The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, February 21, 1856, Image 3
JjLUMBUS PRICES current. conateTEU ‘vr.cM.v. A i;.\( i— KcutUCJty ?>■'■ * li- ’ Hast India t 1 i.' 1 ••• <ft li jiolM-:—Kentucky rtf 11 ,<e . J-!s ■ it tt) 18 (m 20 £ £ S m-'FKK f j[ J <* *® M f'K; J 8 & a Laguira tt lu l.i (ft Hi fl, sjb’l 50 (a* 00 Bk> k<tic ‘goods— w4l :<S> ■ “ ODttou Ddiiabuigs Fyd 11 a/Brown Shirting ‘$ yd 0 <£’ 8 4-1 Brown Shirting “fi vd S (ft 10 ■ nog F- *h dO (ft 50 *1 Mackerel No. 1 fcW :V*o 00 sj2e 00 X 0.2 #|M 14 00 @l2O 00 No. $,•••••••• j fBId iOO (ftdlo 00 S ... .%itbl! to 00 (ft|l2 00 Mi i.i'rtVOKll t* kg (ft: tt ho Kjs-ffiy. ••••* 8 f j *> |@| ... Bvveile ■ tft Jt* o vft y.i I 51,c0t ?“*. .•* J rht <>o ((. ~i ■ ts<KS Van do (. 50 Oil ‘--Linseed ** K\ ’ : : : 1(8 ! fl I,'ird jf'S V 1 -• @ I hO **■ •••* I ::: 9 i. r i, m . r 1 lb i 15 ( 16 ■ ‘jiams ¥lh f2V.r’ 14 9 Sides I*o’ 14 i <ii,mlil(‘rt fib ih*@ 12k. ; ■, mK _'|ess fsl ••• < M prime ~ jf bt fe ... M #| , |?lb 14 S ...'nlldoyiloii E 1 It’ US S 34 Country VO’ 23 (o 00 jM tlb 15 To. 10 r.;.;;ii-swooi n,i go < so liisli r l>T 4 50 ‘<s 500 rsk I 50 (ft 175 JMilMi'liVi: .. flb 20 !J 25 aMITl's Brandy,Cognac Cs 1 225 (ft 800 Aincricilu... l’ g'l 05 (o 1 00 I'eaoh r g'l <b 1 6o fl tiiii —Holland .I*o*l 125 |fe. 250 Aniericau |t f :g! 75 @1 00 limn— Jiuimicn fjgl 200 (u 000 New Knghiiul..., fig 1 75 ,(u 1 00 Whiskey—KectifleU f|g]l 00 (ft 75 Common f g'l ... j@j Monong'o.... ifg'l 75 (ft 160 •irtilirs TUlim-TINK ... (ft 100 ;F1 Kl, -Blow ••• @ 10 m If!#* -. i© 22 (iermim 15 American rtb ... @ 10 Knglisli Blister .fib ... (ft: 15 -TTI. Ml—New Orleans ftb j Hi (ft 1212 1 ‘f’ boas. 12U ; @ 15 Crualied f tt J ('’ 14 I’ulvcrir.inl r;ft> 12 TAI.bOIV 10 j@| 12J4 i .f lb SO (ft, 200 r, a(!f!0 —Common fib 12J4<® 15 14 Fair flb 20 j@ 30 Choice fib 7,0 ■ (ft, 75 |\|.; ftb 25 J(ft VI |HOAR —Apple f b'l, 0 50 7 50 W ITB bEAI) 7* tb 275 ; <ft .3 25 TO! KS—Port if|g'l| 1 50 j@; 300 Madeira if g’l, 1 50 5 00 Claret..., ; ¥ gT 300 M, 500 Champagne fbk 1 00 (ft 20 00 \F(JdI fib! . 15 (ft 23 jIATES OP EXCHANGE. COKRECTED BY TV. E. LOVE .t CO. LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .NO. 04 BROAD STREET. BVYI.V.i RATES. SU.IJMi KATES. X*W York. 60 days IJ4 ‘# ct. dis sight. pi-eni PinUD'A. •• - it* fet-.di* •• none j Son. •• I>4 V rt. dis none i OautK i,e-ton *• “ none. •• none SSkieaxs “ •• „.uoue. none j AMua:.[A Bank Notes 2. f rt. tlis ; KmueKv ■■ ct.<H | Virginia •• 2 %'ct.dis ; OOlli AND SILA’ER 1 fl Ct. pill ,UL Solvent (Jkorgia and IS. C. Hanks par i “( FRESH SUPPIjIEJS. •t\J BOXES Fresh Raisins : J” Barrels Mercer Potatoes: 9'reserved Fruit in Cans: A’ lair article of Green and Black Tea— ‘ •I*t received and for sale bv l)niarv ti. MARCUS & CHAFFIN. ■PFICE MUSCOOEE R. R. COMPANY, COLL'MBUS, FEBKUARY 11. 1850. f'l’ A MEETING of Directors held this day, a Divi dend of Four Dollars a share was declared on the •ral Stock of the Company, payable on and after the ■I March, at their office, and at tire office of IV. I*. ter. Esq., Savannah, on stock registered there. D. ADAMS, Treasurer. i COPARTNERSHIP. KYLE, EVERETT & CO. inKsubscribers,Buecessow to Messrs. J. A J. KYLE. X have this day formed a Copartnership, under the above name and style, for the purpose of transacting the t>RY GOODS BUSINESS, in llii< brunches, at the old stand of .1. .V J. Kyle, .No. i 1( ) Broad Street, where they will he glad to see their j “Wjfustomers and friends. JOHN KYLE. ,I AMES M. EVERETT. John c. CAurov.N. M in. 1, 1856. F. 0. JOHNSON. f , '..lumhiis. Jan 21 If 1 COPARTNEIISHIP NOTICE. J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, IjAVE associated with them Mr. .T. A. Girduer. and i XI will continue the I Clothing and Tailoring Business at their old stand, under the style of J. 11. Daniel it Cos. also take this method of returning their thanks ‘ Wf-ir numerous friends and customers for the very •■i id patrhuage extended to them during the past year, j hope hy renewed exertions to merit tile confidence anffavur of tlie trading public. Jb bile tlie new firm will spare no efforts to minister to liitkants of their patrons, it is hoped that those indcld ■■djill not lie unmindful of their accounts unsettled, tliose indebted to .1. 11. Daniel on his old business. wJii"ipootfiilly notified that this is tlie lust rail. January 24. ts TO THE PUBLIC. •IK trading public who liave hitherto patronized the XI Titov FACTORY, will please take notice tliat \V. K. ‘'fins is uo longer connected or associated ill any mnn nedWhatever with the business of the establishment.— JBntsiness hereafter will be traiisacted exclusively with nitre,.lves at mu’ Ware-Rooms. It. G. JEFFERSON & CO. -"I'll'. 0,1, 25. --ts S FITTING AND GAN FIXTURES. r !'■’ are prepared to do gas fitting in till its branches. *1 A large and fine assortment of Chandaliers and Gas Burners efjiery deserlptlnu suit aide for stores and dwellings at mwpiiees. j). p. THOMPSON A CO. __ M ONIONS. J liarnds barge lied Onions, received and for side l>y JAMES bIGON. S t'. BHAPAUI) (j. C. MITCHELL. NIIAPARO & MITCHELL, WHOLESALE CVXVOCEUS, Iworwarding and Commission Merchants, ami denlers in i M ... IRON, CASTINGS, &i-., >ol, of ||„. Public Square. Shelbyville, Tennessee. References. B ‘eymore. Fanning ,t Cos.. | ill; * B. Douglass A Cos., | ll> 1 imilli Brother. Nashville. Tennessee. I.nni. r Si IMilllips. Invis. IMklier A Go. R. Wnllnee & Brother. 1 , ■ K. Williams A Cos. ) Atlunti.-t,.!. ■ ‘•ranvillp. SampK* Cos., Tonfi. ■ Hi-Caiiy { { .jonos. Macon, Oa. ■ I*. Hull & Cos.. Cnliinibus, On. ■* ■ A. Annley. ( . . H 8 Ip ill) A Go. | Augusta. <.,i. ■ ‘orstille it Frierson. Bavannult, Ga. I ‘inqierd, McCray A Clmrlestoo, S. C, •'bruary 8. 1850. fan loi NTRV BI TTER, POULTRY. Am . 4 i “xi eliei.t article of Country Butter. POULTRY, •ft* Ac. for sale at J. ,1. TODD'S, r , DISSOLUTION. lt>. BROOKS A CAR RIO Est. iiavilig dissolved their Xf liurtnerslilpfrimi and nfterthe first day of January “'*ll now m’eupy separate I,ut adjacent offices at their where persons indebted to them ran find their *V>onts for settlement. T. J. BROOKS. Mebruarv 13 J H. CAR Rio ER LOOK AT THIS! isoo prizes7^bo 3 000. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! Ry Authority of the Stnte of Georgia. 10,000 Numbers! 1 Prize to S Tickets! CLASS K. To lie Drawn MtU'Ch 13, 1850, At Concert Hull, Macon. Georgia, under the sworn super intendence ofGol. George VI. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Esqr. The Manager having announced his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in tlie world, oilers for March 15tli, a scheme that far surpasses any scheme ever offered in the annuls of Lotteries, book hi your in terest. Examine tlie capitals, one prize to everv cmlit tickets. J ° CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! * Prize of *15.000 1 “ 2.000 5 Prizoaof *100(1 are 5.000 l' l “ 500 “ 5.000 66 “ 50 .. ‘.. A a.. 5 (too t2O •• 25 “ 3.000 500 Approx. Prizes of 2o lo.ihio 500 • <• JO “ S.(MXI 12nd Prizes amounting to $60,000. Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Prizes puyable without deduction. Persons sending money by mail ueed not fear its lining lost. Orders jutne tiinlly attended to. Communications confidential. Bunk Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings scut to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular number’ should order immediately. 676-Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Fell, l.i-td Macon. Ga. \V. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! r |MIE subscribers have now 011 hand and 1 yJC k a . X are constantly receiving, one of tlie larg est and most varied Stocks of Vehicles ever Offered, and made expressly for this market, embracing every style of CaiTiage in use, such as— Caleclies, Berlin Coaches, Barouches, (Os tlie Finest Finish.) FAMILY KOCKAWAYS, Large and small, including many very light and tasty, suitable tor one horse. 15 OW TOP WAGONS, With a complete assortment of BUGGTES with and without TOPS, Os every style and finish, which, for durability and neat ness, cannot be excelled, and are from most respect able manufaeturies at the North, and made under the personal direction of Mr. J. It. Jaques. All of which we are selling at the very lowest rates for cnslt or ap proved credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted in every respect, and our customers and all purchasers can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—in proof of v hieh we respectfully invite the attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on its at tlie North-East corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, opposite tile Per ry House. J. It. J AIRIES ,V BROTHER. N. B.—Having a regular set of northern Car riage “Workmen employed, we are ['reparoil to execute lie pairing of every kind in the best possible mariner with neatness andllispateh. at low rates, at .1. li. JAQI'ES ,V BROTHER'S f’ arrtage He posit or y, North East corner 1 igletlairpe and Bryan streets, oppo site the Pern House. Columbus. Ga. February ii. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. r |MIE firm heretofore existinglicfwo,*n tlie subscribers X under the name of Vernoy. Eetor ,k Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm wiil please make payment to Seaborn Jones or James Vernoy, who are authorized to. settle and collect the.same; and persons bolding claims against said firm will present them to said Jones ,fc \ernov for payment. SEABORN JONES. J. T. ECTOR. Columbus, Ga., Jan, 15. 3m JAMES YKItNOV. The business will hereafter be continued In JAMES VERNOY A CO. J. FOGLE, ■ -imp- DENTIST. OFFICE on Randolph, near Broad Street. Entrance on Randolph street. January 15. lv CUSHMAN, DENTIST. WINTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus. Georgia. I I r Jan. 11. I85(i. 2ni THE CLAYTON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cn., Ain. BV KIESER & POST. mins Paper possesses a large circulation in the coiln- X ties of Barbour, Pike, Dale, Henry and Coffee; uml to the merchants of Columbus is offered an excellent op portunity to make known their business. J. 11. HULL & CO., GHOCBHY MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN BAGGING. Rope, Twine, ringin', Cotter, Molasses. Salt, Teus. Cigars. Tobacco, Wines. Brandies, Gin. Rye. Monongoliela, Bourbon, and Scotch Whiskey, and Pro visions and Groceries generally, at the old stand of John J. McKendree, No. 10'J. Broad Street, ('omnibus. Ga. November 21.1855. ly SCRUGGS, DRAKE & CO, Factors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. CELLA & THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c., No. 42 Broad Street, (Under Telegraph Office.) COLUMBCS, GEORGIA. fIMIEY arc in constant receiptof Confectionery, I Fruits, Nuts, &C., which they offer to the pub lic at reasonable rates. Country dealers would do well to give us a call. No charge for packing. Nov. 5, 1855. —6111 BARRINGER &. MORTON’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, OGLETHORPE STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. MHIIS .Manufactory has been i> in successful operation I for over three years, and is still continued. All work will be done by experienced workmen, with good quality of lumber, and the latest improved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOOKS, Will be furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sasb — 8 x 10.- 7 cts Primed and Grazed... 12D cts. 10 x 12... !• “ “ “ ...IS ‘ •• 12 X 14 *’ ■’ ‘• ...25 *• 12x16... 11 •• *’ •’ ...27 12x18...12” *• “ ...30 “ 12 x 20... 14 - “ ...35 o 12x22... 10” *• ...40 12 x 24...18 “ “ •- ...45 The above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain. In all rases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light w ill be added. All Sash glazed with good French Glass, primed with the host Paint, and superior Putty. Rolling Blinds for Windows. 60 cents per foot, measuring the length, A window five feet would cost i S3, without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOORS. \'/i inch thick, without moulding, $2 50—moulding one side. S3 00—moulding both sides, $3 50. V’/i inch thick, without moulding. 2 75—moulding one side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. 1 ]/, inch thieli. 4 pan nets moulding oil 011 c side, *3 50— moulding both sides, si 00. 1% Inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, *4 00— moulding both sides, $4 50. In addition to the above. Blinds painted anil furnished with binges and catches, if desired; also, Sasb glazed with German or French plate, painted, stained, cname - |d, embossed aud Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors, for side aud transom lights and office windows. Plans and specifications for all descriptions of Imindings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made for construction and erection of build ings. on reasonable terms. All kinds of lumber planed, and llooring and ceiling tongucd ami grooved. Scroll mid other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cottages, Green Houses. Ac., made to order. The proprietors being praetieul mechanics and builders, believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may , favor them with orders. •VJ-AU tlie above work w ill be furnished at short notice. dash kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with the cuwli. or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to be sent by the River, Rail Road, or in Wagon*. V. ill he at the risk of tlie purchaser, ns tin. work will lw considered delivered. Jt f*~Snerlnl rent facts can be tnndo for larg,’ jobs. M. BARRINGER, January 24. ly J- h. MORTON. A HOOD MEDIUM—EAST ALABAMA. THE AUBURN GAZETTE Slaughter & Holifield, Auburn, Ala. (10LUMBF8 Merchants will consult their interest by . yuvailing themselves of the Gazette to make know n their business. It enjoys a very Urge and Increasing cir* dilation in a region of country Hint doesa heavy trade in 1 Columbus I'** 1 ’ REMOVAL. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. SAMMIS A KODAK A, Have removed their extensive stock of Furniture to their (IRON FRONT,) New Four Story Brick Building, Nearly opposite their Old Stand. \\T HERE they will be happy to see their friends and ly customer- and show them something brilliant and inviting in the way of Furniture. Our iVare-Koo 111s are unequalled in Beauty, and our Furniture leultotdw. We offer rare advantages to pur chasers, furnishing houses throughout in a tasteful aud uuUbrm style, by having a branch of our business in New York city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under | his own eye, articles lo suit the most fastidious. We have on hand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen Ac., of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, l’ino, Ac.: Hildas Low as can be found North or South. An assort ment of CARPETING AND CURTAINS, will also be on band, that will not fail to please, ( all i and see. Our stock consists in part of Eterxshis, Tele a Teles, YViiut Nats, Ann Chairs, and Sofas, of Rose-Wood, Ili'ociUel!e and Mahogany, for Parlors. Bureaus, Dressing, Marble and .Mahogany Tope. SHlc-Boav<la—Marble and Mahogany Tops, 1 Book fuses ot all kinds and Secretaries attached. | Tables—Centre, Dining, Work and Extension. Bedsteads—High and low post. French and Cottage. Enamel Sets for Red Rooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma hogany Sets for Bed Rooms. Chairs—an extensive assortment, of all wood.-. Looking Glasses—all sizes, in frames sad out. Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Ac. Curtains—of Broeatcfle and Damask, all color-. Shades—Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, 1856. A. K. AVER, l iEN IjaliAlj ACtIiNT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING And Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West Side Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. j IKiTart irulur at tent ion given to the keeping, purchase uml sale of Negroes, -ttsj'AdminUt la tors’ and Executors’ sales attended t<i on reasonable terms. Get 23. ly .1. O. RUSK. J. 11. DAVIS. W. H. I.flMl. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, j COMMISSION MERCHANTS Arid Shipping Agents, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. \\T ILL purchase and sell cotton and other produce on Ts commission, aud strictly attend to forwarding goods and tilling orders from the country. Ruse, Patten A Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal advances will bo made on consignments either to or through 11s to our friends in Liverpool or the North. •Tan. 10 ly LAMPKIN HOTEL. Lumpkin, Stewart County, Geo. rnilE above Hotel has been thoroughly reiiova- n n X tod and re-furnished. The undersigned fr.” thankful for past favors will take pleasure in ac- H hi a IT: I comniodating all those who may favor him “ *M ~l their patronage. P. bAMPKIN, Deo 3 Proprietor. TO RENT. A COMFORTABLE Uesidencein the 6th Ward, >■ -A, 1 V with 3 neat rooms, good kitchen, smoke- lijjjjjjl house, stable, and the best water in tlie City, Apply at this Office. Jan 2!i INSURANCE. 1,1 IKE. .MARINE, RIVER, and LIFE IHBKS taken in _ l ompiinu'H by •I.OIIN Ap*nf. Olli.v N<>. *J.. over K. liuniai’d k Co.’s Phoenix. Insurance Company—Capital 5200,6ihl S. t„ I.GOMIS. Prosidont. JOHN .MIiNN, Agent. Columbus. Ga.. Nov 27. If HALLOAVELL THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, THIRD DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAD STREET. I Columbus, Georgia, ORDERS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Miutresses. promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens of Columbus and vicinity, is respectfully solicited. October 29.1805. 1 y FARMERS’ AND EXCHANGE BANK, OE CHARLESTON, S. C. Agency at Columbus, 1) I LL>S on New York. Boston. Philadelphia, Charleston. 1 Savannah, or Augusta, discounted at customary rates. SIGHT EXCHANGE, on tlie above named cities, foi sale. E. T. TAYLOIt, Agent. Nov 15. dtf Office next door to tlie Post Office. COAL YARD. miIOSE wishing COAL for Grates, can be supplied at X sl3 pyr Ton. bv calling on JOHN W. HOWARD. Nov 27 Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. GIDDXjE’S Fashionable Daguirrcau Gallery. MR. A. J. RIDDLE is considered by ull the critics and best judges of the art, to be the most scientific Daguerrcan Artist in the Southern country, augl H-ts COW PEAS. £7/ 1 Bushel- Cow Pens, received and for sale by vXU JAMES LI (ION. lUI IR & SONS SPARKLING HE. Y CASKS Just received and lor sale at STOVE LI/S CONFECTIONERY. Deo. 11. Ogletfiorji* House. HO A RUIN 14. V SMALL FAMILY can obtain board and a comfort able room, bv earlv application at ! Jan. 7. ‘DE WOLF'S BOARDING HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED. OA BARRELS APPLES: £/•) 50 barrels Planting Potatoes^: 25 •• Onions: in - 1 Criuiliurriue. A. ,M. HULL, janJ. 1856 14 Broad st. I • DR. 11. M. CLEI'KLEY HAS removed his office to No. 126 Broad Street, front room over Perry Spencer's Grocery Store. Office hours, from half after eight to ten o'clock a. m. and from four to five o'clock p. to. January 18. ts FINE AND COMMON TOBACCO. JUST received and for sale, low for cash ov approved credit. 30 hoxo tine and coirtmon Tobacco. October 26 ts J. J. TODD. SALT. ()A( ( Sacks Salt, received and lor sale by 4A M t JAMES LIGON. FACTORY Y ARNS. 11 A(TtHtV VAUNSnfall Nos.. Osiiabiirgs. Shirting. 1 Sheeting, StrijM-s, Cottonades Ac..constantly on band Mid for sale at Factory prices, bv 0,1 26—ts J. J. TODD. JUST RECEIVED, VFINE lot of Raisins in Boxes, also a large lot of Figs, tor sale wholesale or retail, by Dec 2 ((ELLA A THOMAS. FRESH SUPPLIES. J'UST received, fresh Dates, Raisins, Preserves, at 42 Broad street. CELLA A THOMAS. BILLS OF LADING. Merchants” Bills of Lading printed and for sale at tbi office, t(t one dollar per hundred. 1 )RESTON & MKRRELL’S Cfl)ebrut*Ml uml 1 infallible Yeast Powders, the best article in tlie Unit ed States, for family use, manufactured in Boston.,1:011- stantlv on hand ami for -ale. wholesale mid retail, by J.J. TODD, 23. No. 26 Ka*t Side Brou<l Stnn*t LAND FOR SALK. VLOT in Cobl county, well imirkcdoii tliotiiuiif -g ----us Mineral Tract,; 611 c l/>t 302^acrew in Mn-ffl® I rion county. Three fractions mljolninK:, inp about one mile above Bninbrblge in Decatur county, ami embracing the hank of flint Kiver lr two miles, on which there are some gonil Hammock and Cotton Lands, and the Imlance ft well calculiUed for making Turpen tiiit*?aH anv in the Southern country Also a Lot with comfortable im|>rovcmntH at New j*j U( . Knot Huriiign, mljoining A.O. Uc<lyl, JOhmi. I'iUcn in (lisputuhle. Apply to L. X. HARDIN January 31, Oiiumhns, <Ja. BROOKS CHAPtt \ \ \\rOULD call tlie attention of PliyslctaiiM to tin ff newly lUncovered ineJicitio 'alle<| DU. N. W. SKAT’S NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID. It if*uperior to NrwoodV Tincture of Veratum VeraJi. for mH purposci* that tin* latter hs heretofore licou for. February A. RAISINS. * Whole Box e, ti kulflox<*, uml b quarter Kai- O ints for wile by JAMKS LIGON. FANCY ( ANDIKN. ¥ IST received a flue supply of Fancy ('iiiMiie-i ami C*ni t| fed lone rv. at 42 Rroivl street. February ti. CKLLA A TiItMAS. CtREAT TIUUMPMS \Nf) l-NFAHALLKUKD SIHVKNS OF RIIODKS’ FEVEIt AND AGI’K C I RE, t>li ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA; tiqtmlly certain o u Frovontivo or Cuve. NO POISON. PROOFS ! See what tlie President of tlie Pharmaceutical .Society of Missouri, says of It bodes’ Fever and Ague Cure, or An tidote to Malar in : St. Lons, Mo., Nov. 10. JSo.'j. HAYINti noticed the certificate of chemical analyst - given by the celebrated chemist Dr. J. K. Chilton, of New York city, in saver of UliodcH’ Fever and Ague ('me, that it contained neither Quinine, Arsenic, Mer curp nor Strychnine, and having received numerous ap plications for it, i whs iudticetl to send to Dr. Rhodes for the medicine. Since then I have diDpotted of a large quantity, mostly to residents of this city, who have inva riably been cured by it, aud to whom J cuu refer. I am, therefore, satisfied in recommending it to be all that the proprietor represents. F.DWAItD S. WIIKATON. PrcstH of Pharmaceutical Society of Missouri. Had the Ague far Twelve Years ! Pkovihkncl, June 29, lk.V*. Having been informed of tin* ilhn*sH of a poor, hut worthy woman, who lias not been fre e from Fever and Ague a month at a time for the last twelve years, I sup plied her gratuitously with Ithodes’ Fever and Ague (hire. She took in all four bottle* which completely re stored her to health and strength, and as four months have now elapsed, there is no mason to don lit the perma nency of the cure. (\ A. I*. MASOF. Apothecary. 7 0 Houles Perform i O Cures. Constantink, Mich.. Sept. 24th. IH.V>. J \MH’ A. Kiiooks,|. — Dear Sir: — l have just sent an order to Auies & Holliday for another half gross of your Keveraud Ague Cure. It has sold like •• Hot Cakes. ‘ and 1 have only two laddies on hand. One reason it baa sold, is because when i have heard of a ease of A gne tr <'liill Fever. 1 have sent a bottle and tehl them to'’try it, un.l if it did uot help them, they were not obliged to pay tor it. and they were all satisfied. 1 had one ease of Chill Fever where it run four days, hut the man runic to see me on the sixth day well satistied. Truly yours, JOHN P. OL.MHHNO. ‘R Hos ties Perform :M 1’ hits. Mot.ixk. 111.. Sept. 24. IsA Mu. JaM£ij A. Khojiks—Dear Sir—The box of ** Agm Cure*’ you sent u has all been sold and created a large demand lor more; t* meet which we have ordered from your general agent, at Chicago, J. I). Yerrington. Its sale will only he equalled by Hie number of Fever and Ague eases. Hoping these eases may he few, yci have a bottle for every ease. We remain respectful)v yours, KlUllAlUiH .V ALLtiV 19 Hot ties Perform 19 Cures. LKTTEfI FROM A POSTMASTER. Maxwell. Delaware Cos.. Ohio. Aug. 10. is, p Mr. J. A. lvuoi>fc>—Dear Sir—Your medicine lias met with the most favorvihlesuccess in this neighborhood. I have about live bottles left. I give it to them at first. it no cure no pay,* although I was not autlmri/.ed by you to do so; but I took the responsibility on myself.— Hut not a bottle has come hack, and as I am almost out oi the article I wish you would forward me one gross of tin* bottles, it* you sue proper* to do so, and I will he punctual in payment. I inclose fifteen dollars on the medicine 1 have received, for which please send me a receipt. Ship tlie cure tome as soon as you can—then* never bus been as much Chills and Fever since I lived in the State, as at present. Yours, Ac.. lUCHAKI) MAim.N, I*. .M. *il Hot tics Perform :21 C ures, Pink Kun, Mich., July 21, lSfm. J)n. .1. A. Unowis—Dear Sir—Your Cure for the F**\er tUid Ague has thus far performed wonders. It has not tailed in one instance to rfleet a quick and pennanent i cure. Some who have been troubled with the distress iiig disease have been entirely cured by using only one bottle of the Cure. Please send ih immediately four and /.cn. ns we have hut three bottles remaining. Truly yours. LATIIUOP A MCLEAN. Cure of Panama Fever. Providence, Sept. 22. lbo.j. Mr. dames Kliodes—Having been entirely etirod hy your remedy. I take pleasure in assuring you of the benefit it has been to me. I was first attacked by chills and fever on the Isthmus of Panama, several months since, and in spite of the different remedies and treatment I adopted, my health grew worse until I commenced the use of your Fever and Ague Cure.— Since that time I have not had a single chill, and am now in the enjoyment of good health. Wishing y *ur in ‘dicinc the success that it nier : fs. I remain truly yours. THOMAS H. AXDKFWF. I. O. O. F. In another column of to-day s paper will be found an advertisement for “ Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure.'* We are not in the habit of putting medicines, but desire to say, for the benefit of tlie afflicted, that Wm. V Kowe. Merchant, Fhnrpsburg. who has it for sale, in forms us that be sold several dozen bottles, and in every case it has effected a cure. This proves the medi cine to be good, and we take pleasure in bringing it before the noth e of the public.— Of/rf F. I/qw. Koonxhm,,, Mtl. S/pt. 4. Evidence from a Clergyman, Plymouth, Richland Cos., Ohio, Sept. 25, 186f>. Mr. J. A. Rhodes, —Dear Sir—! cheerfully testify to the value of your Antidote to Malaria. One young lady in the family of a clergyman here has been taking an •‘AGUE RALHAM V for some months without any per manent benefit—a few days since she got a bottle of the Cure and has not had a chill since. A young man also used the same Dalsam some time without relief until lie got bottle of your Cure. So far it, works like n charm. Yours truly, Rev. A. C. DC HO IS. Unsolicited Evidence front at Physician. Montktllo, Tin!., Aug. 27. IS.YS. J. A. RHODES' —Dear Sir—l have been in tlie practice *f Medicine here for about three years, and can con scientiously recommend your iiicdicin e, having used it myself and prescribed it in a number of instances with fwrfrrt sfwvv'jw. Respectfully vours. W. (1. gPUXCKR. hOUSYiLLi: No. 11, C. R. R.. tJa., Jan. 1, ISSG. Your Ague Cure has overcome all prejudices hy its merits, and given satisfaction. A gentleman just called who has been fully cured by only one bottle, and de sired me to recommend it to everybody. I .shall do all I can in Its sale. W. A.HAYLKS. If any lxdy desires further evidence.*, they will lind it in every bottle of the CI'KK, which is being intro duced as rapidly ns possible in'o every town and village in the I nited Strifes. Canadas, Ac. The •lniueiit chem ist. Dr. J. K.Chilton, of New York, certifies to its per fect innoeeiiee. It is then fore optional with all to have the Fever and Ague or not, just as they please. I can also say that a great many of my largest custo mers are those who a year ago were reluctant even to take the Cure on commission. They thought its great claims and pretensions could not he realised. Now they endorse them all. and it will he noticed that the letters of which 1 publish su h immense quantities arc always new and late dates—altogether they would more than till any newspaper, and prove the fact of or greater sue eess and sale than ever attended any other Ague Remedy. Tlie CroivnlngClor) of the f'ure is its JIARMLFSS CICAItACTRR, which allows its free use as if preventive. Titus protected by using a bottle or two during the warm and sickly sea sons, not ft man woman or child in tin; United •Stutes would ever have a single aback of Fever and Ague. ItiliuuH or Yellow Fever, or any form of disease arising from the atmospheric poison Malaria, to which tin* Cure is n p rfrrt onthfoU . It is also unequalled for quick and permanent effects as a Restorative, giving new life aud strength to all whose constitutions have been shattered or weaki lust hy Agile or bilious diseases, night sweats, languor and de bility or any kind of intemperance or dissipation. JAMKV. A. RHODKS, I‘ropiictor Providence, R. 1. \ml for sale by KIVLIN. THOMAS A Cos. Coliimhiis. Ha,, o/d// iigsiit.'. Hivlin,Thomas A’Co, are Distributing Agent- for the proprietors. Dealers buying of h\, T. fe Cos. will save all expanses on the Cure. s-< Klvlin, Thomas A Cornell at the verv lowest |iric*s. JAMKS M. CLOUUH, Agent at Cpliaiipeo, Ah*. HANIOIiTH & NAIiKI. Will supply IMivskians willi the NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, Prepare*! only b\ N. W. SEAT, M. D., .Y York, Bel ukan Oritriual Discovery, iiivolvlnaii NKW I'HINC I I'Ll. By wbirli Ibc fisi positive coiolilioii of the syslelo called I'cvci'. Is clmnpo il lo the normal or healthy slate ‘lireelly anti without loss of vitality. _ . KBMOV AL. HOTCHKItHI, PENNEB &. BENNETT, AV HOLES ALE GROCERS, liiijxrrters ami Jobber, ol i>KAN I> • IgS, WINKS, Ac. Also. ayeiitK uilil .lea lei hin Vijoriniu .\l:iiinfactm - 6<l Tolmcet* and Tliivaim CIC4AHS, lla\e reiooveil lo No. 10 Vcsey .Street, tear of ilie Astor House. NKW YORK. New York, January 1. 18.56. Kl VLIN, THOM AH & UO. nAVK ordered from New York a full supply of the most extraordinary medic ine of the age, Dr. N. W. Seat’H Negative Electric Fluid. They will hi* ill receipt *d five grOM (p the 10th instant. Physicians are requested to calf early. February 5. ‘ New Principle ! New Remedy! No Poison ! .Rhodes’ Fever and Aguo Cure; Ob Ami non; to Malaria; KOK THE PREVENTION AND CURE Os Fever an*l Ague, or Chill Fever; Dumb Ague, and other Intermittent and Remittent Fevers; also of bilious Fevers, accompanied by Typhoid Symp tom* ; Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Ship and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease YkllU'U HAVE A COMMON ORIGIN IN MAL.A.HIA OH MIASMA. ‘IMIIfiRK ttheaHCßarc common to many localities of the JL CniUd States: hut wherever they prevail, North. South, East or West, they all equally spring from thu sauic miaemal cause. The great variety of symptoms and forms of disease is owing principally to* difference in ngu, se\, constitution and habits us the suffer<*rs; hut as the cause is the same, they will all equally yield to a reined* that is competent to overcome or remove thtit cause. by tb*’ laws of Nature, every principle has its opposite am! for every dlf ruse, or cause of disease, thereis ai. agent, or in other words a Npcetflc remedy. All Malni io whether arising from Marslnvs, Stagnant water, decompi. sit lon of animal and vegetable matter, or even new 1 \ cleared lainls, is the same in * bara**ter and effect; is a j.ol son floating in the atmosphere,caualng iliseaaetoaU \\h,. hrenthe it. In accordance with those un nit era bio )uw> governing tlie mu irfng affinity subsisting between op poaltes, there is In the jirejuuatlon before iis, offered i-. the public. The Natural .YiilUliMe to MnluriH, which neutralize- the poison whenever it comes in idu tact with it. even in tin* open air, and when taken inte* nally complehdy purifies tin* system affected hy it of it* baneful iulluonVe. and thus restores and preserve health, Tin* remedy i- believed to be entirely lcw, and un know'ii to any hut the proprietor, who distinctly el a in. the follow lug extraordinary results from its use: II will instantly chock the agin* in persons whohnv** suffered for any length of time, from one day to twent) yours, and hy continuing Its Use, aeeordjng to tin* dire, tions. a ra*lical **ure will t*• etteet*d : fh* k patient con tin ulng tr*’e from the complaint forever: unless suhneq\i**nt exposure to malaria should tiiuk** its use again neeeßftary In its operation upon the poison in the system, it will immediately relieve All the distressing symptoms of L*l ions or ague di-ea-es. and when the disease is cured. It will entirely prevent the accession of General Debility ami iViglil Sweats, which so often follow tlie administration of other mede •dues. The patient at once begins to reever appetite ami strength, and continues in improve until restored t, perfect health. I*v its use Fever and Ague may he banished from every family and class in the community: farmers, me chanics, and all tailoring people may !**• using this ai ti eh* as Prevenfivr, And pursue their !v*pectivoavtx*ations in peifcit sat, i> from agin* or bilious attacks during tin* sickly season, which is often to them the moat valuable part of tb year. Since tin* introduction of the (TitK in every part oi the I*ii it oil States, its fate cess has been so compieto aiol unvarying as to have fully proved these nw, rMoin ii, favor of its extraordinary merit. When thes<* declarations were made, at the date of h introduction, they seemed lneti*<lilde to many, even oi ; the most candid minds, because all the resource* * * science had been taxed in vain to subdue ague or billon diseases: and what was still worse for ague sufTeivi all their remedies or treatment, whether scientific oi empirical, have been limited io poisonous or destructive drugs, such as Arsenic, Quinine. Mercury, A, Tho efforts of these are sometimes worse than the disease they subdue, and when such remedies fail, or give only temporary relief, their poisonous effects .m* superaddc and to the poor sufferer's first complaint. On this ntteounf ague sufferers should he particularly careful about using any secret Fever and Ague reined lor, notwithstanding the makers of them uniformly asseu they may he taken with perfect safety, even when it i notoriously well known that their potency depends solely upon destructive poisons. Now. as a proof that the Remedy is not only valuable on account of its power to cure diseases, hut that ii i also Wortliy of Public Confidence, Decause of its Singular and Entire Harmbuiltss, The billowing certificate from one of the most celebrated chemists in tile I’nilcd Status lias been obtained, and a ’ copy of it is attached to eveiy bottle: New York, June 11, 1856. ‘‘l have niadea chemical examination of Rhodes’ Few* i ami Ague Cure or Antidote to Malaria, uml have tented it for Arsenic, Mercury, Huininc and Strychnine, but | have not found a particle of either in it, nor have I found any .-Ob'-tame in its composition that would prove injn rious t<* tlx* constitution. • JAMKS It. GHILTON, M. J)., Chemist.” Ii i’ a stubborn fact, therefore, that this Remedy is destined not only to relieve the human family from malarious diseases, byit to do an equally good work by j prevent lug the taking of other medicines which do harm. The entire absence of any baneful ingredient make this Remedy not inure valuable as a Cur**, than it is as : ! preventive. No ©lass of di-ease is so easily managed as the one under consideration, if the medicine he taken in advance. This is ow ing to the diseases being produced hy one an.l the sum** cause, and therefore all. !>oth resident** and travelers, hliouhi protect themselves by the timely list I of tills preventive, and not wait for the poißon already lurking in their veins, to develop itself in a violent attack. Take tlie Cure as a preventive, and so destroy i the poison before it does harm. Full directions and advice as to diet and habits of lift* i prepared hy a di-tingulshed Physician long resident in Ia bilious climate now’ accompany each bottle. It will often Is* found necessary to precede this inedi i cine by a mild cathartic or autibilious purgative. Tin very best thing for general use is a moderate dose ot ! Castor Oil, tin* object of which is to cleanse the stomach ; and free the biliary passages. Iteinemwr (hot when this is necessary, or there is costivcnesa, it mi st hy. taken or the operation *f the antidote will he seriously ob structed. Only Caution. —In certain specified cases, pom the contents of owe or more bottles of tlie Cure into shallow vessels, (dining plates,) and place them in sleeping rooms: for the vapor rising from the medicine, ami also the air wafted across, or circulated over the •li e’ -f it. after Mm* liquid is evaporated, will counteract and <’*>ti*oy, to a degiee commensurate with its exp: sure. Hie miasmata or poison contained in the apartment. This mode of exhibiting the Cure should likewise be resorted to when very young infants are exposed to malarious situations. Th** tvottl*** in which this medicine is put up have the • words, ••Hitoi*s.>‘ Fkvkr and Aoue Cure*’ blown in the glass, and on tin* outbid* wrapper is the name of tin medicine, (the copyright *T which is secured) and th* signature of the proprietor. These precaution* aiv taken to prevent counterfeits anil imitations. The reliance for its si ccesh is entirely upon its actual merits, wherever introduced and used. Thfse will he considered suttioient. Prepared and sold hy the proprietor, J AMBJJ A. RJIODISB, Providence, K. l. A SOI TI I ERN REM EDV. limit’ liy Prof. O. O. Wootlmnn. Nc Orleans, Louisiana. J. K. PEMBERTOW At C 0., UAVt. ivn ivotl tlie appointment from Ih“ pi o,n i.-toi _ lor tlie sole of* Wimilnian’s < Inri'j Expertoi'Hiit, tlie mi'ilirlii.’ Gait lias i ri uti'il -in Ii an excitement at thr \ortli ninoii2 tin’ I’liysielnns. ami lias Been pronounced ! lo all wlm liare iiwil it a’ lieine far siqierlor to an; ( io'rr.v I’eetoinl. Wisidnian'e t'lierr.v Kxpertorant eon in ion lie .alive no i Ileal quiilitleH of tlie Yellow Jesarnine tlio |)ue ileeiH tion of t\ ilil Gfierrv Bat It. and iiihiij- othei valiialde inzredieiita tliat render il far liettar than any oilier Meilteine in lids eoiiotrv. KECOMMEND ATION H. Nr.w Gki.k.vns. April 9, 1860, la ai Sii--The imlilie generally are fully aware of (hr ihonsand ol I'eineiliesfor Uiaeneed Limy's, under thetltlf, ol -ui ‘;qiai illas, Bills, Blasters. J.iniuienls, Jte., that are finilv luoiiplil to tlieir uotiee llirougli the newspapers t>> wav ol id-, .'ly ohjeet in writing this note lor I'llMii at ion. is lo inline** Ilie pnhlie. or at least tiioai; who ui e .dilated, to use one lind eontaius arthle. ot I in /V/ai o*llo7/ /Osloses. I itiu eonseioui that in so doiuq. lam ne tina’ most inqiroli nsimiidly. and deroga lorily In the interests of Medie.'il Science nod the regulai Bract itiouers of Medkiia . J refer to W oodman’! Cherry l')x|ieetin:int. which Is a sr'ii'iitilie remedy that 1 hare iisihl with mme sneees! than any of the uiml premrlp timi’ nse.l l v Bhysleiun*. J. M. ‘IAirUND, M.-D Gauaiin, Miss., May 1, 1855 11. 11. W iiohmax —th nr Sir: I have given your Chen) t:.\|ieetorant a fair trial and am well pleased” with it. H fee Is; Letter than any other article I ever met with. 1 would Le pleased lo have you send me half a dozen bot ties hy the hearer. Itoiipeetfnilv, \V. M. Masov, M. It Thi.s preparation lias attained a w ide eelebrity trom tin* universal snecess wide It lias attended its use. Fra coughs, colds, and In fact, any pulmonary complaints, this medicine, from it’ peculiar properdies as n disaolri id and Its soothing power to all irritation,t of tho thro*U will probably lie preferred lo any other ottered to thi public. As ini appetizer, or dyspeptic remedy, it wilt also lie found excellent, its natural and genial warmth keeping the digestive lowers in proper K,.iiKiiils r that this is the only Cough Medicine that lias stissl the tent of the medical fraternity. It id sane tinned by. approved us, anil recommended by the Leadiu,, Physicians of New York city. Kvcry bottle Is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. IYe go or an ti eit to he Letter than any Cherry Pectoral, Cod Liver nil. or anything else now extaut. he Brice—One Dollar a Bottle. j. s. PKMBF.IiTON Sc CT)., ColumbtM, Wa., Only agents for thie county. Fefirtiai.v 5. _ ____ DEEDS. Laud Dyed,! of a s,ood form, couegtly piiuted, aud th) ■ale xt this office.