Horse, Bridle and Saddle, 6nc Cupboard, five feather beds and furniture, three bed Steads | and cords, one jar and some lard, one sett of harness and slays, three J sad irons, one waiter, one candle slick, one brush, one tin pan, one su | gar canister, one demijon and its contents, two hamper baskets, one Ijr and sonic earthen ware, two : s;ates, owe dressing glass, one sett toiletts and six goards of soap; also, four hundred acres of land mure or less adjoining Phijimon R. W ilhight and others: the above property levi ed on by virtue of sundry attach j meats ugumst George Oglesby, and j now in iny possession, and sold by : virtue of sundry executions one in favor of John W. Carter from the In ferior Court and the others for cost from the Superior Court. ALSO, One Sorrel horse; levied on us tlie property of Henry Rail, to satisfy a Ufa in favor of Samuel Turman <!t William Fulliani, admVs vs. said Hull. Leroy Upshaw, Sliff. January 25, 1831. ‘•i , &/ r II.L be sold on the first j T j Tuesday in .March next, lat the court house in Elbert county, between the usual hours of sale the i following property to wit: Three hundred acres of land, ; more or less, known as the Cook ; law office tract of land, adjoining the lauds of Willis Wall and others, ly [ ing on the waters of the Beuverdam Creek ; levied on as the property of ii folic it M. Garviu, to satisfy a fifu !in favor of Archibald M’Kinsley, mhii’r. and Hannah Upson, adm’rx. of Stephen Upson, deceased, against ’Jobeil -VI. Garvin & John A. llcurd. i ALSO, ; The one eighth part of a nc ; lo l.oy by the name of Boh; levied mi as the (H'operty of W’illis W. Tay j lor. to satisfy a fila in favor ofWil j Siam \V r . Bowman Se Company vs. 1 said Taylor, property pointed out bv W in. W . Bowman. l , ALSO j One silty saw Cotton Gin, j one packing iron, two thousand lbs. . seed cotton, more or less; levied oil ias the property of Edmund Skack ; ell’ord, to satisfy it fifu in favor of i Samuel N. Bailey vs. said Shuckcl foril, property pointed out by said Bailey. . ALSO, Two eftws and calves, three | cows and three yearlings; levied on ;as the property of Charles Presley, lto satisfy a fifu in favor of John YV. 1 Carter vs. said Presley. ALSO, j One hundred and thirty acres |of laud, more or less, lying on the ! waters of Palling creek, adjoining the lauds of Zachnriah Ozlcy und William B. Key and others; levied on us the properly of Thoinus Bell, jmir. to sutisfy a fifu in favor of Henry Martin and Nathaniel Mar tin, by bis friend Henry vs. the said Thomas Bell, junr. nod Polly Bell. ALSO, Thirty five acres of land more ( or less, lying on the waters of Broad river, it being the dower of Polly ; Dye, now Polly Bel!; levied on as jtlie property of Thomas Bell junr. | tlio husband of the said Polly Bell, I to satisfy a fila in favour of William j D. Tinsley for the use of Terrell Speed, vs. Thoinus 8011, Christo pher Clark aiid Peter P. Butler. Samuel C. YVyche, D. S. January 25, 1831. WILL bl- sold on the Ist Tues day in March next, at the court house in Elbert couuty, be tween the usual sale hours, the fol lowing property, to wit : Ole hay horse ; levied on as the property of Luwsou Scott, to sa tisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Wil liam YV. Bowman assinee of William T. Taylor, vs, said Scott. Samuel C. YV yche, D. S. Dec; 2dth Rsgs. [New Series—No. 34, X^ r h’l J k e s °ld at the Court * W house in W’ilkcs county, on the first Tuesday in March next, btween the usual sale hours, the following property, to wit: One negro man by the name of Billy; levied on as tho property of* Stephen 11. Mallory; to satisfy au execution in the name of Juttfe* | Render, administrator of Christo pher Render, deceased, vs. YV'illi* am Salfold and Stcpben 1L Jlullo- TS ALSO, One negro man, by the name of Abraham, onto negro woman Eli za and her child Lcvinn; levied on as the property of James Walker to satisfy an execution in the name oi John C. Hunter vs. James Walker, and sundry others vs. said Walker* William 11. Hyson, D. s. January 29, 1831. JtUiiioiifc fEbalt LOTTERY. 1000 to be Drawn!lt Oil Tuesday The first day of March next. TIIE Fourth Bay’s Drawing will be commenced, at which time will be deposited the following Capital Prizes in addition to thosb yet remuining in tho Wheel, viz: t Prise of 315,000 1 Prize of so© 1 do “ 1,000 1 do “ 500 1 do •• WOO 1 do 4OO 1 do •’ 8110 I ifd “ 300 1 do “ 709 1 do “ 100 Which will make the list of Prized, then to he floating, stand us follows, 1 of #15,000 2 of 10,000 1 of 5,000, 3 of 1,000 3 of 900 3 of 800 2 of 700 2 of 600 4 of 500 4 of 400 4 of 300 3 of 200 15 of 100 35 of 50 Besides Twenty's and Ten’s. Th* Board ofCommissioners have resolved to commence the 4th Bay’s Drawing with ONE THOUSAND PRIZES, und to ceutinue socli an arrangement of the subsequent drawings as will bring the Lottery to u speedy issue. Those who havo vested their funds in this Lottery may calculate on being very soon relieved from their suspense, and thdsc who have not yet purchased Tickets must “Jb what they do quickly.” PRICE OF TICKETS—Who!# slo—shares in proportion. • , Until the first day of March ncxL tickets may he hud at tho present prices by applying to BRADFORD MERRt. James M. Audcrsou, , Agent Washington, Jan. 21, 1831. m THAT well constructed Store, on tho West side of the pid>- lie square, lately occupied by U. F* Case. It is calculated for a Dry Good Store, arul Grocert), having two rooms front ing the square. Or it w ill answer for two stores. It has an cxccllcut cellar, and a private room attached to each tenement. 1 will rent one or both tenements, on reasonable terms. John D. Thompson. Washington, Sept. 27,1830. 15—iV, eiiH AND HAND-BILLS Os every description, neatly pnr.:c& 4T THIS OF FI < fi