The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, March 27, 1856, Image 4

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NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, Prepared ljy X. W. Seal, M. D. !v*-:imhw wiivitGiould In* u4pf| fenTtreat* un lit in all Febrile aflW tkum: 1 1 tfclr ononfty of Tliiib. -Aionlv rccuth •*i iln* onlinury time i* required toeftert • cure. 4(l.—K( a onomy o! Money* —A* it <•.**! but gjio • i lifti. •irl*—Eruuuiuy of Feeling—As it nu y <-< tli - ment: tin* annoyance of taking imuscntlug ‘limv* of medicine, their tflwigrceablo operation, and the pain ol l< confinement; hut little of the fluid necessary, •ml that pleasant in it* *fle< ts. ■lth. —Erononiy ol’ Thought. A when known, it will remove all dread and mixicty at present evicting, ri**|mctingfebrileaffections; particularly while a dear Irieml in wick. .Ill), —Economy of Heult It* —Ai the tom i- not reduced, and consequently racked: nor is the lever snhjoct to be followed ly chronic disease < tli# —Economy of Llfc.—An thecurc iscth-oled before unci Without reducing the patient, coiiseijueiitly removing, in ft corresponding degree, nil danger of n fatal termination. Other reason* might be added, but those me deemed -iittlcient to satisfy all classes and persona in all condi tions of life. The above reawotm are more, particularly applicable I” the immediate treatment on the lirnt attack, but will apply with e<|uftl force to cases which liftro been subject ed to or havo become reduced, cor responding of • >ur*e *• the nature of the case at the lime it is first/ adminis tered. As this remedy gives so prompt, effectual and pernta mmt relief, In ull ordinary eases, w hen used soon after tla* attack, persons can scarcely reali/si that they Imd t#e*u really much Hick, and very naturally conclude tin y wei ii not attacked with fever, and if so, “it was trifling a little cold, which gave alarm—if, could have been nothing of conaoqueiice —it would have passed oil w ith out anything—that medicine had noefleet.” The goncral impression on the subject offever is such, flint thoughts not unlike the .above follow the cure of a common case as naturally its men think at nil; mid if is ii"t until i ln* individual has witnessed many cases I hat lie ran fully j'lalbio the truth; and even then lie may conclude them all very trifling cuhoh, which would have readily yielded to any simple medicine, yet persons, though they have 0, mi thus successful in perhaps hundreds of cases, must expert that there will eases occur where tin re is ramie organic or local cause so great as to require particular attention, or though sucecsslul in reducing tin* fever, it will again rise as the influence of the *• Fluid” passes 4,1 1, iih the exciting cause may still exist. It is to guard • gainst diwap|Kiiiitin<*nt in such cases that 1 have given and frequently refer to what I have milled a “synopsis.” Itriiiiirksoift Fevns In (•nicrab tin this subject I wish to be fully Understood. Ity I lie term fevers, ** I comprehend all febrile alfcctions to which the human lninm is subject. including small pox and other eruptive fevers; but as they arise by a great variety of causes, and in quite dissimilar constitutions and habits, they of course differ considerably in their development and exhibit a variety of forms or types; yet all ere distinguished by tin’ same general character istics that ot undue excitement in the circulatory and uei veils systems—inducing more or less unnatural fre quency in the pulse, sense* of heat, dryness of the skin. •I* liility. ttr. To allow ttint I am not wholly alone in the opinion I advance. I ipiot* 1 from the ccli liraf. i] J’rof. T. Watson, •I Kim* * College, London, whose work on the “ Princi. plea itinl t'lm'tice Os Pliyaic” in a text book in many <>t’ • nir niediriil colleges, mill consequently standant authority. On joii-e h. - :4. liesnys:—“We bear continually, liotli in slid *,nt <*l tin* profession, different species of fever spo lieii of. Hy fin* public, Typlius Fever, Drain Fever, inliniis Kever, I’utrld Fever, bow Fever, Nervous Fever, A- . \n,l systematic writers are to the full as particular: Mucous Fever, Ataxic, Adynamic, Oaatro-Euteric, and so forth. Now, admitting that fever slums itself under v irions forms, I am persuaded that the effect upon the mind of all this sub-division, is liail and liurtfnl. If encoiimgeH a diH|isitlon, already too prevalent, to pre .dm tor it disease according to its name. There is no line of genuine distinction between continued fevers, mat can lie relied on. They run Insensibly into each other, even the most dissimilar of them, and are often traceable to the same cause. - ’ The above Is a great fact, one worthy of remembrance amt 1 would I,upms on your minds the folly of hunting up or troubling yourself about a ‘‘name;” if you have tever, treat it at mice as hereafter directed, and you will. be well. Instead of any distinct obaracter being devel oped, ho as In lie properly Iby tlie most scientific. I his assertion is no hypothesis based on closet specula tions or visions of mind, hut on experience at the bed side of tbe sick, in hundreds, aye, thousands of cases (by mysell and otiiers) under a great variety of cir ■ timst.anres, seasons and climates. Dear this in mind, and treat at once without regard to iiti/ac, and rest, assured you will soon bo freed from utl dread of linger ing and dangerous fevers. But as cases may have be come developed before the “Fluid” is given, cither by neglect, nr under some other treatment, I will describe i briefly as possible the proper course to he pursued in all of tile most prominent, fevers, though the “ Itules” and “ Synopsis * will lie amply sufficient for all those aciaistiHiied to attendance upon tin- sick. Hubs iinjinrlatU In be observed in all canes in using llie Xcgatire FUxtrie Fluid. Ist. It. should he given in three or four times its ow n quantity of water, and may be sweetened or not at pleasure. 2d. Patients must be free from all current. s of air, (though there should always lie free ventilation ill the sick room,) nor attempt to go about while under its in fluence. • Id. It must lie continued whenever the fever subsides, or is evidently passing off; to lie resumed when it begins to rise again, should such be the ease tinder any circuuistauccH. Ilii Wlien tlie fever begins to subside,patients must lie left perfectly quiet; free from all excitement; should not tie questioned as to their wants or footings, nor attempt hi converse, read or take any exercise whatever, till their awn natural feelings, independent of all extra neous influences, intlmr them to rise or speak : nor dumld any conversation bo allowed in their hearing, in which they limy feel more or less interested, but lie left quiet to all intents and purposes. nth. Fluids should bo allowed, while giving it as plentifully, Hildas long as the patient desires and no hmgrr; they may consist of cold water, mucilaginous •li inks, lemonade, any simple decoctions, or teas, either colil or warm, as parties may prefer or patients desire. nth. Should patients experience any oppression or foulness while in the lying posture, so os to occasion a restlessness alter the lever has passed nil - , or enough to occasion them to speak of it, they should have a tittle wine, toddy, camphor, hartshorn, lemonade with a little •pint, ginger, m some other stimulant: or tlie face and t.least may bo bathed in cold water: either of which will give immediate relief. TABhK Ob’ DOSES, For ehildivn of one year or under, from ;! to s drops. “ over 1 and undertt years, “ sto 15 •• - “ a “ ** 12 to fit) *• “ “ a “ 10 •• “ “0 to 60 “ la half la a toaspimuful. All persons over fifteen considered as adults, for whom a leasporniftil is a common dose. Old persons do not require as much ns young, or those in the prime of life; nor females, as a general rule, as much as males. There is no particular care necessary in giving it lo children—those often years of ago frequently having i.*l.i n lull doses; but for a little guide. I have given the tlsive table, with tlie remark that, as a general rule liildren require more than adults ill proportion. Ity observing the above directions, the medicine w ill be found agreeable in all of itselVeols. the expectations of Ho* most sanguine realized, and many perfectly ■i .tnnisbed. .My object in being thus particular is, (lull the full benefit es tlio medieine may tie obtained, and not on account of any actual necessity of sinli strict ids ei lances. ItilioiiH or Itmiltlru| Fever. *Jivi* n tcasponful of •• Fluid” tseo rule Ist) ont o in •wo hours, till tlit’ fever is evidently passing oil; tlu> ■ .institutes the whole treatment in till simple ruses nl lever, wiili siit-h observances ns him sot forth in tlio •• liiilos.” lint should tlioro In’ prominent local *Vmp l"ius. or Known local existing causes. they should be ■tiloiitlt'tl to at onto, nntl white giving t‘| u . •• Kluiil.” fit'ii Synopsis. It ill liny cnmi the bowels are particularly constipated • r foiltinoil, give n fin lito i , (see auxiliaries) with the firstitortion ; tin y must Is- ..pen,si or tin’ fever may rise ilglllll. Where tlio lovor is very pnlso running ltd or upwards, ami tin’ patient is uot particularly susceptible to tlio in Duo Uco of inotlicino—-not easily operntoil on In medicine generally—a tloublo tloso, or two tousjiooiisfiil ntiiy lm given at first with iiilvantage, nntl ovou repeated in iwo hours—if it—tlio pulse—hits not boon .*>/?, n.t(, thus showing tlio medicine bus taken effect. liatliing tlio surface with water at an itgrovnhlo ifiii|toratuio, tlio salino wash, viuogiir or spirits ami “liter, in theae difficult cases, will afford relief and aid the niodicine liiuoli in taking offoct. Congvittvc Fever. (live two teaspuonsful and repeat every two hours till tin- pulse ln'Coios moro full anil soft, then only a tea spoonful, to he diseoutinued ns the fever subsides. As the bowels are generally couthied, and it is frequently very difficult to get medieiue to operate in tills disease, DO time should lie lost to get them open, give some active’ i nthartic with the •• Fluid” uud repout us may tie neces sary till it o|ierate§| enemas (injections) may also he used to advantage; also, mustard to the extremities, or friction (rubbing) with tlie hands or tlunuel; also, cold applications to the head. Quinine limy be added to th,. Fluid” if thought advisable. See Synopsis. Mcrvnua Fever, Typhus. Slilp and Putrid or Spotted Fever. As those fevers are all of one character, differing mainly in degree, being all of a low griule, the pulse small and wiry, with general great depression, there is no practical use in separating them—at least so far as my treatment is concerned. In these low fevers, when fully developed, a little patience will lie required; still comparatively little, us they frequently run weeks under the common treatment, while with this hut a few days will be necessary at longest io establish u permanent convalescence. The treatment should he commenced—which may immediately follow any other without detriment —with a teaspoonful of “Fluid ’ every two hours, till the pulse becomes fuller or larger in volume, then to be continued once in fix or eight hours till the fever entirely subsides I In bad casus, from three to five grains each of gniimie amt oapsieum (Cayenne pepper) or some tonic and I'biau lirut i sue auxiliaries/should be added to tie b dose, llie bowels slioiild la-ke|ii geully open, and small porlnnis of some he/ijlir should Is- given occasionally, even though the nowol* should lie very llie patient should bn sustained by notrrisliing and 111m:ilagefiftOs drinks—sin li as are in common use in such case-. Whore llie is very dry, s|siliging the siirlaee as di rected in In I ions fever, will be found advantageous. Tonics should ho usid during convalescence. in all cases which liav.‘ beeione ivdueed. I'iic iniioiiln, Typhoid IMiciiiiioiliH, Lung or Winter Fever. tiiv. a I.aspooiifnl of li Fluid every two hours, with a wine gins-fill of a strong deeojstioli of bolirset; or ball llie quantity may bo given every hour till relieved, thou, at longer lutormls, say once ill six m l ight hours. Tim Immic.-'T lea should ho given warm till the violent , syniptoius are allayed, or tile patient is relieved; then ‘•old; fomentation . iniistard plaster, or something nt the kind, to br applied over the seat ot.puiu; keep the 1 b.'Wels gelllly open. Variola, Varioloid, Rubeola ami Scarln- I ina; or /small Pox, V arioloid, .Measles, and Scarlet Fever. i Ait nil of lima diseases are attended with lover, which in fart i.. llie most jiritiuiiient symptom, tin - Ireatmeut I dill, rs |,lie mile In nil Hint of “Uiiiiioii fevers. Iteineiiiber 1 never wait I"learn (lie •• name, whether it is one or llie other, or wither, as they all eomnieiiee with Jeerr. Iml Meal il at once; govern the lever and there will lie no I rouble; llirrr will be bat tiUlt iriipliau even ill small pox. This, t"must minds, is anew idea, and doubtless will he regarded with ridicule by many. I nevei Ibeles.- Ihilillv make tins asserlion. Unit small pox, il treated in I diieel, will hr rat. sheet; attended with hut mill! enip i ion ; little or no pitting, and that there is no necessity of its riiiiiiinits ordinary course. (In this I will stake not only my reimialien. but all I lint I bold most dear: besides, nil llii-subject. I have good authority: thatm*! Pnd. Wiilsmi. previously quotcil. ll’ - says, page htl: ••Von may abate the force of the eruptive lever, and keep down, ills lieliuvcd, the vamlnr <J the putlnlct by splino purges. An:.” Hero is the lulUiiSsion that it may be done. I nave lint only proven il may be, but has bread one ill uuineroiis cases licit oceurred **n board ship. See llie account appended. (live a tei|s|ssinful or more, according to the urgency o. Hie ease, with a dose of sails or castor oil; repeat the Fluid once in two horns if necessary, until she feversub siilcs— limligli oriu or two doses is generally suflli'icnt; but it should be given and repented sufficiently to keep the fever under I'lintfnl. When the throat is affected, any of (lie ordinary gargles may lie used, and llie surface bullied, as thought advisable. in one case, oil the ship l)m liessd Orleans, the tongue and faucmi with so much swollen that the patient could lint swallow or s/ioak. and lie was cured hy dropping (lie Fluid mi his tongue, drop by drop, till lie could swallow , when it was given in ti'itspooiifiil doses every hour, till all alarming syniptoius disappeared. Tlie swelling of tlm throat vnis reduced so ns to enable him to take nour ishment 111 about twelve hours by the Fluid alone.— Used to wet the throat frequently, it is doubtless (lie best gargle in all such eases. Puerperal or Cliiltlltctl Fever. This heretofore painful, dangerous and alarming malady to which tlie mother is liable, will yield lo the Negative Electric F’luid with such readim ss, as to seem to ho of little consequence. A single dose.or two of a U'lisjaiouful, almost invariably giving ill tiro and per manent relief; no alarm need lie entertained, us the Fluid will arrest it in a short time. It should lie re pealed as long as the saver continues, as in oilier eases. The laivvels ol course should lie attended to. In connection with this subject, 1 cannot refrain from making a few general remarks,which, if regarded hy the tallies, will save them iiiiu li pain and Buffering, it is to inform them of tlie happy effect of the Fluid in many of their trials. In child-birth, its relaxing ami soothing iHi ct deprives the labor of much of its pains anil difficulties; it must be tried to lie appreciated.— Painful meusti nut ion will lie relieved al nin e liy a com mon dose ami retiring, ltestleanness, nervous irritability, ora cold takvu at iiiielieati! time, is easily relieved by itsUHe: in short, it is one of the most convenient and effoi tuai remedies for many of the ills of females, if not the most so of any medicine known. Its effect is uniform, relaxing the whole system, removing all excitability and iritubility of the nervous as well as the circulatory. It xx ill not force sleep like opiates, hut it w ill sooth and quiet, the system so that one can sleep naturally and healthy ; lii'nre itH use in so many cases. Synopsis. To avoid constant repetition, and condense the treat ment. as mnt'h aa possible, l give under this bead general directions for all cases. As tlie Negative Electric Fluid will change the condition called fever, or subdue and control it under all circumstances, without regard to tlie name it may he or ought to lie called, it should be given wherever nr whenever it exists; yet it cannot lie ex pected to control all organic or local causes, which, when such exist, must he removed in order to effect a permanent euro. When such indications occur in any case, they should be appropriate iiiciiiis, and those soliuld lie given while giving tlie •• Fluid,” and in connection with it, when occasion requires, as they w ill then more readily act. producing more general effect, besides no unnecessary time will then lie lost. As the •,Fluid” alone will sub due the fever, 1 call ail else auxiliary treatment. If tlie bowels are costive, given cathartic (see auxili aries) with the first dose, or Siam after, and should it fail to operate in due time, repeal the dose; if attended with iltMTluoa. give something known lo he good for that complaint, though if caused hy irritability) the •• Fluid” will Siam relieve that condition: if severe local pain or hilliiiiiiuutinii. apply some stimulating liniment, a mustard plaster, a blister, fomentations of bitter herbs, or, perhaps, cloths wet in cold water, to the part; if violent pilin’ in tlie head, apply cold water, ice water, if convenient, or some cooling application, and bathe tlie feet in hot water; if the fever is very high, skin dry ami but, wit Ii great suffering, sponge or bathe the whole surface w itli water at an agreeable temperature: “the saline wusli,” vinegar and water or spirits and water, either will afford great relief and aid the medi cine in taking effect, after which there will be no trou ble : if tlie patient lias been reduced or is much prostra ted, give lonics and stimulants, particularly in low fevers, in absence of fever or when indicated: also, during eonvali'sci'iiit, when the patient has become re duced : if tlicro is nausea and vomiting, that must lie allayed before any medicine will remain on tlie stomach to ilo any goad : lbr this purpose 1 generally give some gentle emetic to cleanse the stomach: warm’ water, if given plentifully, will answer every purpose; when tin* stomach lias Nettled, give the “ Fluid -- and a cathartic il uccessury; in short, treat all tlie prominent symptoms as you would under any other eiii'iimstanees. giving (lie “ Fluid” at the same time as directed, and success will crown your efforts; indeed, you cannot realize il till von have seen, and then you vi ill lw astonished at the ease with which yon can control all febrile excitement. Aiixiliarli * K* Parties may fed at a loss to know wlmt is meant by eatiiartics, Ac., as phyeicians are usually particular ulxnit what is used. I have found no such necessity when imiti;', Hie Fluid, and to be fully understood l.'\ all. 1 will imme a tew of the different artieles of medi cine I hau'referred 10, viz >— Xn t liar( li's. Articles that purge or operafe on tin* bowels, .m il as castor oil, salts, senna, any of the roots or barks, and many pills, antibilious. anvlhin know n in be giHut lor sueli purposes. Ilcpnlics. Anything known to act outlie liver particularly, portal circulation and secretions generally. Any ol'llie ai tides depended on by tlie different schools for thin purpose, will answer when used in connection with the blii i* 1 nr while tiie system is under its in tluemv And one may choose calomel—uother. blue mass—the tliird. pmlophyllin—the fourth, mandrake root, and so on; each may take bis choice ami he suc cessful. Tonies. Articles thatgivn tone or strength, sueli as quinine, various harks, roots and bitter herbs. |tom set or thoroiiglnvert Is one of the In-st used in leers. Ysiii ng < ii |s, Sueli us cheek the action ol the Imwels. I ill* lon uni iniil other pi'rparutions of opium are used: also, ninny mixtures, not |*ri>|ierly ii-ii iii-cnts. w hid* have I lie effect. StlMltllMMt*. Articles that laise or excite system, t'upsii iini (Cayeinu’ (leppi'i) is one and the best ; ginger, spirits, hartshorn. A*'., the essences are all more or less stimulating. These are the only classes neeessa ry in treating fevers, though many otiiers are generally u-cd. bill the Negative Electric Fluid is a bet'ier ”.li.a phoretie,” •• luiodyne.” -.liun tie. -- •• n liixaiil ” and “sedative” than known in the materia nadien. I shall not tax the render with a long list of proofs, d.iiw'ni|iug mainly mi llie results of a trial, will’ only refer to oue ins tame of success, that on ihc Pickctslllp lliieliess H'Oilenns. whicheuniiot be elasseil amongoniiuary certificates: AV*-, the undersigned, certify to the’ following, viz— AYe took passage on the pucketship Duchess d'Qrleaus. A'a|*t Hutton, then lying m the |*ort of Havre. France, ami isininl for New York. She sailed on the 9th of Au gust. IS6I, with over a hundred souls on board, mostlv emigrants- A few days alter leaving Havre, tho small pox broke out among the emigrants, They were all treated by tho physician in charge. Dr. N. AY. Seat, w ith anew remedy of his own. which he calls Negative Elec tric Fluid, with which ho scented to have entire control over the disease, arresting it in a few hours, and curing in a very short time. During tlio voyage, which hinted thirty-nine days, there wero about eighty canes of small |hix. some lever. Ac., mid uot a single death. All were cured with mni siial promptness. From wlmt wo saw during said passage, we are fully convinced that the medieine nsc.l by Dr. Seat on the oc casion, iKwsesses inestimable virtues. AYe never before hoard or road of febrile affections being controlled *it li so much ease, promptness and certainty, or so little trouble to tlio nurse. A crowded ship, a long passage, small pox and fever on hoard, and not a death! The tact speaks for itself. Signed, E. i’. Kauri, 84 I’eurl street, New York. E. (1. Fabri, •• •* J. A. DkNormaxdt, Heaver comity, I’enn. T. A. Dt.N’op.mvmbt, East Liverpool, Ohio. Cabin Passengers. The above statement is correct, AA. S. Hutton, Aiunimander. w. Marston, First Mate. New York, Ang., 1842. N. AV. Skat. At. 1). JW” Address orders to G. W. WESTBROOK, N. Y. City. New Principle ! New Remedy! No Poison! Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure ; Ott Antidote to Mai.ahia; FOR Till) I’ItHVKNTION ANL> t’UttJi Os Fever and Ague, nr Chill Fever; Dumb Ague, and olliei Intermittent and iUunitteiit Fevers; also nt liilious Fevers, accompanied by Typhoid Symp i.,n- : Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Ship and Jail Fever, Ueneral Debility, Night Sweats, mid all other forms of disease VVII It’ll HAVE A COMMON OlliOlX IN MAIiARIA oit hafasma. • IMIESE diseases are common to many localities of tlie 1 United Stales ; but wherever they prevail, North, isoutli. East or West, they all equally spring from the same iiiiuximil cause. The great variety of symptoms and forinsol disi-aseis owing principally to difference ill age, sex, constitution ami habits of (lie sufferers; but as the cause is llie sam*-, they will ail equally yield ton remedy that is coui|*ctcut In overcome or remove that cause. Ity the laws ol Nature, every principle lias its opposile, and foi every disease, or cause of disease, there in a re agent, or in “I her words a specific remedy. All Malaria, wbother arising from .Marshes, Stagnant water, dcciimpo sition of animal and vegetable matter, or even new l.v clearril lands, is llie same ill character and effect; i> a poi son iloating in llie atmosphere, causing disease to ull who breutheit. In acci.ldniiee vvitli those unalterable laws governing the unerring affinity subsisting between op posites, there is in tlie preparation before us, offered to llm public, The Animal Antidote to Muluriu, w liieli neutralizes the poison whenever it conics in con tact with n. cu ll in tlm open air, and when taken inter nally i.'iiipli'lelv purifies the system affected by it of its baneful influent c. and thus restores and preserves health. The remedy is be lie veil to be entirely new, and un known to any lint the proprietor, who distinctly claims the following extraordinary results from its use: It will instantly cheek the ague in persons who have suffered tor any length of time, from oue day to twenty years, and hy continuing its use, according to the direc tions, u radical cure will be effected; the patient contin uing free from thccoiiiplnliitforever; unless subsequent exposure to malaria should make its use again necessary. in its operation upon the poison in tlie system, it will immediately relieve ail the distressing symptoms of bil ious or ague diseases, and when the disease is cured, it will entirely prevent the accession of General Debilily and Silglit Sweats, which so often follow the administration of other niede fines. The patient at once begins to rei ver appetite and strength, and continues to improve until restored to perfect heatlll. By ils use Fever and Ague may be banished from every family and class in the community; farmers, me chanics, mid all laboring people maybe using this arti cle as a Preventive, And pursue their respective avocations in perfect safety from ague or bilious attacks during the sickly season, which is often to them the most valuable part of the year. Since the introduction of tin: CUIIE in every part of the United States, its success lias been so complete and unvarying as to have fully proved those assertions in favor of its extraordinary merit. When these declarations were made, at the date of its introduction, they seemed incredible to many, even of tin most candid minds, because all tlie resources of science hud been taxed in vain to subdue ague or bilious diseases; and wlmt was still worse for ague sufferers, all their remedies or treatment, whether scientific or empirical, have been limited to poisonous or destructive drugs, such as Arsenic. Quinine, Mercury, Falicine, Ac. The effects of these are sometimes worse than the disease they subdue, and when sueli remedies fail, or give only temporary relief, their poisonous effects .ire superadded to the poor sufferer’s first complaint. On this account ague sufferers should be particularly careful about using any secret Fever and Ague remedies, notwithstanding the makers of them uniformly assert they may bo taken with perfect safety, even when it is notoriously well known that their potency depends solely ujioii destructive poisons. Now, as a proof that the Remedy is not only valuable on account of its power to cure diseases, but that it is also Worthy of Public OoiilWleiicc, Because of its Singular ami Entire IlannlesHlicss, Tho following certificate from one of tlio most celebrated chemists pi tlie United States has been obtained, and a copy of it is attached to every bottle : New York, June 11, 1855. -1 have made a chemical examination of Rhodes’ Fever anil Ague Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, and have tested it for Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine and Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either in it, nor have Ifound any substance in its composition that would prove inju rious to the constitution. “JAMES it. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.’.’ It is a stubborn fact, therefore, that this Remedy is destined not only to relieve the human family from malarious diseases, but to do an equally good work by preventing tlie taking of other medicines w hich do harm. Tho entire absence of any baneful ingredient makes this Remedy not move valuable as a Cure, than it is as a preventive. No class of disease is so easily managed ns tlie one under consideration, if tlie medieine be taken in advance. This is owing to tlie diseases being produced by one anl tho sumo cause, and therefore all, both residents and travelers, should protect themselves by the timely use of this preventive, and not wait for tlie poison already lurking in their veins, to develop itself in a violent attack. Take tlie Cure as a preventive, and so destroy tlie poison before it does harm. Full directions and advice as to diet and habits of life prepared by a distinguished Physician long resident in a Bilious climate now accompany each bottle. It will often be found necessary to precede this medi cine by a mild cathartic or antibilious purgative. Tlie very best tiling for general use is a moderate dose of Castor Oil, the object of which is to cleanse the stomach and free the biliary passages. Remember that where this is necessary, or there is costive ness, it must bl takkn or the operation of the antidote will bo seriously ob structed. Only Caution. —ln certain specified cases, pour the contents of one or more bottles of the Cure into shallow vessels, (dining plates,) and place them in sleeping rooms; for the vapor rising from the medicine, and also the air watted across, or circulated over tho dregs of it, after tin! liquid is evaporated, will counteract auil destroy, to a degiee commensurate with its expo sure, tlie miasmata or poison contained in the apartment. This mode of exhibiting tlie Cure should likewise be resorted to when very young infants are exposed to malarious situations. Tlie bottles iu which this medicine is put up have tlie words, -Rhodes’ Fever and Auub Cure” blown in tlio glass, and ou the outside wrapper is tlie name of the medicine, (the copyright of which is secured) and tlie signature of tlie proprietor. These precautions are taken to prevent counterfeits and imitations. The reliance for its success is entirely upon its actual merits, wherever introduced and used. These will be considered sufficient. I'repared and sold by the proprietor. J AMES A. RHODES, J’rovidcnce, li. 1, For sale in Columbus bv KIVLIN, THOMAS & CO., February 10, 1850. ly Druggists. \ SOLTI l ERN REM K [>Y. Mnilc ly Prof. O. O. Wondninn. New Orleans. Louisiana. J. S. PKMIIKRTON &. CO., UAVK received tlio appointment from tlie proprietor . for the sole agency of Wo mini tin’s Cherry Expectorant, the medicine that has created such an excitement at the North aiming the Physicians, ami has been pronounced by all who have lin'd it as being far superior to any Cherry Pectoral. Woodman's Cherry Expectorant cou pons the active medical qualities of the Yellow Jesainine, the pure decoction of Wild Cherry Bark, and many other valuable ingredients that render it far better than any other Cough Medicine in this country. RECOMMENDATIONS. New Orleans, April 9, 1865. Bear Sir—The public generally arc fully aware of the thousands of reuicdiesfor Diseased Lungs, under tlie titles of Sarsaparilla*, Pills, Plasters. Liniments, &e., that arc daily brought to their notice through the newspapers by way of advertisements. .Aly object in writing this note for publication, is to induce tho public, or at least those who are affiicb'd, to use one that contains articles of Ural Fee in l’ulnwnary Diseases. lam conscious that in so doing. I am acting most miprofcssionully,and deroga torily to the interests of Medical Science and the regular Practitioners of Medicine. I refer to YVoodman’s Cherry Expectorant, which is a scientific remedy that I have used with more success than any of the usual prescrip tions used by Physicians. J. .'I. M UTLARQ, M. D. Gallatin, Miss.. .Muv 1, 1865. O. o. AVoobman —Dear Sir; I have given your Cherry Expectorant a fair trial and alii well pleased with its ef foots: better than any other article I ever met with. I would bo pleased to have you send me half a dozen bot tle* by tlie bearer. Respectfully, AA - . M. Mason. M. D. This preparation has attained a wide celebrity from tho univ ersal success which lias attended its use. For coughs, colds, and in fact, any pulmonary complaints, this medicine, from its peculiar properties as a dissolvent ami its soothing power to all irritations of the throat, will probably lie preferred to any other offered to the public. As an appetizer, or dyspeptic remedy, it will also be found excellent, its natural and genial warmth keeping tlie digestive powers in proper tone. Remember that this is tbe only Cough Medicine that has stood the test of tfie medical fraternity. It is sanc tioned by, approved of, and recommended by the leading Physicians ot New York city. Every bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. AA'e guaran tee it to lie letter than nnv Cherry Pectoral. Cod Liver Oil, or anything else now extant. 4D“-Price —One Dollar a Bottle. J. S. PEMBERTON A CO.. Columbus, Ga., Only aw a* nt - ? for this county. February 5. GREAT TRIUMPHS A Mi UNFADAEUKhED iUCUK.-.s oF llliODEk’ FEVER AND AGUE ( lltE, oil ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA: Equally certain as a Preventive or (Tire. NO POISON. PROOFS ! see w hat the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Missouri, says of Rhodes - Fever and Ague Curo, nr An tidote to .Malaria: Nt. hot is. Ain., Nov. 10, 18aa. IIAVINU noticed tlie certificate of chemical analysis 11. given by the celebrated chemist Dr. J. R. Chilton, of New York city, ill finer of Rhodes’ Fever uud Ague Cure, that it contained neither Quinine, Arsenic, Aler l urp nor .Strychnine, and having received numerous ap plications for it, 1 was induced to send to Dr. Rhodes for tlie medicine. Since then 1 have disposed of a large quantity, mostly to residents nf this city, who have inva riably been cured by it. and to whom i can refer. 1 am, therefore, satisfied in recommending it to bo all that the proprietor represents. EDWARD F. Wit EATON. Presd't of Pharmaceutical Society of Missouri. 11 ad tlie A Kite for Twelve Years I PuoviuKxer, June d'.i. lhS5. Having been informed of tiie illness of a poor, but worthy woman, who lias not been fre el'riuu Fever and Ague a month at a time for the last twelve years, 1 sup plied her gratuitously with Rhodes’ Fever anil Ague Cure. She took in all four liottlee which completely re stored her to health and strength, mid as four months have now elapsed, there is no reason to doubt > lit- perma nency of tlie elite. C. A. P. AJASOF. Apothecary. * O llottles Perform 70 Cures. Constantine, Mich., Kept, d-tt 1 1 . lkio. James A. Khopes, Esq.—Dear Sir)'—l have just sent an order to Ames it Holliday for another lin’.f gross ol your Feverand Ague Cure. 11 has sold like “ Hot Cakes,” and I have only two bottles on hand. One reason it lias sold, is because w hen 1 have heard of a ease of Ague or Chill Fever, I have sent a bottle and teld them to try it, and if it did not help them, they wore not obliged to pay for it. auil they were all satisfied. 1 lmd one case of Chill Fever where it run four days, but the man runic to see me on the sixtii day well satisfied. Truly yours, JOHN P. (ii.ADDING. M Bottles Perform St Cures. Moline, 111., Kept. ”4. ISSO. Mu. James A. Rhodes—Dear Sir—Tlie box of “Ague Cure” you sent us has all been sold and created a large demand for more; to meet which we have ordered from your general agent at Chicago, J. D. Yerriugton. Its sale will only be equalled by tlie number of Fever anil Ague cases. Hoping these cases may lie few, yet have a bottle for every case. We remain respectfully yours, RICHARDS A AI.I.KX, HI Bottles Perform 19 Cures. LETTER FHOM A POSTMASTER. M axwell, Delaware Cos., Ohio, Aug. 19,1806. Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir—Your medicine has met with the most favorable success in this neighborhood. J have about five bottles left. 1 give it to them at first, ‘if no cure no pay,’although 1 was not authorized by you to do so; hut I took the responsibility on myself.— But not a bottle has corns back, audits 1 am almost out of the article I wish younvouhl forward me one gross of the bottles, if you see proper to do so, and I will be punctual in payment. I inclose fifteen dollars on tlie medicine 1 have received, for which please send me a receipt. Ship the cure tome as soon as you can—there never has been as much Chills and Fever since I lived in .the State, as at present. Yours, Ac.. RICHARD MARTIN, P. M. ‘il Battles Perform :41 Cures. Pine Run. Mich., July til, 1855. Dk. J. A. Rhodes —Dear Sir —Your Cure for the Fever ami Ague lias thus far performed wonders, it lias not failed in one instance to effect a quick and permanent cure. Some who have been troubled with the distress ing disease have been entirely cured by using only one bottle of the Cure. Please send us immediately four dozen, ns we have hut three bottles remaining. Truly yours, LATH HOP & MCLEAN. Cure of Panama Fever. I’ROVIDKNCB, Sept. 1855. Mr. James A. Rhodes—Having been entirely cured by your remedy, I take pleasure iu assuring you of the benefit it has been to me. I was first attacked by chills and fever on the Isthmus of Panama, several months since, and in spite of the different remedies and treatment 1 adopted, my health grew worse until I commenced the use of your Fever and Ague Cure.— Since that time 1 have not had a single chill, and am now in the enjoyment of good health. Wishing yjur m ‘ilicine the success that it merits, I remain truly yours, THOMAS (i. ANDREWS. I. O. O. F. lu another column of to-day's paper will he found an advertisement for “ Rhodes’ Fever anil Ague Cure.” We are not in the habit of pulling medicines, but desire to say, for the benefit of tlie afflicted, that Wm. N. Rowe, Merchant, Sharpsburg, who has it for sale, in forms us that he sold several dozen bottles, and in every case it lias effected a cure. This proves the medi cine to be good, anil we take pleasure in bringing it before the notice of the public. —Odd Fellow, Homisboro, Mil. .Srjd. 4. Evidence from a Clergyman. Plymouth, Richland Cos., Ohio, Sept. 25,1855. Mr. J. A. Rhodes, —Dear Sir—l cheerfully testify to the value of your Antidote to Malaria. One young lady iu the family of a clergyman here has been taking an “ AGUE BALSAM” for some months without any per manent benefit—a few days since she got a bottle of the Curo and lias not had a chill since. A young man also used the same Balsam some time without relief until lie got n bottle of your Cure. So far it works like a charm. Yours trulv, Rev. A. C. DUBOIS. Unsolicited Evidence front n Physician. Monticei.lo, Ind.. Aug. 27, 1855. J. A. Rhodes —Dear Sir—l have been iu tlie practice of Medicine here fur about three years, and can con scientiously recommend your medicine, having used it myself and prescribed it in a number of instances with perfect success. Respectfully yours. ’ ‘ IV. G. SPENCER. Louisville No. 11, C. It. it., Ga., Jan. 1, 1556. Your Ague Cure lias overcome all prejudices by its merits, and given satisfaction. A gentleman just called who lias been fully cured by only one bottle, and de sired me to recommend it to everybody. 1 shall do all I can in its sale. ‘ W. A. IIAYLES. If any body desires further evidences, they will find it in every bottle of the CURE, which is being intro duced as rapidly ns possible into every town and village in the- United States, Canadas, Ac. The eminent chem ist, Dr. J. R.Chilton, of Now York, certifies to its pei'- sect innocence. It is therefore optional with all to have ihe Fever and Ague or not, just as they please. I can also say that a great many of my largest custo mers are those who a year ago were reluctant even to take the Cure on commission. They thought its great claims and pretensions could not lie realised. Now they endorse them all, anil it will be noticed that tlie letters of which I publish su di immense quantities arc always new anil late dates—altogether they would more than till any newspaper, and prove tlie tact of a greater suc cess anil sale than everatteiideil any other Ague Remedy. The Crowning Glory of the Cure is its HARMLESS CHARACTER, which allows its free use ns n preventive. Thus protected by using a bottle or two during tlie warm and sickly sea sons, not a man woman or child in the United States would ever have a single attack of Fever and Ague. Bilious or Yellow Fever, or any form of disease arising from tlie atmospheric poison Malaria, to which the Cure is a je’rfecl antidote. It is also unequalled for quick and permanent effects as a Restorative, giving new life and strength to all whoso constitutions have been shattered or weakened by Ague or Bilious diseases, night sw eats, languor and de bility or any kind of intemperance or dissipation. JA.MEY. A. RHODES, Proprietor Providence. It. ]. And for sale by KIVLIN, THOMAS A Cos, Columbus, Gu., only agmts. Kivliu,Thomas AJCo, arc Distributing Agents for tlie proprietor*. Ileulere buying of K„ T. ,v Cos. will save all ex|M iisi'S on the Cure,as Kivlin, Wiomas & Co.’sell at the very lowest prices. JAMES M. CLOUGII, Agent ut Uphaupec, Ala. DANFORTH & NAGEL Will supply Physicians with the NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, Prepared only by N. YY. SEAT, M. IL, New York, Being an Original Discovery, involving a NEW PRINCIPLE ity which the too positive condition of tlie system called Fever, is changed to the normal or healthy state directly and without loss of vitality. UE’IOVAL. HOTCHKISS, FENNER & BENNETT, YV HOLE SALE GROCERS, • Importers anil Jobbers of BRANDIES, WINES, ,Vc\ Also, agents and dealois in Virginia Manufactured Tobacco and Havana ciGrAns, Have removed to No. 40 Yeaey Street, rear of tin- Aster House, NEW YORK. New York. January 1, 1850. KIVX.IN, THOMAS Al CO. HAVE ordered from New York a full supply of the most extraordinary medicine nf the age. Dr. N. W. Seat’s Negative Electric Fluid. They w ill he in receipt of five gross on the 10th instant. Physicians are requested to call early. February 5. i ■ I’l-oftssor YVood’s Hair R (s| I IS, no doubt, tlie most wonderful disci of progress, for it will restore permaiiwn cfu ß to its original color, cover the head nf ti i’- r ® most luxuriant growth, remove at nn,„. .iv I ' ,t itching, cure all scrofula and other in,'‘ “•'■.nft such as scald head, etc. 11 will cure. a -i in°’? llai| i® vous or periodical headache; make the l. ‘’ l] 'sJ and wavy, and preserve the color perfectiv 1 from falling, to extreme old age. We could give the testimony of more tl I died thousand to tlie truth of every w,,n| “!*.’*■ ten. See circular a>id the following ; ’ dt.H The following 1* from a distinguished i,.,,, , I medical profession: B PROFESSOR 0. J. WOOD— AU "' ,li n ; : J DiuaSiu: Unsolicited. I send you this term I ter being nearly bald tor a long time, uud |.eft all tlie hair restoratives extant, and havii,,, I any. I was induced, on hearing nfynm s , I trial. 1 placed myselfin the hands o‘s Gj 0 ‘ I my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, an,| ti i a *ft five then applied, and well rubbed in. tin th ( . glow. This l repeated every morning, njs • |l ft weeks the young hair appeared, ami ‘.'“ft August last till the present time, and isiiowti ’ I and strong—soft and pleasant to the tnuth'.'nfl before, it was harsh and wiry, wlmt little tin,!,’ B and that little was disappearing v, ry rapidly i ~H your restorative about twice a week,and ,|j a 'u ‘ B a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, if 11 ."""ft these things—and who has not - : hut have u.; “ m erto any case where any person’s hair vasn-i “B ed by any of the hair lollies, etc., of thedav: m'yß ly gives me pleasure to record the result us ence. I have recommended your preparatiout; and it already has a large and general sal, ft tlie Territory. The people here know its l i I |i.! l "ft have confidence in it. The supply you sei,tii. ft sale agents fertile Territory, is nearly cx/i'., ’ft daily inquiries are made for it. You desene Lift your discovery; and I, for one, return vim n„.?ft for tlie benefit it has done me, for ! certainly) ft paired long ngo_of ever effecting any such icsid,' 1 H Yours, hastily, I IV. Firm ol Bond & lvellug. Druggie,... ft Tlie undersigned, Kev.J.K. Bragg, is a hr, ft regular standing, and pastor of the (irtluirilus rill at Brookfield, Mass. He is a gentleman ft influence, and universally beloved. 1 WM. ft Brooki'illii. Jhh ] . ]■ PROFESSOR WOOD DEAR Sik : Having made trial of your llair lift rative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its.lift been excellent in removing ufi^l constant tendency to itching, with which [ i u ft troubled from my childhood; and has also r.-uft hair, which was becoming gray, to its original,,ft have used no other article, with anythinglik. tlft pleasure or profit. Yours, truly, ■ J. K. !:l:ih.l 114 M arket st., St. Louis, .March.',.ft Sir : 1 am doing an extensive travel in tlft and South-western States, as general agent li.r.ft American Linement, and would be glad if yiniuift vor me with a consignment of Professor Wul Hair Restorative, as I feel assured that Ift troduce it irr many places were it is not known, ft head is a living testimony of its valuable propertyft storing the hair to its natural color. lam forty* old,and my liair was almost white; Lutafterusiugfl half pint bottles, my hair is as beautiful nuhnvn e.-ft at sixteen, and much improved in appearance.* would not be without a bottle on hand for the :* ten. 1 should he very glad to.attend to any liiatt-* nected with the Hair Restorative. I have been fora years engaged in the same business, and will k ft hear from you soon. Very respectfully. I WM. 1!. HP,dft •ftSr Sold at 114 Market street, St. Louis, Broadway, New York, and by all Druggist, ever;* All kinds of family patent medecines for sale, ft best possible terms, at Professor Wood's ttUMUft 114 Market street, St. Lc uis. I For sale in Columbus at the Drug Store ol I KIVLIN, THOMAS ii Feb 29—3 m 1 AMERICAN COTTON PLAStJ FOR XBSG. riMIE Fourth Volume of the American Cotton Hi 1 will commence with the January number. 1 in thus formally announcing tlie Prospectus f.j Fourth Volume, we have but a few short paragni add, sanguine in the belief that, with the iutiHip ii dustrious patrons of progressive improvement iu Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Manufactures of thef ing States, and especially Alabamians, the past lib. the Cotton Planter is its highest commendation. in the first place, xve remark to our friends ami a that the Editor, Dr. Cloud, has again become the Pi er and Proprietor; and xve hereby assure on r w emphatically, that in future the Cotton Planter si: sue promptly by the first day of each month. Flushed with victory in the magnificent Alabama’s Industry, as demonstrated in tlie triuiuj success of tlie first Annual Fair of the Ahitotnl Agricultural Society, the Cotton Planter “ will lit step backward” its progress is onward and ujiM’li” highest niche of improvement. It is hoped earnestly by the Editor and proprietor, by the members of tlie Society, that the Plaiua- Farmers, tiie Mechanics and Manufactures ol Alak will rally on masse to the support of Alabama - : clusively) Industrial Periodical, the Organ of tin bama State -Agricultural Society, that its efficiency! be unfettered in the great work of developing measurable resources of the Keystone State of tlie’ *“ Devoted to Improved Plantation Economy, Mini Hires and the Mechanic -lrts,” the object of tlie : can Cotton Planter is to a Improve tile Soil ami t lie Mind. With a corps of correspondents, numberingi/ tlie most practical as well as scientific minds of tlicSi we feel assured we sbali be able to visit our patK the first of each month, to their entire wtisM profit. Every family in the country, whatever may l ( avocation, should patronise some Agricultural f'K cause there is no reading matter published to tin’ so innocent, ami at tlie same time so practically If hie in all tlie walks of life as that obtained inn? “ 1 cultural Periodical. The American Cotton Plan’ issue promptly by the first day of the month. R uniformly printed in magazine style, on good wlrl* per. with new and fair type, securely stitched mi’ ll nied. Our Horticultural Department will be Mt heretofore, by agentleman of practical c.\)ieriiTi"’ E. A. Halt, of Montgomery. Terms : Quo copy, iu advance Six copies “ Twelve copies “ ;! Clubs or Agricultural Societies, 100 copies..- “’ All communicaiions, either for the columns “I H |- ter, or containing remittances, ordering tlie ! be addressed to Dr. N. 11. Cloud, Lockland I' l 1 Alabama. Subscriptions should commence with the' l * Newspapers friendly to tlie work, throughout tb : will confer a favor by copying the Prospectus. Our exchanges will please direct to Lockhni'l- ‘ JIELICK <&/ CO S. CASH CLOTHING WAREHOUS Old stand of J. S. Smith & Cos., lU3 YVest Side Broad Street) COLUMBUS, GA. MENS’ and Boys Clothing—a large >t°'k 1 from, suitcilMo every class and condition. Oentlcmen'H Funiißhing Goods In < v<*ry vnru October 2‘J. ly MONT GOME BY - , SELMA AND *** RIVER. , ~ MERCHANTS and others bringing KOISI-- ~ .Savannah, for Montgomery, FelnianiKi" 11 west of Columbus, Georgia, are infornieil tlint *> 4 to care of JOHN W. HOWARD, Agent. Union Dray Company, Columbus, Georgia* will be forwarded from the Depot of the Mu.- (j Road to the Depot of the Opelika and .Montp'* ( at an expense, for transportation by Dray G f * tv ’ points, of „ 73 cents per Ton (*000) which will save them 2o cents per ton. a*!]I*’ 1 *’ 11 Rail Road Co.’s contractors charge one dollar The Union Dray Company is amply ‘’ “l 1 " 1 (r .i loss or damage, as maybe ascertained hy j’ Bell A Cos.. Josiali Morris, and R. T. Tie in. - 1,1 , Ala. Refer, in Columbus, Ga., to R. Ratten !ll '’ Ruse; and at Selma. Ala., to T. 11. Smith. July in JAMES *T. TODD, COM MISSION MKIU 11 V No. 2G East Side Broad Streei- COLUMHUS, GEORGIA. ntALKR IN , rll i'ii, CHOICE FAMILY GItOCLK ‘ Staplo Diy Gouda, Drugs, Putcnt M••• li‘ i n < “- crv. Tubal.iai. Ac. Ac. , COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND • if^-Oi'ilcrafoi - all articlpsproiiiptl.vnH'j ,l "J ,, > , article ordered iis not in tlm Stme il “O ,rt and ahlppcd with dispatch. October 20. ly DEE IIS. Land Deeds of a good form, correctly printed- - sale at this office.