Newspaper Page Text
I:jif § ails |un.
. i ,iiv at Five Dollars a year. Where the sub
. il rnade for lews than a year, at the rate of
ll > u “ “ month. Single copies, Five Cents.
’ vdvkktisino HATES.
meats will be inserted at Five Cents a line
xhree Cents a line for each subse
-1 i,lS ttioa of the same—to be paid for when the
inU tended into the office.
. exceeding 6 lines, not renewable, will be
*f*hree months for sl, six months for SO, or one
. ‘lii Time agreed upon to be paid for before the
2 not exceeding ten lines, renewable at
I Jv ' ,rt mLrted at S2O a year—to be paid for quarterly
■ siirei' 119
i#f ! ' ll '!%',n,mts of 20 lines, renewable at pleasure, in
■ d*eftis* - —payable quarterly in advance,
i exceeding 20 lines, will be
■ vutnat m rate of $lO for for every additional ten
I ,™ble quarterly in advance.
!b r'Xmentsor notices, occupying a phme between
I , matter and advertisements, will be charged
B^‘^7KKirrrV ,, Ol’ GEORGIA?
Athens. December 18, 1855.
I , ...n'isea of this Institution will recommence on
W uith ,lav of January next, and continue until the
H'rtiimiHt when there will > a week’s vacation, alter
14' A tiulies will be resumed until the winter vacation,
iJiii'iiiiK on the first of November.
■ fallowing able and experienced olheers comprise
■I M,„c Faculty—who are expected to be at their
H in die zealous discharge of their duties.
Hf,” 1 phurcli l>. D., I’resiileut and Professor of I’oliti-
K■ “uon.v and Mental Philosophy.
■ rt ‘ ‘ p, \Vuddel. a. m., Professor ot Anclent Languages
SimaiuTMliantlcy, h. P.. lVofcs.or of Belles Lettres,
of Christianity and 11 istory.
•*5 LeOonte, M. i>., Profess’ >r us Natural Sciences ami
r her of French. . ~
William Leroy Broun, a. m, l'rofessor oi Mathematics,
Jonomy and Civil Engineering.
Mi tries S. Venable, A. si., Professor ol Natural i’luloso
„h} and Chemistry.
[HI m Joseph 11. Lumpkin, u.. Professor ot Law .
| ee, M. I>. Terrell, Professor of Law.
Killiain Henry Waddell, a. Tutor in Ancient Lam
Bulm'lV. Park, a. m., Tutor in Mathematics.
H'liilicants for admission are recommended to lie pres
-1 the bepiuning ofthe term.
Ijf niits and Guardians may feel satisfied that their
H md wards can here obtain a thorough education.
W „i „■ ASBUKV HULL, Sec’ry.
Georgia Female College.
flllllS Institution is organized under four
I regular departments of Instruction, yiz:
K Collegiate, the Academic, the department
■ Languages, and the Ornamental Depart-
I the Collegiate department, is taught ev-
H- thing that is necessary for tlie full devel
■ment of tlie mental powers, the Common
Siulies being kept in constant review.
Bill the Academic department, is taught
•atever may be necessary for preparing the
Bpil to enter advantageously upon her Col
lege career.
Bln the department of Languages, Latin,
(Seek and French are taught.
■Tlie Ornamental department comprises the
two Schools of Music and Desigu. In the
former, instruction is given upon all the usual
infetraments, while in the latter, every variety
on Drawing, Painting, &c. is taught.
■'The location (Madison, Morgan County,)
sands unrivalled for its social ami religions
privileges, and for the salubrity of its climate.
■The Young Ladies board in Private Families,
•ere they receive all those offices of mator
nal care and kindness which are accessary for
their health and comfort.
ITlie next term commences on Monday tlie
Bth of January. may tie obtained by applying to
either of the officers.
It. D. MILLARY, Sec’y of Faculty.
Madison, Nov. 14th, 1865.
rpilE First Session, for 1850, will commence
H on Monday the 21st of January, and close
on the !2il of July.
J. F. Bledsoe, Principal.
Hiss M. E. Hotchkiss, Assistant Lit. Dept.
| “ Pre. “
J. li. Norman, Professor of Music.
Rates of Tuition Per Annum.
Iraitnary class sl6 00
F weparatory class 25 00
■rst year in regular course 32 00
[ list three years eacJi “ 40 00
I'ench Language 20 00
Lj lls,c 011 ie Uiano, including use of In
| lusic on the Harp, including use of In
istrument 65 00
Music on the Guitar 10 00
■ridental Expenses, 1 00
If I he Latin and Greek Languages will be
[ l 11 !?! 11 , as a part of the regular course, to all desire them.
J Instruction will be given in Drawing, Pain-
W 1"! Embroidery, Wax and Paper Flowers at
m" 1 usual rates.
II Vnoal music will be taught to the whole
free of charge.
| 1 oung ladies can be accommodated with
-warding in the family of the Principal, or in
rajiectable families, at ten dollars per month,
|ery tiling furnished except lights and tow
el i.
■ I urents and guardians living at a distance,
ran requested to appoint an agent in La Fay
rate, who shall make all purchases of clothing,
ra 1 I” 1 ’ their daughters or wards.
ra I i’"f. J. P>. Norman is an experienced and
ranvesstul teacher of music, and is prepared to
jic instruction in the art of Composition, and
®,[h “rough Hass, to advanced pupils. “
• he Institution is supplied with a Harp, and
* thnew Pianos.
B Miss Hotchkiss, who lias not, heretofore,
• connected with the Institution, comes to
[ !!f h, y. t'ccommended, as a teacher of rare
I'Ll incations. Among other testimonials the
■> owing letter from Prof. Newman, of Union
■” York, is an ample guarantee for
raer ability and efficiency:
I . Union College, Dec. 29,1865.
M !" ut Sift:—ln reply to your inquiry, 1
raould say, Miss Hotchkiss, I know to be cmi
■'ii } qualified for teaching. Her scolarship
ra, general and very thorough. She is enter
ra ising anil ambitious—-loves to teach, and on
■n whole, is the best qualified for it of any
. e ) vei ‘ instructed. I speak thus confi
■ “ because slie was a pupil of mine some
I""’ or “ ve years. Truly yours,
tpoii the general principle that nothing tends
‘'le to impair and destroy the intellect, than
l'eincial habits of study, no young lady, in
1" s ,. ns htution will he permitted to take up
1 ies beyond the grasp oflier mind, or to ad
-11110,1111 lower to a higher class until she
loroughly mastered all that precedes.—
III lm • l * la *'* ias not comprehended cornmou
im .?V c English Grammar, is but poor-
W TUbhod to grapple with the intricacies of
•Higher mathematics, or the subtleties of
he invite patronage, and we intend to de
.e 11: Uutwe do not promise to make schol
>u a day. While modern science has ul
annihilated time and space, the mind
li,| lln ' 1 .pf'y original qualities and capabil
. , * le Intellect, in its onward progress,
1 dependent upon the principles of asso
wl. i" n 'i * ,e l' u ' ver - s of judgoinent.aiid memory.
, i ai vancevueut in knowledge now. as it has
. r been, is slow. j fttl4
t Dailj &11.
VOL. 1.1
Opelika, Mussel] Count)’, Alabama.
rpilE Building for this Institution is now
1 completed, and the Board of Directors
invite the attention of Parents and Guardians
to the advantages offered by Prof, McCormick,
for the education of both sexes.
By the McCormick System of Education,
the reasoning powers are more expanded and
better cultivated in five months than by the old
system in five years.
Legitimate Education is the object of this
College ; without the aid of Theology, Music,
duplicity, begging, fashion or foolery in any
shape whatever.
Throe Rules will lie rigidly enforced: Ist,
early and punctual attendance; 2d, to leant
very fast; 3rd, to behave remarkably well.
The only required preparation for admission
will bo good character, over nine years of age,
and exemption from all illegal and base asso
ciation, ami no students refused because of
being graduates.
An effort merely to please a people, being
the first stop towards duplicity and fraud, duty
alone will be the Polar Star taught; and no
Yankee drumming, for students, need be ex
pected, nor no beggars employed by this Col
Kates of Tuition :
Orthography, &e §ls 00
Arithmetic, English Grammar, &c 25 00
Mathematics, &c., with useof Inst’m’ts. 37 50
Double these rates will be charged for every
day that a student may he unnecessarily ab
After students are well learned in the Na
tural Sciences, they will be allowed to enter
any ancient or modern Language at §25 per
Walter G. Williams, President of the Board.
James 11. Green, David Lockhart,
John R. Page, A. 13. Bennett,
U. S. Brownfield, Thos. 15. Bogus,
L. .1. McCormick, President of College,
Prof. Mathematics, &c.
N. B.—McCormick’s Arithmetic and Key
(thelargest ever published,) for sale by Wm.
Kay, Agent, Atlanta and Newnan, Ga., and
by D. Watson & Son, Opelika, Ala.
Jan. 23, 185(5.
Southern Commercial College,
Chartered by lltc General Assembly of
tlie State.
rjAHE above Institution is permanently loca
ted and is not surpassed by any similar
establishment in the United States, in point of
facilities for imparting a thorough knowledge
of the duties of the Accountant.
Hook Keeping.
This Department is under the immediate su
pervision of the President of the College, who
is a practical hook keeper, having had many
years experience in some of the largest count
ing houses in the Union.
Commercial Law.
This branch is under tlie superintendence of
John A. McEwcn, Esq., member of the Nash
ville Bar, who is too widely kuownas a lawyer
and orator to require any further notice atour
The course of instruction embraces both
Heading and Lectures.
Lectures will be delivered at night, so as
not to interfere with his professional engage
Mercantile Calculations.
These are taught by William Ferrel, A. M.,
and embraces every species of calculations
necessary fora business man to understand,
viz: Interest, Discount, Loss and Gain, Equa
sions, Exchange, etc. etc.
Terms of Tuition.
Book keeping by Double and Single Entry,
as applied to every variety of business, both
prosperous and adverse. Commercial Calcu
lations, and Commercial Law Lectures, inclu
ding the use of Books §4O 00
Penmanship for 20 lessons 5 00
For lessons without limit 10 00
The above fees are payable invariably in ad
vance. The importance of this rule must ap
pear obvious, as students entering for an un
limited period, with the privilege of reviewing
at any time during life, without extra charge.
This School is in perpetual session, having
no vacation; hence students may enter at any
time, and pursue their studies without inter
Merchants and business men will be supplied
with competent book keepers by applying at
this establishment.
No pupil will ever receive, a diploma who is
not well qualified to discharge the duties of
the accountant.
Good board and lodging can be obtained at
$3 per week.
Mat kematical Depart incut.
—lti connection with this Institution is a Math
ematical Department, conducted by W. Ferrel,
A. M., in which is taught a thorough course
of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.
Course of Instruction’. — Arithmetic, Al
gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Surveying in
all its branches, with the use of instruments,
and field exercise : Topographical Drawing;
Descriptive Geometry, Shades and Shadows,
Linear Perspective; Projections of all kinds;
Analytical Geometry, and the Differential and
Integral Calculus; Mechanics, with Applica
tions to Machinery and Engineering, Magnet
ism, Electricity, Optics, Navigation and As
The student may pursue a partial or full
course, at his option—and special attention
will Vie given to such practical branches as are
useful to the Surveyor, Architect, Engineer,
Terms —From §5 to $7 50 per month.
Address Southern Commercial!'ollege, Nash
ville, Tenn. Nashville, Dec. 1855.
1)K(!S leave to notify those who expected to become
) patron* to hi* second course iu Dancing, that from
tin’ extreme lmd weather, and other unfortunate circum
stances. such a* failures of the car*, &e., prevented him
from meeting lii* first appointment, hut will he prompt
in no .-tints his other appointments. And having distrib
uted his circulars in many families, he is in hopes they
wiil bear in mind tlmt next Friday Evening is tlie second
appointment for an Assembly, and will lie the first one
given—as the time ior the first one lias passed—though
at! will lie given as expressed on the Cards of invitation
which will only prolong the time, two weeks longer.—
And feeling under many obligations to the citizens of
Columbus and vicinity for the very liberal putronage
heretofore extended to him in his profession, begs again
to notify them that lie will resume his Lesson* on Satur
day Morning next, (tlie 20th instant), 9 o'clock. And be
ing alone now, (the partnership having bcendissolved by
mutual consent.) Parent* and Guardian* may rest assur
ed that no pains will tie spared, in aiding their children
in all tlie brnnehes of politeness: end a due regard will
b* paid to their 11101*11*.
Columbus. Jan.. 20.1864. lawtw
Between the “Perry” and “Oglethorpe” Hotels, and ili
rertlv opposite Temperance Hall,
Wli have now in store and receiving the QfKC jtKj i* ■
best mid most extensive stock of velii
cies to be found in this country, comprising
of finest mid richest finish, and most elegant appearance.
of latest style* and every variety.
of every known pattern and shape, suitable fbr ono or
two horses, and complete assortment of Top and No-Top
of the latest and most fashionable styles now used. Tiro
fact that the well known and highly esteemed work of
JAMES M. QiTNHV & DO. a* Well as ‘that of other
makers of the highest reputation, can be tbmid only
at our House, and tiiat all our stock is made up un
-1 der the personal direction of Mr. H.D McKee, (whose long
experience guarantees its quality) ('liable* us to offer
better work and at lower prices, than arti
cles of tlie same quality can be sold for by any other dea
ler in this country ; and quite as low as they can be af
forded in New York city. For proof of which ive respect
fully invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us.
We are selling at tlie very lowest rates, for cask or ap
proved credit, and always ask our selling
prices, so our customers and strangers as well,
may rely on being honestly and fairly dealt with. Eve
ry article Is warranted to le strictly as
represented, and satisfaction guaranteed to all.
N. B.—Having the best regular set of Carriage
workmen to be found in this country, we are pre
pared, as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing at
the lowest possible rates, with the utmost
promptness and in tlie best manner. MeK. ,fc It.
January 28. ly
Lumpkin, Ga.
rilllE Trustees of this institution take pleasure in 1111-
X nouncing to the public that they have secured tlie
! following faculty, to take charge of the College, at the
opening of the next term.
rv tu.TY:
Col. Augustus Alden, A. M. President —Professor of Kll
- giisli Literature and Ancient Languages.
Rev. F\ X. Forster, a. m.—Professor of .Natural Science
and Mathematics.
Miss Ann E. Alden. Instructress in French and Bota
ny aLd Principal of Preparatory Department.
This institution is located in one of the most beautiful
and healthy villages of South Western Georgia: owned
by tlie Masonic Fraternity, and under its supervision; it
is kept fl ee from all sectarian bias—at tlie same time, re
quisite care is taken to secure to the pupil* proper moral,
as well as mental training.
Tlie next session will open on the second Monday in
January next. The Classes will then be organized,"and
will progress as heretofore.
Boarding can be obtained in tlie best families of the
1 place, where the students will bo surrounded by the safe-
I guards and amenities ofthe families circle.
The rates oftnition and board, are as Tow a* those of
j sered by any similar Institution in this part of tlie State.
The College is furnished with anew and complete set
j of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, Globes, Maps,
I Charts, Ac.; in fine with everything necessary tor illus
tration in the several departments of Natural and expe
rimental Scicuces-
The College Building is so arranged that tlie Depart
ments will lie kept entirely separate, each occupying its
respective rooms.
Arrangements are now iu progress to secure for the
Music Department, a gentleman of the highest grade of
abilities and moral ‘lniraeter.
We invite the patronage of a liberal and discerning
public, being assured, from the character and reputation
of those constitutiugthc Faculty, and the ample facilities
for instruction now actually in possession ofthe institu
tion, that every pledge we make shall be redeemed, every
inducement we offer will prove to be a fact; and that our
Institution can challenge comparison with the proudest
iu the land.
| Persons desiring Luther information in regard to the
! College, will please address 1.. M. Cox, Lumpkin, or Rev.
j I*’. X. Forster, Cnthbcrt, Ga.. who will furnish them w ith
| Circulars, Ac. Jan. 23 ts
lUIE undersigned designs opening a Private Academy
for Young Ladies in Eatonton, Pu'tnan county, Ga..
j on Wednesday, January 9th, 1850.
11l the Literary Department the course ol study will
! be extensive and liberal.
j The Latin, French, German and (Spanish Languages
will be taught if desired.
j The Ornamental Department will include Music on the
j Piano, Harp, Organ and Guitar..
Also, Drawing, Painting, anil Embroidery in all its
I branches.
A complete apparatus will be furnished in order to af
] lord ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments will lie provided, so that caeli
pupil may have the means of daily practice in addition to
! the regular lesson.
The number of pupils will be limited to GO.
Tuition per annum. $125 00; half in ad\*ince,aml the
| balance at the end of the year.
Attention is called to tin.* following advantages: First,
| the pupil receives u much larger share of attention, titan
when the school is large and overgrown.
Second, in addition to the regular course of study, she
ca n make such a selection from the languages, ami the
Ornamental Department, its time and choice nitty dictate.
‘ without extra charge.
Third, the low rate of tuition, compared with that of
I other schools.
The usual charge for the English branches, is. ..S4O DO
Music 20 00
Latin (Extra) 20 00
French •* 20 00
Drawing and Painting 25 Oil
Embroidery 25 00
Making tlie aggregate of SIBO 00.
To this add the extra charges made for the use n* in
struments, stationery, Ac., and the amount will not fall
fiu - short of S2OO, whereas, in the plan adopted iu this
Academy, the charge for these is $125 leaving 11 difference
of SSO to $75 in its favor.
Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils. Ac., gratis. Books,
sheet music. Drawing, Painting and Embroidering mate
rials furnished at tlie usual rates.
Persons desiring further information,or wishing to en
-1 ter their daughters or wards, may address me, for tlie
preseut. tit Lumpkin. Stewart County, On.
Jan 25. I. It. BRANHAM.
Cassville, Georgia.
riUIK first Term of this Institution will begin on the
I first Monday in February, 1860, under the direction
of the following
Rev. Thomas Hamisait,
Chairman and Professor of Ancient Languages.
Rev. William 11. Uoukht, Professor of Mathematics.
Rev. B. W. WmijiLN.
Professor of Belles ladders and English Literature.
Rev. W. 11. Robi&t.
Pro tern. Professor of Natural Science.
Rev. R. W. WlllLbKN. pro telil. Professor tjf
Moral Philosophy and Intellectual Science.
Other Professors will In’ elected as soon as the wants of
1 tlie college require it.
Board mid lodging can he procured ut a hoarding house
or in private families, at from eight to ten dollars per
11l Academic department, per year >'2B on
In College department, per year 54 00
The Board of Trustees are now offering to sell scholar
ships for four years at SIOO or
Scholarships for sixteen yearn, at 240 On
Thus making tuition merely nominal
The annual commencement Will take place on Thurs
day after tlie first Saturday In July.
Cassville is a healthy location. Our college building
is situated three quarter* of a mile from the village, and
is a commodious building. Here young men will be
comparatively free free tlie allurements of fashionable
life, the baneful influence of grog shops, and the expos
ures of a mixed population.
Any information, as well as eotalogu**, can lie obtained
nu application to the undersigned, or any of the faculty.
December 31. Secretary Board of Trustees.
T OFFER for stile a splended set ofTinners* Tools and Ma-
I chines, with ns fine a set of Patterns ns there is in tlie
I State, very low for cash or good notes and security, pt v
! able Ist January next. Ten per cent, oft’ for cash. A
bargain can lie bad by early application.
Also, a first rate set of Wool Cards, with all appertain
ing machinery, ns good ns new. Dull wwn or you lose a
bargain. J. J. TODD,
February 0. M Broad Street.
MRS. C. It. WILLIAMS, on Jackson street, in front
of tlie residence of Mr. P. MrUlsren, is prepared to
accommodate a few day boarders.
February 9 lw
East Alabama Female College,
Tuskkgkh, Macon County, Alhama.
IOCATED ill Tuskegce, a village far-famed for its
j healthful climate and refined society, tlie college is
easy of access from east and west by the Montgomery
and W est Point Rail Road which passes at the distance
of four miles, and from the upper and lower country by
excellent roads.
The public may feel assured that tlie high standard of
education here adopted will never he lowered. It is our
determination to present at all times an institution whose
facilities for Instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
tion among tlie first in the country. These are, 1111 ulo
, guilt and commodious edifice, erected at a cost, of some
forty thousand dollars—a large and aide corps of instruc
tors—a well selected library—a good apparatus and a ca
binet, prepared with special reference to the wants oftho
; college.
The boarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They have
j the privilege of membership In 11 literary society, meet
ing weekly for rehearsals, reading and exercises iu com
position. One hour on Sabbath afternoons is spent by
them in giving nn analysis of tlie morning sermon, and j
, In other exercises iles'gned to riiltivatr a taste for reli
! gious truth. They also attend moulhly levees conducted
by the governess and other members of the faculty.
Their dormitories arc alt carpeted, well warmed ami veil- 1
Minted, and furnished with every needful comfort. Be
sides boarding at tlie same table with the President and
others oi the Fm ulty, they are under the constant super- I
vision of the governess who directs them in all matters |
pertaining to their habits of study and recreation, and to 1
tlie cultivation of their manners.
Literary Depni-i incut.
Hunky A. Bacon, A. M., President,
Mental and .Moral Science.
Qkohcf. M'. Thomas. A. M..
Higher Mathematics Hud Ancient Languid r.-.
J. Krzbczxowski, French. Italian auil German.
Miss I NBA Williams. Logic, Rhetoric ami History.
Mrs. X. T. Taylor, English Branches.
Mis* M. 10. Womack, Preparatory Classes.
Musical Department.
Dr. S. M. Bartlett, Principal.
Mrs. N. T. Taylor. -Assistants.
Miss Lydia Root, )
Ornamental Depart ment.
Miss L. H. Reid, Principal.
Miss Assistant.
Hoarding Depart men!.
Miss L. 11. Reid, Governess.
Mr. SUMMON Lamer, Steward.
Mrs. Emily K. Lanilii. Stewardess.
Mrs. Littnoa Patton, Assistant and Nui se.
First Term, from Sept. 23d to Dee. 23d, inclusive.
Winter Vacation, from I)cc.24th to Jan. 7th. inclusive.
Second Term, from Jan. Bth to April Bth. inclusive.
Third Term, from April 9th to July 9th, inclusive.
Summer Vacation, from July 10th to Sept. 22<1. inclusive.
Commencement, of 1850. on Wednesday, .Inly 9th.
Necessary Expenses.
Primary Classes per term 8 7 00
1> & C do 11l 00
A ,fc 1! do 13 00
College do 10 00
Board, including lights and washing [.r. term, 30 00
Books, stationery, materials. Ac., furnished at |ow prices.
Extra Expenses.
Modern Languages, per term $ 7 00
Drawing, Embroidery, Chenille, Wax or Fancy
Work, per term 0 00
Water Colors, per term 10 00
Oil Painting, per term 13 00
Piano, Guitar, or Violin, per term 10 00
Use of instruments for lessons and practice,
per term 2 50
Harp, including use of instrument, per term... 25 00
Those who design entering for tlie first time at the be
ginning ofthe next term, will find it to their advantage
to correspond with tlie President on that subject.
November 21, 1855. ts
Texas Real Estate Brokerage,
HOMES ill Texas, and safe investments obtained
. through this Agency. Fidelity to the interests of
| non-residents. Registers of Lands for sale in all parts of
t-lio State; full exhibits of title and accurate descrip
tions, also, Registers of Town utiil City lasts. Lands lo
cated, bought and sold. Claims against the btate or indi
viduals collected or adjusted, and remittances made by
exchange on New Orleans or any of the Northern cities,
if desired. Taxes paid on, land situated ill any part of
the State. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the
country and land system, insures superior locations and
the best titles. Strangers looking at Texas may always
have some leading items and useful hints at tlie office of
this Agency, Registers open for examination.
In the beginning of her revolution in 1838, Texas
offered large bounties, in land, to volunteers who might
serve in her armies. We can now otter to tlie survivors
and heirs of those.wlio thus served, tlie recovery of all
the lands promised by the government of Texas. Our
advantages arc sucli, that we are prepared to investigate
and prosecute all Texas claims, for land or money, re
gardless of their (late. We give particular attention to
the recovery of property illegally or unwarrantably dis
posed of ly agents or administrators; to tlie investiga
tion ofthe rights of heirs, devisees or legatees, and to tlie
settlement of estate.s
To persons having Land Certificates for Location, we
can offer particular inducements. Our thorough mid in
timate knowledge of the vacant lands and surveys of the
State, obtained in many instances from personal iiisja'C
-1 ion. insures the most favorable locations. Close atten
tion to the laud system of Texas for a number of years,
and an accurate knowledge ol’ the different classes of
titles, together with a large amount of land registered
ill our office for sale, enables it* to furuish prompt and re
liable information and assistance to persons desiring gissl
homes, and to oiler superior advantages to those wishing
to make safe and profitable investments.
We are offering for sale lands in every part of ihe
State, improved and unimproved, of every quality, and
iu tracts to suit purchasers—town and city property—
id short, every kind of real estate, 011 the most favorable
terms. If desired, we will examine land in any part of
tiie State, and ascertain its value.
We invite tlie attention of persons having land or town
property in Texas for sale, to our office, as furnishing a
cheap and effective mode of advertising ; mid ot mercan
tile houses and individuals, to tlie collecting branch of
our business, as a medium for prompt and efficient eoi-
I lections. RAYMOND. FREEMAN A Cos.
December 18 —ts
G. S'. HILL, Esq.., Principal and Proprietor,
i M.U. X. w. ARMSTRONG, Graduate of the)
State Military Academy. South Carolina, /■ Assistants.
Dll. PUTNAM & Cad. J. S. BARKER. A. Ik)
rIMiK Fourth Scholastic Year of this Academy com*
me need op Monday. January 16th 1855. and will mn
ti 11 ue iu session during forty weeks.
As Ibis Academy received very liberal assistance from
the State at Hie last session of the Legislature, there will
be no charge for tuition. On entering the Institution,
an initiation tee of twenty dollars will iai required ol’ each
| Cadet, except such as come under tlie the following pro
! vision, viz:
Eacli county in the State of Alabama is entitled to send
one Cadet free of charge. Sucli Cadet to lie selected by
the Judge of Probate and County Commissioners, from
such men as lire, talented, deserving mid of good moral
character. Orphans should receive the preference.
Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic. Grammar.
Geography and History.
Algebra. Geometry; Plain, Descriptive mid Analytical
| Trigonometry, Calculus, Shadows and Perupcctlve, Natu
; ral and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry,Conveyancing. Con
\ stitutional Law, Ancient Languages; Frcneli, Civil and j
Military Engineering, Surveying, Mechanic* and Ah- |
tronomy. . . . , . , I
Tactics will he taught at Much tunes as not to intenero ,
with the regular studies.
Tlie discipline will lie enforced.
Dress Coat of Grey CmM Cloth, standing collar, trimmed
with convex metallic button* mid sixteenth-inch black
j chilli, according to tlie usual style; Pant* of Grey Cloth,
: with blin k *1 ripe on the outer seam one anil mi eighth
1 jin-lies iu width—to be worn till the first of May.
White Pauls from Ist May till September.
The uniform is not to be worn except 011 general |ia
-1 riules. and such special occasions a* the Military instructor
I may direct.
The Academy Buildings are large mid well arranged,
and tlie locution is eminently healthy.
Board call be procured from eight to ten dollars a month.
The principal will so direct the education of bis pupils
us, if possible, to make them practical and useful men.
The experience and qualification* of the instructors
will entitle this Institution, In 11 high degree, to public
confidence. F. A. ZACHARY,
jly-ddm Secretary of the Board of Visitors.
S'iri Barrels veliow Irish Potatoes, received and for sale
Great reduction ill the price of the latter publication.
L. Scott Ac Cos., New York, continue to publish tlie fol
lowing leading British Periodicals, viz:
r IUI E great and important event* —Religious, Political,
JL ill "l Military—now agitating the nation* of the Old
World, give to these Publications an interest and value
they never before possessed. They occupy a uiiddlr
ground between the hastily written news item*, crude
speculations, and flying rumor* of the newspaper, and
the ponderous Tome of the historian, written long after
tlie living interest in tlie facts lie record* shall have
passed away. The progress of the War in the East occu
pies a large spare in their pages. Every movement is
closely criticised, w ind her of friend nr of foe, anil ail
short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from
Hie Crimea and from the Baltic in Black wood's Magazine,
(roin two of its most popular contributors, give a more
intelligible mid reliable account of the movements of tin,
great belligerents that can elsewhere be found.
These Periudicals ably represent tlie three grest politi
cal parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, mid Radical
hut politics forms only one feature of their cliuracter.
As Organs of I lie most profound w riters on Science, Idle
rutiire, Morality, and Religion, (hey sluiid, hh they ever
luae stood, unrivalled in the world ol’ letters, being eon
sidered indispensable to tlie scholar and Ihe professional
("an. while to Hie intelligent reader of every class the)
Ini ui*li anion . orrect and satisfactory record of the cm
lent literature of Ihe day, throughout the world, than
can be possibly ohtuined from any other source.
Early t opics.
‘The receipt of At!rail l ’ 57* t/s from the British publish
ers gins additional value to these Reprints, especially
during Hie present exciting state of European affairs, in
asmuch a* they can now be placed in the hands of siili
scribers about ns soon as tlie original editions.
Teems. -
~ Per aim
rurally uncut Hie lour reviews $3 00
For any two of tlie four Reviews 5 on
For any three of the four Reviews 7 0u
For all four of tlie Reviews 8 00
Fdr Blackwood's Magazine 00
Eol’ Blackwood Slid three Reviews 9 00
For Blackwood ami the four Reviews 10 00
Payments to lie made in till eases in advance. Monet
current in the Stale where issued will lie received at pa..
A discount “I I wenty-Hve per cent, from the above prl
will be allowed U> Clubs ordering direct from L. Scott
A Cos., four or more, copies ofany one or more ofthe above
works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Re
’ “‘W. will lie *ent to one address for $9: four copies qf tin
(our Reviews and Blackwood fors3fl; and soon.
In all tlie principal cldcs mid towns, these works will
lie delivered. I tec ot postage. When sent by mail, the
postage to any pnrt of the I'nited States will be but tuc<t
lil-fuin- (T))/s a year for “Blackwood.'’ and but foihtrm
r. n/ti a year for each of tlie Reviews.
To Scientific mul Practical Agriculture.
liy Henry Stephens, F. It. S. of Edinburgh, mid the late
J. P. Norton, l’rofessor of Scientific Agriculture in
\air College. New Ilmen. 2 vols. Royal Octavo.—
l otiu pages, and ininicroii* Wood and Steel Engravings
This is. confessedly, the most complete work on Agi i
culture ever published, and in order to give it a wider
< ii'culntiiui the publishers have resolved to reduce Hie
price to
Five IJallni'M for the Two Volume*!!
\\ lien sent by mail (post-paid) to Califomiaand Oregon
Hie price will hr $7. To any other part of tlie Union and
to Canada (post-paid). SO. 0$ This work Is not the old
“Book of the Farm.”
Remittances for any of the above publications should
always lie addressed, post-paid, to tlie Publishers,
No. 54 Gold Street, New York.
Opposite the Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga.
Is now open for the reception of the traveling public,
sojourner and citizen, under the following programme
of administration :
E. E. BROWN, I ,
E. ISAACS, ) Proprietors.
B. F. Dense, Superintendent.
new Hotel lias much to rentier it ntfrac-
X tivc to the way-fiirer, who may visit Macon
on pleasure or busineSH. B j.| £ * ;1 1
Its location is opposite to the New PassengerJjuLuL
Depot on 4tli street, and at a convenient distance fron,
tlie Ware Houses and huidneKH part ofthe city. To fami
lies and others who tarry hut a ft*w hours in the place,
Brown's Hotel will furnish all needful accommodations
without delay and expense of Omnibus transportation to
distant hotels.
The Rooms are large, airy and well ventilated, many of
them having eomiuuni’ ating doors, and suitable for par
ties aud families.
The Furniture is entirely new and ofthe most Uhpiov
ed style of hotel equipment.
The Culinary Department will be under the special care
of that well known and efficient Caterer , Mr.K. .Isaacs.
The General Huprrintendonce and Reception Depan
nienta confined to Mr. R. F. Denso, long and favorably
known as tlx* popular Superintendent of the Floyd
of Macon. If is Lady will give her attention to the com
fort of tlie Ladies who may sojourn at, or visit tlie House.
Meals will always he in readiness on the arrival of tin*
different Kail Road Trains.
The Bar will Ue supplied with the choicest Wines and
A Livery Staldenud Barber Shop are also adjuncts ol
the Hotel.
The house is furnished with Gas and with Bath Rooms.
Under the various arrangements the Proprietors flat Hi
themselves that they w ill be nb/e tosupp/y every reusou
ab/e want of their guests and ostab/isli for their House
the reputation of a ••first chisn HoteL’’ The pub/ie pat
ronage i r<jßpectl'u//v so/icited. Jfi. K. BROWN,
marbleT yard,
nAVF. formed a co-part uerrdi ip for the purpoao of cur
rying on tin* business of
M>i a l>lc‘ Cutting, Granite Work, Ac*.,
At the old stand of .1. 11. Madden,
152 Broad Street, Columbus, CFa.,
as well as the new stand of *7. 11. Madden on Oglethorpe
st., where they will at nfl times be found, ready to re
ceive and promptly to execute all orders given to them
They pledge themselves to satisfy all who patronize
them in material, Workmanship and quickuess of e\e
cut in u. They will keep eoindantly on hand Cement
uml Plaster of Paris.
of Urn m west patterns always procured oil the moat ad
vantageous and reasonable, terms.
All who know Madden, know him to he a workman
of taste and judgment. Those who wish to show respect
to the ‘-dear ones departed” will find it to their advan
tage to give the new firm a call. FM) Ifi
To Physician* anil Cll l/.is of Georgiu.
VNKW PKIXt'II'LF for the treatment of all febrile
aflei-tions has been discovered by it talented Ph>ei
eian of New Vorlc. This discovery involves anew prlncl
jib by which the too positive condition ofthe syutem cal
led Fever, is ( hanged to tin* normal or healthy wtatc di
redly and without Joss of vitality.
‘l’his valuable remedy is called .Negative Kh*ctrie.Fluid,
and is prepared by X. W. *Seat. M. D., New York. It in
extensively used iu the hospitals in France, and hue been
extensively used in the practice of a number ofthe ruoat
tab nteil members of tin-medical fraternity. The atten
tion of Physicians is most respect fully solicited to the
v irtues of this medicine in the treatment of Fever*. Tiv
it and .you will never quit it.* use. It is far superior to
Noi wood s Tim tnre. for reducing the pulse. Thi hhci
tion w ill be proven by one Mingle trial.
A full description ofthe treatment of Fevers by the u*?
of Dr. N.W. Resit’s Negative Klectric Fluid, from the pen
of the discoverer, “ill be published in the columns oi the
Sun, in tin* course ofthe present week.
The Negative Klectric Fluid is for sain at the Drug
stores of Dan fort 1 1 .V Nagel, and Brooks & Chapman, In
CollljnJjll*. I'el.i n..r.v b
Ip \( ON Shit Hams. Seed Oats, and (’tun. By
Jan )*—tf
TOW \< < O.
1 *_) Boxen Tolmcco, various brands, received and t**r
rrO sale by JAMES LIGON
JUST ri'o-ivisl mul for sail’ lOOliarrals, half hand * mot
kegs Ijt'sl A No. I, now Is .it Lard. Fur sale by
Doc. 18—ts JAMES LIUON
fI’HE iiiiih rsigiH'd have entered into th GIiHCT.!: 4
1 BUSINESS, under the firm and ntuna ot lilliO
WAY. CL EUR LEV X GO. We will Icc-J) cuuatuntl) on a lane si'* k of rlndee Gfis'crlfS.
it. A. iUDGWAY,
janStl IL M. CLKCKLi .
HV a young man who can give the very best reference,
a situation a*BOOK l\ F.EPEIt or SALESMAN in
any respectable establishment. Apply 111 this office.
February 8, 21
NrEW, cheap, as good as the host, warranted fresh,
I now on hand und to at rive, at
(■ember 11 26 Broad Street.
{NO. it)9.