The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, February 23, 1856, Image 4

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NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, Prepared Ity N. W. Scaf, M• !>• llhumhih why H should he used Instead ol any “ilwr incut in ll Mirile ultt'ctioua : lal.—Kcanoiny of TJiiit.-Asonlj nf the ordinary time is required to effect n nin. *<.—Kc-oiiomy of Money.—A* if • ,m * ,,u< ’ :til.-Keonoi> of Vet-Mug.— As h *'e* the iiifferinn of :i long sickness amt the roiiiwquent treat ment; the annoyance of taking nauseating d*cs o meilieine, their disagreeable opeljatioii, and tlie |mni ot |„n K conlineniont; hut little of the rtiiid luiinp; nocenur.v, ami thut pleasant ill it* effect*. . 4thV—Kcoiiomy f Though*.—-A* when know n, it will remove all dread and anxiety at present existing, respecting febrile affections; particularly while a dear friend is itlck. Dill, Krolininy Os limit It.—As the system is not reihn ed, and consequently racked; nor is the (ever subject to In* followed by chronic disease. (fthi-Kconomy of Life.—As the cure in effected liofore atal without reducinn the patient, consequently removing. In n corresponding degree, all danger of a fatal termination. Other reunion might !*• added, Imt these gre deemed sufficient to satisfy all classes and persons in till condi tions of life. The above reasons are more particularly H|tplieablo to the immediate treatment on the first attack. nut will apply with equal force to eases which have been subject ed to or have ta-eome reduced, corresponding of course •o the nature oftlie ease at tlie time it ie Itrst adminis tered. As this remedy gives so prompt, effectual and perma nent relief, in all ordinary eases. when used sum after the attack, persons can scarcely real i/s 1 tliat they* 1 oil i been really much sick, and very naturally’ conclude they were not attacked with fever, and il so, “It was trifling —a little cold, which gave alarm—it could have been nothing of evniaequelice—it would have passed off with out anything— tliat modiritio had uoellei t. “ Thegederaj impression >n tlie suhjeet of fever ia such, that thoughts not unlike the Above follow’ tlie cure of a common case as naturally as men think at all: nod if is not until the individniil has witnessed many enscstliat lie rail fully I'cnliM tile truth; and even then he nitty conclude them all very trifling cases, which would have readily yielded to any simple medicine, yet persons, though they have lieeii ‘thus successful in perhaps hundreds of eases, must export that there will eases occur where there Is some organic nr local cause so great as pi require particular attention, or though sucuesalul in reducing the fever, it will again rise as the influence of tlie •• Wold” pauses off, as the exciting cause tuny still exist. 11 is to guard against disappointment In such cases that 1 have given and frequently refer to what 1 have called a “synopsis.” llt-murks oil Fevers In General* till tills subject I wish to lie fully understood. Ily the term “fevers,” I comprehend all febrile affections to which the human frame is subject, including small pox and other eruptive levers; Imt as they arise by a great variety of aliases, and in quite dissimilar eonstiUdious and habits, they of course differ considerably in their development and exhibit a variety of forms or types: yet all are distinguished by tile same general character istic*—that ot undue excitement in the ein ulatory and nervous systems—lnducing more or less unnatural fre quency In the pulse, sense of heat., dryness of (lie skin, debility, Ac. To show that I am not wholly alone in tlie opinion I advance. I quote from the celebrated Prof. T. Watson, of King's (foliage, isuidoli, whose work on the •• Priin i pies and Practice of Physic” Is a textbook in many of otir medical colleges, and consequently sUnub'yd niitlnnil y. On page 834, he says:—“Wo hear eoutinually. laith in and out of the profession, different species of fever .spo ken of. liy the public, Typhus Fever. Itraiu Fever, bilious Fever, Putrid Fever, Lmv Fever, .Nervous Fever, Air. And systematic writers are to the lull as particular: Mucous Fever. APixie, Adynamic, (lastrielhiterjc, and so forth. Now. admitting (but fever shows itself under various forms, I am persuaded that the effect upon (lie mind nf all this sub-division, is bad and hurtful. It encourage* a disjiosltioii, already too prevalent, to pre scribe for n disease according to its noise. There is no line nf genuine distinction between continued fevers, Hint can be relied oil. They run insensibly Into until ol her, even the m ist dissimilar of them, and are often traceable to the same cause.” Tim above is a great fact, one w orthy of remembrance mid I w ould impress on your minds the lolly of hunting up or troubling yoOrself about a “ name;” If you have lever, treat it at once as hereafter directed,’ mid you will lif well instead of any distinctrhui'acter lining devi l oped, an as to lie properly named by tlie most scientific. This assert inn is no iiypntliesis liased on closet specula tions or visions of mind, but oil experience at tlie bed side of (lie sick, ill Hundreds, nyc, thousand* of ( uses (by myself and others) under a great variety of cir cumstance*, Hensons and climates, bear this in mind, and treat at once without regard to name , and rest assured you will soon be freed from all dread of linger ing and dangerous fevers, but ns eases limy have be come developed before the “ Fluid” Ih given, either by neglect, or under some other treatment, I will describe as briefly as possible the proper course to he pursued in all of tlie most, prominent fevers, though (lie “ liules” and “ Synopsis” will lie amply sufficient for all those uncustomed to attendance upon tlie sick. Hides important In In nbserreit in all ram s in using the .Yo/rrfiVr Electric Eluitl. should lie given in three or four times its ow n quantity of water, and may bo sweetened or not at pleasure. ”and. Patients must lie free from all currents ot air, (though there should always lie free ventilation in tlie sick room,) nor attempt to go about while under its in, finance. 3d. It must lie continued whenever tire fever subsides, or is evidently passing off'; to he resumed when it begins to rise again, should such he tlie ease under any circumstances. 4th. When tlie fever begins to subside,patients must lie left perfectly quiet; free from nil excitement; should not lie questioned us to their wants or feelings, nor attempt to converse, road or take any exercise whatever, till their own natural feeling*, independent of all extra neous influences, iiulucr them to rise or speak; nor should any conversation bo allowed in their hearing, in which they may feel mure or less interested, hut lie left quiet to all intents and purposes. fitli. Fluids should lie allowed, while giving it its plentifully, and us long as tin- patient desires and no longer; they may consist of cold water, mucilaginous drinks, lemonade, any simple decoctions, or teas, either . old or worm as parties may prefer or patients desire. titli. Should patients experience any oppression or fuintlioH* while in the lying posture, so us to occasion a restlessness after tile fever has passed off', or enough to occasion them to speak of it, they should have u little wine, toddy, camphor, hartshorn, lemonade with a little *pim, ginger, or some other stimulant : or tlie face and breast may lie bathed in cold wnler: either of which will give immediate relief. TABLE OK DONUM. For i lilhlicii of litre year or under, from 3 to s drops. *• over 1 and under it years, “ ,‘i to If, •• ‘• “ - “ ft “ 12to 30 •• “ “ r* ” 10 “ •• ”0 to Ml 1 1 half to a teasp,sinful. All persons over liflceu considered as adults, for whom s teaspooiiful is a common dose. Old persons do not icquire as min li ns young, or those in tlie prime of life; nor females, as a general rule, as much us males. These hi no |iarttcular care necessary in giving il In iliildren those of ten years of age frequently having taken lull doses; hut tin a little guide, t have given tlie ahoy* table, with the remark that, as it general rule, children require more Ilian adults in proportion. liy observing the nliove direction*. the medicine will lie found agreeable in all of its effects, tlie expectations of tire most sanguine rcalixnil, and many perfectly astonished. My object in being tints particular is, tliat th flill lieiiefit oftlie medicine may lie obtained, and t not on account of ally miiiol necessity of such strict nb cl values. Hilton* tir Ki'mlltviit Vivrri llivt* it t.x|Mmfti of “ Kluid” isee rule Ist) on.v in two lionrH, till tin- fever it evidently |>ossiiig oil: tiiis constitutes the whole treatment in all simple cases of lever, w ith niicli olwervatuvs as an* set forth in the •’ Hales. lint should there he ]>n>minent ha ul symp toms, or known local uxisting causes, they should lie attended to at once, ami while t;t\ Injj the “ fluid.” See Synopsis. If in any case the l< >wels are |>articularly constipated or contiue.l, give a , .ulmrtlc (sec auxiliaries) with the tirst portion : they must he o|H*ueil or the fever nun rise again. When* tin* level- is icry high, puls* running 110 or upwards, and the patient is not particnlarlv susceptible to the itiHuenne of nieilirine—not easily o|ierateil on h> medicine generally—a double dose, or two tcaspoonst'ul may lie given al lirst with advantage. and even tepeated in two hours—if It—the pulse—has not been mi/tnir,!, thus showilie the medicine has taken effect. Hathi nit the surface with water at an agreeable temperature, the saline wash, vinegar or spirits and water, in these ditlloult eases, w ill afford relief and aid the medicine much in taking effect. Congestive Fever. Uive two teaspoonafui aud repeat every two hours till the pulse In comes more full aad soft, then only a tan spoonful, to he discontinued as the fever -uhsi'dei As the bowels atv generally confined, and if i s frequeatlv very difltcult to get medicine to operate in this disease no time should he hist to get them open, give some active cathartic with the •• fluid” and repeat as tuny lie neivs -ary till it operates: enemas (Injections! may also be used to advantage; also, mustard to the extremities or friction (rubbing) with the hands or flannel: also Void applications to the head. Quinine may he added to the ” fluid'’ if thought advisable. See Synopsis. Nervous Fever, Typhus, Ship and Putrid or Spotted Fever. As those fero-rs iue all of one character, differing mainly in degree, 1 icing nil of a low grade, the pulse small and wiry, with a general great depression, there is no practical use in separating them—at least so far tt s j my treatment is concerned In those low fevers, when Hilly davaloped. a llttls patience will 1.0 required; still comparatively little, as they frequently rnn weeks under 1 tho common treatment, while with this hut a few days I will be necessary at longest to establish a permanent convalescence. The treatment should be commenced—which may immediately follow any other without detriment—witii a tearpoonral of “ Fluid” every two hours, till the pulse becomes fuller or larger In volume, then to he continued i once In nix or eight hours till the fever entirely subsides f Tn lisd cases, from three to five grains each of tyiininr and capsicum (Cnyornm pepper) or some tunic and stimu lant (see auxiliaries) should la.* added to each dose, i lie bowel* should (hi kept gently upon, ami -mail portions of some hejnitir hlioiilil lie given occasionally, even lhough tlie bowels should he very loose. Tlie patient sltoiilii is* sustained liy tiourisliing ami uiueilagetious drinks— Hindi ns are in common use in such eases.- Where (lie skill is very dry. s|a.nging tin surface as di rected in bilious lever, will lie found advantageous. Tonics should lie lined during cuuvuluseeiiee, ill all eases which have become reduced. Pneumonia, Typhoid Pneumonia, Lung or \Y inter Fever. (Jive a teanissuifiil of tin- “Fluid” every two hours, witli a wine-glassful of n strong dreogtion of imueset: or i littlf (lie quantity may be given every hour till relieved, thou, at longer intervals, say once in six or eight hours. The liimeset tea should lie given warm till tlie violent symptoms arc allayed, w the patient is relieved; then cold; fomentations, mustard plaster, or something ot the kind, to !• applied over the seat of pain; keep the bowels gbntly open. Ynrioln. YarioluUl, ltubeoln and Scarla tina) or Small Pox, A'arioloUl, fflcasle*, and Scarlet Fever. , As all of I lion; diseases are attended with fever, whieli iii tart is tire most prominent symptom, tlie treatment I differs hue little from that of common levers. KcuiODlber t never wait to leant tire bionic,” whether it is onu or tlie . other, or neither, as they all continence with Jen r, but trout it at onces govern the fever aud there will be no trouble; there will ho bid tittle eruption even in small pox. This, to most minds, is anew idea, and doubtless will be regarded witii ridicule by many. I nevertheless boldly make tlie assertion, that small pox, if treated as I dirts t, will In cut slniil: attended witli Imt little ernp tion; little or no pitting, and tliut there is no jieeessdy ol its running its ordinary course, tin this I will stake not only my reputation, Imt all tliat 1 hold most dear: besides, on tinssuly)eel• I have good authority; Prof. Watson, previously quoted, lie says, page 874: *• Inn may abate tlie force of tlio eruptive fever, and keep down, it is believed, tlie number of the pustules by spline purges, Ac.” Here is tlie admission tliat it may lie dime. I nave not only proven it winy hr, Imt Inis bun done in numerous eases tliut occurred on board ship, bee tlie account appended. (live a teas|iooufui or more, according to tlie urgency of tlie case, witli a dose of salts or castor oil: repent the Fluid once in two hours if necessary, until the fever sub sidos—though one or two doses Is generally Mitliei nt; Imt it should be given aud repented sufficiently I” keep the fever under control. W hen the throat is affected,- any of the culinary gargles may In used, ami the surface bathed, as thought advisable. In one case, tm the slop Duchess il l trleiuis, I lie Longue and lam us were so much swollen that the patient could not swallow or speak, mid he won cured by dropping the Fluid on his tongue, drop by- drop, till lie eonki swallow, will'll it was given in ten.qiinniful ddxes errrj) hour, till all alarming symptoms disappeared. The swelling of the throat wtis reduced so as to enable him to take nour ishment in about twelve lumrs liy Hie Fluid alone.— I sed to .viet the throat frequently, it is doubtless the best gari/h in all sueli case-;. Piii i'peral or Childbed Fiver. This Itoretofoiv painful, dangerous and alarming malady to which the mother is liable, will yield to the Negative Electric Fluid with such readiness, as to seem to lie of little coUHcqtiencc. A single dose or two of a t('iiS|Kjonlul. almost invariably giving entire and per- Imuieiil relief; in* alarm need lie entertained, ns the Fluid will arrest it in a short time. II should tie re peated as long ns the lover eoiitiiiiu s. as in oilier eases. The bowels of course should lie allendeit to. la eon nee! ion with litis subject, .1 cannot retrain from milking a lew general remarks, which, if regarded by tin* Indies, will save them mill'll pain and suffering. It is to inform them of the I nippy elicit of Hie Fluid in many Ilf their trials, in diild-lniili, its relaxing mill soothing effect deprives the labor of much of its pains and diltieiiUies; it must ho (ril'd to lie appreciated.— I’aiufill menstruation will be relieved ut mice by n cisn miili dose and retiring. Ilesl lessuess. nervous Ivritiihility, ora cold taken at a delicate time, is easily relieved liy it* use : in short, ilais one of the most convenient and effect imt roamdios lor many oftlie ills of finiales, if not lie’ most soul any medicine known. lis effect is uniform, relaxing the whole system, removing all excitability and iritaliility of the nervous ils well as the circulatory. It will not force sleep like opiates, Imt it will Sindh and quiet the system so that one can sleep naturally aptl healthy hence its use in so many cti-c-. Synopsis. TANARUS” avoid constant repetition, ami condense the treat mctif ns nuich as possible, I give under this lieml general directions for all ruses. As tlie Negative Electric Fluid will change llic condition called fever, ill* subdue and control it under all circumstances, without regard to the name it may hem- might to he called, it should he given wherever or whenever if exists; yet il cannot be ex pected to eontlnl all organic or local causes, which, when sueli exist, must lie removed in order to effect a permanent cure. Mlien such indications occur in any case, they should lie appropriate means, anil these soliuid lie given while giving the “Fluid, aud in eonueelion with il. when occasion requires, as they will then more readily net. producing more general effect, besides iu> ‘linnerossuiy time will then he lost. As the Fluid” alone will sub due tho fever, I call all else auxiliary treatment. If the bowels are costive, given cathartic (sec auxili aries) with the first dose, or soon idler, uml should it fail to operate in due time, repeat the dose; if attended with iliarrhii a, give something know n to be good for Hint complaint, though if caused by irritability, tho “Fluid” wilt soon relieve that condition ; if severe local pain or in Humiliation, apply seine stimulating liniment, a mustard plaster, a blister, fomentations of hitter herbs, or, pel Imps, cloths wet. in cold water, to tlie part: if violent pain in tire head, apply cold water, ice water, if convenient, or some cooling application, and bathe the ti l l in hot water: if the lever is very high, skin dry and hot, with great suffering, sponge or bathe (lie whole surface w ith water at an agreeable temperature; “the saline wash,” vinegar uml water or spirits and water, either w ill afford great relief ami aid the meili rine in taking effect, after which there will be no trou ble : it the patient Inis been reduced or is much prostra ted. give tollies and stimulants, particularly in low levels, in absence of lever nr when indicated; also, during oouvulcsoeuec, when tlie patient hits heroine re duced: it there is nausea and vomiting, that must he allayed before any medicine w ill remain on the stomach to do asy go, 1,1: for this purpose 1 generally give some ‘*ni‘“ti(‘ to cleanse tho stomach; warm w liter, if given plotitlliilly, will answer every purpose; w hen the stomach has settled, give the “ Fluid” mid a cathartic if necessary; in short, treat nil the prominent symptoms as you would under any other civeiuusUnii'es. giving the “Fluid ‘ at the same time as directed, and success will crown your efforts; indeed, you cannot realize it. till you Imve seen, uml then you will be astonished at the ease with w hich yon ran control all febrile excitement Auxiliaries. Parties may fool at a loss to knew what is meant by cathartics. Ac., ns physicians are usually particular about whut is used 1 have found m. such necessity when using the Fluid, and to lie fully understood by all. t w-ltl name ti tew ot the different articles of modi rmc I have referred to. a i/.: Ca t liartir a. Articles that purge or operate on the Ikimvls such as castor oil, salts, senna, any of the roots or harks, ami main pills, antihilimis. Ac.: anythin* known to he jgocul for such purposes. Mcpatlcs.— .Anything known to act on the liver pm Hen ally, portal circulation and secretions generally. Any ol the articles depended on by the different schools u'iilV'i ‘V “lien used in connection he. or “ hl1 ;’ ,ll “.vstcui is under its i„- ss ,i , ‘ ,nil )’ i lieose calomel-,, „„ther. blue mi ss -tin third, isjiliqilivllin the fourth, mandrake mol and so on: eacli limy take his choice uml be sue tTSSlltl. Tonic*.—Articles that give tone or strength, such as quinine, various harks, roots mid bitter herbs. Boiic set or thoroughwort is one oftlie best used in levers AsfriiiKeiils. -Sni l, ns check the action of'the bow el- Lmdaiuini and other preparations of opium are used: a bo. many mixtures, not properly astiiugents. whudi have the oftort. h St iiiinlnuts.—Articles that raise or excite the system, ( upsicuni (Cayenne pepper) is ope of the best; ginger, spirits, hartshorn, Ac., the essences are all more nr less stimulating. These are the only classes necessa ry in treating levers, though many others are generally Used, hut the Negative Kintrie fluid is a better “ dhi phorciir. ‘ “anodyne.” “diuretic. “ relaxant “ and “seilatnc than known in tho moltria mcilicn I shall not tax tho reader with a long list of proofs depending mainly on tho results „f a’ trial, and will only refer to one instance of success, that on the Packet ship Duchess D Orlcuis. “luch cannot he classed among ordinary certificates- M e, the UUdcrsigned, certify to the’ following, vi/. Me took passage on the iKickelship Duchess d'Orlean* l apt Hutton, then lying in the port .if Havre fiance ‘ and I son nil for Now Vork. Mic sailed on the Pth of An- ‘ gust. 1881, with over a liuudml souls on hoard, mostly emigrants- A lew days after leaving Havre, the small pox broke out among the emigrants. They- yvere all treated by the physician In charge. Dr. \ M fVut with anew remedy of his own, which lie calls wVtfivo ’ Klee- Iric fluid, with which lie seemed to have entire control over the disease, arresting it in a few hours, and cnriti” in a very short time. ’ * n , 1) r l * ri “* t,l ;‘ which lasted thirty-nine .lavs. ! there weroahout eighty cases of small pox. some fever Ac., and not a single death. All were cured with stial promptness. j from what we saw during said passage, we are fully i -'bv-n-odtlmt the me.lieiue ased by Dr. Seat on the,.,’- I anion, possossoa inestimable virtues. Me never before I s'o’ tt n i.':.h n ' i “ f fe, ' r,,c a,rcotiyl J ! iH'ing controlled with itself ‘" l j Signed. ** street.. New York. h. <. * uiui, UfXbMA.Miv, Heaver Cos.. Penn, r. A. Di.NonMy.vm-, Kast Liverpool, Ohio. The ulnve statement is cornet. * * b " l * ** Be,, R ,rf '’ M'. 8. Hutton, Commander. Xew York, Aug. 18K. *’ ‘ URSTWi ’ “*** M ">"’ | 4Nf~Address orders to * SKAT, M. D. <1 iv. M'KSTBKOOK. X. Y. City. teoy factory WARE ROOMS, iiANT MiTK niIOAO ST., NOM. 3* At 30. li. (i. JEFFERSON A* CO. • a THE above establishment Ims re-opened b 1 ‘/ its Sale anil U are-Koom with a full assort mi nt, comprising the follow ing articles olT~l i JHB3 i eceiit manufacture and of tire very best materials, viz; Bedatends, of various patterns, varying in price from $4 to Jg’iO. Chiins. Cottage, Boston, Hocking, Office Writing, Nurse's, Children’s, aud Dining. Teas. BreKKTN.—■Common Pino, Cedar and Juniper— brass and Iron bound, of various sizes. CHim.NS.—Cothmon l’ine, Cedar and Juniper—brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS, WAItbIIOBKS, WASHSTAND.S, TABLES, Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to K. O. Jefferson A Cos., from country merchants unit others, will be promptly attended to. Tin Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak. Hickory, Bench, Walnut, Hum, Pine, Ash. Poplar, China. Ac. lie n mu (i. .imznsox. jamls Hamilton. Columbus, (hi., Oct. 3, IS,V>, (ini IFOUBI.E DAILY SERVICE. Offkt. Montgomery and West Point R. It. To., f July 0, 1805. j O.V ami after this date, the Passenger Trains on tliin Rortd will he governed hy the following Schedule : DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery £ 4* A. M. Arrive at West JNunt 114a A. M. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. >*. Rrtvniiwj —Leave West Point 0 00 A. M. Leave Columbus.., 8 40 A. W. Arrive at Montgomery 2 oO J*. M. XIGIIT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 00 P. M. Arrive nt West Point... *2 So A. M. Arrive at Columbus *2 45 A. M. l{rtnr)ihig —ljeave West Point 11 o 0 P. M. •• Leave Columbus 10 00 P. M. Arrive at Montgomery 115 A. M. Double daily connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta, Augusta ami Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. tf*} ■ Negroes traveling alone must he provided with two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over tlm Rodd. one of which will he retained hy the Con ductor. Nov 10 SAMUKL G. JONES, Kng. & Slip. UNITED STATES MAIL. LINE TO NEW YORK. #"?>(£ cIIKAPEST AMI THE PLEASANTEST ItOLTE.“ifc# TlirotigH in !il Hours. Tin’ huge .1 nd ciHumodimiH side wheel Steamships JAMESTOWN. 14110 Ton* C.ut. 1,. PARISH, UOANOKFi. laki “ Capt. T. SKIN N Kit. I EAVK Norfolk for New York every WKiI.NFiSDAY 1 i and BATUBDAY Evening, after the arrival of the Cars from the Smith, arriving in New York next evening, and being only one night between Norfolk ami New York. Passengers going North may rely on finding these Hteamers at Norfolk on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and their leaving punctually tut advertised. Their aecoinmo ilatimis invery superior, and the travelling public will find this Hie pleasantest amt cheapest route to New York. To New York, iiirliidiug meals, state-rooms, Ac....*:8 00 Steerage passage 4 00 J. 41. SMITH & BKOi, julyl'J-tf Norfolk. Virginia. MONTUOJIEIiY, BELJI.Y AM) BIUBY RIVER. MC RCH ANTS and others bringing goods hy way of Savannah, for Montgomery, Selina anil other wince* w est of Coin minis. Heorgia. are ill I, ‘Mill'll I hat hy snipping to care iff JOHN W. HOWARD, Agent, Union llray Company, Columbus, Heorgia, their goods w ill be forwarded from the Depot of the Muscogee Hail Ibiad to the Depot of the Opelika ami Montgomery ltoad, at an expense, lor transportation hy Dray between tlieso l* lints, of 14 cents ]ier Ton (gUDO) Ills. which w ill save them -f> cents per ton, a- the Muscogee Rail Road Co.'s contractors rhargo one dollar per ton! The Union Dray Company is amply responsible for all loss or damage, as may lie ascertained by reference to Bell At Cos., .install Morris, and R. T. Thom, Montgomery, Ala. Refer, in Columbus, Gu.. to R. Patten and JolinC. Ruse; and at Selma, Ala., to T. B. Smith. July 31 if 40,000 DOLLARS WORTH Os Dry Hoods ju-t received and on sale at GEORGE \V. ATKINSON’S, Two Doors below J. k J. Kyle, 104 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FOB CASH AT CASH PRICES. Cullund examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. r ■ 411 E Stock is entirely new and w ell selected, and com -1 prises every article usually kept in a Dry floods stole, and consists in part, of tlie following urtieles: l.mlies’ Dress Goods.—Rich plaid Silks; Rich stri ped do. Moric Antique Silks; Marinos and Cashmeres; French Dehaines, plain, and figured; Alpaccas and Bombazines; Black Brocade and Uro-Do-Khiuc Silks; Black Canton Cloths; French Poplins; French, English, and American Ginghams. A great variety of Calicoes, including all the different manufactories and prices. Gloves.—bailies’ Kid, black Silk; bailies’Cashmere Gloves ; Gouts’ Buckskin Gloves; Gents’Cashmere do. Gents’ do. do. Buck lined. Shaxvls, Mnnt lllus anil Talmas.—Merino and Cashmere Shawls; White and colored Crape do. Heavy woollen Shawls; Moric Antique Silk Talmas; Black and colored Cloth do. badics’ (loth Cloaks. Also many styles lor children and misses, including a large lot ot bodies’ cloths, all colors. Moric Antique trimming; Plush Trimmings, ie. &c. Hosiery.—bodies Moravian Cot. llose; do. black, w hite and colored Silk Hose; do. Merino llose. Also a full assortment of Men’s Hosiery. Clotlis aiul Cass liners.—Black French Broad Cloths; do. Fnglish do. do.;do. Doeskin Cassiuiers; Black and Gray Satinetts; Printed ilo.; Tweeds; Ken tucky .leans; Union Cassiiuers; Silk Warp Flannels; Welch Flannels; Opera Flannels; Printed do. Ac. Fancy Goods.—Ribbons; Trimmings; Hdkfs.; Cra vats; Cotton and binen lldkfs.; French Working Cotton. Linen and Bilk Braids, and many other arti cles too numerous here to mention, filters and Embroideries.—English, Thread, Maltese and llonitou Luces; Silk and Blond Luces, Black Silk Guipure; Virginia mid Linen Thread Edg ings and Insortings; Lyle Edgings; Jaconet and Swiss Edgings; Maltese Lace Collars and Sleeves ill sets; Iloniton Collars and Sleeves in sets; Alpassee Worked Sleeves anil Collars in sets; Worked Hands aud Flounrings; F'reneh Worked Collars and Sleeves, 4c., Ac. Heady Made Clothing.—ln addition to the above, I have a w ell selected stock of Heady Made Clothing, including Boys’ Clothing, Merino Shirts and l’ants, Ac. Irish Linens. Linen Isiwns. Linen Cambrics. Jacnet and Swiss Muslins, Ac. Blankets, Kerseys. Sheeting*. Shirtings. Osnaburgs, Flannels, Bleached Homespuns. Lindseys. Hats. Caps; Boots anil Shoes. Having tried the cash system for a year w ith entire success and general satisfaction, 1 am determined to con tinue it. and hope to build up a business both pleasant amt profitable. My facilities for getting goods at low prices, are surpassed by none; and as there are many who prefer buying their goods for CASH AT CA.SIi PRICES, l especially invite them to calland look through the stock before making their purchases, and 1 say thut l con. and will, show them a difference of at least TWT.N TV-riVE TER CENT. To all who have favored me with a call, I would offer my most grateful acknowledgements, and liy a faithful observance ol’ Low Prices for cash, hope to share a liberal portion of tlu ir patronage. Dei. ‘4 !. GEO. IV. ATKINSON. LANI.> WARRANTS. LAND OF KICK AND AGENCY, KOI! IUE ITIIUIASIK AND. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Os ALL DKBOKIPTIONB. CONVEYANCER, &c. Ac. On Kainlolpli Street, OP POSIT K Til K POST OKfICK, COLUMBUS, GA. I HAY E detenuincil to devote my tinio exelusivelv to I tlie LAND 111 SIN'KSS.and lio]m*, from my knowledge the lands in Georgia, to bo able to give entire satisfue lion to all yrlio may entrust me with business. I uni pre pared to either buy or sell, perhaps to letter ad van tag. than any other l*eron in Western or South-western Georgia. It you have lauds to sail,cull upon iue; il ldo not pur chase. 1 will hit,l you a purchaser. If. you wish to buy, I caU . lor J have many valuahle lots aud settlements ,*f land to sell, from my extensive knowledge of the i ; owners ot lands, 1 am prepared to ascertain Hie owner of i almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wish to have your laud valued, you may rely ojam correct in lor nuit loti, upon reasonable terms. DEEDS, HOIITUAUES, Ami otlici instruments, drawn correctly and at low rates ***. .-\' LNIS “*ub-'d to sell Bonner's large map ol'Gcor gm—high |>er cent, given. *” ‘‘ortiiiii, l am paying New York and M'asii lxuniN t m l rices for LAND WARRANTS. allowin'* s small cotnmissiou. e Having ulso made an arrangement with one of the best lirnis in M usluugton, I am prepared to apply for BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS, ol idl Sizes, and will char,,- l„ lt five Dollars for each plietUKiu—to he pokl lor when the warrant arrives bring in your claims stain. As I intend to make this a permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of pa’ ! tronage. from my friends ami the community generally’ ! toiwii & K - BONNER, Laud Office. Columbus. NEW FURNITURE ‘W'Ji. RE H O O M -3d Door North of tho Oglethorpe House, MlilJS, OA. ‘re XUE subscriber lias on hand, three door*, , , j of Hie Oglethorpe House, Ogle-^— l ih igftliinp,’ Street, an assortment ot m aH.'— made FURNITURE, to which lie will constantly adding, and which Ire will sell at prices tliat cannot fail to suit those in want of anything in his line. Articles not on hand w ill be made to order at the short est notice. Furniture repaired at reasonable rates. Call unit examine stock. july4l J. 11. SIKES. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. MARIETTA. FIMIK Academic year is divided into two sessions ot live JL months each. The Tenth Session commenoes on the ttOth of February next, aud ends on the l!)th of July. The Cadets are divided into four college classes. The aunual commencement takes place on W ednesday before tlie ‘2oth of July. Academic Staff. Col. A. V. Drumby. a. m m Superintendent and Drofessor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Capt. Thomas K. McConnell. Commandant of Cadets, and Prof, of Engineering. Mr. V. 11. Manget, Professor of French and History. Mr. W . If. limit, a. m,. Professor of Chemistry and English Literature. Mr. J. B. Goodwin. Professor of Drawing. Capt. R. S.Ciuup, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. A. Connell, m. i>., Surgeon. The Institution is uuder the direction and manage mentofa Board of Trustees, in conjunct ion with a Board of Visitors appointed by the Governor of the State. By an act of the Legislature, the Institute has been furnished with 140 Cadet Muskets and Accoutrements, and a Field Battery, consisting of four six-pounder bras pieces, and two twelve-pounder Howitzers. Tin* .Superintendent and the Com man dan t, are gradu ates of M ost Point, and as the Institute is upon the West Point plan, the public may be assured that the govern ment, discipline, and course of studios will he strictly en forced. Terms s Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, hire of Musi cians, and other contingent expenses, per session of five months, in advance, sll*2 50. Surgeon's tee, per annum, $5. Persons desiring further information can obtain a copy of the “Regulations” by addressing the superintendent. January *2>. ANDREW J. HANSEL, Sec. KANSAS EMIGRATION. r|MIK undersigned, aided (as lie hopes to be.) bv several 1 dist inguished orators, will address the people of Ah abama on tho duty and importance of aiding Southern emigration to Kansas, at the times and places following, to.wit: Eufnula, Barbour co, Tuesday. Jail 2-d. 1850. Lafayette, Chambers co, Friday. *• 25th •• Auburn, Macon co, Saturday, * 4 2oth •* Montgomery, Monday, * 28th ** Selma, Dallas c 0,., Thursday, •• olst ,4 Cali aim, Saturday, Feb 2d, Woodvillc, Pony co, Monday, *• 4th, Benton, Lowndes co, Thursday, 7tli Lowndcsboro; Jjowmlce co, Friday, •• Bth llayneville, •* •• Saturday, •• Oth Mount Willing, Monday. ** llth ** Greenville. Butler co. Tuesday. *• 3 2th •• Vallctou, Pike m, VYedn'day, loth •• Troy, •• Thursday, •• 14th •• Elba, Coffee co. Saturday, •• lGth •• Geneva, Monday, •• 18th * k Daleville, Dale co. Wednos.. *• 20th •• Newton, •• Thursday. 21st Wodfords, llenry co, Friday, •• 22d Womhillc, •• Saturday, *• 25d Columbia, *• Monday, *• 25th ** Franklin, “ Tuesday, - 20th •• Abbeville. Burbourco Thursday, •* 28th •* It is hojted that all who think the supremacy of the white race in the South is really endangered by the fierce war now being waged against it, and all who really de sire to maintain that ascendency, and who belive that Kansas is indeed an important outpost in this contest, will not only attend the above appointments, but that every neighborhood will hold meetings of their own and agitate for men and material aid. All Editors friendly to the cause, it is hoped, will pub lish this and keep the subject continually before the people. J. BUFORD. Eufaula, Ala., Jail, 15th. 1860. PACK’S IMPROVED PATENT CIRCULAR SAW MILL. (iKOBGU J ’AC 1 K & CO., X. B,'Hruedeii St., .near (Vest Baltimore Street, llnltimore, Maryland, RESI’ETFULLY inform their friend* anil the public generally, tliat they have greatly enlarged tlreir manufacturing establishment, and that their facilities are now sueli as to enable them to execute all orders, with l>ronii>tness, for their celebrated PATENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILLS which have given so much satisfaction throughout tlie Union, as also Steam Power* of all sizes and kinds, Home Powers, Grist Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, together with various other machines ami implement* to econo mise labor. filin’ tlii'ir Circular Suw Mills were invented by, and patented to, their senior partner, they have made many improvements, which render them perfect in all their details, anil justly entitle them to be considered among tlie greatest labor-saving invent ions of the age. A Pamphlet containing full descriptions of tlieir three classes of Mills, prices', terms, capacity for sawing. Ac., will he sent to any gentleman applying fn’ i'Ac hy letter, post pa.'d Having recently obtained damages in action brought in the I nitod states Circuit Court for the District ol Maryland, for an infringement of tlieir Patent Bight, they hereby forwarn the public from purchasing Mills similar to theirs from unauthorized builders or their agents. Address Georoe Page fe Cos.. X. Fchroeder, near Haiti more street. Baltimore. Maryland. GILMER k CO. Agents, Jly-d2m Montgomery, Alabama. USK TUK MAGIC IMPRESSION. P PAPER FOR WRITING WITHOUT PEN Oil INK, Copying Loaves, Plants, Flowers, Pictures, Patterns tor embroidery, Marking Linen Imlolilily, and Manifold W citing. This article is absolutely the best portable ink stand in the known world, for a small quantity folded and placed in the poeket, constitutes a travelling Ink stand, which cannot be broken. No pen is needed, for any stick sharpened to a poin t, writes equally as well as the Is'st gold pi'll in the universe. For drawing, it is in disputable. It is, indeed, the whole art of drawing and painting—taught in one lesson. Any leaf, plant or flow er can be transferred to the pages of an album, with a minute and distinct resemblance of nature. With equal felicity, pictures and emqroidery pattern are taken, and have received the highest euloghims from the fair sex, and indeed, a more tustful present for a lady could not be produced. This Magic Paper will also mark linen, or other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible. All the washing in the world tails to bring it out. Any child can use it with perfect ease. With this Magic Taper, likewise, one or foul copies <d’ every letter written can be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It is used to great ad vantage by reporters of the public press, telegraphic ope rators, and hosts of others. Kneh package contains four different colors—black, blue, green and red, with full ami printed instructions, for ail to use. and will last sufliciently to obtain Five Hundred distinct impressions. Tt is put up in beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of the proprietor attached. Hath and every package warranted. Price—s 2 per dozen, or five for sl. Single packages 2 ;’ ‘ cuts. Mailed to all parts of the world on tile recep tion ot the above prices. Address, post-paid. N. HUBHULL. lt>7 Broadway, New York. OPINIONS OF TIIK PRESS, llimnm’s Magic Immudsiox Paper.—Wo refer our readers to the advertisement in another column setting .m 111 celts of tills pleasing and ingenious invention 1 lie cheapness should induce all to give it a trial. „. . [Philadelphia Merchant, it is unsurpassed for neatness ami utility, and should meet w ith the sale it so richly deserves.”—[Tribune. “Just what flic public has so long desired, and recom mends Itself to every individual of taste and refinement.” jnly-dtl [ Journal and Courier. ASBURY PEMALU IXSTITt TK. Ln Fayette, Alabama. M'esi.ey Stacy, a. m„ Principal. Mrs. M. L. Stacy. ) Teachers in Literary Miss K. Baciiei.der. / Department. mTrir • -M H ie and Ornamental Department. T'., 01 , thi lustitution will be resumed on L the -M Monday in January, lx.Vi. ! Hates of Tultlon, |)er Seliolastlc Year. Primary Department cp; (H , Preparatory Department ..'...’./as UU Ist and dil Dcpaitnicnt College course ■>’- ()tl -lamUth •* „ .. 40(A) Music on Piano M . oca Music taught without extra charge, v pmlv arrangumciitH will Ik* made to procure a suitu ble Ccat hur totakc churge ol tbc .Miinica) and Oi namcu tal Dcjvartincnl. The Principal is an ultiuinua of Emory and lh-ury Col leg,'.,Y a.—lui., hirgc experience in teaching, and comes highly reconuucuaed, Isil li as to character and ability for 1 inipurting instruction. ‘ ’ Nitualcd in the Imwoiu of a lauutifiil and healthy vll lage, lurntshcl with all the facilities necessary- to the ac quisition of a finished education, the Institute strongly cumuieuds itself to the imtrotiage of au intelligent pub- Boawl can be oblained in several respectable families oil reasonable terms. lycliaids. T . ||,„. k . Caleb Holloway. .i tlllll c . Tow , ttt John M . Hewell, h; . Muw .. Mm. J. Adams. A. M. Presley, •* I*. DoWilfll. Triixtitps December 21. Isis. r , tf* AMERICAN COTTON PLaS I FOR IS3G. | fIUIE Fourth Volume ol tlie American Cottnn r w ill commence with the January nunilicr J ll thus iurninlly announcing the Prospit lu , . Fourth Volume, wo have lint a few short par*,,,. add, sanguine in the belief thut, with the intcliG. ilnstriou* |nitrous of progressive improvement ‘ Agriculture, Mccliunir Arts, Manufactures m t|, l . ll i !, ,il iug States, and especially Alabamians, the pa*t i,;*. - the Cotton Planter is its highest eommendatiun 1 a tlie first place, we remark to our friends anil that the Editor, Dr. Cloud, lots again become the 1’ “ er and Proprietor: and wo hereby assure our i, 1 ! emphatically, that in future tlie Cotton Planter .1” sue proußitly by the first day of each month. Il H Flushed with victory in tlie magnificent Exhibit Alabama’s industry, as demonstrated in the triumi 1 B success of the first Annual Fair of the Alabama? 1 Agricultural Society, the Cotton Planter •• will tak. “ B step backward” its progress is onward and upward 1! 1 highest niche of improvement. It is hoped earnestly by the Editor and proprietor by tlie members of tlie Society, that tlie Planter.’ I Farmer*) tlie Mechanics and Manufactures of ** will rally en masse to tlie support of Alabama's only B clnsively) Industrial Periodical, tile Organ of the n B liama State Agricultural Society, that its etliclencv 1 1 be unfettered in tire great work of developing tine I measurable resources of the Keystone State of the sin B “ Devoted to Improved Plantation Economy, M; hires and tlie Mechanic Arts.'’ the object of the .j, can Cotton Planter is to “Improve tlie Soil uml tile Blind, I With a corps of correspondents, numbering mum 1 tire most practical as well as scientific minds of tin's,!, we feel assured w e shall be able to visit our patron! tlie first of each month, to tlieir entire satisfaction* profit. Every family in, whutuver may 1* u avocatiou. stiould patronise some Agricultural puja-r-” ; cause tliere is no reading matter published to the I so innocent, and at the same time so practically . hie in all the walks of life ns that obtained inagood.!” I cultural Periodical. The American Cotton Plant,-, , I issue promptly by the first day of the month, it W ju>’ uniformly printed in magazine style, on good wlfit,., per, with new and fair type, securely stitched andj r ;. 1 med. Our Ilorticultural department will be snstaiiie; heretofore, by a gentleman of practical experienre.’ | E. A. Halt, of Montgomery. Terms s One copy, in advance.....’ ~..$ ] qj Six copies “ 5 w I Twelve copies “ h),, Clubsor Agricultural Societies, 1()0 copies 7;. .. All eonimuliicaiions, either fbr tlie columns of tin-My ter, or containing remittances, ordering tlie paper, n,, be addressed to Dr. \. B. Cloud, Loekland Post on;’ Alabama. Subscriptions should commence with the voltum. Ncwspapers friendly to the work, throughout tlie fits, w ill confer a favor hy copying tlie Prospectus. Our exchanges w iil please direct to Loekland. Ala BROWN'S WASHING ’l'll E Inventor in introducing his new Rotary IVaslii, Machine to tho notice of the public, docs so with tl confidence tliat in all cases where a fair trial is give, they will be as they have lieen by those who haven; 1 them, pronounced to he the best Blnchine for washi, j now iu use, aud capable of performing more work iul less time and w itli less damage to the clothes tliaun ; other Washing Machine now made. lie claims for this Machine, that it will cleanse ti ! clothes from dirt in 15 to 30 minutes and leave theme j tirely clean, ready for boiling and rinsing. | It will do an ordinary day’s washing in an hourai ! does not wear the clothes more, than one-tenth us nun. when washed tip hand. It is adapted to washing from the finest Muslins toll coarsest clothes. Blankets and Carpets. It can he worked by women or even a 12 year oltllr and is so simple in its construction that almost any I can repair it—if it should ever need it—and will with dinary care last from 5 to 10 years. One of the great merits of this Machine in addim to the facility iu washing—is tliat the clothes are ml m out by washing. By the ordinary process of washi, clothes are more injured than by wearing. This adra tage together with tlie fact that it will do ten times tl work of hand labor, should induce every Hotel. Boanli! House, and family to have one. These Machines are sold for Cash only, delivered at it [ shop—price sl3. Directions for using sent with top I machine. Manufactured by CLEMONS, BROWN k CO. We refer to a few of the many who have bought a I used the Machines, viz : Geu. Bothune, Columbus, Dr. A. Pond. “ A. XI. Allen, “ John W. Hurt, “ John Hudson, of the firm of Tlireew its. Holt k Cos., Thomas DeWolf. “ Charles Wise, “ R.E. Dixon, “ Dr. Urquhart, “ P. A. Clayton. “ J. C. Brewer, “ James R. Jones, “ Charles P. Levy, J. Ennis, “ Wm. Slatheson. “ J. W. Thomas. “ James Comer, “ Owen Thomas, “ Capt. J. E. Davis, “ Rev. J. W. Talley, Oxford. A. G. Slappcy, Fort Valley Col. Wellborn, Meriwether. Columbus, November 6 MELICK & CO’S. CASH CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Old stand of J. S. Smith & Cos., lU3 West Side Broad Street, COLUMrUS, GA. MENS’ and Boys Clothing—a large stock to sit from, suited to every class and condition. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods in every variety. October 22. ly AUCTION COMMISSION BUSINESS. r | MIE undersigned having purchased the interest"!"! l -L Austin, in the firm of Harrison, Austin & Meld j will continue the Anctln, Commission, Negro Broker,as> and Forwarding Business, under the name and style of HARHISON dh McGEHEf At tlie old stand, Nos. 50 and til Broad Street, and pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attenli J to all business committed to their care. They will pi their personal attention to tlio sale of Real Eslnl': Negroer Merchandize, and Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they arc pivpi to make Liberal Advances on Negroes and Mercliandi j of every description. £ s s'-Particular attention given to Administrators' Executors’ sales. CHARLES S. HARRISON. October lb. 1855. ly ALLEN C. McGKHEK .TAMES J. TODD, COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 26 East Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Staple Dry-Goods, Drugs, Patent Medicines. Coiifecli* cry, Tobacco, Ac. Ac. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOl.b JPfl-Orders for all articles promptly attended to. Hi’ article ordered is not in the Store it will he purrlm-’ and shipped with dispatch. October 20. ly D. B. THOMPSON A CO., 143 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgi". Wholesale and Retail Dealer , / 10OKING STOVES of all sizes and various Y ’ patterns; FORCE and LIFTING PUMPS, Lead Pipe, Hollow Ware, Rrittania and I’lan-fir'a islied Mares. Cutlery, and House Furnishing Goods generally, and mauufacturers of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. January 2b. ly PRINTING AND W R APPING PA I’EH BOCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. IIMIKSE MILLS are prepared to furnish tlio l-l ‘• 1 tide of Printing and Wrapping Paper. The PH 1 ! wh icliThe Daily Sun is printed, is made at these Mil” JAMES EICON. < OMM ISSION MEJRCHAN 1 ’ No. 1112 East SiiU; Broad Street. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bacon. Lard. Flour, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses. Salt, h co Cheese, Onions, Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits. October 20. ly PRIME HAMS. ,1 j ’ BABBELS prime limns received this tin.’ Chandler A C;>., and for sale at cents pet I" 1 by the barrel, or 11 cents retail, hv ” , February 0. ‘ JAMES LI I ' 1 FINE CIO ARM AND SNUFF. I.MNE Havauna Cigars, la> retard's Snuff, constant!’ 1 baud and for sale, wholesale and retail, at-'':’ Broad street. J. -I- ’R Columbus, Oct. IMPORTANT NEWS. JORDAN L. HOWELL has removed his stock of H 1 ■ and Stationery to tlie Store formerly occupied W. Robinson and fl. E Gager, nearly opposite ih” ; Bank, where lie will be pleased to see his Wend’ ‘ who want vulualde Present* for their children friends. December 18 Elisha Trammell, “ George T. Hurt, Russell n Chas. A. Peabody. “ Hopson Smith, “ A. Lowtlier, “ James Torbut, li B. Whithurst, “ W. A. McGrnder, George McGehee, Walton 15. Harris, “ W. G. Williams, D. Bullard, R. N. 11. Bardwell, Tuskege J. C. Sale, Auburn. A. It. Bell, Montgomery, Jno. Gill Shorter, Enfaiik E. E. Brown, Macon, tin. Female College, Geo. T. Rogers, 0. \V. Massey, “ W. S. Brantley,. “ N. Clayton, Chambers, c. N. W. Persons, Enon. Ala, 2m-