The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, April 10, 1856, Image 1

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    hp pally gu.
I ,I, Hi Five Dollar- *. year. “ hcve t lie sub
l|isli<<l ‘^ ( | c jor lews 1 lmu hi the rate of
fcf ,h,, i'‘! ( \,i„uth. ffingle copie*, five C"ius.
I ...(< will Ini inserted at bive lli-lUs H Uut-
I’’' r . iLn n l Three Ccuts n line for t'HCli;uit>,s<”
■r-i l” ‘iiin yf the same —to l*o J>M for wKAn tlie
|- hH'iUod into the office.
I’' 1 ""'’ i uvi'imi't u>v:tmidu-.
F ‘lliun a lilies. not renewable, will hr
I■’ ‘nvuiitlin li.r six;., urono
l r: ’ I Time agreed upon to be panl tor before the
l*? .• Struttn type.
■ ments not exceeding ten linns, umtnvahle at
’ ?- n year—to be paid for quarterly
■ivaucr- i(s lino.-, renewable at pleasure, in
'i„ velir _payable quarterly in advance.
Vvilv’ertiaeinents exceeding J” lines, will be
’ tlie rate of sid for for every additional ten
ffi 1 Ihle quarterly in advance.
■"'T, meals or notices, oeeupyiug a place between
1 r >matter and advertisenients. will be . barged
Kei't” a line tor every insertion.
■ wi) OPriCE AND A(lK\n,
H , i k OF REAL ESTA T bJ,
H .l O NV E V ANCER, &c. Ac,
M p n Haudolph Street,
‘■ Hn , T U,.; POST OFFICE, t'Ol.t'MllUjt, GA.
B” i pl ,.iniilicd In devote my time exclusively to
HP'S IN KSS. nml hope, from my Uimwlcdg*
j„ Georgia. t lie able to give . mire satisfac
''i„|l„iiiav elltnist mevvitli l.'i-im! am pie
cT,,i,-11. perhaps I” better udyuiitugx
l person in “r-t- iii - r .-..iitli-western
lauds to sell, cull iq ill and. not por
Jin.l vou a purchaser. li you wish to buy,
]i( | h .,v,. many valuable Ini- mil s.-tll •im-ul*
Pruin my extensive I .-uv lodge of I lie
. y| am prepared t.> asivnmu tin- owner of
,nc,mr lot of land in lli” - in.'. If you wish
land valued, you may r-lv up m ••'•rn-t in
liLttiam -ids. drawn er.rr.vily anil at b.vv rate_
i'y,.’, united m sell ltonnvr's large ;u ,
pee rent, given.
mr (.AM) WAR KAY* .llowinu
.^maiission .
... f( i s , au at runp' lilt*u t with •* a c *l the ?>••*!
I am prepared to apply for
|H, ... mr. will charge but Five Dollars fur mb ap
[„ w paid fur vvln-li tin vvariem arrives.
your claims soon.
H^KI to make this a permanent i.-im --. and
■■ ~, mulivided attention, with n dotoi iuiii.itimi to
li.iii. I hope in receive a liberal shar. of paj
„ an friends and tin- enmmunttv gen.-ndlv
HP ,S. 11. BONNKI>,
;.. band Office. Columbus.
First .Session, fop IS.'di. will e-.ituiien.'t*
H a.ii.iat the Jlst of .lamiaiw, dial close
:-l of Jillv.
■ .1. F. liLKDsm-;, Tpiiicipul.
\l. K. HinviiKiss. Assist ait i f,it. Dept.
Nor.uan, Professor of Music.
Kates of Tult ion Her Vniunu.
class.. SDi (Ml
class “Jo 00
in re"ul:tr course* ■'<- Otl
Hnm-r years each -I*l 00
flu Language JO MO
tin- Piano, including use ofln-
Harp, including use ;; ln-
(Ti MM
i.n iho Guitar IM 00
Expenses, 1 MO
and Greek E.-mguagen will l.u*
■in. as a part of tin* regular course, D* all
desire them.
will he given in Drawing, Paiti
■ limbroidery, Wax and Paper Heavers at
music vfill lie iaught to the whole
BV"J free of charge.
ladies ittin he aeconiluuditttid with
in tlie family of the Principal, or in
families, at ten dollars per month,
thing furnished except light:..* ami tow-
lillll ;|;lj,irili;Ui.s living Ml it ilUt.'lllCv*,
® j^lnested to ippoiiit an ujMvtr i:. Ijm, I'tiv
iii'D ;-jj,i!l make all jitircluixp* of oWli'mir.
■'? their (laughters or want-.
V ll J. 1!. Norman is mi evpi-ri.iin-td and
teacher of inusio. and is prcpnivd tu
instruction in the nvt of ('osijxiKition. mul
Bass, to advanced pupils.
Institution is supplied with a fI-irp. and
■ now Pianos.
S’- Hotchkiss; who has not, llelcl. dore.
oiMiiected with the Institution, comes to
recnmiiieiiiled. as a tend er of rare
Among other testimoninls the
letter from Prof. N't'wr.inn. of I'nion
Non York, is an ample -nacaatee for
anil efficiency:
I Union CoLLKnv., Jiao. lilt, 1 S-VV
fini: —ln reply to your inquiry, I
Miss Hotchkiss, 1 know lobe emi
'l'talifiert for teaehnig. Her Kcolarshiji
anil very thorough. She is entev
uml nmliitious—loves to iea.dn ami mi
is the best qualified for it, of any
1 ever instructed. I speak (bus c.onti
because she was a. pupil of mine some
B “<■ live years. Truly yours,
W “ ‘hcgeneral priuci])le that nothing tends
1 1 impair and destroy the intellect, than
habits of study, no young lady, in
BB 1 ’ beyond tlie grasp of her mind, m to a.d-
H r tV'ini a lower to a higher class until she
‘"'roughly mastered all that precedes.—
J ? !llm 'l that lias not comprehended common
and English Grammar, is but poor
B'lalified to grapple with the intricacies of
■■" Slier mathematics, or the subtleties of
:i Ph>Hics.
, ‘. IIIVI 'c patronage, ami we intend to do
'*: hut we do not promise to linike schol-
BH “ i day. While modern science has al-
‘"'"ihilated time and space, the mind
■lif." iS f , |’ ‘ ts ol 'i"' ua l dualities and capabil-
IV: ‘he Intellect, in its onward progress,
■ ‘ ‘"‘pendent upon the principles of asso-
K, 1 Ihe powers of judgement and memory.
i l " V; 'ncetnei , t in knowledge now . as it has
|1 ’"<% is slow. junt.
I I 1 MVEKSITY of georoia.
HL At hums, December IK, 1855.
ira’ i ‘*l ’his Institution will recommence ou
I*' l i Vii,. •’ °*January next, and continue uutii the
■sm- a ’ when there will be a week’s vac itioo. after
lles W 'U be resumed until tin; winter vacation.
H ‘ t m 01 | ‘hr first Os November.
■ ‘ ti.„ r aMe antl experienced ufliciT* comprise
H Li’ (acuity—who are expected to be at their
discharge of theirdutlrf.
B 4l i „ I „r" r, 'h, l*. i>., President ami Professor of I’oliti-
M " n,n ’ Philosophy.
BB:. ottddel, a. M„ Professor of Aiieienl Languages
Issi , n, 1 * 1 ' 1 I'rantley, B. I)., Professor of Holies Lett res.
It nh^ and History.
|t “Conte, m. i>„ Professor of Natural Sciences and
B |. ;|i Dench.
I hi. ‘Broun, a. M., Professor oi Mmhiiniati. s,
■ ft .riK 9 ? dCiv, l Knfriueerinß.
I l *’ ,„S ‘enable, a. r„ Professor of Natural Philosu.
I lip “'"““try.
I I* niVi i! hh bumpkin, i,L. 0., Professor :>f Law.
I * Hi or, ii’ Terrell, Professor of Law.
Bil ■*” Henry Waddell, . m.. Tutor in Ancient l.sii-
I y.’PhclnuV* l ’ j’ Tutor in Mathematic,
l**4 -a tL. v , “dmission are recommended to be pees
| f ofthe term.
| ,J I’ - ‘biardiane may feel satisfied tbnt their
| li:.. -jitf can here obtain a thorough education.
i|jt |ailg Jsuii.
VOL. I.;
“e v” ii-iuiiveri tlv.-ir extensive Mtuek us Furniture t,. liu-ir
A'evv Four Story llrtek ISuiliUi,-.
Nearly opposite their Mid Stand,
\\r JIKItK they will In- liuppy In see Mieir IViends ,md
. ▼ f ,Customers and /jltow tlieni sinnetbiiig brflliuutmid
inviting in tin way of Furniture.
Mm ft iirc-honui* are unequalled in beauty, nml imr
I - uniitiirt? ve"/trn‘/tf. \\ • <ttV*r rare in pur*
cliiMcrs, turni.shill” houso.s tliroughout in a tastH’ul and
uniform .st.vloj by having si linuicli of our in Now
Nm!; city, wluuti tin* Senior piii’tiirr nu uni fact mvis. under
his own eye, urtides 1j suit Inc most fastidious. We
h jvo on hand furniture suitable for
Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining JLtoom, Kitchen
A'*., ot lU*se VWmhl, Mahogany. Walnut, Pine. ,ve.:
ti.s how us eau be found Ntutli Stmtli. An assort*
incut of
will also be oil band, that will not tail to ideas.,*.’ Pall
UUg hee. Our stock consists in |iai l of
Trtt Teles, Wliat Nols Ann
Chairs, and Sofas,
uniose-Wood. Brooatdh* and Mahogany, for IV, v ts.
Bureaus, Drossiug, Marble and Mitiiop,any ‘Tojis.
Shle-lSuavtls—Marble and Mabojany Tops,
Book Oases* of all kinds ami uttarhed.
Tables— Centro, Dining. Work a ml Extension.
Ih dst rads—High and low post. Frendi and i -ottage.
Knuiiiel Sets lor Hed Kooins. all eolors. Walnui: ami Ma
hogany Sets for lied Uoonis.
Olmirs—an extensive assortment of all woods.
Looking Glasses—all sizes, in frames and out.
Carpets—llru.ssels, Ingrain. Tapestry. vr.
Curtains —of llroealeib* and Damask, all eobn *.
Sluviles—Gilt Corniees and Cm tain bold. is.
•Uitimry 17. ISOti.
V. lv. AVER,
And Fin vviirilliig JUtrchanl,
No. l.’ll West Side Jiraul .Street, Columbus, tin.
I'ni'lii.ulur atleiilion given to the keeping, pui-dinse
iijkl sale of Atgi'ttru.
# jf-Admlnistrators” ami F.x ecu tors’ sales atteihleil to
on reasunabJuterms. Oct. ‘j:i. ly
.1. C. Bt'SK. .1. 11. DAVIS. w. 11. 1.-IM..
And Shipping Agent-.
‘ll 7 ILL purchase, hint soil cotton audotb.-r produce on
If connnission. and strictly attend to torwardiuv
.MdHlsand Ulliug orders from tin- eountry.
rUISe, Fatten ay;* nts Columbus, by whom liberal
advances will be* made on consignment*’ either to or
tli “oiigh us to our IViends in Liverpool or the North,
dan. Id ly
Lumpkin, btewart County, Geo.
f|l 1:110 above Hofei has been thoroughly reiiova- p s
I fed and re-furnished. The undersigned
thankful for past favors will take pleasure in ae- aHi |
■ oinmodating all those win* may favor him u itbJUJuJ-.
t heir patron a. jv. I'. LAMI'KIN.
Doc •> I'roprietor.
I HUE. M A KINK, HI VEIL nml LIKE It IS K S taken in
I responsible ••'Mnpanie*- bv
JOHN ‘ll NV Agent.
tltU *e No. over L. Hainan I v l’o.*s store.
Plioenix Insurance Company- Capital <joo.onn.
S. L. LOOMIS. President,.
tiOluinbuM. Ga.. Nov *J7, tl *
Mattress Manufacturers,
( oliinihns, Grorgbn
OHDEKS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Matin es.
jiromptly executed. The patronage of the citizens
of Columbus and vtcinity, is r**sueetfully solicited,
i Ictoher 29.1?57>. 1 y
.Sr.jam Sash and Blind Manufactory,
!>i;i,i;tiioi:i>f: stiikkt. rou Mitrs. ha.
‘■tins Mi.nuf irtory lias been is iu successful operatiuu
1 for over three years, a,ml is still continued. All wort
vjil lie done by e.\i>crieneed workmen, witlygood finality
if lumber, and the latest improved machinery.
Will be furnished anil boxed at tin- factory . at tin* follow
ing prices:
Sf lStl — Si N 111... 7 cl> Primed and 11 laze, 1..,]‘J’ , ,-|s.
10 X l-'... !’ •• “ ‘
lUxU-.llt- - - ... 25
ldx tu.,.11 •• •• ...-.’r
I'4 x “ *• “ -.bO
P.'x aa...l(j ••
I2> 24...18 “ •• - ...45
fli above Snail arc l : ' s ’ inch Ifiiek. and made plain.
11l all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twli cents pel
fatt; will be added. All Na-li vla/’ and with l'lvneli
lUnss, primed with the left Paint, and superior Putty.
Rollins: Blinds lei W indows, (it) cents per foot.
Measuring the length, A window live feet would f,>-t
Cl. without painting, eaicln-. or hinges.
} j , i ich thick, without moulding, si 50—-uionldiue one
side, sd 00—moulding botli sides, sd SU.
) inch thick, without, moulding, 2 75—moulding “ii”
side,3 i!s—moulding botli.sides, <1 75.
)i ; inch tliieli, 4 paimein moulding on one side. >:i sft
moulding both sides, st 00.
iy. inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, .vt o(V—
----moulding both sides, st oft.
In addition to the above. Itlilids painted and furuished
wllb. liinges and catches, it desired; also, Sash glazed
wit i Ciennaii or French plate, painted, stained, ctinme •
bid, embossed ami llolieuiian (Hass, of all shades and eo|.
ors, for side nud transom lights and olliee windows.
Plans and spwilications fur alt descriptions of Imindings
furnished to order, with estimates, if desired.
Contracts wade for const no tion and eruption of build
bigs, on reasonable terms.
All kinds of lumlicr planed, and tb>ring and ceiling
tongued and grooved.
Scroll and other descriptions of brackets, fur ornament.
i'.jg Cottages, (riven Houses. Ac., made to order.
The proprietors being practical mechanicsnud builders,
believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may
favor them with orders.
Sba All the h!k>vc work will be furnished lit short notice.
Saeii.kept, constantly on hand. All orders sent with
ll.i cash, or city acceptance, will meet witli prompt at
tention. Work to be sent by the Diver, Kail Hoad, or in
Wagons, will be at the risk ofthe purchaser, as tin- work
will lie consldecod delivered.
/’ii -Special entractsean be Hindu for large jobs.
‘l. lIAUKINfiKIi.
.lauuarv 24. Iv *1- L. AiORTON.
VI.OT in Uobb county, well marked on llieiirant
as Mineeal Tract.:One l.ot ’Jir.'lif acres in
rion county. Three fractions adjoining, eomtnnue-J.
ing about one mile above Ihiinliridgc in Decatur county,
a ad embracing tbu bank ot Flint lliv er t**r two miles, on
wjiiclt there ate some good
Hammock and Cotton Hands,
and the balance as well calculated for making Turpen
tin any in the Southern country
tlso a Lot with eomfortalde improvements at New
Pi rn Knot Springs, adjoining t <!. liedd. Ksip Titles in
di- ,utsNe Apply to I'b .(. lIAKDIN
January HI, Ho". Odum bus, Ha.
\l ’Ot’LD call the attention of Pliysklsns to the
y\ newlv discovered medieine.called
I )lt. N. \V. SEAT'S
negative electric fluid.
It li superior to Norwood's Tincture id Verstmn Vcradi,
lor nil pniJMJ “S that the latter has heretofore been used
lor. February 4. _ _
rIJST I. reived a tine supply of Fancy Candies and ('on
tJ tectlouery, at 42 llroad stivef. u
Pel,mm , I ELLA ill'’ IAH.
•i. u. HULL Ac co..
I) Aid 11 Nit. Hope, Twine Sue Ml. Coffee, Mm ‘ j
> lasses. Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Wines.
l!r indies,liiu, ltye, MmiougaUel i, lluurieiu.andlßßt,
scotch Whiskey, and Provisions and Groceries generally.
etthe old stand of John .1 MeKendree 10(1 Hr
I'lraet, Coiuuibus, fl:i.
Novein I ,er 21. 1855. ly
HDKs). ih'tice Biuon—hog round. Jn-i v. ••i""*
£*> sod fm sale .1 the .'..west thrures. I.y
Msp h 10. GINBJ * tV.
Kmvvi-i-ii tl nml -'Mgli-tUoipß” lluti-l s. and *li
re'tJy Temperance Hull.
COEUMIIUS. 11 ]-;oil( 11 A.
\\rl* have now iii store and receiving the
M 1 est and most extensive stock of vehi* jggSrscEi
les to bo tonn*l in this country, comprising
•*t finest and richvst fiuitfli, and n**sl elegant appearance.
•and latest styles and uverv variety.
of every known pattern and shape, suitable tor ouc *>r
two Imuses. amt complet** assortment nf Top and Vo-Top
BUGGIES and wagons,
of the latest and most fashionable style* now used. Tim
fact that tlie well known and highly esteemed work of
•IAMBS M. l|l INIH .t Cos. as well as that of other
makers ot tho highest repulatioii. can !• found only
ul mil* lioiiM', and that all one slock is math* up un
der the ]>crsonal direction of .Mr. lEG. McKee, (whose hum
experience guarantees its quality) enables u> t<* oiler
leller work ami at lower, than arti
cles i>! the same <|iinlity he sdd for Ly any tli*‘i* dea
ler in this country: ami ipiite as low a-> flies run !*• al
t**r*led in New York city. For pro**fi;f which we .•••spect
tully invite all win* wish to purclmse. t call ami -**r us.
Ue are selling at the vers loss'.est rates. f*r or up
prftvftl credit, and always usk our s llium
prices, so our customers and Mrnugcrs as well,
may rely on being honestly and fairly dealt with. Eve
ry article is warranted to lie strictly ns
represented, and satisfaction guaranteed to all.
N. I*.— Having Hie bust, regular set of Curriiijge
workmen to be found in this country, we are pre
pared, as herctolbrc. to *)o all kinds f repairi at
the lowest possible cates, with the utmost
promptness amt in th<- best manner. Mels. A IL
January *2B. ly
Fmmpkin, Ga.
fjl HE Trustees and till* institution take pleasure in am
1 lioiiJicing to tin- public that they have secured tin
following futility, to take charge *f‘lln* *t ftm
opening nf the next tei ni.
rtu n i :
Go!. Augustus Ablen. v. .m. Drenideiit—l , i**fess<u of En
glish Literature ami Ancient Languages.
lev. E. .\. Forster. .u.— *f Natural Science
and Matlu'iuati* >.
Miss Ann E. Alden, Instructress in Krem b and llota
n v al,*l Principal of IVepamtovy iH-jiartiiu-ut.
This institution i. locatcil in one of the most, beautiful
and hea.lthy villages of Georgia ; owned
by iln* Masonic Fraternity, ami under its supervision; it
L kept free from all sectarian bias—-at Hie same time, n
•l'jisite care i> taken to secure t< tin- pupils proper moral,
as well :*> n rout a I tfaining.
Tin* next session will open un Ho- secoml Momlav in
January next. The Classes will t hen b<* organized, ami
will progress as heret"ihr.
ISearding can be obtained in tin* best lauiilies of lie
place, when* the students w ill be surrounded hy lie snb -
giiMr*ls ami amenities of the families circle.
Tin* rates ofhiiiion ami hoard, are as low as tlio's- of
fered by any similar Institution in this part of tin* .Sate.
Tin* Collegia's fiirui'lied with anew amJ coinjd* t< set
of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus. Globes, ‘laps.
Gharls, ,Vc.: in line with everything necessary* for illwa
trati**n in the setverai departuK'iits <t VatuvMl ami Expo
riim utul Scieiiws-
The C*!b ge Huibliiig is >* at raii.geil Uiat tin Depart*
lueiita will be kept entirely separate.-each occupying its
respective rooms.
Arrangeiiieuls an- uw in prugres- t* secure for iln
Music Dejiartiuinit, a geutleiUaii of the highest grmb of
abilities ami moral el,ara**t r.
M’e invite the patrouage of a Hberal and *hscGriiiu:.
public, being ii.v-invd. from tin? character and reputation
oftho-e oiistitutiugthc Faculty, and the ample facilities
f**r ioMruction mw mdiially in jioSsessiou of the In-tiiii
tiun, that every plcdg*- we make ,-hall be redeciuetl, every
inducement we offer will prove to be a tart; and that our
Institution can challenge rowpnrNou with tire proudest
in the land.
I'ersons desiring fu.uhcr inlbruintion in regard ro tin
(Ndlege. will please addres> L. .'L. Cx. Lumpkin, or lb v.
T. \. Forster. Cuthbevt. Ga.. who will furnish tlicm w ith
Gin'ular.s. .Vc. Jan.'2btf
f pil E underhigued designs opening a. Private Academy
JL for Young Ladies in Eaton ton. Putnan county. Ga..
on Wednesday, January tub. l>.j*J.
lu the Literary Departnie.nt Ho* course of study will
be extensive and liberal.
The Latin, French. German and >panis|i Langutiges
will be taught if desired.
The Ornamental Department will include Music *n lb*
Piano. 1 farp. Organ ami Guitar.
Also. Drawivn:. Painting, ami Eiil.roidery in all its
A coiuplch apparatus will he furnished in order t*> at*
ford ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments wiJI be provided, so that each
pupil may have the mean* of daily practice in addition to
the regular lesson.
Tlie number of pupils will be limited tod**,
luitieii per annum. .vl2o tMj; liaif in ;**l>/imt. .*ml tie
balance at the eml •*f the year.
Attention Is called t* tin* follow ing advantages ; First,
tin pupil receives a much larger share of attention, than
•when tliepehool is large aud overgrowu.
Second, in addition to the regular course of study, sb<
can uinkesucli a selection from the languages, and tin
Ornamental time and choice may dictate,
without extra ebarg* .
Third, the low rali; *f tuition. **Hiipar**d wiih that of
other schools
‘Pljo usual charge for il • English branches. is..>'lo o*
Nf nsie 20 on
Latin (Extra ■ Jo on
French *• 20 on
Drawing nml Painting 2* on
Kuibroider> 2* o*i
Making the aggregate of .VISO 00.
To tlii> ad*l the.extua charge- nimb- I’or the us*’ e'n
sh nmcfits Matmio-ry, A*\. and the amount will not fail
far short *d >'JV)O. whereas, in the plan adopted in Ibis
Academy, the charge for He -e i> sl*2" leaving a differem •
o| SoO to Si 0 111 IU favor.
Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils. A<-.. gratis. Hook*,
sheet music. Drawing, Painting and Euibroiderilij?mate
ria Ih furnished at the usual rates.
Persons desiring further inforiuution.or w isliiug t< en
ter their daughters or wards, may address me. for tie
present, at Lumpkin. Stewart Gmintv,Ga.
.fan 2d. 4 I. IL DRAMIAM.
Cassvilie, Georgia:
f IMIL first Term *f this liistitiiti*ii will b**gjn *n the
X first Monday in February, INTIo. nml* r the lirecti**ii
of t be following
Fhc ii 11 y.
ltev. Thu.MAa lIAMUAI 1.
Gbairmaii and Pr •f**.-.-* r of Am lent Language-.
Hcv. William 11. Iloio ri. PrfeN<nr of Mathematics,
lb v. It. W. W ill Lin, X'.
Prolesor of Hell* *! L• 11 •*v- and English Literature,
lb v. \\. II ironutr,
Pr* t*t|u. Profess**r of Natural S*:lem *.
Tb * . It. l\. WIIILHKN. p*” bm. Professor of
Moral Pbi's"pliy and DiMlcetiial S i*‘iie* .
Other Professors will V elected ;i - -nt|| (t tile WO lit -of
tin* **o|)cge require it.
Hoard and lodging can \e pi <u* dat .* I*<*ar<ling house
or iii private families, at [r**m eight t t<*o ilollar- p*r
In Academic department, per year vjx on
1 n College departmeiik )cr year <M
The Hoard of Trustees ar’ m\v offering t** sell u liobir*
ships for four years at J *lbM <h
Scholarships for siNllen years, at 24n Oo
Thus making tuition pen ly imiuinal
The animal coinmriceuieni will take plae- **ii Tlmrs.
dav after th** first Sdnnlay in July.
L(m*h t ton.
Cass'ill” is a h/althy location. Our college huiidiug
is situated three qJart*i> of a mile from the village, and
is a commodious building. Here young men will be
comparatively fra* free the allurements of fuxbfruiltde
lit**, the baneful jpthicare nf grog ‘•hops, and the mr po
ured of a mixed ppulatiou.
Any in format etnas well a* cotnloum s. • an I*** obtained
on .application trtV orwiiv of the faeult’ .
, JOHN ||. RICE.
December :vl. j
1” OFFER for saly* spleinled set ot Tinners’ Tools and Ma
chines. with J lino si set of Patterns as there is in the
.State, ‘cry low fr cash or g*od notes am) M‘ciirity, ps>*
able Ist JauuarAiext. Ten per rent, off for cad*. \
bargain can be lad by early application.
Also, a lirst ifh* sot of Wool Gard>, with all appertain*
ittg iiittcbinervis good new. Pall soon or you lose a
bargain. / •>* •’ TODD
Fcbriiir’ •*./ 26 Broad Street.
I AAOTORY YARNS of all Nos.. Osnaburgs. Shirting
X Sheet in g./tripes. Cottminden Ae..conMtantly on hand
ntd for sale if Factory price**, by
Oct tt / J J TODD
East Alabama Female College,
Tr.sKKOKK, Macon Covntv, Ai.iiama.
IOCATEI) in ‘L’uskogee, a village far-buued for its
j healthful climate and rclined sixdety, the college is
••asy of aivess from east and west by the Montgomery
and Mi st Point Rail Road which passes at the distance
of four miles, and from tin* upper and lower country by
excellent roads.
The public may feel assured that the high standard of
education hero adopted will never be lowered. It is our
determination to present at all times an institution whose
faeilities for instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
tion among the first in the country. These are. au ele
gant and commodious edifice, erected at a cost of some
forty thousand dollars—a large and able corps of instruc
tors —a well selected library—; good apparatus and a ca
binet, prepared with special reference to tin* wants of the
The boarders enjoy pom liar advantages. They have
flic privilege of membership in a literary society, meet
ing weekly for rehearsals, reading and exercises in coin
position. One hour on Sabbath afternoons is spent by
j tlieni in,giving an analysis of the morning sermon, and
i in other exercises de.-igueil to cultivate a taste for reli
gious truth. They also attend monthly levees conducted
, by the governess and other members of the* faculty.
Their dormitories ore all carpeted, well warmed and ven
tilated, and furnished with every needful comfort. Re
sides hoarding at the same table with tin* President and
others of the Faculty, they are under tli eonstunt super
\ isiou of the governess who directs them in all matters
pertaining to their habits of study and roei-eatimi. ami to
; tin* eiiltivation of their manner.-.
or mi; it 8.
Literary Depart in cut.
Hi.xiiV A. Bacon. A. >l.. President.
Mental and Moral S'ienc**.
Gj.okoi; \\. Thomas. A. M..
Higher Mathematics mid Ancient Languages.
J. KRZECZEOWSIt!, French, Italiau and German.
Miss Imm I Agie. Rhetoric and lli-ton.
Mrs. N. T. Taylor. English Blanches.
Mi-- M E. Womack. Preparatory C!lar>'*--.
Musical Department.
Dr. M. Uaii’ii.ktt, principal,
Mr-. \. I'. ‘I’wLOK. ; Assi-tants.
Miss bvniA lioor. J
OniaiiM utal Depart mem.
Miss 1,, if. ituin, Principal.
Miss Assistant.
KoKriliug Departmeitt.
Mi-s L. 11. Rj;n. Governess.
Mr. ifAMr.sox La.mi:j;. tit*ward.
Mrs. Emily K. I.vnuk, titewarden-.
Mrs. Lccixua I'vrrox, \m>e.
V i-t Term, from 8* pt. *2Jd to Dec. 2Jd, iuclusivr.
! ‘> inter Vacation, tuu Dec.2ith t Jan. 7th, incliiriv*-.
8 eond Term, from Jan. Bth to April sf.h* inclusive.
Third Term, from April Utli f* July Uth. inclu.-ive.
9*uiuiu( i’ Vacation, from July iißh toß*pt. 22d. inclnsive,
r.*iiifiierii*i*iiieiil of lß*ji. ou W ednesday, July mli.
.\m ry KipeiHes.
Primal''y Gla*s*- }(•*'* form v 7 00
D .t (’ do 10 On
A V do L’ 00
f'ollegc do If. t*o
Board, including lights and washing jr. term. JO Oo
lbniks. statiom ry, materials, tC., furnished al |o” pi n es.
Kvtru Kjpenae*.
Mmlei u Languagi s, per term ,i 7 ••*.*
Dra wing, Etubroidery,(,'heuilh*, >Vax or Fancy
W**rk, per term ;> do
W . t* r t'sdors. |K*r Verm lu Oo
Hi! I'aiutiug, pel* term Id IKi
I’iatn*. Guitar, or Vi'fliu, per term I*. n.
I -* of liistrumeDts for U s.-ons ami practice.
per 1* rui 2 *0
llarp, ; nclu*Jing use of inslruujent, per term... 2’* oo
1 ’J'hosc who ‘lisigu tutoring for the l)r*t tiw* at the be
giiiDiu.g of tin* next term, “ill tiu*J it to their advantage
to correspond with the Pfcsidcnt on that siibjccL
November 21, tl
TPSKKFKK female college,
‘t'uskegee. Macon County, Alabama.
Her. A. A. LIPSCOMB, \K fb, Prtwiifeiit.
ILv. MARK S. ANI*KK'VS, A. M., I’ioU.--„i
of Ancient l.:iuguagcs and Mntliematics.
Rev. GIiORUK V. PRICK. A. M.. Professor of
Enjtlisb Literature.
K. J.. KUNCK, Professor of Music.
Mrs. ADKUUA J. HASS. A~qstnt TraHirr of
Mrs. CIIAKLOTTJJ M. M. RKKI*. Priiwipftl of
tWo Priuiary Department.
Dtivid Clo|itou, Ksi|., President.
R. K. Ligon, Ksfj., .Stic’v. Rev. I*. Perrv.
.1. 1). Porter, Treasurer. 11. H. Dowell.
J. IV’. Willis, K“<( Arnold Seals.
,1. I>. llilhro. |t. K. Anthony
iS. Dent. Job Thompson.
Mon. 1.. Alesonder. Dr. It. if. Ilow'iird.
R. I-. l(oward.
iitr>rKi> ox tilt. t’AHT <M rtiv; i;oNr;i;;sei*
M. K. Ciunteil. ALABAMA.
Rev. M. S. Andrews. Rev. .1. A. Heard.
S. Armstrong. “ **. R. Ulue.
T. .1. Kosrer.
Itr.v. K. I. Hauiill. Rev. T. (V. Doiinun, D. D.
W. R. Neill. “ If. Kllersoii, I*. D.
i.'umcr, IDuiict. —A large and eomniodi
otts Imiltliiijr, planned liv tin- lies;!; in'chitectti
ral talent, ittnl elected ill the ntotst hiibbtautia!
iiiiiuner. is now nearly ready for the reception
ol pupils. Feeli no the {treat importance of
space and comfort for the educational uud do
mestir interests of the Institution, the Trus
tees liave spared neither pains nor expense to
meet the demands of utility ami lieuuty in the
(•oustruction ol the edefice.
Knt iatiovai. F vt’ i lit ms. — A new and val
uable Apparatus lias been purchased for the
t'ldleop, Galenrfs of tlinerals. Fossils and
< iiriositie- have also been provided. Stated
(Vnirsed of J,enures oil Science, Art and Lite
rature. will be iTelivereil.
Oi'BNiNf;,- The first, term will commence on
the. second Monday in Fe’ rnary, lJSoij.
Ti u'is. Itoard, inclmling washiug, fuel and
lights', will be funiislied at !*<lJ JO per month.
Tuition fees will lie at the ordinary rates.
Rkmaiik-. The present, oircnlar is merely
designed to give notice of the approaching
opening of the College, and to afford a gener
al outline of its plans and objects. The puli
lic may rest assured that the. Trustees, in co
operation with the Faculty, will use all proper
and possible menus to render the Institution
worthy of a cordial ami generous support.—
The. remaining otticer- ot the Faculty will be
elected as: soon as circumstances allow, and it
is confidently expected that in a short time the
t'ollegc will bes lly organized in all the de
partments of < thorough and efficient elucida
Acknowledging with gratitude the earnest and
liberal sympathy which this enterprise has so
generally received, and thankful to that kind
Providence which lias conducted it to its pres
ent stage of promising usefulness, the, Trus
tees have now the happiness to announce the
near fulfillment of their long cherished wishes.
The location of the t'ullege is as healthy and
agreeable a- could be desired. It is perfectly
accessible, and vet -iiHicieutly retired for tlie
purposes of a moral, intellectual and womanly
culture. Its expense- will be made as mode
rate a.- practicable, and a faithful, parental
guardiiiusbip will lie exercised over all who
may be. eoinmitted ♦.. the charge of the Insti
t *• Hum Toluieco. various lirarnls, rai viveil amt tor
‘t*J tale l>y JAMES LIGON.
• ) .“% Bai r. I veliow Irish*'l'oiatoe., rn siveit amt b.j .ala
4|/ by JA.MKSJ.MON.
S 1 ul)u\obßtabluhineot busu-o]>eoeilTJ’
its s.uio auii VVure-Koom with a full assort ■ Jfi*
ujtut, couqirixing tl>efollowing urttil<--< otflcl
SBBl recent, iiiumithctiire unit of the very best
luutoriuts, viz:
IteilsteiKls, of vuiiiiu# latltrue, varying in julk
from * t to jao.
l UAlH'.—-t'oltagiy BuStuli. Jtockltig, ttrtice Ui'tttfry
Nurse s, Childrens, uud Dining.
‘leu-. Uucklth.—Common Pine, Cedur and Jnnl|.ei
l.rass uud iron hound, of various sizes.
t'HUKNs.—Coiumou Pino, Cedur unit Juniper—tuas, an.l
irou liouud. of various sizes.
Besides many other articles for hutise tm nisliluo’ and ,1...
uiestic pur]>oes.
All orders I• 1 1 at the \\ureu'uoui or directed toE.te.
Jettersoii .’c Cos., from country merchant* and nthej- will
he promptly attended to.
The Factory is - diluted ill a section which affords fui
uhuuduut supply nf Oak. Iliukur.v. Bem h. Walnut. Ann,
Pine. Asti, Poplar, t'liiua. Ac.
CohimbuH, Ga., Oct. J, lbOo. On,
‘no. m.
A Nl>
THl:! F'AMMlifH’tS &UZD.
tireui reduction in the price of the fatter publication.
1.. .-Cult ,v C,,., Nr.iv \ ork, ceutiuilO to publish the 1.1
l""lujt leading Kiitish Periodicals, \iz:
TilE LONDON ql/AItTLKLY (Couservatliei
fill. i:i)iN(iiuii:t;ii iteview (Whig).
II'IIF. great and impot taut events —Religious,,
A and Militarj--now
World, give to these Pulillcatiotiu au iulercat runt ralui
tlu.y never Imliire poHsebaed. ‘fhey occupy n avidflj.
ground Leuvenu Oh- hastily written news items, truth
speculations', uud (lying rumors ..| the iieWfpaper, at,*
the iKUideniue Teu the liisloiiau. mitten long alttu
tlie living interest in the fuels tie records shall haw
passed away. The pmgre; sos the IVor in the East ofYu-
I'ies a large space in their ji.cfc.H. Every meveiuent i,
closely criticised, wlieilier of friend or r.f foe, and cui
short-coniines fearlessly pointed mil. The lei ter ill oro
the Crimea uud from the Baltic in Ulackwood'n Massilut.
from two us its most inipiilur contributors, ttlve a nioi.
iutolliv.ihle and reliable account ot the moieu.entsoi ih;
: real lielligerents Ibatcun elpewliere I.e found.
These Periodicals ably represent the three great polli.
■ parties of tile :i lliquin VVhie. Torv,amt Badroul,-
’ hut politics lorms only one feature of tiled ehauactej
i A< Organs of the ne . i profound writer, on Srianca, liu
| rat in, Morality, amt Itnligion, they land, m, they ev.r
have stood, unrivalled in the world of letteis, tnliis, ion
fidere.f indispenSMhle to the scholar and the proteiJoiuU
man. while to iln iut< Id cut reader of every . dv-a
lurnish a more corn'd and satisfactory record ot the rn<
icut literature ot the day. ihronghuUt the vtotld. thui.
ran he poenildj obtained from any other soui<,
Early Copies.
Tin receipt of . n/ounce Shift- from tl<e BiuLdi pul.hxl,
<rs ‘ives additional value to the.-,- Iteprints, copedoty
dm in the present , veiling state- of European &rt.ui, fa,
iisinnch as they enu now ho placed in the handaol eat
scribers about as as the orioiicil cdilion..
Pei aim
Fur any oneul the lour reviews sv i„.
For any Imi of th, four Itevievvs j (•.<
for any ibre,- of tlie four id-views V hu
For all four of the Keviews it v.
Foj’ Biccl, eon ltd Magazine i fvt
tor ittachvvnod and three Beviews ‘J (si
tor iliac It wood and the four Iteviews 10 t*vi
Pay incuts to he marti’ in alt case* in advance. Mossy
vul l'*; 111 in the Mate where i,sued will hr received at |-s
A disc.nut of tueot.y live per cent, trout the nbove JS .•
oea will be allowed to Gluts ordering direct ftt-ua E. fs ou
A Cos., four or more copic of any one or mo:o nfUm she >
uoi l.s. Thus: Four copies >.| Hlwkwood, ur of viirtt,
view, will bo scut to one additsn fori'.'; (bur copies otths
four lit vi.-ws ami l.'lacitwood l'ur.VtMl; end soon.
In all the priucipal cities and iv>wuc,tbe.-e tvwLs wrU
be. ilolivttrctl, freo ol portage. Wht neut by mall, th*
pc. ia;<t to any part nf the L'uiU'd btufe,- will be but fuv;.
ty'Joiu’ i.ruU a year thr ‘'Blackwood.' 1 aod hut fi-.c,
‘.•at i veal-for <;oli ot tbeltovicws.
To .-l ieni lit. and Practical A|r<ciihnrc.
By IK-dry Stephen- F. It. f. of Edinburgh, and the'fen,
J. I’. Norton, t'ruftrvor of .-eiontitlc A(jvkullu( U
Vide College, N.,-v llHveu. C voir. Koyat Octavo
IWi |,ages,-atnt nniru rolls Wood ami iterl
Tbi.-: is, cool'.—cilly, ttie laoat i-.nuplete woib 00-Aist
I etillute ever inihlhlnd, amt io order 0/ (live it a Mn
Icireulafiou lie. laitili-hvis have revolved to reduce ft..
price to
Ftvr Oiillm. ror the Two Vainnotit
VV hi'U zent hy until t|et-liaid) to GiliEinuiand Orae-'-a.
th- pi ic. will lm y,. To miy other part of the Union ai.d
to Caomla. (post-paid e <( . XWeTbia work Is not thaoi*
j “Hook ul the Farm.”
Kemittaiices for any of the, ahoie jiUhlti.atJoii& i.-ytile
j always be urtdresued, iior;l-raid, tu the Filbllaher.
l.liON AKD, SCOTT i CO ,
So. hi fluid ftrret, New VtsrU
G. V. HILIi, Eisy., Principal autl KroprlMoz^
Mi l. N. VV. ARMSTRONG, Gradual* of tba)
state Military Academy. South Carolina. > Ascizuua.i
lli.. H TNA.VI .v Cu.. J.S. HARK Ft!, A. it.J
i ‘ i *Ht Fourth si'hoUeti'i Year of tbi, AiaJraij loro
J mencedon Monday, January 16th 1866. and will eon
tbi lie. iii sr.-sina di.riua forty vv r - 6 s
As thin Academy received very liberal azabUMU* ttuia
tlie Stict-3 at the t-s-l se<s,jou nf ihe Degtalature. there will
tie uo charge for tuUioti. On euteriiig tin. tn-ilmtlun
.i initiation fee of twenty dollar* will be r-qiifodof e*;/.
Omlel. ev-ept rin Ii a- come under the tlie following pr.,
vi-i.iu. viz:
, F.K'.'fi cmuly in the State ut Alabama ia entitle At. id.' <oo
j uni- Cadet free nf charge. Such Cadet to be aelecUA •>
j th* Judge of Probate and County Couitiit>,iioui i, Iron.
-.unit men a- sre lateuted, ileeervioa nml of good moral
1 character. Orphans abould receive Ibe [ireferenc.
Spelling, JleuiJiii;.. Wiiiiuu. A lit ii me tic. (iianiDiM.
i,-i>p>ra.|;hy and Uislury.
Algwbni, (ieointtry; Plato, Descriptive and Anatyti, ai
Trigiiumuetry, Culeultis, Shadows amt Perspective, Natu
inland Mmal Phili.sophy.C'tu'Oiiatry,Conveyancing 1. 1,11
stitMtunial Law. Aucieut l.augiia'jrs; t reie h. Civil er.d
Military F.iiguieeriiig. Surveytny. Mechanics and .Vs
Tacticn will t.e tanglit at siieti tiiin-s h. iud I.* interfere
with tin- regularetndii'H.
‘The dis"i|diue vviit lie eutiirced.
11l e-s Cmit of (in > Cadet l.'lul b, i.tnudiug idlar. IrUulued
with convex metallic lint loud aud sixteenth -Inch biu. k
chilli, aii iii'iling tu tlie usual style; Pauls of Giey Cloth
witli lilack stripe mi the outer seam one aud an eighth
iii “li- in w i.itli—to lie worn till the iirsl of May
White I'unls from Ist May till September.
‘The uniform i- not tu lo- worn except on Kn*ral (
noire, and s.ueh special am-Jons as the Milllarv liisliro to
muy direct.
Tin- A Hide lily Buildings ale large and welt miHLOe.T
and the locution ie eniiueutly haaltby.
Board e.ia be prm ined Itojil el!{ht loteu dollars a moatb
The will so direct the ediieulioo of ht.s pupus
He. if pusrilile, In lllltliu iBI'UI plactical lltld IJSellll UlUi
The ev|ierieiii e and qualilicatious of the instructor
will entitle ltd- I n-iilutioii. in a liifl) degree, to pvil.ll:
routiJniee. F. A. /ACMARY
ify-dJei Swartary of the Kmud of Visitors.
I >A! *l\ side . Iliillis. Semi Oats, ttud Ctiru. ilv
Jan J.-—TI
Crop a.- ood an the best, warranted Xrsstt
j 1 now on hand mid to arrive, nt
.1 J. TtllJtl S.
December II -hi Broad Street
‘l'fft: iimlerrigiied have entered Into the GUOCirt 1
I BUSINESS, iiudcr the nrrn aud name cl tilbu
VVAY. ULEi.KI.EV A CO. Vie. will tirep ronaiaritiy c.ry
limn* a In)*’ ‘” -lock of choice (lrftivrhe.
11. A. KtDOWAY
•Hmblf II.M.ctiECKU.V
‘l'Vvo Vdlualile young itegru Uriels Lay- sm,
1 eva, and ouo of the most derireble aud cou-'KSjfl
veuioutly arranged Hesldenrevin the city, Pa t* 2 *-”
-ale ou resionnhle terine. A. K. AYER
April 7. 18id 11 K!1 Rni.vd Stir-u
l'ur mere, Your Imrrrvt to Here.
r.f k ()()() LBS. Chandler A Co’* very superior IFt
•/* ’* /* ‘ tied .Sides, in hau'lsooi” boxes of about
I'lO lbs. eiwh. Packagea to you ul'o a half ‘*Ut per Ft
less tLnii .mull lots. Come up and buy no leas than a
package. Just receivefl and lor sate hy
viuii'h :i. JAMES LIGON,
tOAlt V A HD.
rnilo.SK wishing I,'HAL for orates, ran be supplied at
I. Aid per Ton. bv calling: on
joiin w noWARii,
Nov J 7 Agent.-clmaCoal Mine Comptoy
\ .N excellent article ot Countiy flutter, POULTRY.
Ac. for calc at J J TODD ii,
February 16. 66 Broad Strexv.