The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, February 26, 1831, Image 1

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yejkM. lul!) WKIavLY tHOMAS A. PASXEim* 33* I’E;t’ 13—T?;T•• N-wi, puh-! s.v.>^’,|y. di Four Dollars n year; cr !:“•••• ! If pnt I <>.*:.■ Im!l in ; •: -m*'* 1 er aMii t’qMi <itk>nof iL months. •£/• Xa im'ri&rfjrtkm mil bt n c< vcJ for a leu* • |;nn than ?ix Hoiftii*.—AH be paid before any suljrtcrvtioM can ! •!. .ecnL.r.’.<-d, \ alit at the option off tire proprietor. j ; \ failure to notify a <li*coittinnaru-e at tin- Cndttf fho y-ar, will be considered as anew en gagement. (tj* Adverti'fni'Mils (except those published month!/) a ill be inserted conspicuously at 75 cents pm square for the first insertion, And 50 cents for each continuance. —1 f *te tutm or of insert ions is 4ut specified, they will he continued until forbid, nnd charged accordingly. jjjr* All advertisements published monthly . •skill he chargedOOC dollar per square for each in- i - L-iters must be pojt paid, or they will be charged tollie writers. Qj p’or the information of our advertising fi iendsy we publish the fallowing Luw ‘itf/itixilcs. j-ahi of Land , • ><• by Administrators Executors or Guardians, are required, by law, to be hel lon the first Tuesday in the month, be Jiveen tin- lour* of ter in the forenoon and three in the r/ftcrnoofcflfcthe Cmirt-llouse of the coun-1 fy in which the piWriy is situatc.-r-Notiee ot these rules must h I ‘veil in a gazette SIXIY days previous U> ol sale. Notice of tUe jaOoi personal property must be given in like mann* , t‘, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. ;: 'V ... Notice to the delAors and creditor sot ancstate, must be published Ac FO-iil k’ day s. y*n will b made to the Court ofOrdia*:l?fc; Ifto sell-and, or Negroes, must be fin FOUR MflN I iIS. iSfew Establishment. ’ Bf it. CAN DEE, ! TAIZXOm. ESI*ECTFDLL Y informs the ; Jbl inhabitants of Wilkes anti the adjoining comities that lie has taken the house formerly occupied by J. A. Groves, Esq. as a Law Office, op posite the Court house, where he in tends carrying on the , Tailoring Business, In all its various branches. The subscriber from bis expe dience in the business flatters him self that he will be able to give sa-i tisfaction, and will warrant all work! done by him to be equal to that done in Augusta or elsewhere. —Particu- 1 Jar attention paid to cutting. Washington, f ob. lb’, 1831. 35—3 t. “'"oIEsT p .11 jv rs. (fc. ‘K AMP arid Paint Oils, pi -1 While Lead in Oil, Red Lead, Spanish Brown, [ Venetian Beil, and Griffin’s best Georgia Jr For sale at the Cheap Cash Store, W est side Public Square, by U. F. CASE. February 15. 1831. 35—ts WANTED. AN appt entice to the Tinner’s Business. A lad from 14 to 1G years of age would be preferred. The strictest attention will be paid to his morals, and every exertion used to excite him to industry. Ap ply to WILLIAM VERONE. Washington, Feb. 18, 1831. 35—It Notice. THE Subscriber being author ised by the legatees to settle the business ot Thomas J. Pope, lute of Wilkes county deceased; persons having demands* against him will j present them legally authenticated, and those indebted \vi. please make immediate payment to the substriber. Stephen A. Johnson. February 18, 1831. 35 KOTiOE7~" — I ALL persons indebted to the es tate of John L. Carter, late of Oglethorpe cmmty, dec. are request ed to mnk# immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate, will reader them, in the terms of the law, or else litis notice will be plead in bar of their rceovc- RYAL J!. FLEMING, (<uaiif cd car cator. January 4. 1831. 31—& £3®*attfss ’ NEATLY PRINTED, Jcr salc at thjs Ojfirc. vll.TQlHnaton Sfffittaa. WASHINGTON, (GA.) SATURDAY* FEBRUARY 26, 1831. j Just Received, BY RICHARDS 6l CANAHI, AT THEIR 1 Bool:, Stationary, Musical Store , No. 293 Broad-Street, AUGUSTA. A LARGE SVI’PLY OK TUE FOLLOWING WORKS, MERCER’S Cluster, Methodist Hymns, Zion’s Songster, Family Bibles of all descriptions, Pocket', do do Wyeth & Smit, and Setters Music, * Wood bridge’s, Cumming’s, Smy ley’s, Adbwns’, Morse’s and Wil lard’s Geography and Atlas, Murray’s Grammar, Header, Key, and Exercise, Smyley’s and Hawley’s Federal Cal culator, Pike <fc Dalmll’s Arithmatic, Walker’s Dictionary, With a full supply of all other [School, Classical, Miscellaneous, Law and Medical HOOKS. rfteve c/i, j 1,203 Reams of Foolscap, Letter, and other paper, €O,OOO Quill s, of various qualities, J 200 dozen Webster’s Spelling- Books, 50 Gross Almanacs for 1831; j AND A LARGE STOCK OF ■ i t) o %s % $ or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a good supply of Violins,, Clarionets, Guitars, &, Fifes, and a good assortment of Piano and Guitar music. AND ALSO, A Large Assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, warranted fresh from the Shakers. (£?* Couuiry Merchants are invi ted to call and examine for them selves. They will hud their stock complete and good, and as cheap as they can be sold in the southern country. OCir’ All orders will be promptly attended to. Augusta, Dec. 15, 1830. 31—12 t (Xjr* The Washington News, Geor gia Journal, Macon Messenger anti Athenian, will publish the above weekly twelve times, and forward their accounts. MEfHIWWAIii China and Glass. THE undersigned respectfully invite the attention ofCeuntry Merchants and others, to their stock ofGoods in the above line, which is no,tv very complete, both as regards Variety and Patterns, nui will be sold on terms as favourable as by a ny other house in this city, who is disposed to compete with them in an honorable way. They are not j ! pared to give their goods away, I | nor do they offer in the public news-! | [tapers, hading articles below their j value to induce custom, and depend j on making up the loss, on goods, the; value of which*may not be so well known. They are also determined not to i be driven from the market, to again udrt-.v a monojroly of the business in which they are-engaged. P. R. Taylor, & Cos. The Georgia Com ier, Wash ington News, Milledgcvillc Journal, and Athenian at Athens, will please insert the above three times, and remit their accounts for settlement. | Augusta, Feb. *2,T831. 31—3 t J CAUTION!! A LL persons are hereby for / warned from trading for a | note of hand, given by the subscri ber, and assigned by my brother, • John Petoet, to Newton L. Cain, |administrator of Elizabeth Cain, [ deaeased; for FIVE HUNDRED ONE DOLLARS, John Jordan agent. The above note having bqen \ fraudulently obtained, l am deter mined not to pay the same without compelled by a due course of law. Simeon Petcet. February 7, 1831. 3.4—3 t ‘ (J ii ard la us JB J jn ds, V r.rinti-d aiuifof sale ci ijiis O/Ye, Eor Sale ok. Rent. | Thesubscreber having purchased the j House & Lot, ! Lately owned by. John and James Anderson, situated on the north west comer of of the public squre ; will either sell it on moderate terms, or rent it. The house is calculated for; j a dwelling and store, having three j rooms above, and one below, be-i ! sides a Store room, and Cellar.! There is also on the Lot a kitchen, j smoke house,&another building cal culated for aback store room. This stand has been occupied for many years, and must be well known. ALSO Will be Sold or Rented, the Gin House and Lot lately in the possession of John and James Anderson. /For further par ticulars apply to v THOMAS ANDERSON. Nov. Bth, 1830. !21-4tt*2mtf. GEORGIA,—EIbert County. Adjourned Term, from Nov. 1830. Court of Ordinary. ON reading and filing the peti tion of Zachnriah Bowman, praying that the Court now here sitting, will pass an order directing the.administrators of John A* Heard deceased, to make and execute ti tles to a certain tract m- parcel of land mentioned in said petition and more fully described in the annexed obligation or agreement of said John A. Heard, deceased. It is order ed by the court, that Thomas J. ; Heard and Singleton VV. Alien, ad ministrators of John A. Heard, fhie. do make and execute titles to the said Zachariah man, for the a- | foresaid tract of land with the ap purtenances, according to the tenor and effect of the said writing, ob ligatory now filed in this couit, un less cause be shewn to the contrary, within the time prescribed by law. And it is further ordered, that a co py of tins rule bo published in tiiej Washington News, once a month: for three months. \ A true copy from die Minutes, this 15/h January, 18,31. Job Weston, c. c, o. TO MECHANICS.! I PROPOSALS will be received j by the Prudential j until lilts first Monday in April next,; to rebuild the College Edifice lately j burnt down, at Athens. And to the end that Mechanics may know wfiat i is required to be done. vyrnkiVite them [ to an inspection of the present ruin, [ and to a further commiii.icatkm with j the Committee, on any srnhject con-i neefed with the above object. In the first place it must be understood, j that the propositions made, will not! j be binding, either to the proposer or j ; the Committee, as the same will | have to be laid before a full meeting j of the Board of Trustees at the time | aforesaid, subject to their ratification |or such alterations as they maybe pleased to make. With this under standing, it is requested that the proposer will state the lowest sum for which he will restore the Edifice to its former situation In all respects. Then what deductions will be made, Ist. For omitting the mantle pieces, which before were of the satne kind of those in the old College. 2d. For changing the pannel into baton doors. 3d. For omitting the small bed rooms attached to the sitting rooms. 4th. For omitting one oi the closets in the jams of the chim neys, and sth, what difference will j be made in the ceiling or plastering over head. The Edifice is expected to be rebuilt as strong as it was be fore, and in a workman-like man ner, ami to this end, when the build ing is finally let, bond and security • will be required. As the building is | much wanted, the shortness of tune ; j in which it will be completed, will be . | a great object in deciding on propo sitions. The payments required must also be stated. X. S. CL AVI ON, , JAMES NESBIT, [ Prudential A. WALKER, I Committee. WM. H. JACKSON, J | February 1831, Moneyl Money!! p In abundance in Market, TO owners in Gold mines, Plan tations, and other properly, i The subscriber begs leave to inform ! his friends and the public, that he si • daily visited by capitalists, whose i funds are great, and who are desi- W ‘ # i t ons and anxious of purchasing ; wholes or shares of properties—im proved or unimproved—who wish | to become proprietors or partners of j Gold-mining Companies—or would I loan and invest money at reasonable interest satisfactorily secured—— would invest and advance their mo ney in any way satisfied of realiz ing h fair and reasonable interest for the same—therefore those who wish to sell, or mortgage property ; or get cash partners, will do well to apply to the subscriber per mail, forwarding every necessary informa tion and instruction accompanied with an advance retaining office fee of 5 or $10 —postage in every in stance to be paid. Geo. W. Eteritt, Real Estate, Broker’s, Attor ney’s and General Agent, No. 33, South-Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—The South and North- Carol ina and Georgia papers will copy theabovo one month, and semi in their bills. February 5, 1831, 34--lm CIRCULAR. Office of American and Foreign Aoency for Claims, -li* Wall-**. .New-York, lan. 1831. PUBLIC’ NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it na.ij’ concern, having’ Claims, Debts, Inheritan ces, ~ payable ur recoverable abroad, that ibis Agency lias established, under the special auspi ces patronage of distinguished individuals in j this country, a regular correspondence with enii | neat Bankers, k.c., in the principal ports and cu i pitals of Foreign Governments, in commercial te idtiotis v ith the United Slates; through theme diatioii whuteof such valid claims as may be con fided thereto, will be expedited for settlement, anti promptly and ellectively recovered ; when furntshed b_tf the claimants with ihe suitable legal proofs and vouchers., together with the requisite Fouer of Attorney, to i.e taktn and acknowledg ed before any Judge of a Court of Record, cr o ther competent Civil Magistrate, Municipal Au- I thorily, or Notary Public; and the whole duly , authenticated by t[ie Governor of the State, or i Territory in which the same may be perfected, and legalized by the appropriate Foreign Consul Having also established a similar correspoti | deuce throughout the United Stales and British ‘ America, the like claims for recovery iu any part I thereof respectively, will be received and ellici j ently attended to iu.btlvilfof American as well as j Foreign claiinunls. i Orders for the in merit of funds on Mortgage or Freehold property, or in the purchase of Pub : lie Securities of the United States, Canal Loans j of the States of N. York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, oif. i punctually and faithfully executed, j Applications addressed to this Agency in cases i requiting th i*veetigation of claims, search 01 rc i i-oids, or the intervention of legal proceedings, [ should be accompanied with an adequate remit j lance to defray the prelitidnary charges and dis | bursenieuls attending the same, and all letters. [ must be post fluid, AARON 11, PALMER, j Counsellor of the S. C. of the U. S. Actuary. I THE MEHTOK. - ” AND Youth’s Instructive Companion. PROSPECTUS.’ \ WE arc not aware that there j is any work at present pub- I lijiied ii* the United States, of that character to ! w hich the Mentor aspires—a Magazine for Youth j con: islhrg uhiiosi wholly of Original Articles, | written expressly for tho Work, and calculated j at unco to improve the heart, to expand the iniud, and amuse the fancy of the reader. As the only sure ground of goodness, it will be our constant aim to excite in the bosom of youth j a feeling ot reverence’ uud love towards their Maker; and as connected and inseparable there from, of love towards their oment?, a.,d ml man kind. In endeavouring todevdope the irdclloctunl fa* j cullies of youtw, it will be our great object to j make our readers thinkers, by presenting them i \iith matters likely to produce reduction; with j out which, reading is useless, ami knowledge to j tliO iiU* id what undigested hmd is to the body. To amuse the fancy of our readers, our j*age j will present a constant succession of Original’ Tales, sometimes serious, at- others humorous, but j in nil cases Convey i:ig some useful lesson. Our j . Poetical Articles \.ill be numerous, aud such, Me baiter ourselves, as may tend to form in the minds of our readers, a proper taste and collect judgment in literature as well as-nioruis. Having said thus much of what we intend to do. we to refer cur readers to what * have done, in the contents of the present number. Travis os? PesMCATtoN. —To C ity subscribers, in handsome covers, and delivered, by a carrier, the Mentor will be supplied at the very low price us One Dollar and Twenty-live Cents, per annum, ! 10 be paid in culcqacc. i To Country Subscribers, without covers, I One Dollar per annum. j The exceeding low price at winch the Meritor : is offered to the public, tenders it imperative that | ali subscriptions be paid ia advance, j Pcisou? procuring b ive Subset there, and toi wardiug their Money, shall n a. srxih Copy gratis it is requested that all Communications be P os ‘ paid; and soldi ess- and to 3. Wild, ihlitpi and Pro prittei of the New York Mental, New j December inih, 18130. | JOB riiINTJNG * JS. M*-c cj.cp to*l A [New Series —No. -hi. 1 AIILLEDGEViLLL LOTTERY. 1000 Prizes to he Ora ten: it On Tuesday The first day of March next. THE Fourth Day’s Drawing will be commenced, at which time will be deposited the following Capital Prizes in addition to those yet remaining in the Wheel, viz: 1 Prize of $15,000 l 1 Prize of SBOO Ido f* 1,000 j 1 do *•’ 500 1 do “ 9(H) I 1 do “ 400 1 do “ 800 | l do “ 300 1 do “ 700 j 1 do “ 200 Which will make the list of Prizes, then to be floating, stand as follows, viz: 1 of $ 15,000 2 of 10.000 1 of- 5,000 3 of 1,000 3 .of 900 3 * v of 800 t * of 700 2 of 600 4 of 500 4 -* of 400 4 of 300 3 of 200 15 of 100 35 of 50 Besides Twenty’s and Ten’s. The Board ofCommissioncrs have resolved to commence the 4th Day’ll Drawing with ONE THOUSAND PRIZES, ami to ccntinue such an arrangement of the subsequent drawings as will bring the Lottery to a speedy issue. Those who have vested theft* funds in this Lottery may calculate on bemg very soon relieved from their suspense, and t hose who have not yet purchased Tickets must “d<> ivhat they do quickly.” PRICE OF TICKETS—WhoIe $10 —shares in proportion. Until the first day of March nextj tickets may be bad at the present prices by applying to BRADFORD MERRY\ Janies M. Anderson, Agent Washington, Jan. 21, 1831. REMARKS OF Mm. h firsts^ On the Tariff, Concluded. But let us view tho subject sotnc* what more in tho aggregate.. If one thousand pounds of sugar to the a ere be a fair average, and if it varies from the truth, he believed it was ; below it; and if a baud can manage live acres, and he believed from his general knowledge of southern agri- S culture iu relation to articles requir ing similar- cultivation to the suirar cano, lie can do so, wo arrive at the conclusion, that the land cultivated ! in cane docs not exceed, and bly falls below, one hundred thousand acres, and the hands cultivating it cannot exceed twenty-five, and pro bably do not number more than twen ty thousand. Taking, then, th<§ whole product of eighteen hundred and thirty, at one hundred millions i of pounds of sugar, and the molasses* i he should not estimate, because he j had uaderstood it would cover the I annual expenses of the plantation on which it was made, at least the ex penses of cultivation—and the value of the sugar amounts to five milfiomj and a half of dollars at New Orleans-, and probably two millions, or two and a half more before it gi ts into : the general consumption of the conn* i try- If we divide the five millions .J and a half between twenty thousand > >;ands, the distributive amount Uj leach is two hundred and seventy-live ■ dollars. It like (ristribuliciii bo made between twenty-live thousautr, i it* s two hundred and twenty dollars ea*. h. Then is it just, is it-reusnnu ! ble, that the whole agriculture of the ’ country should be burdened by a tux ” f four m iillees and u bail* oi doliaap