Newspaper Page Text
Prepared by X. \V. Seat, M. D.
Reasons why it should be used iiisteiol of R’ly oiler treat
incut in all Febrile affections:
i at Kenuomy of Time,— As only one-senent/t
tho oniinary time Is required toeffoct a cure.
Jd.—Kcnnnmy of Money.— As if cents l>ut one
•'(rd.—Kenuomy oT b'ec llnjj.—As it saves the
•uttering of a long sickness and the ooaaequent treat
ment: the aiiTioyaucn of taking nauaeating doses of
medicine, their disagreeable operation, and the pain of
long coulinemeut; but little of tho fluid being uw -ary,
tied that pleaaant in its effects.
till. - Kenuomy of Tltowgl*!.— A* when
known, it will remoVo all dread and anxiety of present
\is ting, respecting febrile affections: istrtiinilarly while
a dour friend in sick.
At It.—Kconauiy of Health. — An tic system
is not reduced, and coasc(|ttcntly racked; nor fa flic fever
•uhjert to he followed hy chronic disease.
lit It.— Economy of hlfr.-As the mireisclfeetcd
before and without reducing tho patient, nsin .(uontly
removing, in a corresponding degree, all danger of o fatal
Other resuwins might lie added, hut these arc denied
.ufliolent to aatlsfy all claaaea and persons in nil condi
tions of life.
The above reasons arc more particularly appln oldu I”
the immediate treatment on the first attack, lon will
apply with equal force to cases which hove been object
eil tn or have become reduced, corresponding of course
•o the nature of the ease id the lime it i lir-l a lininls
As this remedy gives so prunipl, effectual nnd pernio
uunt relief, in ou ordinary eo a s. when used won after
llie attack, persona can scarcely realize that they had
I men really niucti sick, nnd very iiuturully conclude they
war* not attacked with fiver, and if ho, -it win frilling
—a little cold, which gave alarm—lt could Inn lacn
notliing of consequence—lt would have pieced oil with
out any thing—that medicine had noclfis t.” Tlie'ciicral
impression on tin* subject of lever is such. Unit thought
uot unlike tho above follow the cure of u common mai
ns naturally as men think at all: and It is noi until
tile individual Ims w itnessed many cases that ho ran fully
realist'the truth; and even then lie may conclude them
all very fritting cases, which would have readily yielded
to any simple medicine, yet persons, though they have
lawn thus successful In perhaps hundreds of cases, must,
export that there will case. l occur where there is some
organic or local cause so great as to require pn ficular
attention, or though success ill in reducing’ the liver,
it will again rise as the iutlueiice of I lie “Fluid’ pl-cs
nil, as the exciting rnuHo may still exist. His to guard
against disappointment in suen cases that L have riven
and frequently refer to what 1 have called a “ synnp-is.”
Keinarksuu Fevers in General*
On this subject I wish to be fully understood. By the
lerui “fevers,” 1 comprehend all febrile affections to
which the human frame is subject, including small pox
.radother eruptive fevers; hut us they arise by a great
variety of causes, and in quite dissimilar con,dilutions
and Imbits, they of course differ considerably in their
development, and exhibit a variety of forms or types;
yet all are distinguished by tho same general clinract er
istics—that b. undue excitement in the circulatory ami
nervous systems—inducing more or less unnatural fre
quency in the pulse, sense of heat, dryness of lie. skin,
liability, Ac.
To show that 1 um not wholly alone in the opinion 1
advance, I quote from the celebrated Prof. T. Watson,
of King's College, London, whoso work on tho Priori
pies and Practice of Physic” is a text book in many of
our medical colleges, and consequently standardmithmity.
i in p ige 854, he says:—“We boar cou tinually, both in
and out of the profession, different species of fever spo
ken pf. Bv the public, Typhus Fever, Brain Fever,
Itillous Fever, Putrid Fever, Low Fever, Nervous Fever,
Ac. And systematic writers are to the full as particular:
Mucous Fever, Ataxic, Adynamic, Uastro-Knteric, and
so forth. Now, admitting that fever shows itself under
various forms, I am persuaded that tho effect upon the
mind of all tiiis suit-division, is hud and hurtful. It
encourages a disposition, already too provulent, to pre
scribe for a disease according to its name. There is no
line of genuine distinction between continued fevers,
that can lie relied on. They run insensibly into each
other, even the most dissimilar of them, and are often
traceable to the same cause.”
The aliove is a great fact, one worthy of remembrance
and I would impress on your minds the folly of limiting
up or troubling you self about a “name:” if you have
fever, treat it at once as hereafter directed, and you
mill be well instead of any distiuetclinractor being devel
oped, so as to tie properly named by the most scientific.
This assertion is no hypothesis based on closet specula
tions or visions of mind, but on experience at tho bed
sle of tho sick, in hundreds, aye, thousands of cases
tby myself and others) under a great variety of eir
uuistaneos, seasons and climates. Hear this in mind,
and treat at oure without regard to name, nnd rest
assured you will soon ho freed from all dread of linger
ing and dangerous fevers. But as eases may havu be
come developed before the “Fluid” is given, either by
neglect, or under some other treatment, I will describe
as briefly ns possible the proper course to be pursued in
all of the most prominent fevers, though the “ Kales”
and “ Synopsis” will he amply sufficient for all those
accustomed to attendance upon the sick.
/titles important to be observed in nil cases in using the
Negative JCledric Fluid.
Ist. It should be given in three or four times its own
quantity of water, and may he sweetened or not at
fid. Patients must bo free from all currents of air,
(though there shouldalways lie free ventilation in the
sick room,) nor attempt to go about while under its in
3d. It must bo continued whenever the fever subsides,
or is evidently pawing oft'; to bo resumed when it
begins to rise again, should such be the ease under any
4th. When the fever begins to subside, patients must
lie left perfectly quiet; free from all excitement; should
not be questioned ns to their wants or feelings, nor
attempt to converse, read or take any exercise whatever,
till their own natural feelings. Independent of all extra
neous iuliucnces. induce them to rise or speak; nor
should any conversation be allowed in their hearing, (n
which they may feel more or less interested, but be left
quiei to all intents mid purposes.
sth. Fluids should bo allowed, while giving it as
plentifully, nnd as long ns the patient desires and no
longer; they may consist of cold water, mucilaginous
drinks, lemonade, any simple decoctions, or teas, either
cold or warm as parties may prefer or patients desire.
Util. Should patients experience any oppression or
faintness while in the lying posture, so as to occasion a
restlessness after the fever has passed oft, or enough to
occasion them to speak id’ it, they should have a little
wine, toddy, camphor, hartshorn, lemonade with a little
spirit, ginger, or some other stimulant; or the face and
breast may Iki bathed in cold water: either of which
will give immediate relief.
For children of one year or under, from 5 to 8 drops.
“ over 1 and under fi years, •• sto 15
•• ft <• “ tfi to fill “
“ “ 5 “ 10 “ fiO to 50 “
‘ “ “ 8 “ 15 half to a tcaspounliih
All persons over fill ecu considered as adults, for whom
a tenspoonful is a common dose. Old persons do not
require ns much ns young, or those in the prime of life;
nor females, as a general rule, ns much as males.
There is no particular care necessary in giving it to
children —those of ton years of age frequently having
taken full doses : hut for a little guide, I have given tho
aiaive table, with the remark that, as a general rule,
children require more than adults in proportion.
Hy observing t lie above directions, the medicine will
Ik) found agreeable in all ol’ itselVoots, the expectations
of the most sanguine realized, uud many perfectly
astonished. Sly object in being thus particular is, that
the full benefit of the medicine may lie obtained, and
not on account of any c leat n> el'tfg of such strict ob
Hiltons or Remittent Fever.
Hive a teusponful of “ Fluid” (see rule Ist) oncu in
two hours, till the fever is evidently passing nil; this
constitutes tho whole treatment in all simple eases of
fever, witli such observances us are sot forth in tho
•• Rules.'’ But should tilers ho prominent local symp
toms, or known local existing causes, they should In*
attended to at once, aud while giving 1 lie Fluid.'’
See Synopsis.
If in any ease the bowels are particularly constipated
or confined, givo a cathartic (seo auxiliaries) with the
lirst portion ; they must la* opened or the lever may li.-o
Where the lover is very high, pulse running lid or
upward*, aud the patient is uot particularly susceptible
to the influoueo ot'iuediei ■ -not easily operated on bv
medicine generally—a do; ole dose, or two touspoousful
may be given at first with i.dvautage, aud even repeated
in two hour*—if It—the pulse—has not been siflaicd,
thus showing the medicine has taken effect.
Bathing the surface with water ut an agreeable
temperature, the saline wash, vinegar or spirits amt
water, In these difficult cases, will afford relief and aid
the medicine much in taking cited.
Cniigrstlvr Fever.
Hive two teaapoonsful and repeat every two hours till
Ibe pulse becomes more full and soft, t lieu only a tea
spoonfed, to he discontinued as tile fever subsidei. As
ihe bowels are generally routined, and It Is frequently
very difficult to get medicine to operate In tills disease,
no time should be lost to get them open, give some active
cathartic with the “ Fluid*’ aud repeat as may be neces
nry till it operates; enemas (Injections) may also be
used to advantage; also, mustard to the extremities or
friction (rubbing) with the hands or flannel: also, cold
applications to the head. Quiuinr may be added to the
•• Fluid” If thought ail) isable. bee (synopsis.
Nervous Fever, Typhus, ship and Putrid
or Spotted Fever.
As these fevors are all of one character, differing
mainly in degree, being all of a low grade, the pulse
small and wiry, with a general great depressiou. there is
no practical use in separating them—ut least so far us
luy treatment is concerned. In these low fevers, when
fully developed, a little patience will be required: still
comparatively little, ss they frequently run weeks under
the common treatment, while with this but a few days
will be c -cessar.v at longest to establish a permanent
The treatment should bo rontmeuced—which may
Immediately follow any other without detriment—with
a teaspoooful of ‘‘Fluid” every two hours, till the pulse J
bwomen fuller or huger iu volume, then to bo continued !
once In six or eight hours till the fever entirely subsides. I
Tn bad cases, from three to five grain* inch of quinine
and capsicum (Cayenne popper) nr some tone and -tinm
liint (see auxiliaries) should be added t” cacti dose. The
bowels sboold lie kept gotitly apen. and small perilous
of some hepatic should he given occnsmnally, even
though the bowels should bo very liaise. Jin* patient
aliould be sustained by nourishing and iuaoilagciiou.s
drill** — sueli us are in common *l‘ in such eases.—
Where the skin is very dry, spoiling the surface as di
rected in bilious fever, will be louud advantageous.
Tonies should Is* Used during convalescence, ill all eases
which have liecoaia reduced.
PHCwinnitin, Typlioiil Pneumonia, I.mig
or Winter Fever.
Hive a teiiupuoiifitl of Hi” “Fluid” every two hours,
witli it wine-glassful bfn strong decoct ion of boneset; or
luilt the. quantity may be given every lioitr till relieved,
then, at longer IntarvaJ.-. -ay mice in six or eight bom
The boneset tea should be given warm till the violent
symptoms mo allayed, or Hi” patient i relieved; then
colil; fomentations, mustard plaster, or something of
tho kind, Jo be applied over the seat “I, ptijn; keep the
bowels gently open.
Variola, Varioloid, Ruheolo timi heariii
llinx; or Slim 11 Fox, Vurlololil, Measles,
and Hciwlet Fever.
A; all of I lie*, disease ; ar- allended witli lever, whi'di
ill fact is the most prominent symptom, the treatment
(lifters line little hum that of ilium fever . Remember
never waif lo learn lie* ■■ none whether il is one or tlc
other, or neHier, u, they all’ annvsnca vilh Jin r. lull
treat it at once; govern the fever and tin- 1 <■ will h” no
trouble; lh>Te will lie but little eruption I'Vf'lt in small
pox. This, to most minds, i- anew idea, and iloubtb ■■■
j will bo regarded with ridicule by many, i uevei tilth •
J iHildly make the assertion, t bal small pox, if Denied as
I direct, null lm cut short; attended with bill little emp
lion; little op no pitting, and that there i- go ae'c.sdg of
its running its ordinary com <■. on thi. i will .-.1.0kh
not only my reputation, imt a.I llial i hold iiio-I dear;
besides, n;i I Id-subject. I hate good authority; “I
I'rof. Mai nu, previously quoted. It*- ays, page 874:
“You limy abate the fare of the eruptive liver, ami
keep down, it is believed, the nutnber ig'lln: jni.ilulis bv
spline purge.*. Here i the admission Moil ii may
lie done. 1 have not only proven it mag be, Imt. has
been done in numerous ras-'.* that orrnnvd oti board
ship, pee I lie account appended.
(jive n teaspuoiiful or mui; urmidin/ lo Ihe urgency
oj tin-ease, witli a dose of sails or castor oil; I lie
Fluid once ill two lioms if Here -ary, until I lie fever sub -
sides—though one or two doses is genera ly stillieicnt.;
but it should ho given ami repeated sufficiently to lo op
the lever under control. AVlion the throat i- affected,
tiny of the ordinary gurgles may i” us"k and Hu*
surface bathed, as thought, advisable.
11l olio cu r, oil the ship Duchess d’Orleaus, the tongue
and l'anons were so much swollen that the patient could
not swallow or speak, and lie was cured by dropping Hie
Fluid on bis tongue, drop by drop, till lie could swallow,
wlieii it was given in teaopoonful doses errrg hoar, till
all alarming symptoms disappeared, ‘file swelling of
the tilroal vvas minced so us to enable him to take Hour -
is Ii iiioii tin about, twelve hours hy llm Fluid alone.—-
Used to wet tin) tliisuit frequently, it i ; dmilille- the
be-1 gargle in all sueli eases.
Puerperal or (‘hiliilieil Fever.
This heretofore painful, dangerous and alarming
malady to which tliu mother lit liable, will yield to tho
Negative Electric Fluid with sueli readiness, ns to seem
to boos little consequence. A single dose or two of a
tenspoonful. almost invariably giving entire anil per
manent relief; no alarm need be entertained, as the
Fluid will arrest it in a short time. Jt should bo re
peated as long us tlm l'evor continues, as in other cases,
Tho bowels of course should be attended to.
In connection with this subject, 1 cannot refrain from
making a few general remarks, which, if regarded by
the ladies, will save them much pain and suffering. It
is to inform them of the happy effect of the Fluid in
many of their trials. In child-birth, its relaxing and
Soothing effeci deprives the labor of much of its pains
and difficulties; it must be tried to be appreciated.—
Painful menstruation will be relieved ut once by it com
mon dose andretlring. Restlessness, nervous irritability,
ora cold taken at adelieuto time, is easily relieved by
its use; in short, it is ouo of the most convenient aud
effectual remedies for many of the ill.*? of females, if not
the most so of any medicine known. Its effect is uniform,
relaxing tho whole system, removing all excitability
and iritability of the nervous as well as the circulatory.
It will not forco sleep like opiates, but it will sooth nnd
quiet the system so that one can sleep naturally and
heaith.v: lienee its use in so many cases.
Synopsi 6o
To avoid constant repetition, atid condense the treat
ment as much as possible, I give under tiiis head general
directions for all caiA's. As the Negative Electric Fluid
will change the condition called lever, or subdue and
control it under all circumstances, without regard to tho
name it may boor ought to lie called, it should be given
wherever or whenever it exists; yet it cannot be ex
pected to control all organic or luca! causes, which,
when such exist, must be removed in order to effect a
permanent cure.
When such indications occur in any case, they should
be appropriate means, and these solitild be given while
giving the “Fluid,” and in connection with it, when
occasion requires, as they will then more readily act,
producing more general effect, besides no unnecessary
time will then be lost. As tho *, Fluid” alone will sub
due tlio fever, I call all else auxiliary treatment.
If the bowels are costivo, given cathartic (see auxili
aries) with the first dose, or soon after, and should it
fail lo operate in due time, repeat the dose: if attended
with diarrhoea, give something known to he good for
that complaint, though if caused by irritability, the
“ Fluid” will soon relieve that condition; if severe local
pain or inflammation, apply some stimulating linimont,
a mustard plaster, a blister, fomentations of bitter herbs,
or, perhaps, cloths wet in ecld water, to the pari,; if
violent pain in the. head, apply cold water, ice water,
if convenient, or some cooling application, and batlio
the feet in hot water; if the fever is very high, skill
dry and hot, with great suffering, sponge or batin’ the
whole surface with water at an agreeable temperature;
“the saline wash,” vinegar ami water or spirits and
water, either will aft'ord great relief and aid the medi
cine ill taking effect, after which there will be no tum
ble ; if the patient has boon reduced or is much prostra
ted, give tonics and stimulants, particularly in low
fevers, in absence of fever or when indicated; also,
during convplcsconee, when the patient has become re
duced ; if there is nausea aud vomiting, that must be
allayed before any medicine will remain on the stomach
to do any good: for this purpose 1 generally give some
gentle emetic to cleanse the stomach; warm water, if
given plentifully, will answer every purpose; when tho
stomach has settled, give the “Fluid” and a cathartic if
necessary; in short, treat all the prominent symptoms
us you would under any othor circumstances, giving tho
“ Fluid” at tho same time ns directed, and success will
crown your efforts; indeed, you cannot realize it till you
have seen, and then you will be astonished at the ease
with which you ran control all febrile excitement.
Parties may feel at a loaa to know what is meant by
cathartics, Ac., as physicians are usually particular
about what is used. 1 have found no such necessity
when using the Fluid, and to be fully understood by
all, I wjll name a tow of the different articles pf medi
cine 1 have referred to, viz:—
tut liart its.—Articles that purge or operate on the
bowels, sti'-li as castor oil, salts, senna, any of the roots
or barks, and many pills, untibilious. A.-.: anythin"’
known to bo good for such purposes.
Ili'putit s.—Anything known to act on the liver
particularly, portal circulation and secretions geiiorully.
Aliy of tho articles depended on by the different schools
for tin ; pill pose, will answer when used in connection
with die •• Fluid” or while, the system is under its in
fluence. And one may choose calomel—another, blue
mass—the third, podophylltn—the fourth, mandrake
root, and so on: each may t il.e bis choice mel be suc
Tonics. -Article-that give tone or slreuvlh. such
I as quinine, various lurks, roots and bitter herb*. Bone
set or tborouglnVort is one of the best used in foyers.
Awli'lngi'ilts.—Such as check tho action of (lie
bowels. Uiiudaimmnud other preparations of opium are
used; also, many mixtures, not properly ustritnrcnis,
which have the effect.
Stimulants.— Articles that raise, nr excite tho
system. Capsicum ((Tiyetine pepper) is olio of tim best;
ginger, spirits, hartshorn, Ac., tho tv.senses are all more
or less stimulating. Those are the only classes necessa
ry in treating lovers, though many others are generally
used, but the Negative Electric Fluid is u bol<er dia
phoretic,” “anodyne,” “diuretic,” “relaxant'’ and
” sedative” titan know uiu tlie nr.fl
J shall not tux the reader with a long list of proofs,
depending mainly on the results of a trial, and will’
only refer lo one iustanco of success, that on the
Puiketslii]) Duchess D’Oileiiiis.
which cannot be classed among ordinary certificates:
\\c, the undersigned, certify to the following, viz—
We took passage on the piu-kctsbip Duelless and Urleiins,
Capt Hutton, then lying in the port of Havre, frame,
ami bound for New York. She sailed on the Uth of Au
gust, 1861, witli over it hundred souls on hoard, mostly
emigrants- A few days after leaving Havre, the small
pox broke out among the emigrants, They were nil
treated hy the physician iu charge,Dr. N. W. Seat, w itli
anew remedy of his own, which lie calls Negative Elec
tric Fluid, with which he seemed to have entire control
over the disease, arresting it in a few hours, amt curing
in a very short time.
During the voyage, which lusted thirty-nine days,
•here were about eighty eases of small pox.some fever,
Ac., nnd not a single dentil. AH were cured witli unu
sual promptness.
From what we saw during said passage, we are fully
convinced that tile medicine used by Dr. Seat on the oc
casion, possesses inestimable virtue's. We never before
heard or read of febrile affections being controlled with
so much ease, promptness and certainty, or so little
trouble to the nurse. A crowded ship, n long passage,
small |>ox and fever on board, and not a death,’ The
fact s]ienks for itself.
K. I*. Fabri. 84 I‘eml street, New York.
K. U. Fabri. •• •• ** a
J. A. PkNormandy. Beaver county, Penn.
T. A. Di.N'okmandv. East Liverpool, Ohio.
. ■ Cabin Passengers.
The above statement is correct.
W. 8. Hctton, Commander.
„ , ‘ Vm - Marstox. First Mate.
New York, Aug., 1862.
Ait j N ' w * SsAT > M. D.
Address orders to
0. W. YVKSTBROOK, N. Y. City.
New Principle ! New Remed! No Poison!
Rhodes’ Fever and Cure ;
Ou Antidote to Ma t-aiua;
FOR THE i’KI'V I'.M'IOS -AM) CL'ltj;
Os FuV* r and Ague, or i drill Fiver; . *>nmb Ague, and
other Intermittent uud 1 ‘.eminent I-overs; also ni
Bilious Fevers, accompanied by I y |diuid 11 ip
tons; Typhoid Fever, Yellow A- ever, Slii|>
and .lad Fer, Hi nerulDcliilx * v, Night
.- scats, and nil other forms <*4 disettstt
riMIKM*: disca-csare col ruiou to Bis n y localities ol Um
JL United btiiics: Imt xvhonnr tbe- v prevail, North,
Bouth, Jinst orYVcst, they all eiimdix springfrom tho
sa me m iKsjnal cinme. 1 bit greut vurfo tyr nts) nip toms and
foruiV'i di-< ,, '■ is owing jirinclpilly t* dilfMonce iu age,
hex. non.-! imt in. uud habits of the pi* t i crers; Imt as the
elm • i lb in . they will all equally yield tou remedy
Unit i.i’ i,iii|ii tent t> overcriaiittirreiiK vat tiutt causa*.
Bv the lav- of Nature, overy principle* lias its ojqswiti'.
and jot ei cry dii easc, or millet; ni di.- vase, Hi'tro is K re
ii. riil. or in nrher words n .-pecific ten * vdv. All Alula; in,
whether miring frolti .Miirsin'zFtiigiDA xl l miler. riecompu
siliini of aiiinnd and matte or, or even newly
clean'd land.*, i• I lie same in cluiraet'a j mil ijlect; i.- a poi
b'lii floating m Ihe atmosphere, ciiuiriii discusi'to all who
breathe it. In reordnnec with thoavs luiidteruldo laws
governin’- Hi” um rrin;v nllinlty subs- • sting bet wool i op
posite.-, tb re i- in the pfepunitpi I* - fora us, offi*rii to
tho publie.
The .Natural Anttillole •* Malaria.)
whieli neutralize; tin* poison ivlittuevn t” it comes in i mn
-1 net witli it. i veil iii tin; opennlr, utnl xvlien taken iiiter
unlly coinplcb'ly purifies tin! systoui Ckjfectod by it of its
I dll lefu I inllneni;*- and Hint vi*jti*i-.s mill | >i'< • ertrs
Theiviu'dy ~ bellew-ri lu lie eniiidy law, u.ail uii
know ii t i any foil tin- proprietor, wli t ilisllactly claims
Ihe follow in; .; ram dinnr.v results ire in Its use :
It will in. liudly cheek llm ngtio in pentoDH wlm have
suliered for any length of time,from *nu day to twenty
yi nr.-, and b.v euntiuninw itH use, '•*•’ erdiligtothedha i;-
tiolis. a radical cure wjll lie etleeti'ri ; t lio pafient oontin
tiing In e li'om Ihcc.ympluJntlori'ver; iiiileiissubsequent
exposiiie to iit .diouf'l iiiiilprils ii -o nguiii necessary.
In its (qieration upon tbe lAiton ii i tho system, it will
iuuiiediatuly relieve all thP symptoua* of bil
ious or imue di-eases, aiiri wlti'H tie* •lisciun! is cured, it
will entirely pie,, ut the sxeccfeiouuf
Ucueial liehilit y and Nijjglit Stvcatw,
wriij* Ii -"often fallow tin; lulniinlstriA ion ol'other liicdts
cities. The patient at oner bt'gitns t*i reever appetite
ami stt'ength. and eontin uestirimpri-v ** until reslored to
porfeet Itcaßli.
By its use Fever anil .lyin’ may he Ijiinishol from
every family and ; lass in the comini* *iity; thrmers, nie
chaitie*. atul all laboring ]ien|ili’ jniiy I *■ using (bis arti
cle US II
Pro v culm.',
And pur. in: liu • rSspcctiveiiwutiuii iu perl'cct safety
from a ue m; liilious attacks dm'ilig t lie sickly seuson,
which is 11 Iten t<> them fiietutist val iialilc pari, of the
Since tie iiitiodiietiou of tint IkR I in every paid of
tlit) United Flutes, its successlimt lieoxi bo complete and
unvarying us to have fully proved t TiCsc ussertions iu
favor of its extraordinary merit.’
U'lien these deelaratioiiH wilt; mat Io , ut the date of its
introduet.on, they seemetl mCi'iiiljlile to ninny, even of
the most candid minds, because all iho resources of
science had been taxed in vitiit lii,hiilm luoague or bilious
diseases; and what was still worite f.7r>r ague sufferers,
all their remedies or treatment,.w inother scientific or
empirical, haw; been limited to poison tons or destructive
drugs, such as Arsenic, Quiaitt), Mox .'i,ry, Salicine, &c.
The efforts of these are somotimcs woi-.-so than the disease
they subdue, and wlien such remediess fail, or give only
temporary relief, their poisunons effo* -ts .tro siipcrudded
to the-poor sufferer’s lirst complaint.
On this account aguo sufferers shou.l<l lie particularly
careful about using any secret Fcvor a : id Ague remedies,
notwithstanding the makers of them uniformly assert
they may be taken with perfect sttfetjx-, erven’ w lien it is
notoriously well known that thfeir potency depends
solely upon destructive poisons.
Now, as a proof that tlie Remedy is not only valuable
on account of its power to cure dtsoixscs, hut that if is
Worthy of f* sililit, Coutfitlcncc,
Because of its
Singular and Exttirc 11j.*.-jnlessn'ss,
The iollowiug certificate from one of 11 to most celebrated
chemists tu tho United States inis been obtniii'etl, afid a
copy of it is attached to every bottle :
A'rw York, Juno 11, T 855.
■■l have made a clicmieiil cxtuiiiuatiexxi ot'Klioiles’ Fever
and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, end have tested
it for Arsenic, Mercury, Quinino aii*l Strychnine, but
have not found a particle of either in it, nor have I found
any substance in its composition that ■would prove inju
rious to tho constitution.
“JAMES 11. CHILTON, >l. I), Chemist,'’
It i* a stubborn fact, therefore, 11* at this Remedy is
destined not only to relieve the h uman family from
malarious diseases, but to do an equally good work by
preventing tho taking of other medieiues which do harm.
The entire absence of any baneful ingredient makes
this Rcinouy not more valuable no a Cure, than it is as a
No class of disease is so easily niajaagcd as the one
under consideration, if tlie medicine I c* taken in advance.
This is owing to the diseases being pi-uduced by one and
the same cause, and therefore all, 1 >oth residents and
travelers, should protect themselves T>y the timely use
of tiiis preventive, and uot wait for tlie poison already
lurking in their veins, to develop) itself in a violent
attack. Take tho Cure ns aprev<• ■ t t ive. and so destroy
tlie poison before it does harm.
Full directions and advice auto die* t and Imbits of life
prepared by a distinguished Hiysiciirti long l'erident in
a Bilious climate now accompany cool x. bottle.
it will often be found necessary to precede this medi
cine by a mild cathartic or aiitiliilio us purgative. The
very best thing for general nso is . c moderate doso of
Castor Oil, the object of vitich is to e . fans,- tlie stomach
and free the biliary, Reiiiomher that where
this is necessary, or there is costivenosss, itJiusT ue taken
or the operation of the antidote will ho seriously oh-,
Only Caution. —In certain sjjeeifiod cases, pour
the contents of one or more bottle **s of tho Cure into
shallow vessels, (dining plates, and place them in
sleeping rooms; for the vaporrlsing i'rom the medicine,
and also tho air wafted across, or circulated over the
dregs of it, after the liquid is evaporated, will counteract
ami . cstroy, to a commcnsu fate with its expo
sure, t he miasmata or jioisoii contained in the apartment.
This mode of exhibiting tho Cure ssliould likewise be
resorted to when very youlig inf nts are exposed to
malarious situations.
The bottles in which this medicine! is put up Rave the
words, “Rhodes’ Fever and Aqie Ot:re” blown in the
gho-s. and on tlie outside wrapper- is tlie name of the
medicine, (the copyright of which i * secured) and the
signature of the proprietor. Tlie-=se precautions an*
taken to prevent counterfeits and in x i tations.
The reliance for its stccEsa is entirely upon its
actual MERITS, wherever introduce*! anil used. Those
Mill be considered sufficient.
I'ropnred uud sold bv Hie proprietor.
F"t’ side iii IVdunibun by
K IVLIN, T I lOViAS ,v oi..
February 10, 1556. ly Druggists.
fll ade liy Prof. 0.0, Waodinan.
New Orleans. via.
nv VE received tlio nppointtiicnt, -from(lie proprietor
. for tile solo agency of
Wood in nil’s flurry J<: TKtjptotoruiit,
tlie medicine that has created Midi mix excitoment at tho
North among-tlio l’hysieiiuui, and 11)is keen jironouueed
by ah who have used it us bring far superior to any
Cherry IVctoi'iii. YVoixlmnn's Ghe.'i-y Expectorant con
lains tlm active medical qualities of tT ic I'cllmv Jesaminc,
tlie pure decoction of Wild Cherry rk,mid many other
valuable ingredients that render it t>r better tban.-mv
oilier Pough Medicine in I Ills count t w. ‘
Nr.w Oiitß.vrss, April <*, 1855.
Dear Fir—The public geuertilly art? fully aware of die
thousands of iviii'-li".-1, *r Dlsi'iuwl Lit xigS.iunler thu titles
ofSiiisttpariUiis, Fills, l’lustw,Uuhißents,*c.. that arc
daily brought to tlicir notion tbrtmgl t the aowspupers la
wny of advertisements. My object il l writing this note
for publication, is to induce the ptibl f c, or ut.'least those
who are nttlieted, to ttso one that contains articles of
/a rt /so in Pulmonary Xhscxs. i it in conscious that in
so doing, 1 tun acting most uupipfes-'iimiill,y,tuiU dcrogti
torilv to the interests of A led leal Se'i’ - nee and tlio regular
Practitioners eff Mi diciuo. I tufor to YVooiimun’s Clierry
Expectorant, which is a s*ciontlll remedy that 1 have
used with more success thanimyof , lie nniial proscrip
tions used hy Physicians.
•EM. Maitlixo, Jl. D.
Galum, Miss., May 1, 1866.
U. H. >\ oodman—Dear tSirtlhave given your Cherry
Expectorant u fair trial andiuiiwoll I ‘leased witli its ef
fects : better than any other Mtlclo 1 over mot w ith. I
would be pleased to have you send me half a dozen iiot
tles by the bearer. Respectfully.
\Y. SI. Mason. M. D.
This preparation bus attained a w iiio celebrity from
the universal success which has attended its use. For
couglis, colds, nnd in fact, tmjf-pul raeonary complaints,
this mediciue. from its peculiar d>rop rtieiasa dissolvi nt
and its soothing power to all lrrittlons of the throat,
will probably be preferred tn any ot imr offered to the
public. As an appetizer, or dynpeptic ronu'dv, it will
also be found excellent, its natural anil genial warmth
keeping tin* digestive powers in prope u tone.
Keim-nil'cr that tiiis is the only Covigh Medicine that
lias stood tlie tcst of the medical fraternity. It ip sanc
tioned by. approved of. and rocomme rx ded by the loading
Physicians ot New Y'ork city. Every Ajottleis warranted
to give satisfaction or tlie money refii aided. YYe guaran
tee it to lie better than any Cherry I’ectornl, Cod Liver
Oil. or anything else now extant.
Bis-Price—One Dollar a Bottle.
J. S. I’EMBKRTON ,1 CO-, Columbus. Oa„
_ , Only ago nts for this county.
February 6.
Equally certain as n i’reveiitive or ('tin*.
Sir winit the President of the Pharmaceutical Society
of .Missouri, says of Rhodes’ Fever uud Ague Cure, or Ali
tidote to Malaria:
Bt. Louts, Mo., Nov. IU, 1855.
I rAVI.NO noticed Hie certificate of chemical unulysis
II given by tlie oelcbrated chemist Dr. J. R. Chilton,
of New Yforkclty, in saver of Rhodes’ Fever and Ague
Cure, flint it contained neither Quinine, Arsenic, Mer
ctirp nor Htrychniue, aucl having received numerous ap
plications for it, 1 was induced lo send to Dr. Rhodes
for,the modichir. Since then 1 have disposed ol a large
quantity, m wily to residents of this city, who have inva
riably been cured by it, and to whom 1 can refer. I am,
therefore, satisfied in recommending it to be nil that
i lie proprietor represents,
i’t 0.-d t of i’liarmaeeutieiil Society of Missouri.
iint lii Agin; for Twelve Years !
I’KOVIDENL'E, June 2D, 1855.
Jiuvin.g been in.formed of tlie illness of a poor, but
worthy woman, who lias not been fro e from Fever and
Agio’ u month ut u time for tie’ lust twelve years, 1 sup
plied her gratuitously with Rhodes’ Fever and Ague
Cute. .She took in nil four bottles which completely re
stored her to health uud strength, and os four months
ijuvc now elapsed, thorn is no reason to doubt the perjnn
lieipv of llr- ClU’e.
t'. A. I’. M A,sitt. Apothecary.
JO llotties Perforin 10 Cures.
CoNSTAXTiM', Mil'll., Sept- fifth, 1855.
.lot,- A. llnonr.s, Esq.—Dear Sir: —l have just sent
mi older to Ames A 11nlluluy tor another half gross of
your Fevt rati t Ague Cure. 1 L lius sold like Hot Cakes,”
uud | have oily two bottles on hand. One reason it
lots -old, is bei’itnse w lieu I have heard of a case of Ague
or Chill Fever. I have seat a hottlu uud told them to try
it. and if it did uot help them, they were not obliged to
pity for it, und they were all satisfied. I Juid one. ease
id’ Chili Fever where it run'four (lays, but the man miuo
to hoc me on Ilia six til duy well satisfied.
Truly yours, JOHN I’. CLADIH Mi.
1 1 (tollies Perform lit Cures.
Jloline, ill., Sept. fi4. 1855.
Mu. .la.uu, \. Rhodes—Dear Sir—Tho box of *• Ague
Cure” you set I us lias all been sold anil created a large
demand for acre; to meet which wo have ordered
from your ge tcrul agent at Chicago, .1. V. Y'crrington.
It, sale will inly bo equalled by the number of Fever
uud Ague eases. Hoping these cases may be few, yet
have a bottle for every ease.
We remain respectfully vours,
(’.I llotties Perform l‘J Cures.
.Max'VF.ll. Delaware Cos., Ohio, Aug. 19,1855.
Mr. J. A. lljtontts—Dear Sir—Your mediciue has met
with tlie most favorable success iu this neighborhood. I
have about five bottles left. I give it to them at lirst,
•if no cure liu pay,’although 1 was not authorized by
you to do so; but I took tlie responsibility ou myself. —
But not a bottle lias comeback, and as I am almost out
of tlie article I wish you would forward me one gross of
the bottles, if you see proper to do so, nml i will bo
punctual in payment.. I inclose fifteen dollars ou tlio
medicine 1 lime received, tor which please send mo a
receipt. Ship tlie cure tome as soon as yon can —there
never has been as much Chills and Fever since I lived in
the State, as :if present. Vours, &c.,
21 Dollies. Perform !J1 Cures.
Pise Klx, Mich., July 21, 1855.
Bit. ,1. A. Rhodes —Dear Sir—Y'our Cure lor tlie Fever
and Ague has thus far performed wonders, It has not
failed in one instance to effect a quick and permanent
cure. Some who have been troubled with tho distress
ing disease have bee-u entirely cured by using only one
bottle of the Cure. Please send u< immediately four
dozen, as wo have but three bottles remaining.
Truly yours, LATIIROI* & MCLEAN.
Cure of Panama Fever.
Providence, Sept. 22, 1855.
Mr. James A. diodes—having been entirely cured
by your remedy, 1 take pleasure in assuring you of
the oeuetit ii has boon to me. I was first attacked liy
chills anil lever on the Isthmus of Panama, several
months since, aucl in spite of the different remedies
and treatment 1 adopted, my health grew worse until
l commenced the use of your Fever aud Ague Cure. —
Since that time 1 have not hail a single chill, and am
now in the enjoyment of good health.
Wishing m tdiciue the success that, it merits,
l remain truly yours.
1. O. O. P.
In another oluiun of to-day's paper will be found an
advertisement for Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure.”
YVe are noti.ithe habit of puffing medicines, but desire
tu say, for the benefit of the afflicted, that YVm. N.
Rowe. Merchant, Sharpsburg, who has it for sale, in
forms us that lie sold several dozen bottles, and in
every case ii lias effected a cure. This proves the medi
tiuo to be good, and we take pleasure in bringing it
before tiie notice of the public. —Odd Fellow, Boonshoro,
Mil. Sep!. 4.
85 videnci- from Clergyman.
Pi.y uhjtii, Richland Cos., Ohio, Sept. 25, 1855.
Mr. J. A. Rhodes, —Dear Sir—l cheerfully testify to
tho value of youi'Antidote to Malaria. One young lady
iu the :amilyofa clergyman here lias been taking ail
-” Atii K BALSAM” for some months without any per
manent bent- t —a few days since she got, a bottle of
tlm Curo and iias not had a chill since. A young man
also used tlie same Ralsatu some lime without relief
until he got a bottle of your Cure. So far it works like
a charm. Y ours truly,
J!ev. A. <’. DUBOIS.
Unsolicited Evidence from a Physician.
Moxticeli.o, hid., Aug. 27, 1855.
.1. A. Rhodes —Hear Sir—l have been in the practice
of Medicine here l'or about throe year's, and cun con
scientiously recommend your medicine, having used it
myself and prescribed it in a number of instances with
perfect .success. Respectfully vours,
YV. <L Sl’EN'CEli.
Louisville h’o. 11, C. I.’. JL, (iq., Jan. 1, 1850.
Your Ague Cure lias overcome all prejudices by its
merits, and g'ven satisfaction. A gentleman justealled
who has bee.; fully cured by only one bottle, arid de
sired me to re ommend it to everybody, f shall do all I
cun in its sale ‘YV. A.HAY’LKfL
If an.v boil,’ desires further evidences, they will find
it iu every bottle of tlie CUKE, which is being intro
duci'il as rapidly as possible into every town and village
iu tlio I nited .states, Canadas. Ac. The eminent chem
ist, Dr. J. K.Chilton, of New Y ork, certifies to its per
fect innocence. It is therefore optional with all to have
tlie Fever and Agne or not, just as they please.
I can also say that a great many of my largest eiisto
liters are those who ii year ago were reluctant even to
take tlio Cure on commission. They thought its groat
claims and pretensions could not be realised. Now they
endorse them all. and it will be noticed that the letters
j of which I publish su It immense quantities are always
new and late dates—altogether they would more than
; tiffany newspaper, aud prove the fact of a greater suc
cess aud sale litati over attended any other Ague Remedy.
Flic (vowillligGlory
of the Cure i its HARM LESS CHARACTER, which
allows its tret use ns a preventive. Thus protected by
using a bottle or two during tho warm and sickly sea
sens, not a mull woman or child in the United .states
would over have it single attack of Fever und Ague,
Bilious or yellow Fever, or any form of disease arising
from the atiiioaplierie poison Malaria, to which tiie
Curo is a perfect antidote.
It is al,mm equalled fur quick aud permanent effects
a* a Res torn ive, giving now life and strength to all
whoso constit tlions have boon shattered or weakened by
Ague or Hilir is discuses, ni Hit sweats, languor nnd de
bility <i’ any kind of intemperance or dissipation.
JAMEti. A. RHODES, Proprietor Providence, R. I.
And for stile liy KIVLTN. THOMAS & Cos. Columbus,
Gil., oa!g agents,
Kivlin, Tlio mis A “Cos, are Distributing Agents I* m the
proprietors. Dealers buying of Iv., T. & Cos. will save
all expenses on tho Cure, as Kivlin, Tliontu- A Cm. sell ut
the very lowest prices.
Agent at Cpliuupoo, Ala.
hill supply Physicians with the
Rrepared only by
N. IV. SEAT, M. D., Blew Y’ork,
Being an Original Discovery, involving a
l!y which the too positive condition of the system called
Fever, is changed to the normal or healthy state directly
and without ]om of vitality.
Importers and Jobbers of
Also, agenth nnd dealt 1 ) s in
Yirginin Mnnnfactured Tobacco and Havana
Have removed to No. 40 Yosey Street, rear of. the Aster
House, NEW Y'ORK.
New Y’ork, January 1. 1856.
HAVE ordered from New Y'ork a full supply of tlio
most extraordinary medicine of tho age,
Dr. N. W. Seat’s Negative Electric Fluid.
They will be iu receipt of five gross on the 10th instant.
Physicians are requested to cull early.
February 6.
vJstBF BaljPnU
Professor Wood’s Hair Bestorat
Iri. no doubt, the most wonderful uixe., Ten . . -
of progress, for it will restore periuunemiv ,hi>l
to its original color, cover tlio litad ; t tlm l k
most luxuriant growth, remove at ouou all ,n , “'U
itching, cure all scrofula and other cutuuenn. lWni,f|
such os scald head, etc. It will cure, as ifv,,,. otll Wo
vous or periodical headache; make the hid/! ‘ 1
and wavy, and preserve the color perfnctlv
from falling, to extreme old age. ‘ ’ ‘ n “kt Ii
YVe could give the testimony of mote th ~
dred thousand to the truth of every word u*„V J|1 '-’ k
ten. See circular and the following ; ‘ nsvea
Tin* following is from a distinguished lnemi
medical profession : * Member of
PROFESSOR O. J. WOOD— 1 * ‘ u ” ~ail* l, 1853
DearSik: Unsolieitod. J send you tlii.-eartiti
tel- being nearly bald for a long tlm , uud w”
all the liair restoratives extant, and *in\ j u ., U 11
any, 1 was induced, on hearing of ,n s T 0 Dl) ! l “ , h
trial. I placed myself in the hands o , bai-j" lVt i
my head t übbed with u good stiff bru uud tl i u" 11
live then applied, and well rubbed in, ;u t ] lt , f “'**•■
glow. This I repeated every morn. g. and
weeks the young hair ojipeaied, an,, grew imi, 1
August last till the present time, and *no, v I'l.j'r.-,'’
and strong—soft, and pleasant to t],, touch-v,
before, it was harsh aud wiry, what li tl,. t i le ’
and that little was disappearing v, ry ,pm, ,"f
your restorativo about twice a week, i id sh„u Sll T
a good aud perfect crop of hair. N ft- ) 1,1
these things—and vyho has not? but; ;!V ,.
erto any ease where any person s ban iu , ~ , 1,1
ed by any of the hair tonics, etc., of i.
ly gives me pleasure to record the re .nit of a,! 1 , . 1 ’
euce. I huYu recommended your preparatiuh ti.’ u 1 ’
iind it already Ims a large und general ofi,. thrvii
the Territory. The people here know its effect
have confidence in it. Tho supply yo ; sentas i.IV
sale agents for tho Territory, is net rly exhausti
doily inquiries are made for it. Yc i deserve cr a
your discovery; and.l, for one, retu n youaivtu
fir the benefit it has done me, fort crtainlv ‘l'm
paired long a goof ever effecting any wh result ‘ “
Yours, hastily
... .... . . <*• ‘V. Bo\ij
ru ni “t Bond & Kellog, iruggist., 8t f
The undersigned, Rev. J. K. Bra; is a aiiaistn
regular standing, and pastor ol’ the rthordox c i.~
at Brookfield, Mass. He is a gentlcm m of conslior
influence, and universally beloved.
„ WM. DYeh
llßooKFiKr.ii. Jan i-> n-u
Dear Slit: Having made trial of your Hair R ts i
rativc, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect
been excellent iu removing inflammation, dandruff an
constant tendency to itching, with which I harc'h
troubled from my childhood; and has also restored
hair, which was becoming gray, to its original color
have used no other article, with anything like the si
pleasure or profit. Yours, truly.
114 Market st., St. Lo s, March 5, lj
Leak Sir : X urn doing an extensi, travel in the II
and South-western States, as general agent ter Adni
American Linement, and would be glad if jon would
vor me with a consignment of Professor YVooi
Hair Restorative, as I'feel assured that I out
troduce it in many places were it is not known, as
head is a living testimony of its Valuable property, in
storing the hair to its natural color. lam forty n
old, and my hair was almost white; but after rising tl
half pin: bottles, my hair is as beautiful auburn asrit
at sixteen, and much improved in appearance, at
would not be without a bottle on hand for the pric
ten. X should be very glad to attend to any matter t
nected with tlie Hair Restorative. 1 have been for fift
years engaged in the same business, and will be gl* from you soon. Very respectfully,
43“ Sold at 114 .Market street, St. Louis, Missouri
Broadway, New York, and by all Druggists everywhi
All kinds of family patent medecines for sale, on
best possible terms, tit Professor Wood's establishur
114 Market street, St. L- uis.
For sale in Columbus at the Drug Store of
Feb 29—3 m 1
FOR. 185 G.
riMFE Fourth Volume of the Ainci, all Cotteii hB
JL will commence with the January number. B
in thus formally announcing the Prospectus f : H
Fourth Volume, we have but a few short pitrsgraiilu*
add, sanguine in the belief that, with the iniclligcat. H
dustrious patrons of progressive improvement in tH
Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Manufactures of tin 1 H
iug States, and especially Alabamianthe past .-to\H
the Cotton Planter is its highest commendation. B
In the first place, we remark to our friends ami
that the Editor, Dr. Cloud, has again laconic tin- i
er and Proprietor; and we hereby n,-sure our M'cß
emphatically, that iu future the Cotton Planter
sue promptly by the first day of each month. B
Flushed with victory in the magniilcont ExliiWtiuiiß
Alabama’s Industry, as demonstrated in the triuni]
success of the first” Annual Fair ot lie Alabama
Agricultural Society, the Cotton Plant t will takcM
step backward” its progress is onward and upvar it H
highest niche of improvement. B
It is hoped earnestly by the Editor and proprietor,
by the memliers of the Society, that the Planters
Farmers, the Mechanics and Manufactures of -tlalmiß
w ill rally cn masse to the support oflabaiua'sonly isl
clusively) Industrial Periodical, tliu Organ of the
bama State Agricultural Society, that its efficiency wM
be unfettered in the great work of developing tiu> iH
measurable resources of the Keystone State of the Shut™
•• Devoted to Improved Plantation Fcutioniy.
tures and the Mechanic Arts,” the oljeet of the
can Cotton Planter is to B
“ Improve the Soil and file Mind ‘H
With a corps of correspondents, numbering
the most practical as well an scientific minds of the* ■
we feel assured we Khali bp able to visit our
the first of each mouth, to their entire sati?faoti"!i
profit. ■
Every family in the country, wlmtuvcr nitty be tiH
avocation, should patronise some Agl'ii ulturtd i a| J H
cause there is no reading matter published to tla-v.oM
so innocent, and at the same time so practically
hie in all the walks of life as that obtained in a gwl
cultural Periodical. The American Cotton Planter
issue promptly by the first day of the month, it “itlß
uniformly printed in magazine style. ( n good ‘'Wt'B
per, with new and fair type, securely -.titched o
mod. H
Our Horticultural Department v.; ‘ Pe
lieretoforc, by agentlcmaii of proof i, . xpirrc H
E. A. Halt, of Montgomery. 9
Terms : , ■
One copy, iu advance i ! S
Six copies *• J ‘Bl
Twelve copies “
Clubs or Agricultural Societies, 100 copies...... |J 'B
.ill coiumunicaliotis, either for tin: i Inmnsel tin l ™
ter, or containing remittances, order: g the )>a] r.
be addressed to Dr. N. 1!. Cloud, bn klnnd l’e-t t ll1 ™
Alabama. B
Subscriptions should cotumencu . ith the
Newspapers friendly to the work, tli aighout tl” ‘■
will confer a favor by copying the P: H
Our exchanges will please direct lo Dockland- u ll ■
pj I
Old stand of J. S. Smith .i Cos., ■
I*3 West Side Broi I Street. 1
MENS’ and Boys Clothing— a hi go stock t “''B
from, suited to every class and ■ audition. 9
Oentloiueu’s Furnishing (foods in • .'cry variety. H
October 22. ly jfl
RIVER. . livWV B
MEKCIIANTS and others bringi. g goods I , ■ ■
Savannah, for Montgomery, Sel iiaaiidotne ‘.™
west of Columbus, Georgia, are inforn clthat I',’ - 9
to care of 9
JOHN W. HOWARD, Agen’- fl
Union Dray Company, Columbus, Georgia. tlß ' l ij’);B
will bo forwarded from the Depot of the M usa i |; rl
Itnad to the Depot ol'the Opelika and M"nt?' , i" 1 •, B
at an expense, for transportation by Duty bet” ‘ 9
points, of Ij
75 cents per Ton (*000) I®** B
which will save them 25 cents per at. a . ‘ rt0I) : ■
Itail ltoad Co.’s contractors charge one dollar K , r 9
The Union Ditty Company is an :• / responstl 9
loss or damage, as may be ascent.’ ed by rn ,9
Bell & Cos., Josiah Morris, and B. T. j itoni, M°’ •- ..9
Ala. Refer, in Columbus, On., to B. Patten an • 1
Ruse; and at Selma, Ala., to T. B. Smith. a B
July 81 |
No. 26 East Side Broad Street, ■
Staple Diy Goods, Drugs. Patent Medicines, I
cry. Tobacco, £c. Ac- cat.P. I
‘Orders lot all articles promptly “ttcridct
article ordered is not in the Store it wilt ’
and shipped with dispatch.
October 20. ly _
j rj BBLS Mullet Fish, just received and