Newspaper Page Text
t|f fails &uu.
iv lit live Dollars a year. Where the sub
made for less than a year, at the rate of
frip l ’, 011 !° “ mi ,uth. Single copies, live Cents.
iW 068 ADVERTISING rates.
ts will bo inserted at live Cents a line
jiivrifea* ua j Three Cents u line tor each subse
jr-t inwri ’ he same — to [,,, paid for when the
oanded into the olilce.
■ .vooeiling 5 lines, not. renewable, will be
‘ l 'f,hree mouths tor $4, six months for SO, or one
[riel too agreed upon to bo paid tor before the
‘ fcr in,utistutin type.
vertiee 1 t s not exceeding ten lines, renewable at
i'-" rtl m“ r ted at S2O :l yar—to be paid for quarterly
Stance, o[ ~u jj, ie>^j renewable at pleasure, in*
U™ ~T„ year—pay able quarterly in advauee.
ifl #l^„jvertiseuie nts exceeding 26 lines, will he
“it the rate of $lO tbrtbr every additional ten
-„vablo quarterly Ui advauee.
.foments or notices, occupy mg a pliicc between
’ ‘ rlc'matter and advertisements, will be charged
/oitsa line lor every insertion,
m , A M> waruants.
~n opllCE AM) AGENCY,
caLE of real estate,
conveyancer, &c. &c.
On IlamloliiU Sind,
mUT determined to devote my time exclusively to
11 , .VH BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge
iiimls iu Georgia, to he able to give entiresatisfac
l who may entrust me with business. lam pre
-11 u ieither buy or sell, lierliaps to better advantage
,nv other lierson in Western or Soutli-wcstern
a an have lauds to sell, call upon me: if 1 do not pur
wi ‘u (hid you a purchaser. ; 1 you w ish to buy,
*j. furl have many valuable bds and settlements
nd to sell, from my extensive knowledge of the
rjuflamls, I am prepared to ascertain the ownei of
l 7 Tel . v vac,-nit lot of laud in tbo Slide. If you wish
!,. your land valued, you may nly upon correct in
. upon reasonable terms.
M deeds, mortgages,
I oilier Instruments, drawn correctly aud at low rates;
taxis wanted to sell Bonner’s large map oftieor”
JSigh per cent, given. .
a.m.r is certain, 1 am pay ing New ) ouk and W ash
“ 0„- Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a
*ll commission.
Hiving also made an arrangement with one ot the best
in- in Washington, I aui prepared to apply for
bounty land warrants,
all sixes, and “ ill charge but Five Dollars for each ap
ieation-to be paid for when the warrant arrives.
i,iein vour claims soon.
, s [intend to make this a permanent business, and
ndt my undivided attention, witli a determination to
tesatisfartion. I liope to receive a liberal share of pa’
l.riium mv friends and the community generally
S. li. BONNER,
uivdl-lv Laud Office, Columbus.
lifayette female college.
HE First Session, for 1850, will commence
m Monday tlie 21st of January, and close
te 2d of July.
F. Bledsoe, Principal.
M. E. Hotchkiss, Assistant Lit. Dept.
Norman, Professor of Music.
Rates of Tuition Per Annum.
ary class $lO 00
iratory class 25 00
year in regular course 02 00
three years each 40 00
‘h Language 20 00
i on the Piano, including use of In
uwent 50 00
; on the Harp, including use of In
wuent 65 00
run the Guitar..'. 40 00
ratal Expenses, 1 00
■ Latin and Greek Languages will be
t, as a part of the regular course, to till
lesire them.
traction will be given iij Drawing, Pain-
Embroidery, Wax and Paper Flowers at
mal rates.
nil music tvill be taught to the whole
I, free of charge.
mg ladies can be accommodated with
ing iu the family of the Principal, or in
‘table families, at ten dollars per month,
tiling furnished except lights and tow
tints and guardians living at a distance,
quested to appoint an agent in La Fay
tlto shall make all purchases of clothing,
n* their daughters or wards,
f. J. B. Norman is an experienced and
‘fill teacher of music, and is prepared to
istruction in the art of Composition, and
■ough Bass, to advanced pupils.
Institution is supplied with a Harp, ami
ew Pianos.
3 Hotchkiss, who has not, heretofore,
onnected with the Institution, comes to
lily recommended, as a teacher of rare
cations. Among other testimonials the
ing letter from Prof. Newman, of Union
e, New York, is an ample guarantee for
ility and etiicicncy:
Union College, Dee. 29,1855.
R Sir :—lu reply to your inquiry, 1
ay, Miss Hotchkiss, I know to be emi
qualified for teaching. Her scolarship
;val and very thorough. She is cutcr
’ and ambitious—loves to teach, and on
iole. is the best qualified for it of any
ever instructed. 1 speak thus coitli
, because she was a pupil of mine some
t live years. Truly yours,
utlie general principle that nothing tends
■o impair and destroy the intellect, than
icial habits of study, no young lady, in
istitutlou will he permitted to take up
s beyond tlie grasp of her mind, or to ad
bom a lower to a higher class until she
oroughly mastered all that precedes.—
hid that has not comprehended common
ictic and English Grammar, is hut poor*
■ldled to grapple with the intricacies of
Slier mathematics, or the subtleties of
invite patronage, and we intend to de
‘crve it; but we do not promise to make sokol
hin a day. While modern science has ul
annihilated time and space, the miiul
’ tuns only its original qualities and capabil
ir ii Intellect, iu its onward progress,
■WI dependent upon the principles of asso
i,‘’ ! 011 ’ tlie powers of judgement and memory.
, J advancement in knowledge now, as it has
is slow. jai>4.
Athens, December 18,1850.
■ t!iH lfio rCiseß this Institution will recommence mi
if Jain day of January next, ami continue until tin*
‘ asuat. when there will be a week’s vacation, after
• ‘'tunics will be resumed until the winter vacation,
ft.,. f.'J? 0l ) the first of November.
Hi,, f. n i| low mg able and experienced officers comprise
I", in of t'aeulty— who are expected to he at their
\1,;„ 2}® Jealous discharge of their duties.
.I | • , Lhurch, n. n,. President and Professor of Politi
-1 ■"'■* p' , ‘\v"m ? lentl *’ Philosophy.
Hi it,.: “andel.A. M„ Professor of Ancient Languages
\ v 'l: ra ture
T- Brantley, n. and., Professor of Relies Lettres,
.1,,., . B ,°f Christianity and History.
’ ‘■iif'hilr V e .9 on,e * M - n., Professor of Natural Sciences and
S r °n ? wnch.
I ‘'li .nm!! 1 Irfro y Broun, a. m.. Professor oi .Mathematics,
, and eivu Engineering.
19iv unj pV’ ’ enable, a. M., Professor of Natural l’lilloso
! II ,| , uemistry.
t'tnisi Bumpkin, 11. and.. Professor of Law.
1 ‘tilliam t,’ ‘■ Terrell, Professor of Law.
KUige, Henry Waddell, a. m„ Tutor in Ancient Lun-
I *£";**• \ M ” Tutor in Mathematics.
I f &t at tho u , admission are recommended to be pres
! Hn>n,~ Spinning of the term.
I ‘.a, and Huardians may feel satisfied that their
•In * can Bare obtain a thorough education
i|f Iwh
VOL. I.}
Have removed their extensive stock of Furniture to their
New Four Story Brick HuiUltn*.
W„ Nearly opposite their Old Stand,
HERE they will be happy to seu their friends and
customers ami show them something brilliant and
inviting in the way of Furniture.
Our Ware-Rooms are unequalled in lleauty, and our
r uruiture vecJicrchz. Wo oiler rare advantages to pur
chasers, furnishing houses throughout in a tasteful and
uniform style, by having a branch of our business in New
\ork city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under
his own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We
have on baud furniture suitable for
Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Boom, Kitchen
Ac., of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Vine, £c.;
and us Low as can he found North or South. An assort
ment of
will also be on hand, that will not fail to please. Call
and sec. Our stock consists in part of
Eterislias, Tetc u Tctes, UVliat Nets Arm
Chairs, ami Sofas,
of Rose-Wood, Rrocatelle and Mahogany, for V;.. qs.
Bureaus, Dressing, Marble and Mahogany Tops.
Sitle-15oavils—Marble and Mahogany Tops,
Book Cases of all kinds and Secretaries attached.
Tables—Centre, Dining, Work and Extension.
Bedsteads—High and low post, French and Cottage.
Enamel Sets for Bed Rooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma
hogany Sets for Bed Rooms.
Chairs —an extensive assortment of all woods.
Looking Glasses— all sizes, in frames and out.
Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Ac.
Curt a ins—of Brocatelle and Damask, all colors.
Shades —Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders.
January 17,1856.
A. K.. AYER,
And Forwarding Merchant,
No. 131 West Side Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
ftifParticular attention given to the keeping, purchase
and sale of Negroes.
Administrators’ and Executors’ sales attended to
on reasonable terms. Oct. 23. ly
J. c. RVS£. J. a. davis. w. a. i.oxu.
And Skipping Agents,
‘\\T I LL purchase and sell cuttou and other produce on
YY commission, and strictly attend to forwarding
goods and filling; orders from the country.
Ruse, Patten & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal
advances will be made on consignments either to or
through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North.
Jan.l6 ly
Lumpkin, Stewart County, Geo.
ml IE above Hotel lias been thoroughly renova
-1 ted and re-furnished. The undersigned
thankful for past favors will take pleasure in ac- H~
commodatiug all those who may favor him with JulU.
their patronage. P. LAMPKIN,
Dec 3 Proprietor.
” responsible companies by
Office No. 2., over E. Barnard & Co.’s store.
Phoenix Insurance Company—Capital $200,000.
S. L. LOOMIS. President.
Columbus, Ga., Nov 27. tt
Mattress Manufacturers,
Columbus, Georgia,
ORDERS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Mattresses.
promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens
of Columbus and vicinity, is respectfully solicited.
October 29.1855. ly
Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory,
mills Manufactory has been is in successful operation
X for over three years, and is still continued. All work
will be done by experienced workmen, with good quality
of lumber, and the latest improved machinery.
Will l>e furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow
ing prices:
Sash — 8 x 10... 7 cts Primed and Grazed...l2)4 cts.
10 x 12... 9 “ “ “ ...18 ‘ “
12 x U ..10 “ - “ ...25 “
12 X10...11 “ ...27
12 x 18...12 “ “ ...30 “
12 x 20...11 *‘ ” ** ...35 *‘
12 x 22...10 “ - ” ...10 “
12 x 21...18 “ - •• ...15 “
The above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain.
In all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents pel
light will he added. AH Sasli glazed with good French
Glass, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty.
Rolling Blinds for Windows, 00 cents per foot,
measuring the length, A window live feet would cost
43, without painting, catches, or hinges.
I]/, inch thick, without moulding, $2 50—moulding one
side, $3 00—moulding both sides, $3 50.
1% inch thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding one
side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75.
l]4 inch thick, 1 pannels moulding on one side, $3 s')
moulding both sides, $1 00.
l : X inch thick, 1 panels moulding on one side, $1 00 —
moulding both sides, >1 50.
In addition to the above, Blinds painted and furnished
with hinges and catches, if desired; also, Sash glazed
with German or French plate, painted, stained, ename -
led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col
ors, for side and transom lights and office windows.
Plans aud specifications for all descriptions of bniudings
furnished to order, with estimates, if desired.
Contracts made lor construction and erection of build
ings, on reasonable terms.
All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring aud ceiling
tongued aud grooved.
Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament
ing Cottages, Green Houses, Ac., made to older.
The proprietors being practical mechanics aud builders,
believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may
favor them with orders.
SyAU the above work will ho furnished at short notice.
Sash kept constantly on hand. All orders scut with
the cash, or city acceptance, will meet witli prompt at
tention. Work to he sent by the River, Rail Road, or in
Wagons, will be at the risk of the purchaser, as the work
will lie considered delivered.
-.-T>ociul contracts can be made for large jobs.
January 21. ly J. L. MORTON.
4 LOT in Cobb county, well marked on the Grant —j.
Y a, Mineral Tract,; Oue Lot 202);; acres in Mu-tSsp
i-iou eountv. Three fractious adjoining,
ing about one mile above llainbridge lii Decatur county,
and embracing the bank of Flint River for two miles, on
which there are some good
Hammock and Cotton Lands,
a id the balance as well calculated for making Turpeu
tinefaa any in the Southern country
Also a Li t with comfortable improvements at New
pine Knot Springs, adjoining A. G. ltedd, Esq. Titles in
disputable. Apply to E. J. HARDIN
Jauuary 31, 1850. Columbus, Ga.
lirOULD call the attention of Physician* to the
YY newly discovered medicine called
It issupi lior to Norwood's Tincture of Veratum Veradi,
for nil purposes that the latter has heretofore been used
for. February 4.
JUST received a fine supply of Fancy Candies and Con
fectionery, at 42 Broad street.
February 0. CKLLA A THOMAS.
J. R. HULL &, CO.,
BAGGING, ltope, Twine. Sugar. Coffee, Mo-gfcQSf,
lasses. Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Wines,Ljggk;
Brandies,Gin, Rye, Monongahtla, Bourbon, aud
Seotch Whiskey, aud Provisions aud Groceries generally,
at the old stand of John J. MeKendrce. No. 109 Broad
Street. Coiunibuß. Ga.
Novemlier 21. 1855. ly
i)£\ HIIDS. choice Baeon—hog round, ju-1 received
iij and for sale at the lowest figures, by-
March 15. GUNBY A CO.
COLUMBUS, GA.. ABRIL 14, 1856.
Between the -l’crry” and “Oglethorpe” Hotels, and di
rectly opposite Temperance Hall,
Wf E have now in store aud receiving the r-wnißw ,
YY Dost and most extensive stock of vehi
clcrt to tie found in this country, comprising
of finest and richest finish, and most elegant appearance.
ot latest styles and every variety.
ol every known pattern and shape, suitable for oue or
two horses, and complete assortment of Top and No-Top
of the latest and most fashionable styles now used. The
fact that the well known and highly esteemed work of
JAMES M. QUINBY A CO. as well as that of other
makers of the highest reputation, cau be found only
at our house, and that all our stock is made up un
der the personal direction of Mr. H. C MeKoe, (whose long
experience guarantees its quality) enables us to offer
better work anil at lower prices, than arti
cles of tile game quality can lie sold for by any other dea
ler in this country ; and quite as low as they can be af
forded in New York city. For proof of which werespect
fully invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us.
W i are selling at the very lowest rates, for cash or ap
proved credit, and always ask our se Uto*
prices, so our customers and strangers as well,
may l-cly on being honestly and fairly dealt with. Eve
ry article is warranted to be strictly as
represented, and satisfaction guaranteed to all.
N. R.—Having the best regular set of Carriage
workmen to be found in this country, we are pre
pared, as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing at
the lowest possible rates, with the utmost
promptness and in the best, manner. McK. & li.
January 28. ly
Lumpkin, Ga.
rnilE Trustees of this institution take pleasure in au-
X nouncing to the public that they have secured the
following faculty, to take charge of the College, at the
openingof the next term.
Col. Augustus Alih-11, A. M. President—Professor of En
glish Literature and Ancient Languages.
Rev. F. X. Forster, A. Jr. —Professor of Natural Science
ami Mathematics;
Miss Ann 14. Aldeu, Instructress in French and Bota
ny aLd Principal of Preparatory Department.
This institution is located iu one of the most beautiful
and healthy villages of South Western Georgia; owned
by the Masonic Fraternity, and under its supervision; it
is kept free from alt sectarian bias —at the same time, re
quisite care is taken to secure to the pupils proper moral,
us well as mental training.
The next session will open on the second Muuday in
January next. The Classes will then be organized, and
will progress as heretofore.
Boarding can he obtained in the best families of the
place, where the students will be surrounded by- the safe
guards and amenities of tlic families circle.
The rates of tuition and board, are as low as those ol'-,
sered by any similar Institution in this part of the State.
The College is tarnished with anew aud complete set
of Chemical aud Philosophical Apparatus, Globes, Maps,
Charts, ic.; in Hue with everything necessary for illus
tration iu the several departments of Natural aud Expe
rimental Scieiu-es-
Tlic College Building is so arranged that the Depart
ments will be kept entirely separate, each occupying its
respective rooms.
Arrangements arc now in progress to secure lor tbo
Music Department, a of the highest grade of
abilities and moral character.
We invite the patronage of a liberal and discerning
public, being assured, from the character aud reputation
of those constituting the Faculty, and the ample facilities
lor instruction now actually iu possession of the Institu
tion, that every pledge we make shall be redeemed, every
inducement we offer will prove to be a fact; and that our
Institution can challenge comparison with the proudest
iu the land.
Persons desiring further information iu regard to the
College, will please address L. M. Cox, Lumpkin, or Rev.
F. X. Forster, Cuthbert, Ga., who will furnish them with
Circulars, Ac. Jan. 23 ts
TIMIE undersigned designs opening a Private Academy
X tor Young Ladies in Eatontou, Pntnan county, Ga.,
on Wednesday, January 9th, 1850.
11l the Literary Department the course of study will
he extensive and liberal.
The Latin, French, German aud Spanish Languages
will he taught if desired.
The Ornamental Department “ill include Music on the
Piano, Harp, Organ aud Guitar.
Also, Drawing, Painting, unit Embroidery in all its
A complete apparatus will lie furnished in order to af
ford ample illustrations iu the Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments will he provided, so that each
pupil may have the means of daily practice in addition to
the regular lesson.
The number of pupils will be limited to 30.
‘Tuition per annum, $125 00; haif in advance,uml the
balance at the end of the year.
Attention Is called to the following advantages: First,
the pupil receives a much larger share of attention, than
when the school is large and overgrown.
Second, in udditiou tote regular course of study, she
can make such a selection l.oui the languages, and tlio
Ornamental Department, as time and choice may dictate,
without extra charge.
Third, tlio low rate of tuition, compared with that of
other schools.
The usual charge for the English branches, is.. .S4O bit
Music -o 90
Latin (Extra) 20 90
French •• 20 00
Drawing and Painting - > OH
Embroidery 25 <HJ
Making the aggregate of SIBO 00.
To this uiUl the extra charges made for theuseo’ iu
strumeuts, stationery, Ac., aud the amount will not fall
far short of S2OO, whereas, in the plan adopted in this
Academy, the charge for these is $125 leaving a difference
of SSO tn $75 iu its favor.
Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils, Ac., gratis. Books,
sheet music, Drawing, Painting and Embroidering mate*
rials furnished at the usual rates.
Persons desiring further information, or wishing to en
ter their daughters or wards, may address me, for the
present, at bumpkin, Stewart County, Ga.
Jan 23. . 1- R- BRANHAM.
Casssville, Georgia.
riMIE first Term of this Institution will begin on tbe
X first Monday in February, Ixso, under tin- direction
of the following
Rev. ‘Thomas Uamuaut,
Chairman and Professor of Ancieut Languages,
Rev. William 11. Kobkkt, Prof'-ssor of Mathematics.
Rev. B. W. WlllLliKN,
Professor of Belles Letters and English Literature.
ReV. W. 11. Hull KELT.
Protein. Professor of Natural M-iume.
Rev. B. W. Wiiilukn, pro tom. Professor of
Moral Philosophy and Intellectual Science.
Other Professors will be elected ns soon as tin* wants of
the college require it.
Board and lodging can lie procured at a boarding iiouse
or in private families, at from eight to ten dollars pel
In Academic department, pel* year S2B 00
In College department, per year 34 00
The Board of Trustees are now offering to sell scholar
ships for four years at sl(Mt OP
Scholarships for sixteen years,at 240 00
Thus making tuition merely nominal
The annual commencement will take place on Thurs
day after the first Saturday in July.
Cassville is a healthy location. Our college huiidiug
Is situated three quarters of a mile from the village, and
is a commodious building. Hero young men will be
comparatively free free tbe allurements of fashionable
life, the baneful influence of grog shops, and the expos
ures of a mixed population.
Any Information, as well as eotalogu***, can lie obtained
on aurdlcation to the undersigned, or any of the faculty.
December 31. Secretary Board of Trustees.
T OFFER for sale a spleudod set of Tinners’ Tools and Mu
-1 chines, with as fine a set of Patterns as there i* iu the
State, very low for cash or good notes and security, pay
able Ist January next. Ten per cent, oil’ for cash. A
bargain can be hail by early application.
Alsu, a first rate set of Wool Cards, with all appertain
ing machinery, as good as m-w. Call soon or you lose a
bargain. J- J- TODD.
February 0. 26 Broad Street.
I"A ACTOR Y YARNS of all Nos.. Osnaburgs, Shirting.
4 sheeting. Stripes, Cottonades Ac., constant i v on hand
ami for sale at Factory prices, by
Oct 26—ts J. J. TODD
riMIE subscribers liave now on hand unit .
X are constantly receiving, one of the larg
esi and most varied Stocks of Vehicles ever ouei-ed, and
made expressly for this market, embracing every style
of Carriage in use, such ns—
Cnlcidirs, Berlin Conches, Bnvouelies,
(Os the Finest Finish,)
Barge and small, including many very light and tu. ty,
suitable lor one horse.
With a complete assortment of
BUGGIES with and without TOPS,
Os every style aud finish, which, for durability mid neat
ness, cannot be excelled, aud are from most respect
able manufactories at tbo North, and made under the
pursoutil direction of Mr. J. B. Jaqucs. All of which we
are selling at tlio very lowest rates for cnsli or ap
proved credit.
Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted
in every respect, and our customers and all purchasers
can rely ou being honorably and fairly dealt witli—in
proof of which we respectfully invite the attention (dull
who wisli to pureluise. to call on ns at tin- North-1': 1
corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, upp site the Ivi
ry House.
N. li.—Having a regular set of northern Car
riage Workmen employed, we are prepared to
execute Repairing of every kind in the best possible
manner with neatness and dispatch, at low rates, at
Carriage Repository,
North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, oppo
site the Perry House, Columbus, tin.
February 6.
Engineers and Machinists,
Union Foundry & Machine Works,
AITE call the special attention of the public to 0111 es-
YY tablisliment. The proprietors are practical Me
chanics and of long experience in the business, and Lav
ing combined two establishments in one, they have the
largest and best stock of tools and patterns in tin- State.
Their facility for doing business being so great, they can
afford to their customers the best of terms and the most
prompt execution.
om* senior part Der having been so many years in this
business us the practical partner and proprietor of the
Ooraulgee Foundry, Macon, Georgia, is well known, hav
ing built a large number of Steam Engines, Mills, and
.Machinery, throughout this and adjoining State-. To ail
of which wo refer as a guarantee of our work and ability.
Onr junior is just from Virginia, and having had the
management of some of the largest, establishments in
that State, brings with him the best practical ability and
improvements in machinery.
We call especial attention to our Marine and Sta
tionary Steam Engines and 31111$, both cir
cular anil upright. AVe are now manufacturing the host
iu tlio country, being entirely of metal, at tbe same
price others are furnishing wooden ones.
Wearo now furnishing Steam Engines and Boilers of
any size; Flouring and Corn Mills: vertrical and circu
lar Saw .Mills; Sugar Mills; Shafting; Pulleys; Horse
Powers; Gin and Mill Gearing of all kinds; Cemetery
Railing; Bark Mills; Corn Shelters; Cob Crusher-: and
Castings of every kind—Brass and Iron.
East Alabama Female College,
Tuskeoee, Macon County, Alb.uia,
IOCATED iu Tuskugee, a village far-famed for its
j healthful climate and refined society, the college is
easy of access from east aud west by the Montgomery
and West l’oiut Rail Road which passes at the distance
of four miles, and from the upper and lower country by
excellent roads.
The public may feel assured that the high standard of
education here adopted will never lie lowered. It is our
determination to present at all times an institution whose
facilities for instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
tion among the first ill the country. These are, an ele
| gaut and commodious edifice, erected at a cost of some
forty thousnud dollars—a large aud able corps of instruc
tors —a well selected library—a good apparatus and a ca
binet, prepared with special reference to the wants of the
The boarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They have
the privilege of membership in a literary society, meet
ing weekly lor rehearsals, reading and exorcises in com
position. One hour on Sabbath afternoons is spent by
them in giving an analysis of the morning sermon, and
iu other exercises designed to cultivate a taste for reli
gious truth. They also attend monthly levees conducted
by the governess and other members of tbe faculty.
Their dormitories are all carpeted, well warmed and ven
tilated, and furnished with every needful comfort. Be
sides boarding at the same table with tin- President and
others of the Faculty, they are under the constant super
vision of the governess who directs them in all matters
pertaining to their habits of study and recreation, and to
the cultivation of their manners.
Literal-}’ Depart meiif .
lllnky A. Bacon, A. M.. President,
Mental and Moral Science.
Giioitot IV. Thomas. A. M.,
Higher Mathematics and Ancient Languages.
J. Kkzkczkowski, French, Italian and German.
Miss Ini>A Williams, Logic, Rhetoric and History.
Mrs. X. T. Taylor, English Branches.
Miss M E, Womack, Preparatory Classes.
.Musical Department.
Dr. 8. M. Baktlltt, Principal.
Gfstavus Gikstlkk,')
Mrs. N. T. Taylor, >Assistants.
Miss Lyuia Root, )
Ornamental Depart input.
Miss L. H. Reid, Principal.
Miss Assistant.
Boarding Department.
Miss L. 11. Reid, Governess.
Mr. Sampson Lanier, Steward.
Airs. Emily K. Lanier, Stewardess.
Mrs. Lucinda Patton, Assistant and Nurse.
First Term, from Sept. 23d to Dec. 23d, inclusive.
Winter Vacation, from Dec.24th to Jan. 7th, inclusive.
Second Term, from Jan. Bth to April Bth, inclusive.
Third Term, from April 91 h to July 9th, inclusive.
Summer Yacutiun, from July loth to Sept. 22d. inclusive.
Ciimmcnceiueutof 1856, on Wednesday, July 9th.
Necessary Expenses.
Primary Classes per term $ 7 00
D A C do 10 00
A A It 13 OO
College do 16 66
Board, Including lights and wu-shing pr. term, 36 00
Books, stationery, materials, Ac., furnished at |ow prices.
Extra Expenses.
Modem Languages, per term $ 7 00
Drawing, Embroidery. Chenille, Wax or Fancy
Work, per term 9 00
Water Colors, per term 10 00
Oil Painting, per term 13 (X)
Piano, Guitar, or Violin, per term 16 00
Use of Instruments for lessons and practice.
per term 2 50
Harp, Including use of instrument, per term... 25 00
Those who design entering for the first time at the be
ginning of the next term, will timl it to their advantage
to correspond with the President on that subject.
November 21, 1855. ts ,
To Physicians anti Citizens of Georgia.
VNKW PRINCIPLE for the treatment of all febrile
affections has been discovered by a talented Physi
cian of New York. This discovery involves anew princi
ple by which tin- too positive Condition of the system cal
led Fever, is changed to the normal or healthy state di
rectly and without loss cd vitality.
Tills valuable remedy is called Negative Electric Fluid,
and Is prepared by X. W. Seat. ‘I. D., New York. It is
extensively used ill the hospitals in France, and lias been
extensively used in the practice of a number of tho most
talented members of the medical fraternity. The atten
tion of Physicians is most respectfully solicited to the
virtues of this medicine in the treatment ot Fevers. Try
it and you will never quit it- use. It is far superior to
Norwood's Tincture, for reducing the pulse. This asser
tion will be proven by one single trial.
A full description of the treatment of Fevers by the use
of Dr. X. W. Seat's Negative Electric Fluid, from the pen
of tin-discoverer, will be published in the columns of the
Sim. ill tbe course ol the present week.
The Negative Electric Fluid is for sals at the Drug
Stores of Danforth A Nagel, and Brooks A Chapman, in
Columbus. February 4.
rrtwo Valuable young negro Brick Lay->>'-$4.
| ers, and one of the most desirable and con- BjjjL R
veuieutly arranged Residence* iu the city, foi
-ale on reasonable terms. A. K. AVER,
April 7. 1866. ts m Brood Street.
Farmers, Your Interest is Here.
KA / W U 1 LBS. Chandler A Co's very superior rib
.Jt ft M f bed Sides, in handsome boxes of about
400 His. each. Packages to you an- a half cent per lb.
less than small lots. Come np and buy no less than a
package. Just received and foi sale by
March 24 JAMES I.IOOH.
li. a. JEFFERSON & CO.
j ‘THE above establishment has re-opened'r_
its Sale and Ware-Room with a full assort
nient, comprising the following articles oIT-P-4
-JOSS* recent manufacture and of the very best
maienalr, viz:
Bedsteads, of various patterns, varying m price
from $4 to S3O.
Chairs. Cottage. Boston, Rocking, Office Writing
Nurse's, Children's, and Dining.
Tans, Bbckctr.—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper
brass and iron bound, ol’ various sizes.
Churns.—Common Pine. Cedar and Juniper—brass and
iron bound, of various sizes.
Besides many other articles for house furnishing and tin
mestlc purposes.
All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G
Jefferson A Cos., from country merchants and other®, will
he promptly attended to.
The Factory is situated in a section which affords at.
Abundant supply of Oak, Hickory, Bench, Walnut. Gun,
Pine. Ash, Poplar, Chinn. Ac,
Coliynlms, Gil. Oct. 3, 1855. ,; Ul
Great reduction in the price of the latter publication
L. Scott A Cos., New York, continue to publish the 1,.l
lowing leading British Periodicals, viz:
THE I,ON DON QUARTERLY (Conservative \
CIMIE great and important events —Religious, Political
A aud Military now agitating tho nations of tho Old
World, give to these Publications an interest and value
they never before possessed. They occupy a middle
ground between the hastily written news items, crude
illations, and Hying rumors ot the newspaper, ami
the ponderous Tome of the historian, written long aftei
the living interest in the facts he records shall have
passed away. The progress of the War in the East oecn
I'ies a large space m their pages. I-’.very movement i
elosely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, and ail
short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from
the Crimea and from the Baltic in Blackwood'sMngaatru
iium two of its most jmpillar contributors. glse a mort
intelligible and reliable account of the movements of tin
great belMgri-ents that can elsewhere he found
These Periodicals ably represent the three great polio
cal parties of Grent Britain—Whig. Tory, and Radical
but Jollities forms only one feature- of tiieir character.
As Organs of the im-st profound writers on Science, Lit*
rature, .Morality, amt Religion, they stand, ns they evr-i
have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being con
sidered indispensable to the scholar and the professional
man. while to tin* intelligent reader of every class the.
furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the cui
rent literature of the day, throughout the world, tbm.
can lie jvossibly obtained from any other source
Early Copies.
The receipt of Adnnicr Sheets from tile British pubbob
ers gives additional value to these Reprints, especially
during the present exciting state of European affairs, ii.
aemuch as they can now he placed in tlu- hands of nl
serihers about as soon as the original editions.
Per ana
For any one 01’ the four reviews $3 Do
For any two of the four Reviews 5 bo
For any three of the four Reviews “, 00
For all four of tin* Reviews Suo
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 bo
For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 bo
For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 is
Payments to be made in all cases In advance. Money
current in the State where issued will he received at par.
A discount of twenty-live per cent, irom the above pu
ces will he allowed to Clubs ordering direct from L. Sunn
A Go., four op more copies of any one or more oftlm aboo
works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Hi
view, will he sent to one address for $9; four copies 1, 1 lia
t four Reilews iind BlitckWood fovs39; and soon.
In all the principal cities nud towns,these works will
be delivered, free of postage. When Sent by mail, the
postage lo any part of tbe United States will be Imt lirni
ty-Joiir wilts a year tor “lilac Vwood, “ and but jotntr,,,
mil:- a year for each of the Review s.
To Ncii-iititit- and Practical Agriculture.
By Henry Stephen.-. F. It. S. of Edinburgh, and the I
J. P. Norton. Professor of Scientific Agriculture .1
Yale College, New Haven. 2 vole Royal Octavo.
1699 pages, and numerous Wood ami Steel Engraving
This i-, confessedly, tbe most complete work on Agri
culture ever published. and in order to give it n widei
circulation Hie publishers have resolved to reduce lb
price to
Five Dollars, for tlic Two Volume-1!
When sent by mail (|>ost.-paid ) to California and l/regon
the price will he $7. Tonny other part of the Un. r. cm.
to Canada (|mt-paid), $6. This work is not the Old
“Book of the Farm.”
Remittances for any of the above publications houid
always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers
No. 54 Gobi Street, New Yolk.
G. U. HILL, Esq., Principal and Propriotci,
M aj. X. W. ARMSTRONG, Graduate of the!
State Military Academy, South Carolina, > Assistant-
Da. PUTNAM A Cad. J. S. BARKER, A. B. j
f PHE Fourth Scholastic. Year of tlife Academy com
X nicnced on .Monday. January 15th 1855. and will eon
tinue in session during forty weeks.
As this Academy received very liberal assistance
the State at. the last session of the Legislature, there will
tie no charge for tuition. On entering the in-oitutiur,
an initiation fee of twenty dollars will he required of each
Cad.-I. except such as come under the the following ju„
vision, viz:
Each county in the State of Alabama i-entitled to ud
one Cadet free of ebat-ge. Such Cadet to lie selected lj.
the Judge of Probate and County Commissioners, froii.
such men as are talented, deserving and of good moral
character. Orphans should receive tho preference.
Sjielling, Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar
Geography and History.
Algebra. Geometry; Plain. Descriptive and Analytical
Trigonometry, Calculus, Shadows and Perspective. Natu
ral and Moral Philosophy,Chemistry,Conveyancing, Coo
stitiitional Law, Ancient Languages; French, Civil and
Military Engineering, Surveying. Mechanics and A
Tactic, will he taught at such times as not to interfere
with the- regular studies.
The discipline will lie enforced.
Dross Coat of Grey Cadet Cloth, standing collar, trimmed
with convex metallic buttons and sixteenth-inch black
cloth, according to the usual style; Pants of Grey Cloth
with black strijio on the outer seam one uml an eighth
inches in width—to be worn till the first of May
White Pants from Ist May till September.
The uniform is not to Ire worn except on general j-I
notes, and such sjieelal occasions as the Alii it ary Instinct 01
may direct.
The Academy Buildings are large and w ell airanged
and tin- locution Is eminently healthy.
Board ran he procured from eight to ten duiiarsa month
The principal will o direct the education of his pupil
as. if possible, to make them practical and usefa! men
The 1 xpci'jeiicc and qualifications of tile in.tructoi
will entitle this institution, in a high degree, to pub]!,
confidence. K. A. ZACHARY,
jlyebtm Secretary of the Board of Visitor :
I >ACO\ .-'ides, Hams, Seed Oats, and Corn. By
Jan 18 —tl
ATEW Crop as good as the best, warranted fresh,
lx now on hand and to arrive, at
.1.1. T ODD’S,
December it 26 Broad Street
fl’Ilt: undersigned have entered into the GROCER 1
I BUSINESS, under the firm and name of RIDG
UA\. CLht KLEI A CO. Me will keep constantly on
hand a lar*e lock of* choice OrCeerie-
M. D. DONE 7
juußtl u. M.CLECELEY
Ocx Barrels yellow Irish Potatoes, received and tor rile
THOSE wishing COAL for Grates, can be supplied at
sl3 jier Ton. iiy calling on
Nov (7 Agent, Selma Goal Aline Company
VN excellent article of Country Butter. POULTRi
ic. for sale at J. J. TODD'S,
February 15. 26 Broad Street
Slaughter & Holifield, Auburn, Ala
(10LUMBUS Merchants will consult their Interest by
themselves of the Gazette to make known
their business. It enjoys a very large and Increasing cir
eulation In a region of country that does s hisvy trade in
Columbus Dec. 6,
{NO. 212.