Newspaper Page Text
K|t fail| fan.
I. i luilv at Five Dollars a year. Where the sub-
P#l ; ' l ‘! , ' J n i . u„ u i,. for less than a year, at the rate of
! ■ rip p u nta a month. Single copies, Five Cents.
li.emeuts will be inserted at Five Cents a line
By' 1 ’ 11 , rt ion, and Three Ceuta a line lor each suliae-
M'C’*. 111 *. H,,,, Wthe same —to be paid for when the
4f i handed into the office.
Hi . exceeding 5 lines, not renewable, will be
L 4 ‘i tliree months fijr $4, six months for $9. or one
InJ* 1 ’" 11 ‘in Time agreed U|' to lie paid for before the
r# ‘lf.;!, lent is put in type.
wir l, . m(! nts not exceeding ten lines, renewable at
inserted at S2O a year—to be paid for quarterly
■ of 20 lines, renewable at pleasure, tu-
‘TO a year —payable quarterly in advance.
Ht i i* advertisement* exceeding g'l lines, will lie
Oc"® t[ie ra to of $lO for tor every additional ten
B'Zi.'ivalile quarterly in advance.
•’ meats or notices, occupying a place between
■’ linematter and advertisements, will be charged
■ , vnMi line Ibr every insert ion,
Georgia Female College.
■ regular depiutinents of Instruction, viz:
Hi'nlTc'date, the Aeadeniic, the department
niirimges, and the Ornamental Dcpart-
W/L t he Collegiate department, is taught ev-
BEliing that is necessary for the full dovel-
the mental powers, the Common
E;,., being kept in constant review.
U t | |P Academic department, is taught
K OVt , r may be necessary for preparing the
H to enter advantageously upon her Col-
B the department ot Languages, Latin,
Bjg.|- ft nd French are taught.
| The Oi uamcntal department comprises the
of Music and Design. In the
Eg,,: instruction is given upon all the usual
im euts, while in the latter, every variety
■Unliving, Vaulting, &c. is taught.
| f„. location (Madison, Morgan County,)
unrivalled for its social and religious
privileges, and for the salubrity of its climate.
Voting Ladies hoard in Private Families,
fchee they receive all those offices of mater-
Kjcure and kindness which are necessary for
bet,’ health and comfort.
next term commences on Monday the
ith if January.
may be obtained liy applying to ;
Either of the officers.
I R. D. MILLAItY, iSec’y of Faculty.
I jin lison, Nov. 14th, 1855.
■ni'E First Session, for 185 G, will commence ‘
Him .Monday the 21st of January, and close |
El tin* 2d of July.
I .J. F. Bledsoe, Principal.
Bit M. E. Hotchkiss, Assistant Lit. Dept.
B Prc. “
■ B Norman, Professor of Music.
I Rates of Tuition Per Annum.
Erim ry class Slfi 00
class 2*5 00
■irst year in regular course 32 00
B three years each “ 40 00
Language 20 00
Eueic on the Piano, including use of In
■ stiument 50 00 i
Husk on the Ifitrp, including use of In- *j
bade on the Guitar 40 00
bcidental Expenses, 1 00 j
He Latin and Greek Languages will be
■Qgiii. as a part of the regular course, to all
■ho desire them.
will be given in Drawing, Pain-
B Embroidery, Wax and Paper Flowers at
Be usual rates.
■ Vocal music will be taught to the whole
■hool, free of charge.
ladies can be accommodated with j
in the family of the Principal, or in
families, at ten dollars per month,
Bery thing furnished except lights and tow-
B'cuts and guardians living at a distance, I
Be requested to appoint an agent in La Fay- !
“ho shall make all purchases of clothing, |
E-i for their daughters or wards.
J. B- Norman is an experienced and j
teacher of music, and is prepared to j
■ve instruction in the art of Composition, and !
■%rougli Bass, to advanced pupils.
B§ e Institution is supplied with a Harp, and
Bitli new Pianos.
E* Hotchkiss, who has not, heretofore, j
with the Institution, comes to |
B highly recommended, as a teacher of rare I
Balifications. Among other testimonials the [
letter from Prof. Newman, of Union I
New \ork, is an ample guarantee for
■sr abdity all( i efficiency :
I . UxioN College, Dec. 21), 1855.
B|AR Sm:—ln reply to your inquiry, 1 j
Hi ay, Miss Hotchkiss, 1 know to be emi- I
qualified for teaching. Her scolarsliip |
and very thorough. She is enter- I
Blf ? n< *. amli iti°us—'loves to teach, and on !
is the best qualified for it of any j
ever instructed. I speak thus confi
■ n P’ because she was a pupil of mine some I
E® “ r fiT years. Truly yours,
E' )n megeneralprinciple that nothing tends I
impair and destroy the intellect, than j
Kill i' l ’ of st,ld y- o young lady, in 1
will be permitted to take np I
■L t S |’ ,i '- vond the grasp of her mind, or to nd
■ <it i ',in a lower to a higher class until she !
** Imreugl,]y mastered all that precedes.—
Km 111 "'. dl! it has not. Comprehended common
English Grammar, is but poor
j.'od to grapple with the intricacies of
Mathematics, or the subtleties of
trvt i" P atrona ge, and we intend to tie
rs ii i m^wo do not promise to makeschol- j
11 While modern science lias fil
et.: “! ate ' l Cine and space, the mind
ties i'|’ “ V ! ,s 01 ''K' ni H qualities and capabil
s stii i lu * ut< 4lect, in its onward progress,
iiatil, h eU ’ ‘‘ nt u P° n tl,e principles of assn- ,
kal i ‘ P l,wers °* judgement and memory.
isr in kuowie,ige ~ow ’
jnmj, Athkns, Duiximiier IS, 1865.
■ ] ,t11 !h.v I’ V ‘ 1M fastiluUoii will rucummonce on
•* of A oifiisf v..'i ‘.juury next, unit contimu* uutii the
‘Mek. . [n j! ‘ .'.7 1 . t'UTe will huuweek's viwutlnn. after
Hk ~ „ “I'"’reHiimed until tin* winter vui ution,
v Ti l"*lii'w , ‘ , . n Kt uf , N( 'Vel B lK'|.
mjllpjt,. l ‘Yf*® xperienced oilicurn comjirisc*
“"ta, ui Tim we uxptMitfd to b* nt their
Mto .Cbn. 1""” ,liw 'l>VKe iif llieir .lnties.
11 *?".i ,mi T.r °” ‘rusidont nud l*rof( hitr of I’olit i
[*■ “WSU W'iloHojihy.
Lir raturo ‘ ‘ M ” >r °^ eHßor °rAncient LmtgtiagoH
lv . ille ’ ■ D * D *’ Prufiwsor of Ui-lleH Lettres,
. Jlj i li | epri , tlttiuty uml History.
B or M * •> Professor of Sutural Seienees and
M - Professor ol SlnthomuHcs,
oiu ,ji v Uv l* Kngtneerlng.
*■,lf" 1 Chemistry A ’ “” Prof “"" or ~f Nttt "rl l*liiloso-
I'.'.C'J’ .l'Umpkin, 11. and.. l'role.sor of haw.
|Wtili Hn , j,’' 1 ’ ‘(■Jerrftll, Professor of Law.
BjJ, ? Waddell, a. Tutor in Anclmit Taii
R*’ tli*. l„ ,1, . ~, " 1 are raconuiieiKled t*. be nn-s-
B, lU !*’ “*'un of the term. 1
R’ I ,"'7 f "'' l Wisliftd tlint their
HI ‘H ts 1 hefe obtain u thorough odunition.
ASBI KY IIL’M.. Sef’rv.
/ ‘ + w •*.—
t Jailjj &ti.
VOL. I.}
Have removed their extensive stock of Furniture to tlirir
New Pour Story Illicit llnlldiiiff,
Nearly ojiposite their Old Stand,
\\ T L l-.KK they will bo hapjiy to see their friends and
ll,customers and show them something brilliant and
inviting in th way of Furiuimv.
Our W aj*u-Kooms a t*iiM‘t|ualli‘d in Bounty, uml our
r iirnilun* rtr/iriy/tr. olf‘r raiv t|mr
i hsLscrs, turnisliino; lioiist s in u tusUdul nud
uniform sfylo, by having u branch of our bu.sinoss in New
N oil; city, where tin* Senior partner manufactures, under
bis own cy*, articlcH t.a suit the most fastidious. Wo
have on hand furniture suitable for
Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Hoorn, Kitchen
Ac., of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Pine, Ac.;
undus Low as etui lie found North or South. An assort
ment of
win also be on hand, that will not fail to please. Call
and see. Our stock consists in part of
Etcr/.xitus, Tele a Teles, Wliuf Nol*. Arm
UHairs, and Solus,
ol Itosi-'U oisl. Ilrocatello and .Mahop-any, for .iru.
II urea ns, Dressing, Marble and Muhojpui.v Tops.
SHIe-llon vils—Marble and Mahogany Tops,
Hook Cases of all kinds and Secretaries attached.
Tables—Centro, Dining. Work and Extension.
Red steads—High and low post. French and Cottage.
Enamel Sets for Red Rooms, all colors. Walnut and .Ma
hogany Sets for lied Rooms.
Clinirs—an extensive assortment of all woods.
Looking Glasses—all sizes, in frames and out.
Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Ac.
Curtains—of lirocatcllc and Damask, all colors.
Shades—Gilt Cornices mid Curtain holders.
January 17, ISud.
A. It. AYER,
And Forwarding Merchant,
No. 131 West Side liroad Street, Columbus, (la.
u<j Particular attention given to the keeping, purchaso
and sale of Negroes.
and Executors’ sales attended to
on reasonable terms. Oct. 2d. ly
j. v. RUSRj J. H. n.WIS. W. It. UMW.
And Shipping Agents,
\\f 1 Li. purchase and sell cotton and otlier protlnce on
T T commission, and strictly attend to forwarding
goods and tilling orders from tiie country.
Base, Patten ,fc Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal
advances will be made on consignments either to or
through us to our friends in Liverpool ol* the North.
Jan.lo ly
Lumpkin, Stewart County, Geo.
rjIHE above Hotel lias been thoroughly reiiova- j ■
I te l and re-furnished. The undersigned wir?? ■
thankful for past favors will take pleasure in ac- Sl2l
commodating all those who may favor him -l itl * “ “ ’
their patronage. P. LAMPKIN,
Dec 3 Proprietor.
VCIJAIFORTABLK Hesideneein the (jth Ward, A*ggk,
with 3 neat rooms, good kitchen, smoke-|
house, stable, and the best water in the City.
Apply at this Office. Jan 29
responsible companies by
Office No. 2., over E. Barnard & Co.'s store.
Phoenix Insurance Company—Capital $200,000.
S. L. LOOMIS, President.
Columbus, Ua., Nov 27. ts
Mattress Manufacturers,
Columbus, Georgia,
ORDERS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Mattresses,
promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens
of Columbus anil vicinity, is respectfully solicited.
October 29.1855. ly
Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory,
riMUS Manufactory has been is in successful operation
1 for over three years, and is still continued. All work
will be done by experienced workmen, with good quality
of lumber, and the latest improved machinery.
Will be furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow
ing prices:
Sash. — S x 10... 7 cts Primed and Grazed...l2J/o cts.
10x12... 9 “ “ “ ...18 “
12x14..10 44 “ “ ...25 “
12 x 10...11 “ “ “ ...27 “
12x18... 12“ “ “ ...30 u
12 x 20...14 •• ...35 u
12x22...10 “ “ ...40 “
12 x 24...18 “ “ •* ...45
The above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain,
hi all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per
light will be added. All Sash glazed with good French
Glass, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty.
Rolling Blinds for Windows, 00 cents per fool,
measuring the length, A window live feet would cost
§3, without painting, nitehes. or hinges.
lhj ineh thick, without moulding, $2 50—moulding one
side, $3 00—moulding both sides, $3 50.
1 % inch thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding one
side, 3 25 —moulding both sides, $3 75.
V/2 inch thicli. 4 panm ls moulding on one side, $3 50—
moulding both sides, £4 00.
\y v inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, $4 00—
moulding both sides, $4 50.
In addition to the above, Blinds painted and furnished
with bulges and catches, if desired; also, Sash glazed
with German or French plate, painted, stained, ouarne!-
led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col
ors, for side and transom lights and ofliee windows.
Plans and spec ill cations for all descriptions of buiudings
famished to order, with estimates, if desired.
Contracts mode tor construction and erection of build
ings, fn reasonable terms.
All kinds us lumber planed, and flouring and ceiling
tongued and grooved.
Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, tor ornament
ing Gottages, Green Houses, Ac., made to order.
The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders,
believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may
favor them with orders.
tP /j *AII the above work will be furnished at short notice.
Sash kept constantly on band. All orders sent with
the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at
tention. Work to be sent by tlio River, Rail Road, or in
Wagons, will be at the risk of the purchaser, as the work
will In* considered delivered.
hi) ‘Special contracts can be made for large jobs.
.January 24. ly J. L. MORTON.
\IjOT iii Cobb county, well marked on GieGrant
as Mineral Tract,; One Lot 202% acres in
rion county. Three fractions adjoining, cum mono
ing about one mile above Bain bridge in Decatur county,
mid embracing the hank of Flint River for two miles, on
which there are some good
Hammock and Cotton Lands,
and the balance as well calculated fur making Turpen
tiiiefas any in the Southern country
Also a Lot with comfortable improvements at New
Pine Knot Springs, adjoining A.O. Redd,Ksq. Titles in
disputable. Apply to K. J. HARDIN
January bl. Iv**;. ColtU&bUß* Ga.
\ina i/D call tin* attention of Pliyhleiann to the
W newly discovered medicine called
It is superior to Norwood’s Tincture of Veratum Yeradi,
for all purposes that the latter has heretofore been used
for. February 4.
Jt’ST rec-ived >< tine supply of Fancy Candies and Con
fectionery. at 42 Broad street.
February 6. ( KM.A .v TIIO.M AS.
J~. U. HULL CO.,
1 JAGGING, Rope. Twine Sugar, Cotfee. Molasses, Salt,
J Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Wine*. Brandies, Gin. Rye,
Monongabelii. Bourbon, and Scotch Whiskey, and Pro
visions and Groceries generally, at the old stand of John
.1. MeKendree. No. IW. Broad Street. Columbus, Ga.
Noveinbr 21. 18.55. ly
1 Bfttwcftii tin! “IVrry” ami “t Hotels, and ili
roftfly iqq.l isito Tampnrnm u Hall,
< ’or.iTTu iu s, (;r.onc; i
\I J K lam* now in stol'ft anil vavcivin- the qAL .
I>est ami most < xtansivn atock nf valii
l ias to lie fonml in this country, emniivisina
ol lincst ami richest linisli. and most decani iqi|ic;u'aiicc.
ot latest, ,tylfts and every variety.
ot evory known pattern anti siaqia. ruitalJe lot* one (1 r
two horses, and complete assort incut of Top and No-Top
ot the latest and most fasliionuhli’ styles now used. Tlio
fact that tiie well know n and highly esteemed work ol
JAMEB M. MIIINUY A Go. as well ns tlml of other
makers of the highest repnl at ion, can lie Tumid only
at. on I-, and that all our stark is made up un
der the personal direction of Mr. 11. G McKee, (whose Ion;;
experience guarantees Its quality) enahlcs us to offer
hotter work and at lower prices, than arti
cles of tlio same quality can la- sold for by any oilier dea
ler in this country ; ami quite as low as they’ etui lie af
forded in New York city. For proof of which wrecsprrt
fully invite oil who wish to purchase, to call and see os.
‘V are selling at the very low est rates, for rash or ap
proved credit, and always usk or selling
prices, so onr customers ami strangers as well,
limy rely on being honestly and fairly dealt with. Kvc
ry article Is warranted to le strictly as
represented, ami satisfaction guaranteed to all.
N. B.—Having the best regular set of Carriage
workmen to lie found in this country, we are pre
pared, as lieretotbre, to do all kinds of repairing nt
the lowest possible rates, with tin* utmost
promptness ami in Die best manlier. MeK. it.
January 28. ly
MASONIC female college.
Lumpkin, Ga.
milKTrustees of this institution take pleasure in an
J- nounciug to the public that they have secured the
following fueiilty, to take charge of the College, at the
opening of the next term.
Col. Augustus Alilen. A. at. President—l’lofi s.-or of En
glish Literature and Ancient- Languages.
Rev. F. X. Forster, A. M.— Professor of Natural Feienee
‘and Mathematics.
Miss Ann E. Alden, Instructress in French and llola
ny aLd Principal of Preparatory Department.
This institution is located in one of the most beautiful
ami healthy villages of South Western Georgia: owned
b.V tin* Masonic Fraternity, ajid under ils supervision: it
is kept free from all sertniTan bias—Ait Die same time, re
quisite care is taken to secure to the pupils proper moral,
its well as mental training.
Tlio next session will open on Die second Monday in
January next. The Classes will then he organi/.eil.'aml
will progress its heretofore.
boarding can be obtained in the best families of the
place, where the students will lie surrounded by the safe
guards and amenities of the families circle.
The rates oftuition and hoard, are as low as these of
fered by any similar Institution in this part of the eta to.
The College is furnished with anew and complete set
of Chemical ami Philosophical Apparatus, Globes. Maps,
Charts, Arc.: in fine with everything necessary for illus
tration in tlio several departments of Natural and Expe
rimental Sciences-
Tlio College Building is so arranged that the Depart
ments will lie kept entirely separate, each occupying its
respective rooms.
Arrangements are now in progress to secure for Die
Music Department, a gentleman of the highest grade of
abilities and moral chanu*tA*r.
We invito the patronage id’ a liberal and discerning
public, being assured, from the character and reputation
of those constituting the Faculty, and the ample facilities
for instruction now actually in possession of the Institu
tion, that every* pledge we make shall lie redeemed, every
inducement we offer will prove to lie a fact; ami that, our
Institution can challenge comparison w’Dh the proudest
in tlio land.
Persons desiring I'u.ither information in regard to the
College, Will please address L. M. Cox, Lumpkin, or Rev.
F. X. Forster, Cutlibert, Ga., who will furnish them with
Circulars, Ac. Jan. 23 ts
f|MIE undersigned designs opening a Private Academy*
_L for Young Ladies in Eaton ton, Putnati county, Ga.,
on Wednesday, January 9tli, 1850.
In the Literary Department the course of study will
be extensive and liberal.
Tiie Latin, French, German and Spanish Languages
w ill he taught if desired.
The Ornamental Department will include Music on tlio
I’iano, Harp, Organ and Guitar.
Also, Drawing, Painting, and Embroidery in ail its
A complete apparatus will lie furnished in order to af
ford ample illustrations in tin: Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments will* lie provided, so that each
pupil may have the means of daily practice in addition to
tiie regular lesson.
The number of pupils w ill he limited to 30.
Tuition per annum, $125 00; bait'in advance, and the
balance at tiie end of tiie year.
Attention Is called to Die following advantages: First,
tiie pupil receives a much larger share of attention, than
when the school is large and overgrown.
Second, in addition to tin* regular course of study, she
Cun make such a selection from the languages, and tiie
Ornamental Department, us time and choice may dictate,
without extra charge.
Third, the low rate of tuition, compared with Dint of
other schools.
The usual charge for tiie English branches, is...sTo GO
Music 20 00
Latin (Extra) 2*> 00
French “ 20 oo
Drawing and Painting 2a 00
Embroidery 25 00
Making the aggregate of SIBO 00.
To this add the extra charges made for the use ci in
struments, stationery, Ac., and tile amount will not fall
ftrshort of S2OO, whereas, in the plan adopted in ibis
Academy, the charge lor lliese is $l2O h aving a difference
of SSO to $75 in its favor.
Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils. Ac., grabs. ISisdis,
sheet, music, Drawing, Painting ami Embroidering male
rials furnished at the usual rates.
Persons desiring further information, or wishing lo en
ter their daughters or wards, may odilress me, for the
present, at Lumpkin, Stewart County,Ga.
Jan 23. 1. R. lEKANHAM.
Ca.ssville, Georgia.
riUIE first Term oftllis Institution will begin on Die
X first Monday in February, iBOO, under the duietion
of Die following
Fur nil y.
Rev. Thomas Hamiim t,
Chairman and Professor of A indent Languages.
Rev. William 11. Roiikiit, Professor of Mathematics.
Rev. B. ‘V. WlllMiK.V.
Professor of Belles letters and English Literature.
Rev. W. 11. Roman,
Protein. Professor of Natural seience.
Rev. B. W. Wlill.lMiTt. pro tern. Professor of
Moral Philosophy and intellectual Scienre.
Otlier Professors will he elected as soon as tin* w ants of
the college require it.
Board and bulging can In- procured at a hoarding lion- e
or in private families, at from eight to ten dollars per
In Academic department, per year S2B no
In College deportment, per year 31 OO
Schola l-sliips.
Tiie Hoard of Trustees are now offering to sell scholar
ships for four years at sl9*l W
Scholarships for sixteen years, at 210 00
Tims making tuition merely nominal
The annual commencement will take place on Thurs
day after tiie first Saturday in July.
Cassville is a healthy location. Our college building
is situated three quarters of a mile from the village. ami
is a commodious building. Here young men will lie
comparatively free free the allurements ol fashionable
life, the baneful influence of grog shops, and Die expos
urea of a mixed |sipulation.
Any information, as well as eotulogues, etui la* obtained
on unpliriition to tiie undersigned, or any of the facultv.
Dceembcr 31. Secretary Hoard of Trustees.
I 'OFFER fur sale u splrii ded set of Tinners’ Toolsand Ma
chines, witli as fine a set of Patterns as there is in the
State, very low for cash or good notes and security, p i t
able Ist January next. Ten per cent, off for cash. A
bargain cun lie Imd by early application.
Also, a first rate set of Wool Cards, with all appertain
ing machinery, as good as new. Call anon or you lose a
bargain. J. J. TODD,
February 0. 2d Itroud Street.
MRS. C. R. WILLIAMS, on Jackson street, in front
of ths residence of Mr. P. Mi-Clnren. is prepared to
accommodate a lew day boarders.
February 9. lw I
East Alabama Female College,
Ti'skkGek, Macon County, Albama.
10CATKD in it villain faofaiiiuil for its
j healthful climate and retinol society, the collogo is
etisv of ticcesH from east and west By the Montgomery
and West Point Bail Bond which passes at tin* distance
of four mih‘s, and from the upper and lower country by
excellent road*.
The public may leol assured that the high standard of
cdiicauou here adopted will never he lowered. It is our
doierminat Lon to present at all tilth's an institution whose
fa< ilities for instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
tion among tiie first in the country. These are, an ole
, ganfc and commodious edifice, erected at n cost of some
forty thousand dollars—a large nud aide corps of instruc
tors- a well selected library—a good apparatus and a ca
binet, prepared with special reference to the want* of tlio
The hoarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They have
the privilege of membership in a literary soeiety, meet
ing weokjy for rehearsals, reading and exercises in com
position. One hour oil Sabbath afternoons is spent by
them in giving an analysis of the morning sennou, ami
in other exorcises designed to cultivate a taste for reli
gious truth. They also attend monthly levee* conducted
by thi’ govern* ■>?* and other members of the faculty.
Their dormitories are all carpeted, well wanned and 7011-
tHated, and furnished with every needful comfort. Be
sides boarding at tle> same table with the President and
j others of tin* Faculty, they are under the constant super
; vision of tin* governess who directs them in all matters
pertaining to their habits of study and rvc rent ion, and to
] the cultivation of their manners.
liitcrary Dcjam ment.
llknuy A. B\con, A. M.. President,
Mental and Moral Science.
I Gkouuk W. Thomas. A. M.,
Higher Mathematics and Ancient Languages.
.1. Kiizkcz Row ski, French, Italian and German.
Miss !m)v Williams, Logic, Rhetoric and History.
Mrs. V T. TwLoti, English Branches.
Miss M K. Womack, IMvpnratory Classen.
31 u.-sica 1 Depart ment.
I>r. S. M. Bakti.ftt, Principal.
Gi svavi s GrcSTLFit,'!
Alt'*. N. T. Taylor, / Assistants.
Miss Lydia Boot, J
Ornuincik!nJ Depart limit.
Miss L. 11. limn, Principal.
Miss Assistant.
Don rdintg Dcpn rt incut.
Miss h. 11. }Cr:lr, Governess.
Mr. Sam chon Lanifu, Steward.
Mrs. Kmii.Y K. f.VMFR, Stewardess.
Mrs. Lucinda Patton. Assistant and Nurse.
Calcude r.
First Term, from Sept. 23d to Dec. 23d, inclusive.
Winter Vacation, from Dec.24th to Jan. Till, inclusive.
Second Term, from .Jan. Nth to April Nth, inclusive.
Third Term, from April Pth to July 9th, inclusive.
Summer Vacation, from July 10th to Sept. 22*1. inclusive.
Commencement of‘Jßsjd, on Wednesday, July Uth.
Necessary Expenses*
Primary Classes per term $ 7 00
I) Sc C do 10 00
A Sc B dn 13 00
College* do J( 00
Board, im luding lights and washing pr. term, 30 00
Beoks, stationery, nuiterials, Ac., furnished at low prices.
Extra Expenses.
Modern Languages, per term 7 00
Drawing, Embroidery,Chenille. Wax or Fancy
Work, per term 0 00
Water ( Jolpys. per term |0 cn
Oil Painting, xa r term 13 00
Piano, Guitar, or Violin, per term It) 00
I so of Instruments for lessons and practice,
per term 2 50
Harp, including use of instrument, per term... 25 00
Those who design entering for tlx* first time at the be
ginning of the next term, will find it to their advantage
to correspond with tin* President on that subject.
November 21. 1855. ts
Texas Real Estate Brokerage,
HOMES in Texas, and safe investment* obtained
through this Agency. Fidelity to the interest!! of
non-residents. Registers of Lauds for sale in all part* of
the fcftate; full exhibits of title and accurate descrip
tions, also, Registers of Town and City Lots. Lands lo
cated. bought and sold. Claims against the State or indi
viduals collected or a* 1 justed, and i made by
exchange on New Orleans or any of the Northern cities,
it desired. Taxes paid on land situated in any part of
the State. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the
country and land system, insures superior locations and
the best titles. Strangers looking at Texan may always
have some leading items and useful hints at the office of
this Agency. Registers open for examination.
Jfcjj In the beginning of* her revolution in IS3<>, Texas
offered large bounties, in land, to volunteers who might
serve in her armies. We can now otter to the survivors
and heirs of those who thus served, the recovery of all
tlio lands promised by the government of Texas. Our
advantages are such, that we are prepared to investigate
and prosecute all Texas claims, for land or money, re
gardless of their date. Wo give particular attention to
the recovery of property illegally or unwarrantably dis
posed of by agents or administrator*; to the investiga
tion of the rights of heirs, devisees oi* legatees, and to the
settlement of estate.s
To persons having Land Certilicates for Location, we
uin offer particular inducement*. Onr thorough and in
timate knowledge of the vacant lands and surveys of the
State, obtained ill many instances from personal inspec
tion, insures the most favorable locations. Close atten
tion to the land system of Texas for a number of years,
and an accurate knowledge of the different classes of
titles, together with a large amount of land registered
in onr ofliee for sale, enables us to furnish prompt and re
liable information and assistance topersons deniring good
homes, and to offer superior advantages to ihose wLhing
to make safe and profitable investments'.
We are olfci*ji*>g tor sale hinds in every purl of the
State, improved and unimproved, of every (juality, end
in tracts to suit purchasers —town and city property—
in short, every kind of null estate, on the most favorable
terms. If desired, we will examine land in any part of
the Static, and ascertain ils value.
We invite the attention of perrons having laud or town
property in Texas for sale, to our office, as furrushing a
cheap and effective mode of advertising : and of mercan
tile ponses and individuals, to lilt! collecting brunch of
our Business, as a medium for prompt and ellleicnt col
lection*. BAYMOM). i BKI.VIAN Ac CO.
December IN — Jl’
G. F. IIILiIi, Esq., Principal and Proprietor,
Mu. N. NY. A B.VIST BONG, Graduate of the |
State Military Academy, South Carolina, ,• Assistants.
Bn. Id TN AM Sc Cad. J. S. HABK KB, A. II.)
ri Ml K Fourth Scholastic Year of this Academy eom
-1 meiiced on Monday. January loth 1855, ami will con
tinue in session during forty wei I; s.
As this Ac •ademy received very liberal assistance from
the State at tin* last session of the Legislature, there will
he no charge for tuition, (hi enuring the Institution, !
an initiation fee of twenty dollars will be rejoin <1 of each j
Cadet, except such as come under the flic following pro- j
vision, viz:
Eiwh county in the State of Alabama isentitled to send |
one Cadet tree of charge. Such Cadet to be selected by
lie* Judge of Probate and County Commissioners, from
such men as are talented, dozening and of good moral
charaeb r. Orphans shotikl receive the preference.
Spelling. Beading. Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar,
Geography and History.
A tgchra, Geometry ; I'lain, Descriptive and Analytical
Trigonometry. Calculus, Shadows and Perspective, Natu
ral and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry. Conveyancing. Con
stitutional haw. Ancient Languages: French, Civil and
Military Engineering, Surveying. Mechanics and As
tronomy. ‘AS*
Tactics will he taught at nHi times .is not to interfere
with the regular studies.
The discipline will he euiyrccd.
jj rr . MW (’oat of Grey Cadet (loth, branding collar, trimmed
with convex metallic button* and sixteenlh-ineh black
cloth, according to the muial style: Pants of Grey Cloth,
witli black st) ipe on the outer Heam one and an eighth
im lies in width —to be worn till the first of May.
White Pants from Ist May till September.
Tho uniform is not to he worn except on general pa*
radcs, and such .-pceial occasions a-* the Mllitury Instructor
may direct.
‘Hie Academy Buildings are largo and well arranged,
and the locution is < iniiK'iitly healthy.
Hoard can be procured from eight to ton dollai s a month,
‘j'he principal will so direct thy education of his pupils
us. if possible, to make them practical and useful men.
The experience and qua] ill cations of the instructor* |
will entitle this Institution, in a high (logic**, to public
confidence. F. A. ZAdfABV,
jly-*J4in Secretary of tin*. Board of Visitor*. |
* I Hai fcls yellow’ Irish P<itubes. received and for sale 1
Great reduction in the price of the latter publication.”
L. Scott Cos., New York, continue to publish the fol
lowing leading British Periodicals, viz:
the Westminster review
r | * b;rout ami important events —Religious, Political,
\\ i 1 ! 1,1 . —now agitating the nations of the Old
World, give to these Publications an interest and value
limy never before pm<HesKod. They occupy a middle
ground between the hastily written news items, crude
speculations, and flying minor* of the newspaper, and
the ponderous Tome of the historian, written long after
the living interest in the facts he records shall have
passed away. The progress of the War in the East* occu
! b*‘s a large space in their pages. Every movement is
i closely cntk*lseti. whether of friend or of foe, and all
j short-comings lhailettsly pointed out. The letters from
liic Crimea and from the Baltic in Blackwood’s Magazine,
hum two of its most popular contributor*, give a more
intelligible and reliable account of the movement* of the
gn at belligerents that can elsewhere be found.
Those Periodicals ably represent the three great politi
cal part ies of Great Britain —Whig, Tory, and Radical, —
but politics forum only one feature of their character.—
As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Litc
lature, Morality , and Religion, they stand, as they ever
have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being con
sidered indispensable to the scholar and the professional
man. while to the intelligent reader of every class they
furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of tlio cur
rent literature of the day, throughout the world, than
can be possibly* obtained from any other source.
Early Copies*
The receipt of At Ira tier NV/re/.v from the British publish
ers givqs additional value to these Reprints, especially
during tin* present exciting state of European affairs, in
asmuc li as they can now be placed In tlio hamia of sub
scribor* about us soon as the original editions.
.. Per ann.
for any 011 c ot the four review* 00
l or any two ol the four Reviews 5 00
tor any three of the four Reviews 7 00
For nil four of tlio Reviews 8 00
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00
lor Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00
Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money
current in the State where issued w ill be received at par.
A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above* pri
eps will be allowed to Clubs ordering direct from L. Scott
A Cos., four or more copies of any one or more of the above
works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Re
\ic\\. will he sent to one rddress for $9; four copies of the
four Review's ami Blackwood fur,s3o; and soon.
In all the principal cities nud towns, these works will
be delivered, free of postage. When sent by mail, the
postage to any part of the United States will be but twew
ty-J'var cents a year for ‘•Blackwood,” and but fourteen
Witts a year for each of the Reviews.
To Scientific and Practical Agriculture.
By Henry Stephens. F. R. }S. of Edinburgh, and the late
J. P. Norton. Professor of Scientific Agriculture in
\al* College, New Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo.—
loon pages, and iiuhktou*M ood and Steel Engravings.
This is. confessedly, the most complete work on Agri
culture ever published, and in order to give it u wider
circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the
price to
Eivr Dollars for llie Two Volumes I!
W hen sent by mail (post-paid) to Culiforniannd Oregon
•he price will be $7. To any other part of the Union and
to Canada (post-paid), SO. This work is not the old
••Rook of tin? Farm.’’
Remittances for any of the above publications should
always he addressed, post-paid, to the l'uhlishers,
No. 54 Gold Street, New York.
Opposite the Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga.
Is now open for the reception of the traveling public,
sojourner and citizen, under the following programme
of administration :
E. E. BROWN, U lrt . o .
E. ISAACS, j Proprietor.
B. F. Dense, Finpcrintniident.
rpiIIS now Hotel liun uiiiftli to render it nttrao- „ ,
J, tivu to tlift \vn_v-fai'r, who nmy visit Macon ‘
mi pleasure or l>iisim*ss. |®S
its location is rqqiogitc to tin* New PaHsenger.
Dcqeit on 4tli Street, ami at a convenient distance from
the Ware Houses and business part of the city. To fami
lies and others who tarry lint a few hours in tlio place,
brown's Hotel will furnish all needful accommodations
without delay and expense of Omnibus transportation to
distant hotels.
Tiie Dooms art* large, airy and well ventilated, many of
them having communicating doors, and suitable for par
ties ami fhinilies.
The Furniture is entirely new and oftlie most improv
ed style of hotel equipment.
‘I lie Culinary Department will lie under the special enro
of that well known and efficient Calcn.r, Mr. K Isaacs.
The General Kiiprrintendelico and Deception Depart
ments routined to .Ur. ii. F. Dense, long and favorably
known ns the popular Superintendent of the Floyd House
of Macon. His Lady will give her attention to thecom
fort of the Ladies who may sojourn at, or visit the House.
Meals will always lie in readiness on the arrival oftlie
different Kail Head Trains.
‘I he liar will in- supplied witli the choicest M ines and
-V Livery .Stable uml itai liei* Shop are also adjuncts of
the Hotel.
The house is furnished with Gasand with Bath Rooms.
C infer Hu: various arrangements tlio Proprietors flatter
themselves Ihui they will la* able tounp/y every reason
able want of their guests and estab/ish for their House
tin- reputation ot a --first e/nss liote/.” The pub/ic fiat
ronnge is rospcctfn/fy Solicited. K. H. BROWN,
jan Rtf K. ISAACS.
(NO. 178.
HA \ E form* i a co-parlncrHliip for tin* purpose of car
rying on tllC* hu.sillCHH Os
Nimble ( uGiiig, Gmnile W ork, Ate.,
At the old stand of J. 11. Madden,
152 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,
if well us tJI (* n*v. -laud of J. 11. Mud(i('n 011 Oglothorpe
si., where th*y va i.I :it Jill limes bo found, ready to re
ceive and promptly ro execute all orders given to them.
‘They pledge (he 111 selves to satisfy all who patronize
them in material. Workman.’*hip and (julekness of exe
cution. They will keep constantly on hand Ceineut
and Bluster of Pui*lm.
iron i^AiLxisra-,
of lhe newest DJitterns always procured on the most ad-
Vimtageous Jiud K asnnnhle terms.
All who know Madden, know him to be a workman
of taste and judgment. Those who wish to show respect
lo the ‘‘dear ones d<*pur*i‘d’* will find it t< their advan
t;t( give tho new tiriu a cull. Feb 16
To Physic* Ism* and Citizen* of Georgia*
\NEW I'KINCII’LE for the of all folrrile
alleefions luts heen discovered ly a talented Fhybi
eian of New York. This discovery involves anew prinei-
Jl*‘ J.v which the too positive condition oftlie system cul
led Fever, ciiauged to the normal or healthy state di
rect I \ and without loss of vitality.
This viilunhh remedy is called Negative Electric Fluid,
and is prepiired by N. W. Sent, M. I).. New York. It is
extensively n etl m tiie hospitals in France, ami has been
e.\i*n-ive|v used in the practice of a number of the most
taienled inemtiers .f the medical fraternity. The atten
tion oi 1 lin icijiiis is most respectfully solicited to the
virliu sos this medicine in the treatment of Fevers. Try
i( uid yon will never ijuit its use. It is far (superior to
Norwood's Tincture, for reducing the pulse. This asser
tion will lie proven by one single trial.
A full description oftlie treatment of Fevers by tiie uwc
of Dr. N.YV. beat’s Negative Electric fluid, from the pen
ot the discoverer, will he published in the columns of the
{foil, in the course oftlie present week.
The Negative Electric Fluid is for sals at the Drug
Jitorcs of Dnnforth k Nagel, and Brooks 4 Chapman, in
Columbus, February 4.
for sale on < onsiunmknt.
I >AC(>\ Hides. Haunt, Seed Oats, and Corn. Bv
•fan 18 —if
Boxes Tobacco, various brands, received and for
iO sale by JAMES LIGON.
I l ST received and for wile 100 barrels, halfJnurols and
9) kegs heat A No. 1, now Leaf Lard. For wale by
Dec,. 15—ts JAMES LIGON.
r |MIK undersigned have entered into the GROCERY
1 BUSINESS, under the firm and nume of RIDU
WAY, ( DECK LEY A CO. We will keep coiiwtantly on
hand a large stock of choice UrocerieH.
janxtf if. MdOLECKLEY.
I>A’ a young man who can give tlio very best reference,
> ji wituution as R<miK KEEPER or SALESMAN in
any reHpoctabfo cstahlisiiment. Apply at thiw office.
Kebriary 2t
>fKW, cheap, jo* good an the lewt. warranted fresh,
I now on hand and to arrive, at
December 11 26 Broad Street.