Newspaper Page Text
pf fail 15 #uii.
wm o i ..
thomas de wolf.
■ L IVO li.illlirs h veil I'. U luri- tile .-ul>-
f ., r tess Ihun It yenr, al, the rate i.f
“‘"n„|h. Single t-opina, Five Cents.
* will I’ 1 * inserted nt riva Lents a tine
1,111,1 ~,] ‘fhree Cents a lirte frr n*h
-1’!10 ‘t fhesame —to be paid for when the
B"‘' r !,t? intn thß
K .. e „itint! J line*, not reuewiilile. will lie
.'months “I* uionths for $. or one
’ ’ sjij„e iijiren'i U|*m I,l l'ltUl for In fore the
H v ’ I'l'ut exei'f'liilN’ tell lines, iiinen’nlile at
~| i;jii a year —to tie I'iiiil fur ‘inarterly
■'l’ .j ~f -jn lines, renew;ilile al pleasure, in
yeai li l iyi ,l, l | ‘ ‘iiuirleri.y in le.lvanee.
■'""iverlisements exewnlinjr lines, will lie
j..,, ( ,t jlO t'nr fur everv a.liiitiunal ten
“'((aurteity in <"t
” j, nntirrs. ,"-i-U|iyma. a pl.i e lietweeu
1 iter ami inlverlisements. will >.e -liareeil
■.g line l'"i’ ‘'s'ft'y iu^rn't'""-
ft r gia Female College.
W |,,.titutioii is (irjf'iuii/.i'il under tour
■ ; ilep.iitiiieiits nt’ Instruction, viz:
the Academic, the department
ami tin 1 CniHimmtal I>c)i:iit
■ PLiiegiatc department, is tun-lit ev
■ ,|,. lt “is neecssai'V for the lull devel
"|f tin- mental powers, the Common
■ llfi iig kept in constant- review.
Academic tlopartnient, is taught
■ mav he necessary for preparing the
■ .i,,,:,. aitvantageously upon tier Col
. departiiient nt l.angnages, l.atm.
Ban,] French are taught.
H*ornamental department comprises the
B.|„, n i s of Music and Design, in the
I, instruction is given upon all the usual
Kiliruts, while in the latter, every variety
■awin'.', I’ainting', &c. is taught.
B I,nation (Madison, Morgan I'ounty.i
H mnivailed for its social and religious
B. , and tin’ the salubrity of its climate.
H \ .mn Ladies hoard in Private Families.
Hr thev receive all those offices of niatev-
H,rr anil kindness which are necessary for
■health and comfort.
■,. m .. S ( leriii eommences on Monday the
H;,|, el u>s may be obtained by ajijdying to
■ nt’ the officers.
ET |i. |t. MILLAItV. Sec’y of Faculty,
■tlison, Nov. 14th, 18dd.
■ nKI’TK h'KMAIi 10 ( OM.IiCK.
First Session, for IJCVU, Will imen.-c
tilt* - I-I of .1 uminl'i, MII'! close
nf July.
jH .1. K. Ur.KUsoK, IVincipnl.
M \|. K. Hotchkiss, Assistant Lit. Dept.
H. I’i'e.
lYofessoi - of Music.
B Rales of Tuition Pfv Atiiimiii.
class if.JO DO
class lib DO
in ccgnlar course .".2 011
years each 10 00
■rl. Language ‘jo oo j
Bi’ “ii tlic Piano, including use of In-
f.o 00
Havp, including use of li.-
Oo 00
the Guitar JO 00
Expenses, I 00
Latin ami Greek Languages will lie
as a part of the regular course, to all
will lie given in Itrawing. I’ain-
BEmhvnirtevv, Wax ami Paper I'lowers at
music will lie taught, to the whole
free nf charge.
ladies can he n.cilmnmmiuted with
Hiling in the family of the Principal, or in
families, at ten Hollars per mouth,
tiling furnished except light:.- and tow- ’
and guardians living nt. 1 distance.
nested to Appoint an agent in bn. I'av-
B'''", shall make all purchases of clothing.
their daughters or wards.
ij^B" l .1. It. Norman is an experienced ami
teacher of music, and is prepared to
mi-uiictinn in the art ofGompnHtioii. an.l
Hass, to advanced pupils.
Institution is supplied with a Harp, ami
H new Pianos.
” Hotchkiss, wlm lias not, heretofore.
■'•"tmected with the liistilution. comes to
B ‘il;-’ recommended, ns a, toucher of rare
Among other testimonials the
letter from Prof. Newman, of I'uton
B"-r New Vork, is an ample gu.’ rantee lor
: >hility and ettieienov :
■ Union (Niu.nui:, jlee. 2'.1, Its. Vi.
j^BiaiiSnt:—|n reply to your inquiry, I
■ 1 AV. Miss Hotchkiss, i know lo lie eini-
B ‘ for teaching. Her seolarship
anil very thorough. She is enter*
’ ‘ , amliitious—loves to teach. ami on
is the tiest qualified for it, of any
I I'vev instructed. I speak 1 lms emiti-
Bh ‘"'cause she was a pupil of mine some
■f live years. Truly yours,
■ diegeneral principle that nothing tends
B"'” impair and destroy the intellect, than
habits of study, mi young lady, in
■ Institution will tie permitted to take up
BB _l'eyond the grasp other mind, or to ud-
B” I 1 '" 111 a lower to a higher class until she
‘"ifouglily mastered all that precedes.—
B. “ H1 "l that has not comprehended eotnmon
and English Grammar, is lint poor
■Mf'ttliiied to grapple with the intricacies of
■ V uglier mathematics, or the subtleties of
‘'."‘vite patronage, and we intend to de
-11! hut we do not promise to makeschol
■ I'tiiitlay. While modern science has al
umihilated time and space, the mind
■'"Noilly its original qualities and capabil
■ j* 1 * Intellect, in its onward progress,
B. 1 ‘lependent upon the principles of nsso
"'. the powers of judgement and memory.
‘Hviincement in knowledge now, as it lias
■ ,ee n, is slow. jan4.
■1,.. Athens, Pccemli. r 18,1801.
■ °f this Institution wilt recommenc e on
ll . , 1 “a-V of January next, and continue untii the
*l?t. when there will tain week’s vi.eutioii, after
■ ,will |,eresumed until the winter vitiation.
B|„ , l ".* on ‘he first of November.
B , ,|. “ w 'ng utde im.l experienced ‘* eoinprise
B. jj 1 ’ •'Kculty— who are expected to tie at tlieir
|, discharge of their duties.
■ ‘■'""veil, l). ii.. President and Profess.,r of Politi-
B l "">T'“\v' Vl Philosophy.
■ ‘ “ Sd'lel. >,. t professor of A orient. Languages
Hu ~ *‘ l ‘Ur**
B ‘ “" “atley. 11. u., Professor of Bell.*V l,ettres.
E’ -i.l.'i “1 , n’isthuiity and History.
“ate. m. n.. Professor of Natural and
1 French.
t 11111 la-roy Itroim. a. m.. Professor oi ‘li.tliem.itii>.
I rir^“v IC | vil Kngineering.
I’ . i a. m.. Professor of S’.iinrul Pliilo-o
I’ 0| |„'| I‘ - Lumpkin, LL. and.. Professor of 1... .
■ lisi.ii’ ‘’ n - Terrell, Professor of Law.
If 1 Henvv Wad.toil. a. m,. Tutor ill
I VpwJ'’ “"’ A A. it.. Tutor in Miittiemalks.
A-',, .a , f admission are recommended to he pi.v
I “‘"“'at; of the term.
* * And wA'l diaiis may feet aalistied that theit
■ ‘Ns 2itr ras cau “ er ” obtain a thorough education.
n ASEURV HU LL. 3ec ty.
m inis Mt.
VOI.. i.;
tlnve removed tlieir extensive st.s k.U i iiniitun. t,, their
IttO.V FHOK'f,!
N *w Font Story llrick ilnil.liug,
. . Nearly opposite llieir 01,1 Siaiui.
\\ lli.KI-. they will he li.ijipy tn .see th.-ir IV; unis and
T T . customers mni slime them smii.thiirr brilliant amt
inviting hi tlie wav nf Furniture.
|Jur Waie-Kimms are iinei|imlleil ill ]l,. u tv, and mir
I-1 iml lire r, . \v,. utter rare aiivnnlaifea tn I'lu
chasers, turnishing li.iitaes tlt rough ■m t in n tasteful and
litliloi 111 st.v le, lie ha vine, a hraneli of .air 1 m>i u.uss in ,\, \v
\ ei is city, winu-e the Senior partner miimifaetures. under
us own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We
have on hand furniture suitithh- for
Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Doom, Kitchen
.te„ of Hose Wood. Mnlingany. Walnut. I’ine. ,Vr.:
and a.s l.ovr as inn ho tumid North or South. .\n assorl
ment of
will also he on hand, that, wilt not fail to please, ('all
and see. Our stock consists iif paid ..I
i:t. i/slia>, Tele a Teles, Sint*. Arm
Chairs, nu.l Solas,
i*t tfoso-W is>l. Hroeatelle and .Mnlnuuui.v. for I*:,. n
Ituven us,, Marhleatu! AI ai i. .am Tops.
Si.le-ltoavils Marhle and Mahogany Tops.
Book Cases of all kind- and Smvtarics attached. ,
Tallies—CVnti’o. Uining. Work mni l‘!xt*nsion.
Hetlst ends—High mni low p<>t. Frmn li mni (ViMugi*.
i'.iimuel Sets for I<ml Kooms. nil rolois. W nluuf iuol .Ma
hogany Si ts for J’eil Unoin.s.
C*liairs--an exti'nsivi* assortment of nil uoods.
Classes- -all si/.es. in frames aint “nt.
C*a.r|)cl.g—Brussels, Ingrain. Tapestry.
< urtains—of lh-oeati-lli* ami Damask, all -
Shades- tlilt ('ornic'sami Curtain,bo]|. rs.
.la niiavy 17, 185 ft.
(i iiN ERA I v AO ENT.
And Forwarding Merchant,
No. 1 *5 I- West Si<le lroa<l Street, Oolumbiis, (la.
if,-, ‘l*arti ular attention given t” the keeping.purchase
aiol sale of Negroes.
A rim mint raters’ ami Kxeentors’ sales attenrieii to
on rrasonahh* terms. Oct. 2:>. ]y
.1. e. RUSK. J. 11. DAVIS. W. 11. hONO.
a O M MISijIO N Ivl E Ii C II A IV T H
And Shipping Agents,
\ \ r .l 1,1, p.ircluiM- and sell eol.toii anti utlior produ- • on
tommissiijii, and strictly .it,(end to |.,i warding
goods mid tilling orders from the. country.
I.tuse. I'a.tten & Cos., ugenls < ‘idmuhus'. iiy whom Tihi .-al
adv.uioes will lie- iiituio on i'ousigiiment> oif,ht t :■> or
thrmtgli us to oiu* friends in I.iverpool or thy \or!l;.
•fill)! Hi 1y
Lumpkin, Stewart County, Goo.
mil Mahon- Hotel Jills hi-t-n lli.irouglily ronpva- n n
.1 ted anil re-furnished. The undersigned #:f■
thankl'nl foe jiasl favors will take pleasure in a.- rainciiii
i'lu modal in g al! those who may favor him witi
their patronage. I*. I. ‘.MPKIN.
]>ee ■'! I'roprieior.
Iyrui:. WAKIM:, HIVKU. mill LIKE KISKS taken in
respimsitde eonip.iuies l.v
•KIHN Al f NX. Agent,
Olh.'e No. nvcr K. Uarnarri k (V.*s stfß*i*.
phoenix Insurance Company— Capital siiuo.noo.
S. L. LOOM IS. Privsirient.
JOHN MI NN. Agent.
(toliimhuH, <Ja.. Nov ‘2l. ts
Mattress Manufacturers,
( ollimbus, (h oigia,
ORDERS fur Cotton or Colton ami Shuck .Mattres>es.
promptly exetMiteil. ‘J’he'patronage of the eiti/ens
auri vicinity, is respeel fully solieitck
October -V*. 1855. l y
Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory,
L|IHIS MaimfaetiMy has heeii i- in su-CN-sfu! operation
l for over three years, inn! is still nuHiuuni. All work
w il! be ilone bv experienced workmen, with gootl i|ii:ilitv
• f lumber, and the latest improved machine!y.
Will he furnished and hoxeil at \ In- Factory, at tie* follow
ing prices:
S|ish — v x 10... 7 fts Primed and Hi , a/.e<L..l2 1 els.
10 x 12... b * •* 4i ...I<S ‘
12 x 14..10 •• ...25
12x10...11 ■ - ..^.'7
12 x 15... 12 ...:;o
12 x 20... 14 *• ...0.5
12 x 22...10 •’ •• ...40
12 x 24...1S •• •• ...45 •• ,
The above Sash are 1;! s ‘ incli think, and made plain.
In all eases where they are mad” Lip-Sash, twh < <*ihs pi*r
light will he added. All Sash glazed with good l’ , rem li
tclass, primed with tin* host Paint, and superior Putty.
Bolling; Blinds for Windows, on rents per foot,
men soring* the length. A window tiv feet would o-t
yti. without, painting, catches, or hinges.
Ik.jinch thick, without moulding. S2 50—moulding in*
side. $•! <M>—moulding both sides, 50.
lincli thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding “O”
side. •) 25 —moulding both sides, sd 75.
P j inch thick. 4 pannels moulding on one side, sd 5i) —
moulding hotli sidi*s. s4 no.
1 “y' v inch thick. 4 panels moulding on one sub*. S4 <o—
- sides. s4 50.
In addition to tin* above. Rlinds painted and furnisliod
a\ it i hinges and catches, if <|esiivd : also. Sash glazed
with (Senium or French plate, painted, stained, ename -
led,embossed and Bohemian (Slass. of all shades and * “I
ors, for side and transom ligJits and olTtce windows.
Plans and specifications for all descriptions of hnindings
furnished to order, with estimates, if desired.
Contracts made for construction ami erection of ImiM
jngs, on reasonable terms.
All kinds of lumber planed, and tlooring-and idling
tougued and grooved.
Scroll and other description* of Brack'ds. for ornament
jug Cottages, (Jrcen Houses. Arc., made to order.
The proprietors being |>ra"i ion I mechanics and builders,
believe they oan give entire satisfaction to all who jlmia
favor tliem with order.-.
jVtf-All tin* above work will he furnished at short noth ‘
Sasli kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with
the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at
tention. Work to he scut by the River, Rail Road, or in
Wagons, will be al the risk of the purchaser, as flic w • e k
will In* considered delivered.
‘Sjicejji | noil raets can be made for large jobs.
Jikuiiary 24. ly J. I . MOHTOV
VLoT in Cobb count v, well markedop theHrant
as Mineral Tract.: Urn* hot 202Uncresin
ron county. Three fruitions adjoining, rojumcne-*—
ing about ime mile above Bitin bridge in Decatur enmity,
tm I embracing the bank of Flint River for two mlb *m
which Hutc aic sonu* good
Hammock and Colton Lands,
Hlid the balance as well calculated for making Turp’ ji
tinelas any in the Southern country
Also a Lot with comfortable improvement at New
(• tie Knot Springs, adjoining \.<. Redd, Es|. Title ,in
disputable. Apply to K. #l. IIARPLN
January ill. ISS(. Columbus. (4a.
it roi Id) call the attention of Pliysichms p the
\\ newh discovered medi ine called
I Hi. N. W. SLAT'S
It irt •Mipciii i-1” N"nv'""l's TlinTni'’ “f Vcliiliim Vit;kli. j.tir|,w tlidl Hit lal tpr lim- !••• ti--ml
till-. Krllt'llttl'v I.
| IST t-Hivcil n llni'irtipi'l.vot riini y.Ciuiiliiw uml ('mi
fcctiuiii'i-v. hI 4- UrdH'l .ti-'-ct . ....
||. I.iuii, v i. I'KIJ.A A- TUoMA.v
.1. It. HCIiL A- CO.,
ami IIK,AI.V.nk IN
I>.Ui(il.Ni! Hoik 1 . Twiiio Sn.-n.
V lII.,KI'H. Sillt, i'l'illi. Cij{UrK. ‘i'"llil'-l'". id l- -
Urnndics.liin, Bye. Moiiodkuliklh. iiuni ken--ck*
Sfotcli \Vhiski-y,ainl I’l-ovicinns hikl (ini’
nt Hio old klanil of .Min .1. M*"-
Siri'Ht. Cfiiumbii”- On.
Niivi'llll'i l” ‘it. Ik-i.i. I.’
*- iidkH ilidice Kai-iHi ini", niunil. i•-• •-i''■*
and lid -..,itf at tile luMfctU li'-inv*. I.i
March 16. GUNBV A CO.
COIiUMIIIIS, (FA.. Al’llll, 11, 1854).
ll''iwi"-n tin l ■ I’t-i-rv” ,-iml •-(li.irjn'” ll.itcls. nu.l <li
-1 tI.V (-1• 1 1<"il<; T'‘lii]ii‘!'nC(‘ Hull.
COI,! Mill's. ( I IK ) !i( ; I \.
\i r L liave now in .-lore and receiving Hie , *j. . & ,
Tv best and Ili'i-t extcnsK'e stock of vehl
- 1' •1 ■ to be found in this country, comprising
•it Tmc'-I mni i-irli**>* tiiiMi. him! luosl (’levant nitiiani-tiiirc.
fit Inli'Mt >lylcs an*! i'vitv varicl v.
KOI Iv A WAVS A \ l IS lltOl “IKK.
C ifcvci-y-I<llluvu ]i;illcru m\,l >lni|*i*. suitnli!.- |.*r im. or
two tuii-si's. (IJill roiii[il.'|i* iisHiirtnii'iii. ol’ ‘J'nji iiml \i, ’!',*!i
“f 110- lali-l ami in-*.| I * -11 i< •11 n 1 .1.* ,|y|,., |„, w ii-, ,|, ■) 1,..
f.i.-t 1 hal tin* wall km*m ii an<| hi-li'ly osfi-i lin'd \yn;-U ~f
.1 A M ITS .M. Hl'l-NTiV iV ('ll. as mil as I la.l ul’ hIIm-i
----ii iff I'oi -"I tin- lii,-li’ >t ii ij i, ran In- lonia! only
:( our koiisr, and lliat all dm- Mori; is mail,’ up mo
‘II I- tlio )H-|-sn|i|il iliivi 111’ Mr._H.d .MoKoo. < w |*j,,,,
I'xpoi-li-iirf gtmrinil.-fs'ir.. . rial.l s n> . •„ ~n;
l>o((-r work mni al lower jirirrs, ilian mii
i-l'-s ill’ Ilia samo Ijiialit.v ran “• snld fur liy any otlior doa-
I'r in ilii-oiiliiliy : anil i-[itiU-as law as i'||..y mi | H . al-
Jni-ili'i! in Now V ork i-ity. i-'nt-pninf'ul'wliirlt v,c spooi-
I'u 11 y invilo all wlm wish in pun-liaso. In rail mni so., ns.
M o ara soiling al Hn- vry Imu-sl rules. f..r rn.ili m- it ||-
|-ovo<l m-itil, mid. nhiay.’ ask; our
|ll'i'< s, so our i iisliiini-rs anil nliany.i is ie wall,
may raly mi liain-s laan-stly ami I'airly drall. willi. Ere.
ry iirdcli is war ra ill ail in lie slririly ns
rajirasaul ail, an.l salisl'nrlinn yllninltlreil to all.
.MiKKi: .v j;uiii:i;’i>.
N. 11. llaviny I In- hast l-apular s'-l, ol’
w in-kill <-)■ In In- li ’ 11 ii * l in tins I'niiiili-y. wo mV pro
ji.uad. as Jn-rot.■(• ia .I” >!<■ all kinds nf at
tin- low as! jiossllila rates, willi tha utmost anil in Ilia 1 io-i: niannor. MoK. A: i;.
.laniiaiy lis. ly
L ii in pkin. ,
rjll I li Trusleo rtf tlii.s* institution lake pleasure in an-
I nouneing In the public that they iuive secured tin*
following fuculty, l< lnkf* charge of Hu* (s>llege. nt tin*
opening of tin* next lerm.
K \* TI/TY :
(Nl. Augustus A Men. \. M; Ptv-iiient Pnifi'SsZtr of En
glish Jaleratuiv and Ancient Languages.
Rev. F. A. I*s U'st Cl*. M.—-Prbfcssoi* of \:Hlintl Seiener
and Mathematics.
Miss Ann !’.. Vldcn. fnstruetress ir. and Bota
ny aLd Principal of Pivpamtory B*partinent.
— - . Prof'*.-sor of V'oetd and Tnstrninehlal
Music. > ,
This instil ul ion is located in one of tin* most beautiful
and healthy villages of Western <e‘(rgia : owned
by the Masonic Fraternity, and ilndigr,its supervision: it
i-< kept free front al! sectarian bias -at tin* same time, re
quisite care is take); to secure I” tin pupils proper moral,
as well as menial’ training.
The next, session will of/citnn Hu* shuihl Monday in
.laimary In*xt. Tin* Classes will then !•'* orguni/ed. ami
will progress as h(‘retofol’e.
Roardingcan bebhtaiiubl i*i tin* best families of tin
place, where tlie stmlnnfs will he summiiriori )v tin* safe
guards and auienilies f tin 4ninili*s i in-h*. ,
Tin* rates ofinition and board, are as lsw as tle<se of
f-fed by any sirnilai* Institution in fiiis partofilu* Staf*.
Tin* (s>lt<*ge is ftti'iiislied with anew and complete set
of I’lieudeal am| Pbil<siphi<*al Apparatus. (Holm s, \lajis.
(’harts. Ai\: iii tine vl?111 <*V4*rytJiing -sary lb. illus
tration iti tin* s'-yoral departments of Nafural and !*\je
mnenial Seienecs-
Tbe (.‘ollege IJuibliug i.- >e arranged that t,ln; l)epal
---uieiits will be kept eiitireh •ctparatp. each occupying i(-
respeetiv' 1 rooms.
Arrange me i its are now., in pmgre.-.- to secure for rlu*
M itsie Dejiarl inent. a gcniJcinan of Ihe highest of
abilities and’ nsbral ‘ !ia4*;n ter.
We in vile t lu* pit vonage of a liberal and discerning
public,’ being assure.l. from tin* character ami reputation
of those constituting I he Faculty, and the a.mpic facilities
for instruction now actually in possession of the In titu
-4 ion. that every pledge We make shall be redeemed. ewl*y
jmlueement w<* olfer will prove to la* a fact : ami that our
I nslituj[ioii can challenge coin .ia,r bop with tin* proudest
in the land.
Persons desiring fn.ii lor information in regard to Hu*
('ollege. will please address L. M.(s*x. Lumpkin, or Rev.
!•’. \. Forster, Culhbt*!*!. tin., win. will furpislt tlu*m with
I ('in ulars. Ac. dan. 2-* If
r J 1) undersigned designs opening a Private Academy
\ tor Young bailies in Mat-op ton. Pntmu: eoiiijtv. Ha.,
‘•n \V<‘dnesday. dabiuny OHi. IS-“>*.
hi tli” liiterary Departiiimvl Hu* course of study will
be extensive and liberal.
The Latin. French. Herman and Spanish Languages
will he tajiglit if desired.
Ttio Ormvmenta! itepart ment will include Mu-i* on the
Piano, Harp. Organ and Huiiar.
Also, Drawing. Painting, and Fmbr'iidcry in all if.--
A complete apparat us will be furnished in order to al
foril ample illustrations in the Natural Sciem-es.
Alusical instruments will lie provided, so that* each
pupil may have the mean of daily practice in addition to
tin* regular lesson.
The number nf pupils will be limited t< :;ii.
Tuition per annum. >'i 25 <><; bail’ in e. ami tin*
balance nt the end < •!’ t lie year.
Attention Is called to t lie following advantages: First,
the pupil receives a much larger share of attention, titan
when the school is large and overgrown.
Second, iti addition to the regular course of study, she
can make such a sidecliou from the languagi*s. ami the
Ornamental Depart no nt. a- time ami choice may dictate,
without 4*xtr.*v charge.
Third, tin* lov. rate of tuition, compared with that of
other Schools.
Tin* usual charge for the branches. i5...540 no
Music 20 (Hi
Matin i Extra) 2'> nn
Froticli “ 2o on
Drawing and Painting 25 (in
Embroidery 25 or
‘'faking Hie aggregate of
To this add* the \ft a charges made fm* J In* u<e o in
stritmenls. Matioiirry, .M*.. and the amount will not fall
far short *f x2UO, wu’ icas. in tin* plan adopti*d in t|ii,-
Academy, tin* charge for tie >• is • 5 i<*a> ing a dilVei cne.-
(>f to $75 in its favor.
Pens. ink. paper, >iaic>v pencils. Ac., gratis. Book.”
sheetmusic. Draw ing. Painting and Embroidering mate
rials furnished at I In* usual rat’ s.
Persons desiring furl her information, or wishing to en
ter their daughters *r wards. may address no. I'*c tJie
present, nt Miimpi)jo. plewai i Count(ia.
Jan 2.4. M IF. BRANHAM.
{Jassvillo, Georgia.
‘l’ll !•; Ill's’ ct’ Mu , 1 n-I i( 111 i.-n Mill I. ‘.rill mi Him
J til'd Jluniliiy I'ehi nary. Is.Vi, 11 Mill r i hi’ illrii ili'ii
of t III* I’nllnM i||‘:
Ji’lM’ 111 l }'.
I’.i v. TimiiN'i II \MPi i.T,
riiiiii'ni in iPel IVnl- -iii'iif Am i• ni .linnyuav'
l’.i'V. WaiJAM li. Jl'ilif. l I'i ■■if’ i''"l’ M.-M 1 1 “lmU ii
ji"v. ii. w. N.
I‘rnfi , su’ .r UmH”- l,"Hi'i -iii"! I’u ■: 11-1: I .if *'i-,iur--
j;..v \V. ir I’nri'iM'.
. I'i ii t**m* Pi’ f"'"!’ I 1 Natural i'-iii ■
It. *V. |'i” li up I*r"-i'i i “I
Mni'iil plnl” ‘.’l'li.’ ; 'i"l I lit’ 11* ■<■: iin I .'•lii'iii <
Htlii-r rml'ii-iTs will l” i'i*'i*i I ■ ii>n iii lie v. ii hi ■ - ’!’
tin 1 ‘*lll uu' ’ ri*i|iiii'*‘ ”
lim,l'il mill I • i:i M U I'll 11. I ’ |||'|"'llll li 111 II l".jll'.|ill” lull I
nr ill firlvnli’ I'lllM:|T.--I. 11l I • 111 “iul.f t ton ‘l"lbr- - p"M
Till I uni.
In A’ iiilcuiio ili'|iminii:iil, pi'i'in •*’> “”
In I'nll"”” *l"| nll f nil'll t. ]•<!■ > -nr ::l
Solmln rslil|i.i.
Tlio Itonnl nl Tni'li"’- iiro nmv nHerins l” n"ll wliolur
nlii|w l'il’ lullr .vnrii nt ‘ l"' ll1 ’
Scln'liiHcllil'.'i It t i\l’ in ■hi nl -I” 111
Thill? nmliin:-’ tniliiiil nu n ly ii"iuinnl
Tlio niitnuil onninn nooin■ *nl will liTi'* phne nn Tlnii'i--
d:i v nflcr Him Pint Saturday in .Inly.
I■; ,-, ;|||. ;-.1 il ’ .11111 \l‘l ;1 * ‘ lit: ‘Hi lltlilflip
is slump and Hirfn ‘|itarpri< nfii ntlli- frnin tin* vtllii"T-. crr-l
is n i'niiiui'"lions Inlildiny. H'l'o yinnir inon Mill lim
oniiiniiralively I” ‘’ I'i H"’ iilliinunontH <>l'f.i.slii.ii::ilil •
life. I 111. liani till infill* IM M“f r I ‘M. Hinj.s. aml tin* exp.,
ii i'i ■s’ nfii mixed p'Mniktlon.
Any inthriiiiitinn. i- tvi II m f “li‘l"M.H"'. inn hi- obtained
mi niiillii atinll tn the llinl’ i
John ii kici:.
11l ■.nilfi:i’ fit. SMMi'Mlurv Ifcwud “f Trn imi.
li \KK < II \ Vt Id I’ tHI S.UAIiIj CAPIT \ I*.
Ii i| |- K|i till- milm a -|'!'liilm'l ‘• t “I’l ill it* 1 1 T,i. il~ ini') ‘Jn
ihi iim . wit 1 1 its li nr a- I"I Pull Minis ns 11 11 •r<*is in ill
•state, vary Intv tV'i'emli >*l miles mid in nritv. |>”
iilihi lit Januiii'y next. Ten per Mont, nil ]”r t. h. \
lini'e.iiii ran In. bad by early upplicutinii.
al.-'i. a flr-t rate set nfWonl ('aril-, with all iipjn i tnl ll
ilr* tniieliin “MV. a fc ynnil a. ii"W. Pall hixiii nr you Into a
bar sain. J* **■ I’Olf I>-
Keliruai v ii. ‘M Itrnad Street.
It \ I “|'i IK V 1 Alt N>’ *t all Nun,, iisnalnir Sliirlin
yllt'i'ti 11 e . .s.ll jp.'S. I''lt lunatli'H Hi',. eiillstllllll.t nil lltllld
uni t'nr “ tie at Kim tnl vpi i'. lit
Oct 20—tt J- J-
East Alabama Female College,
IVsk kcf.k, Macon Uopnty, Amiiama.
j ot’ATKD in Ttiskegci*. a village f'ar-faUied fur its
I i healthful climate and retimsl society, the college is
easy 4if access from cast and west by tin* .Montgomery
and West Point Rail Rom! which passes a! the disttmee
o flour miles, and from the upper and lower country by
excellent roads.
Tin* public may feel assured that (he high standard of
education here adopted w ill never he lowered. It is our
and terminal ion to present at all times an institution whose
taeililies for instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
. tion among Hu* fust in tin* country. These juv. an elr
- int ami comniodious edifice, ei*i*cted at a cost of some
lorpv thousand dollars—a large amiable emps of in strut**
n.r> a well selected library J a good apparatus and a ca
binet. prepared with speeinl r('lcn*nce to tin* wants of the
Tin* hoaiilet- enjoy peculiar advantages. Tlicy have
the privih g* ofuu nil ersbip in a litiTnry society*, meet
ing weekly for rehearsals, reading and exercises in eoiU-
I ‘ifion. One hour on Sabbath aflenmotls is spent, by
tlu*tn in • iving an analysis of'the morning.sermon, and
in other \en i-es cl*-.!gnrd % cultivate a taste for icli
.i"ii> Uitlh. They al.-x* at lend montiily bvtas londmfed
by tie* governess and other members of tin* faculty.
‘I licit* dormitoiT s are all carpeted, well warnn*d and ven
-1 ilated. ami furnished v. it li every neeilful eomloi t. lie
ides hoarding at tb same table with the President nfnl
others if'the Family, t l.*y an* urnlt r tlio eons taut super*
\ ision of tin* governos v\ ho directs them in all matters
j pertaining to their habits of study and recreation', and to
[ Hn* cultivation of J heir manners.
Lit <ra ry Dcjinn limit.
11 1 . \it v Rw'on. A. ‘!.. President.
Mental and Moral Science.
< I ik'Uoi; AN. Thom ns. A. M..
Higher Mathemalies and Am nut Lunguagcs,
•M Kc/.iczkowski. Fri*ueli. Italian ami Hi nuaii
Miss I xv*\ Wtt.i.i\ais. Logie. Rhetoric and lli doi v.
Mrs. \. f. T vvt.Oi:. IdigHsh .BfancVies.
‘di- - ‘I 1 Wou\ck. Prepttnitory (Mii.-ses,
If ii vie a 1 KYcpn i*t m< ut.
Dr. S. ‘!. RAini.KVT. Principal.
Ht snvi > iln -ii.n:.)
Air-. \. T. Tavlui:. \-sistants.
. Miss. Lyiun Root. )
Or Ha mental Depart mint.
Miss M. H. R*;in. JTiticipal.
M:s> Assistant.
Bon ia!ing B>cpn rt incut.
Miss L. 11. Bi ll), (Jou*: in's'.
Mr. Sampson’ !,wii;i:. Steward.
Mrs. Emu.y i\. Lt\ St'*wardess.
‘!rs. l.reiMv P\; io.\. Assistant ami Nurse.
First Term, from S- pt. Tdd to Dec. 2Ld'. inclusiva .
Winter Aaeation. from Dec. 24th to. lan. Till, inclusive.
Secoml Term, from Jan. Sth to April Mb. im lusive.
Third Term. tVohv April DfhTo July Dili, inclusive,
summer \ acation, front July lot hto S* pt. 22*L im-.hisive.
I i’omnieneeiiient of !SSP.-mi NVedm-day. July ‘.Mb.
\ coessa ry Ev pc rises.
Primary (’lu>.-e<.'. jx i D*rm - 7 ut*
D A (’ do Mi 00
: . AAR I .‘Fort
( do Iti ('
Botiril. im ludiitg lights and jr. term, .‘iii oo
Boldest stafioiie! v. materials; Vc.. fnrnislu*il at p*w pvi : *k.
Ev( ni F.xpi iis< s.
Model'll Laugiiug-pi r leriu > , oo
Draw ing. Hill broidery. < ‘lieiiilh*. NN a\ or Fa ney
NN ork. per p rin 0 no
M at* r (’o|o:-. p.*i tm ut. Iji Uo
‘)i! Painting. p*i t* nit I ‘.'Oo
l‘i;un*. Huiiar, or A io|*n. per toi in t'* (Hi
l >•* 4f 111-11 ii incli t - lot 1 "--o 11 *. and pra* tic .
per t**i m 2‘mO
Harp, iml ml ing list* of inst ruuo'iit. per term... 2* no
I hose w ho dc.'ign entering lor tb** Jirsi time at the be
ginning of tin* next term, will find it t<* tlrv'if .*n!\;uilage
to correspond with tin* President on I lint subject.
November 21. i8.5.5. II
Tuskegee, Macon County, Alabama.
I’acdl t y .
JU‘Y. A. A. UI’SOOMii, i. D.. Prosiile'fit.
Wry. MA W K S. A MM! FAYS. A. M.. Professor
df Auoiont l.:mguaji-(‘s and Mathoniiilios.
Kov. (iFOKtJi: V. riilCK. A. M.. Professor ,and
Fn<*;lisli Literattire.
F. li. FPNCK. Professor of Music.
Mi s. A DFlili \ .*. PASS. Assistant Tc.h'lht of
Mrs. ( IIA IMiOTTK M. M. !!I]FI). Princi|ml of
the Primary Department.
Itn.MtDIXC Idd'Aß I'.MM.N I .
Mrs 0( TA V A I A. S. iIAfLFY.
I);i\ i < 1 t ‘loptnn. Ksip, President.
K. P. l/igoii. See y. ID v. 1). Perry.
,1. TANARUS). lb rter, Treasurer. P. li. Powofl.
J. \V. IVillis. K(| Avnobi Seals.
.1. FL Ililbia*. I>. K. Anthony.
S. Pent. Job Thompson.
Ilmt. I-. Alexan.der. sh. I. 11. Howard.
I*. I'. Howard.
Tit I STM Ms (N Till. I'AIPt: Os 111 I. ‘n MI!ItK M’ K
ai. r. eiiPurn. ai.a ba >fa.
llev. M. S. Andrew-. ID*v. .1. A. Heard.
S. A vnistroßg. •* (). 11. Pd no.
T. J. Koo’or.
i:\ OFF IF JO.
ilev. K. llamill. itev. T. \Y. llorman, I). I).
•• \Y. 15. Neal. “ M . H. Kllerson, H. H.
t'OLLM-HF. I. mi dm. A and commodi
ous InnVHnjf, jdanned hy tin* lies! architectu
ral talent, and erected in the most siiLstantial
manner, is now nearly ready lor the reception
of punilf. I’eeliuy the great importance of
space and comfort for the educational and do
toe-tic iut ere n > <■!’ the Institution, the Trus
tee- have spared neither pains nor expense to
meet the demands of utility and beauty in the
constl ipdion of tin* edefice.
Kiu fation u. KAcibiTtMs.- -A new mid val
uable Apparatus has been jnirchased for the
tNdlege. (al net- of Minerals,. Fossßs and
Furiosities have also )>ee:i jirovidcd. Stated
of H< •tnres on Science, Art and lite
rature will he delivered.
Mpmmnc, The tii t ienn will omnieime or
the r-ccnml Motuhiy in I e‘ riiury, JSAD.
Tl i ms. f>imnU imJu*ling w.isliing, lud ami
light-, will lit* 1 iti m iislic 1 al SH‘2 AO per month.
Tuition lee will heat the orilinarv rates,
H?■;d vu h riu* pre-rut circular is nmrch’
Hosigimil le give notice *>f 11n* ap|uuticliing
opeuiDg “f ihi* t’nlh'gi*, and to afionl a g'em-r
----nl ‘Mitlim* ol ii pltuis ami object . The pub
lic may rest .l -sm eii U .ii the TnisDa . in co
epor.ilion with the I’aeulty. w ill it-” nil proper
.•iml po.-. iliU* im am t* reniirr tjic Institiition
worthy ol a e* I'liai ami g r eiie,r*>ui,supjmrt.--
Vln* l emainiiijy oliicce ol the i’aculty will be*
elccfeti as soon a. ciiviim t.mces allow, and it
i conf'plcntlv expeete*! that in a abort tinm tin*
< ‘ollege will In I’ Hv oi ganize*! in all the He
puiTnieiit - ‘>f • .bnrono)i atpl cHicirnt clueida-
I ion.
\c l jiow leHgiuf’ with Riatitmle tip a rued uml
liberal empathy which this onlcrprjse Ji* : so
:*'i*neraHy recciveil, ami thauKl'tii to H nt kind
Dioviiiemu* which ha- comlnetcH it to it pres
inl dairc of promisin'', n ‘diilm . the ‘J’ru.s
i**i have now the happim- to announce tlu;
near iullillmcnt ol thrir cherished wisbus.
Tim he ation of tin 1 < ‘ollege i. as licalthy aiul
agreeable a- could In* desired. It. ibpedectly
a(*eessihie. and yet iiliicieutly retired loi* the
purpo <‘S of a moral, intellectual and womanly
**ulture. M e\pen a* v will he mode aa mode*
rato as practicable, and a faithful, parental
* u* ii,unship will le* excrcis(*l overall who
limy be committed to the charge of the Insti
tm ion
TOll \< TO.
t"'.‘ -f J ;i"('*>. v.-irioie brand-, receded soul ter
• > sub* by JAMES LHiON
Bill “1 velievv Jri b l , rec.-ived unit for alt
HAST SHIM UIC.OAU ST., KOS. 3* 4fc 36.
j THU al'ove cßtublishment has lc-oijaiu-iO ;
|— its,'nlt> ami AVare-Hoom with a tui 1 ii?<*cl- teg
umiit. cunijirisiug thufollowing arth-lt-s mop
.JSSBHi I'iTcnt mamitiictnro and of thu very la-si
ifetl'.t ciak, us various piitteniH, varying in jni,#
IV"III >1 tu s'lu.
cinnis.- -Coiiagi.. lloaton. Hocking, Office IVi-irim*,
Nur-a'a, ('hiUhvn's. and Dining.
!i a Iln Ki rs. r.inimon J’inc, t *i-,l.ij- and Jimlpel—
I-1 ‘i -I iid iron humid, of various eixua.
ihii; n s ( uminini Dine, Oudar and Juniper Ina-saud
iron hound, of vnrion* h|7,i,.
1.0.id0 tiiaiii olliot* artirloa 1,,r
inestii* |illi*| Klses.
All (irilurs 1,-It .it Hie H ar,-i-,,.|,i or directed In B. tt.
.lellei-iani A t'n.. Irmii n inn try lucrelinntrt and ~th. m. will
1”- |irnni|>U,v irtlouded to.
Till- l-'aetiirv Is -ilindeil in a >e, ii,,n whii ii artuidsaj-.
ahniidflitt sii|.|ily “I Oak. Iliekurv. Walnut tlnra.
Pine. Ash. Jkijihn. Fluiu, At ,
im tMvnn <i. ,n:rn cson. .iami Hamilton.
Hohonbiis. (hi.. 0i1.1555. ri(rik
TU.!*: 14111X321.
‘•lent rc'luction in tlie |>i l** | tin* Intlei |>uh* atiofl.
L. isewtt A* MVi.. .\-w York. I'ontinuc t> lh Li
low ing leading Briti-h P>ri(m|•*ls. \iy
Till: LONDON (*t ARTF.KLY (•('eauevvrtOvt'^
ill;: NOUTII Bunisll REVIEW (Fur I'lnudw
Till: WFFTMi NsTFi; REVIEW iLib. iah
f |Mli; great ami ilit|orLillt events Religious. t'ldlU.aJ.
I ami Military ih*ns agitaling theuhOoiih *l the Old
UoibßgiM n> the. * PuhlUniioiiH an intcrcrtl imU valus
tb. y never !>c|i*re piiHbi-ritsetl. They on upy u imdll.
ground heiwet'n the It.iDtily written news items eruth
|M* illations, and flying i uiiioi'k of the uev\B|iape(, hu>l
tin* ponderous Toiin* of Hi* hfatorlnn. written lon y. alt
tlu* living inti rest in the lin ts In- record* *Jihll hav.;
passed away. Ihe progi* •.-ul the War in Hie List o<. n
l'i s a large space in iln ir pie es. Every movement i-*
efiiMyly erifiei."d. wln-thoi el friend or ol p.e. and aii
hors-i oniings h*ai b*-.l\ pointed out. The Uiteid hem
Hu* ( riiueuuud Iroui tin* Baltic in Black wood’s Mujiiuine
two of ita inu.-t pupular conhihntors. give a moix
inlolljgililu mni reliable account of Hie mov'-nn-ntr <>t ti:>,
i a* heUigen'iit Huit-can el.-ewlieru In* found
In*'* Pei ioili. nls ably represent tin* three great pojiii
’ .1 parties of Ureal Britain Whig. Tory, and Karin ai -
luit poliiit form • only mil* feature of their ehunn tej
\s Organ’ o| the meet profound writers on . Vjeme Lit.
i afUre, .Morality . and Religion, they stain!, as they ev.i
liave stood, unrivalled in tin* world of letters, being *ri,
i*Urcd indispensable loth** scholar and the profesaioji&l
man while to the intelligent reader of evejy . lass
hiimish a more i-orm-t and satisfactoi y rei*>id of the < r.>
n*ii lileraime l lln* day. ihronghonl the work! thu.
i an be pus -iI *1 \ obtained from wiy other source
Lnrly <Op&es.
flu* rercipi ..| .ti/. i/mv Shrrts troiu tin Ihitirh purdAli
■ ‘ in additional value lo Hiesi* e
dumi lie* pi” “iii “.veil ing stale ot Eiiropouu artuliFij.
a min li Us they i an now In* placed in the hands ot siil
’ I'ihcr.n about n- ooii as the original Hifitioni*.
iVi aim.
for any one of the-lour r-v iews no
For aii v IWO of III! full M"\ ic\j - 1
for any three of the loin IfevieWs V ni
I oi* ail loljl* *l Hie Reviews ft on
I"i llla< kvvood Maga/uie ,i on
Icr Blackvvtol and three Reviews t o
I"i Rl.u lvWood and the tour Review? AO l*u
Payment.*, to l.c made in all iiw- in ndvnioe .\ioiu,v
’ urvi'id in 110 Ftfde where L*ii(*(l will he |,reived at pat
A *li idiini *d I wi-iity• ii ve per i enl. it oju the above pi n
*< - wil! be allowed Pi (’lub> ordering direct fioin L Shot
A. Ho . lour •i more coph > oi any one or more oftiie abc/v .
” “i'!'”- J’li lie .* l our copicH oi lilaek wood, or of one lie
\h*w. will De .ni i 1 * one addi".*? tour copies of the
buir Review > and Blackwood foi*s'-.'o: and s.ooa
In all Hie priie • | -o I iii* - ami tow 11*4, these walk* will
lo; delivered, tree oi’ f... i;, : .e. When ?eut hy tnail. the
jo la; i*. lo any py i ol the I ailed State*, will be but
;i \ear |..r 1 - Black wood.“ amt bill ini uttzl
.///>• a year lor earli of tlie |{e> j:iv s.
’t 1 IfK FUEirEK’H (H IDE
To i iititie amt Pvnctteiil AjairlcnUiire.
By 11 ••11,1 y Stephen* i . R. S. of Edinburgh, and theitue
J. Norion. ITofer-or of Scientifie Agrii nltun*
‘*>(•” College. New Hunk n. 2 vv>|s. Rovsi Octavo. —
D on page.-,, and mini* unis Wood and Steci
This i 4<>n|( - dly . Ho* mo 1 complete work 0/1 Ae.n
--- uhiueiM r publish* *l. ami in order to {five it a wide:
< iivnlation Hi” oiildi.-bi in have resolved lo reduce th*
Fb 1 Dollars for (lie T#* YoliunesH
Uii**n “ni by mail 1 po.l-(ail> In C'alifotnliand Orcgoii
ill” Jili.o will he , ioanv other part of tin; Union aild
lo ('amnia (post-p.iidi. <♦;. iiV I hi? vfoi jf is ro.T Ihcoid
“Book nl 1 lie Fat in.”
Remittance lor any of the above puUßations siioui'J
aluay. be ;oldr**->< <l. po.-J paid, to tie* l uhlidiers
No. 54 Uol*i HtrecE New Y'oik
{NO. -JOS.
sot ‘l’ 11 Fill \ niLITAIIV \C ’ADRMY,’
G. I l ’. HILL, Esq., Principal and Proprietor,
Ma.i. .V \\ . ARMSTRONG. Hindu alt* of (Jvc 1
Sum* ‘liliiiiry A**:oliuiv, South UaroJiua. \ A-ri-fhitic.
Di:. PI TN AM .v f<ii. J. S. BARKER. A. B.J
f I I IIE 15.mi1l S< lediirttic Year of ilii? Academy t;
I jii"u< ci| ..u Moiolav. Janmiry 15th 15.5.5. andwiD con
tilOU* 111 Si - Jell ilui llp; folt\ We*diS.
‘s Ihi Aeiidemy received very liberal n---i’ljnur fi.jn
Die * s Dt(e *( i in* In.-ii se.shion of the iMere will
1” ii* • hiirgc for lii it ion. On *iitoiing tin* fiirtlJinp.m.
sin luitlmion |e* of ivventy <b>ll.*irs will be i*< <julieil oi each
( ltd. I. **X-Upt Hu ll sis ootite under Ihe Ho* fellow |,nj
vi ieii. \ i/.:
Each comity in I he State of Alabama iv entitled ffr od
om* Hiidet free of * hsu ge. Such Cml tlo bo fe'fdecttd b\
tin* .liiilg** <d Prubiife and (sunty (s>uimi/*uiionei'a r fioin
mk'li iiieii si- jire. talented. dwervitvj amt of geori rnoiyl
i'! iiirn* ■• •* i'. Orjdisin.- lion Id receive the preference
."ladling. Ih-.uJi u , Writ ing. Ai ithnieti- Ul itminar,
(ieogcsiphy soul llisnn y.
•\lgebrsi. fieonn-rry : IMain D. . tipfi\and Analyri. J
‘l'i igomunetrv. ( sib nine, Hi;i*l*.vv amt Perspective, Nhu -
i.d idol .Moral Pliib •-* phy . ( Ik inisl ry. ('on
i-81 it ut ioiiiil Lsivv. Ancient l.soigmi^eH: Fiemii. CSvfl iui
Military Engineering. Surv**y in*.*. Me. Imni * and. Av
Tat li< will be t-siiig’bt Ml .* 11 ** 1 1 lilm a- iml f,, iiitHi X'tli*
v\ il li l he regular .-I ndi**?.
The discipline w ill lie iMifbrced, ‘ *
Di * - ‘ *al *>t (• r.*y ('adel Clot li. slandtug c*dltu tl jiniued
with convex nießiMi** hulfoiiH ami Hixfeenth Inch blaii:
cltdh. so “i.iiluig i<> Hu* UMpsil hty te : Parity ol Ujey Cloth,
willi Licit *lv -irijicoii the outer fleam one and an eighth
i'u lies in width -lo b* worn till the Undid Muj
While I'siiits from I I May till Septenda i.
‘Ill” linil Hill l- led I” l.i VV ol‘ll except nil grtlrlfti pH
r ides, smd oicli p • ;.I ****cjn<i*.ii- io> the Mililios Xnetmetor
may *liieci.
‘Mr** Aeademy Building are large and Well arr&n&fd.
ami l.lo* location i- ••mim-idi.y hoaltiiv.
B*sird rim I*** pro. un*d from ejghi I*, ton dolbu r, a month
Tin* prliieipHl will ho direct the education <f hi# pfipilf
sis. it po* ilde, lo make tliem prso ti* al and useful men
Tin* * U’ l iem *• ami <|iialifu :itioiis of Hie
w ill “nf ii I.* ih i- In Dint ion. in si high decree, to publi*
coidi'b ro*. . I- A. /AUHARY,
il.v-’i lui Secretary of thn Board of YWtOTf
I) A< *(* v i ! llsim .S* “and Dili. -1 and Coin. By
i > II l ! H VIES .v DA MEL
Jan 1 • H
NEW Crop a > good as the best, vvarianted Lolh-
on lisilnt .fml to arrive, sit
December II 2l> Broad StrenT
To Pliy sh luiis huil ( H i/•<* n* of Georgia,
4 n Kl\ PRIM 1 PM. lor the t real un*u tot all febrilt
j \ ifb'i lime- lisim been dirtcoveti dby a talruted Phy
’ i; iii of .m*w tmlv. 1 lii.s diMuviy involves ■ new pl’inu-
1 1” bv v * lii* 1 1 Ho* 100 positive condition of the Hyateni <tj
I *! f ever. i.s changeil to die normal or healthv state ch
n “I l.v and without lo*s ol vitality.
This valuable vpiu**dy is called Negative KDcDicFluid i-- prepar* dby N W. Sent. M. D . New York It a
i xienwively u.*ed in tin* hospital in France, and ha* been
extensively used in the practice of it number of the mox \
talented member- *d the medical fiatmuity. Ti< wiDn
-1 ion of Phy. i* ian. i- most reepes tfiilly *. Belted to tint
\ irt non of this rnedicinoin fho treatment of Keveii l>
it and you will u**vu unit its mm. ft in far t.>
Norvv.jodV Tim turc. for reducing the pub* Till* *n§ei
lioii will bo proven by one single trial.
\ l ull description of the treatment *>t paver* iiy the
“f Dr. N.W. Seat - Negative* Electric Fluid, fiom thepe,.
ol f lo* di * ovm **r. will la* published in th colmnn* ©fth
Sun. in lb” Couise oftlie present w* *k.
The \ gsitive FJoefHc Fluid is for Hal* at the Diu *
Stores *d Dan tor tli .V Nagel, and Brooks A ( in
Col uni Ims. FeLnisvr) 4
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