The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, March 10, 1856, Image 3
UMBUS PRICES CURItENT. jyP^ 1 - JqKBKCTKD weekly. m~hxsi=m | t ■ , .s>.;#> 18 20 ■ \l I % ft lb IS (at 20 I B ‘$ S ■ “(Brown Shirting ft,? 1 • # b I 4 | “ S22 ■ {<„. 3 ft lil 1 12 00 ($ 16 00 ■ .. , 1 ]V!pi ••• (i 1 mIM no oo @I2OO wW ii*v { ¥n> 1 * < ,u 10 ■ I¥>! ••• !te| • ... ‘’.Vii.Vi (V ,|b 0 lct"i I **” ::: , u io /2 Jf b*l 60 i(aJ 76 f 0 \(Of\ ‘■‘■'i Jrg’l 126 (. 1 60 Whr%?:zz Wl’i 75 ui oo ■visions. !*L - T ••• | shoulders f- tb| llg © 12/* ■ Mjb! ai J ® .as ■ ft lb 15 @1 10 KrITOKS-Swi'ft |E' ib ' i l® 8v) ’’ Irish F’ ti l 4 50 f©> 5 00 Vsk 1 50 @ 1 75 h ft bg 225 @ 2SO Cognac ft s’l 226 @ 800 American...!# g’l of @|l 00 B Peach jftlg’l ... @j 150 B Oiu—Holland ft gjl 125 @2 50 B American _ft g’l 75 @1 00 Rum—Jamaica ftlg’l 200 (q 300 ■ New England.... ft g’l| 76 @ 100 1 Whiskey—Rectified ft g’l 00 @j 75 B ‘ Common ft : g'lj -■• @ ■ Monong’a.... V g'l 75 i@l ISO HiTi'S TL'IIPENTINH Vlff’l: ... id 100 Hl-:i,-l'l""’ ||} b i- ® | Herman £J b @! JS ■ American Blister Fjio ... 1.0 I English Blister j¥i#> ‘ ... @1 15 New Orleans jP tb i 10 j@. 12J4 V’ Loaf. ifI®* 1 ®* 12U@i 15 | Crushed it'll) 12V.i@ 14 | Pulverized jft & 12j| @l 14 ■.LOW F"> W ](” WA Kli APCO—Common t* lb 12J4.@ 17* Fair it* ib 20 !©o ■ 30 B Choice >iiP- lb 50 @, 75 ¥!lb 25 @ KK( i A K—Apple Vb 1 050 ( 7 50 H|TK LEAD ,] V lb I 275 ® 325 HtlS-ltort ¥ g’l 1 50 @, 300 V Madeira ¥ g’l 1 50 @ 500 ■ Claret! ¥ g’l 300 @ 500 ■ Champagne VOk 100 @2O 00 “Sibl ; 15 j@| 23 piATES OF EXCHANGE. I COP.RECTED 11Y W. E. LOVE &, CO. and exchange brokers, I NO. 04 UKOAD STKEET. I BUYING BATES. SELLING RATES. Yoke, tu days lli fl ct. ilis sight, }4 prem *• none. “ none lii ama Bank Notes 2 ft ct. dis IvlomA “ •< 2 ft ct. dis and Silver 1 ft ct. pm ■ Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par I HOUSE AND EOT FOll SALE. FFEII for sale my House and Lot n the South West corner of Jock- 4 ad Pew streets. Tlie lot contains ff| ,7 O lalf acre, and has on it a comfort-JBaiSBBi^SM’ Dwelling with lour rooms, a tire Set uJpia^ph i to each, a Well of good water, Kitchen, Smoke s, and other improvements requisite to the comfort :ouvcnience of a family. pl.v at the Muscogee Bail Road Depot to rch 1, 1856. 2w W. L. CLARK. B. B. McCRAW, ATTORNEY AT LA.W, Fayette, Chambers County, Alabama. irch 1, 1850. 6m FRESH SUPPLIES. BOXES Fresh Raisins; || 10 Barrels Mercer Potatoes; | Preserved Fruit in Cans; IA fair article ofGreen and Black Tea— s t received and tor sale bv February 0. ‘ MARCUS & CHAFFIN. COPARTNERSHIP. KYLE, EVERETT & CO. IllE subscribers, successors to Messrs. J. & J. KYLK, l have this day formed a Copartnership, under the l*ve name and style, for the purpose of transacting the ■DRY GOODS BUSINESS, l ll its branches, at the old stand of J. & J . Kyle, No. DO liroad Street, wliere they will lie glad to see their P ‘ iistomers and friends. JOHN KYLE, JAMES M. KVKKKTT, JOHN C. CALHOUN. P 1 ' 1 "-1, 1556. F. 0. JOHNSON. ■ Columbus, Jan 24 ts COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. | J- 11. DANIEL & THOMAS, BJ AVE associated with them Mr. .1. A. Uirdner, and P l *>H continue the I Nothing aiul Tailoring Business 1,]!.” h ; “ w stand, under the style of J. 11. Daniel t Cos. ■ )ey also take this method of returning their thanks lil Il,imerolw friends and customers for the very P a tronage extended to them during the past year, P* nope by renewed exertions to merit the confidence i¥'favor of the trading public. J >V im . ® rm no efforts to minister to w'li * patrons, it is lioped that those indeht -1 inotlie unmindful of their accounts unsettled, 1 * those indebted to J. 11. Daniel on his old business, ‘ I” ‘tlidly notified that this is the last call. ■•Muuary 24. ts If is FITTING AND DAS FIXTURES. W a i*' 1 to do gas fitting in all its branches. ’ ‘ ar 8 e and fine assortment of o| . Chandaliers and Gas Burners ki , ‘‘ p r i’ description suitable for stores and dwellings at I 1 s - 1). 11. THOMPSON Ac UO. ■ Jan 11—ts WL ‘ DISSOLUTION. i I ~,,,,U R0? !< S & CAItIHGEH. having dissolved their b-t. win l " -r9b Ip front ami aftortlie first day of January •11 Bu woccupy separate but adjacent oflices at their * no’ ;. wllero persons indebted to them can find their i ; V.J. BROOKB. tt ry .1. H. CARKHIEK. . TO HIRE. -V about 18 years of age, very likely, ril,B H°'ise servant. Apply at the Marine T. W. TALLMAN. B 1 imrer and Times copy. |., PORK TONGUES. • I In,. n “'"’ iTe, lon consignment. HI Kegs Pork Tongues, * ; 'l fur mi T at I*® r keg, or 14 cents per Ib. retail, 1, ,JV JAMES LIOON. CARPETS \\rf V C( )ST FOR CASH. M “ lot of ®0 VELVET ab l BRUS- I I l.ruarv oV AU1 ’ KTIN<: - ™st for cash. I ry ‘ L SAMMIB & KOONEY. Muv BUTTER, POULTrv, Ac. t V 4e X for! E , f arti, ' le Os Country Butter. POULTRY. ‘’ l " l 5 ,t J. J. TODD’S, 26 Broad Street. Hfinm&S aavAM dun can, WM. t. Ittm r. ‘DOPER, DUNCAN & BARNETT, inrT T p HNEYS AT LAW ’ K Ge,,rl ") ailJ Crawford. Alabama. is.. 1,, in, L’KFs,, , OATES. r “ 0“*” just received at STOVKLL’f* CON FKCTI ON KR Y. LOOK A.T THIS ! isoo PRIZES' $60,000. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Georgia. 10,000 Numbers! I Prize to 8 Tickets! CI.ASS K. To he Diutvit March 15, IH3G, At ( oncert Hail, Macon. Georgia, under tliesworusuiier uitendence of 001. George M. Logan and James A. Neshit, Ksqr. ’TheManager haviug animnneed his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, offers tor March 15th, u scheme that far surpasses any scheme ever offered in the annals of LoUerles. look io your in i tevest. Examine the capitals, one prize to every eight 1 tickets. J CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! } , ’ r l i/p 1,1 $15,000 J 5,000 „ 4,000 { 3,000 r * .* 2,tWO “ Frizes ol SIOOO are 5.000 ■, U “ 600 “ 5,000 ” 50 5,000 “ 25 “ 3.IKH) nisi Approx. Prizes of 20 14 lodiKt 500 “ “ 10 “ s*llllo 1200 Prizes amounting to SBO,OOO. Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Prizes payable without deduction. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punc tually attended to. Comm indentions rontidcntiul. Bank Notes oi'Simtul Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular mini tiers should order immediately. JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Feb. 15-td Macon. On. VV. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 04 Broad Street, CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! riMIE subscribers have now on hand and rvdir’il w. _L are constantly receiving, one of the larg est and most varied Stocks of Vehicles ever ottered, and made expressly for this market, embracing every style of Carriage in use, such as— Calcclies, Berlin Coaches, Barouches, (Os the Finest Finish,) FAMILY KOCKAWAYS, Large and small, including many very light and tasty, suitable for one horse. BOW TOI> WAGONS, \\ itli a complete assortment of BUGGIES with and without TOPS, t)i every style and finish, which, for durability and neat, ness, cannot be excelled, and are from most respect able manufactories at the North, and mode under the personal direction of Mr. J. B. Jaques. All of which we are selling at tlie very lowest rates for cash or ap proved credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted in every respect, and our customers and till purchasers can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with —in proof of which we respectfully invite the attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on us at tlie North-East corner of Oglethorpe anil Brvan sheets, opposite tlie Per ry House. J. B. JAQUES & BROTHER. X- B.—Having a regular set of northern Car riage IVorkiiieii employed, we are prepared to execute Repairing of every kind in tlie best possible manner with neatness and dispatch, at low rates, at J. 15. JAQUES & BROTHER’S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, opjM site the Perry House, Columbus, Ga. February 6. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. TIMIE firm heretofore existing between the subscribers I under tlie name of Vernoy, Ector ,fc Cos., is tiiis day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm wiil please make payment to Seaborn Junes or James Vernoy, who are authorized to settle and collect the same; and persons holding claims against said firm will present them to said Jones & Vernoy for payment. SEABORN JONES. J. T. ECTOR, Columbus, Ga., Jail. 15. 3m JAMES VEIINOY. The business will hereafter be continued by JAMES VERNOY A CO. J. FOGLE, DENTIST. OFFICE on Randolph, near Broad Street. Entrance on Randolph street. January 15. ly CUSHMAN, rrc ,. T^ DENTIST. 4-v^SCE^? WINTER BUILDING, 48 liroad street, Columbus, Georgia. I j Jan. 11, 1856 ‘ 2m THE CL AX’TON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cos., Ala. BY KIESER & POST. rniUS Paper possesses a large circulation in the couu- X tics of Barbour, Pike, Dale, Henry and Coffee; and to the merchants of Columbus is offered an excellent op portunity to make known their business. SCRUGGS, DRAKE <fc CO, Factors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, g. C. CELL A <fc THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c., No. 42 Broad Street, (Under Telegraph Office.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. riMLEY are in constant receipt of Confectionery, 1 Fruits, Nuts, Sc., which they oiler to tlie pub lic at reasonable rates Country dealers would do well to give us a call. No charge for packing. Nov. 5,1855. —Cm A GOOD MEDIUM—EAST ALABAMA. the: axtbuhn gazette Slaughter & Holifield, Auburn, Ala. CiOLUMBUS Merchants will consult their interest by /availing themselves of the Gazette to make known their business. It enjoys a very large and increasing cir culation in a region of country that does a heavy trade in Columbus. Dec. 6, GREAT SALE OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Encyclopedias, and Valuable Scientific Mechanical and Agricultural Works, STANDARD LIBRARY BOOKS In all Hie various department of Literature, to be sold AT AUCTION THIS EVENING, and every Evening this Week, at early Gas Light, at tlie Store No. 28 Broad Street, / x ‘ i nearly opposite the Union Bank. Terms Cash—Purchasers to pay for and take asvay their Books tlie day following■■■SlflttJEi each sale. CLAYTON £ IV ILK INS, February 27. Auotioneors. JOSEPH GARCIA, DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c., One Door below Andrews, Ridgeway & Cos., No. 130, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. wot >1)13111 1 X ; F’S PALACE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Over Brooks & Chapman’s Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. nAVE you seen any of the new style of Pictures on Glass ‘ if not, call and see. Tlie Double Face Pic tures are a curiosity, and are invaluable ns true likeness es. No fading with these Pictures. For taking children it is unsurpassed, requiring hut a few seconds to take a life-like impression. A better expression can be got by this process than by any other, tlie time of exposure be ing so short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, for Lockets or Rings, to the largest, for Frames, taken in the most finished style. Some entirely new styles of eases, Oil hand and for sale. J. S. WOODBRIDGE, February 27. Artist and Ambr<itypi-t. .JEFFERSON &, HAMILTON, DEALERS IN (ill OCJ E RIE S. PR O VISIO NS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, KEEP eoustaiitly on hand a supply of the host good* ami are receiving produce from Tennesse which they sell low for Cash. Flour and Meal of the host quality always on hand at Mill prices. JOSEPH JEFFERSON. Fell.2S Sin J. It. HAMILTON. SIVEET ORANGES. VI. AIK IE Lot of Sweet Havana Oranges, received and for sale by February 28. MAItCES k CHAFFIN. FLOCK. pii'A BARRELS S. F. Flour, just received on Consign •JyJ meat, and for sale bv February 11. JAMES LIHOX. BROWN’S machine. f IMIK Inventor in introducing his now Rotary Washing J. Machine to tlio notice of tlie public, does so with the confidence that in all cases where a fair trial is given, they will be as they have been by those who have used them, pronounced to he the best Machine for washing now in use, mid capable of performing more work in far less time and with less damage to tlie clothes than any other Wiishing Machine now made. He claims for this Machine, that it will cleanse tlie clothes from dirt in 15 to 30 minutes and leave them en tirely clean, ready for boiling and rinsing. It will do an ordinary day’s washing in an hour and dues not wear the clothes min e, than one-tenth us much as when washed by lumtl. It is adapted to washing from the finest Muslins to the coarsest clothes, Blankets aud Carpets. it can lie worked by women or even a 12 year old boy, and is so simple in its construction that almost any Iwdy can repair it—if it should ever need it—and will with or dinary care last front 5 to 10 years. ho - One of the great merits of tills Machine in addition to the facility in washing—is that the clothes are not worn out by washing. Ity the ordinary process of washing clothes are mure injured than by wearing. This advan tage together with the fact that it will do ten times the work of Imndlulior, should induce every Hotel, Boarding House, and family to have one. These Machines are sold fur Cash only, delivered at our “hop—price sl3. Directions for using Nent with every machine. Manufactured by CLEMONS, BROWN . 1 11. Via refer to a few of the many who have fought and used the Machines, viz: Gen. Hcthuuc, Columbus, Elisha Trammell, 44 l)r. A. Pond, “ 1 GeorgeT. Hurt, Russell co, A. M. Allen. “ | Chits. A. Peabody, *■ John IV. Hurt. 41 j Hopson .Smith, ‘ 44 John Hudson, of the finuofj A. bowther, 44 Threewits, Holt & Cos., ’ James Torbut, 44 Thomas DeWolf. ■■ !B. Wliitliurst, 44 Charles Wise, •* I W. A. MrOruder, 44 R. E. Dixon, •• ‘ George MeGehee, 44 Dr. Urqulmrt, 44 Walton B. Harris, 44 I*. A. Clayton, “ W. G. Williams, 44 J. C. Brewer, 44 , [). Bullard, 44 James B. Jones, ” It. N. It. Barilwcll,Tuskegee Charles P. Levy. “ j.I.C. Sale, Auburn. J. Ennis, 44 A. K. Bell, Montgomery. Wm. Matheson, “ Jno. Gill shorter, Kufttuia. J. AY. Thomas, 44 1 E. E. Brown, Macon, Ga. James Comer, “ j Female College, 4< Owen Thomas, “ Geo. T. Rogers, 44 Capt. T. E. Davis, “ O. W. Massey, 44 Rev. J. AY. Talley. Oxford. AV. S. Brantley, A. G. Slitppey, Fort Valley N. Clayton, Chambers, co. Col. AVellborn, Meriwether. N. AV. Persons, Elton. Alu. Columbus, November 6 2m JUST RECEIVED. nx BARRELS APPLES; 50 barrels Planting Potatoes}: 25 44 Onions; 10 ■* Cranberries. A. M. HULL, junO, 1556 14 Brood st. AUCTION &, COMMISSION BUSINESS. r |M 1E undersigned having purchased tlie interest of AVin. X Austin, in the firm of Harrison, Austin & MeGehee, wiil continue the Austin, Commission, Negro Brokeruge and Forwarding Business, under tlie name and style of HARRISON life M. GEHEE, At tlie old stand, Nos. 59 ami 01 Broud Street, and pledge themselves io a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal attention to the sule of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandize, and Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared to make Liberal Advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. tH.-'Particular attention given tu Administrators’and Executors’ sales. CHARLES S. HARRISON, October 10,1865. ly ALLEN 0. Ah-GEIIEE D. B. THOMPSON &, CO., 143 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, Wholesale and Retail Dealer , / BOOKING STOVES of all sizes and various cKfefet patterns: FORCE and LIFTING PUMPS,Ex J Leacl Pipe, Hollow AVare, Brittania and Plap-gjTIjBML ishod Wares, Cutlery, and House Furnishing Goods generally, aud manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET’ IRON WARE. January 26. ly TUrLOHScT FACTORY WARE ROOMS, EAST SIDE BROAD ST., NOS. 34 & 30. R. (t. JEFFERSON & CO. -U32 THE above establishment bus re-openedifY tn 1 i/ its Sale and AVarc-Eoom with a lull assort- Py incut, comprising tlie following articles of On jJS&ES recent manufacture and of tlie very best materials, viz: Bedsteads, of various patterns, varying in price front $4 to S3O. Ctt.vins.—Cottage, Boston, Rocking, Office AVriting, Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. Tuns, Buckets.—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper— brass and iron bound, of various sizes. Cnunxs.—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper—brass and iron bound, of various sizes. .WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS, AVARDKOBES, AVASIIBTANDS, TABLES, Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the AVare-room or directed to R. G. Jefferson & Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak, Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, Ac. KICHARD a. JEFFERSON’. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 3, 1855. Oui BACON SHOULDERS. JUST received on consignment, 17 Ilhds. and 4 Boxes Chandler & Co.’s best Sbotllder Bacon, and for sale by JAMES LIOON. SCOTCH HERRINGS. VFINE lot of Scotch Herrings just received and for sale at 42 Broad street, by February 6. CKLLA A THOMAS. JAMES LIGON, COMM ISSION MERCHANT, No. 132 East Side Broud Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bacon, Lard, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobac co Cheese, Onions. Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac., October 20. ly PRIME HAMS. BARRELS prime Hums received this day from sw l) ( handler A Cos., and for sale at 12h£ cents per pound by tlie barrel, or 14 cents retail, by February 9. JAMES MUON. FINE CIGARS AND SNUFF. I.AI N E llttvanna Cigars, Lorelard’s SiiutV, constantly on ” hand and for sale, wholesale aud retail, at No. 26, Broad street. J. J. TODD. Columbus, Oct.—ts IMPORTANT NEWS. JORDAN L. HOWELL has removed his stock of books anil Stationery to tlie Store formerly occupied by AV. AV. Robinson nndG. FI Gager, nearly opposite tlie Union Bank, where lie will he pleased to see his friends and eli who want valuable Presents for their children and friends. December 18 —ts FARMERS’ AND EXCHANGE BANK, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Agency at Columbus. nIU.S on Now York. Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, Savannah, or Augusta, discounted lit customary rates. SIGHT EXCHANGE, on the above named cities, fbi sale. K.T. TAYLOR, Agent. Nov 15. dtf Office next door to the Post Office. COAL Y AIID. THOSE wishing COAL for Grates, cull be supplied at sl3 per Ton, by calling on JOHN AV. HOWARD. Nov 27 Agent Selma Coal Mine Compuny. BOARDING. V SMALL FAMILY cun obtain board and a comfort able room, by earlv application at Jan. 7. ‘ DK WOLF’S BOARDING HOUSE. A. 31. HULL, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, VT tlie old stand of J>. Ellis A Cos.. 14 Broad street, Cos lambus. December IS —Ot FLOUR. 1 C/A SACKS Huzeiis’ brand. Family and Sltperfliie ULI Flour —took the premium over Lenoir’s, at tlie last Tennessee Pair. Just received and for sale by February 29. JAMES LIOON. UNITED STATES 3IAIL LINE TO NEW YORK. Tint CHKAI’LST AM) THE PLEASANTEST ROITE.’U® Through in !44 Hours. The large and commodious side wheel Steamships JAMESTOWN, 1401) Tons Capt. L. PARISH, ROANOKE. 1260 “ .C’APT. T. SKINNER, J EAVE Norfolk for New York every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Evening, after tin- arrival of tlie Cars from the South, arriving in New A’ork ucxteveiiing, ami being only one night lietwoen Norfolk and New York. Passengers going North may rely on finding tiiese Steamers Ht Norfolk on AVednesdays and Saturdays, and their leaving punctually as advertised. Their accommo dations are very superior, and the travelling public will find this tlie pleasantest anil cheapest route to New A'ork. To New A'ork, including meals, state-rooms, Ac.... 58 00 Steerage iiassuge 4 00 J. M. SMITH A IIRO.. <1:0,000 IDOLra-A-IRS WORTH Os Dry Goods just received aud 011 sule at GEORGE W. ATKINSON’S, Two Doors below J. A J. Kyle, 104 Brood Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, I'OR CASH AT CASH PRICES. Call and examine tlie stock la-fore purchasing elsewhere. r |AIIE Stock is entirely new and well selected, and eom- X prises every article usually kept in a Dry Goods store, ami consists in part, of the following articles: Laities’ Dress Goods. —Rich plaid Silks; Rich stri ped do. Morie Antique Silks; Marinos aud Cashmeres; French DcLaines, plain, and figured; Alpaccas and Bombazines; Black Brocade aud Gro-Dc-Khine Silks; Black Canton Cloths; French Poplins; French, English, “ltd American Ginghams. A great variety of Calicoes, including all the different manufactories and prices. Gloves. —Ladies’ Kid, black Silk; Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves ; Gents’ Buckskin Gloves; Gents'Cashmere do. Gents’do. do. Buck lined. Shawls, Mantillas and Talmas.— Mcriuo and Cashmere Shawls; AN bite and colored Crape do. Heavy woollen Shawls; Morie Antique Bilk Talmas; Black and colored Cloth do. I Julies’ Cloth Cloaks. Also many styles fm children and misses, including a large lot id Lillies’ cloths, all colors. Morie Antique trimming; Plush Trimmings, Ac. Ac. Hosiery.—Ladies Moravian Cut. llose; do. black, white and colored Silk llose; do. Merino llose. Also a full assortment of Men's Hosiery. Cloth’s and Cnsslmers.— Black French Brood Cloths; do. English do. do. ;do. Doeskin Cnssimers ; Black and Gray Batinctts; Printed do.; Tweeds; Ken tucky Jeans; Union Cnssimers; Silk AVarp Flannels; Welch Flannels; Opera Flannels; Printed do. Ac. Fancy Goods. —Ribbons; Trimmings; lldkfs.; Cra vats; Cotton and Linen lldkfs.; French Working Cotton, Linen and Silk liraids, and many other arti cles too numerous here to mention. Lasts and Embroideries.—English, Thread, Maltese and Honiton Luces; Bilk and Blond Laces, Black Silk Guipure; Virginia and Linen Thread Edg ings and Inscrtings; Lyle Edgings; Jaconet and Swiss Edgings; .Alalteso Lace Collars aud Sleeves in sets; llonitou Collars and Sleeves in sets; Alpassee Worked Sleeves and Collars ill sets; AVorked Hands and Financings; French Worked Collars and Sleeves, Ac., Ac. Reatly .Made Clothing.—ln addition to tin-above, I have a well selected stock of Ready Made Clothing, including Boys’ Clothing, Merino Shirts and Pants, Ac. Irish Linens, Linen Lawns, Linen Cambrics, Jacm-t and Swiss Muslins, Ac. Blankets, Kerseys, Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnalnirgs, Flannels, Bleached Homespuns, Lindseys, Hats, Caps; Boots and Shoes. Having tried tho cash system for a year witli entire success and general satisfaction, 1 am determined to con tinue it, and hope to build up a business both pleasant and profitable. My facilities for getting goods at low prices, are surpassed by none; and as there are many who prefer buying their goods for CASH AT CASH PRICES, I especially invite them to call and look through the stock before making their purchases, and I say that I can. and will, show them a difference of at least TWEtt- TV-rivu flu cent. To all who have favored me with a call. I would offer my most grateful acknowledgements, and by a faithful observance of Low Prices fur cash, hope to shore a liberal portion of their patronage. oi-|. 23. GEO. W. ATKINSON. LAND WARRANTS. LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, ton the pencil ask and SALE OP REAL ESTATE, OF ALI. DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c. &c. On Randolph Street., OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, COLUMBUS, US. lIIAVK determined to devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge of the lands in Georgia, to lie able to give entire satisfac tion to all who may entrust me with business. Jam pre pared to either liny or sell, perhaps to better udvuutaga than any other person in AVcstcrn or Sbuth-westcru Georgia. If you have land.- to sell, call upon me; if 1 do not pur chase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I have many valuable lots and settlement* of land to sell. From luy extensive knowledge of tlie ow ners of lands, 1 am prepared to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land in tlie State. If you wish to have your laud valued, you may rely upon correct in formation, upon reasonable terms. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, And other Instruments, drawn correctly and at low rates J&d ’ Agents wanted to sell Bonner’s large map ofGeor gia—high per cent, given. One tiling is certain, I am paying New York and AVash inoto.vCity Prices for LAND AVARKANTS, allowing small commission. Having also made an arrangement with one of the best firms in Washington, 1 am prepared to apply for BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each ap plication—to be paid for when tlie warrant arrives. Bring in your claims soon. As 1 intend to make this a permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of pa tronage, from my friends and tin- community generally S. it. BONN Kit, julyßl-ly Land Office, Columbus. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Office Montgomery asd West Point It. It. Cos., ) .Montgomery, July 6, 1855. / ON and after this date, tho Passenger Trains on this Road will he governed by tlie following Schedule : DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5 45 A. M. Arrive at AVest Point 1145 A. M. Arrive ut Columbus 1160 A. V. Reluming —Leave AVest Point 9 00 A. ill. 44 Leave Columbus.., 8 40 A. M. 44 Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 00 P. M. Arrive at AVest Point 2 30 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 2 45 A. M. Reluming —Leave AVest I'oiut 1130 P. M. 44 LeaveCulunibns 10 00 P. M. 44 Arrive at Montgomery 115 A. M. Double daily connections are continued from AVest Point to Atlanta, Augusta and Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. #j” Negroes traveling alone must lie provided witli two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over the Hoad, one of which will lie retained by tlie Con ductor. Nov 10 SAMUEL (t. JONES, Eng. A Sup. It. I*. SIIAPAUD G. C. MITCHELL. BHAPAKD A SIITCIIELL, WHOIiI-tSi JVLII GH.OCESir, Forwarding and Commission Mercnants, and dealers in IRON, CASTINGS, Ac., South Side of the Public Square, j „ Shelbyvillo, Tennessee. Refit ri- lutes. Seymore, Fanning A Cos., j 11. A it. Douglass A Cos., | Hillman A Brother, } Nashville, Tennessee, bailin’ A Phillips. Davis, Pilcher A Cos. J J. It. Wallace A Brother. 1 ... . .. J. E. Williams A Cos. / -'"anta. Ga. (J rami Ho, suiu|l<* X (Ut., < ‘Jiuttaiionira. Tenn. MeOally X .juries, .Macon, <Ja. .1. it. Hull X (Ut.. ColiimliUM. Hu. J. A. Auklo>, t Aujfiwta, (Jh. pcrunteu, Kolb X (a>. j ° Verntilb* A Frierson. Savannah, (la. Sheperd, McCray X Cos., Charleston, S. C. Fohruary 8,186 b. bin FRUIT. IMtlTl'S in ciidles* variety—Kipe, Pried, and Ibourv . ed, for sale at 42 liroad htrout, by February b. CKLLA X TIIOMAS. TO THE PUHIjIC. HMIK trading public who have hitherto patrouixed the : 1 TKOY FACTOKV, will please take notice that W. K. 11 Minis iw no longer connected or associated in any man ner whatever with the business of the establishment.— All business hereafter will be trannactedexclusively ourselves at our Ware-Kooms. It. U. JKFFKKSON A CM. Columbus, Oct. 26. —ts SHAD! SHAD!! 11 ry. are receiving large quant ith-s of Y> KIIESH SHAD dally. All orders accompanied with tlie cnsli, punctually attended to. Sent to any point on tlie Rail Roads. February 12. 3w HOGAN -t TERRY. SITUATION WANTED. A CITIZEN competent to transact any respectable J\_ business (except hard labor,) is out of employment and would be glad to have it for a very reasonable eom liensatlou. Apply at this office. February 18. PIGS FEET. V FRESH supply of fresh pickled Digs Feet, just re ceived and for sale at 42 Broad street, by February 0. CKLLA A THOMAS. DR. CARRIGER, IS pivpurnl to attend to all Surgical cases committed j to liis charge. Office as heretofore, in the old St. Mary's Bank build- j ng- Residence —Northeast corner of Crawford mol For syth streets. Feb. J2ly A Nexv 3li-at—Dry Snltcil Humps. 1.) BOXES Salted Rumps—Pork. 400 t 0450 lbs each, I & at BVS cents by tin- box, or 10 cents by retail, for sale by JAMES LIOON. BACON .IDLES. \FINE lot of Huron Jules Just received mid for sale | |,y JAMES LIGON. j NEW FURNITURE -W ARE ROO Is/L. 3d Door North of the Oglethorpe Houte, COLUMBUS, GA. ‘n5J THE subscriber lias on hand, three doors North of the Oglothorpo House, Ogle-“aS*r f44thurpe Street, an assortment of madu FURNITURE, to which he will btBESSa constantly adding, and whirl) lie will sell at price* that cannot fail to suit those in want of anything in hi* line. Articles not on hand will lie made to order at the short est notice. Furniture repaired at reasonable rates. Cull mill examine stock jnly2l J. 11. SIKES. GEORGIA BIILITARY INSTITUTE. MARIETTA. I I’ll E Academic year is divided into two session* of five X months each. The Tenth Session commence* on the 2uth of February next, and ends on tlie 19th of July. Tho Cadets are divided into four college classes. The annual commencement tivkes place on Wednesday before tlie 20th of July. Academic Stall'. Col. A. V. Bruiuhy, a. m., Superintendent and Professor of .Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Capt. Thomas it. McConnell, Commandant of Cadets, and Prof, of Engineering. Mr. V. 11. Mangel, Professor of French and History. Mr. W. 11. Hunt, a. m,. Professor of Chemistry and English Literature. Mr. J. It. Goodwin, Professor of Drawing. Capt. R. S. Camp, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. A. Connell, M. n., [Surgeon. Tho Institution is under the direction and manage mental’ ti Board of Trustees, In conjunction with a Board of Visitors appointed by the Governor of tlie State. By an act of tlie Legislature, tlie Institute lias been furnished with 140 Cadet Muskets and Accoutrements, and a Field Battery, consisting of four six-pounder brass pieces, and two twelve-pounder Howitzers. The Superintendent and tlie Commandant, are gradu ates of West I’oiut. and as tlie Institute is upon the West Point plan, the public may lie assured that tlie govern ment, discipline anil course of studies will lie strictly en forced. Terms: Tuition, Board, M ushing, Fuel, Lights, hire of Musi cians. and other contingent expenses, per session of five months, in advance, sll2 50. Surgeon’s fee, per annum, $5. Persons desiring further information can obtain a copy of tlie “Regulations” liy addressing tlie superintendent. January 26. ANDREW J. HANSEL, Sec. ASBURY FEMALE INSTITUTE. La Fayette, Alabama. J. Wksley Stacy, a. m., Principal. Mbs. 31. L. Stacy, 1 Teachers in Literary Miss K. Bacßeldeii, / Department. riIHK exercises of this Institution will be resumed on tlie 2d Monday in January, 1856. Ratea of Tuition, per Scholastic Year. Primary Department sl6 00 Preparatory Department 25 00 Ist anil 2d Department College course 32 00 3d and 4th 44 44 44 40 00 Music on Piano 50 00 Vocal Music taught without extra charge. Speedy arrangement* will lu- made to procure a suita ble teacher to take charge of the Musical aud Ornamen tal Depurtmenl. The Principal is an alumnus of Emory and Henry Col lege. Vn.—lias large experience in teaching, and conies highly recommended, both ns tu character and ability for imparting instruction. Situated in the Isisoin of a beautiful and healthy vil lage. furnished with all tlie facilities necessary to tlie ac quisition of a finished education, tile Institute strongly commends itself to tin- patronage of an intelligent pule lie. Board can lie obtained in several respectable families on reasonable terms. E. G. Richards, J. T. Brock, Caleb Holloway. John C. Towles, John W. Hewoll, E. li. Muse, Min. J. Adams, A. M. Presley, J. F. Dowdell, Trustees. December 21. 1855. ts COOKING, OFFICE, gSHK. AND PARLOR STOVES.ri&feK SpjgJgiL TIN WARE. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &c. A large assortment always on hand, and for suio at fair prices. Roofing, Guttering, and Job M ork in general, promptly attended to and warranted. Store on Randolph street, opposite tlie Post Office. R. M. ALDWORTH. Columbus. Sept. 17,1H55. d6m FONTAINE AVARE HOUSE. HUGHES & DANIEL, Warehouse, Commission, Receiving ami Foi-warillug Mereiinnis. fI’HE undersigned have taken tlie new Fire Proof J. Ware House, recently erected in tin- rear of Messrs, Threewits, Holt A Cos., adjoining the Alabama Ware House, and are prepared to attend to all consignments, and to receive and store Cotton. They w ill do a general Oomniissou, Storage and Forwarding Business. Parti cular attention given to the Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Tlie usual facilities will be afforded and careful attention given to all business entrusted to their care. A good supply of Bugging, Rope and Salt, al ways on hand, WM. 11. HUGHES, October 1855. WM. DANIEL. SUPERIOR LARD. I;l Q CASES very superior Lard just received ou con .iier sign men t and for sale by February 22. JAMES LIGON. DANCING ACADEMY. ALLEN V. ROBISON, 1 >EOS leave to notify those who expected to become J ) patrons to liis second course in Duncing, thut from the extreme biul weather, aud other unfortunate circum stances, such as failures of the ears, Ac., prevented him from meeting his first appointment, but will be prompt in meeting l;i> other appointments. And having distrili uted liis circulars in many families, he is in hopes they will bear in mind that next Friday Evening is the second appointment for an Assembly, and will tie the first one given—as the time lor tlie first one lias passed—though all will be given as expressed on the Cards of invitation which will only prolong the time, two weeks longer.— And feeling under many obligations tu tlie citizens of Columbus and vicinity for tlie very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him in Ids profession, begs again to notify them tiial lie wiil resume liis Lesson* oil Satur day Morning next, (tlie 20th instant), 9 o’clock. And be ing alone now, (tho partnership having been dissolved by mutual consent.) Parents and Guardians may rest assur ed Hint no pains will be spared, in aiding their children in all the brunches of politeness; aud a due regard will lie p-iid to their morals. Columbus. Jan., 26,1854. law4w GARDEN SEED. JUf>T received a line stock best Garden Heeds. JAMES LIGON. I>R. 11. 31. CLECKLEY HAS ri-im-vi-d his office to No. 126 Broad , Street, front room over Perry Spencer's Grocery Store. (Illli-e hours, from half after eight to ten o'clock u. in. ami from four to five o’clock p. m. January 18. ts FINE AND COMMON TOBACCO. JOT received and for sale, low for cash or approved credit, Ik) lioxe- line and common Tobacco. Oetobar26—tf J. J. TODD. SALT. “ ()(W1 Sucks Halt,, received and for sale by JAMES LIGON. FACTORY YARNS. 1 VICTORY YARNS Os all Nos., Osnuburgs, Hliirting, J’ .'hei'ting, Stripes, Cottonadcs Ar., constantly on liuinl and for sale at Factory prices, by Oct 26—ts J. J. TODD. JUST RECEIVED, VFINE lot of Itaisins in Boxes, also a largo lot ot Figs, for sale wholesale or retail, by D„ n -j CKLLA A THOM AH. FRESH SUIMLIES. J UST received, fresh Dates, Baiains, Preserves, at 42 Broad street. CKLLA a THOMAS, BILLS OP LADING. Merchants’ Bills of Lading printed and for sale at tlii offico. ut one dollar per hundred. nBKITOI A 31 KitIiKLL’S Celebrated and I infallible Yeast Powders, the best article in the Unit ed State*, for family use, inanufiictlired in Boston, con stuutlv on hand ami for sale, w holesale and retail, liy J. J. TODD, Oct. 23. No. 26 East Hide Broad Street TRIMMED CURED IIABIS. JUST received on consignment, 10 Casks more Chand ler A Co.’s No. 1 trimmed and cured Hams, anil for sale by JAMES LIGON. BACON HIDES AND SHOULDERS. IUST received on consignment, 39 boxes (20,000) Clmti •t dler A Co.'s very superior Bacon Sides and Shoulders. JAMESJJGON. Bit lit A SONS SPARKLING ALEr 2 CASKS Just received and for sale at STOVELL’S CONFECTIONERY, Dee. 11. Oglethorpe House. UOYV PEAS. | Bushels Cmv Peas, received and for sule by OU JAMES LIGON,