Newspaper Page Text
\ V A U M Y.
‘IK Tru > r ” o’ :!, ; s
JL School, lIHV til
tyjSs-yy* CrL sure of in for ■: •: !<i he .
■ Cl;iy/-iis fit’ tics plat•.
’ ‘ •• 111 the public ‘• •. I i'itl-
Pf- t the IV'V. M. U.
•$* ’ A HRS, \ til triko
*ot til s lUNIItU
: tie: ■ , n.iu.iiiv v-ar;
i .1 if r.cinjj on the 1‘! !•"!’ M N :>.\\ it)
i:nary. The high !i: ary uKaiimuni? ,
if’ ibis ‘ri’Mtlciiian, hix worth, and:
ihealthy situation of f.ur Ac: in
iii-' us to rcconnwinl liii.i to the j>nl>li• ■, •
v i’li inuoh confidence, un.l rcsp'ctfully I
■ ilicit a shii:c of jiubli'i luitnn.acf'.
D icombt r i 7. 1” 3t
\I,L persons m her, ■ caut.ot.o 1 .-gair,,• .- .
dills tar CIIC n>‘a of sand g\<v io •tames i
.Mall r bearer, i. r l’:vc Hundred and in j‘v- |
ii v Dollars and Fiky-sx cents. One {riven t •
John (!. Crar.c, <r bearer, :< r F.vo Hu:. in?:! and j
I’nrty Dollar:. O o crhr.r given t.i raid
. .i!m’ if. than.,or hearer, far about Dive Hun- ;
i red Dollars. Another payable to Frederick i
: -wrenv\ for abo rt •me l.undred it i fly Dal- i
all of which noioa were given someiime I
about the riddle (I October lasi, and 1 under- j
i t and, are made payable on tin first yof Jaa- I
i art, 1 Inv* goed testimony to prove
(’•a” said notes should nave been made payable |
o line Hr st and v of January, to!’— re irdimr !
m tbe contract in fulfilment rs w ine!i mi n. to
were given. JAMES M. S’>.\ i’i(E.
Fu.ances A. l.i.uiA M, Security.
Der.vjaterl7, 1840 16 ts
O’HJRMonths a‘tev da‘o, apple ntion wijl • e
A m ale to the liuii. die interior Court oi x.riia
terrocoun'v, when si. ■*: • • r hoary purp,- •■,
tor leave to sell the REAL ESTATE lelony
i igt itli M.norsol Joseph W. I.ucke't, deceas
ed, late oi'sai 1 count v.
HU Mil WARD, Guardian.
December 17. 16 m4tn
Will be sold on the first TUESDAY n
February next, at the Court House in
Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of i
the Honorable the Inferior Court of said j
county, while sitting for ordinary purpo- j
ses, a
*¥egro Man Sam*
belonging to tlie estate of James Boatwright,
deceased, late of Wilkes county. Sold for
the bent fit of the heirs and creditors of said
dee cased. Terms of sale made known on
the day. Z. SMITH, Adm r.
December 3, 1840. 14—m2m
Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the 13th
di\ of January next, at the residence of
John T. Dent, deceased, late of Wilkes
county, all the
Perishable Properly
belonging to the estate of said deceased
consisting of CORN, FODDER, HOUSE
Will be rented and hired at the same time
and place the Plantation and Ne
groes, belonging to the estate of said de
December 3,
Its*. John L. £-Vice’s
I',r the immediate relief awl radical cure of all
or either of the following varieties of IIEll!\IA,
(lln, re,) to u-it: Scrotal, Femoral, Inguinal,
i enlrat, or Umbilical.
The Subscriber having purchased the right
and privilege of applying and using, within the
county oi Wilkes, tins celebrated instrument for
the radical cure and immediate relief of all per
sons who are the unfortunate subjects of either cf
vise above mentioned diseases, ou traces an ear
ly oppoi-.uuity of informing such, that they can
be rcheveu from this distressing malady by ma
king’ early application. Trusses, ol sizes suitable
for every variety of case, will he kept constantly
on liana and applied at a reasonable price.
The inventor of this new and valuable Truss
in his remar ks on the subject says:
“Having cured extensive ruptures of eighteen
years standing, and given immediate rebel, in a
considerable number of cases, in old and in young
persons, who are now cither entirely well, or re
lieved from a'! inconvenience from this distress
ing and dangerous inaiady ; peisons thus aiiect
ed, who have not heretofore hod an opportunity
of availing themselves ot its substantial bench,s,
that of immediate relief and ultimate radical cure,
will doubtless now do so.
My Patent Metallic Truss combines the ad
vantages of all other Trusses, without their in
conveniences; and is equally applicable to the
five different varieties oi Rupture enumerated,
and can be worn night and day with cv infer! and
convenience; and it the patient be . I'uJcnt and
regards his health, effectually prove the es
cape of the Viscera. The stc-el spring Truss, it
is well known, cannot lie worn al night, and
consequently, a great deal of time is lost by that
circumstance. The celebrated Mr. ('coper savs
in his surgical work upon the subject :i,e ap
plication and use ol the Tiu.e, that, “Whoever
wears a Truss, should he careful to employ it
day and night, without intermission, so that there
may be no opportunity for the Hernia to protrude
again; for experience has put it beyond all
doubt, that bv the continual un.-emitted use of a
Truss, and the retention o! the contents ol tbe
Hernia, the neck of the sack and ihe ring may
be gradually lessened in diameter, until they are
enrirely closed, and a radical cure ot the rup
ture effected.”.—This is now he opin.on of all
i (urgesms ol respectability, and with my Truss,
this important injunction of one and all of the
most distinguished Medical men in the world,
can be complied w ,h.
In ottering my Truss to the afflicted of Rup
ture, Ido it confiden ly, believing, from actual
experience in my own person, and that of many
others, that it is the most valuable instrumeT
ever presetted /or their use. My opinion upon
this eu! jeci is corroborated by that oi ail Physi
cians who have examined it, and had an oppor
tunity of knowing of the success I have had in
relievirg and curing ruptures of dilferenf kind:,.”
Various certificates from Physicians of lie
h ghest character could be produced in relatioi
to tire superiority of this Truss over all others yc;
.resented to the public; but 1 forbear, and trust
that all those who are thus afflicted, will test
the value of the instrument by availing them
selves of its immediate application. It is simple,
convenient, and valuable indeed.
JAMES V,. PRICE, b. f.
Washington. Dec. 16, 1846. la—lit
THE . i.LauiM’ ra have made urranj;.-
m.nts with ihe n. I'lclur rs fir kapiu; ]
ii La .1 in .his cl - “M'oial ns.i “'inn iii
‘J . RE, 1: ! PR! . riNU MATL< IV \LS
’ r. nli v, wliit... “an ~e luitii. h ii :ot.:a i
n: iv.a !v:> hours notice. We lmvi u sulH
e m Meek lmv, in ire, to i liable i. to pel
ii j> a e'o jile.e N wol Job .’rintin;,'Offioe,
w it Lout being obliged to order any portion
I’ n New York. A. this W' has j
bn.ii i . iaulisln (1 at the ramost reeonmi. n
(lutm.iof many iVicndiin the interior towns :
we Leg krtv” to edaitn Iron them sufficient
patronage 1o enable us to increase and keep i
up the cituLlishiTu lit on a scale sufficient j
to make ii un object to all parties.
All the above materials aie sold on the j
sa.ti ■ terms as in N. York, with the usual
i liarg. n tor it mu ranee, freight M • xeliungc.
85 Las! Bav. Charleston, S. C.
Dec. 17. lfl
Will he sold a 1 the Court House door of El- j
Liert county, on the Ist Tuesday in March ;
next, agreeable to an order of the’Hon- |
orable the Inferior Court ofsaid county, i
white sitting for ordinary purposes, |
S'jfmsl emu e/Vetfroes j
belonging id the estate of George Wyche, |
deceased, late of said county, consisting ot.
fourn -'roes, THREE WOMEN & ONE
MAN. ami one FOURTH PART of an;
undivided tract of LAND, on Deep Crec-k, ;
adjoining William Penn and others, con- !
taining Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight ;
acres, more or less. Sold for the benefit I
of the creditors of said deceased. Terms j
will he made known on the day of sale.
Administratrix on the Personal Properly, j
and Administratrix with the Will annexed, ]
on the Ileal Estate,
December 17. 10 m2m
Will be sold o the FIRST TUESDAY n,
April next, oefore the court house door
in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order
j of the Honorable Inferior Court of said
county while sitting for ordinary purpo
| scs, ‘he following property, to wit:
One Traci of Land,
containing about six hundred and forty a
ercs, more or less, lying on the waters of
Kettle creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining
i lands of Bennett, Truitt, and others.—
Sold as the property of William H. Dan
iel, decease 1, late of said county, for the
benefit of the Minors, of said deceased.—
Terms made known on the day of sale.
KINDRED JACKS, guardian.
December 17 1840. iff tds
Pursuant to an onler of the Honorable thelnfe
ferior Court of Wiikes county, while sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court
House in Washington, on the First Tuesday
j in JANUARY next, the following property;
to wit,
ONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a kitchen
attached and a Grocery Store, now in the occu
pancy of Robert M. Moon ; ONE HOUSE, oc
cupied by Ur. Fickien, and Cotting & Butler;
ONE HOUSE, occupied by W. H. Moon, as a
Saddlery—all on Main-street.
Also, a HOUSE and LOT, comprising about
three acres, adjoining Daniel Lee and others.
Also, NINE NEGROES, among whom is an
excellent Bricklayer and Liasterer.
All being the property o; John Retail, deceased.
Teams—Twelve months credit, bond and se
curity being given.
LEWIS S. BROWN, \ Administra-
JOIIN H. HYSON, \ tors.
Nov. 2,18-40. [Nov. 12. 11. Con. f. In. Press.]
Will be sold at the Court House in C ssville,
Cass county, on the first Tuesday in Februa
ry next, agreeable to an order of ihe Honora
ble Inferior Court, of Wilkes county, while
sitting for ordinary purposes.
LOT OF LAND number 534, 19, 3, Cher
okee originally, now Cass county
On the same day, at Cuthbert, in Randolph co.
Lot number 210, m the fourth district, originally
Lee, now Randolph county.
At the Court House door in Wilkes county on
the name Jay (215) two hundred and fifteen a
cres of land, rnoio or less, on ,he waters of Clark’s
creek adjoining Lewis Moore, and others, rill
belonging to the estate of John Moore, deceased.
Term- made known on the day of sale.
J. I>. HAMMOCK, Adm’r.
December 3,1840. 9:—14.
Agreeable to an order of the Honorable the In
ferior Court cf Stewart county, while sitting as
a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the First
Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, at the Ccur;
House door in sad county, within the usual
Lours of sale,
A NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belong
ing to the Estate of A. ii. Shepherd, deceased-
Siid woman sold for die benefit of Lie heirs
and credit ‘s of said Estate.
Nov. 5, 1810. 10
Will be sold on the Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-house door, by order of
the Hon. die Inferior Court of Wilkes county,
between die legal hours oi sale, the following
properly; to-wit,
ALL that Tract or Parcel of Land, known as
he Crosby Tract, lying on the waters of Kittle
C, ‘ex, said county, belonging to the Estate of
William ii. Daniel, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased. Terms at time t f sale.
McJUNKIN, Administrator.
Nov. nMfcKI 12
On the First Tuesday u January, 1841, agree
able to the lasi, will and testament of Thomas
Dallas, deceased, late of L,,..-on county, will be
sold at the Court House door of said county,
i ‘HX HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or
less, be.: and lying on the waters of Soap
Creek,adjoining ia. ds o. Messrs. Guise,Merceer,
and Frazer. Terms made known on the day of
sale. WILLIAM DAI,LIS, Executor.
Nov 5, 1840. 10
w tl.KiiS . IL.ILi i S SALE.
IV i i.i ;•( i.I ii the Fir;-, T. c day in JA-
Nl'Aili net , before the Com. J.xl” :! . ■
in W.isliiiigl.i:!, 1 h*.\> cuuii'j, be ween the
usual . aie hours, the loLowing piiq/uiy ; tu
j r. i l’l.A I', i Eil IE IDS ‘uid Fi K.siTl l’.ii,
two \\ ALNVT FOIJ.IXG ’i AHLiL one
DLI., one : -\. 1, oi > '> t \:Y .I.’’ . i \.YD, six
UINiX-iOU CHAJiIH, cue iot t itOLKERY,
live Si'Ll l* BOTTOM I'ilAlltS, one sett
GEAE.. -klti,, cue t'OJEi.l LO ~i.s*(j
:. L. i o e lot oi i\ IT ’ 11L Xl l i ILN'llfli ix,
one S'i'OVL: all levied cu ... die property o.
Winiani G irvir., i.y virtue of a Ii Fa. Irani the
InferiorCour’ oi W.ikc.i county, on foreclosure
oi a mortgage, John T. Wootten &Cos. \x,. Wil
liam Garvin. i rojierty pointed ou< in Fi Fa.
F. R. ANDEREON, Sheriff!
Nov. 3, 1840. 10
\V . EKES .i: ill • LE .
Will bo sold on the Firs Tuesday in
UAKi ~v.v, l'C'i.'u'c the i ‘ lletiee Door,
between Tie legal sale iiouix, the followin' -
1 .open., to-wit:
A fcNE sot oi m.'.f igsny dining tables, G sjdit
bo.tom chairs, 0 (av’ bottom ditto, 1 rocking
elixir, 5 odd chairs, J optical glass, i portrait, 2
frame , 2 brass candlesticks, I iot glass ware, 2
l'ower poo--, 5 imitation .run, I lot pictures, 1
small chair, 2 astrol lamps, ] marble centre
laliic, 1 sido-'oearff, 1 wash bowl and pitclier, 1
lot crockery, 1 lot tin ware, i mantle glass, i lot
bottles, 1 pair brass t.Mirons, 1 pair kune boxes, 1
set tine knives and folks, 1 set .small waiters, 1
large cloth press, 1 lot Lt*l cloths, 1 stand, bed
curtains, 1 iot window curtains, 2 mahogany
bureaus, 2 looking gl: cs, 1 secretary; 2 wash
stands, 1 pair small andirons, 1 small table, 1
lot boohs, 1 child’s crilib, 3 bedsteads, 2 feather
beds, 2 tiia'rx. ses, 1 hearth rug, 1 work stand, 1
lady’s e iridic ami bridle, 1 bunch of feathers, 5
wash tables, 2 water pail?, 2 bread trays, 1 tea
kittle, 1 oven and lids, 2 pot?, 1 skillet, 1 grid
iron, 1 pair wafer irons, 1 pair waffle irons, 1 ba
ler, 1 dozen pair shoes, I roane horse, 1 spice
mortar, 1 col, 1 small bod and furniture, 1 lot wai
ters, lffd bunches factory thread, 1 iron chest, 1
large writing do k, 18 small shawls, 7 silk veils,
1 lot ribbons, 4 small pieces of silk, 12 pieces of
white muslin, 8 colored ditto, 1 ~iece striped cot
ton goods, 1 piece mole skin, 1 piece striped
drill, 1 small piece satinet, 5 pieces Circasian,
1 piece crape camblet, 3 pieces miiinet, 2 pieces
colored cambric, I piece red flume!, 1 small
piece calico, 1 lot flax thread, 1 piece white
crape, 1 piece black ditto, 8 pair kid skin gloves,
1 piece fringe, 1 box of lace, 1 lot suspenders, 1
box wreaths, 1 lot tuck combs, Hot side ditto,
1 lot wood ditto, 2 pocket books, 1 lot spectacle
cases, 3 shaving brushes, 1 lot buttons, 1 Jot
court plaster, 2 papers of pins, 1 box cur l ?, 2
bottles of macassar oil, 1 black cravat, 70 pall
et shoes assorted, 2 paper boxes, 1 portable desk,
1 large ink stand, 1 tin box, 3 split bottom chairs,
i shoe punch, 1 pair of steps, 1 lot of vvr.q ping pr.-
i per, 1 box wafers, 1 iot quills, 1 lot of plank.
Levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued frointue In
| Court ol Wilkes County, in favor of Wyiie,
j Lane & Cos. vs Lawrence & Foteet; and sundry
other Fi. Fas. against said Lawrence & I’eteet.
Property pointed out by Clieuo'h I‘c .cet.
| ONE TRACT of LAND, lying on the water;
1 of Beaver Creek, in said county, adjoining
lands of John Huguely, Samuel Jones, and
others, containing five hundred acres, more or
less: levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from
the Superior C’our - , Lawrence and Peteet vs.
Nathan Lyon and Frederick Lawrence ; and
sundry other Fi. Fas. against Lyon and Law
rence. Property pointed out by Nathan Lvoa.
One set Mahogany Dining Tables, 1 Astrol
Lamp, 1 Work-stand, 1 Bureau, 1 Wash-stand,
1 Ward-robe, I small Trunk, 1 large do., 2 fea
ther bods and furniture, 1 Matrass, 2 Bedsteads,
1 lot Bed-clothing, 4 Towels, 1 Wash-bowl ami
Pitcher, 1 Lcckmg-glacs, I Jjadleu’ Work-box,
; 1 bunch Feathers, 1 sot Window-curtains,! Rl
! ding-whip, 1 box Indelible Ink, 1 M mtie-glass,
I l Table-cloth, 2 pair Shovel and Tongs, 2 pair
! Andirons, 1 lot Glass-ware, 2 Waiiers, 1 Duet
mg-lrush, 2 pictures and frames, half dozen flpili
In.. . :ned Chairs, half dozen Car.e-bottamed do.,
I Rocking-chan - , 2 Carpets, 1 Hearth-rug, 1 lot
Book?, 1 lot Jars, 1 Bcrew-drivar,’a part of abbl.
. i. ;r, t ii.. Mediciues, 1 pair Sadii e-bags, J lot
boxes and contents, 2 small Table., 1 Wash
bowl and Pitcher, 1 Looking-glass, 1 thundcr
i mug, 2 Spurs, 2 Wash-tubs, 2 Water-buckets,
i pine Table, 1 Blanket, I Bread-tray, 1 Sifter,
1. iot kitchen furniture, 1 Axe, 1 box Salt, 2 jars
Lard, 1 large Jar, 3 pieces Bacon, 1 Meat-axe, 1
lot Cos; ‘,2 brass Candle-sticks, 1 Garden-rake, 1
Man’.; Gaddie, 1 lotCi, ar?, 1 iot ground Tcbac
! no, 1 lot Pickles, 1 lot Decanters and Contents,
1 lot Tamblers and Wine-glasses, 1 lot C .ss
jaru and contents, 2 tumbler Drainers, 1 Britan
nia Pitcher, 1 lot Friction-matches, i lo Cordials
m ‘ ottlos, 1 lot Porter, 1 lot. Malaga Wine in
bolide.-', I lot Preserves, 1 Shaving-box, 5 paint
sanccrx, 1 lot Teas, 1 lot variegated Soap, 1 lot
Tin-ware, 1 lot empty boxes, 2 Tobacco-cutters,
2Nu meg-grate;.- - , 1 lot Sait in boxes, llot Rai
sin?, 1 lot bar-soap, 1 Sign-board for bar-room, 1
lot Champagne Wine, 1 lo: Ginger, 1 lot Spice,
1 lot Pepper, 2 botkos Stoughton’s Bhters, 1 lot
Pipes, 1 bbl. Vinegar, 2 Pitchers, 1 iot water
buckets, 1 lot Bottles and Phials, 18 Counter
stands and contents, ia Liquor-stands and con
tents, 1 lot chewing Tobacco, 1 lot Starch, 1 lot
Copperas, 1 lot Madder, 1 Ice-box and Sign, 1
.ot empty barrels, 1 lot loaf Sugar, 1 Augur, 1
lot Garden Seeds, Hot Chains and Rope,'l lot
Nails, 2 pair Scales, 2 large Bn. he ?, 1 lotSpht
boto. med Chairs, 1 So;;d-oox and 2 Ink-stands,
1 glass Lant iern, 1 iot Shot, 1 lo t Jugs, Hot
IN ails, ai n 1 Grocery Sign, sold by an orde, of
Court, upon sundry attachments, to-wit: Darnel
L.e vs. Thomas H. Lawrence, H. McMillan vs.
Thomar 11. Lawrence, John B. Leonard vs.
Thomas I . Lawrence, this 10th N ..ember, IMO
G. W. JARKETf, Dep. She, - fi:
Nov. 19 12
Will be sold at the Court House door in Wash
ington, Wi kes county, on the First Tuesday
m January next, between the usual hours ot
sale, the following property, to w it:
One negro woman by the name ol’ Melia, a
bout 30 years of age; one negro woman by die
name of Mahala, abrut 22 years of age; one ne
gro Lov h\ the urine of George, about 18 years
of age ; one small boy by the name of Gi’lber,
about five years of age ; one crib oi com;, one in
i.crn bull, two cows and calves, one steer, ore
•by i.ow, one yoke of oxen, yoke and line, one
it cart, 10 pork bogs, three horses and 1 col:,
wo bridles, one trac* of land in said comity ,f
Vi ilkes, lying cn Ck.rk’t creek, adjoining IJfii
ard others, containing three hundred a id thirty
six acres, more M less; ali levied on by a: exe
c a tier: issued ironi the Inferior Court cf Will es
j (unity, in ihe name of John Wiikerson ve. Ar
ea,bald Little, and sundry other Fi. Fas agai -t
! said Little. Property pointed out by said Wii
kerson, this 24th November, 1840. .
One tract of LAND in said county, an the
] waters of Kettle creek, adjoining imms ut Kia
| died Jacks, Daniel, and otoc. - , coi.uiiniiig Cot’
| acres, more or Joss ; levied onto a ii. ia
j roui lire Superior Court, jcun Crosby vs. D.
: it. dcJvilii.., uC. ..I /■ tr.atur c, \V,..,ain it, jnri'i
| io', UCCL a “ I : Pr ycriv pointed out b’ - saiu V.
1 ,V UHunkin.
N cr 29, 1 —lO.
V iLKEi .* -. Gl. V', - j .’,i.
\'y •’ 1 ‘ su'd (~. ix. TiiC. v |.l J , v .
. . .i. :e:;t, al Court Ilruse Door, in the
town oi Washing’ it, iV.iae,. county, w,.iari
ilu . i.ii xac Inthe following proi 0 ,-,
to Wl t f
(1 ,e 1111! ;-E ami 1 J J i', in the town 01 vVa. ‘n
ingtoii, .q.icd ni i .anas i'. Willis, aiso me
’ iiCRhSE oc.cui icn lydio c-ul Wfiiis asaScre ,
noth ad|n; Burt on, ‘ ckn:, and odier.. ; alec,
j uiic oti'er sm:u. ri 1 1 )i(E lIOLEE, vi'oiy a - , u .
; pic.l by Lav. rente Cl Pec.?!. - ;, adjoining the above
named lot. All lev.otl on us the property 1 1
1 Lawrence &. I'e'.eot.
The STORE iIOS teEatid i.OT, formerly oe
: cupred by Thoi.ias 11., adjoining ‘.ii. -
above dcsev.bed lot?, John D. l'hoi..psoi', .1
•i.hcvj. Lot ed on a? the property oi Freder : ,- h j
. Lawrence.
. All fronting: (lie Public Square ii said town oi j
; Waslnxgtoii.
At the same tune and place,
‘i'lic ilOL'/iE ,ii - '! L< IT occupied by Clieuolii
Fcteet, fronting tlie ixix Churdt, adjoining
| Samuel Aifflrcny, Alfred L. Boren, and others.
1 Levied on as the property cfCkcnotli l'eteet.
At the same time and place,
ONE LOT, or Parcel of Laud in said roirxy
of Wilkes, adjoining Jesse Callaway , Micajah T.
Anthony, and Thomas Serranos, containing
twenty-four acres, more or less : levied on as the
property of & Pc'eet.
Ail the above prt perty iet.ed cn to satisfy sun
dry Fi. Fas. issued from tlie Superior Court of
Wilkes county, in tlie name of Parker Callaway,
and Charles L. Bolton , and two in favor oi Clarke,
McTier & Cos, vs. said Lawrence & l'eteet.
Properly {minted out by Clienoih Pc'.eet.
TUGS. R. E'L'SON, Deputy Slieriffi
Nov. 19, 1840. 12
Will be so don tlie FIRST TUESDAY in Jan
uary next, at the Court House door in the
town of Washington, Wilkes County, the fol
lowing property ; to wit:
Cine tract of’LAND containing two hun
dred and (iffy acres, more or less, adjoin
ing lands of John L. Wynn, and others;
levied on as tbe property of John H. But
ler, by virtue of a fi. fa. from Elbert In
ferior Court, William Hubbard, indorsee,
vs. Nathan Butler, maker, and John 11.
Butler, indorser: property pointed out by
John 11. Butler.
One tract of LAND adjoining Western j
j G. Williams and others, containing one
j hundred acres, more or less ; levied on as
the property of George Turner, by virtue
of a fi. fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court,
William Pool vs. George Turner; proper
ty pointed out by A. I). Statham.
E. It. ANDERSON, Sheriff 1 .
November 30, 1840.
w— ——*.* —k rntnu wwwie
‘a£Mz®B O&160.
Will 1 e sold at the Court House door in the
town ol’ Washington, on the hr..: Tuesday in
February next, between the usual hours cf
?:ve, iho following property ; to wit,
One negro man named Larkin, about 23
years of age; Eugenia a woman, about
j 20 years of age; Earn a boy, aboui 27 year?
old; Rachel a girl, about 16 years old;
Lucy a girl, about IG years old; Charles
a boy, about 12 years old ; Clarissa a girl,
about 14 years old ; Nancy a girl, about
6 years old ; Tom a boy, about 8 years old ;
Cyrus a boy, about 3 years old ; Lucinda
a girl, about 10 years old ; Caty a girl, a
bout 10 days old ; 2 road wagons, one ox
wa on, one eait, one pleasure carriage,
two sets of wagon harness, twenty sets of
plough gear, 20 ploughs, 600 barrels corn,
20 stacks fodder, 20,0091bs oats, 50 bags
cotton,, one cotton gin, one negro man by
the name of Jim, one woman by the name
ofSuckcy, about 50 years of age ; Ander
son a boy, about 14 years old ; Bill a man
about 25 years old ; Green a boy, about 20
years old ; George a man, about 30 years
old ; Mary a woman, abou, 30 years old ;
Nicholas a boy, about 10 years old ; Lou
isa a girl, about 12 years old; Sophia a
girl, about 8 years old ; and two small
children of the same family ; Frank a man
about 26 years old ; Rosanna a woman,
about 23 years old ; Cynthia a girl, about
20 years old ; iluldah a girl, about 20
years old ; George a, about 40 years
old ; Susa a woman, about 33 years old ;
Edmund a man, about 33 years old ; Gin
nett a woman, about 28 years old ; Ed
mond a boy, about 12 years old; Sarah
Anna girl, about 14 years old: John a
boy, about 10 years old i Emily a gril,
about seven years old ; Ben, a boy, a
bout one yeat old ; Hetty a girl, about 4
i yparsold ; Rachel a woman, about 50 years
j old ; Silvy a woman, about 56 years old ;
j Laeassey a girl, about 12 years old ; Mil-
I ly a girl, about 16 years old ; Ann a girl,
’ about 14 years old ; Adeline ogirl, about
12 years old ; Harry a boy, about 2 years
old ; Burwell a man, about 28 years old ;
Jerry a man, about 25 years old; Ned :
boy, about 10 years old; Silvy a girl, a
bout 8 years old ; John Henry a boy about
oue year old ; Hester a giri, about three
years old ; Sarah a woman, about 25 years
old ; Sam a boy, about 10 years olu ; Sun
ders ahoy, about 8 years old; Frank a
boy, about six years old ; Sophia a girl,
about two years old ; Mitchcl a boy, about
nine years old; Claiborne a man, aboi.f
22 years old ; Dick a boy, about >8 years
old ; Ned a boy, about 16 years old ; Her
eules a man, about 46 years old; and an
o‘heinamed Hercules, abou: 20 years old;
Esther a woman, about 46 years old; Dol
ly a girl, about eighteen veara old; Fan
ny a girl, about 16 years old; Surah?
girl, about 14 years old ; Julia a girl, a
bout 12 years old; Abram a boy, pbcut 10
years old; r-i *". - o other small children
of tho snne family , Stephen a man, a’.i.ut
30 years oH Gorhnia a woman, about 30
years old : Reuben a boy, about 2 year?
old ; George a boy, about 6 months o'd; |
Oliver a boy, about 4 years 0 ,i; Frances |
a girl, about one year old; Caroline a !
; irl, about (1 years eld ; eight beds, bed- |
steads and furniture, half dozen mahoyony j
• hairs, one rocking chair, half doz. cane
bottom chairs, ouo sofa, one bureau, one I
set tallies, one folding (able, three birch [
tables, one end a half dozen split bottom
cliai's, one spinning machine, one lot „f’
crockery ware, cue lot kitchen ware, four j
I, air shovel and tongs, one large mantle 1
glass, one astral lamp, twenty head ( (
horses, live colts, 7 mules, two hundred
mid fifty head of hogs, eiglnv head of cat
tle, fifty head of sheep, and 2 tea tables;
levied on as tbe property ol Clrnoth Pc
-1 u;o satisfy u fi. fa. on the foreclosure of
a mortgage, Daniel Lee, vs. said Peteet,
pro] rtv pointed out in said fi. fa.—Proper
ly left, in possession of defendant by order *
ofthc plaintiff.
GEO. W. J .Hi RETT, 0. s.
November 28, 1840.
saeimfTf •. > mrtraawawn. ~*r i hbi<r—Wß*g
/ riv.-i.CI - ...AG ax ~ ai JJi
IN J AN u ARY. j
Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in!
January next, at tlie Court House door J
in Elbert county, between the legal hours
of sale, :1. following property to >vit:
All die INTEREST of Henvy if. Cosby
and John T. Clark in the house and lot sit
uated in the town ofElbcrton, lately occu
pied by Elcnry H. Cosby ; 10 Siiiisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of William Mills vs. said Cos
by, and Thomas F. Willis and Madison
Hudson,administrators ofsaid Jno.T.Clark,
deceased, and sundry other fi. la’s, vs
said Cosby and the administrators of said
Clark. also,
At the same time and place, one Gray
Horse, about ten years old, and one hun
dred acres of Land, more or less, on the
waters of big Coid water creek ; to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Oliver, vs. John
At the same time and place, one hun
dred and fi fly acres of Land, more or less, I
on tbe waters of North lleaverdam creek, j
ibnr cows and yearlings, about thirty bead
of sheep, and twenty barrels of corn, tnoro
or less ; levies! on as the property of Tho
mas Keynes arid William D. Haynes, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Gabriel Booth
vs. said Thomas Haynes and William D.
Haynes, and sundry other fi. fa’s. V3. said
Thomas and William D. Ilaynes.
At the same time and place, one Sorrel
Mare, eight years old, one forty-saw col
ton gin, one iot castings (38 pieces.) and
twenty-five barrels corn, more or less; le
vied un as the property of Wiley Nelms, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James B. Bish
op, and sundry other fi. fa’s vs. said Nelms.
At the same time and place, three hun
dred and seventy acres of Land, adjoining
lands of Moses Manley and others, on the
waters of Beaverdam creek; levied on as
die property of Angus Johnson, to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of Snowden & Shear, and
sundry other fi. fa’s vs. said Johnson.
At tho same time and place, one negro
man named Dennis, eighteen years old;
levied on as the property of William B.
Dudley, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John
J. Huggins vs. said Dudley, and sundry
other fi. fa’s vs. said Dudley.
WM. 11. ADAMS, Sheriff.
Nov'-mb r 27, 1819.
Will be sold on tho first TUESDAY in
January next, at the Court House door j
in Elbert county, within the legal sale |
hours, the following property, to wit:
A negro girl named Frances, about 13 !
years old, and one hundred and ninety-six
and a quarter acres of land, more or less;
all levied on as ’he property of William
Bell* to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jcmes
Oliver, and sundry fi. fa’s from Justices’
courts —the negro pointed out by Janies
Oliver, and the land levied on by a Con
stable, and pointed out by the defendant.
At tbe same time and place, a negro
woman named Eliza, about twenty years
old, and three hundred acres of land, more
or less, on the waters of Falling creek:
lcvied on as tbe property of Jacob Cox, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Juhr. A. 11.
Harper (bearer.) vs. Jacob Cox and Clem
ent Wilkins security on stay of execution :
Property pointed out by Y T . L. G. Harris,
plaintiff’s attorney.
At the same time and place, one BAY’
HORSE, about eight years old ; levied on
as the property of Oliver Craw lord, to sat
isfy a fi. la. in favor of Lindsay Oglesby,
vs. said Crawford: Property pointed out
by defendant..
November 26, 1840.
Wili be sold on the first TUESDAY’ in
January next, at the Court House door
of Elbert county, between the usual sale
hours, the following property, to v. it:
Three NEGROES, tho property of Al
fred i'd. Neal, one by the name of Jim, a
boy, sixteen years old; Richard and Vi
anna, nine years old ; levied on to satisfy
■i. fa’s. vs. said Alfred M. Neal.
I'll re 2 NEGROES, as the property of
James Prather, one a woman, by the name
of Nancy, one a girl by the name of Rose,
and the oihr a boy, by the name of Henry;
levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fa’s. vs. said
James Prather.
One yoke of Oxen, one cart, one clay
bank mare, and one bay mare ; levied on
as the properly of John Famt .-r, to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of John Jones vs. said John
Farmer. also,
Two hundred ae-es of Land, more or
less, on the waters of Cold water creek, ad
joining lands of Ralph Gaines and others ;
levied on as the property of Reuben Wans
| lew, to satisfy sundry fi. fa’s. vs. said
I lv. übt'n Wanslew.
All the legal INTEREST of Allen Mc-
I Gee m one hundred and ninety-six acres
j of hind, on tbe v ateis of Coidvuter creek,
I adjoining lands ol Jnrros Carpenter nnd o
| thers, to satiety n fi fa. in favor c. Willi-
I am White, vs. said Alien JvieGee.
WM. JOHNS PON, n. s.
I November 30, 1840.’
ELP.... I gALE,
Will be sold uu tbe first TUESDAY ill Fe
buary next, at the Court House do n - in
in Elbert county, within ihe legal hours
ot sale, the following property to wit:
Throe NEGROES, Lace und Elbert,
men, an . Amy a woman ; le,\ ird on os the
property of John Beck, to satisfy a mort
i gage fi. fa. in favor of Lindsey Harper vs.
I said John Heck: Property pointed out in
| said ii. fa.
WM. JOHNSTON, and. s.
I November 27, 1040.
i U. - v ?'* (J i jiJsL
i'u Irciitors and Creditors.
Alt, jiersoi.ii indebted to ihe Estate ol JAMES
j C. TALBOT, deceased, are required to make
immediate payment; and thoce having demands
against the said Esia’e, are notified to present
them within the time prescribed by law.
SAR-11l TALBOT, Adm’x.
December 10,1840. (>i 15
Td Debtors and Creditors.
All persons indebted to the Estate of
required to make immediate payment; and
j those having demands against the said Es
tate, are notified to present them within the
time prtscribed by law. ANN ARNETT.
.Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix,
To Debtors and Creditors.
All pe sons indebted to the Estate of MIL
DRED CARLETON, deceased, are re
quested to make immediate payment ; and
those having demands against the said Es
j fate, are notified io present them within the
j time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT,
Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix.
Tv anti Creditors.
ALL persons having demands against
the estate of JOHN T. DENT, deceased,
late of Wilkes county, are required to pre
sent them, well authenticated, within the
time prescribed by law, —and those indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment.
TilO/vIAS BLAKEY’, Adm’r.
December 3, 1840. 14—6 t
JdOt.'K Months after da'e, application will be
made to the Hon. the Interior Court of
Stewart county, while sitting as a Com! of Ordi
nary, x.r leave to sell a NEGRO WOMAN,
named Laura, belonging to the ESTATE cf A.
11. SHEPHERD, deceased. Said woman sold
for the benefit oi’ the heirs and creditors of said
Estate. JAMES M. SMYTHE, Adm’tor.
Washington, Wilkes, Oct. 8, 1840. (6)
C*OUIt Months after date, application wi.i be
inane to the Hou. the In erior Court otLibert
county, while sitting tin ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell alt the LANDS belonging to the
ESTATE ot JOHN M. WHITE, seu., deceased,
iate of Elbert county. EPPY WHITE,
Adm. on the Real Estate.
October 29, 1840. 9
“K'OI RMi hs 1 . te, a ‘. c.;;.om will be
” made to the Hu.iorablo the Inferior Court of
Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court ot Oidi
-1 ary, for leave to sell a PART of the REAL
ceased, late of said county.
D. W. McJUNKIN. Admin.
Oct 29, 1840. 0
; iL'O..R Month? alter da’e, appl.cation will be
made to the lioi.orai’le the Inferior Court of
v\ iikes county, while sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to soli a LEG EG GIRI,, named
Charily, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL
LIAM GRESHAM, dee.evod.
trator with the will annexed.
October 29, 1840. 9 4m.
UEORUIA : i Ihrff HERE AS Lew:, s".
W.v.Vas County. > * * Brown and John 11.
me for Letters dioirussory from the ESTATE
of HARRIS SANDIFORD, deceased :
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindreu and
creditors cf said deceased, to he and appear at my
office within the time prescribed Ly law, to show
cause, (if any they hate,) why said letters should
not bo granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 11th of
August, 1310. John m. and ysgn, c. v. u.
(Nov. 12. 11. 2:. Conti, from Indep. Press.)
(JJiOllirt.i, .. V* / L.EREAS >a unuel Bar-
XVilhes County. > “ uelt applies rnr Letters
} dismissory as Guardian for
Elizabeth H. Worsham.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred
and creditors ofsaid deceased,; be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should noi be gramed.
Given under my hand at office, this 24th of
j >y, 1840. JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk,
(lourt of (Ordinary.
[Not. 12. 11. It. Contia. 1 r.,:n indep. Frees.]
G GOT 67.1, IVSfHEREAS Hugh Ward’
Wilkes Con,Ul.> ”” Viminiatrtaor crr.heES
QUINLAN, deceased, applies for Letters of
dismission'"■re • HErtate.
These am, .G ieure, to cite, summon,
and admonish, axi r.i J singular, the kindred
and creditors ol su'd deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
ia-.v, to show cause, (it any they have,) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand nr office, this 7th day of
September, 1840. JOHN 11. DYSON,
Clerk Court of Ordinary.
[Nov. 12. 11. 3t. Con. from Incep. Press.]
W.ll bo sold on Thursday the 31st day of De
cember next, ai ihe resi lence of the late Mrs.
Benedict Ann Crews, is YV.ikcs county, all the
peri, hab.e property ofid deceased, consisting
or Household and Kitchen i'urmtuu. Plantation
Utensils, together wi.ii tbe crop of Co:!, - ; , Corn,
Fodder, Oats, Potatoes, ’Has, &c. ’J er rs, all
sums under $5. cash, over that sum 12 months
credit. ELIZA MANKIN Adm’x.
Nov 20 18