Newspaper Page Text
Mi* P ;nl <§un.
i ill’ THOMAS 1)E WOLE.
EM f -ft'. LANE and t. DE WOLE,
fIH editors.
fl M-iily at *’iv e Dollars u year. Where tin- *ub
fl"y made fur less than a year. ul the rat of
uW „ mouth. siugla copies, Five Outs.
. ..cuit-uis will fie inserted ut rVn Cents u lino
rnjfl ‘’. c rtwu, aud Five Outs u line for each subse
•"’ ‘ J ',fli.ill jl’ Urn same —to be paid lur Wfl.UI till’
lIH ...tfi-itliitt; a liUfS, nut rouewu'ilt-, wiit be
JH| ,: !,j KL . mouth* 1 -a’ .si. mx month* fin-so, „v ■ rue
flit)t‘ agreed upon II) 1,0 pain t.r Ut lure lint
i.'.l t- i “ a if not. .il.'f ut
■■ at S2O i. y>•!•- -f hr I .11 1 I .;■ ti-rly
“".fulfills Ol 2u iim s. i •!;t‘t..ll if |,l,., W urf. m
year —payable i(Unvlin ly in advance.
’ advertisements f.v ft ■ 11 11 Xti lino.", will be
ilfl r ~i ‘ilßt rata of SU fur I'or ttvt-ry additional leu
~,blu ttuartfi-ly 111 utXviHicu.
Kf'.uont - uni ti't's. “ft 11 1'.mu.: a I'l.iff t” .rf 11
r .lUM and lalviivtisi'iiif 11 . wii. la- i-burged
for every iiisovtiim.
” s.
■ u ,b OF BE All ESTATE,
I f’OJS EYAB CEB, &o. Ato.
■ Oi, Kandol]tii
■ ,;|TK TUK I’ll. - '’]’ t)FFICM, COLIKHIiL'S, (i <*.
■ Vtu. tielt’i-niim-d to my tune t’Xrlusivfly l.
’ t\U ill .-1 X l.fS. a.I .11 >lll Illy Kfi.'VVlfe’dgC
“H ‘ ,’" h (.ifoif'iii. If I's Ill'll’ !•• ,:iVf fiui.t sutislat-
- who business. 1 .tin pro-
a. ‘iiii.'i’ Im.V nr si’ll. |ifi Imps I” liftlfi’ advamagt.
~t | |o r (ifrsnii in Uf-ifi'i. nr Foulli-wistf 1 u
■"'iliaviijiftfife^ i|hm. if id” iiol pur
fl j't,i'll fliitVywa |iVir*’fi:u*-i-. If you wish I” lutv,
■ 1 nat Etfidri.v \.tlu.d>!” l"is ami soUfi-iii'nls
llfl se |j. ‘ 'F’fpllf .Ill.V eXIVII.'iVI i.IKIW ledge of Ilia
B I mils. ] iini'[fri'j':U'f‘l io 11 -I fiiaiu tint ownerm
~ I Vii.’iint lot of land in 111 < ■ Staff. If you wish
•B ■ v.iiiV land valued, you may roly upon eel iu-
uiiiiii reasonable trrm
B •: 1 11st rmill’lltM. drawn rorivnly ami at I m n.n s-
H .’ i.n.yrs want- .1 If sail lloiimu ‘.- Ini a- map .u'fiisir,
|HT cent, given.
I mu-is certain, 1 mil pa viiic; Nuw 1 oitK ami W asii-
H , : ;r r I’Ki.'KS lor LAND WAKIiA.NW. allowing a
tils.) mm if an a.ri’iilijri’inf lit wiili oof oi (no t.fl
U'ltsliinulon, 1 am int'|i;ii'fd to ajiply for
B ~/•■ -.anil will rlifti’go lull Five Dollars for oat-li a|.
B hi; paid for wlifn lim \t arrant arriujs.
H,,, m your claims soon.
| jni nil 10 malif thi-t a ]ii-riiiaiieut luisiiifss. ami
K,itmy iimlividfil atlfiilion. willi a dflcrminalion lo
1 hope to ri'ifivo a lihfral shai'f ol pa_
. ,y,im 111 v friends ami Ihe ifminiiiiiiy p,-em*ruil.y
B S. U. liO.NNFIK,
ljitml Ullu-e, fauumi,us.
Sti. fii E-.Pt iNuit Broad Flret 1.1 ‘oluiuiuis, (la..
B A\ iioli suli’ Dralrr
B 1 ii. Sheet Iron. Hollow Ware, Slove I’ipos, tlio. Ac.
..tiiitterinoanil all hi mis of'.it.U V. oil., pro uipl
B-'iim''! to and warrantPil.
H>. 1856.
■ .](Ht!)AS 1.. HOWELL,
BM'STIC.'J-: OF Till'! Fl'lAt
attention given 1> (lie eillee(ion nl elsiims
in my lianiin.
at the of Harrison & .Me(J;-iee.
HiV.luniliUtS, April 10, 1850.
■ U. 15. McCIiAW)
A*i ,r J?c>3?Lir3[i2"sr xaw,
La Payette, Chambers County, Alabama.
Mareli l, 1850. t : m
iiUtii*;;.:. uryant nr no ax \vm. !;auni:tt.
i.uiitv in Ooilimbus, (ieoigia, nu'l l lawi>2*o, Ahi'oanwi.
i'-l'iuary ‘JZ, JSSO. ly
ASKUit Y fr' E:vi:A.ljK 5 KSTITI /TK.
La Payedc‘s Alaimma.
Wjjsley Stacv, a. m., Principal.
)iiw. M. ii. JStacy. i Tciw-iiers in Litorary
Miss E. Uaciiki.dkr, J Department.
1. iScKOPPijLUKi, .Music anil Ornamental Dejuirtineiit. .
ItU exercises ot‘this Institution will be resumed on
tiie lid .Monday in January, 18? G..
Rates of Tuition, per Scholastic car.
I'riumry Department bd
i‘ro|i;initory Department -•> °b
i>iand 2cl Department College course
3d and 4tii *• ** “ db DU
Music on Piano 50 00
Vocal Music taught without extra charge.
The Principal is au alumnus of Emory and Henry Col
p*.Viw—has large experience in teaehiug, and comes
fciyivcom mended, both as to character and ability tor
lining instruction.
Minted ill the bosom of a beautiful and healthy vil
famished with all the facilities necessary t* th<‘ ac
udiiuu of a finished education, the Institute strongly
amends itself to the patronage of an intelligent pub-
Board can be obtained in several respectable lamilies
ireasonable terms.
K. G. Itichards, J. T. llruck,
Caleb Holloway, Jolin C. Towles,
John W. Hewell, K. H- Aluse,
Win. J. Adams, A. M. Presley,
J. K. Dowdell, Trustees.
Academic year is divided into two sessions oi live
L months each. The Tenth .Sessioncommences oil the
ih of February next, and ends on the iDth oi Juiy.
Cadets are divided into lour college classes, i lie
■‘uUidcomnieucement takes place on \\ cdnesilay Im.*l .;
‘‘-’tli of .1 uly.
Academic Stall*
‘ A.T. brumby, a. m., Superintendent rind
I'rolessor of Mathematics and MaturHl Piiilosopliy.
1 Thomas U. MoOoimell.
Commandant of Cadets, and Pruf. of Engineering.
r ‘.H. Manget, Professor of l’reneh and ilistury.
ir ‘V. 11. Hunt, a. M,.
Professor of Chemistry and English Literature.
r Lll. Goodwin, Professor of Drawing.
3 !'J’ U. S.Canlp, Assistant Professor of Mathemalies.
m. and.. Surgeon.
Die Institution is under the direction ami manage-
Ntof a Board of Trustees, in conjunction with a Board
1 bdtorsappointed by the Governor of the State.
, G.v an act of the Legislature, the Institute has Imm*u
flushed with 140 Cadet Muskets and Accoutrements,
.‘lit Field Battery, consisting of four six-pounder
ynd two twelve-pounder HowitraTs.
bi'* .Superintendent ami the Commandant, tire gradu
f West Point, aryl as the Institute is upon the West
* lsi t plan, the public may be assured that tin* goveru
.-^itjdiscipline and course <f studies will be strictly en
... Terms:
lu, tion, Board, AVashing, Fuel, Lights, hire of Musi
and other contingent expenses,per session <d live
“•!. in tt-lvam’o. Si 12 50.
argoon's fee. per iinnnin, $5.
Tsoiisdeilrlng further Infurniatiou oiui oLtiiin a ‘ “l’>
1 ’ “HeKulatioim” by mldretwinj.; tlieflti|>. i'infi’ni|i'iil.
J “imary 2fi. ‘ ANDIIKW HANSEL. Sec.
* nivf.usity OF OBOROIA.
AthKXH, Deccm her 18, 1855.
’'iE of thin Institution “ ill recommence mi
C’ 16th day of .1 mary next, and eiuitinue until the
1 August, when there* will ben week’s vacation. a<L*r
studies will be resumed until the winter vacation,
innin-r on j j )w ~f \uvember.
following able and experienced officers roinjiris.-
’ Mlega Faculty—who are exfieeted to he at their
•• hi t!n* zealous discharge of their duties.
*’UxoClmrch. n. and., President aftd Profe--"r'f Pol it i
''U'Miiv and Mental Philosophy.
1 **’'i Idel.A. m„ P of A L uu ■
‘ liil, o T. Brantlt y. i>. n.. Prfessor of Belles Lett re.-.
’ ! | “f Christianity and History.
‘” idi I. •(Joute, m. D.. Prof, sjeorof Natural Seionees and
■,V;,r. r Ml French.
\ J ,:iTII U*roy Broun. \. M„ Professor pi Mathematics,
‘i May and Civil Engineering.
‘noss. Venahh*. \. m.. Professor of Natural Pliiloso
:,|"l Chemistry.
!i..To,eph h Lumpkin, i.l. and.. Professor of Law.
V. *<*“. M D. Terrell* Prufes-.-r of Law.
. ‘‘Ham Henry Waddell, a. m.. Tutor in Ancient Lun
•bil'p'V Park A * M ** Tutor in Mathematics.
‘* for admissioit are recommended to be pres
*no bepinnlng of the term.
: Guardians may feel satisfied that their
linoi" ar ' k CRn ere obtain a thorough education.
* ts A SBC BY HULL, S*c’ry.
Cp Mb mu.
VOL. I.}
Uuvc removed lliuir cxtcimiv,. stwkol'UmnUure u> their
flliON FllOKl',)
Atw Four Story tirlrk liuiiaiiig,
U Nearly opposite their Old Ftutid,
cnstoinci’s mid show them somethllic bvillin.t and
iu\ ifing in toe way ol Furniture.
Our Ware-Uooins aro unequalled in Beauty, and our
lu ini lure rt'chr.vcUp. We oiler rare udvaniages to pur
i .lasers, Ilirnishing houses throughout Hi a tasteful and
unit on n style, hy having a branch of our business in New
*. olk (, n.y, where till) Benit*r pari ner manufaetures. under
his own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. M e
hate on hand furniture suitable for
Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining lioom. Kitchen
&c.. ol Lost* WiKid. Mahogtmy, Walnut. Vitro, Ac.:
and as Low as can be found North or South. An assort
ment of
will also he on hand, that will not fail to ph aa-. Call
aud see. Our stock consists in part of
KP. r/.sh;f.M Tete a T‘tes, What Nots Ai m
Chairs, and Sofas,
Oi RoseAVood. Brocatelie and ,Ma)iagaiiy. l\r P;. v *rs.
Hiireaus, Dressing, Marble and Maiiogany Tops.
Side-IJoax’fls—Marble and Mahogany Tops.
Hook i’nst-rt of all kinds and Secretaries attaidied.
Tables—Centre. Dining. W ork and Extension.
IScti.'Sj eails—High and low post. Kivneh and Cottage.
Enamel Seta for Bed Booms, ail colors. Walnut and Ma
hogany Sets for Bed Booms.
Chairs —an extensive assortment of :!i woods.
Locking Glasses--all sizes, in frames and oul.
Carpets—Brussels 1 ligrain. ’i'npesiry. Ac.
Curl ai ns—of Broeatidle and Damask, all colors.
Sha<l s—(lilt Cornices and Curtain holders.
January It, 1850.
And Forwarding Merc*lrani,
No. 131 West Side Broad Street.. Columbus, Ga.
L';> Particular attention given to the keeping.purchase
and sale of siegroes*
“Administrators and lb\ eutor.s* sau s attended to
on reasonable terms. Oct. 2‘5. ly r
J. 0. MUSK. .1. 11. DAVIS. It. I.OXU.
OO M M ISaION MEli CH A M ‘l’ ii
Aii>l Agcn4is,
\ \ 7 i J,!, I'iuvliHM 1 iiioi cotton anil oilier proiluco ou
1V comniission, ami strictly attend to forwarding
goods and lilling orilnrs from the country.
Kuse, Patton & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal
ailvauees will be made on consignments oil her to or
through us to our friends ill Liverpool or the North.
Jan. 16 ly
11 1 UK. MAI! INK. ULVKR. and I,IFF UIKivF taken in
” resfionsihle companies b\
Office N*o.over 11. Karnnrd A Co.'s store.
Phoenix Insurance Company capiiuj sl’uu,oou.
S. L. IJ.MJ.MtS, President.
Cohimhi’.s, (la.. Nov LT. ts
Mattress Manufacturers,
Columbus, {horgiii,
Oil DEBS fur Cotton or (*<>tto4i and Shuck Mattresses.
promjitly executed. The jiatronage of tin* citizens
of Columbus and vicinity, is respectfully solicited.
>ber 29. 1 855. i y
Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory,
OilliKTHOßPi’l F'l'llK!*i', 001,1 Mi’,l S, OA.
r JMII.B Manufudtory lias been is in sinvessful opi’iation
i for over three years, and in still continued. AU work
will be. done by experieneeil workmen, with good quality
of lumber, ami the latest improved machinery.
Will be fun:isiicd and lid the Factory, at the billow
ing prices:
—S x 10... 7 cts I*riiuO<l anil (Ira/.ed...! J* a ets.
10 X 12... 0•’ “ “ ...18 ‘ “
12 xl4 ..10 “ *• ’’ ...25 “
12x16...11 “ “ “ -.27 “
12 x 15...12 v “ “ ...20 “
,12 x 20... 14 *• ‘■ ...35
12 x 22...16 “ “ li ...40 “
12 x 24...1S “ “. ...45 “
The above Sash are 1 ;;,4 inch thick, ami made plain.
In all eases where they are made l.ip-Sash. twh cents per
light will bo added. AH Sash glazed with good French
llkiss, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty.
Soiling Blinds for Windows, 60 cents per foot,
measuring the length, A window live feet would cost
Sd, without painting, catches, or hinges.
inch thick, without moulding, $2 60—moulding one
side, $3 00—moulding both sides, $3 50.
1% inch thick, without moulding, 2 75 —moulding one
side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75.
]i / inch tliicli, 4 punnets moulding on one side, $3 50—
moulding both sides, $4 00.
V;:[ inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, $4 00 —
moulding both sides, <4 50.
In addition to the above, blinds painted and furnished
with hinges and catches, if desired; also, hash glazed
with Herman or French plate, painted, stained, enamc -
led, embossed aud Bohemian (Hass, of all similes and col
ors, for side aud transom lights am office window s.
Plans and specifications for all descriptions of bn hidings
furnished to order, with estimates, if desired.
Contracts made for construction and erection of build
ings, on reasonable terms.
All kinds of lumber pinned, and flooring and ceiling
tongued and grooved.
h. coll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ernamen t
ing Cottages, (iwn Houses, Ac., made to order.
The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders,
believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may
favor them with orders.
S- All tiie above work will be furnished at short notice.
hash kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with
the cast city acceptance, will meet with prompt, at
tention. Work to be smit by the River, Kail Hoad, or in
Wagons, will lie at the risk of the purchaser, as the work
will bo considered delivered;
AA-hliedal contracts ean be ma de for large jobs.
January 24. ly J* K. MORION.
VI.OT in Cobb county, well marked on thetirant
ns Mineral Tract,,; One Lot 21>2U acres in Ma-tC&S
rion county. Three fractions adjoining, cnmmouc-“““
itm about one mile abovi- llninbi'blg'! in Decatur county,
mid einbrai'iug Ihe bank of Flint River for two miles, on
which there arq some good
Hammock and Cotton Lands,
and tlm balance as well calculated for making Tnrpcn
tiueNis any in the Southern country
Alm> a Lot with comfortable improvements at New
Pine Knot Springs, mljoining A.(l. Redd, K-‘|. Tith s in
disputable. Apply to 11. J. HARDIN
’ .January 31, 1866. L'olumbui, Oa.
\\tOi'U) call the nfti’iition of Pliysiflaa* to lim
uewlv •liscoV)*r' , il medieim’ ealle'l
i)R. N\ \V. ShLAT’S
It i superior to NorwiMsl'aTincture of Veratum Veradi,
('..rail purposes flint the latter has heretofore been iisol
for. February 4.
Il hT received a line supply of Fancy Candles ami Con
fectionery, nt 42 Broad street.
HOCK island paper mills,
COl,l Villi S. GEORGIA.
fli 1 i.SK ‘ULLS are prepared to furnioli tio’ bc.-t ai
| : i le of I'rinling and Wrapping Paper. The paper
on v liicli The Daily Sun is printed, is made ut there
!M IN Sides. Halil-. Seed Oatl*. ami J’" r ". By
Jan 18—ts
N’Ktv Crop as g ias tie- h.-t. wamuted fi#
now on hand and to urrivo. at
.1. J. TODD>.
December 11 - r .
“ HUD.-, choice Bacon—lmg round, just received
ZO nil foi sab- at the lowest figures, l>>
M.s-h Ci. USBV * CO
OOJ.UMRUS, GA., JUNE ii, 1850.
Bctwoun tin* -lYm” and ••lylrtliorpo’* Hotel , aud di
uoutly pi>positi Toinnonuiit’ llall,
(’()! AM mis* ( ; KOIU i 1 A.
\\ ” U luivo now in Sion* and ruueiviiii; the rvJ*i .
▼ t kt st an.l most *xtontdvo stock ot vclii- -
1< n t* ho found in this country, comprising
<*l finest ami richest tinish. and most olegtmt UppoaraMt o.
ol Ifltust stylos and ovory variety.
ol ‘*vorv known pattern unit sliapi*, suitaldo for one or
two horses, uud complete assortment of Top and NoTnp
‘‘l th>’ latest aud most fa>hionnhle stvles now used. Tlj.
hud that tie’ well known and highly e.'-teonieil work m
J ‘.MBS M. ijl INHY v’O. ns wvll ns that of other
makers of t!i<* highest reputation, can he foiiM't Qiil>
our iioiisc, and that all our stock i made up uu
d‘*r the personal direction of Mr. 11. T MeKco, (whose
experienn* *;iiaiantees its quality) enables us to idler
r work and i\i lower inlccs, than arti
elc.> ot the Milne quality can tie sold tor hy any >tlu*c dea
ler in this country ; and quite :i* low as they can he af
fordrdin New oi k city. Fov proof of which we res|Hct
tully invite all who wish t.o purchase, to call and. set* us.
Wean- selling at the very lowest rati -, for *asli or
provrd creilli, and always nsk <m*
prices, M. onr customers and as wvli
may rely on Lein.; honestly and fairly dealt with. Jdv <•-
ry article- is warranted to be strictly us
iTpmfntcdj and satisfaction miarhnteed to all.
• B.—Having tin* best regular set of Carriage
workmen t he found in this country. w* are pie
pared. as heretofore. t<> do all kinds of repairing ut
the lowest possililc rates* with the utmost
‘promptness and in the host manner. McK. A U.
January. 28. ly
Laiupkin, (
mil B Trustees of this institution take pleasure in an
I nouncifie: to the jmhK • timl they luive secured the
following fnculty, to take chanre of tin* (Ndh*f*c, af tin*
opening of tin* next term.
Col. Augustus Alden, a. at. President —Processor and Un-
Literature arid Aneieul Languages.
L r ev. F. A. Forster, m.—Professor of Natural Science
and Matln iiiatics.
Miss Avni E. Alden, Instructress in French and Bota
ny aLd Principal of Divparatoi y Departm nt.
1 , Professor of Vocal and Instrulnental
This institution is located in one of the most beautiful
aud healthy villages of South Western Georgia: owned
by tin* Masonic Fraternity, and under its Supervision : it
is kept free from ail sectarian bias—ar the same time, re
quisite cure is taken to seeure to tin* pupils proper moral,
as well as menta. trailing.
The next session will open oft the second Monday in
January next. The (Masses will then Do organized, and
will progress as heretofore.
Boardi 11*5 can be obtained in the best families of the
place, when* the students will he surrounded by the sale
guards and amenities of the families circle.
The rates ofJuition and hoard, are. as low as Hu>< ■of
fered by any similar institution in this part of tlx; Stale.
Tin* ('olh*ge is furnished with anew and complete set
of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, Globes, Map.”.
Charts, Ac.: in line with everything necessary for illus
tration in the several departments of Natural and Expe
rimental Sciencos-
The College Building i.* so arranged that the Depart
meutswill he kept entirely separate, each occupying its
respective rooms.
ArrangomeY.'ts are now in progress t<> secure for the
Music Department, a ol the highest grade of
abilities and moral character.
We invite the patronage of a liberal and ttsrerii?iig
public. Doing assured, from the character and reputation
of those constituting tin* Faculty, and the ample iVuihtie.s
lor instruction now actually in possi-ssjon oi the Institu
tion, that- every pledge we make shall be redeemed, every
inducement we offer will prove to be a faetj ami that, our
Institution cun challenge comparison with the proudest
in the land.
Persons desiring fu.itln-r information in regard t * the
College, will please Address'L. M.Cox. Lumpkin, or lb v.
F. X. Forster. Cmhb<* a t, Ga., whovvitl furnish them with
Circulars, Ac. Jan. 2d ts
f fi M l E undersigned designs opening a Private Academy
X for Young Ladies in Gafunlon, Polnaii county, Uu.,
on Wednesday, January Dili. 1850.
In the Literary Department the course of study’ will
be extensive and liberal.
The Latin, French. German and Spanish Languages
will be taught if desired.
The Ornamental Dcpartumnt will include .Music on lie*
Piano, Harp. Organ and Gib: *r.
Also. Drawing, Painting, and in ajl its
A complete apparatus will be furnished in order to af
ford ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments will he provided, so that each
pupil may have the means of daily practice in addition to
the regular lesson.
The number of pupils will be limited to 50.
Tuition per annum. £125 00; Jiaif in advance, and lie*
balance at the end of the year.
Attention Is cal Ted to the following advantages : I* i •1.
ihe pupil receives a much larger sharo of attent ion, than
when.the school H large and overgrown.
Second, in addition to the regular course ofsludy, she
can make such a selection from the language's, and the
Ornamental Depart menu as timeund elioicnmy dhao>te,
without extra charge.
Third, tfi<* low rale of Uiiliou, compare.l with that of
Ollier Sidiools.
The usual charge for tin* Unglbh branela s, (JO
Music 00
Latin (IXxtra) -d 00
Frenc h -0 00
Drawingand Painting 25 00
Embroidery 00
Making the aggregate of 0 ).
T \ thhi add the < xtra - 1 111 • na I for the ago of<ii
strimients, stationery. Vc.. ami (lie amount will not tall
far short of S2OO, whereas, in the plan adopted in thU
Academy, the cliarge for tlic><; i5.8125 leavingudin'creuc**-
of SSO t* $75 in its favor.
IVn •. ink, paper,, slates, peactls, *vi*.. gratis. Books,
sheet music, Drawing, Painting and Kmhioid'ifing inu<
rials furnished at tin* usual rates.
Persons desiring further information,or wishing tc* in- |
ter tin ir daughters nr wards, mhy ad'lnss me, for the 1
present, at Limn,kin. Stewart County,Oa.
’ Jan 23. L U. BRA Nil \M.
Casaviilc, Georgia.
r|MfE lirst Term of this Institution will I- rn <n the
I first Monday in February, 1850, under Ihe direction
Ot the ol lowing
FaetiM y*
Rev. Thomas llamuai.t,
Oliairman and Prof, smu* of Ancient Langnag*
Rev. William 11. Jtoiifjrr, c.f Matheincv.ic-,
Prof-*"* r of 1; 111 > T l iter- aud English Literature. ;
Rev. W. H. ItOln.r.T.
jro tiu. Professor of Natural .'*•**• n .
Rev. B. AV. Wiiii.pkn. pro tem. Prtd'e, - ,i ol
Moral Pliilo> |iliy and lnh*Hectual ,°>ei in • .
Othe r Prose- ci-. will he elected in- 0011 ;e the %V.intS of
the college require it.
Bo4rel and l**dgiug can Le pt<( ured at a hoarding boo*
or In f>riv a* fiunilh. , •* from eietit 1* * t< 11 chjlais per*
In Ac el mic department, pei year : -’s u>
In College department, per year B 4 00
Sclftoln ralitps*
The* Pa. rd of Tnisteos are now ottering to sell scholar
ships for tour years at. (,r
Fdiolarships for sixteen years, at 2 to 00
Thus making tuition merely nominal
The annual commencement “ill rk*place on Thmv-
da; after the first Future lay in July.
Local 100.
ffissvllle is 11 healthy location. Our college
h aittiated three quarter - of a mile from the village, and
is a cc.*m mod ions Jmihliag. Here young men ui Jl he
eomj'iiratively free In e the allureinents of fashiouahlu
life, th** baneful influence of grog simps, and the ox pen
urea of a mixed population.
AIIV information, ns well a- cotnlogons, cun In* obtained
on ;i:o|i< ition to the under-i .lied, or any of the lie nit v.
i 1 JOHN Jl. LICE.
December Hecrefurv Board of Trade. •
| lACTORY YAKNSofall N’o* . ( nahi.r*:- Shirting.
Sheeting, Btri|ws. (’ottonades ffc..conHtently r on hand
and for r>ule at Factory prices, hy
M oft—tf J- J- TODD.
j. l. 1 KLI A B* THOMAS
“No 42 Brnml Stru t. (Under T<>l<trraj>L ('lli".)
r I”llKV iii ’” mriK'iiit receipt of Confectionery.
1 Fruits, Nuts, &0., which they olfi rto tfif
lj.. at rca-onafile rat. -. Country .I'-stl- ra would (I > well
t ‘ give 11, n call. Vo charge for pnekfnsr.
Nov. 5, 1865 —fitw
f J E subs, nhei s have now on hand ami eji a M ,
1 are coiisLuitly receiving, oro of tlio \nv% Qfc. y >**
est and nm.-t vnfied Stocks of Yidiirles ever o, .iea. mot
made e\t>rew.d\ for this market, embracing even -.y'u*
of Carriage in use, such ns—
Caln lo s, Ih rlin C'OiM'lm s, BaroitCo s,
(•Of the Finest Finidp)
lau'p l iiiuiaiimll. iucludlnt; many yci.v ami i.ia.v,
Mtiitiil'le lor one Imrse.
now top wacfoisral,.
Uitlt a compl'eii’ .ii'inicut ...
BUGGIES with and without TOi’S,
(M every slyle an.l finish, wl.iefi. for (tiirnl.ility ■ ml neat
ne>s. eannol t'e oxeelle.l, auu are from umsi, i.
aide maniifuctoriea at the North, an.l mmle i lie
persoual .lirecllon of .Mr. J. B. Jaipies. All of whi.di .■
arejiolJilii’ at tie very lowest rates for o.*
proved credit.
Fvery article sold la naat our l!.'|it>sit..e. i>im urt...|
ill every respect, amt oureustom.uai.ini all |auelijs. i
ean rely on heia : honnrnhl. amt fairly dealt \.d!i in
I'v. >f otav hirli we respeetfull v in vile Ihe atl. nttm. of all
who \\i;-,h to purchn. e. lo . ‘lion us at the .\i.i-lli-lau>t
‘'oi lier of (tpletle epe an.l Bryml Rtre ’ls.opp siteihe P. r
ry House,
J. It. JAIiUI.S .V BitoTti lilt.
M. IF Having a regular -el of northerp i'ltr
•*•*’ Work mew nipl ye.l, we ai pr.'|.m.i to
e.\. .-..t* ltepaivillo of. very kind i . to I. si p... it,),,
in inner with nealims an.l tlispatch. at low rate- at
J. 11. JAiH'i> A i'.KOTIIKK'ts
Cm-vloge llepostlmy,
N.a lli Fast corner OKlellior|ie afnl Iti v .a ntivels.’ opp.■-
site the Ferry House. I'ohllolai.;. Fa.
February 6.
anil Jlaclfetitlslfe.,
Union Four dry &; Machine ii ks,
CiiLi Mill s, GLDRG IA .
U’ 1 call 111- per in I attention of the puhlie lo out .
T ? tahlisiine ul. The |noj rielois m prat in al ,Mt
chanit sand of long experience in the bii>iness, and I uT
ing comhinoil two csiahlislini<*nts in one. they !m\N* tin*
largest and ptock of loolfi and patterns in flit* *dal%.
Their facility for lining business being so great, they
HltVur] tt their customers 1 he best of toviosaU'l tho nuwi
prompt execurioii.
Our s(nior i ha\ing been so limtiy years in ibis
business as the prsw tic:U pni iiif i und propid<*tor of tin*
Ocinulgee Foundry, Georgia, is w< 11 kno\vn w h;i\
in . built, a lai <* nnnib<*r of Strath Engines. Mill's', and
Machinery, throughout fiiis and adjoining .Mate . ‘J omi
of which we refer as a guarantee of our work and ability.
Our junior* is just from Virginia, ami having had the
management ol some of tin* largest establishments in
that Stale, hiDigs with him the best plan tiial .ability and
improvements in marhineiy.
\\ •-* call especial atb'iitiofi to our J>**i l ine and Si n-
Goiiary Steam and Milts, both cir
cuit tr and upright. We me now nianunictmijig thu hij*i
in the country’, being entirely of metal, at the same
pi i *e'others are furnishing wooden on s'.
\V* are now furnishing Steam Kngines and Boilers of
a:*y size : Flouring and (’orn Mills: vertrie*:il and circu
lar Saw dills; Sugar Mills: Shafting: Pulleys: Horse
Bowers; Gin and Mill Gearing of all kinds: Cemetery
Railing: Balk Mills: Corn Sh el lei's : (Vih Crusher,: and
Oustings of every kind—Brass and Is on.
East Alabama Female College,
Ti skkgi.r, Macon County, Abrama.
| OCATED in Tuskegee, a vili.igo I'ar-fained for its
J j healthful climate and re lined society, the eollcgeb
easy of access from east and west by tin* rrTTuy
and West Point Rail limn I u hii li ]>.i~ ■> 7di ‘ 11 ■
of four miles, a ini’front the upper ami lower country by
e \cellent roads,
TJie public may feci assured that tin* high standard of
education Into ndojHed will never Is* lowered. It is our
determination to present sitall time.san institution whose
Iswrililies lor ins! rucl ion shall justly claim for fl a j osi
tioii imiong the tiiMt, in the country. Thou are. an eh
gimt and. eoinmodious edilice, erecti*l at a cos! of . ‘uue
forty iliousniul dollars -a large, and aide coijis of imtrm—a well selected library-- a good npparatn* and a ca
binet, prepared with (Special reference to the wants <>i the
The hoarders enjoy peculiar advantages, they Lave
the privilege of im luher-diip in a literary sock ly. meet
ing weekly for rcheafsa*: . iv;iding'anil t \i*ivises in coin
{* -ition. One hour oil Fahhath aft<*nioons js .spent hy
tlierii in giving an analysis of the imj ning sermon, and
in other exorcises de.s'giicd to cni trials a lash* for ndi
gious trutJi. They also attend montlily levees condu* led
by tin* governess find other members of the family,
‘i’iieir dormitoriusarc ail carpeted, well warmed and ven
tilated, and furni. bed wit h every need lul com hi (. be
sides hoarding at the sane* table wit ii the President and
others oftlie Faculty, they are under the constant oup* i
vision of the governes.'who direr: ; tin in in nil afaG’ iv
pertaining to their habits of .study and recreation, and in
tip* cultivation of their manners.
Literary l)< |inia i.tcH,
JlKNav A. Lam A. rre. ide/it,
Mental and Moral p,cJencc.
Gkokc.j: \\. Tim.WA.-k A. M.,
Higher Mathematics ami Ancient Langua; • • .
J. Kcy.i-.czKowsKi.* PrcnoJi, Italian and Gerlnan.
Miss i,Nj>\ \\ ii.i.iA.Mi. Logic, Rhetoric and History.
Mrs. N. r r. Tavi.oii, Engli.*li Brandies.
.Mi - M Fb \\ ovf.ufc, Preparatory ( lasses.
M tiMical Depart mcnb
Dr. 8. M. liAKTIXiT, Principal.
Mrs. N. T. ‘I’AVLOit,/-AkhlhLuiLs.
Miss Lydia Root. J
Ornamental Ocjnirt mnt.
Miss 11. It kiii, Principal.
.Mi.-.-- Assistani.
Boarding Dcpn rl innu.
.Miss L. Jl. R.KID, Gov<*rueuh.
Mr. Bam;*so.\ Lanier, Mewnrd.
Mrs. Kmif.v* K. Lanikk. Stewardess.
Mrs. hi im\ PvT’iniv, A distant and Niir r*.
< ii le,utler.
l ii t Term, from B"pt. to bee. 2.ej, ineludive.
WinPT Vacation, irmu Dec.iillh t*> Vlh. im iu -n .
T eon I Term, from Jan. Vili to April !h, iip-ltv ivo.
Third Term, from April Mill to July Btli, inehkivi .
Mtmmer Yncntioii. lioiii July lotli r fv pi, 22J, iiu lu iv<
Commencement of Don \Vedm day. July Pth.
Aiee•*..;*•> JixjuiiKcs.
Primary Cla -'* pm* tern 7 bd
D A’ ( lift ‘ ’lO (r'l
A k, B d* Jii 00
Goiicgc * Jo JR lio
Board, imdudiug liglitH aud uaslnTtg pivt* rm. < i
Rooliti, rttalFnier.V. iaD. &£ o *fnrn: h'-d lit [ow j.riAe .
lOlru Expf uneH.
Moderh Languages, per term f 7 ■*H
Draw ing, Emhroidoi y . ( heidlle, Wj*\ or Fum y
Work, per term P rii
Wilier Colors, per
Oil Painting, per term U (*■•
Piano, Gniter, or \ iolin, per term .. b (">
Ip * iif lii-trumeuts Er lesrous. and juactii **.
per tcrlft * 1’ 50
irarji. inchtdhiv; uv of instrurrieiit. p*r P r'iu...
Those who design ent* ling for tin; first Jime at the !*<•-
inning of bin* next t arm, will li riel it *• tleir udvau'.ige
to eorrespond with the President on that - iihjd e'.
November ‘JI. >55. ts
r J M 11) liTidersfgm and having \ urclm.-ed the inter* rof M rn.
1 Austin, in tie* linn of H i ri*< i, Austin v Mcilcdw*-.
will * nitiuue (he
\ net In. f on ml ssion, Negro Brokerage
<ml Forunrding Bitslness,
under tin* name and atyloof
HAxmisour cfo MoCrEJiuii:,
Af'Jo* old stand, Ro-. 51) aikl (> I Brnid Btr*-et.
mid pledge thenr*;lV'*H tod jjroinpt and faithful attention
to all bn da,-- *'iinlnitted loth efr care. They ♦i'll 1 give
tie if pel;K* albrlit ioi, ti* lie-sni’ <d KfftJ I'NtOHp
Acgroer Mr v* J.nndl/’ , and Produce.
Having ample fn/ ilftfc* at comrimml, they are j r , are*!
pi make Lilxual Adranee-on Neg roes ami .Merehainh/o
of every de-rriptioti.
iTm, i’arMciihn a?refi*u given t** Adtninlstrat*.i **'and
Kxecutoi -a!*- <HABLE!- 8. JIA IHU.dON.
l:i. !'v,!. 1> ALLEN ('. MeGEIIEK
113 Broad Street, Columbun, Georgia,
Wholisnlc aiMlUf lail Drain*
<10()Kl.N(i SToVICS of all *!/.*• y and various
patterns: I'mlU ‘I. Mid LIFTING PI'MPB. j- j
]>ead Pipe, llollow Waiv. HtlltaiiU find Plan
i**hed Ware-. Giltlery. utnl House Fiirni diing
GootJ-* generally. an*f iiianufa’ tuia iH of
.January 2b. ly
/ tl'fY f.A I)Jli> m*l Lad!'* vi-dtin* ihe City, can find
\j nUrg-r j-’Kiaifiitc! Straw (•<>((! titan ‘v r
before ojx.Ticd in tLi h market. embracing all t)*o recent
Ktvl* c . for B AG*oe and Children. ‘*f
April 12. OSBORNE'S
(irciit reduction in the price of the latter publication.
I. Scott li Cos.. New York, continu* to publicli the fiJ.
low injt leading iiritiah PeriodicHle. via;
Tin; NOKTI. UR'TK-H KLVI.LW (Vie* Church),
.li.-l IVtSTMINSTEIi KKVIL4Y (Liberal).
r £'lU. to :c c.r.d itnportant event*—Religious, Political.
J mii I ‘lib;mi s—now ngitatiug the nation* of the (j and
florid, give to I lieu iTMilicatione au lUlereat aud vau.w
they never bofore pi,-i . oil. The;’ occupy
gfound betwoi u ibe hastily written news item*, cniee
spei'iihilions, u iei llyuig rupuns of the newspaper, aid
ihe pominrous i .life of the historian, written long nl'!ir
(be living in ei’esl ill the tnets be records shall lone
1 11 •■'lawny. The progress ol the Mnr in the hast ou u-
I Lie;. epiwe In their pages. Ktery nioveno nt ia
elusely eiiliee-"i, whetlihi el ttieuil ol id toe, and nil
short .-..imiigs e allesslj pointed out. The letters fe ui
the Crimen nlol from the toillie in lilarkw. isl's Mags me,
oa st, pnpnlpi- conliibiilors, give u moi.i
intelligible mill relinble :u eouilt ol Ihe lion . Hunts ol ti n
Areal belli a tint hill, inn elsewhere he lound.
1 10 se Pel i,heals ably ropresent the three great polm
’ ■■'l paniu... “i Ilii at bi'iiaii! >\ lilg, Tory, unit ltndienl
Inn poll lira i a in., only duo j'eaiuie ol tlieir elmiuctu
A-uigans oi l *i.’ niest pmlnunU wliters on rgpnre, Lite
i ilUtre, l! >ru!ity. ami Heligion, they stand, as they ever
lone stood, ii nailed in tile world of letleia, being n n
•idei'cd indispi I,sntilo to the si'holar and llio protease'nm
in mu. W'lhle ... the intelligent muler of every class they
fhi iiMi n iih i e i a a., t mid sulisthetory record of the mi
cent litefutuia- el ihe day. lliioughoot tile world, Iban
can lie possilily ohiained I'iadii liny other aouree.
Early tOpirs.
i lie lei eii i ut .liu'omc) .sVtr. t.s irom the Ki itioh publish
el's i\i. uddiliinal \a I in* m these Lepi'inth, esperiidly
ilil. ing tile pn sent i \ed hi;, stale of i'.lllaipi nil nibble, in
asmuch ns they run now Fe |dHc and in I lit. bands of sub
si'iiliris aboul ;u; 50i.,11 a- ijie u)iginul editions.
l’cr Run.
rorany one of ilia lour review* sfno
for any two of the’l'otir Reviews 8 no
Fer any three of ilm four •Reviews 7 00
For all four o! the Reviews (,(.
l'"i Hhu'kwiK'd's Jlngazine ;; tio
I’. i linn kweod uud three lieviews II (•
l"r Hlsi kwiKitl uud the four Review* 10 oi
■ nu ills io be made in nil cases in advance. Money
1 ni'i'ciit in till’ Plate where issued will V-e received nt i ill I
A liiM-iiiud . i lyventy live pel ii ut.ironi the above pri
. will beailowed to ( lubs ol’ib ring direct, from L. F.-oli
v ( e„ teiir or linin’ copies of any one or more of llie nboVe
woibs. I bus: I’mir eopios of Bliicliwood, or of one Fe
” *ll be “HI toeiie tuldivss far Jill; tour copies of I lie
lour I ecii w Mini I'l.'U'kwood and coon.
1 11 all the !i ■ i ■'il l l eiifesi and towns, these works wii ,
1a- 11 •!i \ i■!, .!. ii .I- id |;i,-.|;ige. When seni by mail, tin
■" ! 1 -’ ■’ ny | ill ol lin> I nitid Matos w ill In’ but fin n
/'/ /'.. /• ran'.. vrar f. -r ’■ llbu kweod.” and but Ji*urtt rh
f> ’ a>” i.l- li icu ll rtf the KeviiAvs.
the ? • MiniEU's (hide
TANARUS Sclenlllic lii'd Proetlral Agrtcullnrv.
liylb i.iy Mephen . (''. It. ft. of Fdhllnirgll, and the late.
J. Ai'iioii. ii'otoasor of oriemilie, Agfioullinc in
Tale c. ;i. V New Haven. 2 Vnb. Jtoynl Octavo.—
I ‘.o” pages, and nnnieimis Wend and Jitt’id I'.nginvtngs
Ho 1 " ■ ssedl.v. the most complete work on Agri
culliire ei - i‘ I'lihlished. ami in wider lo give it a whirl
eirenlatii'ii llie niil'li Jiers have re olved to red nee the
price to
I'tve Sfollnr* for Uife. TNvo V*lnirc, !!
“'hen cent by m iil (post-paid) to Cnltf- :;....andiT .on
Ihe price will in* :*7. Tuauy o'h” ,sd’t <if (lie lli,l i ■ nl
I” ( .Hindu,ip -l-l aid), .;'■- tJ ‘ilds wr. ki, not n coid
“Kook of tile I'll! in.
Iti'lufttfilices fi.r I.l';- cf l ,’ ■■ Tulni, ath nr nfiould
always be ii'ldr istw. pm t-l a;d, lo .ii übhbhcw.
u/ ccCw? vo,
No. 4I"Id t. v -t. New York.
SOUTIIEMI* lUILiTAIA AN'.iiIEMV,’ -l.y, ( iIAMi.sJ..) (.Oli.'vTV. ALA.
G. F. IlliiL, li'.hc., Prn,cip;il bKdProprietor,
Mu. X. V. . VllVSTob.i. ‘i, uato ot thol
l-late .Military A ■ demy. . nu.. Oaroliua. Y Aasiatantf
lb;. I F'I’NAM .v Can. J. ; 5 . Jj.iJUiG.u, A. Ji.j
r j|Mi,, lininl. belio .ear of this Academy com
'.l inem-i ;"U Monday .lanuery 15th 1655, v.ii. , n
till lie 111 SO', “ll dm 111, lolay Weeks.
As Ibis Ai .aieniy I’cc.’ivrd very liberal fts lifftnce Jl ,u
lii” rttide ai iln List session of the Legislature, tin i y,n;
he no charge for tuition. Un cutering tho liißli'iitll e,
an initial inn lee ..I twenty dollars will be rcipijniU oi . ai Ii
( Mill i. exeepi -m il a.i. coin • under ihe Ihe following pro
vision, viz:
Each oininly in tin- Stale of Alabama in entitled tosetni
uue ('inlet ti ieof i barge. Snob Cadet to lie selected by
the Judge oI IT,” ,it” and County Coininisnionerb, liijin
“an i ine tab lileil. (haenlng mid of good moral
•char-.u-ter. Orphan” should receive Ihe preference
c il. FSi;; OF hTUHI E.
IF Hi": . in an. A a ting, Arithmetic, Uruinnnu
Ce.ijfriifdiy ill'll Hi-mryg
flaebra. i uei i v ;■■■ i'lnin. li.-serint ive and Analytical
i ig,’ nnn.i-liy . : .lb iilu Miadovis and J’er|iortive, Natii
o I and ‘.'"lal i’ful”- , Jiy, ( In-niistry,Conveyancing, fen
Stiliitiomd Law. Uirti.u.l (..•u.giinge*: f'renib. Civil end
MililW.v Hi 0.. in etui ag. Surveying, Muclmric* and A
Tae’ici. will lie tang],l nt such time’s as not to inteiiein
wii Ii llio regular stuiligs.
The Ip ’Cipbl'” will be enlbreed.
luv Coal oi dn-y Cndei t doth, standing collar, trimmed
with cnnvi ■; ne tallie buttons and nixteenth-inch black
•I’ ill. ao. oriliii'. In lie usual style; Pauls of they Cloth,
wiili I'lnrb Kinpeon the outer■ Hearti one and an elgfdli
inch".” in wi'iih—to be worn till the first of .May.
“bit.- iTinn from 1.-l .May till Sept,
llie >tiiiJl no is not. to l.e worn ex.-epi on general pa
i.u.i . aiid sui'ii ‘jieeiait, elisions its tho NJjlitui'v lnstructi'i
fitly direct.
liu Ao ,di lay Kibbling,s are huge and well -arrange.l
and Ihi toe id 5.n is emin"n|ly liunllli y,
board ean fie procured from > is lit to V, dollars a month.
‘■ “■ piTiiripul will ho diruct the edm aeon “I his i.npifi,
as. d’ possible. I” make them practical any) u . ml men.
I ic . Xpoi-lenee and ipinliflcatfons of the iDHtructnra
will i utitlc Ibis I ns.i lut ion, in a high degree, to publii
confidence. K. A. ZACHARY,
jI.V-sHm Carretary of :be lion id of Visitors
rjlH'i.-i. w i.diiug ( iiAJ, lor (irates, can lie tnippliisl m
I 1 3 nor Tori, by railing on
Nov , Agent Selina Cou! Mine Compariy.
CfeOifH :v i;£if U3I-EAST ABAIIAMA.
GKiLJKhtf".’ A if oli field, Auburn, Ala.
j ‘e ■ ll'l M"ichitnfi. will eouHnll their intereat by
\ . Jib.” I". :. • iVi id the (inzette to make kllfiWn
1 1” ir I'll sin. -S. It I ojovs a very large and increasing clr
"u oi I ion in ai•ge- uol - nil try liiat does a heavy trade in
■ ■ luml tin. Pec. ‘
,r. u. in i.i, a. co.,
A Nil DF.AI.F.I’H [\
|).bi d.yi'. i: -j- . Twine Sugar. Code", yf<*-jSry_,, ,
■Jib'--’ Safi, Ti*a . Cigars. Tobacco. Wines. ’
ill'll ndiofe. ilrii |; yo, Monong.ihela. If.iirb'io, and kwjjgp.'*.
,-i-i,i.-f, \\ lii 1., -, and i’rovisions and Urocerie* generally,
Ilf tin* (lid stare: 4’ John J. AlcKelidree, No. 100 Ilfond
htreof. Cojttnbsi.t. li i.
Nov in per jl. 1855. ly
‘l'll. ‘m hi ii mil have, entered into the OKOCEItY
i IM IM.uud’ i llie firm and name of KIIXI
-1* Ai . 1 1.1- f KLI.A ( *,. Ue will keep constantly on
I ii* I, ii : fiir -dork fed clifeiico (Jrfea-crifet*.
1). A. liLDCWAY
M. ii. DONEY,
jauHtf n. M. f ‘Li-X'Kbffv
G ffOf'lbin F,S. I’ROVISTONH.
CorufeT Warren und Traukiin Streets.
< </J mu !>us. t curgiu,
f ’ l:i;i* cfemstantl.y on band a supply of the first gfjods
l\ and ii- roosiving produc*’ from Tennesae which
tlife-.y sell low for C ah.
ll’ (iralifel Jffe'id of the bet ijii.dity alwaysoq hand at
-Mill prll’ *. JOSEPH .li;F PER SOX'.
Feb.2B c.m . J. H. HAMILTON.
\* n t-L-lion'-e, Commission, RrcciviiiK *•!
Port* arillng Mr reliant*.
q ‘HC iiieli'i'sigiicd have taken the new Eire Erilot
! \V:.ic ll"iie. i i.cenlly crectfe’d in he rear of Messrs,
‘flir.s wits. Holt h Cos., adjoining lh” Alabama Mare
II u-e. an.l are prepared to attend lo all consignments,
and ‘ - loi iin and Cotii n. They will do * general
Comuilsson. tftorngfei and loi warding Uuainess. Parti
cular attention given to the
Knlo of Cotton and other Produce.
Iheu u and fm-illiii will be afforded and careful attention
given to all business entrusted to their care.
A good anpplv f’ IlaKKlntt, Itopr and Salt, al
wavs on hand. WM. H. HUCHKS.
(Jfe’Uibej- 1V,5. WM. DANIEL.
.w” * So barrels T’lanting PotatoeeJ;
25 “ Onions;
10 “ Cranberries. A. M. Tim.
jan3,1858 U ErcaC at
{NO. -21P2.