The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, May 01, 1856, Image 1

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Ilf pity <§ u|t - Bt B’ ‘I'HOMAS BE WOLI. H I• nt Five TJ.)ll;irs a your. Where tin-.-üb . i a year, at. the rate of ** u B 1 ? 1 '” AUVERTISIN' 1 * RATES. H will li inserted at Vu Cents a line BH ‘ Jin ,j Five- Ceuta u line each subs,- ,n ’ L *iu : ' aUle — Lo i'tii'l tor whttii ili* ■ ul mdcd into tlio olUee. ■ “ CONTRACT .VDVKRTISERH. m i, lilies, uot reumvubli!, will be ‘i lullia l°i* .-irt immllis for sil, or one B eie ttisreeU upon to be paid tin- lielore tlie ■ “ ~, | ilt ill type. H ‘.<11,11 excel till)? leu lines, renewable at !,i nt,)- 11 il year —to be paid lor quarU-rl} ■ r ’ lls o fen lines, renewable at pleasure, in- B' 1 .',r—"payable quarterly in lelvauee. B 1 nertiseinents “Xcoodiilg lines, will bn H “. t r;t |ui’ for for I'Vfry j'l'tiU'uial ton B .'.'.'."‘nuarUirly i advance. ■ ; M y„|. iiuiieeri, occupy tie; a plieo bet ween B “'an r and ailverliseuiems, will be enlarged B “V'lbn- I'nr cl cry insertion. ■ i \M> NVAIIIiANTS. I V M> OFKICK AND AbIUMIV, I|ji q jj l H,£] A.Xi BSTA‘I‘ It!, ■ ‘ OF Abb DESCRIPTIONS. ■ AJS CHE, <SC. &c. I On Kunl<li , li .Siccei, B TK t uk IWT *H- IK'id, CO..UMIIUS, Cst. B!,Tf ,|eli iT.iiiteil 1.1 devote my lime exclusively to ■ : ’ | i S|N its,d. mill liupe, In ny knowledge B , bhi (1.-iOtia. to be able to give etiliro Htilisliu:- B’ il’'itntst me wit It bus I am pre ■* her Imverselb perhaps t,. Hctt.-r advuntag* B ll ;;;":,|„.r jsirsou ia I’ to or boiilb-westein B ;tt |,., e 1 In Hell, call ilium tie-: it ido not pur Bull! Ibel yetia puivineser. 11 .you wish to bay, m-’ m| | j l!tV |. many valuable lots and settlements ■ ‘ ‘__.ii Finm my extensive knowledge ol’ I lie B’ i l' lll prepared lo iisi erlnin the owner of B r -:; H ' V vaeiint lot of land in Ihe hr’,ale. ll'you wish B” :,,; itiml valued, you may rely upnii correct in tmui, reasonable toriu*. ■ oKKBS, MOUTGAOKS, ■ la luMniiiiciits. drawn eorivi-lly ami at hnv.rates; B-baMswaiitcil to sell linn tier’s large map id Geer, Ki’ li per rent, given. ■ ~ i tain, Imu paying New VoßKatnl \\ ash ,jV pucks f. If I, AN I* W AI! It A NTS, allowing Kii Miiiiu issioli. ■ ...r-ilso iiuuie ail arraugemoiit with oiiHijl'tiHj host BjutV-oliingtoii, 1 am prepared to apply fur ■ ‘.BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS, H:mill will r!inl'e'e but Five Dnllars tor each ap ■ 1,,, paid for when the warrant urrives. ■ jn v.ittr claims Soon. in make this a permanent business, and I in, ttuiliviiled atleiitioii, with a di terminatien in ■ tetaetinii. 1 Imjs* tn receive a liberal share of pa’ I in niy friends and the community generally ■ S. It. BON N Kit, Bk;|l V band Oliieo, Columbus. J AM JOS .1. TOUD, ■St. a# K;ist Side broad Street, Cnlimihus, (la., ■aiiufacturev ami W holcsalc Uctilcr ■ Tm. sheet Iren, Hollow Ware, Stove Pipes, Are. &C. ■miiii- dutteringand nil kinds of.Job Work, prmnpt- Kiemie'l In and warranted. 1,1.1 |a, lS.vti. ■ FK.KSH FRUITS AND CANDIES. ■ST rer.-iyod, fresh Sweet Havana Oranges, and a Kt,.it variety af the li nest Candy Fruits. are If lino Fruits and Candies, call at 4'2 Broad Street, i they are to be found ill endless variety, ar li 14. CEDLA & ‘THOMAS. V JORDAN Ji. lIOAVKU, Hi STICK Ol’ TLII-i I'MACK, B AND COLLECTOR. ’ ‘ I<n! ii.l! ;;i veil .Ihrml In of <.'l:li i II S in my hands. :it tli” .-'tine ul’ Ilarrixon .V Mrlieliee. April 10. I.Hf.ij. B li. ii. McCItAW, HaTTORWEY J%. r X’ XiiVW, Fay Etc, Chambers County, Alabama. r i l, 1858. Gin ms van r m van ni. k. i:arx:;tt. iH’ACAN A; li.itISKTT, B ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ili i • iliiiiilni .: ;•!ir ia. iiml ( raw ford, Alabama. ii,.n 27, hSoti. tv ■ NItUHY REMARK INSTITUTE. ■ La Fy l < t-, Alabama. tv IVLEV Stacy, a. m., Principal. M. 1.. Stacy, I Teachers in Literary M ‘ I'-. UvciiEi.iiCß, j Department. i.'ii’i'H.r.iA, Music mill Oi iiiinu'iiliil 1 )■• j■:irli 11111 1. exercises of tliis liiMtitiitimi w ill Ini resumed on .Mmidiiy in January, 1856. B lf|l .i of Tuition, Nebulas! ic Von r. B 1,;1 0’ L<*| , tiin-n t SIG on (my Depart men t -■> nent College course (1- Oil mi I’innn 50 00 Mnsii- ialiylit without extra <■ 1 1 ;L 1' mI'. jH alum mis of Jhnory an*l Henry Col- I ‘ni.—has large- experience in Itmt-liinsjc, and comes H (” “iiiiiiciidft). bot 1 1 as in i-barnctcr and abilily for n r instruction. ‘1 111 the bwsoiii of a beautiful and healthy \ il died with all the facilities necessary to tin* ne ■ *: a finished education, tie* Institute strongly itself to tin- patronage, of unintelligent pub ait In* obtained in several respectable families ‘liable terms. ■ K. U. Kichards, .1. T. Brock, W. Howell. JO. 11. Muse, “in. .J. Adams, A. M. Presley, < .1. !’. Dowdell, Trustees, ■b-'-inber 21, 1856. if MILITAIvV LASTiTI'TK. I MARIETTA. Hilemicyear is divided into two sessions ol live | !il;, ntlis each. fin* Tenth Session coni me in-es on tin* t 1 '“’ February next, and ends on the l'Jth of July. ‘"Padets are divided into four college classes. The ; i, '' : ’ , nmencement. ta,kes nhiceon Wodnesday before ■ of July, Academic Staff. [ “’ )• ! i'umby, a. w., Superintendent and I J, *' lessor ofMathematics and Natural Philosophy. ,l - iaoiuiwlt, McConnell, I ‘""innudant of Cadets, and Prof, of iOngincoriug. f ; il. Mauled, Professor of French and History, f ‘*• Hunt, a. m,. L , J'j*''lessor of Chemistry and English biterature. [ ■ ’ (, ' M,, lwin, Professor of Drawing. *• ‘'•Cam)), Assistant Professor ol Mathematics, t- j l ''*’ Surgeon. y, Ils t itution is under tin* direction and manago :i If'Mid of Trustee*, iii ij auction with a Board ‘ ,rsa H'oiuted by the (lovernur of tiie Stale, n j 1 the Legislature, the institute has been ii ,l- I ) v '^ j Cadet Muskets aud Accoutrements, I ‘'l l Uattory,*cnnsi>it.jiig of four six-poii ud'T brass I ‘ 1 *; Vi ’ twelve-pounder Howitzer#. * I 1 tend out and the Coiiiniiindant, an* grrnlu * Coint, and as the Institute is upon the West I, ’j tjie public may he assured that tin* goveru t | *MU|liiio aiul course of studies will la* Strictly eii i . , r. 1, Termsi L, ‘ ‘ n *"ard, Washing, Fuel, bights, l.iro of Musl- I tii'i’ l |thcr contingent expenses, per session of live , ii I'* 1 '* >'i advance, sll2 60. I “H Hteo, per annum. $5. Bt||,. !.'[[* further informal ion can obtain a copy I *it... KBlßtfoiiß** I>y addressing; Ihesuperiiitciident. AN Pit MW J. HANSKL Sec. ISiIVKHSI'I'Y OF HKORUU. L|,p Atiien*, Dcmmlicr 18,1855. 1 ‘i ” lr'iT’ ‘ S ’* K (> f olt Institiitiim will rocoiiiiiHiico mi mry next, and continue iiutii the I ~ “ben there will ho a week's vacation, after r-cmb vv ‘ll be resumed until the winter vacation. I ftr#t of November. r'■ ,\\ “ w, ! , a ld* and experienced ollicers comprise | \ bhtcuity—who are exneeted to he at their I ii/ / ‘'' il * u,, 4 discharge of their duties, j “ burcli, i>, i M President and Professor of Poll! i- I : ii**tJ* l,l Mc ‘ ,,tul I'bilosopliy. I . • Vvaddel, a. m., Profesimr of Ancient baie^uft^eH I ■ ; l riiturw I , I ’: Jlraiitliiy. 11. D.. rriifi nr of Ihi lon Li-Ur<‘S I.: , ‘ “J.; lii'intiunity iiinl llistn •. ■ ,; , ;V ontw , *i. n., I’rol'iiMsuriir N'atiiriil Si ii'mi'D ami ■ r °l Ire mill. ■’ ~I MI ‘ ,! ’ r “y llroun, A. M., IVafi'nnor ni MalliuiiiatioH, H „ !l ' l Civil KiiKinin-rinK. ■ ■ ti-nabli), a. M., of Natiirul Fliilnso ■ .'liciuiMtry. I v’ “i>h l|. bumpkin, 11. i.. I’rofi'fiwir nf J,a\v. I , ‘*• “• ‘J'prri'll. |’rofi>s.-iir of Law. ■‘n 1 Henry Wiuiiicll, a. M.,Tutor in Ancient Lon- I ‘ ,11,'',' A ’ M /’ Tutor in MathomiiticH. “ii i ’ ‘" r mbnlHdiini are reconiineiiile,| to lip prus- Ii ~ ‘ I '"Nniiing of the term. ■ l u i' 1 uanliana may feel Kali-lied that their I ~ ti.* r '''* ‘"d” ‘"‘TP nhlairi athorongli pdneation. ASBIJRV HULL, Spc’ry. o. ilf Jails VOL U UEHOVAIi. FURNITURE' EMPORIUM. SANI MIS tfa. ItOONKV, Have removed their extensive stock nf Fiiruituro In their (IRON FRONT,) Ncxv Four Story Brick Building, Neaflyuppnsite their Old Stand, W bl,h. tliey will bo happy tn see their friends and I y eiistniners and show them sninetliing brilliant anil inviting in ll<* way ol’ PiiriiilurcL < hir W aiv-Koofns are uiioqmillcil in lleiuity, ami our I*uriiiture nvlurelit’. We otfer rjir*i toimr cliasiM >. lin nishinu; lioiiscs tliroipjhoul in a'tasteful nml uniform style, hv having a branch of our business in Now York city, where the {Senior partner manufactures, under his own eye, articles to suit, the most fastidious. We have on hand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bod, Sitting, Dining Koom, Kitchen Slc.j of Rose IV ood. Mahogany, Walnut, Pine, Ac.; audits bow as can be found North or South. An assort ment of C VIIPETINt,’ AND ( 5 RTAINS, will also he on hand, that will not fail to please. Call and see. Our stock consists in part ol’ Etcr/sluts, Tuftf a Tet’us, What Nuts- Ann Chairs, ami Sofas, ol Rose-Wood, Hroeatelle and Mahogany, for Pa, rs. Ihirraus, Dressing, Alarhle ami Mahogany Tojss. SMle-lioavds—Marble and Mahogany Tops, Hook of all kinds and Secre.turies attached. Tables—Ci nit re, Pining, Work and Extension. Ihdsli-iuis—High and low post, French and Cottage. Enamel Sets for I ted Rooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma hogany Sets for Red Rooms. liairs—ail extensive assortment of all woods, booking Classes—all sizes, in frames and out. Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain. Tapestry, Ac. i ’ urt ains—of Jh'ocatelio and Damask, all colors. Shades—(Jilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, ISSO. A. K. AYKIi, GKNERALAGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING Ami Forwarding Merchant, No. Ilil West Side Broad Street, Columbus, On. Hi) ■Pnrlicuhir attention iriveu to tlio keeping, pmrhnfle and sale of Ngves. Htf“Ailministi’ators’ ami iixecutors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. Oct. 21 ly J. 0. RUSE. .1. U. O\VIS. w. 11. LONG. IIUSJE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERC II A N ‘l’ S And Sliijiplng Agents, SAVANNAH. U KOKIJI A. \XJ~ I bb purchase and sell cotton and other produce on V V commission, and strictly attend to forwarding goods and lilliug orders front the country. 11use, Patten A; Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal advances will lie made oil consignments either to or through us to our friends in biverpool or the North, dan.lo ly I. A All’lt IN HOTEL. Lumpkin, Stewart County, Geo. ml IE above Hotel has boon thoroughly renova- y n X ted and re-furnished. The undersigned W,.:• thankful for past favors will take pleasure in ac- |sag . commoilating ail those who may favor liim with their patronage. I*. J.AMI’iIIN, Dec 3 Proprietor. INSURANCE. I VIBE, MARINE, 111 V Kit, and LIFE HTSKS taken in _ responsible companies by JOHN MUNK, Agent, Office No. 2., over 13. llarnard & Co.’s store. Phoenix Insurance Company —Capital $200,000. b. LOOMIS, President. JOHN AIUNN, Agent. Columbus, Ha., Nov 27. ts 11 ALLOWED, it THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, THIRD DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAD STREET, Columlms, Georgia, ORDERS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Mattresses. promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens of Columbus and vicinity, is respectfully solicited. October 29. 1855. ly lIARRINGEK &■ MORTON’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, 0(1 LET 11 OB PE STREET, COLUMBUS, (IA. tit 11 IS Manufactory lias boon is in successful operation | for over throe years, ami is still continued. All work will be done by experienced workmen, with good ijuality of lumber, ami the latest improved machinery. SASII, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, IV ill be furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sash — 8 x 10... 7i ts Primed and (Iruzeil.,.l2Jsj ets. 10 x 12... 0 “ “ “ ...18 12 x 14 ..10 “ ...25 “ 12 x 10..,11 “ “ ...27 “ 12 x 18../12 “ “ ...30 “ 12 x 20*..’.14 “ “ “ ...35 “ 12 x 22...10 “ “ “ ...40 “ 12 x 24...18 “ “ “ ...45 “ The above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain. In all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twli cents per light will be added. All Sash glazed witli good French Glass, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty. Rolling Blinds fur Windows, GO cents per foot, measuring the length, A window live feet would cost $3. without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOORS. I]4 inch thick, without moulding, $2 50—moulding one side, $3 00—moulding both sides, $.3 50. \% inch thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding one side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. l’ i inch thich, 4 pannels moulding on one side, $3 50— moulding both sides, $4 00. ]ar j uc ], thick, 4 panels moulding on ono side, $4 00— moulding both sides, $4 50. In addition to the above, Blinds painted and furnished with hinges and catches, if desired; also, Sash glazed with German or French plate, painted, stained, enamel led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors. for side anil transom lights and office window s. Plans and specifications for all descriptions of biiindings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made tor construction and erection of build ings, oil reasonable terms. All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and celling tongued ami grooved. .Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cottages, Green Houses, ,tc., made to order. Tim proprietors being practical mechanics and builders, believe they call give entire satisfaction to all wlio may favor them w ith orders. t'o'All the above work will lie furnished at short notice. Siisli kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to be sent by the River. Rail Road, or in Wagons, will be at, the risk of the purchaser, as the work will be considered delivered. t; Special contracts can bn made for large jobs. M. BARRING KR, January 24. 1y L. MORTON. LAND FOR SALE. Vl,i it in Gnhli county, well marked on tlu flrant :W Mineral Tract. hie Lot 202>5 acres in Mii-TmSI rion county. Three fraetinnsadjoining. couinieuc-d* j„,r .(limit one mile above llainhi-idge ill Decatur county, bracing the bank of Flint River for two miles, on which there are some I Hammock and Cotton Lands, and the balance ns well calculated for making Tirrpen tith'las any in the Southern country Also a Lot with eoinfortahle improvements at New Pirn- Knot Springs, adjoining A.G. Redd, IJsip Titles in disputable. Apply to K. J. HARDIN January 31. 18M, Oohifabtia, Ga. BROOKB ifc CHAPMAN \if Ol I.D call tlm attention of Pliyslclaas to thn VV newly discovereil iiiedii'iim culled I>JI. N- W. HMAT’S NEGATIVE electric fluid. It Is superior In Norwood's Tincture of Veratum Veriull, lor nil purposes Unit the latter has heretofore been used lor. February 4. FANCY INDIES. TIIST ,•.•reived a fine supply of Fancy Candies an.lCon fectloiiery, at 42 Broad street. Pebruary JJ. CKLLA A I IIOMAfi. .1. it. HULL A ( >., C4KOCEH.Y MEH-CRAIVTS, AND DEALKRH IN iIAHGING, Rope. Twine Sugar. Coflee, Mo -£■£■-{ ,7v I lasses. Salt, Teas. Cigars. Tobaeeo, Wines. 1 -, t t Brandies. Gin, Rye, Moiiongahela, I Vj 's6sA-. Scotch Whiskey, and Provisions and Groceries generally, at tin- old stand of John J. McKendree. No. ID9 Broad Street, CotumhuH, Ga. November 21. 1865. ly BACON> HIIDS. choice Bacon —bog round, just received sis) and for sale at the lowest figures, by March 18. GUN BY A CO. COLUMBUS, GA., MAY 1, 1856. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, EAST SIDE OF OGLETHORPE ST., lk'twoen tlio “Derry” and Jlotels, and di rectly opposite IVinperance Hall, COLUMIUis, < i K(> lielA. \I . r 'H have now in shire and receiving the qJQR Wz host and most extensive stock of vehi eles to he found in this country, comprising CALECIIESS AND MOCK CALECHES, °l ihiest and richest finish, and most elegant appearance. BERLINS AND COACHES, <d latest FtyloK'and every variety. ROCK AAV AYS AND BAROI T CIIES, •! every known pattern and shape, suitahle for one or two horses, and complete assortment of Top and Nh-Top BUGGIES AND WAGONS, oi the latest and most fashionable styles now used. The tael that the well known and highly esteemed work of .IAMMS M. QIIINBY Sc CO. its well as that of other makers ol the highest reputation, caii bo found only •it our house*, and that all our stock is made up un der the personal direction of Mr. 11. (• McKee, (whose long experience guarantees its quality) enables us to offer heller work and at lo\ycr prices, than arti cles ol the same quality can be sold for by any other dea ler in t his country ; and quite as low as they can be af forded in New York city. Kor proof of which we respect tally invite all who wish to purchase, to call and sec us. AVe are selling at tlio\ery lowest rates, for (‘anil or ap proved credit, and always ask our selling prices, so our i-ustomers and strangers as well, may rely on being honestly and fairly dealt with. Eve ry article is warranted to he strictly as represent ed, and satisfaction guaranteed to all. MckKt; Sc ROBERTS, N. 1*. —Having the best regular set of Carriage workmen to be found in this country, we are pre pared, as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing at the lowest possible rates, with the utmost promptness and in the best manner. McK. Sl 11. January ‘2S. l y MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. Linnpkin, Ga. rp HE Trustees of this institution take pleasure in nn- I liouiicing to the public that they have secured the following faculty, to take charge of the College, at the opening of tlio next term. FACULTY: Col. Augustus A Men, a. m. President-—Professor of En glish Literature and Ancient. Languages. Rev. E. X. Forster, a. m.—Professor of Natural Science and Mathematics. Miss Ann K. Alden, Instructress in French and Bota ny aLd Principal of Pnqiaratory Department. Music. This institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthy villages ©f South Western Georgia; owned by the Masonic Fraternity, and under its supervision ; it is kept free from all sectarian bias—at the same time, re quisite care is taken to secure to the pupils proper moral, as well as mental training. The next session will open on the second Monday in January next. Tlio Classes will then be organized, and will progress as heretofore. Boarding can he obtained in the best families of tlie place, where the students will he surrounded by the safe guards and amenities of the families circle. The rates oftuition and board, are. as low as those of fered by any similar Institution in this part of the State. The College is furnished with anew and complete set of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, Globes, Maps, Charts, Ac.: in flue with everything necessary for illus tration in the several departments of Natural and Expe rimental Sciences- The College Building is so arranged that the Depart ments will bo kept entirely separate, each occupying its respective rooms. Arrangements are now in progress to secure for the Music Department, a gent leman of the highest grade of abilities and moral character. We invite the patronage of a liberal and discerning public, being assured, from the character and reputation of those constituting the Faculty, and the ample facilities for instruction now actually in possession of the Institu tion, that every pledge we make shall redeemed, every inducement we otfer will prove to be a fact; and that our Institution can challenge comparison with the proudest in the land. Persons desiring liutlier information in regard to the College, will please address L. M. Cox, Lumpkin, or Rev. F. X. Forster, Cuthbert, Ga.. who will furnish them with Circulars, Ac. Jan. 23 ts ACADEMY FOR YOUNG RADIES. r I HIE undersigned designs opening a Private Academy X for Young Ladies in Eatonton, Putnaii county, Ga., on Wednesday, January ‘Jill, 1850. In the Literary Department the course of study will be extensive and liberal. The Latin, French, German and Spanish Languages .will be taught if desired. The Ornamental Department will include Music on the Piano, Harp, Organ and Guitar. Also, Drawing, Painting, and Embroidery in all its branches. A complete apparatus will be furnished in order to af ford ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences. Musical instruments will be provided, so that each pupil may have the means of daily practice in addition to the regular lesson. The number of pupils will be limited to 36. Tuition per annum, $125 00; liaif in adduce, and the balance at theend of tin* year. Attention Is called to the following advantages: First, the pupil receives a much larger share of attention, than when the school is large and overgrown. Second, in addition to the regular course of study, she can make such a selection from the languages, and the Ornamental Department, as time and choice may dictate, without extra charge. Third, the low rate oftuition, compared with that of other schools. The usual charge for the English branches, is. ..S4O 00 Music 20 00 Latin (Extra) 20 00 French “ 20 00 Drawing and Painting 25 00 Embroidery 25 00 Making the aggregate of SIBO 00. To this add the extra charges made for the use of in struments, stationery, Asc., and the amount will not tall far short of S2OO, whereas, in the plan adopted in tills Academy, the charge for these is $125 leaving a difference of SSO to $75 in its favor. Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils, Ac., gratis. Books, sheet music. Drawing, Painting and Embroidering mate rials furnished at the usual rates. Persons desiring further information, or wishing t‘> en ter their daughters or wards, may address me, lbr the present, at Lumpkin, Stewart County,Ga. Jan 23. I. R. BRANHAM. CHEROKEE BAPTIST COLLEGE, Cassvillo, Georgia. riMIE first Term of this Institution will begin on the 1 first Monday ill February, 1850, under the direction of the ol lowing Far ii If y. Rev. Thomas Hambaut, Chairman and Professor of Ancient Languages. Rev. William 11. Robert, Professor of Mathematics. Rev. B. W. WWIDEN, Professor of Belles Letters and English Literature. Rev. W. If. Robert, pro twin. Professor of Natural Science. Rev. IJ. W. Whilpkn, pro ten*. Professor of Moral Philosophy and Intellectual Feience. Ollier Professors will be elected as soon as the wants of the college require it. Board and lodging can he proeuivd at a boardinghouse or in private families, at from eight to ten dollars per month. Tuition* In Academic deportment, per year S2B 00 (n College department, per year 31 00 BcllOlAl’Mllfl|M. The Board of Trustors are now offering to sell scholar ships for lour years at sloo 00 Scholarships for sixteen years, at 210 00 Thus making tuition merely nominal The annual commencement will take place on Thurs day after the first Saturday in duly. Uncut lon* Cuss villa is a healthy location. Our college building is situated three quarters of a mile from the village, and is a commodious building. Here young men will be comparatively free free the allurements of fashiouable life, the baneful influence of grog shops, and the expos ures of a mixed population. Any information, as well as rotulogws, can l>e obtained on application to the undersigned, or any of the faculty. JOHN It. RICK, December 31. Secretary Board of Trustee*. FACTORY YARNS* 1 FACTORY YARNS of all Nos., Osnaburgs. Shirting, 4 Sheeting, Stripes. Cottonadc* Ac.,constantly on hand and for sale at Factory prices, by Oct 26 —ts J. and. TOOT). CITY ELEC TION ! IN ACCORDANCE with tin* third section of an Act of tin* last Legislature the Criminal Court of tin* City of Columbus, there will In* an election held at the usual place of voting in said City for a Solicitor of said Court, SATURDAY THE THIRD DAY OF MAY next, Polls will be opened at 10 a. m. and closed at 4 o’clock p. m. JOHN QUIN, J. p. | JOHN T- WALKER, J. P. Ma’gH. HARVEY W. NANCE, J. P ) April 25 te CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! riIHK subscribers liavo now on hand and l Y l fff**fflP_M - X arn constantly rcci-iving, one of the larg inn and moat varied Stocks of Vehicles ever ollered, and made expressly for this market, embracing every style of Carriage in use, such as— Calecllea, ttcrlin Coaches, Bnrnuclics, (Os the Finest Finish,) PAM] I, Y ROCK AW A VS, Large and small, including many very light aud tasty, suitable tor one horse. BOW TOP WAGONS, With a complete assortment of BUGGIES with and without TOPS, Os every style and finish, which, for durability ami neat ness, cannot be excelled, and are from most respect able manufactories at the North, and made under the personal direction of Mr. J. B. Jaques. All of which we an* selling at the very lowest rates for €*mli or u|i proved credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted in every respeet, and our customers and all purchasers can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—in proof of which we respectfully invite the attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on us at the North-East corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, opposite the Per ry House. J. B. JAQUES Sc BROTHER. N. B.—Having a regular set of northern Car riage Workmen employed, we are prepared to execute Repairing of every kind in the best possible manner with neatnes- and dispatch, at low rates, at J. B. JAQUES Sc BROTHER’S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Rryan streets, oppo site the Perry House, Columbus, Ga. February G. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Engineers anil ItlncliinlHtn, Union Foundry & Machine Works, OO LU M B CJB, <KO RCJIA. Yl T E call the special attention of the public to our es \\ tablishment. Thu proprietors are practical Me chanics and of long experience in the business, and Lav ing combined two establishments in one, they have the largest and best stock of tools and patterns in the State. Their facility for doing business being so great, they cau aflord to their customers the best of termsand the most prompt execution. Our senior part uer having been so many years in this business as the practical partner and proprietor of the Ocinulgee Foundry, Macon, Georgia, is well known, hav ing built a large number of Steam Engines, Mills, and Machinery, throughout this and adjoining States. To ail of which we refer as a guarantee of our work and ability. Our junior is just from Virginia, and having had the management of some of the largest establishments in that .State, brings with him the best practical ability and improvements in machinery. We call especial attention to our Marine and Sta tionary Steam RngfueK and Mills, both cir cular and uptight. We are now manufacturing the best CIRCULAR SAW MILLS in the country, being entirely of metal, at the same price others are furnishing wooden oik s. We are now furnishing Steam Engines and Boilers of any size; Flouring and Corn Mills; vcrtrical and circu lar .Saw Mills; .Sugar Mills; Shafting; Pulleys; Horse Powers; Gin and Mill Gearing of all kinds; Cemetery Railing; Bark Mills; Corn Shelters; Cob Crushers; and Castings of every kind —Brass and Iron. marl3-tf East Alabama Female College, Tuskegkf, Macon County, Aluama. IOCATUD in Tuskcgec, a village l'ar-fametl tor its j healthful climate and refined society, the college is easy of access from east und west by the Montgomery anil (Vest l'oint Kail Jtoad which passes at the distance of four miles, and from the upper and lower country hy excellent roads. Tlie public may feel assured that the high standard of education hero adopted will never lie lowered. It is our determination to present at all times ail institution whose facilities for instruction shall justly claim for it u posi tion among tlie first in tlie country. These are, an ele gant and commodious edifice, erected at a cost of some forty thousand dollars —a large and able corps of instruc tors- —a well selected library—a good apparatus and a ca binet, prepared with special reference to the wants of the college. Tlio boarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They have tin* privilege of membership in a literary society, meet ing weekly for reliearsals, reading and exercises in com position. One hour on Sabbath is spent hy them in giving an analysis of the morning sermon, and in other exercises designed to cultivate a taste for reli gious truth. They also attend monthly levees conducted hy tlie governess and other members of tlie faculty. Their dormitories are all carpeted, well warmed and ven tilated, and furnished with every needful couil'ort. be sides hoarding at the same table with the President und others of the Faculty, tliey are under the constant super vision of the governess who directs them in all matters pertaining to tlieir habits of study aud recreation, and lo the cultivation of their manners. OFFICERS. I.D 111-ary Depart inei.t* Henry A. Bacon, A. M., President, Mental and Moral Science. Oeokoe W. Thomas. A. M., Higher Mathematics and Ancient l.angnages. J. Kir/.hr'/KuW SKI, French. Italian and German. Miss lx da Williams, Kogic, Rhetoric and History. Mrs. N. T. Taylor, English Branches. Miss M K. Womack, Preparatory Classes. Musical Department. Ur. S. M. P.aktlktt, Principal. (lUSTAVUH OIBSYLCa, | Mrs. N. T. Taylor, > Assistants. Miss I.yoia Hoot, J Oi-unmrnl al Depart nielli. Miss L. H. Reid, Principal. Miss Assistant. Hoarding Department. M ir.s Is. 11. JD:ir>, Governed. Mr. Sampson Laxikk, Steward. Mrs. Emily K. Lanier, Stewardess. Mrs. Lucinda Patton, Assistant ami Nurse. Ca lender. First Term, from Sept. 23d to Due. 23d, inclusive. Winter Vacation, from Dec.24th to Jan. 7th, inclusive. Second Turin, from Jan. Bth to April Bth, inclusive. Third Term, from April 9th to July 9tli f Inclusive. Summer Vacation, from July XOtli to Sept. 22d, inclusive. Commencement of 185 G, on Wednesday, July 9th. Necessary Expeiises. Primary Classes per term $ 7 00 D & C do 10 00 AAR lo 13 00 College do 10 00 Hoard, including; lights and washing pr. term, 30 00 Books, stationery, materials. Ac., furnished at |ow prices. Extru Kxpenses. Modern Languages, per torni $ 7 00 Drawing, Embroidery,Chenille, Wax or Fancy Work, per term 9 OO Water Colors, per term 10 <JO Oil Painting, per term 13 (H) .Piano, Guitar, or Violin, per term 10 00 Use of Instruments for lessons and practice, per term 2 50 Harp, including use of instrument, per term... 25 (St Those who design entering for the iirst time at the be ginning of the next term, will find it to their advantage to correspond with the President on that subject. November 21, 186 ft. ts To Pliyalelaiui nml Clllzeiut ofOeorgU. VNKW PRINCIPEK fin- tlie trcHlment of nil febrile nttertiniiH ha* I (iiMi oven-d by talented PliyHl eiftii of New York. Tliin discovery involves anew princi -11 by w hi( li tin- too positive condition of tlio system cal 1.-il Fever. i,-< elmtigod to the normal or healthy state di rectly and without loss of vitality. This valuable remedy is called Negative Electric Fluid, and is prepared by N. \V. Beat, M. V., New York. II Is extensively used m tlie hospitals in France, and has been exteu-ivel.v used in the practice of a number of tlie most talented members of the medliiil fraternity. Tlie atten tion of Physicians is most respectfully solicited to tlie > jet lies of tills medicine in tlie treatment of Fevers. Try it and you will never <|nit it* use. It is tar miperlnr to Norwtssi's Tincture, for reducing the pulse. ‘Jliis usser tiou will be proven by one single trial. A full dest riptinn of the treatment of Fevers by the use of Dr. N.w. Seat’s Negative Electric Fluid, from the pen of the discoverer, will be published in the columns of the Sun, in the course ol the present week. Tin- Negative Electric Fluid is for sals at the Drug Stores of Danforth & Nagel, and Brooks & Chapman, in Comtma. Feln-nary 4. VAM A HI, K PROPERTY. rpW'O Valuable young negro 11l icit 1 era, ami one of the most desirable and con-Hjlffl \* nientl.v arranged Ke>i<leilct‘H in the city, fm “ Mile on reasonable terms. A. K. AYFIK, April 7. 185fi. ts 131 Broad sue.-t. Farmers, Your Interest ia Here. \ f trU ] Chandler A Co’s very superiorrib • ‘lied Side*, in handsome boxes of about 400 lbs. each. Packages to you are a half cent jn-r lb. less than small lots. Conn-up arid buy no less than a package. Just received and for sale by March 24. JAMES LIGON. TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS, EAST SIDE BROAD ST., NOS. 34 dt, 36. R. O. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment has re-openedVES imv/ its Male And Ware-Room with a full assort- ti, meat, comprising the following articles of iff* EBBi recent manufacture and of the very bust materials, viz: Bedsteuda, of various patterns, varying in prico from $4 to S3O. Chairs.- Cottage, Boston, Rocking, Offlco Writing, Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. Tubs. Huckrts.—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper— brass and Iron hound, of various sizes. Churns.—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper—brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS, WARDROBES, WASIISTANDS, TABLES, Besides many oilier articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G. Ji-Ili-i-son A Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. Tim Factory is situated in a section which alloi ds mi abundant supply ol Oak, Hickory, lleat-li, Walnut, Until, Pine, Ash. Poplar, China, Ac. RICHARD O. JtIVLUSON. JAMLS HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 3,1855. fim THE UUITISH PERIODICALS, ANI TH.B I-’AH MHIA’S C4UIDSI. Great reduction in the price of the luttor publication L. Scott A Cos., Now York, continue to publish the fol lowing leading British Peiiodii-als, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE KDINGBUKGH REVIEW (Whig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). f|MIE great and important events—Religious, Political, A and Military—now agitating the nations of the Old World, give to these Publications an intorest and value they never before possessed. They occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations, and Hying rumors of tlie newspaper, ami the ponderous Tome of tlie historian, written long aftoi the living interest in the facts lie records shall have passed away. The progress of the War in the East occu pies a large space in their pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or of Ibe, and all short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea and from the Baltic in Black wood's Magazine, from two of its most pupulur contributors, give a more intelligible and reliable account of the movements of the great belligerents that can elsew here be found. These Periodicals ably represent the three great politi cal parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical,— but politics forms only one fcaliirc of their character,— As Organs of the most profound w riters on Science, Lite ruture, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stout), unrivalled in the world of letters, being con siilered indispensable to the scholar and the professionul man. while to the intelligent reader of every class the} furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the cur rent literature of the day, throughout the world, than can he possibly obtained from any other source. Km-ly Copies. Tile receipt of Ailranot Shertt from the British publish ers gives additional value to these Reprints, especially during the present exciting state of European affairs, in asmuch us tliey can now be placed in the bauds of sub seribers about as soon as Ibe original editions. Terms. Per aim. For any one of tlie lour reviews $3 ou For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 oil For all four of tlio Reviews 8 ou For Blackwood's Magazine 3 on For Blackwood and three Reviews y no For Hluckwood and the lour Reviews 10 (Hi Payments to be made in all eases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will he received at put Clubbing. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pri ces will beallowed to Clubs ordering direct from L. Seen A Cos., lour or more copies of any one or more of tlie above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Re view, will be sent to one address for $11; tour copies of tlie four Reviews and Blackwood furs3o; and soon. Poitage. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, free of jaistuge. When sent by mail, the postage to any part of the L’nited States will be but tweti ty-four cv.nU a year for “Blackwood,” and but ftmrtrth cent* a year for each of the Reviews. THE FARMER’S CHIDE To Scientific nml Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens, K. K. S. of Edinburgh, and tlie late J. P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, New Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo.— HiUo pages, aud numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most, complete work on Agri culture ever published, and ill order to give II a widei tin-illation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to Five Dollars tor the Two Volumes!! !\ In n sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price will be $7. Tunny other part of the Union and to Cuuaila (post-paid). SO. H-d'-Thi* work is not the old “Book of the Farm.” Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to tlie Publishers, LEONARD, SCOTT A CO., No. 54 Gold Street, New York. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY, FREDONIA, CHAMBERS COUNTY. ALA. Or. I*. HILL, Esq., Principal anil Proprietor, M aj. N. IV. ARMSTRONG, Graduate of the I State Military Academy, South Carolina, > Assistants Dk. PUTNAM A Cau. J. S. BARKER, A. li J fJ’IIE Fourth Scholastic Year of this Academy cdui- J. ineiiced on Monday, January 15th 1865, and will con tinue in session during forty weeks. As ibis Academy received very liberal assistance from the State at (lie last session of the Legislature, there will be no charge for tuition. On entering the Institution, an initiation fee of twenty dollars will be required of each Cadet, except such aa come under the the following pro vision, viz: Each county in llio Stale of Alahuma is entitled tosend one Cadet lite of charge. Such Cadet to lie selected by the Judge of Probate and County Commissioners, from such men as are talented, deserving und of good moral character. Orphans should receive the preference COURSE OF STUDIES. spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and History. Algebra,Geometry; Plain, Descriptive and Analytical Trigonometry, Calculus, Shadows and Perspective, Natu ral and Moral Philosophy,Chemistry, Conveyancing, Con stitutional liiiw, Ancient Languages; French, Civil and Military Engineering, Surveying, Mechanics und As tronomy. Tactics w ill be taught at such times as not to interfere witli tin- regular studies. The discipline will be enforced. UNIFORM. Dress Ci>at iif G rcy Cadet Cloth. st auding collar, trimmed witli convex metallic buttons and sixteenth-inch black L'l'dli, according to tin- usual stylo ; Pants of Grey Cloth, with black stripe on the outer seam one and an eighth inches in width—to be worn till the first of May. White I’ants from Ist May till September. The uniform is not to be worn except on general pa rades. and such special occasions as the Military Instructor may direct. The Academy Buildings are large and well arranged, and the locution is eminently iitmltby. Board can he procured from eight to ten dollars a mouth. Tlie principal will so direct the education of'his pupils as. if possible, to make them practical and useful men. The experience and qualifications of the instructors will entitle this Institution, in a high degree, to public confidence. F. A. ZACHARY, jly-d4in Secretary of the Board of Visitors. FOR HALE ON CONSIGNMENT. |>A<’OM Sides, limns, Seed Oats, and Corn. By • * HUGHES A DANIEL Jun IK--tf SHAKER GARDEN NEED. NEW Crop as good as the liest, warranted fiesh, now on bund arid to arrive, nt J. J. TODD’S, December 11. 26 Broad Street. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP, f I‘ll E undersigned have entered into the GROCERY 1 BUSINESS, under the firm and name of RIDG WAV, C’LECKLEA A CO. We will k<*ep constantly on band a large stic k of choice Groceries. D. A. RIDG WAY, A. D. CLECKLKY, , fi(f M. D. DONEY, J a,,Bu 11. M. CLECKLKY. „ . , COAL YARD. flllltJSE. wishing COAL for Urates, can ho supplied at 1 sl3 per Ton, by “tilling on JOHN W. HOWARD, Nov (7 Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. A Cl OOD MEDIUM—EAKT ALABAMA. TH Jjl AUBUR.K GAasWTTK Slaughter dt Holifleld, Auburn, Ala. (lOLU.MHUS Merchants will cousult their interest by themselves of the Gazette to make known their business. It enjoys a very large and increasing dr cu lution in a region of country that does a heavy trade in Columbus. Dec. 6. PRINTINO AND WRAPPING PAPER. HOCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THESE MILLS are prepared to furnish tho best ar ticle of Printing and Wrapping Paper. Tbs paper on which The Daily Sun Is printed, is made at these Mills {NO. *2*27.