The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, April 11, 1856, Image 3
rBIcES d{jrrent wkkki,v - —r-- ~%i yd is /; 20 W'""3r:=J “ i Sw ■■•; y!tb 4i so vft tgj 3-, ■ :R IS 8 S Jib is \<a> m * lbl 15 I® ’ S U r„, Shirting Vyd Ct 1 *4 on stib )0 in jo *wao oo waa uu keroi a . • | y bi 16 „„ 20 O'l v„' s ,V w!ia no @la ou ¥l’ : ... ® ■| •“! jj- Oliln no in) 12 ixi jvkgi <t @ a y:Kl ‘•'> j©i viH> 1 h ... :::::: f ! <. ...'■*!(: ... ••••••••• f ‘l’ 1:1 _■ wj i’-i it* I*. 1 1 te so llir.ll 0 I ! lit •'• 00 1 fe r* 0;; :: I” Cognac f* jii ‘•• , Oo American... Pgl. it [••. 1 om Poach ... 1 .'.U Holland j r'ir ) I ... (a, 250 }.i American jC g 1 *•’ l uu ■ Kum—Jamaica C 4 - •'< “ Now j 1 < ’ Ooiiiiuoii Momuig’a—j?jg ! l 1 50 II American Blister Wm K „gUsli Blister tfjlh | •” 15 Orleans |Vftj ■ rulu'n'/'e'i Fth l5jH (j ( 1 1 __ ’ Vih so B|) Cl’lUlH 1 *ll $ tt> ‘ li'/, (/I 1-1 HE Fair F* Ih 2) */* Clhhc? t- Ih ,u jOr k V-jih •-:• |(” F’ih’l • .); Mt: 7 <>M i ui) ‘J 7’> !<rtj ;; -p.irt I A'. jW o W Madeira ? ?’l I Vi iw 7 (,'u Claret f*- g’l C. 00 ktf. u MEb cbumpagD*’ f- Idv I *o O'l -JO uu Btesof exchange. COItnKCTK!) BY W. L. I.OVK .4 CO. and EXCHANGt BROKERS, NO. 04 liIIOAD BTRKET. liUVI.Vi RAI Ed. SLLLI.NU RATES. J ‘W day-’ I'f4 a. dis -■'i.irljt, ’.jpn m i •• l/*2 C 1 ’ ‘t. <li.s u- ue nouc. u ue *• none. uvue Notts 1 ft ct. tils ’ -l-j ■t ) . ft. *lis - *4?^ ct .dis f l , ct. di ct. diti 1 ft ft. pm Georgia and S. C. Hanks pur ■b. HOOPER BRYANT DUNCAN. MM. 11. DARN KM. Hooper, dvncan & bahnett, B ATTORNEYS AT LAW. c :uColumbus. (Jcorjiia. un-l Crawh :I. Alahum.i. nary 27. 1850. lm PRING AND SUMMER STOC K. Bw AND CHEAP GOODS AT THE BP PRICE CHEAP C ASH STORE, Broad Street, Columbus. Ga. in the market with a very ’l.oi'-u and <l* si- stock of BPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTB, tjHOEa jVND ■ffIADY MADE CLOTUINU. is too well kuuwu t> make it ueet-'- give in detail the various article’ cf which th • composed. It is sufficient to say that I Imveth* HpGEST AND MOST DESIRABLE before in this eity. I would, however, unite of the Ladies to my Stock ( f B>RESS goods, flgof .Muslin, Barege, ami Silk Flowered Kobe*. ] variety of Embroideries, Luce Collars, In- j tvta. Mantillas, <fce. &c. I especially invite all Iw Fashionablf, Mew aud Dcsirabli j *’ ‘°.S’ T i t ’ we a call before pttrchaaiug, aud be as- i stnnllfiiul Goods and Prices to correspond with K Raving engaged the services of two more te now hope to be able to servo all with prouipt great satisfaction. The Stock has been pur* lt tly for cash and under the most favorable ■flees, consequently 1 do not ho.-it ate in saying Hwlla LITTLE CHEAPER than the cheapest. 3 Merchants are invited to call and examine My motto is “Live and Let Live/’ CKO. w. ATKINSON. BRANDIES, winds. . u (1810'™’ nac Bvuimlj . Tmpvntim. :MB •*Olini|iagni. Win. . 1:1 181 Broad strrci. :[ ‘ L A. KELL V. y. JOHNSON j held, JOHNSON 4b CO., AND DKAI.KIIS IN rs ’ Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c-. Chattanooga, Teiweiitcc. ‘y.'l l 'C'diiLT I)nil.!!Bati);.(i>atbirHi,>2 , a. Tm, 1 R. B. HoCRAW, AT JkAW, fPtte, Chambers County, Alabama. .... tobacco. Tobacco, various brands, received and for 2 JAMES MOON. situation wanted. to transact any respectable I ’ \® x cpt hard laher,) is out ol employment \jl’ . t 0 * n,v<! ‘ l *’ r a ary rensoMiibh* colli* PORK TOAtitEs - V a,.] , .,„ UH i Kulu , .m, < n,lu'L', t'urk ehi“t!tH*> |.. rke K , ,n- ,4 per 11-. rStaill -3. JAMJiS MOON. (] I,VI, - Y SDN BOOK BIND ERA . ■>au""“lWMb.itofll,rcc tuoutbhfc .A -, y Hi:ur .?,*workman, lie jl ■nun, .. W v.^, - Bn -4fc Hi.bk it . *' r ??M*t workman, aud th h Ch!„!v r U . .. umy n , - v “ u S OO ' 1 v-.irk, and that n °i at the time promised. ■-kb , Jll i" ,,,:rt, > Comity ODicers, and others waul 1 ’ Mr , lo wjuirod. o, "° r ■ Ki DIHOLVTION. * To,,l ‘H* this day dissolved by ; j.. husinesH will be continued by , l onke ; n A pofsons indebted to said firm w ill ■'" ,s HL'uin'"“‘. t 0 Pinout, and those having | ■>r HKyml, * nn ' xviU !WHit them toT. Knight ■“Slai,. AnHi r, la ,„ OKO. V. JONES. | April r., 18.%. TIIOH. KNTO-UT. JR. 81 1 ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! KEEP COOI. AI, I, Till*; SLM.MEU. SAM bos the pleasun t< aniioiiiice to his old friends and patroUH of’.7.'). that Ik Is again in the field for Ha Warm Unya of’s, and pledge* hiiusclf to sell ICK as low uh tin lowest. M> ICK HOUSE is directly Ih twe< u the Perry anil Oglethorpe ilousos, oil OglctAorpc Street. All orders from the country for IOK In the box or ‘.lltei, will be forwarded with dispatch. S. K. Hit AN NON, Agent, i Colmnbuv, April 7. 180 t. It A CAUL). I I T.GREENWOOD iof the lute linn of Green- IL wood A Morris, N< w Orleans, ii tot ms his friends and former patron-, that hefc£fc#sf !.'iis periuaiieutly settled ill tin city of New Having associated hiiiHelf with tin: house of LIVINGSTON, BROS. & KINKEAD, WHO 1. ESA 1 , 1.0 < i ROC K JiS, ( i).iimla,lo.. mid lni|>ottliiK AI .<li u .ii,, No. t'-’ Vcm-.v St loot, it. .(in l ui'lb. A,lor I 10u.,f. ! II” 1“ I'lTin.ii'il to nui>|>ly tl.i iu will, rvrrvtliiuu in rln- GROCERY LINE, mi the most lavoralde terms. Also, to liny (*ii Coinuiis 4ion any artieles Hold in this market. He Hatters him sdt to turn evej - y exertion to give satisfaction, and will give his personal attention to the tilling of all order.- with which he may be favored. New York. April 1. iB6O, tim UIIEAP FISH. I X BBLH. Pickled MULLET HSll-200lbs.netea b- I as good as No. ‘1 Miu-keri I, Just received and for Mile at $8 per barrel, by JAMES I.KJON FARMERS’ AND EXCHANGE HANK, OK CHARLESTON, S. C. Agency at Columliua. IIILJjS oii New York, lion ton. Philadelphia, (,'haiiunt oil, 9 Savuuiiub. or Augusta, discounted at eustomarv rates. SIGHT EXCHANGE, on the above, named cities, fur K.T.TAYLOU. Agent. Nov 15. dtf Oflioo next door to the Pool utii.. EMM K. (XIA RAIIRKLS S. E. Flour, just received mi Consign* *Jv.t ineut, aud for sale by February 14. ja.mes i.h.n.N. FLOI It. I‘S( \ KS Hazeus” brand, Family ami Miperline Flour—took the premium over Lenoir’s, at lie I ist Tounesseo Pair. Ju-t received aud for sale Lv Eel.rimry 2'.'. JAMES LFGON. PRIME HAMS* HAniIKLS prime liam- received Ibis day from ‘wU Chaudler A C and for sale at 12'cents per pound by the barrel, or 14 cents retail, by I ‘ bruary 0. JAMKS LIUON. EXTRA LEAF LARD* )j | PARRELS Extra Leaf Lard, just reecixcd and It w\_7 Hale at the lowest tigures, hv ( Mar b 15. GUNBT & OO! DISSOLUTION NOTICE. f IMIE tirm heretofore existing between the subscribers j JLwuder the name of Veruoy, Ector A, Cos., is this day J dissolved by mutual eouseut. All persons indebted to i said firm xviil pleaso make payment to ,Seaborn Jones or I James Vernoy, who arc authorized to nettle and collect • ibe same; aud persons holding claims against said linn 1 will present them to *nid Jones A Veruoy for payment. SEA HORN JO.NKS. J. T. ECTOR. Columbus, Ga.. Jan. 15. Uni JAMES’ VERNoV. The hiisines- xx ill hereafter be • ontinued hv JAMES \ EH NOV .v O*. *7. FOGLE, DENTIST. OFFICE uu Uuudolpb, near Rroiol Nivel. Entrance ! oil Uuudolpb street. I January 15,180t>. Jy CUSHMAN, - DENTIST. IVI.M’JSH liL ILIMNti. <tß Broad street, Columbus, On. \ Jan. 11. 185 t: ui THE CLANTON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cos., A In. BV KlESmi i I>o.<T. miUS Paper possesses a large circulation iu the coiiu* .L ties of Harbour, Pike, Dale, Ileuryand Collee: and to ‘ the merchantsof Columbus is ottered an excellent op portunity to make known their business. SCRUGGS, DRAKE CO, Factors and Commission Merchants, CUAM.KSTON, S. C. ( ELI. V <b THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c., No. 42 Droad Street, (Under Telegraph Office.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. r |MIKY are in const ant receipt of Confectionery, 1 Fruits, Nuts, &c., which they offer ti tbo pub lic at reasonable rates. Couutry dealers would do well to give us a call. No charge for packing. Nov. 5,185-5.—Cm JOSEPH GARCIA, DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c\, One Door below Andrews, Ridgeway A Cos.. No. 130, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GKOKOIA. WOODmUIKIIY PALACE DIUIEKREAN VILLEKY. Over Brooks A Chapman’s Blue Drug Store. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE you.seeu any of the new style of Piet urea on j Glass : If not, cull and see. The Double Face Pic- ! lures are a curiosity, aud are invaluable as true likeness es. No fading with these Pictures. For takiug children it is unsurpassed, requiring but a low seconds to take a i life-like impression. A better expression can be got by ! this process than by any other, the time of exposure be- 1 ing so short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, for Lockets or lliugs, to the largest, for Frames, taken iu the : most finished style. Some entirely new styles of cases, • ou hand and for sale. J. S. WOODIiKIDGE, February *27. Artist and Ambrotypist. JEFFERSON HAMILTON, DEALERS IN < ; ROC KIUKS. 1 R< y VISIONS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, KEEP constantly on hand a supply of the best goods .andare receiving produce from Tcnncsse which they sell low for Cash. Flour and Meal of the best quality always on band at Mill prices. JOSEPH JEFFERSON. Fell. 28 Cm J. H. HAMILTON. A. J. lUDDLE, XDAGFTJEFLFLEA3NT ARTIST, HAS closed his rooms over 3lygatt’s Store, prepara- 1 . tory to re-opening ou a scale of maguificcuce far surpassing anything li retofore known iu this City. His now rooms will be ou the corner of Broad and Randolph streets, in the block now being built b.v Col. Jcucs, and as soon as completed. March 7,1866 ti GAS FITTING \M> GAS I’IXTIKES. \\TF aiv prepared to do gas fitting iu all its hruuches. IT A large aud tluc assortment of Cbandaliers and Gas Burners of every description suitable for stores and dwellings at l *w prices. D. H. THOMPSON .fe CO. II - ; i TWO MONTH* AFTER d!t£ VPPLICATION will be made to tlux Hoimrablo Court of Ordinary of Muscogee oouuty, for permission to ! **•■ll Hie Real Estate of tin* late Jacob I. Moses. A. J. BRADY, Executor March 4, 1850. PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER. BOOK ISDAND PAIVEIt MILES, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ’I'HLM; MILLS uri: ..rr|.arc.l t'urui.lj tin* In>l ... I. tide ol Printing uud Wrapping Paper. The paper ou w-1 iehTlm Daily Sun is printed, is made allheso Mills.. NOTICK. i>Y ii rtuirler grauted by the City Council of Col urn* )hu-. ‘iid legalized bx Ho Legislature, authorising tbe Plank Road Coinjaiuy to collect toll of Two Cents per Bole on cotton, One Cent per Barrel <n all other freight, 1 and Twclm and a haifCents for a< li trip of Gniuihus. ‘ Baggage Wagon, or other vehicle transporting freight or passenger.- over the road for pax I take this method of informing all interested that I xx ill make contracts Quar* toriy or Yearly, for tbe prix ilege of using the Road for any purpose except hauling Cotton, which w ill be chat - ■ and ami collected a-.heretofore. JOHN C. KI BE, April It). ‘2t President I’liink Road Cu. HOUBK WANTED. WANTED to rent,u small House and Lot iu a good neighborhood and convenient to the busiuesH pr*r lion of the city. Anv person having one will please < all j ac my Ware Room. W. K. HARRIS April lu. It “NK PLUS ULTRA” HCIIKMK. ISOO PRIZES, $50,000. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! Ky Authority ol the Mate us l.eorgia. 10,000 Numberir! 1 Prize to 8 Tickets! CLASH M, To he Drawn May id, 1850, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Esqr. The Manager liaviug aunouuced Ins determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the woild, oilers 1 for May 15th, a scheme that far surpasses any scheme ever offered iu the an mils of Lotteries, book io your iu tercet. Examine the capitals, one prize to every eight tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE $12,000! I prize. ,4 ABLOOM ‘ I “ ‘ J.OOU I “ -J.fKH) “ 1.000 10 •• ;,oy i 0 • jll .->oo •• To ■ >">00 - >, I 12,000 Tickets amounting to $50,000! Tickets sS Halves #4 Quarters >2. All Prizes Payable Without Deduction. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being j lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order iimm - dlately. #*l-Address JAM Kg F. WINTER. Manager. ,'fiireh 21 td Miicoin Ga. U • F. LOVE, Agent, No. 04 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. • • - boss of Tickets of Class h. By tbe lute accident on the .Seaboard and Roatoko Kail Road, tbe Tickets of ('lass L, for April loth, iu their transit from Baltimore, iu charge of Adams’ Express Company, were destroyed by tire, consequently there will not be any Draw iug of that Class. The Draw iug will be Class M, —May 15th, the **Ne Plus Ultra” .Scheme. Very Respect fully J. I*. WINTER, March 21. Manager. SPRING AND SIMMER CLOTHING, FOR TOGO. JLfl , AT THE ONE-PIUCE < i.<>tiiiNc; i'.mnonii;m Oi •J - Ti- ID -A- IEL Sz CO., 128 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., Om be found .• lull supply, with coustaut addition?. •! Gentlemeu’s First Class IM'jADY MADE CLOTIIIN(i. Os their Own Manufacture. Warranted to give full satisfaction to the purchaser. A large and well selected f*tock of ((I'litiinicn’s Furnishing Goods, I Hat.-, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises. Umbrella* Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of Frcucli aud English CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, Which they are prepared to make up in a styh- of ( ut and Manufacture, never x< t equalled SoutJi. Calk examine and !••• suited. April 0. 1858. NEW BOOK STORK. r I MiJE subscriber is iiowopouiug a general \ X assortment “f Miscellaneous and School A. i book.-. Also, Blank Rooks atiouciy, aud ; all ofll'r arii- lcs usually kcjt in a Bnk J'toi’e. The citizens “f Columbus and xici*MSsfifew* , ijii \. will find it to their advantage to call, as •'ll arti.-To are “ttered at tbe lowest cash prices, aud f*r CASH ONLY. My motto is, small profits aud qiii- k returns All orders promptly attended (••. GKO. W. MATHEW?*, Agent. ; April 9,185 ii. 41 Broad Str-rt. JUST RECEIVED. BARREL* APPLES: vt J 50 barrels Planting rotatoesj: 25 •• Onions: lu - Cranberries. A. M. lit LL, Janß,lßdfi 1! Broad st. AUCTION Al COMMISSION BUSINKSS. ; Til K undersigned having purchased the iuterestofWm. X Austin, in the firm of Harrison. Austin A: MetJeluo, will continue tin A tic till, Commission, Negro Brokerage mid Forwarding Business, under the name aud style ol* HARUISON cfc McG£ll££, At the old stand, Nos. Dt) and 0 I Broad Street. , and pledge theui.-vlves to a prompt aul faithful attcutiou to all business ixuumitted to their care. They will ghe their personal attcutiou to the sale of Real Estate, Yegroer Merc handize, and Produce. Ilaviug ample facilities at command, they are prei ;md to make Liberal Advances “U Negroes and Merchandize 1 of every description. JB-w-Particular attention given to Administrators’and Executors’ sales. CH ARLES ?*’. HARRISON . October 19,1855. Ij ALLEN C. McGEHEE N: W CO-PART NB K SHIP. MARBIjI'J yard. J. 11. M A DDK N A. THOMAS KENNY. Oglethorpe street, when they x\ill at all thin ?be found ready t* receiv* and ami promptly execute all orders j given to them. They pledg*- themselves to satisfy all , who patronize them, in material, workmanship, and j quickness of execution. They will keep constantly “t. 1 hand Cement uud Plaster of Paris. Iu on Railing, of the newest patterns, alwaxs procured at reasonable rate- and on the most advautu geous terms. All who know Madden, know him to be a workman of taste aud judgment. Those who w ish to -bow resped i to tbe “dear ones departed” xvill find it t<* their ad'aw- . tago to give tlio nexv firm a call. Kcfi 15 I). B. THOMPSON A CO M 143 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, Wholesale and Retuil Dealer m , (ItX)EJNt STOVES of all size,-! andnavion j patterns; FORCE uud LIFTING IT Lea'l Pipe, Hollow Ware, Briltania and ished Wares, Cutlery, and House Furnish Goods geuerallx , and manufacturers of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. January 26. ly BACON SHOULDERS. JUST received ou (ousigninonl. 17 Hlids. and I Boxes Cliaudler A Co.’s best .''boulder ltucou, and for -U by JANIES LIGON. SCOTCH HKRRINGN. i FINE lot **f Scotch Herriuc • just rceejxcd and for J , \ sale at 42 Broad street, bv February <. CELLA A THOMAS. JAMES LIGON, t ;()M MISSION M i;uci I ANT. No. 102 East i?idc Bread street. COLUMBUS, liEURGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bacon, Lard, Flour, ColVue, ?uigar, Molassej, ftalt, Tobac co Cheese, Ouions. Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac- | (ktoher 20. ly j MILLET FISH. I \ RBLS .Mullet l ish, just received aud for sale bv I tJ GUN BY A CO. FINK SNI IF AND Old Alts. IMNK Havamni Cigars. Torelar(Ps f*iiuo‘, constantly on ’ hand aud for sale, w holesale and retail, at No. 26, Broad street. J. J. TODD. Columbus. Oct. —*tf A. ill. HULL. Wholesale aud Ilotail Grocer and Commission Merchant, •> j VT tlio old stand of D. Ellis A Cos.. 11 Broud^jHgr 7 street, Columbus. Georgia. December IK CARPETS AT COST FOll CASH. \\TE are selling a lot of tiu* VELVET and BUI “- Y> .KELS CARPETING, at cost for cash. February 21. tiAMMlti .x ROONEY. BEST TENNESSEE BACON. || || j hBB. Best Tenuotuitio Bueon-hog round, j IAJ\ /,17UU now ottering at low figures. Dont let ideas of lower prices keep you away. My bacon is well 1 cured, and I Indieve. selling now at the lowest price lm the season. Conic to the Meat House and buy of March 24. JAMES MOON CATAIiOCiWii or i'ikte; orocebies. MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Broad Street, Colurabux, Oa. Kliie Ten*. American Pickle. Oolong Tomatoes Youog Ilysoti lied Cabbage Hyson l'cppars Imperial Gherkins iu Lbl and kegs Gunpowder Maccnroni. Souchong and Pouchong Vermicelli. Cheese. M uart's Crushed English Dairy do. Grouud State Cheese do. Refined, ARC Hap Hugo N. (). Browu Pine Apple Clieeae do. Clarified English C ladder do Coffee. Butter. Old Gov Java Goshen Butter, by every Brown “ steamer Superior white Juvs MolasseH. Old Mocha (iolden Syrup ! Liguira and Uio Stuart's do Provision. N 0 Molasse.-. Tennessee Hama MlMcellauenud. Georgia “ Colgate’s Soap Ex. Sugar-cured Hum •• Starch 1 New York Sperm Candle? Fulton Market Beef Patent Smoked aud Pickled do Star Smoked Tongues Olive Oil > Pickled do Horse Radish Extra Pig Pork Pie Fruit Bacon Sides aud Shoulders Powder Bent Leaf Lard Shot Fish. Cap.* .Mackerel iu bfils uud hf do Gun Wad.-. Salmon, sm’kd and ruckled Powder Flask.- White Fish Shot Pouches Apalach’a do Drinking Flasks Fresh Slued iu can- Raspberry Syrup Lobsters *j Lemon •• Salmon Cordials •• Oysters Brandy Fruit Pickled Oysters Chocolate and Cocoa “ Lobsters Potatoes Hominy'. Onions Split Peas. Wood and Willow Wuiv Flour. Scotch Ale ExtraGenossec London Porter St Louis litce City Mills Candy Extra Buckwheat Yeast Powder Cracker*. Strasbourg Pates. Sofia Biscuit Petit Pois Butter Cracker* Truffles 1 Boston “ Mouturde De Maille j Graham Bread Pates De Foie Gras Sugar Sauces and Catsups. ; Fancy “ .Worcestershire Sauce , Beut’s Crackers, in libls uud Reading cans John Bull “ Fruits. Pepper Malaga Raisin* Tomato Capsup Layer •* Walnut Prunes iu jars Mushroom •• •• iu boxes Underwood’s Rflisb •* iu kegs, for cooking! French Olives Sultaua Raisin* Seville Fresh Fig- Capers Grange* Sardine* Lemon* Tobacco Apples Cigars. Cur rants aud Citron Always on hand a tine lot N ut* aud Almond.* of choice brands. Spleen. Vinegar Nlll meg* W ine #. Mace Madeira Wine Clove* Port “ Ciuuumon Sherry “ Ginger Malaga ! Black Pepper White Cooking Wine j White Champagne. | Cayenne Fcppei Heidseick A Cos i Allspice Muinm'.s Vergeuav I Currie Powder •• Cabiuet Bird Seed. •* Imperial Canary and Hemp Cremo de Bouzy Preserves. Still Hock I‘iueapple Hparkliug Hock Linns Rhine Wine Peaches. Imperial Slurry iu bottle* | Pear* Regina Port I Greeu Gage* Reserve Madeira j Can to u Ginger Torrec Jams and Jellies Li|Uoi>. Isiiigla-s. Otard Brandy j Cooiwr’s Shred HeuueSse Brandy j Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. Imperial in bottles Refined Isiuglas* Alpha “ •• English Pickle. Old Q English Mustard Ifickle Old NalxiFßum •* Mixed do Scotch Whiskey White Ouions do Trish Chow Chow Monougahcla Whiskey Gherkiue Old Bourbon American Pickle. Jamaica Ruin Gherkin* Holland Gin Mixed Pickle Irish Whiskey Mangoes Cooking Brandy. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Omen Montgomery and West Point r. r Cos., ) Montgomery, July 6, 1855. j ON aud after this date, the Passenger Train* ou this Road “ill be governed bv tbe folloxviug Schedule : DAY TRAIN. f Leave Montgomery 5 45 A. M. ! Arrive ut West Point 1! 45 A. M. : Arrive at Columbus 1150 vl . > Ft'tuniitty —Leave West Point 9 00 A. M. •• Leave Col inn bus.., 8 40 A. M. Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 on P. M. Nrrixeat West Point 2 3* A. M. Arrive at Coluiubu* 2 45 \. M. P’ himinn —layxc Weet Point 11 30 P. 51. D.avcColumbus loon p. M. Arrive at Montgomery I 15 A. M. Double daily connections are continued tr*m West Poiut t AGauta, Augusta ami Nashville, aud from Co ] lumbusto Macon, Augusta and Havuuuab. Negroes traveliug uloue must be provided with > two pusses:, showing pcruiissiou of their ow uers to tr.ncl over the Road, on* “f which will be retaitud by the Cou i ductor. Nov l<t HAMUELG. JONES, Eng. .v Hu}-. i C. I*. SHAPAKD G. C. MITCII EI.L. MIA PAR D A 3IITCIIELL, WHOXiKSAIiE &ROCKXIS, F'orwarding and Commission Merchants, and dealer* in IRON, CASTINGS, A-c.. j Suitb Sido **f tbe Publi* Square. Shelb.yville. Tennessee. Rtfcrcuccs. iSyumre, Fanning A Cos., I 11. A B. Douglas* A Cos., j 11 illmau A Brother. Nashville, Tennessee. Lanier A Phillips. Davis, Pilcher A Cos. ; J. K. Wallace A Brother. > ... .. .1. E. Williu>6 A Cu. ) - Granville. Sample A Cos.. Chattnuov'ga. Tenn. McCally .v Joues. Macon, Ga. J. U. Hull A Cos.. Columbus, Ga. J. • ‘ A„._- US t. ,ia. Kolb A Cos. j Vcrstillc A Frierson. Nivaunuh, Ga. McCray A Cos., Charleston, >. C. February v . 1856. 6ui FRUIT. I IT? i in endless variety—Ripe. Dried, and Prcserv- I ed, for sale at 42 Broad street, by February fi . klla a THOMAS. TO TH£ lH BLlt . r I Ml K trading public who have hitherto patronized the 1 TROY FACTORY, will phase take notice that NV. K. II .MiMs is uo longer connected or associated iu auy niau uer whatever with the biisiuts* of the establishment. — All husim s* hereafter w ill be transacted exclusively with ourselves ut our Ware-Roans. 11. G. JEFFERSON A CO. j t Ndumbtm, Oct. 25. —ts PIGS FEET. \FRK?'H supply of fresh pickled Pig* Feet, just re- I eeived and for sale Jit 42 Broad street, by February 6. CELLA & THOMAS. DR. C ARRIGBR, I s prepared to attend t< all Surgical eases committed j I to his charge. Office as heretofore, iu tin old St. Mary -Bunk build- | ing. Residence—Northeast corner of t raw lord and For- | aytli street*. Feb. Utly A New Jlistr Dry Sailed Humps. I.) BOX Est Silted Rumps—Pork, 400 to 450 lbs each, I -w at S’ . eeuts bv the box, or 10 cents by retail, for sale by ‘ JAMES LIGON. BACON .IDLES. VI'INE lot of Bacon Joles just received and for sale by JAMBH LIGon C OW PEAS. l Bushel- Cow Peas, received uud for sale bv OU JAMES LIGON. FRESH FBI ITS \\D CAN DIKE. I UST received, tresh tfweet Havana Oranges, aud a tl great variety af the finest Candy Fruits. If you are loudoftiuo Fruits aud Caudles, call at 42 Broad’ street, where they re to la* found iu endless varietv. March 14. CELLA ,t THOM AS. W A NTKB IM MEDIATELY. XO LABORERS to work on Section 40 of the V|lGle j •My and Girard Rail Road. Apply on the work, to S II Dl RAND March IK. 1K56. lot NEW FURNITURE W ARE ROO TML. M Door North of the Oglethorpe Houie, COIiUMIiLS, GA. Yr/ THE suhbcriher has on hand, three doors r . mLNorth ol the Oglethorpe House, £P( tborpfc Street, an oasortment of neatly made FURNITURE, to which he will constantly adding, aud which he will sell at price* thar cannot fail to suit those in wont of anything in hi* line. Articles not ou hand will he made to order at the abort ent notice. Furniture repaired at reasonable rale*. Call and examine mock. jnljtfl J. H. SIKK.- GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITI TK. MAHIF/i 1 A. r FHE Academic year is divide.l into two *e*riorr- . ih’ J. months each. The Tenth - i,.n “ inrnenre- otS 2tth of February next, and ends on the l'.nh of J. >). The Cide( nt dlYiiml into font college d* m . ‘ r > Hniiu&leQnimeinenient take* phtreon Wedneaday t'jor: the 20th of July . Academic >tail. Col. A. V. Brumby, a. .vt.. Superintendent and I’rofessor (.1 .MatheinatK -and Natural Phi r>|.hy ( apt. Thomas it. M Connell. Commandant of Cadet-, .ael Pnd. of Engin: Mr. V. H. Mangel. Professor ~1 French rind Hutor; Mr. W. H. Hunt, a. m.. Prof'-s.-or of Chemistry and Eng L-h Llten.tu*( Mr. J. B. GcKMlwin, i’rofe.-sor ol Drawing. Capt. K. S. Camp. A-dstant Pix-i* *v*orof MathemrUi:-* A. (’onnell, m. I*.. .-urgeon. Tlie Institution under th- direction and meutofa Board us Tmnteos, in conjunctk-n with a Boar of Visitors appointed by the tb.vemor *.f the State. By an act of the LegMatdre, the Institute has furnished with 140 Cadet Mu kets and Accoutre men* and a Field Battery , con.-i-ting of four'-i“-pounder hr .- pieces, and two twelvi-poundei Howitzer-. The .Superintendent and tie- Commandant, ai> gradu at.** of West Point, and a* the Institute is upon the We-/ Point plan, the public may be a.--.stired that the govern rnent.discipline aue eourv ol'#itudi:-s will be . trictly er, forced. Terms: Tuition, Board. Washing, Fuel. Light*, hire (>t Mu:- cians, and other contingent \p.-n- e*. months, in* ad van". >ll2 sm. Surgeon’s fee, i>* r annum. >5. Persons desiring further inf umation can obtain a copy of the “Regulation- hv addressing the superintendent January 26. ‘ ANDREW J. HANSEL. Sc. ASBIRY FEMALE INSTITUTE. La Fayette, Alabama. J. Wlslly .Stacy, a. m.. Principal. MHS. M. .Stacy, f Teachers in Literary Miss E. Bach elder, j D*partment. milE exercises of this Institution will be r<-mn lor JL the 2d .Mondiiy in January. 1556. Rates ol’ Tuition, per Seliolaatic Y ear. Primary Department >lO 00 Preparatory Department 25 Cu Ist and 2d Department College course ‘.2 <■” 3d and 4tii u ■■ • - Music 011 Piano si’ oe Vocal Music taught without extra charge. Speedy arrangements will In* made to pror nr.* a -11.. bit- teacher to take charge of the Mn-ic.G and < -rnum-r; tid Departmen). The Principal is ;.n alumnus of Emory and 11-my t >1 lege, Ya.—lias hire experience in teaching, and c. rn. highly recommended, both as t*> character and ability vr imparting instruction. situated in the lxisoni of a beautiful and healthy vii j lage, furnished with all the facilities necessary to tin- a<. quisition of a finished education, the institute stiongtv commends itself T<• the patronage of an intelligent pi.t lie. Board can he obtained in several re:portable families on reasonable t-nn-. E. G. Richards. J. T. 1 Caleb Hollovvax . John C. To\vJ-. W. Jlewell. K. ii. Mii-c. Win. J. Adah;-. A. M. J’resley. J. F. Dowdell* -Truster—. December 21, 1*55. ts • , COOKING, OFFICE. „ ater. AKD PAELOE STOVES.gj||C, TXlv W/VR E. HOUSE FI'UXISHIXG GOODS, ic. A large assortment always on hand, and for sale :t j fair prices. Rooting, 11 uttering, and Job Work in genera . promptly attended r<. and warr anted. Store on Randolph street, opposite the post Otii • R. M. ALDWgRTII Columbus, Sept. 17,1855. dfim FONTA l;E WARS HOUfi l: HUGHES & DANIEL, Warehouse, Commission, Receiving and Forwarding .Merchants. ffMIE undersigned have taken the new Fire Pv,> J. Ware House, rtn ntlv elected in th<- rear of M. -s: Tbreewit*. iJolt A Cos., adjoining the Alabama Wan j House, and are prepared to attend to all ("iisignmcm | and to receive and store Cotton. They will do a genoi ■ Commjssuii. Storage and Fotwarding Business. Parti I cuhir attention given to the bale of Cotton and other Produce. The usual facilities will lie alforded and careful att uti"ii I given to all business entrusted to their care. A good supply >t Bagging. Rope and Salt, a.- i ways on baud. WM. H. HUGHES. October 1855. WM. DANIEL. SUPERIOR I, V'tD. ] .J(l CASES very superior Laid. Ist received “ii I -iguuient ami for sale • y February 22. ’ JAMES LIGON. FRESH \\D FIN K. I IST KECEIM D— *t Extra St. Louis Flour Extra Genissee do. Atlantic Superfine do. Pilot Bread; Butter and Soda Cra.-ke: Arrow Root und Fancy Java, Maracaibo aud itio Cofii Teas, a very choice selection sugar* of every kind Raisins. Currants. Citron and Almond.- : j Together with every thing usually kept in the Cr<cet > • line, lor sale by GI'NBV .v r. marl 2 PRIC ES REDUCED. DOUBLE EXTRA—spiandid Extra Family—first rate 50 . ! Superfine—prime article 50 Five per cent, discount on twenty barrel* at one tiro Corn Meal and lloininy To vent per L*. V If 5 bushels are taken at one time. 65 •* j 11*50 •• •• *• *■ 60 •• Brau 70 cents and Slim;.- -ii.eut- per Imi.’.r r.onn . March 14. WINTER’S PALACE >: It- GARDEN seed. I IST received a line stock ie-t Garden S eds. •I JAM . DR. H. M. CLECKLEI UAS remeved his office t>> N> . 126 Broad Street, fi\.r,i room over Perry Spencer - Grocery Stor**. Office hours, from half after eight to't 1, ..‘,1... k , r and from four to five o’clock p. m. January IS. ts FIXE AND COMMON TOBACCO. JL ST received ami for sale, low for cash r appr> v credit, do la>x tine and common Tnhmv... October26—tf j. J. Tol*!* SALT. • TfAt 1 Sack? Salt, revived and for -ale by —’ M ’ JAM! THEY HAVE COME VT LAST! O/li I Gk't.>- us Williams A Cm’- G.-..rv; s l:t. j ‘ MATCHES, i'• r >;ile fins for ‘ ash. t>\ JOUN'gilN. .March I*s. lm Auctioneer .11 ST RECEIVED. VNNK lot of Raising ill Boxes, .and .. . . Figs, for sale wholesale or retail. lv I fee 2 CELL \ a mOM K ’ FRKSII SUPPLIES. I I’ST rceeiv**d. frch Dates, Raisins, ~ „ , Preserves, | ‘i” L CELL \ a rHONIAS BILLS OF LADING. Merchant* Bill* of La ling printed and fi.r sale n. : office, at one dollar per hundred. J) KESTON cV MKRRKLL S t 1.l mt. i lutallihle Yeast Powders, the be.-t article in thel'nu ed States, for family use, manufactured in Boston. ( 1 stantlv on hand ami for sale, wholesale and retail, bv J. J. TODD. Oct. 23. Mo. 36 Ea-t Sidi- In TRI3I3IKD CURED IIAJIS. JUST received on consignment, 10 Cask- more Chan ler a C".’s No. 1 trimmed and cured Ham*, and tm J'nh hv JAMES LIGON ILICON SIDES AND SHOULDERS. I ( ST received on consignment, 39 boxes (20,000) Chan tt iltvr A Co.’s very superior Bacon Sides and Shouldei JAMKB LIGON OATS i\( W I >HKLS Oats just rec*‘ived and tor sale l > WU JAMES l 100 - LF, \ I ‘ L \ RD. )l ST received aud tor sale 100 barrels, half barrels ar.A kega beat A No 1 new Leal Lard. For sale by Dec. 15—ts . JAMES LIGON