The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, February 21, 1856, Image 4

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NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, Prepared •>>’ S. VV. Kent, M. !)• liKtisimn vvli vit should be ll<oll instead of any oilier treat ini lit ill all Febrile iifleetioim : of Time.—As only <•> - v “• nth >,t the nnllnitrv time la required to effect a euro. Keonnmy of Mone } .—A -D ‘’ lH,t (51lnr. . .. :f i*l.—Krnnnmy of Feeling,-- ir * , u flaring ot a long sickness and the consequent Ircat uiout; the nniioyiiiicc ol taking “lUieeatiltK -heva of medicine, their ifcwgrcesblc operation, and the |>iti ot |..n K * unfit lent: hilt little of theflttid being nweaaaiv. nud that pleusoill ill its cilcd- Itli.— Keom.iiiJ of Thought. A, alien known it will remove all -It'“<l and anxiety ot pre-ant existing, resp.-criugfebrileaffection*: particularly while a dear friend ia sh'k -,Hi, Ke on only of Health,—A* the syrteui i not n din ed, and rointei|HenUy ranked: nor Is the fever subject lo lie followed by chronic disease. fit hoKnmma}’ of Life.—As the cure la elf. eted before and without reducing the patient, consequently removing. In a corronpoiidlng degree, all danger id a fatal I eliailluUllll r iltlu't’ reasons might be added, but these are deemed oiifliricut to satisfy all classes and persons in all eoiidi- I ioiiH of life. Thu aliove reasons are more partieularly applbablu to tin; immediate trealiueut on tin- Hist attack, lad will apply with equal force to cos--* which havo liecii subject ed to or have become reduced, corresponding of . .mo *<• tlic nature rtf the case at the time ills lirrt ajinini tersil. Ah lb is remedy gives so prompt, effectual iimlpernia neiit relief, in all ordinary eiio s, when used soon altei the attack, perilous can si an i-ly realize that tin y Imd been really much sick, and very naturally eoin-hidi 111 y wer.Mint attacked with fever, and if so, - it was trilling a little mill, w hich gave alarm—it could have been nothing nl csiiscqllcnce —if would Jiave passed oil with nut anything—that medlelne had noelli-i i.’ The guiieral impression on tin- subject id fev-rissul-li, that tjeaigid i,ot unlike tin- aliove follow lie- rule of a common i a ■ as naturally as nn-ii think at all: and it is ind until ilu- individual has witnessed many eases that lie can fully i-'tdlr.i- tin- truth: mid even then lie may ennehid them ill very trifling rases, which would have readily yielded to any simple medicine, yet persons, though 111-y have been Mills sin eesstul in perhaps humlreds of cases, miisl expect Mint there will cases occur when- there is -onto organic or local cause so great as to require particular or tlmugli siiceoHSlul in inducing tin- fever. il will again rise as tlio Influence of flu- Fluid” passes ~H, xritlng euusi umy still exist. It is to guard against disajHHiintment in surli euaes that 1 have given and frei|tientiy rnfer to wind 1 ltave railed u “sy imp is.” Heuiat-ki Ott Fevers in General’ Mil Uila siihjnct 1 wish to be fully understand. Itv tin term “fevers,” I comprehend all febrile affection* In which the hnilMiii frame la subject, including small pox and other eruptive fevers; but ma they arise by a great variety of eattses, and in quite dissimilar constitutions mnl luibits. they of course dilfer considerably in tlieir development and exhibit a variety of forms or types; yet all are distinguished by tin. HUHi e general rliiirnrter isf.ies- that id iiiidiie excitement in tile i.-iri ulatory and nervous systems —inducing mure or less unnatural fre ipintiey in tin-pulse, sense of lieat. dn in-ss of tin skin, debility, A-r. To show llial I am not wholly alone in tin-opinion I advance. I quote from the celebrated Prof. T. Watson, -.I Kings College, Loudon, whose work on tlic “ I’liui i pins and Fraetiee of Physic” is a text bonk in many of mir medical colleges, ami eoiisetiueiitly xtn n dat'dn ullnn'ity. on page S:if, hi- says:—“We hear continually, both in nud out of the profession, dllfi-reut aperies of lever spo ken ill'. Ity tlie pulilie, Typlius Fever, llriiiu Fever, bilious Fever, Putrid Fever, Low Fever, .Nervous Fever. Ac. And systematic writers are to the lull as particular: Mucous F'i ver, Ataxic. Adynamic, Gnstro-Knteric, and so forth. Now, admitting that fever allows itself under unions forms. I am persuaded that tire clleet upon tin mind of all tliis sub division, is had and hurtful, it encourages a disposition, already too prevalent, to pre serihe for a disease aei-onlitig to its Hunt*'. There is no line of genuine distinction between continued fevers. Mud ran In’ relied on. They rim insensibly into each oilier, even tin- most dissimilar of them, and are often traceable to the -aim: cause.’ Tlin above is a great fact, one worthy of renii-inlii aiiei and I w ould Ortp/ on your minds the lolly of hunting Up or troubling yourself about a ■■ innne; if you have lever, treat it lit once as hereafter directed, and you .rill In nu ll instead of any distineteliiiiiieter bring devi l oped, no as to lie properly mulled by the most seTentifle. I ldM assertion is no liyiiothesis based on closet spei-iila tions or visions of mind, but on experience at (lie hed -ide id tin* sick, in hundreds, aye, thousands id eases iby myself and others) tinder a great variety of rir • nmstatiees, seasons and climates. Hear this in mind, and lieat at oner without regard to /none, and rest isiurcil von will soon Is- freed from all dread of linger ing and ibinget'ous fevers, lint as cases may have be come developed In-lure the “ Fluid” is given, either by neglect, or under some oHier treatment. I will describe ns briefly as possible Mie proper eourso to lie pursued in nil of Mu-most prominent I’evera, though the “ Hules” and 11 Synopsis” will In- amply sufltrient for nil those acrUßtomeii to atteiulaneii upon Mie sick. Hull's imjhirhtvl to In iilisi'fi'i'it in nil 111 SI'S in using lit. \sijntirr i h t ins Fluid. Ist. It should be given ill tlii-ee nr four times its ow n quantity of water, and may In* swi-i-teued or not at pleasure. 2d. Patients must In- free from all I nr/’ Ills o! air. iMnmgh there should always In-free i eiitilatinn in the sick room.) nor attempt to go almiit while iiuder its in ti uence. yd. it must lie OouUmii',l wlielu-ver tile fever stilisides. or Is evidently passing oil'; to lie resumed when il begins to rise again, should such lie the ease under any i ircumstaiiees. Itli W lien tin- li-M-r begins In subside, putieiits must bn Lett perfectly quiet; free from all excitement; should not tie questioned as to their wants or feelings, nor attempt to converse, road or take any exercise whatever, till their OM'u uninnil/.flings. iiidepcudi-iit of all extra neous influences, inilnn them to rise or speak: nor should auy conversation he allowed in their henrin . in which they may feel more or less interested, lull lie left quiet to all intents and purposes. kill. Fluids should lio allowed, while giving it as plentifully, mill as long us the patient desires ami no longer; they may consist id cold water, niueilagiiieiis drinks, lemonade, any simple decoctions, or teas, cither cold or warm, as parlies may preteior patients desire. Mth. Should patients experience any oppression or laintncss while in the lying-posture, so us to occasion a rrstlesMue-s after the fever has passed oft. or enough to occasion them tos|icok of it, they should havo a little wine, toddy, camphorhartshorn, lemonade witli a little qiirit, ginger, Or some iitln-r stimulant; uv the hu e and breast may lie imtlied in cold water: eltlior of which will give iliinieiliiite relief. TABLE OK DOHF.S. For children of one year or under, from ft to S drops. - over 1 and under 2 years, “ ato 15 “ ” ” - “ ft “ “ 12 to 30 “ •• “ a•• 10 •• - jo to 50 “ ft ’ 1-’ half to a teaspomiful. All persons over fifteen eonsiilered ns adults, for whom ati aspisuiful is a eomliion dose. Mid persons do not leqoire ss iniuli as young, nr those in Mie prime of life: nor females, as a general rule, as much as males. There i* no particularenre necessary in giving it to children- those of ten years of age frequently having taken full doses: hut for a little guide. I have given the above table, with tlie remurk that, as a general rule. I'hihtrcu require more than adults in proportion. By observing the nlaive directions, tlie medicine will lie found agreeable in all of Its eAects, the expectations id’ the most sanguine rcnhxed. and many perfectly astonished. My object in being Mins particular is, that Ilie full heuelit of the meilieiue limy la- oluained. and not on account of any uctinit iiffrstiljf of such strict ob servances. Ittlloiis of K-mitti-nt Kevi-r. (live a teas|smful of “ Fluid” (siv rule Ist ) olive in iwo hours, till tlie fever is evfdi i y passing oil: thi.- constitutes tlie whole treatment i, till simple eases of lever, with such observances as are set forth in the Hules.” Hut should there he prominent Us-al symp toms. or known local existing causes, they should he attended to at unco, and while giving tlie “ Fluid.” See Synopsis. If in any ease the ln-w el i e particularly constipated nr confined, give a entluuiic (set- auxiliaries) with Mu ll rut portion: they must b opened or tlie fovor may rise again. IVlier* the fever is very high, pulse miming Ho nr upwards, and the patient is not partieularly susceptible In the influence of medicine—not easily e|s-rated on lo medicine generally—a double dose, or two teaspoonsful may lie given at first with advantage, and even re|ieuted in two hours—if It—tlie pulse—has not been ttnfh unl , thus showing the inedieiue has taken eft'eet. Hathing'ttie surface with water at an agreeable temperature, the saline w ash, vinegar or spirits and water, iu these dlfth-ult caeca, will afford relief and aid Mie medicine much in taking efti-et. Congestive Fever. • live two tcapoonsful and repeat every two hour- fill the pulse becomes more lull aud soft, then oulv a tea upoouful, to lie discontinued as the fever subside. \s the bowels are generally routined, and it i„ freqnimtly very diflleultto get medicine to operate In MM* disease no time should Is l lost to get them open, give some active cathartic with tlie “ Fluid” and repeat as may In- uecc sary till it operates; enemas (injections) may also be used to advantage; also, mustind to the extremities or friction (ntldilug) with tin- hands or flannel; also, cold applications lo the head. Quinine may he added to the “ Fluid” if thought advisable. See Synopsis, Nirroni Fvvi-r, Ty pluia, ghlpaml Putrid or Spotted Fever. As those fevers are all of one character, differing mainly iu degree, being all of a low grade, tlie pulse small and wiry, with a general great depression, there is no practical use to separating them—at least so far as my treatment is concerned. In these low fevers, when lally developed, a little patience will lie required: still comparatively little, ns they frequently run weeks under the common treatment, while with this hut a few days will be necessary at longest to establish a permanent convalescence. The treatment should be commenced—whieh may immediately follow any other without detriment—with steaspoonfitl of “Fluid” every two hours, till the pulse becomes fuller or larger in volume, then to be continued ones In six or eight hours fill the fever entirely subsides 111 had eases, from three to ttv - grain- each of i/io't/i'rte and I'li/isu niii (Cayenne ] --p|o ) w some tonic an*l stimu lant t see auxiliaries) should lie added to ouch ‘lose. The bowels should bo kept gi nil.v open, and sumjl portion of -<>iiii- In linin’ should I*, given occasionally. even though tile bowels should he very lij.--. I lie put it'll t should is- mtsmiued by nourishing and ntticilogctmus drink*- —-un it a- are ill common use in such rase Where tha skin is very.dry . S|ioiiging thn surface a* di rected ill bilious level-, will be found advantageous. Tollies should be used during • -.nviili-sceiuc, in all eases whirl, have heroine I‘ixluccd. Pneumonia, Typhoid Pneumonia, bang or Winter Fever. I'.jvt! a tra-pooiifnl of the - Fluid” every two hour, wit], a wine-glassful “fa strung decoction of ts.neset: or half the quantity may 1..- given every hour till relieved, then, at longer intervals, ray once in six or eight hours. Tim hnncsri tm should ho given warm till tlie violent symptoms lire atluyrd. nr tile patient is relieved; then eolil; fomentation-., mustard plaster, oi something ot (he kind, to b -applied over the scut of pain: keep the bowels gently open. Vm-luln, Varioloid, lliibeola nml Heui lu l Inn ; or Siuull Pox, Vitrlnloicl, .'li-iuli-s, and Srarlrt Fever. As nil ol Mo -e .li-eiws an : tended w ikb I Vof, tvliieh ill but is Mie most peimiiueiil -yinj.lom. tlie treidin- ill dill, rs bin- ill lb from Mull ol < - .iiimon lev ei.-. Uem.-mi. i never woit |o u-arn whether it is one or lin other.,.l nnllnr, a- 1.1 u-y oil eoiiinn-urs wi7/i,/.r.f, lull (real it at om govern ilu- t.-v* r and there will be it*- trouble; there will be ftaj/////,-. ti'/ijilrut even in small pox. This, to moat minds, is H new idea, and .Joiibllo.- W'iil lie regarded w iUi ridi* ul<-by many. I iievertlH-les boldty ins 1.. lb” as-eriioii. tliat. small |*i.v. il 1 r.-itisj a f direct, inti hr rul ttlnni ; tstleiel.-.t with tail little erup tion: little* or no pilling, aud ili.d llier*-i- no m"s. ih* ol its running Ms ordinary course, (in this I will -ink*- not only my repubdiou, blit a I IliHi I hold nio-l, dear: b.-nides, ,n (ins snl,jeel, I liave good iiiiMiority: lliat ,-i I’rol. tint- is prrviuiady quoted, lie say*, l<ag” - Toil may .ijmto tin, force ol’ Mu- eruptive Inver, and k'-ep down, il i- l.elieved, Ilu* nninjifr nj IJn nut! “h I l.y .' lie/’ lime i- that it may In* done. I nave not only proven it nnii/ln'. hut hos in,u ihme iu numerous .-iu-cs that oceui red on board ship. Set til- tu cunt appended. (jive a leu-p, sin fill or uioro, aeeordiug to tlie urgency of the ease, witli a dose of suits tin Fluid once in Iwo Inmi'H if uueossm-y, linttl Ih. f. versul, sides—though one or two dos,-- is gem-ralv snflirieiit: I,lit it sluuild la- given and repeated sufHeienMy to keep tlie lever under eontrol. When (he throat is alfeeted. any of the ordiiiurv garglos mav I,- ii-erl. amt the surface Isitlb-d. as Mioiight advisahh-. in one ea.,- it the sli ip Duel less d'Mrl nans, tin: tong ue and fauciis vveru so inia ii swollen that the patient i aiiM not swallow or speak, and lie w as cured by dropping tin- Fluid on hi- tongue., drop by drop, till he could swallow, when it was giv.-uin teaspowuliii doses , err*/ hour, till all alarming symptoms disappeared. Tlie swelling of thn throat was reduced so as to eniihle him to lake hour i-llnn-llt ill al,out twelve hours hy tin- Fluid alope.— I sed to wet tlie tiiruat frequently, il i* cl-qilAl.-s the Insf t/nff/h in all suuli eases. Piieiptirnl or <li till lied Ki-vi-i-, This lieretofoiv painful, dangerous and alanuing malady l” vvlileli tin- mother is liable, w ill yl.-ld to tin- X.-gativc Kleetrie Fluid witli such readiness, as to seem to lie of little consequence. A single dose or two of a ti-aHjKioiiliil. almost invariably giving entire and per manent relief; no alarm need lie entertained, as tin- Fluid will arrest it in a short time. It should be re )a-ated as long as the fnVtV Conti lines, us in other eases. Tie- bowels of course sliouhl la* attended to. lii eonueelion vv itli this subject. I cannot refrain from making a few general remarks, which, iT regarded l.y the ladle,i, will save them much pain and -tillering. II is to inform tlu-in of the happy effect of tlie Fluid in many of llieir trial*. In eliild-liirHi, its relaxing and soothing clleet deprives fin- labor ol much of it pains and diHkmlties; it, must lie tried to lie appreciated.— Painful menstruation will Ik- relieved ut once l.y a com mon dose and retiring. IteKtlessiiess,nervous irritability, or a cold taken at aileiiento time, is easily relieved l.y its use: in abort, it is one of tin- most convenient and ertnctlnii remedies lor many’ of tlie ills of females, if not the must SO of liny medicine know n, its effect is uniform, relaxing the whole system, removing all excitability and iritability of the nervous as well as the eirailatorv. U will not force sleep like opiates, lmt it vv il! sooth aiid quiet the system so that on,- can sleep iiaturallv and healthy . lienee its use in so many ea-e-. • Synopsis. To avoid constant repetition, and condense tin- tn-nt- Ineiit as much as possible, l give uiuler this head general directions for all cases. As the Negative Kleetrie Fluid will change tlie condition called fever, or subdue and control il under all circumstunccs, without regard to the nil nil it may be or ought to la- called, it should be given wherever or whenever it exists; yet it cannot lie ex pected to eontrol ail organic or il-C.ll causes, which, when such exist, must be removed iu order to effect a permanent cure. When such indications occur in any case, they should be appropriate means, and these sohuid be given while giving tlie - Fluid,” and in connection witli it. when occasion requires, as they w ill than more readily mt. producing more general effect, besides no unnecessary time will then lie lost. As the -, Fluid” alone will sub due the fever, 1 call all else auxiliary treatment. If tin-bowels are costive, give a cathartic (see auxili aries) witli tlie tirst dose, or -non after, and should it fail to operate indue time, repeat tile dose; if attended with diurrltii-a, give something known to bo good for tliat complaint, though if caused by irritability, tlie •• Fluid” will soon relieve that condition ; if severe local pain or inflammation, apply some stimulating liniment, a mustard ptusier, a I,lister, fomentations of bitter herbs, or, jtcrlisps, cloths wet in cold water, to the part; if violent pain in tlio head, apply cold water, ice water, if convenient, or some cooling application, ami bathe tie- feet in hot water; if the fever is very high, skill dry mill hot, vv ith great .suffering, sponge or bathe the “hole surface witli water at an agreeable temperature: “tlie saline wash,” vinegar and water or spirits and w ater, either will afford great relief uuil aid the modi i me ill taking effect, alter which there w ill be uo trou ble; if flu- patient lias I rcen reduced or is much prostra ted, give tonics and stimulants, particularly in low fevers, ill ah.seuco of fever or when indicated: also, during convalescence, when tlio patient lias heroine re duced; it there is nausea and vomiting, that must lie allayed Indore ally medicine will remain ou tlie stomach to do any good : for this purpose 1 generally give some gentle emetic to cleanse the stomach; warm w ater, if given plentifully, will answer every purpose; when the stomach lias settled, give tlie Fluid” and a ruthurtic if necessary; in short, treat all tie- prominent symptoms as you Would under any other circumstances, giving the ” Fluid” at till- -ame time as directed, and sucroes will crown your efforts; indeed, you cannot realize it till you have seen, and then you will I,e astonished t tlie ease with whieh you ran eontrol all febrile excitement. Auxiliaries. Parties tn.iy feel at a lists to know wind is meant by cathartics. Ac., as physicians are lusuallv particular about what is used. 1 have found no such necessity when using the Fluid, and lo be fully understood hv all. I will name a tew of the different ‘articles ot modi cim* I have referred to, viz:— Cathartics. Article'! tliat iur-* ui 'operate on the bowel* .such as castor oil, salts, :sen tin. any of tin*, roots or harks, and many pills, Miitihilious. Ac.: anythin ktiowu to he *;ood forstieh purposes. Hepatic*. Anythin- kuown to ait outlie liver particularly, portal em ulation and secretions generally. Any ot the articles depended on hv t j lo ajflVrent M hools hn- this uMl answer when iimml in connection vvith the ••|-hnd or v\l|ih* the system is under it* in tluenee. Aud otu- may rlioose ealomo]—another, blue mass—the third, podophyllin—the fourtli, maiidiak.- root and so on- each may t.ik,- liis choice and be suc cessful. Follies. Ankles that give tone or streiu-tli, such a* quliini.'. various barks, ns, t* and I,it ter herbs n, set ortlnuoiighwoll is one of tlie best used Iu f- V.-t Atjtl-ilig-enls. ft.n l, as cheek tin- a. ,i..„ of ‘the Israel- l au.lanituiaiid other prep.-it ations ofopimu are used: a-o. many mixture*, not proporlv :,-lrittgeut*. \\ Inch liavo the cITVct. Kflnmlmxxta.—Articles that raise or excite the system. Capsicum (('ayeuuo pepper) is one of the i.e-t ■ gmger, spirits, hartshorn. Ac., tin- e.-soiice> are ,U 1 more or less stimulatuig Tit,— are the only classes neeessa ty in treit in -; levers, though Itlsnv ot In tsuiv “eiterallv used, lull tlo- Negative Kleetrie Fluid i- ; i better “ ilia phoretie.” • anodyne,” -dimelie. “ relaxant “ and *• sedative than known in tho w/<//, uwlim 1 shall not tax the reader with a lon- list'of p n >oK uopeudiH£ mainly on t.ho results of v trial, and will only refer to one inshiliee ofsutxess. that outlie Pui-Kt-tship OiK-liess D’Orleiuis. which cannot Is* classed among onliuui v certifluite- Me, tlie undersigned, eertity to tlio* followiti” viz— \W took pusstige ou the packet-ldp Ductless and Orleatis t apt llutton, then lying in the port of Havre, France’ and bound tor New York. She sailed the Oth .f Au gust. Iftal. with over a hundred soul* on board. un*tl\ emigiiuits- A tew days alter leaving Havre, the small |mx broke out among tlie emigrants. They were -ill treated lty the physician in charge. Dr. V\\ Seut with anew remedy of Id* own. whieli lie rails Negative F.lec trie Fluid, witli whieli lie seemed to have entire control over the disease, arresting it in a few hours, and .-tirin ‘ in a very short time. During the voyage, which lasted tliirlv-niu,- davs Uteri’ w ere about eighty rases of small pox,*mie fever Ar„ and not u single dentil. All were cuied vv itli unit'- svtal promptness. From w hat we saw during said passage, we are fully convinced that the medicine Bard by l)r. Seat on the in-- easion. possesses inestiinalde virtues. Ale never la-fore heard or read of febrile affections belug controlled witli so mneh ease, promptness and eertaititv. or so little trouble to the nurse. A crowded ship, a long passage, smallpox ansi fever on t.oaid. and nut „ ihn/h’ Tlie fact speaks for itself. Signed. F. IV I vum, 34 l'cnr! street. New York F,. l>. F.AUHI, “ •• •I. A. Dr.NoauA.xnv. lk-aver Cos.. Pen,, I. A. lip. Normandy, Knst ljverpool,oliio. v P i i . . , nbin I’asson^rs, nir iil>ovc *t.temi‘nt i* ooriwct. ‘).• s - Ucrro.x. Oommander. . .. . . -'*•. First Mat.-. New loi-k. Aug. 1562. N. IV. SKAT M D llf***order* to M ‘t AVRHTHKOOK. N. A’ City. troy factory WARE ROOMS, K VST SI I>K ItltOAl) ST., AOS. 8* A. (Hi. u. <i. .1 EFFEKSON & CO. j TilK above i-stablisliment lias reopened its ftal‘- and Wiuc-ltoom withafull assort- eoinprUiug the following articles olCa iuuiiufactiire anil of the very ls?sl MmtoriaU, viz: UrflKtrads, of rionw [lattcruif, varying in price from to C ll.vuw.—Cottage, liohtoii, Kockiiig, Oltice Writing, Nurse’*. Children’*, and Dining. Tims. Mltkets. —Common Pine, ChUu* ami Juniper— Iu hmm and iron bound, of various size*. CmißN*.~Coiiinnn Pino, Cedar nml Juniper—brawl and iron bound, ol varfon* wizen. WELL UK KETS, BOAT BUCKETS, \VAKDUODK.S, WASHSTAXDa, TABLED, Be*tde* many otJier artirle for lott*e furnishing and do* lIU-tfo JlUrpokifri. All ordt i t left at the Ware-room or directed to K. ii. Jetleirion ,v Cos.. IVoiii (ouiitry meicliaiit* and otliers. v ill ho promptly attended to. The Enclorv * situat’ and in a Mo tion who h afford* an ahmnhmt supply of Oak, HirKorv. Keneh. Walnut, fJiltii. Pine. Arila. Pojilar. China. Ae. EICIIAI’. n }. .1 M't EUaON. J.tMW HAMILTON, (.'oluiui'us. tin., Oct. and. Om IHH BhE DAILY SKII VICE. Dm* i: Max t.:oMt:RY and Wr.ST I’oiXTjt.K Cos., I Muntgomery, .Inly 0, 1555. ) ON and alter I Iris date, tin- I’a.-scnger Trains on this 11,-ad will 1,.- governed by tlie following Schedule : Jl YY Tit AIN. i.eav-- vioalgomoiy 5 45 A. M. Arrive at Best Point 11 45 A. M. Arrive at 1 uiu m I SIS 11 50 A. ft 1 , /(rtnnnni/ - I,cave West Print 9 W) A. fti. Lea v ,-ColumliUS.., ft 4b A. fti. At liv. at Montgomery 2(10 1“. M. NIMIIT TRAIN. i Leave Montgomery 7 0*) I’. M. Arrive at AYest Point 2 30 A. M. Aniv** at fobimini- 2 45 A. M. Itflurning-AiUiwi.’ West Point 11 30 P. Al. *• Is-aveColiimluts 10 00 P. M. Arrive at Montgomery i 15 A. M. Doubl,- daily connections are continued from West Feint to Atlanta, Augusta and Nashvtlle, and from Co lunibus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. Iff, - Negroes traveling alone must be provided with two pa- ,-s. showing permission of their owners to travel over tlie Hoad, one of whieli will he retained l.y the Con ductor. Nov 10 ft.YAIL’KLO. JONKB, Kng. k Sup. I YITEU STATES MAIL LINE TO NEW YORK. #„• Ills ellktl'CST AND THE PLEASANTEST ROUTE.’ k-H Thriuigli in 24 Honrs. file large and commodious side wheel Steamships JAMESTOWN. 1400 Tons C.vpt. L. I'AltlSll, lIOANOKK. 1200 “ Cam. T. SKINNKK. iKA \ K Norfolk for New York every WEDNKftDAY’ j and ftATUKDAY Evening, after tlie arrival of tlio ; Cars from tin- Smith, arriving in New Y ork next evening, and being only one night Ix-tween Norfolk and New York. Passengers going North may rely on finding these ftteauiers at Norfolk on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and their leaving punctually as advertised. Their accommo dations are very superior, nml tlie travelling public will lind this the pleasantest and cheapest route to New Y ork. To New York, including meals, state-rooms. Ac.... 58 W 0 ftle.-rsg,- passage 4 00 •I. Al. SMITH & into., ,fulyl9-tf Norfolk. Virginia. MONTUOMEUY, SELMA AND II 1(4IIY RIVER. I \ r KltCil.VNTft and others bringing goods by way ol IYL Savtiitnali, for Montgonn-ry, Selma aud other ‘daces ! west of Cohiinbns. Kcorgia, are in formed that hy snipping to care of JOHN W. HOWARD, Agent, Union Dray Company, Columbus, (leorgia, tlieir goods will be fin-warded from tlio Depot of tlie Muscogee ltaii liuibl to the Depot of the Opelika and Montgomery Hoad, at tin expense, for transportation l.y Dray between these points, of 75 cents per Ton (2000) lbs. which will save them 25 cent* per ton, as tlie Muscogee Hail Road Co.’s contractors charge one dollar per ton! The In ion Dray Company is amply raapoiißibio for all loss or damage, as may lie ascertained liy reference to Hell Ac Cos., .loaiali Morris, and K. T. Thom. Montgomery, Ala. Refer, ill Columbus, On., to IL Fatten and John C, Kuse; and at Selma, Ala., to T. It. Smith, july 31 If 40,000 DOLLARS WORTH Os Dry (Foods just received aud on sale at GEORGE W. ATKINSON’S, Two Door* below J. A ,1. Kyle, 104 Hroad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FOR CASH AT CASH PRICES. Call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. ’IMIE Stock is entirely new and well selected, and com- X prises every article usually kept in a Dry Goods store, and consists in part, of the following articles: Lullies’ Ureas Goods.—Rich plaid Silks; Rich stri l>ed do. ftlorie Antique Silks: Marinos and Cashmeres; French DeLainos, plain, and figured; Alpaccas and ISombuzines; Black Brocade and Gro-De-lthino Silks; Black (/union Cloths; French Poplins; French, English, tind American Ginghams. A great variety of Calicoes, including all tlie different manufactories and prices. Gloves.—Ladies’ Kid, black Silk: Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves ; Gents’ Buckskin Gloves: Gents’Cashmere do. Gents’ do. do. Buck lined. Shawls, Mantillas anil Talmas.—Merino and Cashmere Shawls; YVliitc and colored Crape do. Heavy woollen Shawls; Morie Antique Silk Talmas: Black and colored Cloth do. Ladies’ Cloth Cloaks. Also many sty les for children and misses, including a large lot ot Ladies’ cloths, all colors. Morie Antique trimming; Plush Trimmings, Ac. Ac. Hosiery.—Ladies ftloraviau Cot. Hose; do. black, white and colored Silk Hose; do. Merino Hose. Alsoafull assortment of Men’s Hosiery. Cloths and Casslmers.—Black French Broad Cloths: do. English do. do.; do. Doeskin Cussimers ; Black and Gray ftatinetts; Printed do.: Tweeds; Ken tucky .leans ; Union Casshuers; ftilk Warp Flannels; Welch Flannels; Opera Flannels; Printed do. Ac. Faili-y Goods.—Ribbons; Trimmings; lldkfs.; Cra vats; Cotton and Linen lldkfs.; French AVorking Cotton, Linen and ftilk Braids, and many other arti cle* too numerous here to mention. Laves anti Embroideries.—English, Thread, Maltese ami llouiton Isiees; ftilk and ltlond Islet's, Black ftilk Guipure; Virginia and Linen Thread Edg ings and Inset-tings; Lyle Edgings; Jaconet and ft tv is* Edgings: Maltese Lace Collars and ftleeves in *.-ls; llouiton Collars and ftleeves in sets;- Alpassec Worked Sleeves and Collars in sets: Worked Bands and Financings; French- WorkedCoHnrs mid ftleeves. Ac.. Ac. lleutly Matte ( 10l liiug. —lit addition to llieabove, 1 have a will selected stock of Ready Made Clothing, including Boys'Clothing, Merinu.Shirts and Pants, At-. Irish Linens, Linen Lawns. Linen Cambrics. Jii.-iivt an,l Swiss Muslins. Ac. Blankets, Kerseys, Sheetings, Shirtings, tisnal.urgs. Flannels, Bleached Homespuns. Lindsey*, lints, Caps; Hoots nml Shoes. Having tried the cash system for a year with entire success ami general satisfaction, 1 am determined tocon tinii,- il. and Inqa- to Imild up a business both pleasant j att.l prolitaldc. My faeilities for getting goods at low i prices, are surpassed l.y uoije: mnl as there are many ! who prefer buying tlieir goods tor CASH AT CAftli PKICEft. I especially invite tlient toealland look through tlie stock before making tlieir purchases, slid 1 say that i can. aud will, show them a difference of at least tvvln- Tv-nvi i'ku cent. To all who have favored iue with a call. I would offer my most grateful acknowledgements, and by a faithful observance of Low Prices for cash, hope to s i atv a liberal portion of tlieir patronage. 0> . 28. GEO. AY. ATKINSON. LAND WARRANTS. I.AXD OFFICE ANI) AGENCY, ton the rtRUH.vsE and SALE OP REAL ESTATE, OF ALL bKftCIUPTIONfI. CONVEYANCER, &c. &e. On Randolph .Street, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, COLUMBUS, GA. I HAY K iletermineil to devote my time exclusively to 1 the LAND ltl'ftiNESS. and hope,from my knowledge of tit,- lauds in Georgia, to be aide to give entire sutisfac iion to nil vvlio may eutrust me witli business. 1 hui pre pared to citlicr buy or sell, pet imps to latter advantage titan tiny oilier |*er-on in AVestern or ftoutli-westeiu Georgia, If you have lands to sell, call upon me; if I do not pur chase, l will find you a purchaser. If yon wish to buy, call also, for 1 ltave many valuable lots and settlements ot land to sell. From lav extensive knowledge of tbo owners of lands. 1 am prepared to ascertain tlie owner of almost every vacant lot of laud in tlie Stale. If you wish to ltave your land valued, you inv rely upon correct in tot mat ton. upon reasonable terms.’ HERDS, MORTGAGES, Am]either Instruments, draw u correctly and at low rates * . . EVTS “anted to sell Bonner’s large limp ofGcor gin—high per cent, given. o ri,rt,,i J'’ l Mlu pasting Nxw You and W.vsn i.xutox (irv Ini ts for LAND YVARItANTft. allowing small commission. s D.tvilig lim mtuie all arrangement with ouc of tlio best ill ins in W a.-” 1 I am invpHml t apply for BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS, of all H/.-s. and will charge but Five Dollars for each p. pheation-to 1. paid for when the warrant arrive* Bring m your claims soon. 0 ., m ? k0 ,llis “ pocmaneut business, and give it my undivided atteutiou, with a determination to give satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal share of p M ’ t lounge. I tom my friend* and the counumiitv generally* ft. K. BONN EH. * juiyot-ly Kami Offlee. Cohimluis. NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOM. 3d Door North of the Oglethorpe House, C'OLUMiUJS, <;a. r , ill E sul.serilier lias on hand, three iloots, ‘ J yL-Nortli of tlie Oglethorpe House. Ogle-'™*|p ~r Street, an assortment of matk* FUKMTUKK, to whieli lie will he Aim eonstHiitly adding, and which lie will sell at prices tliat cannot foil to suit those in want of anything in his lir.c. Articles not on in ltd will bo made to order at tlie short est notice. Kunxit iii-c repaired at reasonable rates. Call mid examine stork. july 21 J. H. fti K Est. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. MARIETTA. FIMIE Academic year is divided into two sessions ol live ± months each. The Tenth ftession coiiinieuees on the 2otli of February next, and ends on tlie PJth ot July. The Cadets tire divided into four college classes. The allnusl roninjemcmi-lit takes pliu-eon A\ edue-,lev lieibre the L’lltli of July. Academic Staff. Col. A. \ . Bniinl.y. v. M.. Superintendent and Professor ail ftlutliematies and Natural Pliihwophj. Cupl. ‘I lioniasii. McConnell. CuJitnuMidHiit of Uitdel.-. and Prof, oi l-.ngineeriitg. Mr. \. 11. Mangel. I'rofessor of Freiteii mid History. Mr. IV. 11. Hunt. M.. Professor of t'lieuiisli'y and English Literature. Mr. .1. I’>. ti.sulwiu, Professor of Draw ing. Cpt. !!. ft. Camp. Assistant l’i„di - -or of Matlieimd H -• A. Coniii-U, v. D.. fttitgeoti. The Indilution is under the direelioH and manage luent ol u I’.utud of TrUle, s,inepiijunetion witli a Board of \ isilors u|i|s>inted by tlie (inventor of the fttate. By an act of the Legislature, lit,- Institute lias been furnished with 14” Cadet Musket-and Aceoulreiiient-. and a Field Battery, consisting of four six-pounder bills.- pieces, anil two twclie-puUJideL Howitzers. Tin- ftiiperinteinleut and Ho- Commandant, are gradu al.’- ut’ \\ est Pi,ini. mid us the Institute is upon tile West Point plan, the public may lie assured tliat tin- govern ment, discipline and curse of studies will Is- strictly en forced. Terms: Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel. Lights, hire of Musi cians. and other contingent expenses, per session of Jive mouths, in advance, #ll2 50. sturgeon's tec. per annum, ft.',. Person*desiring further information can obtain ‘a copy of the ‘‘Regulations’’ by addressing the superintendent. January 2ti, ANDREW .1. ILANftF.L. ftee. KANSAS EMIGRATION. ’|l]|K undersigned, aided (as lie hopes to lie.) by several 1 distinguished orators, will address tin- people of Al ai,ama on tlie duty and importance of aiding Southern emigration to Kansas, at Iho times and plan s following, to.vvit: Eufirulu, Barbour cu,.., Tuesday, dan 22U, ISSO. Lafayette, Cltnmbers co, Friday . “ -sth “ Auburn, Alacen co, Saturday. “ 2',tli Montgoinerv, Monday, ■ —St it ■■ ftelnio, Dallas co, Thursday , 31st “ Cahabti, Saturday, Felt 2d. Woodville, Perry co, Monday, “ 4th, Benton, Jsjwudes eo, Tlinrsday, 7tli “ Lovvtrdesboro, Lowndes eo, Friday'. “ fttl: lfayneviile. •• Saturday, “ ‘Jtlt “ Mount Willing, Monday. •• lltli “ Greenville. Duller co, Tuesday, •• 12th ■■ Valletou, Pike eo, Wedu’day, “ 13th •• Troy, •• Thursday, J4th “ Elba, Coffee Saturday. - ll,Hi •• Geneva, Monday, - ifttli - Dalevillc. Dale co, YVedues., •• 2Utii “ Newton, “ Thursday, “ 21st YVodfords, Henry co ....Friday. •* 22d “ Woodville. •• Saturday, 23d - Colutitl.ia, -- .Monday. •• 25th ■■ Franklin, “ Tuesday, •• 26th “ AltlteVille, Thursday, 28tli •• It is hoped tliat ali who think tlie supremacy of (lie w hite race in the South is really endangered l.y the fierce war now- being waged against it, anil all who really de sire to maintain that ascendency, and who belivo that Kansas is indeed an important outpost in this contest, will not only attend tlie above appointments, but tliat every neighborhood will hold meeting.* of their own anil agitate for men aud material aid. All Editors friendly to the cause, it is hoped, will pub lish this and keep the subject continually before the people. ,1. BUFORD. Eul'niiln, Ala., Jan, 15th, 1856. PAGE’S IMPROVED PATENT CIRCULAR SAW MILL. GEORGE PAGE A CO., N. ftuiiHOEDKR St., near YVest Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland, “I > EftI’LTFULLV inform their friends and the public AY generally, that they have greatly enlarged their manufacturing establishment, and that their faeilities are now such as to enable them to execute ail orders, with promptness, for their celebrated PATENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS which have given so much satisfaction throughout the Union, as also Steam Powers of all sizes and kinds, Horse Powers, Grist .Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, together with various other machines and implements to econo mise labor. Since their Circular Saw- Mills were invented by, and patented to, their senior partner, they have made many improvements, which render them perfect in all their details, and justly entitia them to he considered among the greatest labor-saving inventions of tiie age. A Pamphlet containing full descriptions of their three classes of Mills, prices, terms, capacity for sawing, Ac., will be sent to any gentleman applying fo’-- ,te by letter, post|ai.'u Having recently obtained damages iu action brought iu the United States Circuit Court for the Distric t oi Maryland, for an infringement of their Patent Right, they hereby forworn tlie public from purchasing Mills similar to theirs from unauthorized builders or their agents. Address Georue Paue a Cos.. N. ftehroetk-i*. near Haiti more street. Baltimore. Maryland. GILMER A (0. Agents. Jiy-d2m Montgomery, Alabama. USE THE MAGIC IMPRESSION. P PAPER FOR W RITING W ITHOUT PEN OR INK. Copying Leaves, Plants, Flowers, Pictures, Patterns for embroidery, Marking Liuen Indelibly, and Manifold \\ vitlng. This article is absolutely the best portable ink stand in tlie known world, for a small quantity folded and placed in tlio pocket, constitutes a travelling Ink stand. which cannot- be broken. No pen is needed, for any stiek sharpened to a point, writes equally as well as the best gold pen in tlie universe. For draw ing, it is in disputable. It is, indeed, the whole art of drawing and painting—taught iu one lesson. Any leaf, plant or flow er call lie transferred to tlio pages of an album, with a minute and distinct resemblanee of nature. Witli equal felicity, pictures and einqroldery pattern are taken, and ltave received the highest enlogiuins from tlie fair sex. anil indued, a more taetfui present torn lady could not la- produced. 1 liis Magic Paper will also mark linen, or other articles, so us to retiiuiii perfectly indelible All the washing iu tlie world tails to bring it out. Any cliihlcan use it with pet feet ease. Witli this Magic Paper, likewise, one or four copies ol every letter written rail be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest anil most convenient article extant. It is used to great ad vantage l.y reporters of tlio public press, telegraphic ope rators. an,l hosts of others. Each package contains four different colors—blink, bine, green and rod, with full and printed instructions. and will last sufficiently to obtain Five Hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of (lie proprietor nttnclied. Each and every package warranted. Price—*2per dozen, or five for si. Single packages -> cents. Mailed to all parts of the world on tlie recep tion ,] the tilvovc priee*. Address, post-paid. X. 11l IJBEbb. 167 Broadway. New York. OPINIONS OF THE l’RKftft. llißui.u's M.k.ic Impression Paper.—YVe refer mu leaders to the advertisement in another column sotting toitli tlie merits of this pleasing and iugenions invention rite cheapness should induce nil to give it a trial. .... [Philadelphia Merchant. I t is iinsurpaascd tor neatness and utility, and should meet with the sale it so richly deserves."— Tribune “.lust what the public has so long desired, and rerom rnends itself to every individual of taste and refinement.” jllly-dtt |.hiiirnal and Comi, r. ASBURY FEMALE INSTITUTE. La Fayette, Alabama. J. YVesley Stacy, a. m.. Principal. Mrs. M L Stacy, I Teachers in Literary Miss E. Bacukldkr, j Department. : T>N"r 1,11,1 Ornamental Department. T m oi w 1 nstituthii will be resvni.od en A tin- 2d Monday in January. 1556. Rates of Tuition, per Scholaetle Year. Primary Department 1 reparatnry Department .... 25 00 Ist and 2d Department College course no ,;1 an.! 4tl. “ .. .. 40 00 ocal Music taught without extra charge. Speedy arrangement* will be made to procure a suita fol J^ariuiP: kcC ’ Tlie Principal is an alumnus of Emory and Henry Cul ege. Ya—lias large experience iu teaching, and comes highly- recommended, both as to character and nl.ilitv for ! imparting instruction. ‘ ; Situated in the biwuiu of a beautiful and healthy vil iage. furnished itli all the facilities necessary To the ac quisition of u finished education, the Institute stionulv commends itself to the patronage of an intelligent^ I” families K. G. Richards. j *r h,.. w.l lol'm w”m 0 " U V, John ( . Towles. YV . ■ E. 11. Muse. “111. J. Adams A. M. Presley. December 21. 1855 if*'"''""’ TniAuus. AMERICAN COTTON PLAK'Tu, FOR 1 850. M’ r > >UE Fourth Volume, of the American Cotp,,. , I will et.miiieine with tlie January number in tiins formally announcing the Pisi.-peciu- Fourth Volume, we have but a few short p,i u 1 arid, sanguine in Hie belief that, with the iuteuE,'.’ ,lost 1 ions patrons of progrewdv# improvem Agrieulture, Meeliauic Arts, Mamifhetiires ,q l( **;- ing States, and especially Alabamians, the paq j,,., 1 tlie Gotten Planter is its highest commendation : in tlie first place, we roniurk to our friends dial that tliv Editor, Dr. Cloud, lias again become ip, p, er and Proprietor; nud we lierol.y assure m lt ‘ enipliuMcally, that in future Ilu- Cotton Planter sue promptly by the first day ot'eaeli montli. I:! Flushed with victory in the imignifieent Kxhip, Alabama's Industry, as demonstrated in the trim, MU-eess of the first Animal Fair of the Alahan lf j Agricultural Society, the Cotton Planter will j.,: step backward” it* progress is onward tuid npwiir.’.'. ! highest niche of improvcinent. It i* lifqn-d earnestly liy the Editor and propikq,... t I. the iheiuliers ot” the ftts-hdy, that the Plant,’ ‘ f Fanpers, tlri Mechanics and Mamifa.-Uircs of Aliii, i will rally en masse to the support of Alabumn's only ( ehisivcly) Industrial Pi-riodi.-al,’ the Organ of ti„. I bmna ftinte Jgrienltural Society, that its eflieieiu v *'l tm unfettered in the great work of dovolopin-j mensurnide re. eiil ees of ilu- Key stone State oftla s •• Devoted to Improved PhiVitmion Economy. Jlujj E lures anti the .Mechanic .Irts.” tlie ohjeet of the >’ I enn Cotton i’ianter is to aliiiiiinvt’ tire Soil mnl lire Mind, ! Ylitli a corps of correspondents, nunilieringin ; i| l . I| H > most praetii-al ns well ns scientific minds of i]„ .. I 1 we feel assured we sliaii be aide lo visit our pair , I i the first of each inouib. tu tlieir ontlro satiafaefiej. ! profit. Every family’ -in the country, vvliatuviq- uisy t. avocation, should patronise nolne Agrieultiual j.aj,, t j cause there is no reading matter published to tie, | ! so innocent, and ut the same time so practically j.,. [ ! tile, in ali tlie vv allts of life as t lint oldaiued inn 1, f cultural Periodical. The-Imeiiean Cotton i'l ;tU -,...” i issue promptly by tlie first day of tin- month. |* kj uiiiformly jirinted in magazine style, on good xvhiu per. with new and fair type, securely stitched i ir „i ined. Our llorticnltural Departnn lit will lie suslaiiiai I heretofore, by a gentleman of ],ractieal c.\j* ir],, ! E. .(. Halt, of Montgomery. Terms : Ouo copy, in advance ], ftix copies “ - 5 e Twelve copies •• Iu {| dubs or -Igtieultural ftucleties, 109 copies All comumuteoilona, either for tiie columns ol'tlu-f; ter, or containing remittances, ordering tlie paper. t lie addressed to Dr. N. li. Cloud. Loikland Postal! -Ilahama. Subscriptions should commence with tlie vi.liun Newspapers friendly to the work, throughout tlu-sp will confer a favor by copying the Prospectus. Our exchanges will please direetto Lockland. .lls, BROWN’S WAcSILIISra- IVLAwCECILri. r |MIE Inventor in introducing his new ltotnry IVak 1 Machine to tlie notice of tlie public, does so witli confidence Hint ill all cases where a fair trial but, ; tliey will be as tIA y have been i>y tliosc who havn. them, pronounced to be tlie best Machine for vvadj now iu use, and capable of performing more w ork it less time and w itli less damage to tlie clothes than other YVashing Machine now made. lie claims for this Machine, tliat it will cleaiw clothes from dirt in 15 lo 30 minutes and leave tliem, tirciy clean, rtudy for bailing and rinsing. it will do an ordinary day’s washing in an hum . docs not wear the clothes more than tmeAcnth asm if when washed by hand. It is adapted to washing from tlie finest Muslim - coarsest clothes, Blankets aud Carpets. It can lie worked by women or even a 12 year old! and is so simple in its construction tliat almost any 1.. can repair it —if it should ever need it—and will w’it!i dinary care last from 5 to 10 years. ■ffSr One of the great merits of this Machine in ndilit) to tlie facility in washing—is tliat the clothes tire ~/< out by Washing. By the ordinary process of vva-L clothes art more injiucel than by wearing. ’J'lii* inii, tage together with tlie fact tliat it will do ten time work of taunl labor, should induce every Hotel, Hoark House, and family to have one. These Machines are sold for Cash only, delivered v shop—price $lB. Directions for using sent witli machine. Manufactured bv CLEMONS, BROWN t ft- YVe refer to a few of the many who have tjouglii used the Machines, viz: Gen. Bethune, Columbus, | Elisha Trammell, •• Dr. A. Pond, “ 1 GeorgeT. Hurt, Rvwsrli [ A. SI. Allen, “ . Clias. A. I’eabody . •• [ John YV. Hurt, “ Hopson Smith. John Hudson, of the firm of A. Low!her. Tlireewits, Holt k Cos., James'forbut. | Thomas DeYVotf. “ B. YViiithnrst. Charles YVise. ••. YV. A. McGruder. R. E. Dixon, j George McGehee. Dr. Urquliart. •• Walton B. Harris. •• P. A. Clayton. ; YV. G. Williams, J. C. Brewer, “ D. Bullard, James R. Jones, “ , R. N. R. Bardwell,Tusk,,- Charles P. Levy. “ J. C. Sale, Auburn. J. Ennis, “ A. 11. Bell, Montgomery YVm. Matheson. “ Jno. Gill Shorter. Eiif J. YV. Thomas. -■ ! E. E. Brown, Macon. 6 James Comer, “ - Feimile College. Owen Thomas, “ j Geo. T. Rogers. Capt. ,T. E. Davis, “ 0. YV. Massey, Rev. .1. YV. Talley, Oxford. YV. ft. Brantley, A. ti. Slappey, Fort Yalley N. Clayton. Chnmbeis. Col. YVellborn, Meriwether. N. YV. Persons, Etion. A Columlms. November 0 2m- MELK’K &, CO’S. CASH CLOTHING WAREHOUSE Old stand of.), ft. Smith & Cos., 123 West Side Broad SI reel, COLUMBUS, GA. MEN ft and Boys Clothing—a large stock 10 - 1 from, suited to every class and condition. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods in every variety. October 22. ly AUCTION &, COMMISSION BUSINEv! r IMIE undersigned having pirn based tlie interest ol” 1 J. Austin, in tlie firm of Harrison. Austin A MeG. I will continue the A net in, Commission, Negro Brokernsl and Forwarding Business, under tlie name and style of HARRISON fc MoGKHBI At the old stand, Nos. 50 and 61 Broad Street. : and pledge tlu-m/vclves to a prompt and faithful atti-nif to all business ooinmitted to their care. Tliey will:) tlieir personal attention to the sale of Real>‘, Negroer Merelinndlze, and Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are pro to make Liberal Advances on Negroes ami Men-lrm of every description. 4F*,'Particular attention given lo Administriili-i- Executors’ sales. CHARLES ft. HAUKISO.’ Octoliei- in. 1858. ly ALLEN C. WcOEHEK JAMES .1. TODD, < <)M M ISSfON MERCHAN’I: Wo. 2G East Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, fiR.VI.KR IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. It ftiapie Div tiood*. Drugs, Patent Medieines. Coni'-- 1 cry. Tobacco. Ac. An. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AM> ftnl.l 1 it i* ‘Orders for all articles promptly attended to. 1! ordered is not in the Store it will I-,- pul'd-’ and shipped witli dispatch. Octoliei- 20. ly i>. B. THOMPSON co., j 143 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. Wholesale and Retail Dealer *. i BKIKiXG KTO\ ES of all si/cs and y.y patterns: FOKCK amt LIFTING I’UMI’S.lffL, J.eail Fipe, II"II,.w Ware, llHttania mill I'liin-WB isln-,1 \\ ares, Cutlery, anil House Furnishiuc Roods generally. ami mamilartmvrs of TIN AND SHEET IRON WAKE. January 20. ly PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPE* 1 HOCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HMIK.HE MILLS are prepared to tlie I. ‘ L tide ol l'rinting and XV rapping Paper. The ] L .” wh IdiTlie Daily Sun is printed, is made at thee ‘I •IAMES LIGON, COMMISSION MEBCHAN 1 No. lU2 Hast Side Dread Street. COM - MHIS. ÜBOBGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in : Bacon. I.ard. Flour. Coflee. Sugar. Salt. 1 . co Cheese, Onions, i’otatocs, Apples, Dried Fruit-. I October IIP, ly PRIME HAMS. Oil BARRELS prime Hums received litis <l“.’ £>V t Cliaudler A nnrl for wile at 12'.. edits l”' 1 '! . l.y the Darrel, or 14 cents retail, l.y I February it. JAMES LRd FINE CIGARS AND SNUFF. LUXE liuvaniui Cigars, Lorelurd’s Snuff, constant I hand ami for sale, wholesale und retail, id Broad street. ,T. .1. T |,lu , Columbus, Oct. IMPORTANT NEWS. TORDAX [.. HOWELL has removed his stock : ‘ t) ami Stationery to the Store formerly oe. upl W. Kohinsun and (i. E Gager, nearly opi.sitc t* 1 '’ 1 Bank, where he will he pleased lo see Ills IVidi'l- •- I who want valuable Presents fir theii diiUe flic nils. December 18